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Will this girl get divorced ? help

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Om Gurave Namah----


Dear Jaan,

The Upapada is in the 12th house from the Arudha Lagna. If she says that she is trying hard, believe me, it is not hard enough. Nodal axis is along 1-7 this can mean either a fantastic relationship, as if from a previous birth or serious complications. Jupiter is strong and should be strengthened. Lord of UL is in 12th house (if we consider saturn), and 2nd Lord from UL is involved in Guru-Chandala yoga. This is bad.

Strengthen Jupiter and ask her to worship Saraswati or Tara.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath






Monday, July 23, 2001 4:49 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Will this girl get divorced ? help

can anyone say whether this girl will get divcorced?she has known her husband since childhood. she only got romanticallyinvolved with him in 1994.they got married against their parents wishes in 1995.since they got married they have not been very happy with each other. manyarguments though no violence.the husband has psychological problems, an unstable personality, as well asa mild addiction to drugs.the husband is tall, fair and good looking.she is of medium height and also very attractive. she tends to attractstrange men and stalkers also for no reason. though nothing serious hashappened to date.around the end of 2000 the husband expressed a wish to divorce. she wishesto try harder to make the marriage work.she comes from a religious and well respected family where divorce isunheard of.will she get divorced or will she be able to make the marriage work?i am attaching the chart in jhd format, birth details are 5 jan 1973, in london UK, time is 16 30 GMTlovejaan_______________Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.aspOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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