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Controversy, concern, confession, cognition, confirmation and concrete prof.

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Respected Gurus, Seniors, friends and dear Neelam Gupta,

My due regards to all of you.

I was extremely perplexed to know that my chart presented in regards ,”Test our Expertise No. 2” was a wrong one. I do confess that it was and I would like to ascertain that it was un-intentional and was not in my awareness.

I am not writing this to either defend myself or to fight back.

Soon after I knew the fact I opened Jagannath Hora and entered the birth data carefully to avoid another mistake. I checked the date of birth, time of birth and the longitude and latitude of place of birth. I also checked the ayanamsa and corrected it. Then I opened the ‘Basics” page and checked the ‘Key Info’ and ‘Houses’. Quite astonishingly I found the positions that were same as my chart presented to the group. I reverted to Birth Data entry page and to my dismay I found every entry remaining same the year was 2009. Corrected it to 2008 and rechecked the basics. The finding was again the same. I checked another SW and then only I could find out the gross differences. I was really broken down.

Since the prediction was correct I fumbled and was surprised how it happened. Then it came to my memory a paragraph that I read quite some time back. It is as follows. It’s quite long but I cannot cut it short though I wish to do so.

Reader VI. Page No.14.

“Generally, the astrologer asks the querist to give a number, at random, with in 108. The number that is given forms the basis for the prediction. Some may scoff at this branch of science saying that the prediction given by horary Astrology cannot be correct as the number given is, after all. A chance. They may suggest that the person could have given any other number of thought of one number and mentioned another. Such people do not realize that the querist cannot give any other number except the one which he had given occasionally, the lucky querist may mention a number, but the astrologer may mishear; calculate on the misheard number. Here the Devine force so works, that the number taken by the astrologer gives a clear and correct answer whereas the other number mentioned by the querist cannot offer such clear clue to the astrologer. They have no personal

experience that it is the Devine force which works and enables the astrologer to predict.---------“.

I am concerned about the controversy, I do confess the mishap, I take cognition of it, I confirm my prediction and focus on the concrete proof of the power of Devinity.

It is up to the individual to believe or not to. I reiterate what ever I did , I did without my

awareness. It could not in any case be back-calculated.

How ever I beg apology for the contradictory incidence.

Any one may judge it according to his own conscience.

With due regards to all.

Dr. Luther Rath

16th January. 2009.




neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:33:22 PMRe: Test our Expertise - 02 Results


Respected Dr Luther,Please pardon my ignorance. I am not getting Gemini lagna and nodes at 28.08 by any ayanamsha. Everyone else has also worked on cancer lagna.I am pasting here a part of your analysis. I shall be grateful if you can recheck the data taken to cast the chart.The Ascendant is conjoined with Kethu a node. So Ascendant is afflicted. The Ascendant lord is afflicted by Rahu in VI. The Ascendant sub-lord is Saturn significator of II one of the Maraka sthanas. Saturn aspects cusp VI being lord of VIII and IX. Saturn is in the constellation of Moon that is lord of II. The II cusp is raptly conjoined with Mars (Retro) the lord of VI. Mars is also lord of XI for cure by surgery.The VII (Badhaka) lord Jupiter is in VIII. Jupiter is again in the constellation of Mars lord of VI.Even going by gross placements, the planets are not in the signs as taken by you, e.g:Nodes are not at 28.08 in Gemini Mars is in sagitarius and not cancer.Saturn is in Leo not Virgo.Jupiter is not in aquarius.Moon is not in piscesI guess you've made the chart for 24.12.2009 instead of 2008. You may kindly confirm please. I am sorry for causing any inconvenience to you.RegardsNeelam

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