Guest guest Posted August 7, 2009 Report Share Posted August 7, 2009 Dear members, It would be wise if we test the theory proposed by Mr. Khullar. I never failed using his Cuspal Interliks theory. I can say it is complete in its own and there is no need to wandering from this theory to that theory, no need for post mortem after happening of events rather it can predict in advance. Thanks,D K B 9910048040 "Only GOOD is not Enough, When you Dream of being GREAT."--- On Fri, 7/8/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: One riddle I could't solve Date: Friday, 7 August, 2009, 4:21 PM Dear Punit ji,Our KP stalwarts have not followed KP alone as dictated by our Guruji.There are many cases analysed with the intercuspal significations by Shri. K. Subramaniam and others.Moreover in some analysis it will be in very depth and confusing. In some there is no usage. Moreover, I wont say, Intercuspal theory is bascially from KP only.KSK found the difference between the Twins, only when one got married in a D/B/A in whose star/sub is the CSL of 7 and where as the other one did not get married in the said D/B/A, as the 7th CSL is different. This is the funadamental of KP. If DBA are favorable for ant event , it does not mean that it will happen unless and otherwise they are connetced to the relevant cusps. or othereise, first of all the relevant cusp(s) should give the green signal in the birth chart, then only it will happen.But we have to look ointo that, if the 7th CSL is a signficator of 6,10/12 and if D/B/A are in the star or sub of that planet, we can not expect the marriage. We have to look into other signfications also. As KSK said all the signfications will play role at a given time.In Sub Lord speaks, Shri.KMS has dicussed with the DBA and thier signfications of Sub and thier role for the evnets happened. All are Postmorteme only. He has not dicsussed about the Cusps Sub lord. In such case, the people born within few miniutes difference will have the same results? (only Moon's sub will differ ). No. Dear Punit ji,I am not aware of the complete fundemental principles of these theories. Of course I have few books. But I look into those points only as pinch of Salt. Because, in some books , if we study in depth a lot of questions/ contra thoughts are arising. and confusing also.When we have a lot more to learn from the KP, hope we need not take those as theories. It can be thought as part of our KP, as explained above and hope the real out come of the usage depends on our experiments.I do not follow this not just for the PostMortem but also for the Predictions. But some times it leads into a confused state of mind.Thanks and RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I agree that "It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts." Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should also "critically" discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are doing with this chart. On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification becomes much more easier. Not only "intercuspal theory", we can justify it with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More options we have, more easier for us to justify. If we really think that some system like "intercuspal theory" works, we should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand, by "intercuspal theory", you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity of the theory. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not be a strong signfication. Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period.All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory which of course need a lot of study.Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige?It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts.I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful outcome. With RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and "7th" in 5th aspected by Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts, using non-KP rules and here we are not ready to accept a straight logic. With post-mortem we can do that, but if this horoscope would have come to us 30 years ago, probably we would not have predicted that way. Your argument that "Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons - 1. If we are taking Cuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during antardasa of 7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of 6th house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa. 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP, is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, it will act as significator of the house related to that cusp. 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as conductive house for marriage. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,I accept your statement..But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6).Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. That could be the reason for the delay.RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with Rahu-Jupiter, for example? Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your clarification.I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed earlier. This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers.But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is drawn or taught.We need a lot of study !Thanks and RegardsAdith On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By "failure", I wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and written in the books. At least there are certain cases which make the system inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the way Tw ji has demonstrated. ) Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, even for me, Saturn would NOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing something and it is what I want to emphasize. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they can not express openly but internally they know.In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases. By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem), we can gain more knowledge.You are always welcome to give your opinion.As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is easier.But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will be good and meaningful.With RegardsAdithAfter the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or followed are not KP rules. On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends, I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a very important learning tool. What I said is "any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem)." In other words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule can be called a "rule" if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just helps in "post-mortem", it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we in agreement? I also agree to your saying that "The failures are the secretes of the success." But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can "correct" only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have accepted our failure and not just justifying? Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in future. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil <athi_ram > wrote: Dear Punit, We do remember the statement that “The failures are the secretes of the successâ€. From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be learned from the person’s own past events or from others past events. Even our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK). In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour countdown, …10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure. The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only. So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. This is my personal opinion. GOOD LUCK!! Regards, D.Senthil--- On Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: One riddle I could't solve @gro ups.comTuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your explanations.Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our Guruji itself the importance of PM.Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the results as you know very well.As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 . hence Jupiter gives the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun in 4.These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in the marital life.But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4.out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6 and 7th cusps.hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable planet.When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in certain time. Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 (through Venus) and aspect 11th house. But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good for thier relations.That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when.Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of experiments and Postmortme study. The above are my humble opinion.Thanks and RegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji & Friends, I have few thoughts that I would like to share - 1. This is not the first time we are hearing that four-fold significators are not giving the results as expected. Dhanabalan ji has produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It seems clear that the "most powerful significators" do not "always" give result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with whatever new theory (e.g Rahu gives result of other planets etc.) we are talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is yes, we need to do further research on the theory and improve the rule. 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha dasa? Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Suprakash ji,First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover! (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!!My analysis is follows:Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house.Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are "Multi faced Weapons")Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not negate strongly .)As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of Marriage.Saturn has the following significations:Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter, Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies secondarily the 2nd.Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship) posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage.Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also.The other strong planet in Moon star is Venus who signifies 5, and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter.Mercury is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon. Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu). The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is Jup-Sat-Sat- Venusthe day was Mercury day.Transit : Sign-star-subMoon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-RahuSat- Mercury-Jupiter- venusVenus-Sat-Moon- JupiterRegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh@> wrote: Dear allI seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage time.DOB 04-05-196210:58 PMHowrahMaleHis marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- KetJupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about it.But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event in its own antara.RegardsSuprakash Looking for local information? 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Guest guest Posted August 8, 2009 Report Share Posted August 8, 2009  Mr. Khullar's method is based on KP and Bhaskaran (Though he never acknowledge it anywhere in his books) . One problem in the theory is with the use of Sub Sub in his method. It may be OK for Horary, but there are chances of failure in case of natal charts. Suprakash - Dharmendra Kumar Saturday, August 08, 2009 2:18 AM Re: One riddle I could't solve Dear members, It would be wise if we test the theory proposed by Mr. Khullar. I never failed using his Cuspal Interliks theory. I can say it is complete in its own and there is no need to wandering from this theory to that theory, no need for post mortem after happening of events rather it can predict in advance. Thanks,D K B 9910048040 "Only GOOD is not Enough, When you Dream of being GREAT."--- On Fri, 7/8/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath > wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath >Re: One riddle I could't solve Date: Friday, 7 August, 2009, 4:21 PM Dear Punit ji,Our KP stalwarts have not followed KP alone as dictated by our Guruji.There are many cases analysed with the intercuspal significations by Shri. K. Subramaniam and others.Moreover in some analysis it will be in very depth and confusing. In some there is no usage. Moreover, I wont say, Intercuspal theory is bascially from KP only.KSK found the difference between the Twins, only when one got married in a D/B/A in whose star/sub is the CSL of 7 and where as the other one did not get married in the said D/B/A, as the 7th CSL is different. This is the funadamental of KP. If DBA are favorable for ant event , it does not mean that it will happen unless and otherwise they are connetced to the relevant cusps. or othereise, first of all the relevant cusp(s) should give the green signal in the birth chart, then only it will happen.But we have to look ointo that, if the 7th CSL is a signficator of 6,10/12 and if D/B/A are in the star or sub of that planet, we can not expect the marriage. We have to look into other signfications also. As KSK said all the signfications will play role at a given time.In Sub Lord speaks, Shri.KMS has dicussed with the DBA and thier signfications of Sub and thier role for the evnets happened. All are Postmorteme only. He has not dicsussed about the Cusps Sub lord. In such case, the people born within few miniutes difference will have the same results? (only Moon's sub will differ ). No. Dear Punit ji,I am not aware of the complete fundemental principles of these theories. Of course I have few books. But I look into those points only as pinch of Salt. Because, in some books , if we study in depth a lot of questions/ contra thoughts are arising. and confusing also.When we have a lot more to learn from the KP, hope we need not take those as theories. It can be thought as part of our KP, as explained above and hope the real out come of the usage depends on our experiments.I do not follow this not just for the PostMortem but also for the Predictions. But some times it leads into a confused state of mind.Thanks and RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I agree that "It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts." Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should also "critically" discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are doing with this chart. On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification becomes much more easier. Not only "intercuspal theory", we can justify it with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More options we have, more easier for us to justify. If we really think that some system like "intercuspal theory" works, we should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand, by "intercuspal theory", you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity of the theory. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not be a strong signfication. Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period.All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory which of course need a lot of study.Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige?It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts.I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful outcome. With RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and "7th" in 5th aspected by Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts, using non-KP rules and here we are not ready to accept a straight logic. With post-mortem we can do that, but if this horoscope would have come to us 30 years ago, probably we would not have predicted that way. Your argument that "Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons - 1. If we are taking Cuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during antardasa of 7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of 6th house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa. 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP, is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, it will act as significator of the house related to that cusp. 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as conductive house for marriage. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,I accept your statement..But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6).Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. That could be the reason for the delay.RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with Rahu-Jupiter, for example? Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your clarification.I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed earlier. This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers.But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is drawn or taught.We need a lot of study !Thanks and RegardsAdith On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By "failure", I wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and written in the books. At least there are certain cases which make the system inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the way Tw ji has demonstrated. ) Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, even for me, Saturn would NOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing something and it is what I want to emphasize. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they can not express openly but internally they know.In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases. By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem), we can gain more knowledge.You are always welcome to give your opinion.As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is easier.But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will be good and meaningful.With RegardsAdithAfter the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or followed are not KP rules. On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends, I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a very important learning tool. What I said is "any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem)." In other words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule can be called a "rule" if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just helps in "post-mortem", it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we in agreement? I also agree to your saying that "The failures are the secretes of the success." But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can "correct" only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have accepted our failure and not just justifying? Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in future. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil <athi_ram > wrote: Dear Punit, We do remember the statement that “The failures are the secretes of the successâ€. From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be learned from the person’s own past events or from others past events. Even our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK). In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour countdown, …10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure. The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only. So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. This is my personal opinion. GOOD LUCK!! Regards, D.Senthil--- On Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: One riddle I could't solve @gro ups.comTuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your explanations.Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our Guruji itself the importance of PM.Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the results as you know very well.As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 . hence Jupiter gives the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun in 4.These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in the marital life.But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4.out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6 and 7th cusps.hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable planet.When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in certain time. Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 (through Venus) and aspect 11th house. But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good for thier relations.That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when.Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of experiments and Postmortme study. The above are my humble opinion.Thanks and RegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji & Friends, I have few thoughts that I would like to share - 1. This is not the first time we are hearing that four-fold significators are not giving the results as expected. Dhanabalan ji has produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It seems clear that the "most powerful significators" do not "always" give result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with whatever new theory (e.g Rahu gives result of other planets etc.) we are talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is yes, we need to do further research on the theory and improve the rule. 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha dasa? Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Suprakash ji,First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover! (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!!My analysis is follows:Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house.Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are "Multi faced Weapons")Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not negate strongly .)As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of Marriage.Saturn has the following significations:Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter, Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies secondarily the 2nd.Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship) posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage.Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also.The other strong planet in Moon star is Venus who signifies 5, and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter.Mercury is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon. Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu). The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is Jup-Sat-Sat- Venusthe day was Mercury day.Transit : Sign-star-subMoon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-RahuSat- Mercury-Jupiter- venusVenus-Sat-Moon- JupiterRegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh@> wrote: Dear allI seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage time.DOB 04-05-196210:58 PMHowrahMaleHis marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- KetJupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about it.But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event in its own antara.RegardsSuprakash Looking for local information? 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Guest guest Posted August 8, 2009 Report Share Posted August 8, 2009 Dear Dharmendra ji, As you can see from my earlier emails, I am critical to Khullar ji's Cuspal Interlinks. I tried this theory several times and found it good only for post-mortem. With so many type of interlinings and dependency on sub-sub (see my earlier emails on the possible problems with sub sub - both astronomical and astrological), it becomes very easy to justify any event. On top of that if we are finding it difficult to justify, we can always rectify the birth and change the sub sub. Other than what I said above, I have never seen a good predictive use of the theory. We see practical application of 4-step once in a while, but never seen anything on Mr. Khullar's cuspal interlinks. Nor anybody participated in quiz and blind charts that we had in the past. Here, all we have seen is a discussion on Osho's chart with quite a few disputes. As I mentioned earlier, predictive capabilities should be a yardstick for any rule/ theory. I am also critical to your saying that " I never failed using his Cuspal Interliks theory. " What you seems to be implying that you always get correct results (100%), which seems exaggerated. Though this kind of statements are nothing new and we have seen this kind of claims from other system practitioners as well. I am OK if people make this kind of statements from promotional perspective, as the system also needs to be sold to others. A systems also needs to be promoted like any other business. Though, in absence of any practical application, this statement doesn't have any value for me. Having said that, I would not like to reject any theory. If it has predictive capabilities, we should always give it a try. As you are cuspal interlinks practitioner, I would request you to participate in future quizzes, so that we can also learn the possible application. The good part about a quiz is that you are free to do rectification, as all we care about the correct results. There can not be any better test in astrology than correct future predictions. Ultimately, our objective to be in this forum is to learn and improve .. to obtain ability to predict all aspects of human life precisely and accurately. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 2:18 AM, Dharmendra Kumar <kdbhaskar7 wrote: Dear members, It would be wise if we test the theory proposed by Mr. Khullar. I never failed using his Cuspal Interliks theory. I can say it is complete in its own and there is no need to wandering from this theory to that theory, no need for post mortem after happening of events rather it can predict in advance. Thanks,D K B 9910048040 " Only GOOD is not Enough, When you Dream of being GREAT. " --- On Fri, 7/8/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: One riddle I could't solve Friday, 7 August, 2009, 4:21 PM Dear Punit ji,Our KP stalwarts have not followed KP alone as dictated by our Guruji.There are many cases analysed with the intercuspal significations by Shri. K. Subramaniam and others.Moreover in some analysis it will be in very depth and confusing. In some there is no usage. Moreover, I wont say, Intercuspal theory is bascially from KP only.KSK found the difference between the Twins, only when one got married in a D/B/A in whose star/sub is the CSL of 7 and where as the other one did not get married in the said D/B/A, as the 7th CSL is different. This is the funadamental of KP. If DBA are favorable for ant event , it does not mean that it will happen unless and otherwise they are connetced to the relevant cusps. or othereise, first of all the relevant cusp(s) should give the green signal in the birth chart, then only it will happen. But we have to look ointo that, if the 7th CSL is a signficator of 6,10/12 and if D/B/A are in the star or sub of that planet, we can not expect the marriage. We have to look into other signfications also. As KSK said all the signfications will play role at a given time. In Sub Lord speaks, Shri.KMS has dicussed with the DBA and thier signfications of Sub and thier role for the evnets happened. All are Postmorteme only. He has not dicsussed about the Cusps Sub lord. In such case, the people born within few miniutes difference will have the same results? (only Moon's sub will differ ). No. Dear Punit ji,I am not aware of the complete fundemental principles of these theories. Of course I have few books. But I look into those points only as pinch of Salt. Because, in some books , if we study in depth a lot of questions/ contra thoughts are arising. and confusing also.When we have a lot more to learn from the KP, hope we need not take those as theories. It can be thought as part of our KP, as explained above and hope the real out come of the usage depends on our experiments. I do not follow this not just for the PostMortem but also for the Predictions. But some times it leads into a confused state of mind.Thanks and RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I agree that " It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. " Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should also " critically " discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are doing with this chart. On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification becomes much more easier. Not only " intercuspal theory " , we can justify it with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More options we have, more easier for us to justify. If we really think that some system like " intercuspal theory " works, we should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand, by " intercuspal theory " , you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity of the theory. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not be a strong signfication. Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period. All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory which of course need a lot of study.Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige?It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful outcome. With RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and " 7th " in 5th aspected by Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts, using non-KP rules and here we are not ready to accept a straight logic. With post-mortem we can do that, but if this horoscope would have come to us 30 years ago, probably we would not have predicted that way. Your argument that " Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons - 1. If we are taking Cuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during antardasa of 7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of 6th house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa. 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP, is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, it will act as significator of the house related to that cusp. 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as conductive house for marriage. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,I accept your statement..But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6).Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. That could be the reason for the delay. RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with Rahu-Jupiter, for example? Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your clarification.I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed earlier. This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers. But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is drawn or taught.We need a lot of study !Thanks and RegardsAdith On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By " failure " , I wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and written in the books. At least there are certain cases which make the system inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the way Tw ji has demonstrated. ) Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, even for me, Saturn would NOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing something and it is what I want to emphasize. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they can not express openly but internally they know.In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases. By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem), we can gain more knowledge.You are always welcome to give your opinion.As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is easier. But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will be good and meaningful. With RegardsAdithAfter the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or followed are not KP rules. On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends, I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a very important learning tool. What I said is " any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). " In other words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule can be called a " rule " if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just helps in " post-mortem " , it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we in agreement? I also agree to your saying that " The failures are the secretes of the success. " But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can " correct " only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have accepted our failure and not just justifying? Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in future. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil <athi_ram > wrote: Dear Punit, We do remember the statement that “The failures are the secretes of the success”. From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be learned from the person’s own past events or from others past events. Even our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK). In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour countdown, …10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure. The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only. So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. This is my personal opinion. GOOD LUCK!! Regards, D.Senthil--- On Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: One riddle I could't solve @gro Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your explanations.Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our Guruji itself the importance of PM. Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the results as you know very well.As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 . hence Jupiter gives the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun in 4. These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in the marital life.But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4. out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6 and 7th cusps.hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable planet. When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in certain time. Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 (through Venus) and aspect 11th house. But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good for thier relations. That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when.Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of experiments and Postmortme study. The above are my humble opinion.Thanks and RegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji & Friends, I have few thoughts that I would like to share - 1. This is not the first time we are hearing that four-fold significators are not giving the results as expected. Dhanabalan ji has produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It seems clear that the " most powerful significators " do not " always " give result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with whatever new theory (e.g Rahu gives result of other planets etc.) we are talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is yes, we need to do further research on the theory and improve the rule. 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha dasa? Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Suprakash ji,First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover! (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!!My analysis is follows:Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house. Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are " Multi faced Weapons " )Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not negate strongly .) As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of Marriage.Saturn has the following significations:Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter, Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies secondarily the 2nd. Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship) posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage. Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also.The other strong planet in Moon star is Venus who signifies 5, and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter.Mercury is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon. Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu). The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is Jup-Sat-Sat- Venusthe day was Mercury day.Transit : Sign-star-subMoon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-RahuSat- Mercury-Jupiter- venus Venus-Sat-Moon- JupiterRegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh@> wrote: Dear allI seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage time.DOB 04-05-196210:58 PMHowrahMale His marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- KetJupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about it.But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event in its own antara. RegardsSuprakash Looking for local information? 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Guest guest Posted August 8, 2009 Report Share Posted August 8, 2009 The differnce between KB (Baskaran) and KCIL (Khullar) is the sub interlinks are used in KB and sub sub interlinks in KCIL. The defferences between KP and KB are mentioned in K. Baskaran: Principles of Cuspal Interlinks (pp 200-203), which is dedecated to his Guru Sri KSK. , " Suprakash Ghosh " <suprakash.ghosh wrote: > > Mr. Khullar's method is based on KP and Bhaskaran (Though he never acknowledge it anywhere in his books) . One problem in the theory is with the use of Sub Sub in his method. It may be OK for Horary, but there are chances of failure in case of natal charts. > > > Suprakash > > - > Dharmendra Kumar > > Saturday, August 08, 2009 2:18 AM > Re: One riddle I could't solve > > > Dear members, > > It would be wise if we test the theory proposed by Mr. Khullar. I never failed using his Cuspal Interliks theory. I can say it is complete in its own and there is no need to wandering from this theory to that theory, no need for post mortem after happening of events rather it can predict in advance. > > Thanks, > D K B > 9910048040 > > > " Only GOOD is not Enough, When you Dream of being GREAT. " > > > --- On Fri, 7/8/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: > > > adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath > Re: One riddle I could't solve > > Friday, 7 August, 2009, 4:21 PM > > > > Dear Punit ji, > > Our KP stalwarts have not followed KP alone as dictated by our Guruji. > There are many cases analysed with the intercuspal significations by Shri. K. Subramaniam and others.Moreover in some analysis it will be in very depth and confusing. In some there is no usage. > > Moreover, I wont say, Intercuspal theory is bascially from KP only. > > KSK found the difference between the Twins, only when one got married in a D/B/A in whose star/sub is the CSL of 7 and where as the other one did not get married in the said D/B/A, as the 7th CSL is different. This is the funadamental of KP. > > If DBA are favorable for ant event , it does not mean that it will happen unless and otherwise they are connetced to the relevant cusps. or othereise, first of all the relevant cusp(s) should give the green signal in the birth chart, then only it will happen. > > But we have to look ointo that, if the 7th CSL is a signficator of 6,10/12 and if D/B/A are in the star or sub of that planet, we can not expect the marriage. We have to look into other signfications also. As KSK said all the signfications will play role at a given time. > > In Sub Lord speaks, Shri.KMS has dicussed with the DBA and thier signfications of Sub and thier role for the evnets happened. All are Postmorteme only. He has not dicsussed about the Cusps Sub lord. In such case, the people born within few miniutes difference will have the same results? (only Moon's sub will differ ). No. > > Dear Punit ji, > I am not aware of the complete fundemental principles of these theories. Of course I have few books. But I look into those points only as pinch of Salt. Because, in some books , if we study in depth a lot of questions/ contra thoughts are arising. and confusing also.When we have a lot more to learn from the KP, hope we need not take those as theories. It can be thought as part of our KP, as explained above and hope the real out come of the usage depends on our experiments. > > I do not follow this not just for the PostMortem but also for the Predictions. But some times it leads into a confused state of mind. > > Thanks and Regards > Adith > > > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: > > > Dear Adith ji, > > I agree that " It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. " Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should also " critically " discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are doing with this chart. > > On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification becomes much more easier. Not only " intercuspal theory " , we can justify it with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More options we have, more easier for us to justify. > > If we really think that some system like " intercuspal theory " works, we should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand, by " intercuspal theory " , you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity of the theory. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: > > > Dear Punit ji, > > When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not be a strong signfication. > Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period. > > All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory which of course need a lot of study. > > Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige? > It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. > I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful outcome. > > With Regards > Adith > > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: > > > Dear Adith ji, > > Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and " 7th " in 5th aspected by Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts, using non-KP rules and here we are not ready to accept a straight logic. With post-mortem we can do that, but if this horoscope would have come to us 30 years ago, probably we would not have predicted that way. > > Your argument that " Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons - > > 1. If we are taking Cuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during antardasa of 7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of 6th house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa. > 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP, is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, it will act as significator of the house related to that cusp. > 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as conductive house for marriage. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: > > > Dear Punit ji, > > I accept your statement.. > But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6). > Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. That could be the reason for the delay. > > Regards > Adith > > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: > > > Dear Adith ji, > > Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with Rahu-Jupiter, for example? > > Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > > On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: > > > Dear Punit ji, > > Thanks for your clarification. > > I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed earlier. > This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers. > > But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is drawn or taught. > We need a lot of study ! > > Thanks and Regards > Adith > > > > On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: > > > Dear Adith ji, > > I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By " failure " , I wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and written in the books. At least there are certain cases which make the system inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the way Tw ji has demonstrated. ) > > Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, even for me, Saturn would NOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing something and it is what I want to emphasize. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: > > > Dear Punit ji, > > We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they can not express openly but internally they know. > > In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases. > > By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem), we can gain more knowledge. > > You are always welcome to give your opinion. > > As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is easier. > But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will be good and meaningful. > > With Regards > Adith > > > After the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or followed are not KP rules. > > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: > > > Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends, > > I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a very important learning tool. What I said is " any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). " In other words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule can be called a " rule " if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just helps in " post-mortem " , it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we in agreement? > > I also agree to your saying that " The failures are the secretes of the success. " But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can " correct " only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have accepted our failure and not just justifying? > > Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in future. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil <athi_ram > wrote: > > > Dear Punit, > > We do remember the statement that “The failures are the secretes of the successâ€. From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be learned from the person’s own past events or from others past events. Even our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK). > > In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour countdown, …10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure. > > The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only. So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. > > This is my personal opinion. > > GOOD LUCK!! > > Regards, > > D.Senthil > > --- On Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: > > > adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> > > Re: One riddle I could't solve > > @gro > > Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM > > > > > > Dear Punit ji, > > Thanks for your explanations. > > Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our Guruji itself the importance of PM. > > Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the results as you know very well. > > As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 .. hence Jupiter gives the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun in 4. > These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in the marital life. > > But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4. > > out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6 and 7th cusps. > > hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable planet. > When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in certain time. > > Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 (through Venus) and aspect 11th house. > > But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good for thier relations. > > That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when. > > Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of experiments and Postmortme study. > The above are my humble opinion. > > Thanks and Regards > Adith > > www.thebestastro. com > > > On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: > > > Dear Adith ji & Friends, > > I have few thoughts that I would like to share - > > 1. This is not the first time we are hearing that four-fold significators are not giving the results as expected. Dhanabalan ji has produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It seems clear that the " most powerful significators " do not " always " give result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). > > 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with whatever new theory (e.g Rahu gives result of other planets etc.) we are talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is yes, we need to do further research on the theory and improve the rule. > > 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. > > 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha dasa? > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > > On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: > > > Dear Suprakash ji, > > First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover! (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!! > > My analysis is follows: > > Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house. > > Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are " Multi faced Weapons " ) > > Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not negate strongly .) > > As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of Marriage. > Saturn has the following significations: > > Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter, Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies secondarily the 2nd. > > Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship) posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage. > > Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also. > > The other strong planet in Moon star is Venus who signifies 5, and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter. > > Mercury is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon. Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu). > > The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is > Jup-Sat-Sat- Venus > > the day was Mercury day. > Transit : Sign-star-sub > Moon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat > Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-Rahu > Sat- Mercury-Jupiter- venus > Venus-Sat-Moon- Jupiter > > > Regards > Adith > www.thebestastro. com > > > > On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh@> wrote: > > > Dear all > > I seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage time. > > DOB 04-05-1962 > 10:58 PM > Howrah > Male > > His marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- Ket > > Jupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about it. > But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event in its own antara. > > Regards > > Suprakash > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? 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Guest guest Posted August 8, 2009 Report Share Posted August 8, 2009  Dear Shri D.K., I have not read Mr. Khullar's theory of cuspal interlinks. I also don't know whether it is same like that of Mr.Bhaskaran of Madurai (K.B.System). Will you kindly let me know a small example covering Mr.Khullar's theory? Thanking you, Yours truly, K.S.V.Ramani - Dharmendra Kumar Saturday, August 08, 2009 2:18 AM Re: One riddle I could't solve Dear members, It would be wise if we test the theory proposed by Mr. Khullar. I never failed using his Cuspal Interliks theory. I can say it is complete in its own and there is no need to wandering from this theory to that theory, no need for post mortem after happening of events rather it can predict in advance. Thanks,D K B 9910048040 "Only GOOD is not Enough, When you Dream of being GREAT."--- On Fri, 7/8/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath > wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath >Re: One riddle I could't solve Date: Friday, 7 August, 2009, 4:21 PM Dear Punit ji,Our KP stalwarts have not followed KP alone as dictated by our Guruji.There are many cases analysed with the intercuspal significations by Shri. K. Subramaniam and others.Moreover in some analysis it will be in very depth and confusing. In some there is no usage. Moreover, I wont say, Intercuspal theory is bascially from KP only.KSK found the difference between the Twins, only when one got married in a D/B/A in whose star/sub is the CSL of 7 and where as the other one did not get married in the said D/B/A, as the 7th CSL is different. This is the funadamental of KP. If DBA are favorable for ant event , it does not mean that it will happen unless and otherwise they are connetced to the relevant cusps. or othereise, first of all the relevant cusp(s) should give the green signal in the birth chart, then only it will happen.But we have to look ointo that, if the 7th CSL is a signficator of 6,10/12 and if D/B/A are in the star or sub of that planet, we can not expect the marriage. We have to look into other signfications also. As KSK said all the signfications will play role at a given time.In Sub Lord speaks, Shri.KMS has dicussed with the DBA and thier signfications of Sub and thier role for the evnets happened. All are Postmorteme only. He has not dicsussed about the Cusps Sub lord. In such case, the people born within few miniutes difference will have the same results? (only Moon's sub will differ ). No. Dear Punit ji,I am not aware of the complete fundemental principles of these theories. Of course I have few books. But I look into those points only as pinch of Salt. Because, in some books , if we study in depth a lot of questions/ contra thoughts are arising. and confusing also.When we have a lot more to learn from the KP, hope we need not take those as theories. It can be thought as part of our KP, as explained above and hope the real out come of the usage depends on our experiments.I do not follow this not just for the PostMortem but also for the Predictions. But some times it leads into a confused state of mind.Thanks and RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I agree that "It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts." Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should also "critically" discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are doing with this chart. On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification becomes much more easier. Not only "intercuspal theory", we can justify it with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More options we have, more easier for us to justify. If we really think that some system like "intercuspal theory" works, we should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand, by "intercuspal theory", you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity of the theory. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not be a strong signfication. Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period.All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory which of course need a lot of study.Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige?It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts.I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful outcome. With RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and "7th" in 5th aspected by Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts, using non-KP rules and here we are not ready to accept a straight logic. With post-mortem we can do that, but if this horoscope would have come to us 30 years ago, probably we would not have predicted that way. Your argument that "Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons - 1. If we are taking Cuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during antardasa of 7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of 6th house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa. 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP, is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, it will act as significator of the house related to that cusp. 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as conductive house for marriage. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,I accept your statement..But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6).Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. That could be the reason for the delay.RegardsAdith On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with Rahu-Jupiter, for example? Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your clarification.I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed earlier. This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers.But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is drawn or taught.We need a lot of study !Thanks and RegardsAdith On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By "failure", I wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and written in the books. At least there are certain cases which make the system inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the way Tw ji has demonstrated. ) Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, even for me, Saturn would NOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing something and it is what I want to emphasize. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Punit ji,We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they can not express openly but internally they know.In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases. By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem), we can gain more knowledge.You are always welcome to give your opinion.As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is easier.But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will be good and meaningful.With RegardsAdithAfter the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or followed are not KP rules. On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends, I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a very important learning tool. What I said is "any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem)." In other words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule can be called a "rule" if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just helps in "post-mortem", it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we in agreement? I also agree to your saying that "The failures are the secretes of the success." But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can "correct" only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have accepted our failure and not just justifying? Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in future. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil <athi_ram > wrote: Dear Punit, We do remember the statement that “The failures are the secretes of the successâ€. From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be learned from the person’s own past events or from others past events. Even our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK). In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour countdown, …10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure. The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only. So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. This is my personal opinion. GOOD LUCK!! Regards, D.Senthil--- On Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: One riddle I could't solve @gro ups.comTuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM Dear Punit ji,Thanks for your explanations.Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our Guruji itself the importance of PM.Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the results as you know very well.As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 . hence Jupiter gives the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun in 4.These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in the marital life.But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4.out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6 and 7th cusps.hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable planet.When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in certain time. Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 (through Venus) and aspect 11th house. But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good for thier relations.That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when.Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of experiments and Postmortme study. The above are my humble opinion.Thanks and RegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Adith ji & Friends, I have few thoughts that I would like to share - 1. This is not the first time we are hearing that four-fold significators are not giving the results as expected. Dhanabalan ji has produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It seems clear that the "most powerful significators" do not "always" give result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with whatever new theory (e.g Rahu gives result of other planets etc.) we are talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is yes, we need to do further research on the theory and improve the rule. 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha dasa? Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Suprakash ji,First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover! (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!!My analysis is follows:Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house.Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are "Multi faced Weapons")Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not negate strongly .)As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of Marriage.Saturn has the following significations:Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter, Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies secondarily the 2nd.Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship) posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage.Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also.The other strong planet in Moon star is Venus who signifies 5, and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter.Mercury is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon. Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu). The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is Jup-Sat-Sat- Venusthe day was Mercury day.Transit : Sign-star-subMoon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-RahuSat- Mercury-Jupiter- venusVenus-Sat-Moon- JupiterRegardsAdithwww.thebestastro. com On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh@> wrote: Dear allI seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage time.DOB 04-05-196210:58 PMHowrahMaleHis marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- KetJupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about it.But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event in its own antara.RegardsSuprakash Looking for local information? 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Guest guest Posted August 9, 2009 Report Share Posted August 9, 2009 Dear all One astrologer friend of mine (he is traditional) has given a clue as per his understanding that in Navamsa, Saturn strongly signifies 7th being posited in 7th sign fron Lagna as well as Moon. Another interesting clue: Arabian parts for marriage( as per KPAstro, Asc + 7th Cusp – Ve) falls in 11Deg22min Aqu and Sat is sign lord and sublord of the point. Suprakash , Punit Pandey <punitp wrote: > > Dear Adith ji, > > I agree that " It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. " > Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should > also " critically " discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are > doing with this chart. > > On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification > becomes much more easier. Not only " intercuspal theory " , we can justify it > with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal > Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More > options we have, more easier for us to justify. > > If we really think that some system like " intercuspal theory " works, we > should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise > it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand, > by " intercuspal theory " , you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's > cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to > use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at > one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with > the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe > to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity > of the theory. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k < > gkadithkasinath wrote: > > > > > > > Dear Punit ji, > > > > When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or > > obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not > > be a strong signfication. > > Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the > > star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there > > would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period. > > > > All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory > > which of course need a lot of study. > > > > Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige? > > It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. > > I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful > > outcome. > > > > With Regards > > Adith > > > > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote: > > > >> > >> > >> Dear Adith ji, > >> > >> Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and " 7th " in 5th aspected by > >> Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going > >> beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts, > >> using non-KP rules and here we are not ready to accept a straight logic. > >> With post-mortem we can do that, but if this horoscope would have come to us > >> 30 years ago, probably we would not have predicted that way. > >> > >> Your argument that " Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 > >> and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons - > >> > >> 1. If we are taking Cuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should > >> give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during > >> antardasa of 7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of 6th > >> house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa. > >> 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as > >> significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP, > >> is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, it will act > >> as significator of the house related to that cusp. > >> 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not > >> overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which > >> makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as > >> conductive house for marriage. > >> > >> Thanks & Regards, > >> > >> Punit Pandey > >> > >> > >> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k < > >> gkadithkasinath wrote: > >> > >>> > >>> > >>> Dear Punit ji, > >>> > >>> I accept your statement.. > >>> But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6). > >>> Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. > >>> That could be the reason for the delay. > >>> > >>> Regards > >>> Adith > >>> > >>> > >>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote: > >>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> Dear Adith ji, > >>>> > >>>> Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa > >>>> lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with > >>>> Rahu-Jupiter, for example? > >>>> > >>>> Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native > >>>> will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope > >>>> and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of > >>>> Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart > >>>> from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would > >>>> select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of > >>>> strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40. > >>>> > >>>> Thanks & Regards, > >>>> > >>>> Punit Pandey > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k < > >>>> gkadithkasinath wrote: > >>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> Dear Punit ji, > >>>>> > >>>>> Thanks for your clarification. > >>>>> > >>>>> I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were > >>>>> Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed > >>>>> earlier. > >>>>> This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers. > >>>>> > >>>>> But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is > >>>>> drawn or taught. > >>>>> We need a lot of study ! > >>>>> > >>>>> Thanks and Regards > >>>>> Adith > >>>>> > >>>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote: > >>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Dear Adith ji, > >>>>>> > >>>>>> I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By " failure " , I > >>>>>> wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and > >>>>>> written in the books. At least there are certain cases which make the system > >>>>>> inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the > >>>>>> way Tw ji has demonstrated.) > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's > >>>>>> mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, > >>>>>> even for me, Saturn would NOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing > >>>>>> something and it is what I want to emphasize. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Thanks & Regards, > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Punit Pandey > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k < > >>>>>> gkadithkasinath wrote: > >>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Dear Punit ji, > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they > >>>>>>> can not express openly but internally they know. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules > >>>>>>> are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct > >>>>>>> signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look > >>>>>>> into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem), > >>>>>>> we can gain more knowledge. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> You are always welcome to give your opinion. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is > >>>>>>> easier. > >>>>>>> But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will > >>>>>>> definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered > >>>>>>> practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will > >>>>>>> be good and meaningful. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> With Regards > >>>>>>> Adith > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> After the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or > >>>>>>> followed are not KP rules. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitpwrote: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends, > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a > >>>>>>>> very important learning tool. What I said is " any rule make sense only if we > >>>>>>>> can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). " In other > >>>>>>>> words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule > >>>>>>>> can be called a " rule " if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just > >>>>>>>> helps in " post-mortem " , it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we > >>>>>>>> in agreement? > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> I also agree to your saying that " The failures are the secretes of > >>>>>>>> the success. " But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and > >>>>>>>> we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time > >>>>>>>> we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can > >>>>>>>> " correct " only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have > >>>>>>>> accepted our failure and not just justifying? > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you > >>>>>>>> will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in > >>>>>>>> future. > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards, > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Punit Pandey > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil <athi_ramwrote: > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Dear Punit, > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> We do remember the statement that " The failures are the secretes of > >>>>>>>>> the success " . From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The > >>>>>>>>> experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be > >>>>>>>>> learned from the person's own past events or from others past events. Even > >>>>>>>>> our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work > >>>>>>>>> time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late > >>>>>>>>> Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK). > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president > >>>>>>>>> Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour > >>>>>>>>> countdown, …10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing > >>>>>>>>> some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all > >>>>>>>>> of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to > >>>>>>>>> decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to > >>>>>>>>> launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the > >>>>>>>>> mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket > >>>>>>>>> after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only. > >>>>>>>>> So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> This is my personal opinion. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> GOOD LUCK!! > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Regards, > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> D.Senthil > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath > >>>>>>>>> >* wrote: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath > >>>>>>>>> Re: One riddle I could't solve > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Dear Punit ji, > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Thanks for your explanations. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict > >>>>>>>>> something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our > >>>>>>>>> Guruji itself the importance of PM. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the > >>>>>>>>> results as you know very well. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 . hence Jupiter gives > >>>>>>>>> the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a > >>>>>>>>> strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who > >>>>>>>>> has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun > >>>>>>>>> in 4. > >>>>>>>>> These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in > >>>>>>>>> the marital life. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury > >>>>>>>>> (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the > >>>>>>>>> sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for > >>>>>>>>> the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6 > >>>>>>>>> and 7th cusps. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable > >>>>>>>>> planet. > >>>>>>>>> When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the > >>>>>>>>> roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in > >>>>>>>>> certain time. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury > >>>>>>>>> is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 > >>>>>>>>> (through Venus) and aspect 11th house. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it > >>>>>>>>> is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus > >>>>>>>>> the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good > >>>>>>>>> for thier relations. