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KP vs Nadi Astrology in Elections 2009 Analysis

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17 May 2009


Dear brothers and sisters



Please refer to my TWO emails as

1. ‘India

Elections’ posted on 8th May 2009 at 12:38 hours, and

2. ‘Elections

2009 - Congress Party Chart Analysis’ posted on 13th

May 2009, 20:48 hours


On 8th May 2009, I had the urge to find out

who would win the election considering two major parties BJP and Congress using

the KP Horary method. And to my ignorance, I had absolute no idea of what

is UPA and NDA, which I got to know yesterday when watching NDTV

‘Elections update’ while votes counting was in progress.



On 8th May 2009, randomly I took KP number

183 between KP(1-249) for Congress and did the calculations at 12:23 hours,

Auckland, New Zealand. From the bird’s eye view calculations, I

concluded Congress could win but not directly, obviously meant some help

from other parties would be required.


Then I took another number randomly KP 193 between KP

(1-249) for BJP. That revealed to me that BJP will NOT win.

Simply as the sublord of cusp(1) was Ketu in Star




Note: Merc is Retrogade and

is about to go into combustion and would remain so at the time of counting of

votes. (NOT KP RULE)


SLC(1) = Merc Rc in star(Sun) Sub(Ven)

Merc signified (5,5,9,7-10) in order of strength

Sun Signifed (4,5,6-11,9) in order of strength

Ven signified (9,4,2-3,6-11) in order of strength



SLC(6) = Ven in Star(Sat R) Sub(Mon)

Ven signified (9,4,2-3,6-11) in order of strength

Sat signified (4,9,6-11,2-3) in order of strength

Mon signified (1,10,-,8) in order of strength



SLC(11) = Merc RC in Star(Sun) Sub (Ven)

-- as above –



RP = Sat, Mon, Rahu, Ven, Ven, Ketu

Look at the RPs signification, as

Sat signified (4,9,6-11,2-3) in order of strength

Mon signified (1,10,-,8) in order of strength

Ven signified (9,4,2-3,6-11) in order of strength

Rahu signified (5,1,9) in order of strength

Ketu signified (9,7,2-3) in order of strength



BJP, KP 193

SLC(1) = Ketu in Star(Sat-R) Sub(Ven)

Ketu signified (8,7,1-2-3) in order of strength

Sat R signified (3,8,5,1-2-3) in order of strength

Ven signified (8,3,1-2-3,5) in order of strength



SLC(6) = Mon in Star (Rahu) Sub (Jup)

Mon signified (1,10,7-8) in order of strength

Rahu Signified S(4,1,9) in order of strength

Jup signified S(3,2,11,4-12)

(Note: I read somewhere that Mon cannot give its result when

it signifies any house alone. Mon signifies all houses alone in order of

strength. For example, Mon is the first rate rate significator of

house(1)). This applies to both charts.



SLC(11) = Mars in Star(Merc RC) Star(Merc RC)

Note Mars in the star and sub of Merc who is combust and

retrograde, that can give disturbing results

Mars signified(5,3,6-10,11)

Merc RC signifies (4,5,9,6-10) in order of strength



RP = Sat R, Mars, Rahu, Ven, Ven, Ketu

Look at the RPs signification, as

Sat R signified (3,8,5,1-2-3) in order of strength

Mars signified(5,3,6-10,11)

Ven signified (8,3,1-2-3,5) in order of strength

Ketu signified (8,7,1-2-3) in order of strength


The above configuration gave me enough clue that CONGRESS

chart is MUCH STRONGER than BJP chart



GIST of my Analysis


Merc is Retrogade and is about to go into

combustion and would remain so at the time of counting of votes. (NOT KP RULE)



Since SLC(11) is Merc, Retrogate and Combust but in the star of

Rising planet Sun who is exalted (NOT KP RULE but my experiments) and in

the Lagna of Navamsa (NOT KP rule), I thought it would give some short of seats

to congress but winning is guaranteed



= Mars in Star(Merc RC) Sub(MErc RC). MErc is retogate and is about to go for

combustion by time of counting votes. Also MErc in Lagna in Navamsa

but Debilitated and with Rahu. I thought that would ruin BJP chances. (NOT

A KP RULE, by my experiments)


So I declared that Congress can win but not

directly, i.e, with the help of others but BJP will NOT win.


