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Retrograde Planets

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Dear Margarita,

Rahu and Ketu are not considered as Planets, so no effect.



, " dmlettens " <dmlettens@s...>


> Respected Krushna,

> If a planet is retrograde it's influence is enhanced. Does this

apply also for rahu and ketu when they have a direct motion.

> Thanks and best regards

> Margarita

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  • 2 years later...

` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendanji,

Thanks for the comments and for your explanation.If you ask me my way of interpretaion is entirely different from normal way.I will go normally very deep and see the planet in question is either Vakra,in which Nakshatra he is placed,where this Nakshatra lord is situated and what is his lordship also,any aspects either benefic or malefic and the planet's position in Navamsha etc.

Regarding my explanation on retrograde planets is based on my disucussion with a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore whom I met him last June.He explains still in a very strange manner and you have to accept his interpreations.

I am still doing my own researches about retrograde and exalted or debilitated planets.

Now as per your explanation I come to know that your Lagna is Vrischika and Guru,the lord of 2nd and 5th is placed in 3rd house debilitated.Ok now where is his poition in Navamsha apart from D-7 chart ? In which Nakshatra he is diposited in your chart and who is the lord of that Nakshatra and any relationship with 5th house or Guru and what is the lordship of that planet ? Where is Shani deposited in your Natal and Navamsha charts ?.After this I can judge something about your position of Guru or if you have your chart,please mail me and I will jsut go through it and give my explanations about Guru and longevity told by some other Astrologers.

I hope this helps you.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

Om Namo Bhagavate VaasudevayaDear Ramdas Rao,Many thanks for you long reply and example from your personal life. Yes, this business of retrograde planets is one that astrologers struggle with in general and I follow Sanjay's input on this. He has given some hints here and there and what he has said has always made sense to me.Your quote from Uttara Kalamitra suggest that retrogradation means opposite results. If an exalted planet is retrograde, then it behaves as though debilitated and vice versa.But it depends whether that planet is a benefic or malefic and

it depends on whether that planet is in a kendra or trikona vs a dusthana.In my own chart, my Guru is neecha in the 3rd house from the lagna and 6th from the Moon. Now we know that this is terrible by all accounts and not a good yoga and I will surely leave the world in my Guru dasa (starts age 66). He occupies a maranasthana from lagna. Certainly health will decline.However, all things related to Guru have done well in my life... let's say above average. Astrologers told me I'd have no children and my family life would be short lived. One astrologer gave me two years for marriage... at most.Jupiter rules my 2nd and 5th. I have 3 healthy children and my marriage is 10 years old with no sign of breakup... not perfect but good. Money has never been a problem. It has always come and I never worry about it too much. No wealth but enough for a satisfactory life.So neecha Guru is in a dusthana and in my opinion, that's one explanation. Yes, he is exalted in

D-7 and aspecting the 5th lord and that explains children. If he was retrograde, the opposite would have occurred. It would not have given the same good result.So the principle here is that neecha benefics in dusthanas are good unless retrograde. The opposite is true for kendras and konas. Neecha benefics in kendras are not good unless retrograde.The opposite is true for malefics. In otherwords, debilitated malefics in kendras are good unless retrograde.I think all this applies to your own case and your wife's case.I have never worked with the effect of the retrograde planet on the previous house. KN Rao used to teach this and he even took it a step further. He claimed the planet made aspects from the previous house, while in transit, as well aspects from the house it was in, and this means almost every house (8 houses) in the chart is influenced by R Sani. Your idea makes more sense. Is it widely

used?Regards,Brendan* * *Dear Brendenji,First of all any retrograde planet behaves in a different manner. We can not consider Guru in 5th and Guru ® in 5th house as same. Ofcourse these kind of controversies have to be studied thoroughly. I am just adding my own experience here. Now for example in my chart Lagna ( Makara /Capricorn ) lord and 2nd lord Shani is retrograde in 9th in Virgo sign. Now let us see how Shani behaves here. As Lagna lord in 9th house,I am a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and my father was highly religious and I follow very old traditions. Now Shani being Karma Karaka placed in Virgo sign has not given me any proffession connected accounts, computers, mathematics etc. But now I consider its retrograde effects. I am considering Shani is aspecting its previous house ie., 8th house where Ketu is placed in Simha Rasi. So this means Ketu is with Shani. Karma Karaka

Shani with Ketu gives a profession of a technician or working hard as a labour. the sign involved is Leo ruled by Sun which is Agni Tattwa Rasi and so I am working here in Kuwait,a dry,desert area and hot area as depicted by Leo sign. As Saturn is retrograding I could not get any promotions in my career eventhough my monetary gains are exceedingly high. This is because of a beautiful Vipareetha Raja Yoga formed in 3rd house by 12th lord Jupiter,6th lord Mercury and 8th lord Sun. During my last week's mail ,I said that Venus combustion has delayed my grade change and increase in salary and now yesterday when Venus came out of combustion,I got a letter from the company about the grade change and a very reasonable pay hike. My Shani ® Dasa started in October 8 ,1989 with Saturn's Antara running till 11-10-1992. During this period as Saturn's sade sathi or 7 and half Saturn's period was also running,I had tremendous problems ,mainly health problems to my wife and a lot

of financial burdens upon me. Most of the problems happened during Saturn's retrogression which started from May 5,1990 ( Actual problems started from July 11th ) and increased the problems when transit saturn with its retrograde motion entered back to sagittariius on June 21,1990. On September 24,1990 ,Saturn became direct in Sagittarius and on the same day I performed Shani Shanti Homam and Sri Mrityunjaya Homam for my wife as she was suffering from a severe health problem. But at that I have not seen any planetary movement but GOD has helped me to perform the above remedies and on Oct 4,1990,my wife was operated for removal of pericardium,the outer cover of heart. This I am explaining about the effects of retrograde Saturn both in Rasi chart and in transit. the doctors have made a surgery on July 28th,1990 when Saturn was retrograde and was a failure and ony waste of money and suffering to my wife and mental tensions for me. Only when saturn became direct,I found a good

doctor and surgery done and my wife got cured after about 1 year of treatment. Now in my wife's chart,Lagna is Cancer and 7th and 8th lord saturn is in 6th in sagittarius but retrograde along with 6th and 9th lord Jupiter who is also retrograde. Now if we take 7th lord Saturn in 6th ,after marriage there would have been always misunderstanding between the couple or husband will stay away from wife for his profession but I was always with my wife and our relations are cordial always. So I think the reason may be due to Saturn retrograde is aspecting its previous house ie. ,5th house. From 7th,11th house. Jupiter ® in 6th . Here suppose if we take Jupiter in 6th,then my wife should not become sick at all and also she should not have got son,so early in life and marriage so early ( 19 years of her age ),son in 20th year. Now if we take Guru's aspect to 5th house,then the above interpretations possible. Here Guru ® became more strong and Shani ® became weak. So

Shani can cause troubles during its dasa or its Sub periods. Anyhow these are my observations and I wanted others to observe from real life charts and come to a conclusion about retrograde planets. I dont have any charts which have any retrograde planet in Kendra but as mine was in trine and I explained in my own method. I also found from some other charts that these retrograde planets become direct in one's life time depending on the retrogression.I hope this helps you. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao. Bpfeeley (AT) AOL (DOT) COM wrote:In a message dated 9/20/2003 3:10:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co. in writes:Dear Ramdas Rao,In the case of retrogradation, how do we intrepret the behavior of the planet is it is in a kendra, trikona or dusthana and whether it is a benefic or malefic? How do we apply these principles from Uttrakalamrita to such variations?This is a real complex area and

often very confusing for us astrologers. Of course I should give you some examples but none come to mind just now. Regards,BrendanDear Rao,Please go through this Shloka from Uttara kalamrita by Kalidasa about exalted planet in retrogression and debilitated planet in retrogression :v³I Svae½bl> sv³sihte mXy< bl< tufˆgÉevakré svoccabalaù savakrasahite madhyaàbalaàtuòagabhev³I nIcbl> SvnIcÉvne v³Ibl< tufˆgjm!,vakré nécabalaù svanécabhavane vakrébalaàtuòagajam|%½Swen yutaeÃÂRvIyRimit ceÚIce tu zUNy< bl<uccasthena yutoarddhavéryamiti cennéce tu çünyaàbalaà imÇE> papogaE> zuÉE irpuogEyuR´aeip caÃÂR bl<. mitraiù päpakhagauù çubhai ripukhagairyuktopi cärddha balaà ||Meaning the strenth of a planet who is

retrograde is similar to that e is in exaltation. When a planet associates with such a retrograde planet his strength will be 1/2 Rupa ( a measure of strength ). When a planet occupies his exaltation but is retrograde,he gets only Neecha Bala ie. , without any strength. But a planet is debilitated and be retrograde,his strength is similar to that when in his exaltation. It also tels when a planet is in conjunction with another planet who is exalted,he gets 1/2 Rupa strength whereas if a planet is in conjunction with another planet who is debilitated ,then this planet gets nothing. Also you might have seen recently during USA and Iraq war,Guru was exalted and retrograde and so America declared war against Iraq illegally without the consent of UNO. Now you see if Guru would have got enough strength,the war would not have taken place. So even if Guru was exalted but was retrograde and so the reason for illegal war. I hope this helps you. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama

Smarana,Ramadas Rao. |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 9/25/2003 4:12:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:


Dear Ramdas Rao,


My data is below. Your evaluation based on nakshatra is very important and can never be ignored in my opinion. Mars, my LL, is in Jupiter's nakshatra and it was in Mars dasa that all the 2nd and 5th house results came.


Jupiter is also neecha in D-9.





March 13, 1949

Time: 0:32:00

Time Zone: 0:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 8 W 13' 00", 53 N 20' 00"


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 1 Sc 45' 29.83" Visa 4 Sc Cn

Sun - AmK 28 Aq 58' 25.96" PBha 3 Aq Ge

Moon - GK 3 Le 48' 00.86" Makh 2 Le Ta

Mars - AK 29 Aq 55' 18.43" PBha 3 Aq Ge

Mercury - PK 4 Aq 53' 10.74" Dhan 4 Aq Sc

Jupiter - DK 2 Cp 23' 52.41" USha 2 Cp Cp

Venus - MK 20 Aq 06' 18.64" PBha 1 Aq Ar

Saturn ® - PiK 8 Le 08' 34.67" Makh 3 Le Ge

Rahu - BK 4 Ar 31' 59.46" Aswi 2 Ar Ta

Ketu 4 Li 31' 59.46" Chit 4 Li Sc






Dear Brendanji,

Thanks for the comments and for your explanation.If you ask me my way of interpretaion is entirely different from normal way.I will go normally very deep and see the planet in question is either Vakra,in which Nakshatra he is placed,where this Nakshatra lord is situated and what is his lordship also,any aspects either benefic or malefic and the planet's position in Navamsha etc.

Regarding my explanation on retrograde planets is based on my disucussion with a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore whom I met him last June.He explains still in a very strange manner and you have to accept his interpreations.

I am still doing my own researches about retrograde and exalted or debilitated planets.

Now as per your explanation I come to know that your Lagna is Vrischika and Guru,the lord of 2nd and 5th is placed in 3rd house debilitated.Ok now where is his poition in Navamsha apart from D-7 chart ? In which Nakshatra he is diposited in your chart and who is the lord of that Nakshatra and any relationship with 5th house or Guru and what is the lordship of that planet ? Where is Shani deposited in your Natal and Navamsha charts ?.After this I can judge something about your position of Guru or if you have your chart,please mail me and I will jsut go through it and give my explanations about Guru and longevity told by some other Astrologers.

I hope this helps you.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendanji,

I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Tithi ) and so 9th

house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine.Also Kuja Dasa

which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you and you started

flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.