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to > >>>>>>>>> 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. > >>>>>>>>> Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the > >>>>>>>>> defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP > >>>>>>>>> books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of > >>>>>>>>> experiments and Postmortme study. > >>>>>>>>> The above are my humble opinion. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Thanks and Regards > >>>>>>>>> Adith > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> www.thebestastro. com <> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com<http://us.mc320.mail./mc/compose?to=punitp > >>>>>>>>> > wrote: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Dear Adith ji & Friends, > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> I have few thoughts that I would like to share - > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> 1. This is not the first time we are hearing that four-fold > >>>>>>>>>> significators are not giving the results as expected. Dhanabalan ji has > >>>>>>>>>> produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It > >>>>>>>>>> seems clear that the " most powerful significators " do not " always " give > >>>>>>>>>> result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that > >>>>>>>>>> needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that > >>>>>>>>>> the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in > >>>>>>>>>> advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with > >>>>>>>>>> whatever new theory (e.g Rahu gives result of other planets etc.) we are > >>>>>>>>>> talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is > >>>>>>>>>> yes, we need to do further research on the theory and improve the rule. > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is > >>>>>>>>>> contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the > >>>>>>>>>> theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator > >>>>>>>>>> for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in > >>>>>>>>>> 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This > >>>>>>>>>> should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha > >>>>>>>>>> dasa? > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards, > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Punit Pandey > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@ > >>>>>>>>>><http://us.mc320.mail./mc/compose?to=gkadithkasinath > >>>>>>>>>> > wrote: > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Suprakash ji, > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover! > >>>>>>>>>>> (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!! > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> My analysis is follows: > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house. > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will > >>>>>>>>>>> play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are " Multi faced Weapons " ) > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of > >>>>>>>>>>> favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star > >>>>>>>>>>> of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not > >>>>>>>>>>> negate strongly .) > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of > >>>>>>>>>>> Marriage. > >>>>>>>>>>> *Saturn has the following significations:* > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter, > >>>>>>>>>>> Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies > >>>>>>>>>>> secondarily the 2nd. > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited > >>>>>>>>>>> in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship) > >>>>>>>>>>> posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its > >>>>>>>>>>> star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage. > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also. > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> The other strong planet in Moon star is *Venus* who signifies 5, > >>>>>>>>>>> and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter. > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> *Mercury* is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon. > >>>>>>>>>>> Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not > >>>>>>>>>>> negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun > >>>>>>>>>>> is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star > >>>>>>>>>>> (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu). > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is > >>>>>>>>>>> *Jup-Sat-Sat- Venus* > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> the day was Mercury day. > >>>>>>>>>>> Transit : Sign-star-sub > >>>>>>>>>>> Moon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat > >>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-Rahu > >>>>>>>>>>> Sat- Mercury-Jupiter- venus > >>>>>>>>>>> Venus-Sat-Moon- Jupiter > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> Regards > >>>>>>>>>>> Adith > >>>>>>>>>>> www.thebestastro. com <> > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh@ > >>>>>>>>>>><http://us.mc320.mail./mc/compose?to=suprakash.ghosh > >>>>>>>>>>> > wrote: > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> I seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers > >>>>>>>>>>>> regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage > >>>>>>>>>>>> time. > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> DOB 04-05-1962 > >>>>>>>>>>>> 10:58 PM > >>>>>>>>>>>> Howrah > >>>>>>>>>>>> Male > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> His marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- Ket > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about > >>>>>>>>>>>> it. > >>>>>>>>>>>> But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event > >>>>>>>>>>>> in its own antara. > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Regards > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Suprakash > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>> > >>>> > >>> > >> > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2009 Report Share Posted August 10, 2009 Dear Suprakash ji, According to traditional astrology, selection of Saturn is much more simpler because - 1. Saturn is 2nd lord 2. Saturn is in 2nd (In Placidus house system, it moves to 1st negating second) 3. Saturn is in its own sign (swa-rashigat and hence powerful) 4. Saturn in the Nakshatra of Mercury lord of 7th. (In Placidus house system, Mercury also owns 6th) So Saturn is strong significator for Marriage. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 7:29 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh wrote: Dear allOne astrologer friend of mine (he is traditional) has given a clue as per his understanding that in Navamsa, Saturn strongly signifies 7th being posited in 7th sign fron Lagna as well as Moon.Another interesting clue: Arabian parts for marriage( as per KPAstro, Asc + 7th Cusp – Ve) falls in 11Deg22min Aqu and Sat is sign lord and sublord of the point. Suprakash , Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:>> Dear Adith ji,> > I agree that " It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. " > Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should> also " critically " discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are > doing with this chart.> > On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification> becomes much more easier. Not only " intercuspal theory " , we can justify it> with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal > Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More> options we have, more easier for us to justify.> > If we really think that some system like " intercuspal theory " works, we > should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise> it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand,> by " intercuspal theory " , you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's > cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to> use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at> one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with > the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe> to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity> of the theory.> > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey> > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k < > gkadithkasinath wrote:> > >> >> > Dear Punit ji,> >> > When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or > > obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not> > be a strong signfication.> > Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the> > star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there > > would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period.> >> > All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory> > which of course need a lot of study. > >> > Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige?> > It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts.> > I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful > > outcome.> >> > With Regards> > Adith> >> > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:> >> >>> >>> >> Dear Adith ji,> >>> >> Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and " 7th " in 5th aspected by > >> Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going> >> beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts,> >> using non-KP rules and here we are not ready to accept a straight logic. > >> With post-mortem we can do that, but if this horoscope would have come to us> >> 30 years ago, probably we would not have predicted that way.> >>> >> Your argument that " Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 > >> and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons -> >>> >> 1. If we are taking Cuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should> >> give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during > >> antardasa of 7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of 6th> >> house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa.> >> 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as > >> significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP,> >> is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, it will act> >> as significator of the house related to that cusp. > >> 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not> >> overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which> >> makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as > >> conductive house for marriage.> >>> >> Thanks & Regards,> >>> >> Punit Pandey> >>> >>> >> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k < > >> gkadithkasinath wrote:> >>> >>>> >>>> >>> Dear Punit ji,> >>>> >>> I accept your statement.. > >>> But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6).> >>> Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps.> >>> That could be the reason for the delay. > >>>> >>> Regards> >>> Adith> >>>> >>> > >>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:> >>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> Dear Adith ji, > >>>>> >>>> Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa> >>>> lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with> >>>> Rahu-Jupiter, for example? > >>>>> >>>> Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native> >>>> will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope> >>>> and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of > >>>> Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart> >>>> from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would> >>>> select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of > >>>> strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40.> >>>>> >>>> Thanks & Regards,> >>>>> >>>> Punit Pandey> >>>> > >>>>> >>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k < > >>>> gkadithkasinath wrote:> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> Dear Punit ji,> >>>>> > >>>>> Thanks for your clarification.> >>>>>> >>>>> I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were> >>>>> Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed > >>>>> earlier.> >>>>> This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers.> >>>>>> >>>>> But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is > >>>>> drawn or taught.> >>>>> We need a lot of study !> >>>>>> >>>>> Thanks and Regards> >>>>> Adith> >>>>> > >>>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:> >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> Dear Adith ji, > >>>>>>> >>>>>> I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By " failure " , I> >>>>>> wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and > >>>>>> written in the books. At least there are certain cases which make the system> >>>>>> inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the> >>>>>> way Tw ji has demonstrated.) > >>>>>>> >>>>>> Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's> >>>>>> mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, > >>>>>> even for me, Saturn would NOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing> >>>>>> something and it is what I want to emphasize.> >>>>>> > >>>>>> Thanks & Regards,> >>>>>>> >>>>>> Punit Pandey> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k < > >>>>>> gkadithkasinath wrote:> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Dear Punit ji, > >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they> >>>>>>> can not express openly but internally they know. > >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules> >>>>>>> are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct > >>>>>>> signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look> >>>>>>> into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases.> >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem),> >>>>>>> we can gain more knowledge.> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> You are always welcome to give your opinion. > >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is> >>>>>>> easier.> >>>>>>> But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will > >>>>>>> definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered> >>>>>>> practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will > >>>>>>> be good and meaningful.> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> With Regards> >>>>>>> Adith> >>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> After the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or> >>>>>>> followed are not KP rules.> >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitpwrote: > >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends,> >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a> >>>>>>>> very important learning tool. What I said is " any rule make sense only if we > >>>>>>>> can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). " In other> >>>>>>>> words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule > >>>>>>>> can be called a " rule " if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just> >>>>>>>> helps in " post-mortem " , it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we > >>>>>>>> in agreement?> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I also agree to your saying that " The failures are the secretes of> >>>>>>>> the success. " But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and > >>>>>>>> we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time> >>>>>>>> we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can > >>>>>>>> " correct " only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have> >>>>>>>> accepted our failure and not just justifying?> >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you> >>>>>>>> will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in > >>>>>>>> future.> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards,> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Punit Pandey > >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil <athi_ramwrote: > >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Punit,> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> We do remember the statement that " The failures are the secretes of> >>>>>>>>> the success " . From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The > >>>>>>>>> experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be> >>>>>>>>> learned from the person's own past events or from others past events. Even > >>>>>>>>> our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work> >>>>>>>>> time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late > >>>>>>>>> Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK).> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president> >>>>>>>>> Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour > >>>>>>>>> countdown, …10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing> >>>>>>>>> some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all > >>>>>>>>> of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to> >>>>>>>>> decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to > >>>>>>>>> launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the> >>>>>>>>> mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket > >>>>>>>>> after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure.> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only.> >>>>>>>>> So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> This is my personal opinion.> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> GOOD LUCK!!> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Regards,> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> D.Senthil> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath >>>>>>>>> >* wrote: > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath > >>>>>>>>> Re: One riddle I could't solve> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Punit ji, > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thanks for your explanations.> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict > >>>>>>>>> something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our> >>>>>>>>> Guruji itself the importance of PM.> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the> >>>>>>>>> results as you know very well.> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 . hence Jupiter gives> >>>>>>>>> the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a > >>>>>>>>> strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who> >>>>>>>>> has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun > >>>>>>>>> in 4.> >>>>>>>>> These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in> >>>>>>>>> the marital life. > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury> >>>>>>>>> (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the > >>>>>>>>> sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4.> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for > >>>>>>>>> the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6> >>>>>>>>> and 7th cusps.> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable> >>>>>>>>> planet.> >>>>>>>>> When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the > >>>>>>>>> roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in> >>>>>>>>> certain time.> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury> >>>>>>>>> is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 > >>>>>>>>> (through Venus) and aspect 11th house.> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it > >>>>>>>>> is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus> >>>>>>>>> the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good > >>>>>>>>> for thier relations.> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to> >>>>>>>>> 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. > >>>>>>>>> Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when.> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the > >>>>>>>>> defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP> >>>>>>>>> books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of > >>>>>>>>> experiments and Postmortme study.> >>>>>>>>> The above are my humble opinion.> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thanks and Regards > >>>>>>>>> Adith> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> www.thebestastro. com <> > >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com<http://us.mc320.mail./mc/compose?to=punitp > >>>>>>>>> > wrote:> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Adith ji & Friends, > >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I have few thoughts that I would like to share -> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1. This is not the first time we are hearing that four-fold > >>>>>>>>>> significators are not giving the results as expected. Dhanabalan ji has> >>>>>>>>>> produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It > >>>>>>>>>> seems clear that the " most powerful significators " do not " always " give> >>>>>>>>>> result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that > >>>>>>>>>> needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that> >>>>>>>>>> the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). > >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in> >>>>>>>>>> advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with > >>>>>>>>>> whatever new theory (e.g Rahu gives result of other planets etc.) we are> >>>>>>>>>> talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is > >>>>>>>>>> yes, we need to do further research on the theory and improve the rule.> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is > >>>>>>>>>> contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the> >>>>>>>>>> theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. > >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator> >>>>>>>>>> for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in > >>>>>>>>>> 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This> >>>>>>>>>> should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha > >>>>>>>>>> dasa?> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards,> >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Punit Pandey> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@ > >>>>>>>>>><http://us.mc320.mail./mc/compose?to=gkadithkasinath > >>>>>>>>>> > wrote:> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Suprakash ji,> >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover!> >>>>>>>>>>> (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!!> >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> My analysis is follows:> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house. > >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will> >>>>>>>>>>> play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are " Multi faced Weapons " ) > >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of> >>>>>>>>>>> favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star > >>>>>>>>>>> of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not> >>>>>>>>>>> negate strongly .)> >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of> >>>>>>>>>>> Marriage.> >>>>>>>>>>> *Saturn has the following significations:* > >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter,> >>>>>>>>>>> Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies > >>>>>>>>>>> secondarily the 2nd.> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited > >>>>>>>>>>> in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship)> >>>>>>>>>>> posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its > >>>>>>>>>>> star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage.> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also. > >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The other strong planet in Moon star is *Venus* who signifies 5,> >>>>>>>>>>> and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter. > >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> *Mercury* is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon.> >>>>>>>>>>> Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not > >>>>>>>>>>> negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun> >>>>>>>>>>> is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star > >>>>>>>>>>> (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu).> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is > >>>>>>>>>>> *Jup-Sat-Sat- Venus*> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the day was Mercury day.> >>>>>>>>>>> Transit : Sign-star-sub > >>>>>>>>>>> Moon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat> >>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-Rahu> >>>>>>>>>>> Sat- Mercury-Jupiter- venus > >>>>>>>>>>> Venus-Sat-Moon- Jupiter> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Regards > >>>>>>>>>>> Adith> >>>>>>>>>>> www.thebestastro. com <> > >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh <suprakash.ghosh@> >>>>>>>>>>><http://us.mc320.mail./mc/compose?to=suprakash.ghosh > >>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all> >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> I seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers> >>>>>>>>>>>> regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage > >>>>>>>>>>>> time.> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> DOB 04-05-1962> >>>>>>>>>>>> 10:58 PM > >>>>>>>>>>>> Howrah> >>>>>>>>>>>> Male> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> His marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- Ket > >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about> >>>>>>>>>>>> it. > >>>>>>>>>>>> But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event> >>>>>>>>>>>> in its own antara.> >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Regards> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Suprakash> >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2009 Report Share Posted August 11, 2009 Dear All I have a book from Shri Bhaskaran, where Mr. Khullar has given introduction as the preface. Mr. Khullar is having his own institute where astrology is taught. He has also published books on cuspal interlinks. Books are very best in its nature. If you go to Google and type only " cuspal interlinks" there you will get information regarding everything. Please refer to them. It will enhance astrologers elaboration capacities of the predictions. Vijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, The Scientific Socy. For Research and Devt. in Astrlogy, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India +91 9422582853/+91 9673746303 On Sat, 08 Aug 2009 19:32:25 +0530 wrote > Dear Shri D.K., I have not read Mr. Khullar's theory of cuspal interlinks. I also don't know whether it is same like that of Mr.Bhaskaran of Madurai (K.B.System). Will you kindly let me know a small example covering Mr.Khullar's theory? Thanking you, Yours truly, K.S.V.Ramani - Dharmendra Kumar Saturday, August 08, 2009 2:18 AM Re: One riddle I could't solve > Dear members, It would be wise if we test the theory proposed by Mr. Khullar. I never failed using his Cuspal Interliks theory. I can say it is complete in its own and there is no need to wandering from this theory to that theory, no need for post mortem after happening of events rather it can predict in advance. > Thanks, >D K B 9910048040 > > "Only GOOD is not Enough, When you Dream of being GREAT." > >--- On Fri, 7/8/09, adith kasinath.g.k wrote: > > adith kasinath.g.k > Re: One riddle I could't solve > >Friday, 7 August, 2009, 4:21 PM > > Dear Punit ji, > >Our KP stalwarts have not followed KP alone as dictated by our Guruji. >There are many cases analysed with the intercuspal significations by Shri. K. Subramaniam and others.Moreover in some analysis it will be in very depth and confusing. In some there is no usage. > >Moreover, I wont say, Intercuspal theory is bascially from KP only. > >KSK found the difference between the Twins, only when one got married in a D/B/A in whose star/sub is the CSL of 7 and where as the other one did not get married in the said D/B/A, as the 7th CSL is different. This is the funadamental of KP. > >If DBA are favorable for ant event , it does not mean that it will happen unless and otherwise they are connetced to the relevant cusps. or othereise, first of all the relevant cusp(s) should give the green signal in the birth chart, then only it will happen. > >But we have to look ointo that, if the 7th CSL is a signficator of 6,10/12 and if D/B/A are in the star or sub of that planet, we can not expect the marriage. We have to look into other signfications also. As KSK said all the signfications will play role at a given time. > >In Sub Lord speaks, Shri.KMS has dicussed with the DBA and thier signfications of Sub and thier role for the evnets happened. All are Postmorteme only. He has not dicsussed about the Cusps Sub lord. In such case, the people born within few miniutes difference will have the same results? (only Moon's sub will differ ). No. > >Dear Punit ji, >I am not aware of the complete fundemental principles of these theories. Of course I have few books. But I look into those points only as pinch of Salt. Because, in some books , if we study in depth a lot of questions/ contra thoughts are arising. and confusing also.When we have a lot more to learn from the KP, hope we need not take those as theories. It can be thought as part of our KP, as explained above and hope the real out come of the usage depends on our experiments. > >I do not follow this not just for the PostMortem but also for the Predictions. But some times it leads into a confused state of mind. > >Thanks and Regards >Adith > > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Punit Pandey wrote: > Dear Adith ji, I agree that "It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts." Mr. Suprakash ji has given us a very good case study. I think that we should also "critically" discuss 10 charts posted by Dhanabalan ji, the way we are doing with this chart. On mixing of systems, I would sya that if we mix two systems, justification becomes much more easier. Not only "intercuspal theory", we can justify it with any other system like Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Nadi, Cuspal Interlinks, 4-Step, Use of Sub-Sub etc. etc. There is no end to it. More options we have, more easier for us to justify. If we really think that some system like "intercuspal theory" works, we should lay out the fundamental principles of the system clearly, otherwise it may remain useful only for justification and post-mortem. I understand, by "intercuspal theory", you don't mean Mr. Khullar or Mr. Bhaskaran's cuspal interlinks, but probalby Mr. Sethunathan's theory. We will be able to use and test these theories only if we have all principles of this theory at one place. Do you have notes of those principles at one place and share with the forum? Once we have fundamental principles at one place, we will be albe to apply those principles on broader number of cases and verify the validity of the theory. Thanks Regards, > >Punit Pandey > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, adith kasinath.g.k> wrote: > Dear Punit ji, > >When the 7th cuspal sub is also the 6th cuspal lord, there will be delay or obstacles. A planet who is in the sub of 6 and also 7th CSL , there may not be a strong signfication. >Rahu who is in the sub of the 6 and 7th cuspsublord Venus is also in the star of Mercury a strong signficator of 6. So despite his efforts, there would have been failures even in the Rahu-Jupiter Period. > >All the above are not KP. but the revoltion of KP like intercuspal theory which of course need a lot of study. > >Then what could be reason for Rahu not giving the marraige? >It implies we need lot of analysis in this type of charts. >I hope this is not an arguement. but this will definetely bring some useful outcome. > >With Regards >Adith > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Punit Pandey wrote: > Dear Adith ji, Rahu in 7th in Nakshatra of Mercury l/o 6th and "7th" in 5th aspected by Saturn l/o 2 should be good enough to give person a marriage. We are going beyond four-fold significators, using aspects and 'connected with' concepts, using non-KP rulesand here we are not ready toaccept a straight logic. With post-mortem we cando that, but if this horoscope would have come tous 30 years ago, probably we would not havepredicted that way. Your argument that "Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. " doesn't sound that convincing to me due to following reasons - 1. If we are takingCuspal sub lords as significators, still, Rahu should give Marriage in its Mahadasa as per KP. It should give union during antardasa of7th house significators and seperation during antardasa of6th house significators. It should not deny marriage in Rahu mahadasa. 