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Retrograde Planets

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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Ramadas Rao ji,


> then I am leaving the matters at my Mother Bhuvaneshwari's Feet.

> I have surrendered to HER.If SHE wants me to stop writing to the

> lsit or resign from SJC as Jyotish Guru also I am ready to

> accept.Nothing is in hands of me.SHE controls me and I have

> completely surrendered to HER. Now I wrote these things and I

> think you may not understand these matters.


First of all, I am glad to read your clarification later that you

intend to stay.


Secondly, I greatly appreciate the above sentiment. Sometimes we

think we know what is good for us and for others and are in such

haste to get things done. If Lord Jagannatha does not want something

from us at a given point of time, He will not co-operate. If He wants

something from us, He *will* take it. If we completely surrender to

Him and leave it to Him, it will do good to us and others too. He

will show the path. I wish I and others too could surrender like you.


Even in your weak moment, Mother Bhuvaneswari teaches valuable

lessons to us through you!


At your service,


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` kaTynay ivÒhe kNyak…mair xImih,

om kätyanäya vidmahe kanyäkumäri dhémahi|

tÚae ÊigR> àcaedyat!.

tanno durgiù pracodayät||

( Sri Durga Gayatri -Taittareeya Upanishad,4-1 )

Dear Narashimhaji,

Thanks for counselling me.Anyhow it is now clear that Mother Bhuvaneshwari who is sitting in my heart giving every suggestion to me and that is why immidiately I wrote letter that I will be you all.

Thanks again,

With Sashtaanga namna to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.pvr108 <pvr wrote:

Om Gurave NamahDear Ramadas Rao ji,> then I am leaving the matters at my Mother Bhuvaneshwari's Feet.> I have surrendered to HER.If SHE wants me to stop writing to the> lsit or resign from SJC as Jyotish Guru also I am ready to> accept.Nothing is in hands of me.SHE controls me and I have> completely surrendered to HER. Now I wrote these things and I> think you may not understand these matters.First of all, I am glad to read your clarification later that youintend to stay.Secondly, I greatly appreciate the above sentiment. Sometimes wethink we know what is good for us and for others and are in suchhaste to get things done. If Lord Jagannatha does not want somethingfrom us at a given point of time, He will not co-operate. If He wantssomething from us, He *will* take it. If we completely surrender

toHim and leave it to Him, it will do good to us and others too. Hewill show the path. I wish I and others too could surrender like you.Even in your weak moment, Mother Bhuvaneswari teaches valuablelessons to us through you!At your service,Narasimha|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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  • 3 weeks later...

` svRmaeihNyE ivÒhe ivñjninyE xImih

om sarvamohinyai vidmahe viçvajananiyai dhémahi

tÚ> zi´ àcaedyat!,

tannaù çakti pracodayät|Dear Anil,

Please my comments below.anilkedia <anilkedia wrote:


Dear Ramadas RaojiRAM KRISHN HAREYou have explained behavior of retro planets very nicely in past mails.I have some doubts about retrograde planets.Please give your thoughtsin relation to following points.(1)In my chart Guru is vakri and after 85 days it will become direct.So I will not get results of houses owned by Guru untill 85 years.Now,if this is true,I think it may be a blessing if Guru owns malefichouses like 6/8/12 th. What is your view?In my case he owns 8th and 11th.Now Guru is the lord of 8th and 11th house placed in 4th Vakra.Now what 8th house stands for ? Unexpected events either good or bad,any legacies,death like experience,wife's family etc.11th house indicates paternal uncle,elder co-borns,friends,brother-in-law,grand mother,son-in-law etc.4th house indicates mother,maternal uncle,relations etc.So this means you have a deep Karmic debts with these people in your previous life and so you have

to wash off them in this life.You may be attached to these people in present life also or you will perform some deeds which may indicate a kind of debts from previous life will be washed off.Now you can see Kuja,the 7th and 12th lord and Budha,the 2nd and 5th lord are in opposite to Guru (V) and that is why your marriage is getting delayed and hence progeny.Now I will try to explain why all this happenings are delaying.Now let me consider Guru in 3rd house from where he aspects 7th house and this indicates your past life only becomes your present life partner and so you have to wait.Guru in 3rd house indicates you are educated in computer/communication etc. as Surya aspects this Guru.This Guru also aspects Shani with Rahu.Shani is 9th and 10th lord who is with Rahu,a node and this indicates your past Karmas connected to your father,profession are remaining and have to be experienced in this life.Now as you have calculated your Guru will become direct after 85 days and so after 85

