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is this a really very strong horoscope indeed?

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dear puneet ji,


being a true kp follower....i could manage to give birth to my

son with perfect time accuracy(caesarean) on 01-10-2008 , 10:50:31a.m.(very very

sharp and correct time and guranteed from every angle) at lucknow(uttar pradesh



kindly allow discussion on this horoscope with and among all

eminent and respectable members of the prestigious kp of yours.

please entertain my request because this horoscope manifests

my total research in kp.


please do this lifetime favour to me.


thank you for an expected co-operation of yours in this regard.

pandit vivek dixit, lucknow


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Vivekji,


Dear Vivekji,


Will you kindly elaborate your statementt that on 1-10-2008"perfect time was chosen for the delivery of your son"

Will you also kindly explain the following planetary positions as seen from the chart whether you find them o.k.

Have you takeen into account yours and your wife's chart too, a\nd whether it agrees with 9th position. (father).

(1) Lagna lord Mars and Moon Bhadhak lord for Lagna is very close within 3 degrees (2) 6th CSL is Saturn a planet causing chronic

nature of disease to the native.Saturn is with self strength. Saturn is also srong for 7th a\s CSL. (3) Lagna CSL is Mercury is also CSL of 12th. He is in the star of Mars,signifying 6th house (vacant house), thus signifying 6th and 12th.strongly. (4) As already said Moon is Bhadhak lord iKethu is agent of Moon being a significator of 9th. Bhadhak sthana. (5) Venus lord of 7th is in the sub of Kethu in Bhadhak sthana, as agent of Moon.. Venus conjoins Mars and Moon in the sa\me Rasi.If you find all the above coming under "perfectness", it is good, as you may be having some

other criteria for having selected the time. Kindly let the members also know about it.


Truly yours,









Thursday, July 23, 2009 11:10 AM

is this a really very strong horoscope indeed?

dear puneet ji,being a true kp follower....i could manage to give birth to my son with perfect time accuracy(caesarean) on 01-10-2008 , 10:50:31a.m.(very very sharp and correct time and guranteed from every angle) at lucknow(uttar pradesh ,india).kindly allow discussion on this horoscope with and among all eminent and respectable members of the prestigious kp of yours.please entertain my request because this horoscope manifests my total research in kp.please do this lifetime favour to me.thank you for an expected co-operation of yours in this regard.pandit vivek dixit, lucknowwww.harcs.in

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  • 2 weeks later...

dear ramani ji,

regards, thnx for reply and sorry for delayed reply from my side.




your analysis regarding my son,s birth chart has made me very clear that you are more than sound in the subject. congratulations for that.


you have asked why i said that as a perfect time. i,m sorry for using non-appropriate word but i simply wanted to discuss before the members that...... comparitively whether it is a strong horoscope actually....i really did not mean that this is the best horoscope.

anyway.......i had considered following points for selecting this birth time:-


1. all the nine planets are significator of 11th cusp.

2.lagna sub lord is a strong significator of 1st, 10th and 11th which as per kp indicates good health in general.

3.badhaka house is only negative for health...so we have already well placed asdt s/l against this................secondly badhaka s/l i.e. 9th s/l is again strong significator of 1st and 11th so more or less its badhaka power is automatically weak to bring out any strong negative badhaka result.

mars and moon are in conjunction......since mars is not the s/l of any cusp......we need not to worry about mars being conjunct with badhaka...rather moon being s/l of 9th and being in mars constellation indicates an auspicious badhaka i.e. it will be prompted to do only good for the native.

4.jupiter very close to 2nd cusp and rahu very close to 3rd cusp are positive feature for this horoscope .

5.10th cusp is strong i.e. sun-sun-sun-sun cuspal configuration and sun also placed there with no planet in its constellation and sun also being significator of 9th 10th and 11th.....statesmanship.

6.venus is more than 9degrees away from 12th cusp..so it is able to give fair results of 11th cusp..so jupiter and saturn being placed in venus contellation are not going to create any major harm.

7.jupiter and saturn are in trine.

