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[Jaya Jagannath] Re. Lesson 16

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Q1.What are the primary combinations of heart disease ? Which deity should be worshiped to have a strong heart and hence, long life ?

A1.1: Moon ( Chandra) is influencer here. Yes, Surya indicates vitaility yet Maharishi directs us by saying "Labha Chandrayoh Prani Hridayam" - quality of the heart ( perphaps both physical and emotional) - Chandra governs Sustenance.

A1.2 - Deity - As I undersand it, Sri Krishna is the ultimate sustainer. I would recommend both Sri Krisha and Sri Rama to for japa ( Hare Rama Krishna)


Q2. Which diety is the natural protector of Dharma and is the Human being a replica / created in the mould of this body ? What is the significance of the three syllable manthra given in Bagavad Gita ?

A2.1 Sri Vishnu - the sustainer, all pervading: has come back ( Avatar) to protect and sustain Dharma again and again.

A2.1 Aum Tat Sat Aum = Brahma ( A), Vishnu ( U) and Siva ( M) Creative principle or Rajas, Preservation Principle or Satwa, and Destuctive Principle ot Tamas. Tat - that Sat - eternal


Q3. Why is the eastern horizon taken as the first house or lagna ?A3 First apart of the earth that meets the zodiac when one is bornl This Kendra is a dharma house, and in the natural Naisargika zodiac, Meesha is first ( ruling the head) as one is delivered without complications one's head comes to the world first.



Q4. Discribe the physical attributes and look of this actress.

A4: a. Lagna = Dhanu ( Sg) fiery sign Ruled by Guru , common sign; Paka Lagna = Libra ( Tula) airy - and movable; My sense: Sophia is tall, well proportioned/well developed, charming eyes. Tendency to heavyness (due to Guru's Kapha influence of smooth oily skin, plentiful hair, tranquil strady mind, endurance). Take away: Guru in Libra will have greater influence on Sophia's attributes then Lagna itself.


Q5. List the types of food liked by the Navagraha and determine that contribute good health. Is it better to become vegetarian ?A5: Consider Samanya ( similarities) and Vishsha ( differences) e.g. likes and dislikes:

- Anything taken from the outside that is similar to the inside or within will can use an increase and vise versa, therefore consider the six tastes Sweet, Sour , Salty, Pungent, Astringent and Bitter.( not to mention the 6 qualities of Hot, Cold, Light, Heavy and dry)

Sun (Agni Tatwa) - taste = Pungent ( Food examples: Radishes, peppermint, back pepper, saffron, cinnamon, sage, basil)Moon ( Jala Tatwa) - taste = Salty ( salt and salt like products)Mars (Agni Tatwa) - Taste= Bitter ( honey, lettuce, chard, etc)Mercury (Bhoo Tatwa) - taste = Mixed ( all)

Jupiter( Akasha Tatwa) - taste = Sweet ( ghee, rice, wheat, fruits, some nuts, cucumber, etc)

Venus ( (Jala Tatwa) - taste = Acidulous ( somewhat acidic to sour) - lemon

Saturn ( Vayu Tatwa) - taste = Astringent lentils, turmeric, peas, apples, barley, corn, olive oil, etc)

A5.1 Become a Vegetarian - its easier on the body and the environment.


Q6. A particular remedy for Bronchitis and Astma in south India is the swallowing of a single small fish stuffed with medicinal herbs during a perticular week of the year. Once consumed this has been found to give miraculous cure to the chronic patients of respiratory disorders. why does this

happen ?

A1: The Dis-Ease mentioned is Wind ( Vayu) related - therefore Sani influence is present. I do not understand the implication of the fish - other than Sri Matsya's influence



Q9. Explain the presence of powerful yoga for protection an destruction of balarishta in the chart of Sri Krisha.

A9: Chandra Exhaulted ( Moola) in Lagna; Guru is Karaka of Paka Lagna ( Cn) and is in Trine with Chandra.


Q10. Why was he attacted by so many evils like 'Putana" who came to feed him milk, or by the 'crane beak demon' ? Which planets indicates the evil and how will you time this evil ? Was his maternal uncle really involved behind all this ?

A10: Sani Aspect on Lagna. Lagna Lord in unfriendly Cn and 3rd from Lagna ( dusthana) conjoined with Rahu... Yet Sani is Yoga Karaka ( owner of 9th and 10th) which should mitigate this negative influence I would think,


Q11 to 14 - I Need help and will look at the answers given by others.

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