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Help with Marriage chart

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hare ramakrishna,

dear kamal ji .


venus combust or exalted both shows mismatch in mental make up between the cpls ,but u know it better .here how far they realy matched the charts other than the usual guna (good for nothing methods as moon will be in a rasi for 2nd 1/4 days ),real matching is very serious business and each every area in chart should be matched and along with dasa ,also malefic placement shud be cancelled each other and yogas shud be there to support each other .


And see the chart lagna lord and venus 6/8 each other again .

see the 8th house which is maraka for 7th house matters from lagna and moon .

there is ketu there and kujavath ketu -ketu like mars ( so interchange roles ) .


see previous dasa as it carries seeds for next dasa it was moon in ketus star which gives influnce of moon his 4th lord of happiness to its neecha sign .

Now mars 5th dasa in line from birth dasa (which is known as vadha taradhipa dasa ) also vakra (malefic vakra ) and in 5th house ,so 5th house matters may be one of the reason and see given its amsa to 6th house (house of enmity ) which is kanya .also sub period is rahu and again with 12th lord jupiter


even u can see gochar sani influcning this planets ,both mars and rahu and jup .So enmity ,traps and badnames with high expenditure and various problems shud be expected .

see in navamsa also mars /rahu in 2/12 (navamsa is seen for marital matters)


sani and rahu is 64th navama lord and jup is 64th navamsa lord from venus the karaka for marriage .coming dasa i mean sub period is jupiter (again debilated in navamsa ),so care must be taken and reciting hanuman chalisa 7 times daily is advised as his professional area also may be get affected .There is higher chances of satru dosha and reciting mahamrityunjaya mantra with havan or alone is advised .As sani plays a big role by seeing or influencing the dasa lord and being in 12th from marriage karaka and as sanivath rahu ,so tru sub period lord rahu also .


(this reading is based on birth time given by u with lahiri ayanamsa ).

12th house placement of 7th lord tho good for 7th house ,since 12th is house hidden from us ,so less results shud be expected .other wise venus in 12th is good .


hope this helps u .

regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .


Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "Vedic Learner" <sightsolutions wrote:>> Dear Guru Jan> I have chart of some one I know.> > Aries lagna. 7th lord venues is in 12 house and combust with in 2 degree. He is having some marriage difficulties. What are chances of marriage survival. I think trouble started with Moon-Ve dasa> > details> > male> april3 1965> 0808> 75E49> 26N55> > please explain the chart for my learning> > kamal>

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