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Q 2 Lessonon Ishta Devata

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Respected Sanjay ji,


Before I start my answer to the question, I seek your clarification on some points, one fo which has also been pointed-out by others too.


(1) In the chart of Jesus Christ given by you, AK is VE ( Venus/ 21Sc48'39.31"/ Jyeshtha/ 2/ Sc/ Cp/ AK) and, thus, RA becomes Ishta Devata, being the only planet occupying the 12H from AK..



In your note, you have mentioned RA as AK.


(2) Also, from the known details, ASC of 13 VI 34 makes it 5th Nav in Virgo, indicating that the native will have large lips and hands, big body, broad chest, strong ankles and will depend on others.

Don't you think that 6th Nav (charming appearance, impressive speech, splendourous body, be an exponent of Shastras, be very intelligent, skillful in writing and fine arts, be good hearted and will take pleasure in walking, or roaming), or else the 4th Nav.(learned, will be sportive with the fair sex, be beautiful, sweet, blood red in complexion, sharp, intelligent, emaciated and will have charming eyes and face) suits the personality of Jesus Christ better

(3) Incidentally, in Jyotish News (Mar. 1999) the follwoing Rasi Chart details were given:


JESUS CHRIST 25.12.7 BC;1ag 5s14.05; Rahu 6s29.11; Ven 7s21.37; Sun 8s6.35; Merc 8s14.34; Mars 10s13.05;Sat 11s20.23; Jup 11s21.53; Moon 11s5.17; Ayanamsa + 4.03


Please clarify.






Study the chart of Jesus Christ and show why he worshipped the Holy Ghost or the Father of all creation. does this have any link to the Christians worshipping on Sundays?





In addition to the Kala Sarpa Yoga, Gaja Kesari Yoga and renunciation through RA in 12H from AL, already mentioned by you in the note, the other striking features of this chart are:


1. Renunciation indiacted by RA in 12th from occurs in Hora Lagna itself.


2. RA in 8H also indicates a Vipareeta Yoga.


3. MA, too, is involved in a Vipareeta Yoga, as it is 3H & 8H lord, occupying 6H.


4. RA & MA, give Duradhara Yoga but also casts a PKYoga on MO, JU, SA, and GL. (Query: Will PKY operate here, against the Gaja Kesari, Maha Padma & Maha Sankh yogas?)


5. ME owns 1H & 10H and is posited in a trine, 5H, indicating a learned person, expert in Mantra & Tantra.


ME, with SU forms Budha-Aditya Yoga, again indicating intelligence, skill in all works, fame, respect & happiness.


This Budha Aditya yoga is the only occupant of the Dharma Trikona.


6. As per Sarvalli, MO, JU, & SA combination at birth will know the inner meaning of Shastras, ... and be the head of a village and people.


7. Gaja Kesari Yoga, which aspects Lagna, occurs in JU's rasi which is also GL, and indicating the fame will be for religious accomplishments.



1. Prava Raja Yoga formed by four planet including the lord of the 12th house (moksha).

However, JU is debilitated and the Yoga is formed in a trine, leaving 4H out of the combination. These two factors considerably weaken the Yoga..

2. ME, placed in Lagna, is a Maha Yogada, involved in a Rasi aspect with the HL, and the above PvR Yoga, and also receives 5th aspect of JU, another Maha Yogada, which is involved in the PvR Yoga.

3. ME in Lagna indicates Mimansaka.

4. RA is debilitated, again posited in 8H, again forming a Vipareeta Yoga.

5. ME in Swamsa indicates, inter alia, one well versed in social & legal norms.

6. MO in 4H indicates a sailor/ navigator (related to walking over water???)

7. SU in 10H indicates a Raja Yoga(Parasara), and association with animal husbandry(Jaimini - association with birth in the barn???)

8. KE in 2H destroys passion, but also indicates speech defects.

9. KE in 2H, and therefore RA in 8H causes Kemadruma Yoga.

10. Two malefics, SA & MA, in a trine, 9H, indicate expertise in

AK & Ishta Devata

VE is the AK, indicating that native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex/lust.

AK is in 9H in NAV, indicating that the native is a very pious person, etc.

AK VE is well placed and is part of the PvR Yoga.

RA is Ishta Devata, being the only planet occupying the 12H from AK., indicating Durga, as destroyer of all darkness and evils.

RA is chara DK and would indicate the spouse to be the spiritual guide. However, the known fact is that Jesus was single, un-attached and ascetic.


All the above indicators points towards a very learned renouncee Yogic personality but indicated Ishta Devata is Durga and guide, spouse.

The question aksed is about Father, the Holy Ghost and the SUN. Therefore we need to look further.

One factor could be Durga, as destroyer of all darkness and evils.SUN s the natural destroyer of darkness and the evils associated with it. (Am I stretching the facts???)

In Jaimini Surtas, 1.2.82, it is mentioned that the results (re. religiosity) shold also be examined from the sixth from AmK.

In this chart, AmK is JU, posited in 9H and forming part of PvR Yoga and sixth from it is KE, Ganapati, in the house of ME, Maha Vishnu.

Lard Vishnu is the Father of all creation.

Also, in Rasi chart, sixth from AmK JU, is unoccupied LEO, lorded by SUN.



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