Late on I studies house (1,9,10,11) for each party using KP

rules as per my understanding too.


Please note at that time I was

totally ignorance of what’s UPA or NDA. I left India in 1978

and that time , to my memory, Janta Party won in 1977 elections and one

party was required to get majority. I may be wrong here.


Then on 12th May 2009, I tried another experiment with NADI

NAVGRAHA Astrology using Congress’s birth chart. My analysis

is given below:


Congress, 2nd Jan 1978, 11:59 hours, New

Delhi, India


Natal chart and todays (12 May

2009) Transit

1. Lord of Lagna is Jup-R

2. Jup R è1,5,9è

Tr Jup

3. Jup R è2,12è

Mars R + Tr Ketu

4. Tr Jup è1,5,9è

Jup R

5. Tr Jup è2,12

è Tr Rahu + Ketu

6. Tr Jup has just come into

Rasi(11) on 1st May 2009 and is in infant state.



Look at the basics

here. Mon is conjunct Rahu. Congress

has been over confident at the time of forming their party. Retro Jup

could be assumed in the third house, hence aspecting Mon has give some grace

and confident at the time of party formation.


Tr Rahu in R(10) from

Apr 2008 – Nov 2009. From April 2008, the party got under some

illusions and fear complex. Some members of the party Congress must have

got secretive about their affairs. From 11 Dec 2009, Tr Jup in R(10),

party must have become a little active in a positive way and must have started

realizing the reality and started working towards that. Some members of

the Party must have sought some support of people belonging to Islamic



On 1 May 2009, Tr Jup

entered R(11), it has moved one sign ahead and has withdrawn its

positive energy from the Inner mind. Hence Mon is aspected by Rahu + Tr

Rahu, hence Inner Mind of the Congress has gone into darkness again but still

over confident regardless of what they say on the face.


Natal Mon is also getting some

supporting energy from Mars R and Tr

Ketu, please note, not necessarily strength but just supporting energy. I would interpret as deceptive

supportive energy sometimes, as it also inflates ego, promotes haste and

causes harassments. Mars is in the star of Sat in the natal chart, its

enemy, who was Retrogate at the time of forming the party and today Tr Sat is

retrogate as well. Natal Sat was Retro and in the star of

Ketu, also its enemy. I believe Natal Mars, though weak due to debilitation, in

star of Sat R and natal Sat R in star of Ketu has fought amongst them and has

lost 50% of their strength there and did NOT given their full deceptive energy

to the Inner mind of congress.



Tr Jup as Jeevata of congress who is experiencing different things in

life. Consider Tr Jup in R(10) from 11 Dec 2008. Here Tr Jup

was very weak as it was debilitated and was also with Tr Rahu, opposition Mars

R + Tr Ketu. I guess, Tr Jup, Congress, got over confident though some strong opposition was seen

by Tr Ketu. Mars is the friend of Tr Jup. Mars could help by

product, i.e. opposition could be very strong, energetic but cannot harm Tr

Jup. But Tr Ketu, can give some problems to natal Mars and here Natal

Mars loses power. So what happens?

Due to Tr Ketu Mars who is debilitated, weak loses further

strength. Mars was supporting congress, that is, due to

opposition, congress was getting some inner strength and that was shattered by

Tr Ketu entrance in R(4) from May 2008



1 May 2009, Tr Jup entered Rasi(11) and will get back into Rasi(10) on 31

July 2009. Here Tr Jup is between Ketu and Rahu opposition Sat R and Tr

Sat R. What does this mean? I

guess, Congress party, suddenly realized on 1 May 2009 that it does not have as

much support as it thought. Illusion minimized, not removed fully yet.