years only it works as direct.But recently I made some research in this matter and so till you reach 42 years and 6 months your progress in life will not be up to the mark.But almost 40 % of your previous debts were completed by the age of 34 years and so after this age you started slightly prospering.Now again Guru (V) is aspecting Lagna and 6th lord Shukra and 3rd lord Chandra and this indicates you are too much attached to your mother and your maternal uncle.So according to Maharshi Parashar,its dasha will be bad.will it be good? Your Guru Dasa starts in 2008 and at that time your age will be 40 years and as I said previously till you complete 42 and half years,this beginning of Guru Dasa may not be prosperous and after the said period, you will see the prosperity increases very fast in life.(2)If malefics are placed in the sign of Guru,they will remain ineffectiveuntill 85 years and their dashas will not be bad.Similarly

for good grahas.Do you agree? Yes,because if we consider Guru as in 3rd,he will aspect these malefics and so the problems will be reduced.But this position of Guru indicates past Karmas and so you will be busy in repaying your past Karmas during the Dasa of Rahu .Now Guru from 3rd house indicates he is in Karka Rasi and this indicates you were a pious,religious brahmin in your previous life .(3)Being retro at birth means it has started retro motion some days back.In my case, it started 36 days back.So will it give some change after 36years? You are born on January 28 and suppose if the planet's retrogression starts 36 days before,this indicates already 36 years in past life has passed in repaying your past Karmas.This 36 days has nothing to o with the present life.(4)If a planet becomes retro after say 10 days of birth.Will it behave in a similar way after 10 years of age untill it again becomes

direct? No.If the planet is direct at the time of birth indicates new Karmas will manifest in this life.So forget about its retrogression after 10 days of birth.(5)Will retro planet aspect from previous sign also?For example my Guru isin 4th house.From 4th it aspects 8,10,12th. Will it also aspect 7,9,11th(from 3rd)? or it will just give results of 3rd? Yes,I have already explained above.(6)Can I consider it giving results of its placement only in 3rd till 85years and after that in 4th only.Or it will give results of 3rd and 4thboth till 85 and then only 4th house? It gives results of being in both 3rd and 4th house but 4th house results will be delayed.So first it gives the results of being in 3rd house.these are my studies and you have to think what I told is correct or not.Then I can try to do some research on this.(7)will it also participate in yuti,rajyogas

etc as if it was physicallypresent in 3rd house? Yes.A partial Raja Yoga may create if this planet is in Yuti with a benefic planet which is in 3rd house.(8)Exalted and debilited planets behave in reverse manner if retro.What will be their effect if they are in own/friendly sign etc? Yes.If you go through kalidasa's Uttara Kalamrita,Mantreshwara's Phala Deepika,there Shlokas supporting to ths position.See my previous postings.(9)The above principle puts planets in 7th sign instead of 12th.So can we expect rashi-phal from 7th and bhav-phal from 12th? I have not understood this point.So please expand.(10)What will happen to Karkatwa of Guru?Will it remain unaffectedor will materialise after 85 years like bhavesh results?Will thingsindicated by Guru's naisargic and char karkatwa suffer? As I wrote previously,the Karakattwas of Guru may be

slightly hampered but as I said after the age of 34 years,it has started giving some positive results ie.,after 2002 January,28.(11)will all these rules apply to vargas also?Is there any difference intreatment of retro grahas in vargas? I have not applied this to Varga charts but you can try this method and see it works or not.But in Navamsha chart,Guru (V) is in Karka and so it is giving resutls of its debilitation and that is the reason for your delayed marriage.But Vivaha Karaka Shukra is in Mithuna Navamsha with Guru ( considered from Mithuna ),you will get married to a partner who was your past life partner also.(12)Will it have any impact on transits? Yes.Just you can check during last year when Guru was Vakra between December 5,2002 and 4th April,2003.Also next year in 2004 when Guru becomes Vakra ,some important event will take place in your life.PRANAMSAnilkumarOM TAT

SATI hope this helps you.