8. 6th s/l saturn is not a significator of asdt. nor of 6th/8th.

9.2nd s/l rahu is significator of 1st,3rd,6th and 11th..and it is signifying strongly because it is in mars star mars sub.

10. 2nd s/l jupiter is significator of 2nd and 11th.

11. 7ths/l is not the significator of 6th rather it signifies 3, 7, and 11.

12. venus it in the star of rahu which is in 3rd and in the sub of ketu who also signifies 9th,10th and 11th.



i know that my knowledge is very limited because it is like a drop in the ocean. i had paid and consulted shri kanak bosmia for the same while i was working out for this birth time.......obviously within that given time span by doctor.


shri bosmia also consented happily to this birth time. he also shared with me that he also tried the same thing earlier for one of his relative but the baby got birth few days before the muhurtha. shri bosmia concluded that only if god permits then only one can be blessed with time baby.


thnx and deep regards to you. i,l b glad if u carry on the discussion further as per ur convenience. plz ignore spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes and communication gap, if any.

details of my son...01-10-2008, 10:50:31 a.m. , lucknow(up)

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Dear pandit Vivek ji


if you follow Vedic astrology as I have seen in your websit , then as per Maharshi parashar you should not discuss your Kids birth Chart , becuase up to 12 years kids not live his life , for more detailed you can go through Parashr Horoashastra, but I dont know much about what Guru KP says.


Becuase in Kp system I didnt get that point , so any honourable member of group can throw some light.

Regards to all memeber Dr A K Mishra+416 519 1209--- On Sat, 8/15/09, panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixit wrote:

panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixitRe: is this a really very strong horoscope indeed? Received: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 1:10 AM






dear ramani ji,

regards, thnx for reply and sorry for delayed reply from my side.




your analysis regarding my son,s birth chart has made me very clear that you are more than sound in the subject. congratulations for that.


you have asked why i said that as a perfect time. i,m sorry for using non-appropriate word but i simply wanted to discuss before the members that...... comparitively whether it is a strong horoscope actually.... i really did not mean that this is the best horoscope.

anyway...... .i had considered following points for selecting this birth time:-


1. all the nine planets are significator of 11th cusp.

2.lagna sub lord is a strong significator of 1st, 10th and 11th which as per kp indicates good health in general.

3.badhaka house is only negative for health...so we have already well placed asdt s/l against this........ ........secondly badhaka s/l i.e. 9th s/l is again strong significator of 1st and 11th so more or less its badhaka power is automatically weak to bring out any strong negative badhaka result.

mars and moon are in conjunction. .....since mars is not the s/l of any cusp......we need not to worry about mars being conjunct with badhaka...rather moon being s/l of 9th and being in mars constellation indicates an auspicious badhaka i.e. it will be prompted to do only good for the native.

4.jupiter very close to 2nd cusp and rahu very close to 3rd cusp are positive feature for this horoscope .

5.10th cusp is strong i.e. sun-sun-sun- sun cuspal configuration and sun also placed there with no planet in its constellation and sun also being significator of 9th 10th and 11th.....statesmans hip.

6.venus is more than 9degrees away from 12th cusp..so it is able to give fair results of 11th cusp..so jupiter and saturn being placed in venus contellation are not going to create any major harm.

7.jupiter and saturn are in trine.

8. 6th s/l saturn is not a significator of asdt. nor of 6th/8th.

9.2nd s/l rahu is significator of 1st,3rd,6th and 11th..and it is signifying strongly because it is in mars star mars sub.

10. 2nd s/l jupiter is significator of 2nd and 11th.

11. 7ths/l is not the significator of 6th rather it signifies 3, 7, and 11.

