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Sanjay Rath


Sunday, September 30, 2001 12:51 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Info Plese



Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Phyl,

I have the following for you to study and decide. Let us start with Jesus Christ. The fact that Herad killed all children who were aged two years or under around 4 B.C (just before the eclipse when he died) shows that jesus must have been born before that period. Kepler and his student also observed that a new star was formed when Jupiter and Saturn met at Pisces in about 1613 (check date) and this must be a similar phenomena at the time of birth of Jesus as these conjunction was repeated.


Looking at the trrible Kalasarpa Yoga with rahu in 8th house from lagna (the way he was killed) and the fact that this Kala sarpa was destroyed by the great Gaja Kesari yoga in his seventh house (undying fame) creating the Maha Padma and Maha sankha Yoga speak volumes about his great personality. Rahu is in 12 from AL - perfect renunciation and spirituality. rahu is also the AK. he will be cheated many times (especially one such cheating will result in his death as Rahu associates with 8th house - Judas).


Rahu aspects the 8th from AL, is placed in 8th from Lagna and is AK and shall determine the death. Venus aspects the third from AL - everybody will be aware of the fact of his death. Mars aspects the third from AL from malefic aquarius - he shall finally die by SPEAR and not by crucification as is believed by many.


I am stopping here. may this great son of God grant peace to all.

Jesus ChristDate of Birth: December 25, -6 (7 B.C)Time of Birth: 10:18:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 2:21 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 35 E 12Latitude of Birth: 31 N 43Lunar month (maasa): Magha Lunar day (tithi): Sukla PanchamiTithi balance: 0.117724Nakshatra balance: 0.863284Sun-Moon Yoga: ParighaSunrise = 7:3:39 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = -4--1--24.25Tatkaala Sani Dasa (Vimsottari) Sesham = 16 yr 4 mo 24 d 51 ghBody Longitude Naksh

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath





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