With Sri Bhuvaneshwari Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Get Your Private, Free E-mail from Indiatimes at http://email.indiatimes.comBuy The Best In BOOKS at http://www.bestsellers.indiatimes.comBid for for Air Tickets @ Re.1 on Air Sahara Flights. Just log on to http://airsahara.indiatimes.com and Bid Now !|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Dear Shuchi ji,


Retrograde Planet:  In general when the planet is Regrade, it is transgressing a

distance the distance it has to have transgressed less with the usual measure of

time and distance. In other words, the Planet moves on tangent from its formed

orbit around Sun and due to Geo-pull it is dragged to main path of its movement.

In working this movement, lot of calculations are involved and usually we relay

from established sources (Panchang /Ephemeris)that the Planet is in Retrograding

for 'said' period.  For Saturn, in my attempt to find a common quotient, I found

it takes 138 days every year as retrograde period off in its forward motion (yet

in the process of confirmation of the period).


Now to find the effect of Saturn when in Retrogression:  For a common and

average students' understanding, Saturn becomes 'weak' during the reduced

refraction of Sun's rays, to cause the 'ill' effect, while relating its effect

on Natal chart.  But, in its being 'dragged' into its regular 'path'

(approximately 56 to 63 days in end of that 138 days), gains greater momentum to

be reflecting higher quantum of Refracted rays (high intensity) from the Sun on

the Natal chart positions of Planets.  This effect is also related to the star

zones in which Saturn is passing during those Retrograding days.  That is, if it

is passing in the houses, its 'consolidated' graded power could be assessed,

where the house owner is friendly, where he is termed as exalted, where he is

termed as depleted, and where he is passing through temporary friend's house,

and also he is being aspect by good/friendly and inimical planets, and selected

favorable Zodiac houses,or in

the closer vicinity of marked bad planets etc.  However, all these effects are

also related to the - Vimshothri or any other -Desa (favorable or unfavorable)

of Planetary Periods.


In other words, it is not easy for one to consummate the related power of Saturn

or any other planet in Retrograding status and the period of positive and

negative segments of those days of retro-gradation, unless he masters various

aspects and effects of concerned Planets in years of experience in Astrology.



103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA



( Private readings are chargeable. Please contact me in ID







shshukla <shshukla

vedic astrology

Monday, June 23, 2008 12:37:19 PM

[vedic astrology] Retrograde planets



My request to the scholars on-board is to throw some light on

retrograde planets. this topic often confuses me. What are the basic

rules to follow when judging a retrograde planet in the natal chart?


For example I have a retrograde Sani in my fifth house, however, the

fact to be noted is that I am of Libra lagna, which puts Sani in

moolatrikona position. I am currently running Shani Mahadasha and am

afraid that this Sani may have lost it beneficence due its

retrogression. But I am basing this interpretation on the limited

knowledge that I have. If it helps my birth details are:


July 6 1965

1:20 PM

81 E 51' 25 N 27'.











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Further to the discussioin ,

may i request sh pathi , to through more light on retrograde planets . as

this is really of real interest .


Do you think when astrologers say that if a planet is exhalted but

retrograde it acts as debilated and a debilated planet retrograde becomes

exhalted . I heard this in one class conducted by sh PV narshimhma rao ji .


But could it be so . suppose for eg i say in my chart i have jupiter in the

fourth house in cancer but retrograde , so according to the above principle

it would be debilated , now if we consider that my jupiter is debilated and

weak , its dispositer moon is exhalted in taurus , so do you feel there

could be a neech bhang which is working .

kindly share your comments


























On 8/1/08, venkatachala pathi <pathiav wrote:


> Dear Shuchi ji,


> Retrograde Planet: In general when the planet is Regrade, it

> is transgressing a distance the distance it has to have transgressed less

> with the usual measure of time and distance. In other words, the

> Planet moves on tangent from its formed orbit around Sun and due to Geo-pull

> it is dragged to main path of its movement. In working this movement, lot of

> calculations are involved and usually we relay from established sources

> (Panchang /Ephemeris)that the Planet is in Retrograding for 'said' period.

> For Saturn, in my attempt to find a common quotient, I found it takes 138

> days every year as retrograde period off in its forward motion (yet in the

> process of confirmation of the period).