I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/25/2003 4:12:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Dear Ramdas Rao,My data is below. Your evaluation based on nakshatra is very important and can never be ignored in my opinion. Mars, my LL, is in Jupiter's nakshatra and it was in Mars dasa that all the 2nd and 5th house results came.Jupiter is also neecha in D-9.Regards,Brendan March 13, 1949Time: 0:32:00Time Zone: 0:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 8 W 13' 00", 53 N 20' 00"Body

Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 1 Sc 45' 29.83" Visa 4 Sc CnSun - AmK 28 Aq 58' 25.96" PBha 3 Aq GeMoon - GK 3 Le 48' 00.86" Makh 2 Le TaMars - AK 29 Aq 55' 18.43" PBha 3 Aq GeMercury - PK 4 Aq 53' 10.74" Dhan 4 Aq ScJupiter - DK 2 Cp 23' 52.41" USha 2 Cp CpVenus -

MK 20 Aq 06' 18.64" PBha 1 Aq ArSaturn ® - PiK 8 Le 08' 34.67" Makh 3 Le GeRahu - BK 4 Ar 31' 59.46" Aswi 2 Ar TaKetu 4 Li 31' 59.46" Chit 4 Li Sc

Dear Brendanji,Thanks for the comments and for your explanation.If you ask me my way of interpretaion is entirely different from normal way.I will go normally very deep and see the planet in question is either Vakra,in which Nakshatra he is placed,where this Nakshatra lord is situated and what is his lordship also,any aspects either benefic or malefic and the planet's position in Navamsha etc.Regarding my explanation on retrograde planets is based on my disucussion with a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore whom I met him last June.He explains still in a very strange manner and you have to accept his interpreations.I am still doing my own researches about retrograde and exalted or debilitated planets.Now as per your explanation I come to know that your Lagna is Vrischika and Guru,the lord of 2nd and 5th is placed in 3rd house debilitated.Ok now where is his poition in

Navamsha apart from D-7 chart ? In which Nakshatra he is diposited in your chart and who is the lord of that Nakshatra and any relationship with 5th house or Guru and what is the lordship of that planet ? Where is Shani deposited in your Natal and Navamsha charts ?.After this I can judge something about your position of Guru or if you have your chart,please mail me and I will jsut go through it and give my explanations about Guru and longevity told by some other Astrologers.I hope this helps you.With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Ramadas,

Thanks for generous sharing, as always.

I've already noticed, with pleasure that you use naksatras /some comments I 'detected' as N. based. Abstained from commenting on that, though, 'not to make the 'vaves'- again.

since I haven't seen anybody talking about N. on the lists, thought it might be some of weird type'conspiracy', you being the rebelious student, and we know they are the best:) I think that's so crucial, that horoscope is impossible to understand without them- at least my horoscope is not possible to understand without understanding of N. I've learned about them separately from SJC, and yes, my chart opened up and revealed the truth about my life. Prior to that I realized that what I was told about my chart is completely off- I will share some examples: My Mars is in li, not impresive, but in Swati N. where as per Nadi /constelation astrology/ it is EXALTED /that means gives effect of an exalted planet. That I feel.

My Sun is in an enemy sign, but in Sun N. which strenghten him. It's not Su/Sa /su in cap/, it's SU/su- /interestingly, my ex husbad has Cn SU conj.Sa!! /on my Lagna- tell me about free will- who would marry Su/Sa if sane!

Next, I am strongly Ju/Sa person, so is my destiny- I was not able to get my point accross with SJC about my feeling that Sa is my friend /if properly handled/- before I knew any Jyotish I knew I felt Sa Tr. through my 8th H as if it was Jupiter. I love Sa stones, for ex. and I am not spoiled too much by socialization, education, because my parents gave me the best gift I could get: trust in my 'unusual' faculties and interest- so if I 'feel' that must be 'something real. I found that in N.- My Ju is in Pisces and I can feel that too, but in SA Nakshatra! My Ju is not that lazy and dreamy nor that expansive as Ju 'in payama' as I call Ju in Pi can be /experience/. It's Saturn N. that I consider as a blessing for my Ju in 9th- that in my opinion also explains my religion, Christian Orthodoxy- /Some claim that Christ was born with Ju/Sa Yoga/. Not Ju, not Sa, my religious feeling is Ju/Sa. The key is N. It is responsible Ju, thank Lord!


What will /has been/ bring Ju in my life-yes, Saturn! Not only because it is in aspect with Sa, but even more because it is in Sa Nak. How do I know? If I do what I am supposed to do, be true to myself no matter what /Sa is "IDENTITY strenghtener' IMO/ endure where weaker give up /Sa in 3rd/, JU will certainly bless me and my family. /It's hard to me resist temptation to wear sapphire touching the skin, and see what happens- or maybe start with anazingly beautiful ametist? What do you think?

My Moon is in Me N, and I think you all know that..:)

My Sa is in Moon N- AH! Too bad- but 'reparable'

I listened Ch.Ullal and Denis' tapes this morning- very good. Dear Ramadas, you can help us talk more about that- I have lots of BAVA, ACVA tapes, all about N. I could find, but need more, more... Planet gives result of N. it's placed in- I think so. I also need further directions in study- if I can find it at home /SJC/ my Ju will be seriously/Sa/grateful/Ju/, if not will search myself.

I read messages randomly on the site, 'till I fix worm's mess.

So others will forgive me if I miss to respond to some mail

Thanks Ramadas, again-here is the present for you:

and others






-Ramadas Rao Fri, 26 Sep 2003 07:10:24 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets

` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendanji,

I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Tithi ) an

d so 9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine

..Also Kuja Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you a

nd you started flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.

I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/25/2003 4:12:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Dear Ramdas Rao,My data is below. Your evaluation based on nakshatra is very important and can never be ignored in my opinion. Mars, my LL, is in Jupiter's nakshatra and it was in Mars dasa that all the 2nd and 5th house results came.Jupiter is also neecha in D-9.Regards,Brendan March 13, 1949Time: 0:32:00Time Zone: 0:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 8 W 13' 00", 53 N 20' 00"Body Longitude

nbsp; Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 1 Sc 45' 29.83" Visa 4 Sc CnSun - AmK 28 Aq 58' 25.96" PBha 3 Aq GeMoon - GK 3 Le 48' 00.86" Makh 2 Le TaMars - AK 29 Aq 55' 18.43" PBha 3 Aq GeMercury - PK 4 Aq 53' 10.74" Dhan 4 Aq ScJupiter - DK 2 Cp 23' 52.41" USha 2 Cp CpVenus - MK &nbs

p; 20 Aq 06' 18.64" PBha 1 Aq ArSaturn ® - PiK 8 Le 08' 34.67" Makh 3 Le GeRahu - BK 4 Ar 31' 59.46" Aswi 2 Ar TaKetu 4 Li 31' 59.46" Chit 4 Li Sc

Dear Brendanji,Thanks for the comments and for your explanation.If you ask me my way of interpretaion is entirely different from normal way.I will go normally very deep and see the planet in question is either Vakra,in which Nakshatra he is placed,where this Nakshatra lord is situated and what is his lordship also,any aspects either benefic or malefic and the planet's position in Navamsha etc.Regarding my explanation on retrograde planets is based on my disucussion with a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore whom I met him last June.He explains still in a very strange manner and you have to accept his interpreations.I am still doing my own researches about retrograde and exalted or debilitated planets.Now as per your explanation I come to know that your Lagna is Vrischika and Guru,the lord of 2nd and 5th is placed in 3rd house debilitated.Ok now where is his poiti

on in Navamsha apart from D-7 chart ? In which Nakshatra he is diposited in your chart and who is the lord of that Nakshatra and any relationship with 5th house or Guru and what is the lordship of that planet ? Where is Shani deposited in your Natal and Navamsha charts ?.After this I can judge something about your position of Guru or if you have your chart,please mail me and I will jsut go through it and give my explanations about Guru and longevity told by some other Astrologers.I hope this helps you.With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont have any Bava or ACVA cassetes or tapes.All my interpretations are my own studies.I am studying these Nakshatra based Astrology from 1985.

If you want any doubts to be clarified ,please give your birth chart.

With Saashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.



Anna R <jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas,

Thanks for generous sharing, as always.

I've already noticed, with pleasure that you use naksatras /some comments I 'detected' as N. based. Abstained from commenting on that, though, 'not to make the 'vaves'- again.

since I haven't seen anybody talking about N. on the lists, thought it might be some of weird type'conspiracy', you being the rebelious student, and we know they are the best:) I think that's so crucial, that horoscope is impossible to understand without them- at least my horoscope is not possible to understand without understanding of N. I've learned about them separately from SJC, and yes, my chart opened up and revealed the truth about my life. Prior to that I realized that what I was told about my chart is completely off- I will share some examples: My Mars is in li, not impresive, but in Swati N. where as per Nadi /constelation astrology/ it is EXALTED /that means gives effect of an exalted planet. That I feel.

My Sun is in an enemy sign, but in Sun N. which strenghten him. It's not Su/Sa /su in cap/, it's SU/su- /interestingly, my ex husbad has Cn SU conj.Sa!! /on my Lagna- tell me about free will- who would marry Su/Sa if sane!

Next, I am strongly Ju/Sa person, so is my destiny- I was not able to get my point accross with SJC about my feeling that Sa is my friend /if properly handled/- before I knew any Jyotish I knew I felt Sa Tr. through my 8th H as if it was Jupiter. I love Sa stones, for ex. and I am not spoiled too much by socialization, education, because my parents gave me the best gift I could get: trust in my 'unusual' faculties and interest- so if I 'feel' that must be 'something real. I found that in N.- My Ju is in Pisces and I can feel that too, but in SA Nakshatra! My Ju is not that lazy and dreamy nor that expansive as Ju 'in payama' as I call Ju in Pi can be /experience/. It's Saturn N. that I consider as a blessing for my Ju in 9th- that in my opinion also explains my religion, Christian Orthodoxy- /Some claim that Christ was born with Ju/Sa Yoga/. Not Ju, not Sa, my religious feeling is Ju/Sa. The key is N. It is responsible Ju, thank Lord!<


What will /has been/ bring Ju in my life-yes, Saturn! Not only because it is in aspect with Sa, but even more because it is in Sa Nak. How do I know? If I do what I am supposed to do, be true to myself no matter what /Sa is "IDENTITY strenghtener' IMO/ endure where weaker give up /Sa in 3rd/, JU will certainly bless me and my family. /It's hard to me resist temptation to wear sapphire touching the skin, and see what happens- or maybe start with anazingly beautiful ametist? What do you think?

My Moon is in Me N, and I think you all know that..:)

My Sa is in Moon N- AH! Too bad- but 'reparable'

I listened Ch.Ullal and Denis' tapes this morning- very good. Dear Ramadas, you can help us talk more about that- I have lots of BAVA, ACVA tapes, all about N. I could find, but need more, more... Planet gives result of N. it's placed in- I think so. I also need further directions in study- if I can find it at home /SJC/ my Ju will be seriously/Sa/grateful/Ju/, if not will search myself.

I read messages randomly on the site, 'till I fix worm's mess.

So others will forgive me if I miss to respond to some mail

Thanks Ramadas, again-here is the present for you:

and others






-Ramadas Rao Fri, 26 Sep 2003 07:10:24 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets

` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendanji,

I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Tithi ) an d so

9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine .Also Kuja

Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you a nd you started

flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.

