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[HinduCalendar] Nastikata revealed. Really?

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Dear VM,


Pls. ask or tell ur points straightway, there are learned members in

the group who can answer u or if u do have any message to give us, we

can understand that also if that is in simple wordings.





Vedic Astrologyandhealing , vavamenon

<vavamenon wrote:


> Dear Shri Pathmarajahji,

> Namasthe & Greetings,

> That was a beautiful rendering of the long journey of individual

souls to the ULTIMATE TRUTH that is Ishwara.....

> Thanks for explaining the difference between WORSHIP and


> Resolving Karma is an eternal process for each soul and living by

Dharma is the way to Moksha.....

> Thank you very much for the enlightening and enriching


> My understanding is clearer now on certain aspects so that I too

can explain to others in a much better way in your language...

> As far as relations to Planets and Stars, I am yet to distinguish




Moon affects tides which has a direct bearing on our survival...

because farming is done based on movement of water..... I have seen

in my family, farming is very much associated with high/low

tides...... Today Federal Reserve in USA decides on interest-cuts

which affect the financial activities of Governments and

businesses..... So, there is a connection/bearing between individual

souls and each & among all parts of the creation, whether material or


> I am sure, you are a very advanced and learned person in your

spiritual journey.... Let me be part of the unfolding of the truth

in this forum....

> With best regards,

> vm





> Pathmarajah Nagalingam <beastmy wrote:

> Dear vavamenon and friends,


> Most people in the west are no longer christian, yet they celebrate

the christmas/new year period, not because they want to honor the

birth of christ or their identity as a christian but simply because

its the holiday season and want to take advantage of it, a time of

giving gifts, merry making as well as end of year celebrations. So

these non christians celebrate Xmas, and not Christmas. 'X' can mean

any festival for any group, including gays and athiests. So everyone

can celebrate Xmas.


> Now I understand Hindus in the west coast of america are beginning

to celebrate PanchaGanapati from 21st Dec to 25th Dec, to coincide

with christmas. PanchaGanapati would be their Xmas! It is a time of

gift giving, placing gifts under a makeshift Ganapati shrine with

sugarcane in the living room, all lighted up just like a christmas

tree! On the first day they reach out to immediate family members, on

the second day to relatives, on the third day to friends, on the

fourth day to business associates and culminating on the fifth day,

reaching out to the world at large.


> I am not a christian and actually detest the abrahamic faiths. But

the jittery hindu world is ever ready to suspect and accuse anyone at

the drop of a hat.


> Strictly speaking it is the agamas and the vedas that are the ONLY

shastras for the Hindu. All the rest are commentaries, elaborations

and secular works, persuasive documents perhaps, but which

nonetheless are not binding on us, and can be summarily discarded. It

is NO authority. So astrology, or jyotisha, is to be discarded!


> Everyone please keep in mind that we have no concepts of

predestination or fate. What we have is the concept of karma, which

cannot ever be known. There is no way our karma can be charted out

and our future predicted based on a horoscope or palmistry or some

mumbo jumbo. There is no mumbo jumbo in the agamas or vedas.


> Everyone keep in mind that we worship the Gods, and not the

planets, meteors, comets, space debris, constellations, nodes of the

moon, sun, galaxies or whatever. Gods are all prevading bodies of

light, neither physical nor even mental, and not restricted to the

physical world around us, rather immanent and transcending it. And

certainly not the planets! Gods pervade the entire cosmos in much the

same way our soul-spirit pervades our entire body. They cannot be

constricted or confined to a planet!


> That the astrologers came to link the planets to Hindu gods is a

devastating development of the late siddhanta period. It paralysed

the Hindus, made them superstitious, fearful and fatalistic. It

provided an argument and justification for caste, and all the ills of

Hindu society and the failings of an individual or curse of a

community! It made Hindus beggers; they go and beg the gods and

planets for favours, worldly favours that is, wealth to be specific,

when on the contrary the entire reason for taking a birth is to

resolve karmas, relinquish all, and attain moksha. That cannot happen

when one is still begging for wealth, fame, spouses, etc, and almost

always, sure enough, will be disappointed, leading to a loss of faith

and confidence in the Gods.


> This is what we need to delink now; delink the Gods from the

planets, delink predeterminism from karma, delink prayers for wealth

from worship for communion with the Gods and moksha.


> Appeals to the Gods for their benign intervention is the basis of

worship, for the Gods alone can intervene. There would be no reason

to worship if there is such a thing as predestination. As the future

cannot be known, there are no prophecies in HIndu shastras unlike the

abrahamic faiths. If the future could be known our shastras would

have been overflowing with it.


> Where there is worship, that makes it a religion and not just a

dharma. It has become fashionable to describe Hinduism as a way of

life and not a religion, perhaps trying to distinguish and distance

themselves from the abrahamic faiths and establish a distinction.

Well thats not true.


> Christians and muslims pray, whereas Hindus worship. Its not the

same thing. Worship means 'to honor'. To pray is 'to beg'. Hindus

don't beg, but honor the gods, with agamic tools and technology, seek

supernatural communion, seek an ending to the separation of the soul

and God, the aspiration of the worshipper being to suppress the

separation of himself from the object of worship, amalgamating his

self with the supreme self, ultimately the stage in worship is the

identification of the worshipper with the Diety, and in that process

seek moksha - liberation from the physical, mental and emotional. All

Hindu worship is geared towards this, whether we are conscious of it

or not. And not for begging for wealth and fame (which may be

ancilliary and not worthy of mention in the presence of the God).

Therein lies the disappointment! For the objective was grossly wrong,

a total misunderstanding!


> The Gods respond to the worship, not by providing wealth, spouse,

etc., as repeatedly and endlessly requested by the woefully lost

soul, but by unfolding a scenario in our lives that makes the

separation of soul and God less and less distant over the years. The

provision or non provision of wealth, spouse, fame, children, etc.,

is merely a means to THAT end!


> Regards.


> Pathma


> HinduCalendar , vavamenon <vavamenon@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Pathmarajah ji,

> > Greetings and Namasthe !

> > I would really be obliged if you could educate me as to the real

meaning of Xmas. I was all along seeing people including christians

using X'mas, Xmas, etc. as a short form for Chrismas.

> > In Internet, people use short forms to save time, such as B2B

(business-to-Business, 4 instead of 4, 2 instead of two, etc....).

> > I request you to please give me any other meaning for Xmas, which

would enlarge my own understanding.....

> > About Hinduism, I have not come across or any scholar of Sanatana

Dharma original scriptures the word " Hindu " in Vedas, Vedangas,

Upanishads, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Agamas, Ithihaasaas, Puranas, Upa

Puranas, etc...... Those who follow Vedic Scriptures are just

Bharatheeyans, there is no religion (in its true sense) in India....

Our Maharishis have structured a life style for all human race in

such a way that one lives truly connected to THE DIVINE every second

of his life.

> > About your arguments on Vedic Calendars, I am still learning a

lot on the subject from learned persons like you who are interacting

in this forum, so that I also can arrive at TRUTH.

> > With regards,


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