> Now to find the effect of Saturn when in Retrogression: For a common and

> average students' understanding, Saturn becomes 'weak' during the reduced

> refraction of Sun's rays, to cause the 'ill' effect, while relating its

> effect on Natal chart. But, in its being 'dragged' into its regular 'path'

> (approximately 56 to 63 days in end of that 138 days), gains greater

> momentum to be reflecting higher quantum of Refracted rays (high intensity)

> from the Sun on the Natal chart positions of Planets. This effect is also

> related to the star zones in which Saturn is passing during those

> Retrograding days. That is, if it is passing in the houses, its

> 'consolidated' graded power could be assessed, where the house owner is

> friendly, where he is termed as exalted, where he is termed as depleted, and

> where he is passing through temporary friend's house, and also he is being

> aspect by good/friendly and inimical planets, and selected favorable Zodiac

> houses,or in

> the closer vicinity of marked bad planets etc. However, all these effects

> are also related to the - Vimshothri or any other -Desa (favorable or

> unfavorable) of Planetary Periods.


> In other words, it is not easy for one to consummate the related power of

> Saturn or any other planet in Retrograding status and the period of positive

> and negative segments of those days of retro-gradation, unless he masters

> various aspects and effects of concerned Planets in years of experience in

> Astrology.


> A.V.Pathi,

> 103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

> North Carolina, 27514, USA

> 001-919-960-3833

> pathiav <pathiav%40>

> ( Private readings are chargeable. Please contact me in ID

> kountinya29 <kountinya29%40gmail.com>)




> shshukla <shshukla <shshukla%40>>

> vedic astrology <vedic astrology%40>

> Monday, June 23, 2008 12:37:19 PM

> [vedic astrology] Retrograde planets


> My request to the scholars on-board is to throw some light on

> retrograde planets. this topic often confuses me. What are the basic

> rules to follow when judging a retrograde planet in the natal chart?


> For example I have a retrograde Sani in my fifth house, however, the

> fact to be noted is that I am of Libra lagna, which puts Sani in

> moolatrikona position. I am currently running Shani Mahadasha and am

> afraid that this Sani may have lost it beneficence due its

> retrogression. But I am basing this interpretation on the limited

> knowledge that I have. If it helps my birth details are:


> July 6 1965

> 1:20 PM

> 81 E 51' 25 N 27'.


> Thanks,

> Shuchi



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Retrograde planets show erratic movement. They passes through same

point three times while being retrograde which indicates those works

which were remained unfulfilled and incomplete in previous life times

are to be completed in this life time.

inferior planets and superior planets behave differently while in

retro movement, each has different life span and duration but retro

planets are most powerful when they are stationary,before and after

they become retrograde.So plz be careful while doing prediction for

retrograde planet.There is so much research going on for these

retrograde planets and still so many questions reamained unanswered.


The Pathfinder

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<<<Do you think when astrologers say that if a planet is exhalted but

retrograde it acts as debilated and a debilated planet retrograde becomes

exhalted >>>>No.  The exalted Planet is not 'delivering the expected' defined

results during the first sy, half of the 'Retrograde' period and when the said

Planet is pulled to orbit it excels in its exalted qualities.

In the given explanation Jupiter in Moon's house Cancer will not loose its

original qualities defined as its 'Drushti' effects though retrograded, while

the Moon will retain its original exalted qualities in position in Taurus.  The

rule is the occupant is more powerful than the owner and occupant will not cast

its flutuating qualities to the related owner.  Further, owner will excersise

his 'qualities' in the house it occupies with the related rules.  The Moon and

The Sun will not 'retrograde'.



103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA



( Private readings are chargeable. Please contact me in ID







mahesh pangtey <mahesh.pangtey

vedic astrology

Friday, August 1, 2008 11:50:38 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Retrograde planets



Further to the discussioin ,

may i request sh pathi , to through more light on retrograde planets . as

this is really of real interest .


Do you think when astrologers say that if a planet is exhalted but

retrograde it acts as debilated and a debilated planet retrograde becomes

exhalted . I heard this in one class conducted by sh PV narshimhma rao ji .