I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/25/2003 4:12:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Dear Ramdas Rao,My data is below. Your evaluation based on nakshatra is very important and can never be ignored in my opinion. Mars, my LL, is in Jupiter's nakshatra and it was in Mars dasa that all the 2nd and 5th house results came.Jupiter is also neecha in D-9.Regards,Brendan March 13, 1949Time: 0:32:00Time Zone: 0:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 8 W 13' 00", 53 N 20' 00"Body Longitude &

nbsp; Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 1 Sc 45' 29.83" Visa 4 Sc CnSun - AmK 28 Aq 58' 25.96" PBha 3 Aq GeMoon - GK 3 Le 48' 00.86" Makh 2 Le TaMars - AK 29 Aq 55' 18.43" PBha 3 Aq GeMercury - PK 4 Aq 53' 10.74" Dhan 4 Aq ScJupiter - DK 2 Cp 23' 52.41" USha 2 Cp CpVenus - MK & nbs p;

20 Aq 06' 18.64" PBha 1 Aq ArSaturn ® - PiK 8 Le 08' 34.67" Makh 3 Le GeRahu - BK 4 Ar 31' 59.46" Aswi 2 Ar TaKetu 4 Li 31' 59.46" Chit 4 Li Sc

Dear Brendanji,Thanks for the comments and for your explanation.If you ask me my way of interpretaion is entirely different from normal way.I will go normally very deep and see the planet in question is either Vakra,in which Nakshatra he is placed,where this Nakshatra lord is situated and what is his lordship also,any aspects either benefic or malefic and the planet's position in Navamsha etc.Regarding my explanation on retrograde planets is based on my disucussion with a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore whom I met him last June.He explains still in a very strange manner and you have to accept his interpreations.I am still doing my own researches about retrograde and exalted or debilitated planets.Now as per your explanation I come to know that your Lagna is Vrischika and Guru,the lord of 2nd and 5th is placed in 3rd house debilitated.Ok now where is his poiti on in

Navamsha apart from D-7 chart ? In which Nakshatra he is diposited in your chart and who is the lord of that Nakshatra and any relationship with 5th house or Guru and what is the lordship of that planet ? Where is Shani deposited in your Natal and Navamsha charts ?.After this I can judge something about your position of Guru or if you have your chart,please mail me and I will jsut go through it and give my explanations about Guru and longevity told by some other Astrologers.I hope this helps you.With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Ramadas,

Sorry, I was not clear enough- I knew you didn't /ACVA, BAVA resources/ , I just shared sources I've been studying from so far, and asked for more- Intuitively, I guessed that may be 'private secret', I just wished it to be 'public knowledge', ah, dreams, sweet dreams on universal brotherhood and sharing, as if I were an AQ /which I am at least tropical/. Even if I cannot access your sources of info, I am 'safe' with you, for it's in your nature to share-proven fact-I appreciate that genours nature of yours /may I say 'modestly' I'm the same way?'

I give you one more 'gift' you'll hopefully like it:

I responded to Brendan re my birthdata /rectification needed/but let me give you my interpretation of one interesting thing because in couple of months I will be, approximately in my Mars MD- Cn Lagna

I accept what Nadi says, that Mars is too an unpredictable planet to be YK- as my Mars would be on another account. Mars is conj. Hora lagna, that counts more, Yogada, aspects Sun, in Kendra./What do you think?/

Please Ramadas correct me on any point you may have a comment on-I'd appreciate that.

Mars is trine with my Rahu from 8th /MK and Ishta Devata/, my dear 'Mafia Boss /my Mom, who really is that way when in "need"- I mean when she perceived any of my interests threatened./ Elem, Mars is in Swati N. which as per Nadi gives it exalted status./I think I feel that in body built, in energy , muscles, appearance../ Nak. Lord Rahu is in Rahu N, thus closing the circle. Two players in Mars MD, Mars and Rahu, but i would expect Rahu effect.

I expect career issues related to Rahu, and in 8th- to do Psychotherapy, and Jyotish Counseling and thus promote both- by doing that so needed research and which WILL prove that Jyotish works in more than one way- statistically significant, in quantitative, as well as qualitative way /which we don't doubt about- we need to use scientific measures and proofs if we want that sc. status, don't we? That's been my AK dream! Rahu will provide financial resources empowered by Mars, I believe. What else this Mars may bring?

If my Navamsa Lagna is leo Mars/Rahu conj. is in 5th, if in Cn it's in 6th. In any event Mars is empowered by dispositor Ju /Mars/rahu in Sagitarius/ in Kendra or fifth, to cement the point I derived on it's beneficial, though possibly either forceful of enthusiastic effects, or both- I expect my art /been painting all my life, EXCEPT for creativity blocking 5th House issue /son/ during AK Moon, MD- but I am still there and paint with passion again!!! Would you say that I was not able to have both 5th house issues strongly present at the same time?? / to get more, deeper, fresher juices... Hopefully I'll be able to motivate my son to use his talent, even if he 'copies me, and make it works for his benefit, too. And my Mother to be alive to see what he loves the most!

This is what I saw.

Now I will tell you one more thing for confirmation, because you use the same technique, I am sure about that, if I understood what you wrote "between the lines"- My Progressed Ju /which is natally on MC-tropical, sure, both are/ in trine with SUN in 2005, which brings climax in life, and i have never ever seen that missed to provide numerous manifestation of it's promises.

When I told this to my son, he said,"Well and what happened when you- woke up" /I felt like I was still married to his father!/

Dear Ramadas, I'll do what I plan to do anyway, please don't be afraid I'd be 'discouraged' if you see things differently, because I won't /Mars/Rahu story? My thirst for 'truth' and knowledge is much bigger than anything else- I love experiment and being one myself is attractive to me too.

So please go ahead, no diplomacy or 'avoiding sharing what you 'see' is needed here- You may see accident at home, etc.. so please tell me/us what you think /I know my friends will help me a lot, but can't see that in Mars MD? How can I minimize Ve badhakesh effect, too, please/



-Ramadas Rao Sat, 27 Sep 2003 06:53:28 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets

` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont have any Bava or ACVA cassetes or tapes.All my interpretations are my own studies.I am studying these Nakshatra based Astrology from 1985.

If you want any doubts to be clarified ,please give your birth chart.

With Saashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.



Anna R <jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas,

Thanks for generous sharing, as always.

I've already noticed, with pleasure that you use naksatras /some comments I 'detected' as N. based. Abstained from commenting on that, though, 'not to make the 'vaves'- again.

since I haven't seen anybody talking about N. on the lists, thought it might be some of weird type'conspiracy', you being the rebelious student, and we know they are the best:) I think that's so crucial, that horoscope is impossible to understand without them- at least my horoscope is not possible to understand without understanding of N. I've learned about them separately from SJC, and yes, my chart opened up and revealed the truth about my life. Prior to that I realized that what I was told about my chart is completely off- I will share some examples: My Mars is in li, not impresive, but in Swati N. where as per Nadi /constelation astrology/ it is EXALTED /that means gives effect of an exalted planet. That I feel.

My Sun is in an enemy sign, but in Sun N. which strenghten him. It's not Su/Sa /su in cap/, it's SU/su- /interestingly, my ex husbad has Cn SU conj.Sa!! /on my Lagna- tell me about free will- who would marry Su/Sa if sane!

Next, I am strongly Ju/Sa person, so is my destiny- I was not able to get my point accross with SJC about my feeling that Sa is my friend /if properly handled/- before I knew any Jyotish I knew I felt Sa Tr. through my 8th H as if it was Jupiter. I love Sa stones, for ex. and I am not spoiled too much by socialization, education, because my parents gave me the best gift I could get: trust in my 'unusual' faculties and interest- so if I 'feel' that must be 'something real. I found that in N.- My Ju is in Pisces and I can feel that too, but in SA Nakshatra! My Ju is not that lazy and dreamy nor that expansive as Ju 'in payama' as I call Ju in Pi can be /experience/. It's Saturn N. that I consider as a blessing for my Ju in 9th- that in my opinion also explains my religion, Christian Orthodoxy- /Some claim that Christ was born with Ju/Sa Yoga/. Not Ju, not Sa, my religious feeling is Ju/Sa. The key is N. It is responsible Ju, thank Lord!

amp; lt; /EM>

What will /has been/ bring Ju in my life-yes, Saturn! Not only because it is in aspect with Sa, but even more because it is in Sa Nak. How do I know? If I do what I am supposed to do, be true to myself no matter what /Sa is "IDENTITY strenghtener' IMO/ endure where weaker give up /Sa in 3rd/, JU will certainly bless me and my family. /It's hard to me resist temptation to wear sapphire touching the skin, and see what happens- or maybe start with anazingly beautiful ametist? What do you think?

My Moon is in Me N, and I think you all know that..:)

My Sa is in Moon N- AH! Too bad- but 'reparable'

I listened Ch.Ullal and Denis' tapes this morning- very good. Dear Ramadas, you can help us talk more about that- I have lots of BAVA, ACVA tapes, all about N. I could find, but need more, more... Planet gives result of N. it's placed in- I think so. I also need further directions in study- if I can find it at home /SJC/ my Ju will be seriously/Sa/grateful/Ju/, if not will search myself.

I read messages randomly on the site, 'till I fix worm's mess.

So others will forgive me if I miss to respond to some mail

Thanks Ramadas, again-here is the present for you:

and others






-Ramadas Rao Fri, 26 Sep 2003 07:10:24 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets

` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendanji,

I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Ti

thi ) an d so 9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine .Also Kuja Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers

to you a nd you sta rted flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.

I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/25/2003 4:12:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Dear Ramdas Rao,My data is below. Your evaluation based on nakshatra is very important and can never be ignored in my opinion. Mars, my LL, is in Jupiter's nakshatra and it was in Mars dasa that all the 2nd and 5th house results came.Jupiter is also neecha in D-9.Regards,Brendan March 13, 1949Time: 0:32:00Time Zone: 0:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 8 W 13' 00", 53 N 20' 00"Body Longitude 

; & amp; nbsp; Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 1 Sc 45' 29.83" Visa 4 Sc CnSun - AmK 28 Aq 58' 25.96" PBha 3 Aq GeMoon - GK 3 Le 48' 00.86" Makh 2 Le TaMars - AK 29 Aq 55' 18.43" PBha 3 Aq GeMercury - PK 4 Aq 53' 10.74" Dhan 4 Aq ScJupiter - DK 2 Cp 23' 52.41" USha 2 Cp CpVenus - MK &nbs

p; & ;nbs p; 20 Aq 06' 18.64" PBha 1 Aq ArSaturn ® - PiK 8 Le 08' 34.67" Makh 3 Le GeRahu - BK 4 Ar 31' 59.46" Aswi 2 Ar TaKetu 4 Li 31' 59.46" Chit 4 Li Sc

Dear Brendanji,Thanks for the comments and for your explanation.If you ask me my way of interpretaion is entirely different from normal way.I will go normally very deep and see the planet in question is either Vakra,in which Nakshatra he is placed,where this Nakshatra lord is situated and what is his lordship also,any aspects either benefic or malefic and the planet's position in Navamsha etc.Regarding my explanation on retrograde planets is based on my disucussion with a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore whom I met him last June.He explains still in a very strange manner and you have to accept his interpreations.I am still doing my own researches about retrograde and exalted or debilitated planets.Now as per your explanation I come to know that your Lagna is Vrischika and Guru,the lord

of 2nd and 5th is placed in 3rd house debilitated.Ok now where is his poiti o n in Navamsha apart from D-7 chart ? In which Nakshatra he is diposited in your chart and who is the lord of that Nakshatra and any relationship with 5th house or Guru and what is the lordship of that planet ? Where is Shani deposited in your Natal and Navamsha charts ?.After this I can judge something about your position of Guru or if you have your chart,please mail me and I will jsut go through it and give my explanations about Guru and longevity told by some other Astrologers.I hope this helps you.With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

If you write all these informations but without your chart,I can not say anything.So now it is you have to send me the chart.

With sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.jyotish108 wrote:



Dear Ramadas,

Sorry, I was not clear enough- I knew you didn't /ACVA, BAVA resources/ , I just shared sources I've been studying from so far, and asked for more- Intuitively, I guessed that may be 'private secret', I just wished it to be 'public knowledge', ah, dreams, sweet dreams on universal brotherhood and sharing, as if I were an AQ /which I am at least tropical/. Even if I cannot access your sources of info, I am 'safe' with you, for it's in your nature to share-proven fact-I appreciate that genours nature of yours /may I say 'modestly' I'm the same way?'

