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Hanumanji got my tel connected!

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Om Gurave Namah


Sri Jagannath Vedic Center


Guru: Pt. Sanjay Rath

Tuesday, October 16, 2001


Dear Jyotish,


Please refer to your letters. I had not been able to post any evaluation as my telephone line had been disconnected by MTNL. The bill (s) had all been paid and I was shocked to see that their early warning system where a very sweet voice tells you that your outgoing call facility has been stopped due to non-payment also failed. All other early warning systems also failed just like the intelligence network in India that gives "secret reports" after the event has happened!! What else could I do but to look at the chart for the disconnection to ascertain whether there could be a line fault or something else. The chart for the disconnection time is given below.


I found that the Lagna rising was my natal Arudha Lagna (a yoga which occurs during death!) along with Ketu and Mars in it showing Pisacha Badhak (Ketu in Kendra as Mars aspects the Lagna). This shows sudden negative activity borne out of anger..terrible anger. I wondered as to who could be so angry. Perhaps Dusshera was around the corner and the telephone maintenance people had not been paid their annual Baksheesh (a dignified term for open bribe). A Jupiterian lagna rising should give me some help. After all, if Devaguru also sided with this bribe cycle, then what would be left of the 'Satyameva Jayate' that all public servants are supposed to adopt into their working environment. Fortunately Devaguru jupiter was in the seventh house, but again in a Guru Chandala Yoga with Rahu. Taking a closer look at the Tithi and Vara, I found the DEADLY combination of Wednesday and Astami. Now, Amavasya or astami coinciding with a Wednesday would make the evil powers have a field day going from one place to another causing havoc. What is worse, in a Guru-Chandala situation, during such a Tithi, Rahu gets the upper hand and suppresses Guru. Fortunately the Moon is also there to help Guru recover and let better sense and goodness prevail.


The little 'I' was not so concerned about the bombs falling in neighbouring Afghanistan or Musharraf sweating it out with the Mullahs in Pakistan. All that I wanted was to have my telephone restored so that I could talk to my little daughter at home in the afternoons and assure myself that all's well with the world.


Kashta and Ista are related concepts in Vedic Astrology. Ista (or well being) and the blessings of all the good things are felt when Kastha (Pain & suffering) goes away. So, the first thing to do was to determine the Ista Devata or He who could solve all the problems in the chart. Venus is the Atmakaraka and is placed in Sagittarius Navamsa (Karakamsa) in the Lagna. Ista devata is seen in the 12th house from karakamsa. Mars is placed in the 12th house from venus in Scorpio and indicates the Ista Devata as Hanuman ji. With a sigh of relief (as if I had just achieved God realisation!) I started chanting the Hanuman Chalisa...Jai Hanuman gyan-gun-sagar, Jai kapees tehu lok ujagar, Ramdoota atulita bal-dhama, Anjani putra Pavana suta nama, Mahavir Bajrang....Mars placed in the Lagna in the Rasi chart (i.e. it is the dominant planet in the Lagna tells us that the telephome maybe restored within a week (with luck from Hanumanji of course).


The eleventh house shows people who will help and success & gain of objective. Mercury is retrograde in the eleventh showing that this objective maybe denied! or delayed till Mercury becomes direct. It also tells that a person with Mercury's Lagna can help me out. The obvious choise was Sarat. So, I dialled the number and Sarat was on the line..


Sanjay: Hello! Sarat how are you? You seem to be missing Jyotish classes these days.

Sarat: Guruji work keeps me at office for long hours and last Sunday I had knee problems.

Sanjay: Saturn's period seems to be the cause. Have you stopped worshipping Ganapati Maharaj, else how can Sani throw his terrible glance at you?

Sarat: I am under Moon-Venus-Mars Vimsottari period.

Sanjay: Try Lagna Vimsottari as your Lagna with Atmakaraka is much stronger than that empty Janma Rasi.

Sarat: Yes, it is Saturn Dasa

Sanjay: Sarat, I have a problem as my residential telephone has been disconnected and I have paid all the bills. No, it is not a line fault nor is it anything else that I can imagine under the Sun except that Dusshera is near. Could be a Dusshera fault, but Sushma confirms that nobody called for Baksheesh. Can you talk to the GM or someone to find out.

[sarat talks to the GM and all others in the Accounts division and gets back]

Sarat: Guruji, there is some outstanding amount against your telephone. No, this is not the telephone bill. All bills have been paid, but the MTNL authorities have confirmed that there is a RULE which states that if a check bounces then the person has to make a security deposit with MTNL and till such security amount is deposited, his telephone line is disconnected. These people cannot do anything as this is done AUTOMATICALLY by the computer.

