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8 planets in succesive houses

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Dear Friends

In my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna.

Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th.Moon dasa has been pretty bad

for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on

21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non

fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the

two. What will be the results there of.






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Dear Sujata,

Pl. don't ask riddles...pl. give complete information...DOB.POB & TOB of your daughter...and then perhaps you could expect KP astrologers to apply their mind and skills...





sujata das <sujatadash1kp system Friday, 1 May, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8 planets in succesive houses


Dear FriendsIn my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th.Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.RegardsSujataNow surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition http://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox

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Dear Madam,


You have mentioned that Moon is in conjunction with Kethu and Sun. Was there not a solar eclipse on that day? If there was it has to be considered carefully..

Dr. Rath




sujata das <sujatadash1kp system Friday, May 1, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8 planets in succesive houses


Dear FriendsIn my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th.Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.RegardsSujataNow surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition http://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox

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Dear friendsI forgot to mention my daughters bith details DOB 13-1-83, POB delhi, TOB 11 am.The chart is available in file sectionRegardsSujatasujata das <sujatadash1kp system Friday, 1 May, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8

planets in succesive houses



Dear Friends

In my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th..Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.




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Dear Dr RathLahiri ephemeris doesn't indicate any eclipseAny information regarding results of constellation/bhava exchangeRegardsSujataLuther Rath <rathluther Sent: Friday, 1 May, 2009 9:29:06 PMRe: 8 planets

in succesive houses


Dear Madam,


You have mentioned that Moon is in conjunction with Kethu and Sun. Was there not a solar eclipse on that day? If there was it has to be considered carefully..

Dr.. Rath




sujata das <sujatadash1@ ..co. in>kp system <@gro ups.com>Friday, May 1, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8 planets in succesive houses


Dear FriendsIn my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th.Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.RegardsSujataNow surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition http://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox


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Dear Sujata ji



i ahve examine yours daughter horoscope and it is preety good , i dont know too much about KPSystem, but as per vedic astrolgy , Venus is not bad and it makes a Rajyoga , and really Moo_ket really it was stressfull time in her life, but now she will be fine.



regards Dr Mishra+416 519 1209--- On Fri, 5/1/09, sujata das <sujatadash1 wrote:

sujata das <sujatadash1Re: 8 planets in succesive houses Received: Friday, May 1, 2009, 2:00 PM





Dear friendsI forgot to mention my daughters bith details DOB 13-1-83, POB delhi, TOB 11 am.The chart is available in file sectionRegardsSujata



sujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in>kp system <@gro ups.com>Friday, 1 May, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8 planets in succesive houses


Dear FriendsIn my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th..Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.RegardsSujataNow surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition http://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox


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Dear Sujataji,

on 13-01-83, at the time of birth of your daughter Kethu was at 9-41, Moon at 18-19 and Sun at 28-56 in Sagittarius. All were in 10 th house in Sagittarius. Kethus was in Kethu's constellation, Moon in Venus's , and Sun was in Sun's constellation. They were not in conjunction.

Dr. Rath




sujata das <sujatadash1 Sent: Friday, May 1, 2009 11:30:37 PMRe: 8 planets in succesive houses




Dear friendsI forgot to mention my daughters bith details DOB 13-1-83, POB delhi, TOB 11 am.The chart is available in file sectionRegardsSujata



sujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in>kp system <@gro ups.com>Friday, 1 May, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8 planets in succesive houses


Dear FriendsIn my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th..Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.RegardsSujataNow surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition http://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox


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Daer Sujataji,

Good morning.

I have never found in any of the KP Readers, as far as I remember, regarding Bhava exchange. But, yes, when there is exchange of constellation each one is strong to give the reslts of the other. More so if they are in aspect as well. The deciding factor shall be in which sub each of them is posited. If the Planet A is posited in a sub that occupies either 6th or 8th or 12 to the Planet B; A shall not give the results of B. The maters will come through, it appeas that the incident is going to happen but at the last moment it fails. The reverse is true,obviously.

Regarding eclipse, I have found that Moon, Sun and Kethu are quite apart form each other. So there shall not be an eclipse. None of them is in conjunction with any other, not with in the orb.

Dr. Rath




sujata das <sujatadash1 Sent: Saturday, May 2, 2009 3:09:53 PMRe: 8 planets in succesive houses




Dear Dr RathLahiri ephemeris doesn't indicate any eclipse

Any information regarding results of constellation/ bhava exchangeRegardsSujata



Luther Rath <rathluther >@gro ups.comFriday, 1 May, 2009 9:29:06 PMRe: 8 planets in succesive houses




Dear Madam,


You have mentioned that Moon is in conjunction with Kethu and Sun. Was there not a solar eclipse on that day? If there was it has to be considered carefully..

