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Jyotish Remedies

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Namaskar Chandrashekarji,Nalini and others, Chandrashekarji:You have made a valid point Sir. Lord Shiva is the overruler of Shani.Shani Maharaj is kind to devotees of Hanuman and Lord Shiva in my experience. Interestingly,Shani Maharaj favours people who are non covetous by nature and who help the poor and needy without expecting anything in return (which is rare in these times) Regards, aavesh Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote: Dear Nalini, Aavesh, RK and others,If I may add my two cents worth to what is being said. We need to understand that Saturn being the brother of Yama the Dharma raj, it is his duty to cleanse us of our sins by balancing out our misdeeds of past life with sorrows in this life. that way he actually shows the path to salvation and also gives us the capacity to face calamities in life. So we should be grateful to him, for making us toe the line of Dharma.Chandrashekhar.nalini swamy wrote: Hare Rama Krsna Aavesh ji, RK ji, Dheeraj ji and all, Namaskar. I would'nt dare attribute all suffering in mankind to Shani Maharaj, only in those charts which have 'his stamp'- propensity for sorrow, gloom, suffering, as you rightly said directly proportional to the accumulated(ing) Karma. It is just that He being a disciplinarian and a hard task master accomplishes this task more easily and readily. My apologies if I had conveyed something other than what I intended to. Also right is how we react to suffering, karma, is again a major factor, as pointed out by you, most people cry' why me' . But if suffering is seen as cleansing of the karma we would say, Thank God it is me, which

is also relative to the 'evolution of the soul' and its progress towards its Destiny. Each to his/her own I would say... Regards Nalini aavesh t <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>Vedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Friday, 25 January, 2008 9:58:33 PM[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Jyotish Remedies Namskar RKDa,Nalini, Dheeraj and Group, Dheeraj has raised a very importnat topic which has relevance in the competitive world of today. The issue of 'Remedial measures in Jyotish' (Upayes) In my experience, Upayes Certainly work The criterion applicable here is to understand the working of Karma. Karma can be divided into 'Dhrida' and 'Adridha' Karma in general. Upayes work on the Adridha Karma (Karma which can be changed by efforts) This is a huge subject in itself which

requires thorough understanding of Jyotish,Hindu Philosophy,Ayurveda and Yoga Nalini :You have made an interesting point vis-a-vis the ability to bear sorrows. It would be wrong to blame 'Shani Maharaj' for all the sorrows afflicting humankind today (Shani Maharaj is a teacher who metes out sorrows in proportion to our Karmas) How we react to the sufferings is based on the soulic development of the individual I will continue after getting reactions on the above Regards, aavesh nalini swamy <nalini2818 > wrote: Hare Rama Krsna Shree RK ji, Namaskar. Are you a lover of Greek (and Roman) tragedies as well?? I loved the tragedies of

Seneca above all.. probably proclivity of Shani Maharaj.. Wow what a world it(was addicted to Greek and Roman literature since childhood) was which I hated to give up but had to after a while but not before taking it up for study for my PG. Coming to Jyotish, is it not very akin to the fear the Greeks had for 'hubris' and punishment from Gods?? How and what could one do to dispel this fear of the planets??? Is there really a remedy for the 'karma; accumulated or is the remedy more a strengthening of the' free will' to weather the storm, be more prepared for the onslaught, cling for life in the rapids, a respite from sinking into the bog.. How about the propensity of some 'charts' for suffering.. again a proclivity of Shani Maharaj? When I used to live in Chennai, I sometimes wondered at the pure laughter of my domestic help which rang out sometimes in the neighbour's house where she lived? If difficulties form the soul boy, did she not have her fair share then?? What is it then that gives that 'pure joy' ?It is not absence of difficulties then.. it is something that emerges from inside which is irrelevent to suffering, difficulties, penury, disease, worry? Or was that contentment. . no no it could not be for she was forever trying to make ends meet, poor mite!!! Shani Maharaj even if he gives suffering also tempers the 'steel' and also insulates it so that further shocks do not break the core.Who knows he may even make the native a sucker for 'tragedies' preparing him/her to

'enjoy' the tragedies that life may unfold. I am not being flippant here but probably better replace 'enjoy' with 'grin and bear'. I would love to participate in this thread if I may, and sorry RK ji, for intruding.. Regards Nalini rk dash <arkaydash (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comFriday, 25 January, 2008 4:23:22 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] remedy experiences ---litsol Considerable idea, Shree Dheeraj. We hope we should be able to organise this kind of discussion here. The very fact of remedy being a source of ware-hawking is sort of preventing as much quality discussion of the discipline as we should be doing. 'Remdial jyotish' has, ironically, poked The Eye of Knowledge in its very eyes. I mean even non-remedial astrology has contracted the craze for happiness-shaping, like lifestyle-shaping. But there should be room for some ways out of the whiplashes. Well, sometimes karma unrolls that way. A line by Seneca comes to mind: 'Difficulties strengthen the mind, as does labour the body.' If we push the Western classical drift further, we can say: Yes,

difficulties form the soul. But we need respite. Or do we need a good time in the name of absence of difficulties? Member Aavesh will add his reflections to this thread. RK On 24/01/2008, DHEERAJ KHOSLA <khosladheeraj@ > wrote: Namaste Litsol and others,Please do a study and research on remedies of astrological combinations. i mean to say peoples experiences about worships . Like curses - where a planet is afflicted by two malefics or three malefics . how many days , how many malas etc.. to get relief.How many jataks in actual life have experiences of betterment after performing remedies.?IS really can we alter our destiny?How to do different remedies , depending on intensity of afflictions rather doing zigzag mantras ?please give it a thought . a teamwork s required .thanks,dheeraj Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger . With Best Wishes, aavesh Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Send instant messages to your

online friends http://au.messenger. With Best Wishes, aavesh

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