I give you one more 'gift' you'll hopefully like it:

I responded to Brendan re my birthdata /rectification needed/but let me give you my interpretation of one interesting thing because in couple of months I will be, approximately in my Mars MD- Cn Lagna

I accept what Nadi says, that Mars is too an unpredictable planet to be YK- as my Mars would be on another account. Mars is conj. Hora lagna, that counts more, Yogada, aspects Sun, in Kendra./What do you think?/

Please Ramadas correct me on any point you may have a comment on-I'd appreciate that.

Mars is trine with my Rahu from 8th /MK and Ishta Devata/, my dear 'Mafia Boss /my Mom, who really is that way when in "need"- I mean when she perceived any of my interests threatened./ Elem, Mars is in Swati N. which as per Nadi gives it exalted status./I think I feel that in body built, in energy , muscles, appearance../ Nak. Lord Rahu is in Rahu N, thus closing the circle. Two players in Mars MD, Mars and Rahu, but i would expect Rahu effect.

I expect career issues related to Rahu, and in 8th- to do Psychotherapy, and Jyotish Counseling and thus promote both- by doing that so needed research and which WILL prove that Jyotish works in more than one way- statistically significant, in quantitative, as well as qualitative way /which we don't doubt about- we need to use scientific measures and proofs if we want that sc. status, don't we? That's been my AK dream! Rahu will provide financial resources empowered by Mars, I believe. What else this Mars may bring?

If my Navamsa Lagna is leo Mars/Rahu conj. is in 5th, if in Cn it's in 6th. In any event Mars is empowered by dispositor Ju /Mars/rahu in Sagitarius/ in Kendra or fifth, to cement the point I derived on it's beneficial, though possibly either forceful of enthusiastic effects, or both- I expect my art /been painting all my life, EXCEPT for creativity blocking 5th House issue /son/ during AK Moon, MD- but I am still there and paint with passion again!!! Would you say that I was not able to have both 5th house issues strongly present at the same time?? / to get more, deeper, fresher juices... Hopefully I'll be able to motivate my son to use his talent, even if he 'copies me, and make it works for his benefit, too. And my Mother to be alive to see what he loves the most!

This is what I saw.

Now I will tell you one more thing for confirmation, because you use the same technique, I am sure about that, if I understood what you wrote "between the lines"- My Progressed Ju /which is natally on MC-tropical, sure, both are/ in trine with SUN in 2005, which brings climax in life, and i have never ever seen that missed to provide numerous manifestation of it's promises.

When I told this to my son, he said,"Well and what happened when you- woke up" /I felt like I was still married to his father!/

Dear Ramadas, I'll do what I plan to do anyway, please don't be afraid I'd be 'discouraged' if you see things differently, because I won't /Mars/Rahu story? My thirst for 'truth' and knowledge is much bigger than anything else- I love experiment and being one myself is attractive to me too.

So please go ahead, no diplomacy or 'avoiding sharing what you 'see' is needed here- You may see accident at home, etc.. so please tell me/us what you think /I know my friends will help me a lot, but can't see that in Mars MD? How can I minimize Ve badhakesh effect, too, please/



-Ramadas Rao Sat, 27 Sep 2003 06:53:28 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets

` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont have any Bava or ACVA cassetes or tapes.All my interpretations are my own studies.I am studying these Nakshatra based Astrology from 1985.

If you want any doubts to be clarified ,please give your birth chart.

With Saashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.



Anna R <jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas,

Thanks for generous sharing, as always.

I've already noticed, with pleasure that you use naksatras /some comments I 'detected' as N. based. Abstained from commenting on that, though, 'not to make the 'vaves'- again.

since I haven't seen anybody talking about N. on the lists, thought it might be some of weird type'conspiracy', you being the rebelious student, and we know they are the best:) I think that's so crucial, that horoscope is impossible to understand without them- at least my horoscope is not possible to understand without understanding of N. I've learned about them separately from SJC, and yes, my chart opened up and revealed the truth about my life. Prior to that I realized that what I was told about my chart is completely off- I will share some examples: My Mars is in li, not impresive, but in Swati N. where as per Nadi /constelation astrology/ it is EXALTED /that means gives effect of an exalted planet. That I feel.

My Sun is in an enemy sign, but in Sun N. which strenghten him. It's not Su/Sa /su in cap/, it's SU/su- /interestingly, my ex husbad has Cn SU conj.Sa!! /on my Lagna- tell me about free will- who would marry Su/Sa if sane!

Next, I am strongly Ju/Sa person, so is my destiny- I was not able to get my point accross with SJC about my feeling that Sa is my friend /if properly handled/- before I knew any Jyotish I knew I felt Sa Tr. through my 8th H as if it was Jupiter. I love Sa stones, for ex. and I am not spoiled too much by socialization, education, because my parents gave me the best gift I could get: trust in my 'unusual' faculties and interest- so if I 'feel' that must be 'something real. I found that in N.- My Ju is in Pisces and I can feel that too, but in SA Nakshatra! My Ju is not that lazy and dreamy nor that expansive as Ju 'in payama' as I call Ju in Pi can be /experience/. It's Saturn N. that I consider as a blessing for my Ju in 9th- that in my opinion also explains my religion, Christian Orthodoxy- /Some claim that Christ was born with Ju/Sa Yoga/. Not Ju, not Sa, my religious feeling is Ju/Sa. The key is N. It is responsible Ju, thank Lord! &

amp; lt; /EM>

What will /has been/ bring Ju in my life-yes, Saturn! Not only because it is in aspect with Sa, but even more because it is in Sa Nak. How do I know? If I do what I am supposed to do, be true to myself no matter what /Sa is "IDENTITY strenghtener' IMO/ endure where weaker give up /Sa in 3rd/, JU will certainly bless me and my family. /It's hard to me resist temptation to wear sapphire touching the skin, and see what happens- or maybe start with anazingly beautiful ametist? What do you think?

My Moon is in Me N, and I think you all know that..:)

My Sa is in Moon N- AH! Too bad- but 'reparable'

I listened Ch.Ullal and Denis' tapes this morning- very good. Dear Ramadas, you can help us talk more about that- I have lots of BAVA, ACVA tapes, all about N. I could find, but need more, more... Planet gives result of N. it's placed in- I think so. I also need further directions in study- if I can find it at home /SJC/ my Ju will be seriously/Sa/grateful/Ju/, if not will search myself.

I read messages randomly on the site, 'till I fix worm's mess.

So others will forgive me if I miss to respond to some mail

Thanks Ramadas, again-here is the present for you:

and others






-Ramadas Rao Fri, 26 Sep 2003 07:10:24 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets

` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendanji,

I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Ti thi )

an d so 9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine .Also

Kuja Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you a nd you sta

rted flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.

I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/25/2003 4:12:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Dear Ramdas Rao,My data is below. Your evaluation based on nakshatra is very important and can never be ignored in my opinion. Mars, my LL, is in Jupiter's nakshatra and it was in Mars dasa that all the 2nd and 5th house results came.Jupiter is also neecha in D-9.Regards,Brendan March 13, 1949Time: 0:32:00Time Zone: 0:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 8 W 13' 00", 53 N 20' 00"Body Longitude

; & amp; nbsp; Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 1 Sc 45' 29.83" Visa 4 Sc CnSun - AmK 28 Aq 58' 25.96" PBha 3 Aq GeMoon - GK 3 Le 48' 00.86" Makh 2 Le TaMars - AK 29 Aq 55' 18.43" PBha 3 Aq GeMercury - PK 4 Aq 53' 10.74" Dhan 4 Aq ScJupiter - DK 2 Cp 23' 52.41" USha 2 Cp CpVenus - MK & nbs

p; & ;nbs p; 20 Aq 06' 18.64" PBha 1 Aq ArSaturn ® - PiK 8 Le 08' 34.67" Makh 3 Le GeRahu - BK 4 Ar 31' 59.46" Aswi 2 Ar TaKetu 4 Li 31' 59.46" Chit 4 Li Sc

Dear Brendanji,Thanks for the comments and for your explanation.If you ask me my way of interpretaion is entirely different from normal way.I will go normally very deep and see the planet in question is either Vakra,in which Nakshatra he is placed,where this Nakshatra lord is situated and what is his lordship also,any aspects either benefic or malefic and the planet's position in Navamsha etc.Regarding my explanation on retrograde planets is based on my disucussion with a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore whom I met him last June.He explains still in a very strange manner and you have to accept his interpreations.I am still doing my own researches about retrograde and exalted or debilitated planets.Now as per your explanation I come to know that your Lagna is Vrischika and Guru,the lord of 2nd

and 5th is placed in 3rd house debilitated.Ok now where is his poiti o n in Navamsha apart from D-7 chart ? In which Nakshatra he is diposited in your chart and who is the lord of that Nakshatra and any relationship with 5th house or Guru and what is the lordship of that planet ? Where is Shani deposited in your Natal and Navamsha charts ?.After this I can judge something about your position of Guru or if you have your chart,please mail me and I will jsut go through it and give my explanations about Guru and longevity told by some other Astrologers.I hope this helps you.With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 9/26/2003 2:11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:


Hare Rama Krishna,


Dear Ramdas Rao,


Thanks for all your good comments. No doubt, you have show that nakshatras can never be ignored in analsysis and I always use them too.


Your analysis bears practical factual results in many ways. Now, what are you doing with Sani in 1997? How did you calculate that? I'm assuming you were calculating a time when R Sani went direct?


Yes, always some health problem but never serious so far.





Dear Brendanji,

I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Tithi ) and so 9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine.Also Kuja Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you and you started flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.

I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

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Dear Ramadas,

You need birtdata..You must had missed that, I said that

" > I responded to Brendan re my birthdata "


please find DOB TOB, in the post above under " Bhava Lagna " .



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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendenji,

Yes,you are corect.In 1997 your Shani became direct and from that period onwards your prosperity has increased through your Karma in this life.Also I forgot to write you last time itself that you have a very rare important Yoga called Ashta Lakshmi Yoga formed by Rahu in 6th and a strong Guru in Kendra to Rahu.This gives good material comforts during Rahu Dasa which is running now.Now Shani's Antara in Rahu Dasa is going on and you will see your performance in your Karma related activities has increased and as he is aspected by Guru,you will become more spiritual in life.

The method of calculating when Shani ® becomes direct in one's life is very simple but one should follow the ephemeris for the year the native has born.Now for example in your chart,Shani ® when you are born on March,13,1949 and it became direct on May,1,1949 and this counts 49 days and this means 49th year of your life Shani comes out of retrogression and starts working directly.the meaning is your connection to previous life ended on May 1,1997 and all the karmas what you are doing afterwards will be counted for the present and future life.But even during the period of Shani ®,if you done any bad karma ,it also will be counted but in a lesser amount as these Karmas are subjected to your previous life.Of course what I am writing is all from my own experience with other prople whom I analysed before.

I hope this helps you.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.

Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/26/2003 2:11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Hare Rama Krishna,Dear Ramdas Rao,Thanks for all your good comments. No doubt, you have show that nakshatras can never be ignored in analsysis and I always use them too.Your analysis bears practical factual results in many ways. Now, what are you doing with Sani in 1997? How did you calculate that? I'm assuming you were calculating a time when R Sani went direct?Yes, always some health problem but never serious so far.Regards,Brendan

Dear Brendanji,I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign

exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Tithi ) and so 9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also

for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine.Also Kuja Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your

profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you and you started flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted

Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I hope you have to give all the details like DOB,TOB,Time zone,lat. and long.of your birth place.I dont have time to go through atlas to find those things.I had gone through your mail for Brendanji,but I can not understand it and so better give me clearly all the details.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.

bona_mente <jyotish108 wrote:

Dear Ramadas,You need birtdata..You must had missed that, I said that"> I responded to Brendan re my birthdata" please find DOB TOB, in the post above under "Bhava Lagna".ThanksAnna|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Ramadas and Brendan,

I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20 years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary, Minor Progression etc...

