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Om Seshaanjaneya Namaha Om

AATHREYA - Dr.BalaKrishna Murthy Ramaraju

( RBK Murthy )

27 Mackay Drive , Marlborough ,

Massachusetts 01752 - 1935 , U S A

Cell : 508 - 265 - 1124


< dr.balakrishnamurthy.ramaraju >

< dr.ramaraju.balakrishnamurthy >


GaNaka Rushi Proktham = GaNaka Rishi is the Narrator of Ganapathyupanishad.

Attharva Veda Anthargatham = Ganesh Upanishath is a part of AttharvaNa Vedam.

GaNapathi is The Presiding Diety of GaaNaapathyam of Sanaathana Dharmam.

GaNapathi is Lord of Pramatha GaNas = Lord Shiva's Companions of Note: --

They are Nandi, Srungi, Bhrungi, Veeraka, Veerabhadra and Chandi.

An Excerpt of Ganapathyupanishath to be narrated on Ganesh Chathurthi.

GaNapathyupanishath is one of 108 Known Upanishads.

Upanishad is The Path along which one is led towards Self -Realization

and Salvation = Moksha Maargam to Supreme ParaaBrahman.

GaNesh Upanishad as revealed by GaNaka Rushi Of AttharvaNa Vedam : --

Om GaNapathi Namaha = O Hail GaNapathi.

Thvameva Tatthvamasi = YOU Are The Supreme Truth.

Thvameva Karthaasi, Dharthaasi, Harthaasi = YOU Are The

Creator, Sustainer, Assimilator

Avatthvam Raksha = Please Protect -

Maam = me

Vakthaaram = reader

Srothaaram = listener

Dhyaathaaram = narrator

Daatharam = donor

Graheethaaram = donee

Gurum-Sishyam = teacher and student

Anoochaanam = Vedic Scholar

Thvam Brahma , Vishnu , Rudra = YOU are Brahma , Vishnu , Rudra

Thvam Bhoomi, Aapo, Anala, Anila , Nabha= YOU are 5 elements -

Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky

Aham Sathyam , Rutham Vachmi = I speak The Vedic Truth.

Om GaNesha Sarve Janaah Paahi , Paahi , Raksha , Raksha .

Om Shaanthi. Om Shaanthi . Om shaanthi

Avighnamasthu. Arogyamasthu. Aiswaryamasthu . Aayurvruddhirasthu.

Thushttirasthu . Pushttirasthu . Subhamasthu. Vijayosthu. Shaanthirasthu


Om Thath Sath ; aathreya - r b krishna murthy





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