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Lesson No.15 Sudasa calculation

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Pranam Gurudeva and Narasimha,


Thanks for the Sudasa lesson.


Here are my humble attempt on the exercises, please correct me.


Exercise 2:- February 24, 1948, Time: 14:36:40 ,Time Zone: 5:30:00

(East of GMT) Longitude: 80 E 18' 00 " ,Latitude: 13 N 05' 00 "

Evaluate her Sudasa. Find when the dasas containing GL and HL come. Can

power and money come to her then?


Shree Lagna Calculation:

Moon is at 6 Le 44 in Makha Nakshatra, Lagna at 21 Ge 19.

Makha starts from 0 degree Leo. So Moon has traversed 6.44' in Makha, the

percentage is 404/800 = 50.5%, The same proportion in Zodiac is 0.505 x 360

= 181.80 = 181 degree 48'. Adding this to Lagna we get 81.19'+181.48' =

263.07' = 23 Sg 07.


Sudasa: As the Shree lagna falls in Sg. the dasa starts from Sg.

Sg. is odd sign and no Sa and Ke, so regular sequence of Sg. Pi. Ge. Vi.



Sudasa year calculation:


Libra holds HL and GL. Let us find out when Libra dasa starts.


Sg: Lord in own sign - 12 Yrs - But SL has traversed 77.05% in Sg. Hence,

22.95% of the dasa period i.e 12 yrs has to go, which is 12 yrs x .2295 = 2

yrs 9 months = Feb.1948 - Nov. 1950


Pi. Lord in Sg 4-1=3 Yrs 1950-1953

Ge.Lord in Aq 9-1=8 Yrs 1953-1961

Vi Lord in Aq 8-1=7 Yrs 1961-1968

Cp Lord in Cn 7-1=6 Yrs 1968-1974

Ar Lord in Le 5-1= 4 Yrs 1974-1978

Cn Lord in Le 12-1=11 Yrs 1978-1989

Li Lord in Pi 6+1-1=6 Yrs 1989-1995


So, Libra dasa was running from 1989 to 1995.


Libra is the 5th house and its lord is exalted in 10th house. Ketu conjoins

Libra and AL also falls in Libra. Four planets are influenceing Libra.


Power and Fame: Yes. GL is occupied in the dasa sign and dasa sign itself is

the 5th sign and its lord is exalted in 10th. So, the fame is due to the

karmasthana and she might be in entertainment field.


Wealth: Yes, HL lagna is in dasa sign and 2nd lord Moon and 11th lord Mars

are aspecting the dasa sign.


Apart from these, I notice the two benefics are in the 3rd and 6th sign from

the AL, which may eventually lead her to spiritual path. In addition Ketu is

there in the dasa sign. Moreover, whatever she got has not come to her so

easyly, she must strife had to keep and there may be so many enemies,

because, 6th lord is aspecting and dasa lord is in 6th house from the dasa



Exercise 3: Consider the native of the following birthdata: November

19, 1917 ,Time: 23:03:00 ,Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) ,Longitude: 81 E

52' 00 " ,Latitude: 25 N 28' 00 "

Find her Sudasa. If she was a politician out of power and contesting

elections in 1980, what prediction would you give her? Would she lose or win

in 1980 elections?




Shri Lagna calculation:

Moon is at 5 Cp 32 in Uttraashada, Lagna is at 25 Cn 38.

Uttrashada starts from 26 Sg 40. Moon traversed in the nakshatra by 8.52',

which is equal to 66.5% (532/800). 360 x .665 = 239.4 = 239 degree 24

minutes. Adding this to the lagna we get 355.02,

i.e., Shree lagna is at 25 Pi 02.


Portion of the 1st dasa to pass = (30 - 25.02')/30 =0 .16555


Sudasa: Dasa starts from Pi. Pi is an even sign and no Sa & Ke. Hence, the

sequence is in reverse.

Pi, Sg, Vi, Ge, Aq, Sc, etc.


Pi - Lord in Ar. 11-1 = 10 Yrs, 10 x 0.16555 = 1.6555 Yrs = 1 Yr 7 mnths 26

days - 19.11.1917 - 15.7.1919

Sg - Lorn in Ar 6-1 = 5 Yrs 1919 - 1924

Vi - Lord in Sc 11-1 = 10 Yrs 1924 - 1934

Ge - Lord in Sc 6-1 = 5 Yrs 1934 - 1939

Aq - Lord Sa in Cn 8-1 = 7 Yrs 1939 - 1946

Sc - Lord Ma in Le 10-1 = 9 Yrs 1946 - 1955

Le - Lord in Sc 10-1 = 9 Yrs 1955-1964

Ta - Lord in Sg 8-1 = 7 Yrs 1964-1971

Cp - Lord in Cn 7-1 = 6 Yrs 1971-1977

Li - Lord in Sg 3-1 = 2 Yrs 1977-1979

Cn- Lord in Cp 7-1 = 6 Yrs 1979-1985


Cancer Antardasa


Cancer is an even sign and Saturn is there, So, direct -


Cn - 15th July 1979 - 15th Jan 1980

Li - 15th Jan 1980 - 15th July 1980

Cp - 15th July 1980 - 15th Jan 1981


I am not sure about the lordship of Aq and Sc. Please confirm whether my

calculation is right or not? If it is right I am not sure about the

interpretation for Cn - Cn, Cn - Li and Cn - Cp.

If I the calculations are right I will rething otherwise I will redo my




Exercise 4: Consider the native of the following birthdata: July 26,

1973 Time: 21:41:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Longitude: 80 E 28' 00 "

Latitude: 16 N 13' 00 "




Moon 19 Ta 19 Rohini, Lagna 3 Vi 32

69.875 % had beeb traversed by Moon So, 251.33' adding this to Lagna 405.05'

= SL = 15 Ta 5.


1st Dasa portion= (30-15.05)/30 = 0.497


Sudasa: Ta is an even sign, no Sa, no Ke, So reverse.


Ta - Lord in Le 4-1=3, 3 x .497 = 1.491 Yrs - 1Yr 5 mnths 27 days -

26.07.1973 - 23.01.1975

Aq - Lord Sa in Ge 9-1=8 Yrs 1975 - 1983

Sc - Lord Ke in Ge 8-1-1=6 Yrs 1983-1989

Le - Lord in Cn 2-1 =1 Yr 1989-1990

Ar - Lord in Pi 12-1=11Yrs 1990 - 2001


Antardasa of Ar.


Ar is odd sign and no Sa and Ke, So regular order.


Ar - Jan 90 - Dec 90

Cn - Dec 90 - Nov 91

Li - Nov 91 - Oct 92

Cp - Oct 92 - Sep 93

Ta - Sep 93 - Aug 94

Le - Aug 94 - Jul 95

Sc - Jul 95 - Jun 96

Aq - Jun 96 - May 97

Ge - May 97 - Apr 98

Vi - Apr 98 - Mar 99

Sg - Mar 99 - Feb 2000

Pi - Feb 2000 - Jan 2001


So, Most of 1999 is during the Sg period.


Ar - Sg is running from Mar 99 - Feb 2000.


Ar lord is very close to the Shree lagna and Sg is the seventh house from

UL. It makes sense for the Marriage.



Your sisya

Solai Kannan



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