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Atmakaraka Lesson: Thoughts on Aurobindo

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Gurudev!


This is my answer to the the Question on Aurobindo Ghosh. After painstakingly writing the earlier two answers, I am attempting the third one.I am still expecting your comments on the earlier two and also this one.


Sri Aurobindo Ghose; 15 Aug, 1872 at about 1 ghati (i.e. 24 minutes) before sunrise at Calcutta, India. Explain the reason behind his great work Savitri (Savitur) and the interpretation of the Rig Veda.


Sunrise: 5:13 AM

Birth: 5:13 - 24 min = 4:49 AM IST


In His words on Savitri

" The tale of Satyavan and Savitri is recited in the Mahabharata as a story of the conjugal love conquering death. But this legend is, as shown by many features of human tale, one of the many symbolic myths of the vedic cycle. Satyavan is the soul carrying the divine truth of being within itself but descended into the grip of death and ignorance.


Savitri is the divine word, daughter of the Sun, goddess of the supreme truth who comes down and is born to save Aswapati, the lord of horse, her human father, is the lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of the spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal and immortal planes.


Dhyumatsena, lord of the shining hosts, father of Satyavan, is the divine mind here fallen blind, losing its kingdomeof glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, trhe characters are not personified qualities, but with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man and show him the way fromhismortal state to a divine consciousness and immortal life."


---- Taken from Savitri




In Sri Aurobindo's chart atmakaraka is Mercury, the karaka for speech which indicate the native should always speak the truth and will not hurt anybody with his speech.


Sri Aurobindo had taken birth with one of the most powerful mahapurusha yoga, namely the hamsa mahapurusha yoga with exalted Jupiter (6th and 9th lord) in the throne (Lagna), in Cancer. If I remember correctly, I heard Pt. Sanjayji saying that this can confer moksha. Jupiter is the karaka of the "Dhi-Shakti" the supreme intelligence residing in the sahasrara chakra. This is no surprise that Sri Aurobindo has written some of the world's renowned treatese and founded his own philosophy of "Life-divine" He is oneamong the greatest intellectual giants the world has ever produces. We also see that Jupiter is the 6th lord in the lagna causing "dhi-mantah" yoga, however this can also indicate strong enemies (exalted 6th lord). This enhaced with the fact that Lagna lord is placed in the 6th house (dhi-mantah yoga) with maraka and rogesha, Saturn. I can see enemies overpowering the native (benefic in the 6th). But the 3rd and 6th from the A6 are influenced by benefics, showing that the enemies are of mild temperament. However lagnapati in the 6th with rogesha does show health problem (related to lower belly and thigh).


He is not only known as a yogi but also a very high calibre philosopher (all are the gift of the dharmapati jupiters exaltation in the lagna)


We also see that Mars is debilated in the lagna.. what's its significance? Mars is the 4th and the 10th lord placed in the lagna with the 9th lord Jup, generating a very high level dharmakarmadhipati yoga showing the native's strong believe in karma yoga (his involvement in the freedom struggle), however Jupiter's influence in the DKY has also made him a gyan yogi. Mars though debilitated got neechabhanga as the lord of the place where he gets debilitated got extaled in the lagna "kendra". This has given him the result of a rajayoga coupled with that of Hamsa and DK yoga. The debilitation of the 10th lord and getting neechabhanga thereafter show that Aurobindo got the result of his Karma after lots of struggle.


Cancer being a movable sign, the 11th house, Taurus becomes the badhakasthana. Venus, the badhakesh is placed in the 2nd with the 2nd lord Sun and 12th & 3rd lord Mercury. This show that he might have faced obstacled and troubles related to 2nd house (money, food), Government (Sun), relatives (Mercury) or secret enemies (12th). We also see that badhaka Venus is placed with placed with AK Merc. That native might divert from the path of realization (Atmakaraka) and only when he returns back, he will get the Moksha. Or otherwise this can also show that the native will face enough obstacles in fulfilling his mission of life. He got into freedom stuggle before finally getting into the path of self-realisation or establishing the philosophy of integral yoga. Even this is a fact that Aurobindo while leaving his mortal body, said that his purpose of life has remained unfulfilled as the time is not right for dawning of the supra-consciousness on the earth and he would come again when the time is ripe.


In the Navamsa , AK is aspected by exalted Sun.This has given him the knowledge of Vedas and Bhagavat Gita. Sun also aspect the navamsa lagna confirming the same. There is no doubt why he was a good exponent of Bhagavat Gita, Vedas and upnishads.


3rd is seen for writing activities. Jupiter is placed in the 3rd from Karakamsa aspected by Moon, whereas Sun aspect the karakamsa. Venus is placed in the 5th from the Navamsa Lagna aspecting the 5th from Karakamsa, show his poetic ability and eloquence. This correctly explains why he wrote many world renowned treatise (Moon) and one of them is Savitri, symbolising the power of Sun (Savitur) in the world of maya (moon). He has written many books on Bhagavat gita, Vedas and Upanishads shown by the influence of Sun and Jupiter on the Karakamsa and Navamsa Lagna. The presence of Saturn with the Karakamsa also worth noting. However, I tend to feel that because of this, he didn't come to the limelight and public meetings too much and wrote letters to his deciples and books while remaining in isolation.


Because his atmakaraka is Mercury, he had very high importance of relatives in his life. The 12th from AK is unoccupied and the Lord Venus (Lakshmi) becomes his Ista. Venus is the badhakesh for him placed in a fiery sign in the rasi with Mercury and Sun. Worshipping the Ista with Deepak (Sun-fire) and Chandan (Mer-Earth) will set him free from the bondage. In the Navamsa, I would have liked to see Rahu and Moon are in the 9th from the karakamsa which can better explain why he talked about the three (I forgot whether it is three or four) form of shakti, viz., Mahakali (Rahu), Mahalaxmi (Venus) and Mahasaraswati (Moon).


Venus being Pitri-karaka, the father (or father figure) might have a great role in bringing him near the ista.


I hope to find many corrections to this... May gurudev take out some time to give me some feedback.







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