Blaming job would continue till Tr Jup returns to R(10) that is on 31 July 2009


Tr Jup is in House 12 from Lagna, this configuration also loses strength


Tr Jup in star of Mars but in sub

of Merc which is combust and Retrogate. Keep in Mind,Tr Mars is also in

star of Tr Merc RC. I would look at the strength of the star and sub lord

of Tr Jup to deviate its strength. I would say

that any planet in the star or sub of combust planet will not rise to its

maxim. Here Tr Jup is losing its authority due to Tr Mars. Inner conflict

amongst the party members is inevitable.


Tr Merc has no support from

anywhere. Its aspected by Tr Rahu + Mon + Rahu



In the Natal chart Merc è1,5,9è

is aspected by Ketu + Mars R + Tr Ketu è Imbalance due to excessive heat, that is, showing total

collapse due to inner fight, arguments and changes. It’s just

like volcano having a lot of heat inside, boiling and all at sudden erupts


In Transit, Tr Merc is aspected by

Tr Rahu + Mon + Rahu , showing, congress

is still hoping to win and showing its over confident but THAT’S TOTAL


18. Consider

Saturn. Tr Sat entered R (5) in July 2007 and that was the beginning of Sade Sati for congress too.

19. From

1 Jan 2009, Tr Sat became Retrogate, it started going towards debilitated Mars

and Tr Ketu. To My knowledge, Tr Sat started getting into mess.

Mars does not like Sat. But Here Mars was going towards Jup and heavens

that is also Retrogate. Congress has JupR, Mars and Sat in Retro motion

in natal chart.


But today, 12th May

2009, Tr Sat is at 20 deg 56 min R(5) going towards natal Sat R, in

Rasi(5) ruled by Sun. Though Sat does not like Sun but Sun does not harm

Sat, as is the mythology, Sun is the father of Sat. What does that mean?

Tr Sat going backwards towards natal Sat R, Sat

means position of trust, congress

looking into its own Karma, say promises made in the past, some lessons learnt

in the past, Opposite is Tr Jup, that is, getting into some wisdom to do Introspection.

Introspection has to be impartial only then the Inner mind gets strength to fix

the problem but here Introspection is NOT impartial, why? Again go to the

basics. Natal Merc is in the star of Merc and in Transit Merc is Combust

and Retro, signifying lost intelligence,

lack of communication skills, clouded by Rahu and Tr Rahu, clouded by Ego.

21. Look

at the configuration, Sat aspected by Sun + Ven + Tr Sat, So

Congress karma is getting some support from Sun and Ven. That’s

good. That has given some political power in the past and some enjoyment

and financial gain too.

22. But

the question is would Congress win and survive?


From Yoga point of



lord of H5, trikona,

Mon in h7, angle, causes Raja Yoga


Lord of H4 and

H7,angles, Merc in H9, trikona causing Raja Yoga


Lord of H9, trikona,

Mars in H5, trikona casuing Raja Yoga


Jup in Kendra from

Mon casing Gajakesri Yoga


And many others Yogas

are there but I am not too sure that these Yogas can nuliffuy the effects to

transiting planets at present.


Some divine grace is also

seen on congress as natal Jup is aspecting Tr Jup, as Jup is 6 deg and Tr

Jup is 1 deg. Just close to an exact aspect, could enhance congress a

bit. Nevertheless, Just face saving scenario can take place, Congress

would win some seats. Otherwise

I do not see Congress getting anywhere by itself. Some help of other

parties cannot be ruled out. Then it might be possible




Obviously my understanding in

NADI ASTROLOGY needs some further refinement. I feel more comfortable

with KP for the time being ofcourse.


Can I humbly

request all senior astrologers to enlighten me with any weakness in my analysis

of NAdi Astrology and/or Kp astrology.







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