Sanjay: Wow! Sarat that's real Hi-tech MTNL with all that automation, but my bills (last two records) were paid in Cash!!!

Sarat: No Prabhuji, this relates to a check way back in March or something when you were in Bombay perhaps. In fact the last time this RULE was invoked was in Noida when all telephone lines of an entire area were disconnected as the Check's of all residents had bounced. The check's were paid in time, but MTNL tried to encash them after six months. What to do, just pay that Rs 4000/- odd amount and your phone will be restored.

Sanjay: Well, looks like they use a slow computer. March to October is quite a long time for any computer to process anything. You are right. A RULE is Dharma and we being Dharma-parayana must obey it.


How do we see when the problem will end? When we have a specific chart for the BIRTH OF PROBLEM, then the death of the chart indicates the end of the problem.

Death Determination:

Month: Mrityupada is in Taurus and either the problem ends within this very solar month of Sun in Virgo (trines to Mrityupada) or it can stretch till the Sun comes to Scorpio after November 15 or maybe after February also if further delayed! (God bless AIRTEL for giving us mobile phones and make them kind enough to cut our bills.)

Tithi: Fifth house is unconjoined any planet, but Venus the Atmakaraka aspects it. perhaps if the Ista Devata is pleased, then Shasti or Chaturdasi tithi will help. since the problem started in Astami, I can hope to finish it on Chaturdasi at the earliest.

Lagna: It is likely that the restoration of any line will be in the day, so the Lagna's that are in trines to Arudha Lagna or its seventh could be rising. Arudha Lagna is in Virgo and the trines are the earthy signs and seventh is Pisces. Virgo is very early in the day (Sun is in Virgo these days) and the maintenance guys would be snoring.

Circumstances of death: Third from Arudha Lagna is Scorpio which happens to be the 12th house from lagna, indicating Loss. so, I will have to pay that security deposit and this is going to be lost (at least a large portion maybe by the time I try to get it back!). No planet in this sign and its Lord is Mars (Hanumanji). Venus as AK is also in the 12th from AL- better make that payment quickly. I would hate to anger the Ista Devata.


[Friday was spent in trying to get the duplicate security claim, Saturday the office was closed, Sunday is a holiday and finally on Monday the bill was paid and thanks to Sarat's immediate intervention and the kind hearted accounts officer who took personal interest, the telephone was connected again. The tithi on reconnection was Chaturdasi and the Lagna was Pisces the seventh from AL as indicated, Sun was in Virgo].


The lesson here is that the indication of Mars as the Ista Devata and controlling planet in the chart helped to end the problem quickly. I recited Hanuman chalisa and also have a hanuman.ram file that my computer played when I could not sing in the office.

Tel Disconnection Chart October 10, 2001Time: 13:30:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 77 E 12' 00"Latitude: 28 N 36' 00"Lunar Month: Adhika AswayujaTithi: Krishna Ashtami (33.75% left)Weekday: WednesdayNakshatra: Punarvasu (61.30% left)Yoga: SivaKarana: KaulavaHora Lord: MercurySunrise: 6:18:59Sunset: 17:55:43Janma Ghatis: 17.9593Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarakLagna 28 Sg 03' 02.11" U.Shaa. 1 Sg Sg -Sun 23 Vi 12' 38.23" Hastha 4 Vi Cn MKMoon 25 Ge 09' 37.81" Punarvasu 2 Ge Ta AmKMars 24 Sg 34' 15.23" Poo.Shaa. 4 Sg Sc BKMercury ® 1 Li 14' 18.25" Chitra 3 Li Li DKJupiter 20 Ge 56' 13.55" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar PKVenus 29 Le 45' 13.75" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg AKSaturn ® 20 Ta 55' 47.56" Rohini 4 Ta Cn GKRahu 6 Ge 51' 26.29" Aardra 1 Ge Sg PiKKetu 6 Sg 51' 26.29" Moola 3 Sg Ge -Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ Glk / || \ / \ Mnd / || \ / \ / || \ / Mar \ / || \ / \ / || x Asc x MerR|| / \ / \ || / \ Ket / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 9 / AL \ || / \ / \ || GL x Sun || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Jup \ / || \ / \ / ||HL x Moo x Ven || / \ / \ || / \ Rah / \ || / \ / \ || / SatR \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+ Navamsa +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ GL / \ Mar / || \ / \ / || \ / Ven \ / || \ / \ / || x HL Asc Glk x MerR|| / \ / \ || / \ Rah / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 9 / \ || / \ / \ || Mnd x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Jup x Ket x AL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Moo \ / Sun \ || / \ / SatR \ |+--------------+

With Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath.



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