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The Spouse Book of Astrology - 1

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I have been reading Parashara and other classics, taken inputs from various web sites and consulted with various astrologers, read their articles and made this list for the benefits of our Group Members.





Spouse matters are seen in:


Seventh bhava

Lord of seventh bhava

Grahas having dristi on seventh bhava

Grahas in seventh bhava


Character of Spouse:


Lord of seventh bhava

Premarital likings Fifth bhava

Postmarital likings Eleventh bhava


Note: It's seen from ur chart, thus if it's there, it's ur own previous birth's karma that u have to reap, so, what's the way, to reduce the karma, be more and more supportive to ur spouse and win his/her love from the core of the heart, there will be no defect in the quality and dignity of ur's marriage life.



Nature from Sign in seventh bhava:


Aries – fond of going to temples

Taurus – liberal in giving food

Gemini – nead and tidy and keeps all utensils clean

Cancer – fond of bathing

Leo – religious bent of mind

Virgo – inclined to store beatiful vessels and sweet perfumes

Libra – clever in speech

Scorpio – clever in cooking

Saggitarius – fond of hearing Puranas

Capricorn – like soft beds and light dress

Aquarius – enganged in storing grains and corn

Pisces – collecting bronze vessels, sweet in words, skilled in fine art



Native will not marry or Spouse will not live long


Seventh bhava is weak & afflicted by malefics, not influenced by benefics or lagnesh or seventh lord

Seventh Lord and Venus occupy neecha or inimical Navamsa or are in Combustion or influenced by malefics withouth benefic influence

Lagnesh occupy 6th, 8th, 12th bhava

Seventh lord placed in 12'th and 7'th is afflicted

Fifth house is badly afflicted, Fifth is the place of love and children.



Planets in seventh bhava indicating death of Spouse:


Mars – husband will live apart from Spouse or she will die

Saturn aspects Mars – Spouse will die

Jupiter debilitated or Venus in Scorpio – Spouse will die

Mercury in Taurus – first Spouse will die

Saturn in Pisces, Jupiter in Virgo or strong malefic in 4th house or 5th / 8th lord occupy seventh bhava – Spouse will die

Defective limbs


Sun Venus occupies 5th, 7th or 9th

Various bad characteristics/situation of Spouse (To Be discussed later )


Venus between malefics – native's life will be endangered by the Spouse or she may die

Malefics occupy 4th, 8th from Venus withouth benefic influence accidents will meet the Spouse

Sun and Rahu in seventh – native will waste money on women

Venus in movable sign between malefics influenced by Saturn – Spouse is outcaste

Venus in Mars Rasi / Navamsa influenced by Mars – cruel Spouse

Venus in Saturn Rasi / Navamsa or conjoined Saturn or Venus debilitated – Spouse will be a low bred one

In Venus Ashtakavarga if 7th house from Venus has more malefic bindus and Gulika occupies trine from Venus – Spouse will die soon

Venus in Mars/Sun Rasi or aspected by either of them or Venus occupies Agni Bhuta – Spouse will be burn

Venus with Mandi and in Kona/Kendra from Venus is Rahu – Spouse will die by snake

Venus joins Saturn and malefic is in eight from Venus Spouse will have unnatural death

Venus in quadrupedal sign, the decanate of bird or watery sign – death will be due to a quadruped or a bird or from water

Venus in watery sign with Moon – Spouse will be drowned

Venus with


Sun – Spouse afflicted by ghosts, born in distuingish family

Moon – better bred and cultured than husband

Mars – haunted by Raksasas and have paramour

Jupiter – haunted by Vidyadharas though virtous

Mercury – educated, good natured, handsome

Saturn – trouble by Gandharvas, fond of mean people and bad habits

Rahu / Ketu – low sort of people, defective limb

Gulika – dies in accident

Ardhaprahara – death due to prolonged disease

In Venus ashtakavarga bindus from Grahas in the seventh house from Lagna :


Sun – Spouse will be dear as life

Moon – agreeable

Mars – good deeds enganged

Mercury – faithful

Jupiter – good children

Venus – skill in arts of enjoyment

Saturn – serve him faithfully as servant




Seventh house occupation:


Jupiter or Venus – own caste

Physical features


Lord of the sign occupied by seventh lord of Rasi or Navamsa

Colour, nature, caste of Spouse


Lord of seventh and planets there (from Venus)

Spouse spiritual


9th from Venus occupied by benefic, and the lord of 9th is strong

Woman loved by husband and children


Seventh lord benefic, influenced by benefics, strong planets occupy 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th from sign occupied by seventh lord. Otherwise Spouse will be barren & sickly.

Good Spouse


Seventh house occupied by benefics and aspected by seventh lord

seventh lord and Venus well disposed, or in Navamsa of benefic

Tenth lord strong

Seventh house or lord aspected by Jupiter

Aspected by Venus & Mercury

Chaste Spouse


Seventh lord in Kendra & aspected by benefics & in benefic Rasi & Navamsa

Spouse inclined to vice


Sun or seventh lord in malefic Rasi / Navamsa influenced by malefics

Rahu / Ketu occupies seventh house & aspected by malefics, seventh house in malefic navamsa (sinful, inclined to poison, evil reputation, quarrelsome)

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