2. Venus has planets in its star, so Venus can not be taken as significator of 6th and 7th house. The general accepted rule, though not KP, is that if a cuspal sub lord doens't have a planet in its star, itwill act as significator ofthe house related to that cusp. 3. Still if we want to use the rule suggested by you, it should not overrule existing KP principles. For example, Venus is l/o 5th in 5th which makes it strong sigificator of 5th house which is generally taken as conductive house for marriage. Thanks Regards, > >Punit Pandey > > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:25 AM, adith kasinath.g.k> wrote: > Dear Punit ji, > >I accept your statement.. >But if you see, Rahu is in the star of lord of 6 (no planet in 6). >Further Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the CSL for both 6 and 7cusps. That could be the reason for the delay. > >Regards >Adith > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Punit Pandey com> wrote: > Dear Adith ji, Mahadasa lord need not to be the most powerful significator, antardasa lord can be most powerful significator as well. What is the harm with Rahu-Jupiter, for example? Most importantly, Rahu mahadasa ends in October 2002 when the native will be of 40 years. There is no seemingly delaying factor in the horoscope and Rahu is good enough the give a marriage. Rahu in 7th house in star of Mercury l/o 6th and 7th in 5th, which means it strongly signifies 7th apart from signifying 5th (another positive house for marriage) and 6th. I would select marriage timing before 40 especially if somebody is running dasa of strong 7th house significator rather than age after 40. Thanks Regards, > >Punit Pandey > > > On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM, adith kasinath.g.k> wrote: > Dear Punit ji, > >Thanks for your clarification. > >I wonder how you would have selected Rahu than Jupiter Dasa if it were Quiz!!! Where as Jupiter is stronger stronger than Rahu as discussed earlier. >This may be the difference of interpretation between the astrologers. > >But I understand and accept well that we can not go the same way it is drawn or taught. >We need a lot of study ! > >Thanks and Regards >Adith > > On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Punit Pandey com> wrote: > Dear Adith ji, I am not pointing towards any individual's mistake. By "failure", I wanted to emphasize that the system doesn't work the way it is taught and written in the books. At least there are certain caseswhich make the system inefficient for predictive purpose (though it will work for post-mortem, the way Tw ji has demonstrated. ) Truly speaking, if it would have been quiz, I had picked Rahu's mahadasa than Jupiter's mahadasa. Secondly, as mentioned by Suprakash ji, even for me, Saturn wouldNOT had been the choice for Bhukti. We are missing something and it is what I want to emphasize. Thanks Regards, > >Punit Pandey > > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:38 PM, adith kasinath.g.k> wrote: > Dear Punit ji, > >We can not say that all are not accepting their mistakes. May be they can not express openly but internally they know. > >In KP, nothing we can say Rule. and no cent percent matching of rules are needed for an event. A lot of exceptions rather we can say , no direct signfications as per rule but indirect signfications which we have to look into and can not say KP is not correct in all the cases. > >By practical experinces (which includes predictions and postmortem), we can gain more knowledge. > >You are always welcome to give your opinion. > >As you said, justification by an astrologer for a known event is easier. >But at the same time, clarifcation for a question which will definetely raised during justification should also be addressed and answered practically and astrologically by the Astrologer. Then only I hope it will be good and meaningful. > >With Regards >Adith > > >After the demise of our Guruji , whatever findings are found or followed are not KP rules. > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Punit Pandey com> wrote: > Dear Adith ji, Senthil ji and Friends, I am not against the post-mortem. I understand that post-mortem is a very important learning tool. What I said is "any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem)." In other words, justification will always remain easy for an astrologer, but a rule can be called a "rule" if it gives us predictive capabilities. If it just helps in "post-mortem", it should not be called an astrological rule. Are we in agreement? I also agree to your saying that "The failures are the secretes of the success." But where is a failure? Nobody seems accepting the failure and we started justifying with whatever possible way. I feel that till the time we learn accepting failure, we can not further our learning. We can "correct"only when we accept that we failed. Do you feel that we have accepted our failure and not just justifying? Do you feel that I am making any sense OR just being critical? I you will feel that I am overly critical, I'll avoid writing on this topic in future. Thanks Regards, > >Punit Pandey > > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Senthil com> wrote: > Dear Punit, We do remember the statement that The failures are the secretes of the success. From the mistakes we learn the thing and correct it. The experience is nothing but the lessons learned from the past. It may be learned from the persons own past events or from others past events. Even our Guru KSK had many failures during his beginning of the research work time and he went into that and corrected it. This was told to me by Late Mr.Balasundram (son-in-law of Prof. KSK). In one of the meeting held at my previous company our Ex- president Dr.Abdual kalam told that while just before launching the rocket (1 hour countdown, 10sec countdown) he noticed that the computer system was showing some wrong results and giving warning for not to launch the rocket. But all of his scientists were able to check manually and found ok. Mr. Kalam has to decide within last 10second either to launch or abort it. He decided to launch the rocket, but it went into the sea after few minutes. From the mistakes they learned and corrected it. Again they have launched the rocket after doing the correction then it went into the space without failure. The rules are formed only after many failure and corrections only. So the postmortem on failure case/charts gives lesson or new findings/rules. This is my personal opinion. GOOD LUCK!! Regards, D.Senthil > >--- On Tue, 8/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k> wrote: > > adith kasinath.g.k> >Re: One riddle I could't solve > @gro >Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 3:38 AM > > >Dear Punit ji, > >Thanks for your explanations. > >Postmortem is one of the best tool for learning. If we predict something which does not happen, only postmortem will throw some light! Our Guruji itself the importance of PM. > >Secondarily, it is not just a single point which will bring the results as you know very well. > >As Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is in 7 . hence Jupiter gives the result of 7. Moreover Jupiter has no planet it star . Hence it is a strong signficator of 2, 7and 12. further it is in the sub of Mercury (who has planets in its star hence feebly signifies 6) who is in the star of Sun in 4. >These 2,7,5 favors the marriage and 12,4,6 causes the trouble in the marital life. > >But Rahu though posited in 7, it is in the star of Mercury (signficator of 6 strongly). and mercury is in Sun star in 4. Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon in 4. > >out of these the 6th signfications would have been the cause for the delay or obstacles. Further Venus the sblord is the syblord for both 6 and 7th cusps. > >hence out of Rahu and Jupiter, Jupiter is the most favorable planet. >When a planet is signfying both the signfications, it does both the roles. As you rightly said even the weaker signficator will play role in certain time. > >Mercury is played role in the Marriage (in Transit), though Mercury is not a strong signficator of 7,5, but feebly signfies 7 (as owner) and 5 (through Venus) and aspect 11th house. > >But same Mercury will cause some trouble in the understanding as it is also a feeble signficator of 6 and also 4. Also it is in the sub of venus the sublord of 6 and 7th cusps. Hence Mercury period may not be of so good for thier relations. > >That too in the Mercury Bukthi-Mars and Rahu andra (2/8/2008 to 21/1/2009), there could have been a strong misunderstaning or seperation. Noted that they are now seperated. But we dont know from when. > >Nothing is easy as per the rules. And no rule is always as per the defined one. Some charts are very easy as given in the examples in the KP books. Some will be very difficult practically. All need a lot of experiments and Postmortme study. >The above are my humble opinion. > >Thanks and Regards >Adith > >www.thebestastro. com > > >On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Punit Pandey com> wrote: > Dear Adith ji Friends, I have few thoughts that I would like to share - 1. This is not the first time weare hearingthat four-fold significators are not giving the results as expected.Dhanabalan ji has produced 10 examples in the past and we had couple of other discussions. It seemsclear that the "most powerful significators" do not "always" give result in their dasa period. In my opinion, there are some exceptions that needs to be discovered. We will move to that step only when we accept that the present rules are not sufficient (at least in 100% cases). 2. In my opinion, any rule make sense only if we can predict in advance using that rule (and not the post mortem). For example, with whatever newtheory (e.gRahu gives result of other planets etc.)we are talking, could we predict the marriage time in advance. If the answer is yes, we need to do further research on thetheory and improve the rule. 3. Moon representing Rahu is not a KP theory. In fact, it is contrary to Shri KSK's teaching. Though it doesn't stop us from using the theory, if we can show some evidence of it working. 4. Another reason why we can say that Rahu is not a significator for marriage is that the native didn't get married in Rahu mahadasa. Rahu in 7th aspected by Saturn significator of 2nd should have given marriage. This should also be a question that why marriage didn't happen during Rahu maha dasa? Thanks Regards, > >Punit Pandey > > > On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, adith kasinath.g.k> wrote: > Dear Suprakash ji, > >First of all I like to convey that I am not an elder Kp lover! (39 yrs). Hope I am still young!!! > >My analysis is follows: > >Rahu is posited in Moon sign and in 7th house. > >Hence if any planet is in Moon star, Rahu representing Moon will play role also. ( as I ever say nodes are "Multi faced Weapons") > >Hence the planets in Rahu star and also Moon star is capable of favoring marriage. The planets who in the sub of planets who are in the star of Rahu or Moon also capable of giving marriage. (But the panets should not negate strongly .) > >As said Guru in the star of Rahu is a strong significator of Marriage. >Saturn has the following significations: > >Saturn signifies 2 as lordship (though it is occupied by Jupiter, Saturn is in its own sign). But as no planet in its star, it also signifies secondarily the 2nd. > >Moreover it is in the star of Moon (represented by Rahu posited in its sign). It is in the sub of Mercury (feebly signifies 7 as lordship) posited in 5. But Mercury is in Sun star signfies 4,8 and also 5 through its star lord Venus. This 5 is also favorable for marriage. > >Saturn is also aspected by Rahu from 7 also. > >The other strong planet in Moon star is Venus who signifies 5, and also 2,7 though its sublord Jupiter. > >Mercury is in the sub of Venus who is in the star of Moon. Hence Mercury is also capable of favoring marraige provided they do not negate the event. Mercury is the lord of 7 posited in Sun star in4. But Sun is in Venus star in 5. Mercury is in Venus star in 5. Venus is in Moon star (in 4. but signfies 7 through Rahu). > >The DBAS as per my sw on 9/Feb/2005 is >Jup-Sat-Sat- Venus > >the day was Mercury day. >Transit : Sign-star-sub >Moon -Sat -Mars (Mars in Mer star in 5)-Sat >Jupiter-Mercury- Mars-Rahu >Sat- Mercury-Jupiter- venus >Venus-Sat-Moon- Jupiter > > >Regards >Adith >www.thebestastro. com > > On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM, S.Ghosh> wrote: > Dear all > >I seek comments from all members particularly elder KP lovers regarding a chart for which I could not find any clue regarding the marriage time. > >DOB 04-05-1962 >10:58 PM >Howrah >Male > >His marriage was on 09-02-2005 during Jup-Sat-sat- Ket > >Jupiter is a strong significator for marriage, no doubt about it. >But why Saturn? Saturn is so strong that it triggered the event in its own antara. > >Regards > >Suprakash > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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