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A Study of 100 Prisoner Charts 19709

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most if the stars of the 12th and 8th house comes as sub lords of 1, 3, 8, 12 th house and the dasas runs with kochara cooperates with malefics having connection to 12, 8, mars saturn and raghu there isevery likelihood of meeting jail and be a priosoner6th litigation 8th defamation 12th away from normal life in different bad enviornment8th commiting to crime and 12th is punishement to prisonifsuppose the 2nd sub lord be mars and ifconnected to saturn an kethu raghu by 8 th and 12th as sub or star lords of that house by way of harsh speech create enemies be in to prisonif the 6th house of loans meeting 8th and 12th house by saturn kethu raghu and mars by way of non repayment of loan meeting prisonlike that we can imagine and proced and cross check suppose 5th house love venus if connected to 4 8 12 house and its

star zand dasa runningmore basically raghu mad and unconventional love fails and displeasures other oarty 4th house (12to 5 and 12th house 8th to 5) due to love failures may meet with dangeer with police case mars raghu prison etc.........thanks with my best regards sairaman--- On Sat, 18/7/09, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:Punit Pandey <punitpRe: Re: A Study of 100 Prisoner Charts Date: Saturday, 18 July, 2009, 11:28 AM



Dear Tw ji,


1. Software do not apply inequality. Software merely give you the calculation based on unequal distribution. Possibility should always be mathematical - no exceptions. To find this assumption is incorrect, try to run your program/ test case on a random sample of 100% and note each planet appearing as a sub. You will clearly find that planet allocated more vimshottari dasa years will appear more often as sub lord than the planets that are allocated less years in vimshottari dasa scheme.


2. As per probability, "12th CSL or its Stl or its Sbl signifying any of 2, 3, 8 or 12 as done by Shri Bhatt and others getting success." will hold true 90 out of 100 times always. I don't think 90% is not conclusive here. One house appearing as significator of a planet has 1/12 probability. So any one of the four houses appearing as significator of a planet is anyways having 4/ 12 probability. If we extend it this for Stl and Sbl as we almost converge to 100% possibility which means that "12th CSL or its Stl or its Sbl signifying any of 2, 3, 8 or 12" will be almost always true. Only reason that you are getting 90% not 100% because sometimes the same planet can be CSL, Stl and Sbl and hence reducing the probability. Again to better understand, try to run your code on any random 100 charts and you will find that this condition is successful most of the time - whether prisoner or non-prisoner. In other words '90%'

here is not conclusive and the success criteria for this test-case need to be redefined before we can say anything conclusively.


One suggestion to improve the success criteria and make it conclusive is to remove Sbl. Or alternatively, you can check for AND condition rather than OR condition to have stricter success criteria.

Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 7:19 AM, tw853 <tw853 > wrote:




Dear Punit ji,1. Thanks for encouragement.2. Here the face result (planet) of 12CSL is taken from Su to Ke 9 planets. Inequality of sub division is already applied in the stage of SW calculation of sub and it is no more relevant when I'm looking at the 12CSL (planet) of each chart.

2. Similarly in taking the face result (planet) of 12CSL, each planet has equal chance and the inequal division of sub is no more involved in my study computer print-out of 12CSL. I hope you've got the point as a KP SW developer.

3. Yes, it's either 12th CSL or its Stl or its Sbl signifying any of 2, 3, 8 or 12 as done by Shri Bhatt and others getting success.Thanks and regards,tw@gro ups.com, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:

>> Dear Tw ji,> > Appreciate the work done in this study. I must say that your attempt to bring statistical and scientific sutdy in the field of astrology is really commendable.> > While going through the study, I had some thoughts/ questions as follows -


> > 1. The assumption "Each planet's chance of appearance as 12CSL is 11.1%> (1/9)" seems incorrect.> As you know that the span of each sub is of unequal size in a Nakshatra.

> Rahu's span is of 2 degree out of 13 degree 20 minutes. To take an example> of Rahu, possiblity of Rahu appearing as sub lord of 12th cusp should be 2> degree / 13 degree 20 minutes X 100 = 15%. Possiblity of Sun appearing as

> sub lord of 12th cusp should be 0 degree 40 minutes / 13 degree 20 minutes X> 100 = 5%.Similarly we should calculate for other planets. As per Vimshottari> Dasa distribution, Venus has been allocated maximum 20 years and hence

> possibility of Venus being cuspal sublord of 12th is maximum. So in order to> do the exact calculation, we need to introduce weighting factor based on the> span of each sub.> > 2. "The appearance of Saturn is very close to Rahu, chief karaka for

> imprisonment, in all three levels of 12CSL and its star lord and sub lord,> followed by Venus and Mercury."> Again, it happened because these are the planet allocated most number of> years as per Vimshottari dasa year allocation, so they get wider sub span.

> Point no. 1 and 2 are valid for sub lords only (CSL and Sbl) as Stl are> equally distributed and each nakshatra is always going to be 13 degree 20> mintues.> > 3. "The signification of 2,3,8,12 houses by the 12CSL and its star lord and

> sub lord is clearly found valid in over 90 of 100 charts under study, as> shown in the Appendix Table. "> Can you please explain how you calculated 90%? Is it either 12th CSL or Stl> or Sbl signifying any of 2, 3, 8 or 12?

> > Thanks & Regards,> > Punit Pandey>

> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:22 PM, tw853 <tw853 wrote:> > >> >> > Dear Friends,> > 1. A Study of 100 Prisoner Charts (published in KPE-zine March 2009) is

> > uploaded in the File section to show that planet itself even as Karaka is> > not important in KP> > 2. In KP the concerned cusp sub lord indicates whether a matter is promised> > or not for the native.

> > 3. Whether a planet is favorable or not for the concerned matter is shown> > by its sub lord.> > 4. That is why KP is only the sub lord theory, nothing else> > 5. What the sub lord indicates is considered by occupation and lordship of

> > the planet, its star and sub.> > 6. The cusp sub lord is also a planet.> > 7. Rasi and planet by nature are minor in KP. Bhava as per Placidus is> > decisive than Rasi.> > Regards,

> > tw> >> >> >>




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