Dr.. Rath




sujata das <sujatadash1@ ..co. in>kp system <@gro ups.com>Friday, May 1, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8 planets in succesive houses


Dear FriendsIn my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th.Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.RegardsSujataNow surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition http://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox


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Thankyou, Dr Mishra. As per vedic,what job will she get and when. and when will she get married?Regards SujataAK Mishra <akmishra63 Sent: Saturday, 2 May, 2009 10:43:42 PMRe: 8 planets in succesive



Dear Sujata ji



i ahve examine yours daughter horoscope and it is preety good , i dont know too much about KPSystem, but as per vedic astrolgy , Venus is not bad and it makes a Rajyoga , and really Moo_ket really it was stressfull time in her life, but now she will be fine.



regards Dr Mishra+416 519 1209--- On Fri, 5/1/09, sujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in> wrote:

sujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in>Re: 8 planets in succesive houses@gro ups.comReceived: Friday, May 1, 2009, 2:00 PM





Dear friendsI forgot to mention my daughters bith details DOB 13-1-83, POB delhi, TOB 11 am.The chart is available in file sectionRegardsSujata



sujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in>kp system <@gro ups.com>Friday, 1 May, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8 planets in succesive houses


Dear FriendsIn my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th..Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.RegardsSujataNow surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition http://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox


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Sujathaji Pranam,i checked your daughters horoscope when following are RP.Asc : sun venusmoon : merc sunday : mars.i thought sun will be the sub sub lord of asc. this brings time of birth to 10.58.20 hrs she might have prblems relating education during Rahu, jupiter, saturn bhukthies in moon dasa. As moon in venus star rahu sub. venus l/o 3,8 in 11. rahu, saturn in jupiter sub jupiter in 8th no planets in jupiter stars. Pls clarify this to me,.Her merdian is in jupiter sign kethu star jupiter sub. kethu in 10 with moon and sun, . moon l/o 5 and sun l/o 6. jupiter in saturn star and venus sub. sat l/o 12 in 7th and venus in moon star(venus is equally strong for 5th ). saturns connection to kethu, jupiter delayed the issue. 7th csl venus in moon star and sat sub. moon l/o 5 in

10. sat in 7 in rahu star. rahu denotes merc l/o 7 in 11. marriage promised/. It will take place in Moon /venus / rahu or moon /ven/saturn period. As moon and 5th house aspected by sat there is delay. i select rahu period because both rahu and saturn are in the same star and sub. perfect trine aspect is there.learned members enlighten thisGuruji bless us all regards,VGR--- On Fri, 1/5/09, sujata das <sujatadash1 wrote:sujata das <sujatadash1Re: 8 planets in succesive housesTo:

Date: Friday, 1 May, 2009, 11:30 PM


Dear friendsI forgot to mention my daughters bith details DOB 13-1-83, POB delhi, TOB 11 am.The chart is available in file sectionRegardsSujatasujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in>kp system <@gro ups.com>Friday, 1 May, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8

planets in succesive houses



Dear Friends

In my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th..Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.




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Dear VGRNormally, BTR is done for the 1st cusp and not for sub/ sub sub. According to ur RPs, her asc. should be leo, ve star and mer or ma as sublordra was ok as it gave results of mer in 11, not that she excelled. She gave CAT exam for 2yrs without success for good B-school.I had thought mer in su would get a job, but su is 12th to me let her downRegardsSujatavgr pavan <vgr_pavan1 Sent: Tuesday, 5 May, 2009 2:28:18 PMRe: 8 planets in succesive houses


Sujathaji Pranam,i checked your daughters horoscope when following are RP.Asc : sun venusmoon : merc sunday : mars.i thought sun will be the sub sub lord of asc. this brings time of birth to 10.58.20 hrs she might have prblems relating education during Rahu, jupiter, saturn bhukthies in moon dasa. As moon in venus star rahu sub. venus l/o 3,8 in 11. rahu, saturn in jupiter sub jupiter in 8th no planets in jupiter stars. Pls clarify this to me,.Her merdian is in jupiter sign kethu star jupiter sub. kethu in 10 with moon and sun, . moon l/o 5 and sun l/o 6. jupiter in saturn star and venus sub. sat

l/o 12 in 7th and venus in moon star(venus is equally strong for 5th ). saturns connection to kethu, jupiter delayed the issue. 7th csl venus in moon star and sat sub. moon l/o 5 in

10. sat in 7 in rahu star. rahu denotes merc l/o 7 in 11. marriage promised/. It will take place in Moon /venus / rahu or moon /ven/saturn period. As moon and 5th house aspected by sat there is delay. i select rahu period because both rahu and saturn are in the same star and sub. perfect trine aspect is there.learned members enlighten thisGuruji bless us all regards,VGR--- On Fri, 1/5/09, sujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in> wrote:sujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in>Re: 8 planets in succesive housesTo:

@gro ups.comFriday, 1 May, 2009, 11:30 PM


Dear friendsI forgot to mention my daughters bith details DOB 13-1-83, POB delhi, TOB 11 am.The chart is available in file sectionRegardsSujatasujata das <sujatadash1@ .co. in>kp system <@gro ups.com>Friday, 1 May, 2009 12:00:02 PM 8

planets in succesive houses



Dear Friends

In my daughters horoscope moons dasa is on.since july 2001. She is pisces lagna. Moon is in conjunction with ke and sun in 10th..Moon dasa has been pretty bad for education, job and marriage ( not married yet)..Ve dasa will be starting on 21-5-09. It is in 11 in moon in 10th, 12th to itself.This indicates non fulfilment of desire. But mo is in ven star. There is star exchange between the two. What will be the results there of.




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