I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early upbringing /person born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers

on has definitively a problem emotionally relating with people. This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful, particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/ does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to cope better is a huge improvement.

On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in times,since that direct period started, being new to person was perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than depending on other progression, transits, native may experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen this 'second phase even more important for winning the right to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for spirityality either. "Are you hungry or spiritual" is a joke-it's to

o precious to be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use it as an EUPHEMISM for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not spirituality. Ah we hear that so often

Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted, if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,

I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things happening, without overstreching good old solar arc progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can we say that works, and we know how.

Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong for this post to discuss.

Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to included in Jyotish.

Hope this helps.



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Dear Ramadas,

I didn't mean that you do that meticulous work for me, I appreciate your offer. Just wanted to discuss the point I mentioned from N. point of view. Besides, my all programs are still disabled.

It's Ok, 'offered is as good as received' Serbian saying goes,

So thanks again, Big Guru,




Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional

-- _____________

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I could not understand what is N.point of view.If you are interested you can give your birth particulars only and not the chart.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas,

I didn't mean that you do that meticulous work for me, I appreciate your offer. Just wanted to discuss the point I mentioned from N. point of view. Besides, my all programs are still disabled.

It's Ok, 'offered is as good as received' Serbian saying goes,

So thanks again, Big Guru,




Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional-- _____________Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.comCareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 9/28/2003 2:52:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:


Om Namo Narayana

Dear Ramdas Rao,


I suspected you were using that technique, a day for a year, and again your statement about the result bears some truth.


Yes indeed, Rahu/Jupiter was a very favorable time in the material sense and properties appeared in my life and this was not anticipated at all. It was entirely effortless and was indeed the grace of Lakshmi. I discussed my D-4 on my own list a few months back using Narayana dasa for timing and its to be seen clearly there too.


Anna, I am well aware of both secondary and tertiary progressions and Richard Houch lived no more than 2 miles from me here in Maryland. He has since left the world. You may know that the method of progression that you referrred to, a day for a year, corresponds to D-30 in jyotish, and therefore great for tragic events.


A few years ago, a western astrologer was telling me that he relied on this technique for predictive work and did not understand why it only worked well for death, disease, tragedy, etc. I told him about D-30 in jyotish.


We had some good discussions on progression some time back and the Sun can be progressed in any varga chart to give predictions. For example, if you progress the Sun in my Navamsa (3 deg 20 min/year), you will find the years that are possible for marriage. One of them is the age of 44 and this was the year of my marriage. Delay in marriage for me should be clear from the rasi and navamsa.






Dear Brendenji,

Yes,you are corect.In 1997 your Shani became direct and from that period onwards your prosperity has increased through your Karma in this life.Also I forgot to write you last time itself that you have a very rare important Yoga called Ashta Lakshmi Yoga formed by Rahu in 6th and a strong Guru in Kendra to Rahu.This gives good material comforts during Rahu Dasa which is running now.Now Shani's Antara in Rahu Dasa is going on and you will see your performance in your Karma related activities has increased and as he is aspected by Guru,you will become more spiritual in life.

The method of calculating when Shani ® becomes direct in one's life is very simple but one should follow the ephemeris for the year the native has born.Now for example in your chart,Shani ® when you are born on March,13,1949 and it became direct on May,1,1949 and this counts 49 days and this means 49th year of your life Shani comes out of retrogression and starts working directly.the meaning is your connection to previous life ended on May 1,1997 and all the karmas what you are doing afterwards will be counted for the present and future life.But even during the period of Shani ®,if you done any bad karma ,it also will be counted but in a lesser amount as these Karmas are subjected to your previous life.Of course what I am writing is all from my own experience with other prople whom I analysed before.

I hope this helps you.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.



Bpfeeley wrote:


In a message dated 9/26/2003 2:11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:


Hare Rama Krishna,


Dear Ramdas Rao,


Thanks for all your good comments. No doubt, you have show that nakshatras can never be ignored in analsysis and I always use them too.


Your analysis bears practical factual results in many ways. Now, what are you doing with Sani in 1997? How did you calculate that? I'm assuming you were calculating a time when R Sani went direct?


Yes, always some health problem but never serious so far.





Dear Brendanji,

I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Tithi ) and so 9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine.Also Kuja Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you and you started flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.

I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

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Dear Ramadas,

Sorry about this, N.should stand for Naksatra!lol! I also hate acronimuses, for the same reasons.But typing is boring /i don't type fast/

Thanks a lot, I will read your posts with interest, as usual.

All best wishes,


Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional

-- _____________

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont know A,B,C,D of western Astrology.All my studies are only Vedic.I am also receiving some study materials from a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore.

Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression,the native's mind suddenly changes and if the beneficial planetary Dasa is going on at that period,the native starts thinking in positive ways to improve his charcter/financial problems/spirituality etc.if the Dasa is of a planet in a evil house,then the Universal Force ( GOD as per me ) acts upon him and acts in certain ways so that he goes in normal way but instead if he thinks by means of free will to go on other side of life,then he suffers and again to correct himself,he will take another birth.

I hope this helps you.

With Sashtanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas and Brendan,

I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20 years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary, Minor Progression etc...

I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early upbringing /person born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers on has

definitively a problem emotionally relating with people. This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful, particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/ does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to cope better is a huge improvement.

On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in times,since that direct period started, being new to person was perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than depending on other progression, transits, native may experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen this 'second phase even more important for winning the right to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for spirityality either. "Are you hungry or spiritual" is a joke-it's to o

precious to be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use it as an EUPHEMISM for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not spirituality. Ah we hear that so often

Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted, if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,

I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things happening, without overstreching good old solar arc progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can we say that works, and we know how.

Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong for this post to discuss.

Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to included in Jyotish.

Hope this helps.



Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional-- _____________Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.comCareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Ramadas,

Due to my respect for you and your work, it is hard for me not to respond to your direct Q, even though I expressed my opinion clearly, I think.

I TOTALLY disagree with your LIBERAL use of Jyotish. I think that can harm Jyotish and would rather see non-use of any western technique than creating new jyotish rules incompatible with the fine fabric of Jyotish. This is serious issue.

You said "Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression"

Is that vedic? I haven't heard that so far, neither have I seen any other progressions in Jyotish except varshapal. If so no problem- just explain who said that? If this is what you think is correct application of Jyotish to Westwrn Progressions, than you are the sole author, and I disagree with you.

No, Ramadas, we are not supposed to decide WHEN one's karma will be relesed. If we were, we would have had the tool to do that,

and not borrow from 'inferior' zodiac' arsenal of techniques. It doesn't work that way dear Ramadas. Nnothing suports your liberal use of Jyotish- you wrongly deduced that 'release from past life would come when the planet goes direct. NO. Western astrology even has never ever stated that-

what we know, for sure, is that some limitations are removed, to a certain extent, due to better coping skills...I wrote that already.

Now see another example: Born with Sa D which goes retrograde in his first year? That's my example. Did somebody at the last minute decided I had to suffer more, or have I deserved that by my action, or..NO, NO,NO

If I told you of other progressions you may 'justify' release of karma, fructification of karma, crucification of karma- all in one year- by Liberaly /this is a mild word!!!/ applying Jyotish and thus harming Jyotish primarily.

Again little knowledge harms more than no knowledge at all- Richard Houck has never ever dared to go this far, and he knew Western progressions /and I do too/ in depth. I guess you were seduced by concept easy to learn, workable, and thought you can upgrade it by-JYOTISH! Like trying to reduce golden palace to a cave. Keeping progressions for what they are,

strictly speaking it's change of polarity, and redirection /both ways/ and not to be mixed with Jyotish, ANY Vakra or blessing.

In Nadi astrology we do find concepts we know from western, but they are well integrated and do serve better understanding of Jyotish. This is castration of Jyotish and I hope I helped you see that.

Nobody but Sanjay should comment on this, it's IMO too crucial an issue to be left to either my analitical or your enthusiastic mind to make S out of Gold. I will abstain from further comments, but believe me every cell in my body cries NO Ramadas, don't do that to Jyotish, you may have follower, God forbid!

With lots of understanding for your enthusiasm, and appreciation for your efforts, please Ramadas stay Jyotish, you are Jyotish Guru at least.

Thanks for not taking this personally and for understanding. In addition who can prevent you for discarting my opinion?

Saaaanjaaay, help your honest child!

Warmest wishes,


-Ramadas Rao Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:17:16 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont know A,B,C,D of western Astrology.All my studies are only Vedic.I am also receiving some study materials from a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore.

Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression,the native's mind suddenly changes and if the beneficial planetary Dasa is going on at that period,the native starts thinking in positive ways to improve his charcter/financial problems/spirituality etc.if the Dasa is of a planet in a evil house,then the Universal Force ( GOD as per me ) acts upon him and acts in certain ways so that he goes in normal way but instead if he thinks by means of free will to go on other side of life,then he suffers and again to correct himself,he will take another birth.

I hope this helps you.

With Sashtanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas and Brendan,

I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20 years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary, Minor Progression etc...

I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early upbringing /person born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers on has definitively a problem emotionally relating with people. This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful, particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/ does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to cope better is a huge improvement.

On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in times,since that direct period started, being new to person was perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than depending on other progression, transits, native may experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen this 'second phase even more important for winning the right to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for spirityality either. "Are you hungry or spiritual" is a joke-it's to o preci

ous to be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use it as an EUPHEMISM for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not spirituality. Ah we hear that so often

Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted, if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,

I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things happening, without overstreching good old solar arc progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can we say that works, and we know how.

Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong for this post to discuss.

Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to included in Jyotish.

Hope this helps.



Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional--

_____________Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.comCareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

If you are disagreeing me no problem.I have given my opinioin regarding the Vakra planets and their effects when become direct.Also if nobody is interested I am ready to go off from this list.I am trying to help the people in many ways.If you think that I am doing something serious,then I am leaving the matters at my Mother Bhuvaneshwari's Feet.I have surrendered to HER.If SHE wants me to stop writing to the lsit or resign from SJC as Jyotish Guru also I am ready to accept.Nothing is in hands of me.SHE controls me and I have completely surrendered to HER.

Now I wrote these things and I think you may not understand these matters.Sadhana and control of Chakras in our body gives some kind of special powers which can help the people come out of their evil thoughts and if nobody wants me in this list,I am ready to step down during this holy Nava Ratri time.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.

jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas,

Due to my respect for you and your work, it is hard for me not to respond to your direct Q, even though I expressed my opinion clearly, I think.

I TOTALLY disagree with your LIBERAL use of Jyotish. I think that can harm Jyotish and would rather see non-use of any western technique than creating new jyotish rules incompatible with the fine fabric of Jyotish. This is serious issue.

You said "Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression"

Is that vedic? I haven't heard that so far, neither have I seen any other progressions in Jyotish except varshapal. If so no problem- just explain who said that? If this is what you think is correct application of Jyotish to Westwrn Progressions, than you are the sole author, and I disagree with you.

No, Ramadas, we are not supposed to decide WHEN one's karma will be relesed. If we were, we would have had the tool to do that,

and not borrow from 'inferior' zodiac' arsenal of techniques. It doesn't work that way dear Ramadas. Nnothing suports your liberal use of Jyotish- you wrongly deduced that 'release from past life would come when the planet goes direct. NO. Western astrology even has never ever stated that-

what we know, for sure, is that some limitations are removed, to a certain extent, due to better coping skills...I wrote that already.