12. venus it in the star of rahu which is in 3rd and in the sub of ketu who also signifies 9th,10th and 11th.



i know that my knowledge is very limited because it is like a drop in the ocean. i had paid and consulted shri kanak bosmia for the same while i was working out for this birth time.......obviousl y within that given time span by doctor.


shri bosmia also consented happily to this birth time. he also shared with me that he also tried the same thing earlier for one of his relative but the baby got birth few days before the muhurtha. shri bosmia concluded that only if god permits then only one can be blessed with time baby.


thnx and deep regards to you. i,l b glad if u carry on the discussion further as per ur convenience. plz ignore spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes and communication gap, if any.

details of my son...01-10- 2008, 10:50:31 a.m. , lucknow(up)


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dear a k mishra ji,


thnx for your time and suggestion.


i have also been through vedic astrology for years then only after so many serious thought...i have shifted to kp astrology.

believe me there is nothing like that we must not see a childs horoscope till the age of twelve.

remember buddhha and mahavir swami were predicted to be a great saint or king at the very time of their birth.


with due regard to vedic astrology and our seers who propounded it...i humbly wish to state that kp is the most advanced, most reliable and most accurate astrological tool available to us. trust me.


in fact......we can call kp as most orderly and systematic approach of vedic astrology.





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Dear Vivekji,

You are very right...

Did you use K.P. Ayanamsa for the planned delivery ?

Pl. inform...if not,pl inform the Ayanamsa used in degrees minutes seconds...


Yogesh Lajmi.





panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixit Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:36:01 AMRe: is this a really very strong horoscope indeed?







dear a k mishra ji,


thnx for your time and suggestion..


i have also been through vedic astrology for years then only after so many serious thought....i have shifted to kp astrology.

believe me there is nothing like that we must not see a childs horoscope till the age of twelve.

remember buddhha and mahavir swami were predicted to be a great saint or king at the very time of their birth.


with due regard to vedic astrology and our seers who propounded it...i humbly wish to state that kp is the most advanced, most reliable and most accurate astrological tool available to us. trust me.


in fact......we can call kp as most orderly and systematic approach of vedic astrology.






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Dear Vivek ji


Thanks for your prompt and precise answer.Actually what i have read I shared with you and was curious to know your opinion.



Dr A. K .Mishra+416 519 1209--- On Wed, 8/19/09, panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixit wrote:

panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixitRe: is this a really very strong horoscope indeed? Received: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 1:06 AM







dear a k mishra ji,


thnx for your time and suggestion.


i have also been through vedic astrology for years then only after so many serious thought...i have shifted to kp astrology.

believe me there is nothing like that we must not see a childs horoscope till the age of twelve.

remember buddhha and mahavir swami were predicted to be a great saint or king at the very time of their birth.


with due regard to vedic astrology and our seers who propounded it...i humbly wish to state that kp is the most advanced, most reliable and most accurate astrological tool available to us. trust me.


in fact......we can call kp as most orderly and systematic approach of vedic astrology.






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dear lajmi ji,


can we predict for mother from a childs horoscope by taking 4th as asdt.?



i myself basically practice this since last many years and i have found that it works.


kindly provide your opinion in this regard.


one more thing.......................i know very well that krishnamurty sir and his deciples including myself take 9th house for father because of so many astrological logics we all are aware of.

here.....i humbly wish to state that since last few months...i,m puzzled whether to take 9th or 10th as the house of father. i have observed results from both the angles. are there any pre conditions like somewhere it is 9th house that works for father and somewhere itz 10th?


forum members........kindly jump to conclusion after very serious thoughts only because all of us are now into very deep ......i know about the point i have raised.


discussion from those forum members are welcome who have been into research about the same.


deep regards.


all please kindly co-operate for the sake of welfare of the subject.

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Dear Friends,


It is not signification of 11th house, but sub lords of the cusps connected with various houses determine the potential/ power of any birth chart -



Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 9:25 AM, panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixit wrote:











dear lajmi ji,


                               can we predict for mother from a childs horoscope by taking 4th as asdt.?



                               i myself basically practice this since last many years and i have found that it works.


                               kindly provide your opinion in this regard.


                               one more thing.......................i know very well that krishnamurty sir and his deciples including myself take 9th house for father because of so many astrological logics we all are aware of.