But could it be so . suppose for eg i say in my chart i have jupiter in the

fourth house in cancer but retrograde , so according to the above principle

it would be debilated , now if we consider that my jupiter is debilated and

weak , its dispositer moon is exhalted in taurus , so do you feel there

could be a neech bhang which is working .

kindly share your comments






On 8/1/08, venkatachala pathi <pathiav > wrote:


> Dear Shuchi ji,


> Retrograde Planet: In general when the planet is Regrade, it

> is transgressing a distance the distance it has to have transgressed less

> with the usual measure of time and distance. In other words, the

> Planet moves on tangent from its formed orbit around Sun and due to Geo-pull

> it is dragged to main path of its movement. In working this movement, lot of

> calculations are involved and usually we relay from established sources

> (Panchang /Ephemeris)that the Planet is in Retrograding for 'said' period.

> For Saturn, in my attempt to find a common quotient, I found it takes 138

> days every year as retrograde period off in its forward motion (yet in the

> process of confirmation of the period).


> Now to find the effect of Saturn when in Retrogression: For a common and

> average students' understanding, Saturn becomes 'weak' during the reduced

> refraction of Sun's rays, to cause the 'ill' effect, while relating its

> effect on Natal chart. But, in its being 'dragged' into its regular 'path'

> (approximately 56 to 63 days in end of that 138 days), gains greater

> momentum to be reflecting higher quantum of Refracted rays (high intensity)

> from the Sun on the Natal chart positions of Planets. This effect is also

> related to the star zones in which Saturn is passing during those

> Retrograding days. That is, if it is passing in the houses, its

> 'consolidated' graded power could be assessed, where the house owner is

> friendly, where he is termed as exalted, where he is termed as depleted, and

> where he is passing through temporary friend's house, and also he is being

> aspect by good/friendly and inimical planets, and selected favorable Zodiac

> houses,or in

> the closer vicinity of marked bad planets etc. However, all these effects

> are also related to the - Vimshothri or any other -Desa (favorable or

> unfavorable) of Planetary Periods.


> In other words, it is not easy for one to consummate the related power of

> Saturn or any other planet in Retrograding status and the period of positive

> and negative segments of those days of retro-gradation, unless he masters

> various aspects and effects of concerned Planets in years of experience in

> Astrology.


> A.V.Pathi,

> 103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

> North Carolina, 27514, USA

> 001-919-960- 3833

> pathiav <pathiav%40. com>

> ( Private readings are chargeable. Please contact me in ID

> kountinya29@ gmail.com <kountinya29% 40gmail.com> )




> shshukla <shshukla <shshukla%40. com>>

> vedic astrology <vedic astrology% 40. com>

> Monday, June 23, 2008 12:37:19 PM

> [vedic astrology] Retrograde planets


> My request to the scholars on-board is to throw some light on

> retrograde planets. this topic often confuses me. What are the basic

> rules to follow when judging a retrograde planet in the natal chart?


> For example I have a retrograde Sani in my fifth house, however, the

> fact to be noted is that I am of Libra lagna, which puts Sani in

> moolatrikona position. I am currently running Shani Mahadasha and am

> afraid that this Sani may have lost it beneficence due its

> retrogression. But I am basing this interpretation on the limited

> knowledge that I have. If it helps my birth details are:


> July 6 1965

> 1:20 PM

> 81 E 51' 25 N 27'.


> Thanks,

> Shuchi



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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Hi,As mentioned in the KP reader of Horary Astrology - If a significator is in the nakshatra or sub of a retrograde planet than it cannot give the result in its period or sub period.But when I was discussing this with other KP students they were of the opinion that if the signficator is ver strong than - even though it is in the nakshatra or sub of a retro planet - still it gives the resultCan you all please throw some light on this and express your opinionsMany ThanksRegards.

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It depends on the question.Some time result will be fruitful soon after the cancellation of retrograde when the planet signifies the fruitful houses.In few cases , retrograde indicates no fruit at all.in a very cases it gives the result very fruitful and recover the lost article/amount .SSB nishit doshi <nishit_ast Sent: Thursday, 2 July, 2009 5:01:34 AM Retrograde Planets


Hi,As mentioned in the KP reader of Horary Astrology - If a significator is in the nakshatra or sub of a retrograde planet than it cannot give the result in its period or sub period.But when I was discussing this with other KP students they were of the opinion that if the signficator is ver strong than - even though it is in the nakshatra or sub of a retro planet - still it gives the resultCan you all please throw some light on this and express your opinionsMany ThanksRegards.