Now see another example: Born with Sa D which goes retrograde in his first year? That's my example. Did somebody at the last minute decided I had to suffer more, or have I deserved that by my action, or..NO, NO,NO

If I told you of other progressions you may 'justify' release of karma, fructification of karma, crucification of karma- all in one year- by Liberaly /this is a mild word!!!/ applying Jyotish and thus harming Jyotish primarily.

Again little knowledge harms more than no knowledge at all- Richard Houck has never ever dared to go this far, and he knew Western progressions /and I do too/ in depth. I guess you were seduced by concept easy to learn, workable, and thought you can upgrade it by-JYOTISH! Like trying to reduce golden palace to a cave. Keeping progressions for what they are,

strictly speaking it's change of polarity, and redirection /both ways/ and not to be mixed with Jyotish, ANY Vakra or blessing.

In Nadi astrology we do find concepts we know from western, but they are well integrated and do serve better understanding of Jyotish. This is castration of Jyotish and I hope I helped you see that.

Nobody but Sanjay should comment on this, it's IMO too crucial an issue to be left to either my analitical or your enthusiastic mind to make S out of Gold. I will abstain from further comments, but believe me every cell in my body cries NO Ramadas, don't do that to Jyotish, you may have follower, God forbid!

With lots of understanding for your enthusiasm, and appreciation for your efforts, please Ramadas stay Jyotish, you are Jyotish Guru at least.

Thanks for not taking this personally and for understanding. In addition who can prevent you for discarting my opinion?

Saaaanjaaay, help your honest child!

Warmest wishes,


-Ramadas Rao Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:17:16 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont know A,B,C,D of western Astrology.All my studies are only Vedic.I am also receiving some study materials from a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore.

Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression,the native's mind suddenly changes and if the beneficial planetary Dasa is going on at that period,the native starts thinking in positive ways to improve his charcter/financial problems/spirituality etc.if the Dasa is of a planet in a evil house,then the Universal Force ( GOD as per me ) acts upon him and acts in certain ways so that he goes in normal way but instead if he thinks by means of free will to go on other side of life,then he suffers and again to correct himself,he will take another birth.

I hope this helps you.

With Sashtanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas and Brendan,

I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20 years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary, Minor Progression etc...

I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early upbringing /person born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers on has

definitively a problem emotionally relating with people. This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful, particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/ does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to cope better is a huge improvement.

On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in times,since that direct period started, being new to person was perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than depending on other progression, transits, native may experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen this 'second phase even more important for winning the right to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for spirityality either. "Are you hungry or spiritual" is a joke-it's to o preci ous to

be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use it as an EUPHEMISM for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not spirituality. Ah we hear that so often

Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted, if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,

I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things happening, without overstreching good old solar arc progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can we say that works, and we know how.

Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong for this post to discuss.

Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to included in Jyotish.

Hope this helps.



Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional--

_____________Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.comCareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Respected Guru RamdasRao Ji,




This is what exactly I was afraid of this situation. Please

do not even consider think of not writing to the list, as you

have so much of knowledge to share with us.


One or two persons do not like your writings and they can

always have their opinions, which is perfectly fine. I think

it really does not matter for you and please IGNORE, IGNORE

those 1 or 2 people as they claimed to have years of experience

and then why bother to share/teach to them.


Guru Ji, you know this very well, there are three categoies

of humans and they are:-

1) One who do not know and wish to learn.

2) One who knows and demonestrates the knowledge and helps

people, still interested in learning.

3) One who knows a little and thinks knows everything.


I think, we do not have a problem with category 1 and 2 type

people. The problem is with third caterogy and it is always

suggested to ignore them completely and move forward.

Think those message are not there. That is what I am doing

for the past few weeks, if I see some posts from selected names,

I do not even open them and go to the next message, simple.


Hope you will consider my request and continue the way you

do your knowledge transfer and let the moderator decide to

have some more screening on the posts before they appear on

the list.


Your Shisya,

Raghunadha Rao




varahamihira , Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao>



> ` nmae naray[ay


> om namo näräyaëäya

> Dear Anna,

> If you are disagreeing me no problem.I have given my opinioin

regarding the Vakra planets and their effects when become direct.Also

if nobody is interested I am ready to go off from this list.I am

trying to help the people in many ways.If you think that I am doing

something serious,then I am leaving the matters at my Mother

Bhuvaneshwari's Feet.I have surrendered to HER.If SHE wants me to

stop writing to the lsit or resign from SJC as Jyotish Guru also I am

ready to accept.Nothing is in hands of me.SHE controls me and I have

completely surrendered to HER.

> Now I wrote these things and I think you may not understand these

matters.Sadhana and control of Chakras in our body gives some kind of

special powers which can help the people come out of their evil

thoughts and if nobody wants me in this list,I am ready to step down

during this holy Nava Ratri time.

> With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

> Ramadas Rao.



> jyotish108@c... wrote:


> Dear Ramadas,


> Due to my respect for you and your work, it is hard for me not to

respond to your direct Q, even though I expressed my opinion clearly,

I think.


> I TOTALLY disagree with your LIBERAL use of Jyotish. I think that

can harm Jyotish and would rather see non-use of any western

technique than creating new jyotish rules incompatible with the fine

fabric of Jyotish. This is serious issue.


> You said " Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by

progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the

meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that

planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a

chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as

soon as that planet becomes direct during progression "


> Is that vedic? I haven't heard that so far, neither have I seen any

other progressions in Jyotish except varshapal. If so no problem-

just explain who said that? If this is what you think is correct

application of Jyotish to Westwrn Progressions, than you are the sole

author, and I disagree with you.


> No, Ramadas, we are not supposed to decide WHEN one's karma will be

relesed. If we were, we would have had the tool to do that,


> and not borrow from 'inferior' zodiac' arsenal of techniques. It

doesn't work that way dear Ramadas. Nnothing suports your liberal use

of Jyotish- you wrongly deduced that 'release from past life would

come when the planet goes direct. NO.


> Western astrology even has never ever stated that-


> what we know, for sure, is that some limitations are removed, to a

certain extent, due to better coping skills...I wrote that already.


> Now see another example: Born with Sa D which goes retrograde in

his first year? That's my example. Did somebody at the last minute

decided I had to suffer more, or have I deserved that by my action,

or..NO, NO,NO


> If I told you of other progressions you may 'justify' release of

karma, fructification of karma, crucification of karma- all in one

year- by Liberaly /this is a mild word!!!/ applying Jyotish and thus

harming Jyotish primarily.


> Again little knowledge harms more than no knowledge at all- Richard

Houck has never ever dared to go this far, and he knew Western

progressions /and I do too/ in depth. I guess you were seduced by

concept easy to learn, workable, and thought you can upgrade it by-

JYOTISH! Like trying to reduce golden palace to a cave. Keeping

progressions for what they are,


> strictly speaking it's change of polarity, and redirection /both

ways/ and not to be mixed with Jyotish, ANY Vakra or blessing.


> In Nadi astrology we do find concepts we know from western, but

they are well integrated and do serve better understanding of

Jyotish. This is castration of Jyotish and I hope I helped you see



> Nobody but Sanjay should comment on this, it's IMO too crucial an

issue to be left to either my analitical or your enthusiastic mind to

make S out of Gold. I will abstain from further comments, but believe

me every cell in my body cries NO Ramadas, don't do that to Jyotish,

you may have follower, God forbid!


> With lots of understanding for your enthusiasm, and appreciation

for your efforts, please Ramadas stay Jyotish, you are Jyotish Guru

at least.


> Thanks for not taking this personally and for understanding.

> In addition who can prevent you for discarting my opinion?


> Saaaanjaaay, help your honest child!


> Warmest wishes,


> Anna




> -

> Ramadas Rao

> Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:17:16 +0100 (BST)

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets


> ` nmae naray[ay


> om namo näräyaëäya

> Dear Anna,

> I dont know A,B,C,D of western Astrology.All my studies are only

Vedic.I am also receiving some study materials from a famous Nadi

Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore.

> Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid

your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde

or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in

the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in

this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet

becomes direct during progression,the native's mind suddenly changes

and if the beneficial planetary Dasa is going on at that period,the

native starts thinking in positive ways to improve his

charcter/financial problems/spirituality etc.if the Dasa is of a

planet in a evil house,then the Universal Force ( GOD as per me )

acts upon him and acts in certain ways so that he goes in normal way

but instead if he thinks by means of free will to go on other side of

life,then he suffers and again to correct himself,he will take

another birth.

> I hope this helps you.

> With Sashtanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

> Ramadas Rao.


> jyotish108@c... wrote:



> Dear Ramadas and Brendan,


> I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20

years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary,

Minor Progression etc...


> I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am

pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal

Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of

direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be

freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early

upbringing /person born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his

early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected

to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction

application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his

life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from

psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new

insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some

insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle

wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers on

has definitively a problem emotionally relating with people.

> This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful,

particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/

does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past

karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to

cope better is a huge improvement.


> On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional

support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in

times,since that direct period started, being new to person was

perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far

less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than

depending on other progression, transits, native may

experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he

tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or

later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead

existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen

this 'second phase even more important for winning the right

to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away

from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for

spirityality either. " Are you hungry or spiritual " is a joke-it's to

o preci ous to be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use

it as an EUPHEMISM

> for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it

should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not

spirituality. Ah we hear that so often


> Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through

this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted,

if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and

shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,


> I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it

quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even

western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been

too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things

you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things

happening, without overstreching good old solar arc

progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what

accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I

have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can

we say that works, and we know how.


> Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong

for this post to discuss.


> Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to

included in Jyotish.


> Hope this helps.


> Regards,


> Anna



> _______________Pain in life is

inevitable, suffering is optional

> --

> _____________

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Ramadas ji,


As you rightly stated you are doing this as a service to the lotus feet of Mother Bhuvaneshwari.So kindly treat any disturbance as only a temporary impediment and continue your service.In any sadhana we experience difficulties but stopping the same may not be a solution. We in this list have benefited immensely from your selfless and untiring service and desire the same to continue. Thank you.


Hare Krishna


SudharsanRamadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

If you are disagreeing me no problem.I have given my opinioin regarding the Vakra planets and their effects when become direct.Also if nobody is interested I am ready to go off from this list.I am trying to help the people in many ways.If you think that I am doing something serious,then I am leaving the matters at my Mother Bhuvaneshwari's Feet.I have surrendered to HER.If SHE wants me to stop writing to the lsit or resign from SJC as Jyotish Guru also I am ready to accept.Nothing is in hands of me.SHE controls me and I have completely surrendered to HER.

Now I wrote these things and I think you may not understand these matters.Sadhana and control of Chakras in our body gives some kind of special powers which can help the people come out of their evil thoughts and if nobody wants me in this list,I am ready to step down during this holy Nava Ratri time.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.

jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas,

Due to my respect for you and your work, it is hard for me not to respond to your direct Q, even though I expressed my opinion clearly, I think.

I TOTALLY disagree with your LIBERAL use of Jyotish. I think that can harm Jyotish and would rather see non-use of any western technique than creating new jyotish rules incompatible with the fine fabric of Jyotish. This is serious issue.

You said "Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression"

Is that vedic? I haven't heard that so far, neither have I seen any other progressions in Jyotish except varshapal. If so no problem- just explain who said that? If this is what you think is correct application of Jyotish to Westwrn Progressions, than you are the sole author, and I disagree with you.

No, Ramadas, we are not supposed to decide WHEN one's karma will be relesed. If we were, we would have had the tool to do that,

and not borrow from 'inferior' zodiac' arsenal of techniques. It doesn't work that way dear Ramadas. Nnothing suports your liberal use of Jyotish- you wrongly deduced that 'release from past life would come when the planet goes direct. NO. Western astrology even has never ever stated that-

what we know, for sure, is that some limitations are removed, to a certain extent, due to better coping skills...I wrote that already.