                                    here.....i humbly wish to state that since last few months...i,m puzzled whether to take 9th or 10th as the house of father. i have observed results from both the angles. are there any pre conditions like somewhere it is 9th house that works for father and somewhere itz 10th?


                                    forum members........kindly jump to conclusion after very serious thoughts only because all of us are now into very deep ......i know about the point i have raised.


                       discussion from those forum members are welcome who have been into research about the same.


                     deep regards.


                        all please kindly co-operate for the sake of welfare of the subject.



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dear punit ji,


i,m aware and agree to the fact that strenth of sub lord is the prime.


i have stated that in my sons case(01st october 2008, 10:50:31am,lucknow,up,india ,horoscope based on kp second ayanmansa) that all the nine planets are significators of 11th house.. secondly except ketu....rest 8 planets are strong significators of 11th house. thirdly ketu is not the sub lord of and cusp. fourthly ketu is not the constellation lord of any cusp.



so any among he remaining 8 planets will be the sub lords of different houses so it will strongly signify 11th. in the horoscope....further....no planet is strong significator of 12th and 8th.


12th sub lord signifies 11th and 10th strongly. 6th sublord does not signifies 6th or 8th or 1st but yes 9thbadhaka,12th and 7th maraka but 11th too. 8th sublord also signifies 11th very strongly. 9th badhaka s/l signifies 11th very strongly.


lagna s/l signifies......1st,10th,11thstrongly but 6th and 8th very minorly..


2nd s/l signifies 3rd,6th 1st and 11th.


3rd s/l signifies 3rdand 11th strongly and 7th and 12th minorly.


4th s/l signifies 3rd, 11th strongly and 7th,12th minorly.


5th s/l signifies 11th and 2nd strongly.


7th s/l signifies 3,4,7,12,9 and 11th strongly.


10th s/l signifies 9th,10thand 11th only. 10th cusp is sun-sun-sun-sun and there is no planet in sun star and sun also being placed there.


11th s/l signifies 2 and 11.



are these factors insufficient to call a horoscope strong???



birth particulars given can be verified from devika nursing home..dr. geeta dwivedi, aliganj, near post office,lucknow..tel#0522-2327077.



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dear mishraji,


thnx for acknowledgement. let us all spread the greatness and further research of kp astrology to one and all so that noble things start surfacing.




vivek dixit..........www.harcs.in

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Dear Vivekji,

Yes Sir, you can...from the IVth house,taken to represent the Mother...

My experience of taking the IXth house for Father has been very good indeed....although I confess,I do not have any comparative study worth presenting to any forum...

With kind regards,

Yogesh Lajmi.





panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixit Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:25:39 AMRe: is this a really very strong horoscope indeed?







dear lajmi ji,


can we predict for mother from a childs horoscope by taking 4th as asdt.?



i myself basically practice this since last many years and i have found that it works.


kindly provide your opinion in this regard.


one more thing....... ......... .......i know very well that krishnamurty sir and his deciples including myself take 9th house for father because of so many astrological logics we all are aware of.

here.....i humbly wish to state that since last few months...i,m puzzled whether to take 9th or 10th as the house of father. i have observed results from both the angles. are there any pre conditions like somewhere it is 9th house that works for father and somewhere itz 10th?


forum members..... ...kindly jump to conclusion after very serious thoughts only because all of us are now into very deep ......i know about the point i have raised.


discussion from those forum members are welcome who have been into research about the same.


deep regards.


all please kindly co-operate for the sake of welfare of the subject.


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Dear Vivek ji


Really you have very strong vision and dedication for KP system. and one thing that right now lot of professionals from different field are taking intrest in astrology, so I think it is good signe for this occult science.



Thanks AK Mishra+416 519 1209--- On Thu, 8/20/09, panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixit wrote:

panditvivekdixit astrologer <panditvivekdixitRe: is this a really very strong horoscope indeed? Received: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 2:41 AM






dear mishraji,


thnx for acknowledgement. let us all spread the greatness and further research of kp astrology to one and all so that noble things start surfacing.




vivek dixit....... ...www.harcs. in


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