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Hi,Thanks for the answer.Suppose if we want to look for higher studies and 9th house significator (not sublord) is in the constellation of a retro planet then can this planet(significator of 9th house) give higher studies in its period and sub period?Thanks once again,Regards--- On Fri, 7/3/09, Sagar S <ssagar86 wrote:Sagar S <ssagar86Re: Retrograde Planets Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 10:21 AM


It depends on the question.Some time result will be fruitful soon after the cancellation of retrograde when the planet signifies the fruitful houses.In few cases , retrograde indicates no fruit at all.in a very cases it gives the result very fruitful and recover the lost article/amount .SSB nishit doshi <nishit_ast >@gro ups.comThursday, 2 July, 2009 5:01:34 AM Retrograde Planets


Hi,As mentioned in the KP reader of Horary Astrology - If a significator is in the nakshatra or sub of a retrograde planet than it cannot give the result in its period or sub period.But when I was discussing this with other KP students they were of the opinion that if the signficator is ver strong than - even though it is in the nakshatra or sub of a retro planet - still it gives the resultCan you all please throw some light on this and express your opinionsMany ThanksRegards.



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Dear Sagar,

If any planet is posited in a star and sub,both of which are in retrograde motion, the matter will fall through,or not fructify/materialise at all,for sure...BUT, if the star is in direct motion and the sub is retrograde, OR vice versa,the matter will fructify/materialise only when the planet turns direct and passes over the point where it began retrogression...the matter will fructify/materialise on that day...

The above,in my humble opinion,is the dictum as per K.P.

With kind regards,

Yogesh Lajmi








Sagar S <ssagar86 Sent: Friday, July 3, 2009 8:51:36 PMRe: Retrograde Planets




It depends on the question.Some time result will be fruitful soon after the cancellation of retrograde when the planet signifies the fruitful houses.In few cases , retrograde indicates no fruit at all.in a very cases it gives the result very fruitful and recover the lost article/amount .SSB




nishit doshi <nishit_ast >@gro ups.comThursday, 2 July, 2009 5:01:34 AM Retrograde Planets






Hi,As mentioned in the KP reader of Horary Astrology - If a significator is in the nakshatra or sub of a retrograde planet than it cannot give the result in its period or sub period.But when I was discussing this with other KP students they were of the opinion that if the signficator is ver strong than - even though it is in the nakshatra or sub of a retro planet - still it gives the resultCan you all please throw some light on this and express your opinionsMany ThanksRegards.


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9th house or 9th cusp lord or planet or significator signifies 8th in any way may bestow research but it may cause some disturbances in higher studies.Bhukti lord is 9th house significator with 8th house or if 9th house significator lord is in 8th or 12th from the dasha lord may disturb higher education.In my case Venus is lord of 9th in lagna susp inMercury star lord of 8th , in Saturn dsha Venus bhukti my education B.com disturbed due to lack of financial status and ill-health.SSBnishit doshi <nishit_ast Sent: Sunday, 5 July, 2009 4:06:08 AMRe: Retrograde Planets


Hi,Thanks for the answer.Suppose if we want to look for higher studies and 9th house significator (not sublord) is in the constellation of a retro planet then can this planet(significator of 9th house) give higher studies in its period and sub period?Thanks once again,Regards--- On Fri, 7/3/09, Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>Re: Retrograde Planets@gro ups.comFriday, July 3, 2009, 10:21 AM


It depends on the question.Some time result will be fruitful soon after the cancellation of retrograde when the planet signifies the fruitful houses.In few cases , retrograde indicates no fruit at all.in a very cases it gives the result very fruitful and recover the lost article/amount .SSB nishit doshi <nishit_ast >@gro ups.comThursday, 2 July, 2009 5:01:34 AM Retrograde Planets


Hi,As mentioned in the KP reader of Horary Astrology - If a significator is in the nakshatra or sub of a retrograde planet than it cannot give the result in its period or sub period.But when I was discussing this with other KP students they were of the opinion that if the signficator is ver strong than - even though it is in the nakshatra or sub of a retro planet - still it gives the resultCan you all please throw some light on this and express your opinionsMany ThanksRegards.



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