Now see another example: Born with Sa D which goes retrograde in his first year? That's my example. Did somebody at the last minute decided I had to suffer more, or have I deserved that by my action, or..NO, NO,NO

If I told you of other progressions you may 'justify' release of karma, fructification of karma, crucification of karma- all in one year- by Liberaly /this is a mild word!!!/ applying Jyotish and thus harming Jyotish primarily.

Again little knowledge harms more than no knowledge at all- Richard Houck has never ever dared to go this far, and he knew Western progressions /and I do too/ in depth. I guess you were seduced by concept easy to learn, workable, and thought you can upgrade it by-JYOTISH! Like trying to reduce golden palace to a cave. Keeping progressions for what they are,

strictly speaking it's change of polarity, and redirection /both ways/ and not to be mixed with Jyotish, ANY Vakra or blessing.

In Nadi astrology we do find concepts we know from western, but they are well integrated and do serve better understanding of Jyotish. This is castration of Jyotish and I hope I helped you see that.

Nobody but Sanjay should comment on this, it's IMO too crucial an issue to be left to either my analitical or your enthusiastic mind to make S out of Gold. I will abstain from further comments, but believe me every cell in my body cries NO Ramadas, don't do that to Jyotish, you may have follower, God forbid!

With lots of understanding for your enthusiasm, and appreciation for your efforts, please Ramadas stay Jyotish, you are Jyotish Guru at least.

Thanks for not taking this personally and for understanding. In addition who can prevent you for discarting my opinion?

Saaaanjaaay, help your honest child!

Warmest wishes,


-Ramadas Rao Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:17:16 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont know A,B,C,D of western Astrology.All my studies are only Vedic.I am also receiving some study materials from a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore.

Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression,the native's mind suddenly changes and if the beneficial planetary Dasa is going on at that period,the native starts thinking in positive ways to improve his charcter/financial problems/spirituality etc.if the Dasa is of a planet in a evil house,then the Universal Force ( GOD as per me ) acts upon him and acts in certain ways so that he goes in normal way but instead if he thinks by means of free will to go on other side of life,then he suffers and again to correct himself,he will take another birth.

I hope this helps you.

With Sashtanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas and Brendan,

I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20 years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary, Minor Progression etc...

I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early upbringing /person born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers on has

definitively a problem emotionally relating with people. This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful, particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/ does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to cope better is a huge improvement.

On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in times,since that direct period started, being new to person was perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than depending on other progression, transits, native may experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen this 'second phase even more important for winning the right to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for spirityality either. "Are you hungry or spiritual" is a joke-it's to o preci ous to

be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use it as an EUPHEMISM for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not spirituality. Ah we hear that so often

Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted, if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,

I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things happening, without overstreching good old solar arc progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can we say that works, and we know how.

Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong for this post to discuss.

Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to included in Jyotish.

Hope this helps.



Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional--

_____________Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.comCareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Brendanji,

Thanks for the comments.

With Sashtaanga namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.

Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/28/2003 2:52:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Om Namo NarayanaDear Ramdas Rao,I suspected you were using that technique, a day for a year, and again your statement about the result bears some truth.Yes indeed, Rahu/Jupiter was a very favorable time in the material sense and properties appeared in my life and this was not anticipated at all. It was entirely effortless and was indeed the grace of Lakshmi. I discussed my D-4 on my own list a few months back using Narayana dasa for timing and its to be seen clearly there too.Anna, I am well aware of both secondary and tertiary progressions and Richard Houch lived no more than 2 miles from me here in Maryland. He has since left the world. You may know that the method of progression

that you referrred to, a day for a year, corresponds to D-30 in jyotish, and therefore great for tragic events.A few years ago, a western astrologer was telling me that he relied on this technique for predictive work and did not understand why it only worked well for death, disease, tragedy, etc. I told him about D-30 in jyotish.We had some good discussions on progression some time back and the Sun can be progressed in any varga chart to give predictions. For example, if you progress the Sun in my Navamsa (3 deg 20 min/year), you will find the years that are possible for marriage. One of them is the age of 44 and this was the year of my marriage. Delay in marriage for me should be clear from the rasi and navamsa.Regards,Brendan

Dear Brendenji,Yes,you are corect.In 1997 your Shani became direct and from that period onwards your prosperity has increased through your Karma in this life.Also I forgot to write you last time itself that you have a very rare important Yoga called Ashta Lakshmi Yoga formed by Rahu in 6th and a strong Guru in Kendra to Rahu.This gives good material comforts during Rahu Dasa which is running now.Now Shani's Antara in Rahu Dasa is going on and you will see your performance in your Karma related activities has increased and as he is aspected by

Guru,you will become more spiritual in life.The method of calculating when Shani ® becomes direct in one's life is very simple but one should follow the ephemeris for the year the native has born.Now for example in your chart,Shani ® when you are born on March,13,1949 and it became direct on May,1,1949 and this counts 49 days and this means 49th year of your life Shani comes out of retrogression and starts working directly.the meaning is your connection to previous life ended on May 1,1997 and all the karmas what you are doing afterwards will be counted for the present and future life.But even during the period of Shani ®,if you done any bad karma ,it also will be counted but in a lesser amount as these Karmas are subjected to your previous life.Of course what I am

writing is all from my own experience with other prople whom I analysed before.I hope this helps you.With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 9/26/2003 2:11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, ramadasrao writes:Hare Rama Krishna,Dear Ramdas Rao,Thanks for all your good comments. No doubt, you have show that nakshatras can never be ignored in analsysis and I always use them too.Your analysis bears practical factual results in many ways. Now, what are you doing with Sani in 1997? How did you calculate that? I'm assuming you were calculating a time when R Sani went direct?Yes, always some health problem but never serious so far.Regards,Brendan

Dear Brendanji,I got your chart.Now I wanted to give my opinions about your chart.Lagna is Vrischika and it is Vishakha Nakshatra ruled by Guru who is the lord of 2nd and 5th placed in 3rd house.Guru is debilitated in Makara whose sign lord Shani is Vakra and as a result Shani can be seen as if he is poited in Karka Rasi also and aspecting Guru,thus cancelling its debilitation.Also Guru sign lord Shani ® is ina Kendra from Lagna and also from Moon sign and this also cancels debilitation of Guru.In the Navamsha also both Guru and Kuja's sign

exaltation lord Chandra is exalted and hence both planets debilitation cancelled.Now your Lagna lord Kuja is in 5th house and is in the nakshatra of Poorvabhadra Pada Nakshatra ruled by Guru and also Kuja is the sign dispositor for Guru and so Kuja gives the results of Guru also.So in your chart Lagna,3rd house and 5th house became strong along with Chandra also as he is opposite Surya ( Shukla Paksha-Trayodashi Tithi ) and so 9th house also became very strong.Vrischika Rasi indicates secret sciences,Guru indicates the study of old or vedic time language ie.,Sanskrit and he is the lord of 2nd ( 11th from 4th house ) and 5th house also,He is Vargothama also.Now 5th house indicates knowledge ,3rd house indicates practical and experimental knowledge and 6th house indicates services and so all these houses are very strong along with a strong Guru has given you the study of Auyrveda.The point here is to study Auyrveda,one must have the knowledge of Sanskrit and that you have.Also

for Aurvedic studies Vrischika Lagna is very favourable.Now again 3rd Lord Shani ® is with Rasadhipaty Chandra who is very strong in the chart and hence you are an expert in making Rasyanas and other Auyrvedic medicines.Also you started gaining from this Auyrveda during Kuja Dasa and Guru's Antara which ran between 9-8-1991 and 15-7-1992.After this period,you gained popularity in this Ayurvedic system of medicine.Also Kuja Dasa which ran between 23-2-1990 and 22-7-1997 has given everything what Guru has to give ie., the results of 2nd and 5th house ie., money and putra Santana.In your chart Vakra Shani has played dual role of being in 10th and in 9th also.If we consider Shani is in 9th ,then you became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu and your writing skills are super.( 3rd lord aspecting 3rd house ).Now if we consider that Shani ® is in 10th,he did not help much in enhancing your career but it is the Lagna Lord Kuja and 2nd and 5th lord Guru who are very strong and they decided your

profession.Also Surya,the 10th lord has exchanged its position with 4th Lord Shani ® also.So Shani can be considered in 4th house with Budha and Shukra and all these 2 planets are his friends.Now I have calculated a method to find the Shani ® to become active or we can say it becomes direct in one's life.So as per my calculations,After May1 st,1997,Karma Karaka Shani started showing his powers to you and you started flourishing from this period onwards and also during this period your Rahu Dasa also started who is in 6th house which indicates you became an excelent in curing diseasesthrough this wonderful Ayurvedic system of medicine.At present you are running Shani's Antara also in Rahu Dasa from 2002,March 31st which ends on 4-2-2005 and this period will be an excellent period for you.Rahu is your AmK also and his placement in Ashwini Nakshatra ruling Doctors will prove that you make excellent contribution to Ayurveda.Rahu is in 12th from your AK Surya and is with exalted

Chandra indicates you will be worshipping Godess Durga and HER Blessings will make you a famous person in this field.During Ketu's Antara which is a Maha Yogada for your chart will make you a famous peron in this field.But you have to be careful in your health.I have tried to give my interpretation of your chart and if there is any discrepency,please let me know.With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Sudhar Sudarshanji,

Thanks for the mail.Now I became cool and I will be with you all and in SJC and my services continue till the end of my breath.

With Sashtaanga Namana To Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.Sudharsan Srinivasan <sudhar108 wrote:


Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Ramadas ji,


As you rightly stated you are doing this as a service to the lotus feet of Mother Bhuvaneshwari.So kindly treat any disturbance as only a temporary impediment and continue your service.In any sadhana we experience difficulties but stopping the same may not be a solution. We in this list have benefited immensely from your selfless and untiring service and desire the same to continue. Thank you.


Hare Krishna


SudharsanRamadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

If you are disagreeing me no problem.I have given my opinioin regarding the Vakra planets and their effects when become direct.Also if nobody is interested I am ready to go off from this list.I am trying to help the people in many ways.If you think that I am doing something serious,then I am leaving the matters at my Mother Bhuvaneshwari's Feet.I have surrendered to HER.If SHE wants me to stop writing to the lsit or resign from SJC as Jyotish Guru also I am ready to accept.Nothing is in hands of me.SHE controls me and I have completely surrendered to HER.

Now I wrote these things and I think you may not understand these matters.Sadhana and control of Chakras in our body gives some kind of special powers which can help the people come out of their evil thoughts and if nobody wants me in this list,I am ready to step down during this holy Nava Ratri time.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.

jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas,

Due to my respect for you and your work, it is hard for me not to respond to your direct Q, even though I expressed my opinion clearly, I think.

I TOTALLY disagree with your LIBERAL use of Jyotish. I think that can harm Jyotish and would rather see non-use of any western technique than creating new jyotish rules incompatible with the fine fabric of Jyotish. This is serious issue.

You said "Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression"

Is that vedic? I haven't heard that so far, neither have I seen any other progressions in Jyotish except varshapal. If so no problem- just explain who said that? If this is what you think is correct application of Jyotish to Westwrn Progressions, than you are the sole author, and I disagree with you.

No, Ramadas, we are not supposed to decide WHEN one's karma will be relesed. If we were, we would have had the tool to do that,

and not borrow from 'inferior' zodiac' arsenal of techniques. It doesn't work that way dear Ramadas. Nnothing suports your liberal use of Jyotish- you wrongly deduced that 'release from past life would come when the planet goes direct. NO. Western astrology even has never ever stated that-

what we know, for sure, is that some limitations are removed, to a certain extent, due to better coping skills...I wrote that already.

Now see another example: Born with Sa D which goes retrograde in his first year? That's my example. Did somebody at the last minute decided I had to suffer more, or have I deserved that by my action, or..NO, NO,NO

If I told you of other progressions you may 'justify' release of karma, fructification of karma, crucification of karma- all in one year- by Liberaly /this is a mild word!!!/ applying Jyotish and thus harming Jyotish primarily.

Again little knowledge harms more than no knowledge at all- Richard Houck has never ever dared to go this far, and he knew Western progressions /and I do too/ in depth. I guess you were seduced by concept easy to learn, workable, and thought you can upgrade it by-JYOTISH! Like trying to reduce golden palace to a cave. Keeping progressions for what they are,

strictly speaking it's change of polarity, and redirection /both ways/ and not to be mixed with Jyotish, ANY Vakra or blessing.

In Nadi astrology we do find concepts we know from western, but they are well integrated and do serve better understanding of Jyotish. This is castration of Jyotish and I hope I helped you see that.

Nobody but Sanjay should comment on this, it's IMO too crucial an issue to be left to either my analitical or your enthusiastic mind to make S out of Gold. I will abstain from further comments, but believe me every cell in my body cries NO Ramadas, don't do that to Jyotish, you may have follower, God forbid!

With lots of understanding for your enthusiasm, and appreciation for your efforts, please Ramadas stay Jyotish, you are Jyotish Guru at least.

Thanks for not taking this personally and for understanding. In addition who can prevent you for discarting my opinion?

Saaaanjaaay, help your honest child!

Warmest wishes,


-Ramadas Rao Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:17:16 +0100 (BST)varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Retrograde Planets` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna,

I dont know A,B,C,D of western Astrology.All my studies are only Vedic.I am also receiving some study materials from a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore.

Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression,the native's mind suddenly changes and if the beneficial planetary Dasa is going on at that period,the native starts thinking in positive ways to improve his charcter/financial problems/spirituality etc.if the Dasa is of a planet in a evil house,then the Universal Force ( GOD as per me ) acts upon him and acts in certain ways so that he goes in normal way but instead if he thinks by means of free will to go on other side of life,then he suffers and again to correct himself,he will take another birth.

I hope this helps you.

With Sashtanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.jyotish108 wrote:


Dear Ramadas and Brendan,

I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20 years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary, Minor Progression etc...

I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early upbringing /person born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers on has

definitively a problem emotionally relating with people. This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful, particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/ does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to cope better is a huge improvement.

On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in times,since that direct period started, being new to person was perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than depending on other progression, transits, native may experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen this 'second phase even more important for winning the right to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for spirityality either. "Are you hungry or spiritual" is a joke-it's to o preci ous to

be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use it as an EUPHEMISM for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not spirituality. Ah we hear that so often

Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted, if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,

I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things happening, without overstreching good old solar arc progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can we say that works, and we know how.

Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong for this post to discuss.

Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to included in Jyotish.

Hope this helps.



Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional--

_____________Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.comCareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Rao,

Thanks for the mail.At certain moment I got little hurt and then I prayed Mother Bhuvaneshwari and then cooled down.I will be with you all till the end of my breath.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.Rao Nemani <raon1008 wrote:

Respected Guru RamdasRao Ji,Pranam,This is what exactly I was afraid of this situation. Please do not even consider think of not writing to the list, as you have so much of knowledge to share with us. One or two persons do not like your writings and they can always have their opinions, which is perfectly fine. I think it really does not matter for you and please IGNORE, IGNORE those 1 or 2 people as they claimed to have years of experience and then why bother to share/teach to them.Guru Ji, you know this very well, there are three categoies of humans and they are:-1) One who do not know and wish to learn.2) One who knows and demonestrates the knowledge and helps people, still interested in learning.3) One who knows a little and thinks knows everything.I think, we do not have a problem

with category 1 and 2 type people. The problem is with third caterogy and it is always suggested to ignore them completely and move forward. Think those message are not there. That is what I am doing for the past few weeks, if I see some posts from selected names, I do not even open them and go to the next message, simple.Hope you will consider my request and continue the way you do your knowledge transfer and let the moderator decide to have some more screening on the posts before they appear on the list.Your Shisya,Raghunadha Raovarahamihira , Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao> wrote:> > ` nmae naray[ay> > om namo näräyaëäya> Dear Anna,> If you are disagreeing me no problem.I have given my opinioin regarding the Vakra planets and their effects when become direct.Also if nobody is interested I am ready to go off from this list.I am

trying to help the people in many ways.If you think that I am doing something serious,then I am leaving the matters at my Mother Bhuvaneshwari's Feet.I have surrendered to HER.If SHE wants me to stop writing to the lsit or resign from SJC as Jyotish Guru also I am ready to accept.Nothing is in hands of me.SHE controls me and I have completely surrendered to HER.> Now I wrote these things and I think you may not understand these matters.Sadhana and control of Chakras in our body gives some kind of special powers which can help the people come out of their evil thoughts and if nobody wants me in this list,I am ready to step down during this holy Nava Ratri time.> With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,> Ramadas Rao.> > > jyotish108@c... wrote:> > Dear Ramadas,> > Due to my respect for you and your work, it is hard for me not to respond to your direct Q, even though

I expressed my opinion clearly, I think.> > I TOTALLY disagree with your LIBERAL use of Jyotish. I think that can harm Jyotish and would rather see non-use of any western technique than creating new jyotish rules incompatible with the fine fabric of Jyotish. This is serious issue. > > You said "Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression"> > Is that vedic? I haven't heard that so far, neither have I seen any other progressions in Jyotish except varshapal. If so no problem- just explain who said that? If this is what you think is correct application of Jyotish to Westwrn

Progressions, than you are the sole author, and I disagree with you.> > No, Ramadas, we are not supposed to decide WHEN one's karma will be relesed. If we were, we would have had the tool to do that,> > and not borrow from 'inferior' zodiac' arsenal of techniques. It doesn't work that way dear Ramadas. Nnothing suports your liberal use of Jyotish- you wrongly deduced that 'release from past life would come when the planet goes direct. NO. > > Western astrology even has never ever stated that- > > what we know, for sure, is that some limitations are removed, to a certain extent, due to better coping skills...I wrote that already.> > Now see another example: Born with Sa D which goes retrograde in his first year? That's my example. Did somebody at the last minute decided I had to suffer more, or have I deserved that by my action, or..NO, NO,NO> > If I told you of

other progressions you may 'justify' release of karma, fructification of karma, crucification of karma- all in one year- by Liberaly /this is a mild word!!!/ applying Jyotish and thus harming Jyotish primarily. > > Again little knowledge harms more than no knowledge at all- Richard Houck has never ever dared to go this far, and he knew Western progressions /and I do too/ in depth. I guess you were seduced by concept easy to learn, workable, and thought you can upgrade it by-JYOTISH! Like trying to reduce golden palace to a cave. Keeping progressions for what they are,> > strictly speaking it's change of polarity, and redirection /both ways/ and not to be mixed with Jyotish, ANY Vakra or blessing. > > In Nadi astrology we do find concepts we know from western, but they are well integrated and do serve better understanding of Jyotish. This is castration of Jyotish and I hope I helped you see

that. > > Nobody but Sanjay should comment on this, it's IMO too crucial an issue to be left to either my analitical or your enthusiastic mind to make S out of Gold. I will abstain from further comments, but believe me every cell in my body cries NO Ramadas, don't do that to Jyotish, you may have follower, God forbid!> > With lots of understanding for your enthusiasm, and appreciation for your efforts, please Ramadas stay Jyotish, you are Jyotish Guru at least.> > Thanks for not taking this personally and for understanding. > In addition who can prevent you for discarting my opinion?> > Saaaanjaaay, help your honest child!> > Warmest wishes,> > Anna > > > > -> Ramadas Rao > Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:17:16 +0100 (BST)> varahamihira > Re: |Sri Varaha|

Retrograde Planets> > ` nmae naray[ay> > om namo näräyaëäya> Dear Anna,> I dont know A,B,C,D of western Astrology.All my studies are only Vedic.I am also receiving some study materials from a famous Nadi Astrologer Sri R.G.Rao from Bangalore.> Now you said when Shani ® becomes direct by progression,how I aid your past karmas are completed.Now what is the meaning of Retrograde or Vakra planets ? Any planet Vakra means that planet's Karakattwa in the previous life has suffered most and a chance will be given in this life to improve such Karakattwas and as soon as that planet becomes direct during progression,the native's mind suddenly changes and if the beneficial planetary Dasa is going on at that period,the native starts thinking in positive ways to improve his charcter/financial problems/spirituality etc.if the Dasa is of a planet in a evil house,then the Universal Force ( GOD as per me )

acts upon him and acts in certain ways so that he goes in normal way but instead if he thinks by means of free will to go on other side of life,then he suffers and again to correct himself,he will take another birth.> I hope this helps you.> With Sashtanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,> Ramadas Rao.> > jyotish108@c... wrote:> > > Dear Ramadas and Brendan,> > I am glad to see progressions included, I've spent more than 20 years in doing, exploring, researching Primary, Secodary Terciary, Minor Progression etc...> > I had a huge data base and well researched this issue, and am pretty confident I know what works and to what extent. If natal Brendan's Saturn was R at birth, that's life long imprint- change of direction is milestone event indeed, and years after that will be freed to a certain extent of INSECURITIES related to karma, early upbringing /person

born with SaR, as a RULE does have issues with his early family life- wherever Sa is placed, particularly if connected to 4thH as is the case here.However it's free from obstruction application of what Person learned during R phase, DIRECTLY in his life, primarily /I've seen many examples people seeking help from psychologist or searching for themself when Sa turns direct, with new insight and more confidence- one may indeed come to terms with some insecurities, or, find/build 'situational support to better handle wordly, relationships affairs. (If say Venus is R at birth, pers on has definitively a problem emotionally relating with people.> This applies to SaR as well) That one becomes more skilful, particularly in HELPING others /best healers are wounded healers/ does not mean, as per what I know, that person get rid of his past karma /parental most likely, that's impossible to get rid of- just to cope better is a

huge improvement.> > On a flip side of the coin that may lead to sticking to 'emotional support' in relationships that may have become 'outworn' in times,since that direct period started, being new to person was perhaps satisfactory, but initial value can be and ussually is far less than needed- if not outright negative for further growth- than depending on other progression, transits, native may experience 'flash-back' of his 'dweller on the treshold' what he tought he left behind once for ever. One has to face that sooner or later, with courage and honesty, and not to accept living dead existence. No, one cannot 'shed' Natal SaR that easily. I've seen this 'second phase even more important for winning the right to /know/ and be true to oneself. Staying in disgust, running away from less than satisfactory life to 'spirityality' cannot be good for spirityality either. "Are you hungry or spiritual" is a joke-it's

to o preci ous to be picked up when difficulties in life come- if we use it as an EUPHEMISM> for disatisfaction in life, feeling that life is less than it should be, and running away from that is cowardice autism and not spirituality. Ah we hear that so often> > Good that you predict in Rahu period can help native live through this task /unavoidable/ easier. So it's the chance not to be wasted, if one wants to be truly alive, and not suffocating from dullness and shorthness of breath /metaphorically/,> > I am curious to know how you reached conclussion that one call it quits with his past karma, and experience this life K. only? Not even western astrologers have been that 'optimistic. Or maybe you've been too impressed whith piece of 'western' arsenal? Other 'Jyotish things you mentioned, can sufficiently account for positive things happening, without overstreching good old solar arc

progression /which in fact this p is/. I know it's hard to know what accounts for what, and I strongly vote for research, for this one I have done already, but so many wait to be reasearched. Than only can we say that works, and we know how.> > Converse P, amazingly, work as well, but that would be too loong for this post to discuss. > > Bottom line seems to be- progressions are too reliable not to included in Jyotish.> > Hope this helps.> > Regards,> > Anna> > > _______________Pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional> -- > _____________> Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Mail.com> > CareerBuilder.com has over 400,000 jobs. Be smarter about your job search> > > |Om Tat Sat|> http://www.varahamihira > >

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