Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 4 Sep 2009 Dear friends I agree that the time kundali gives very good results. I have a number of cases like that. Old case: I Received SMS from my brother querying regarding the Missing person. That was 28 Aug 2007, my younger brother Dr Vijay Grover, went to his hospital and found that his colleagues Dr Gupta’s did not turn up. On enquiry he found out that Dr Gupta’s brother in law was travelling from Kanpur to New Delhi and was supposed to be home on 28 Aug 2007 but has not turned up. Dr Gupta was bit worried and was doing some enquiries. My brother SMS me a question re Missing Person. We had NO Birth Data and we knew absolutely nothing about the missing person. I had the urge to find out this astrologically. I constructed the TIME CHART, for the following details: 28th August 2007, 20:58:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand And replied back to my brother at 21:28 hours on the same day, with the message: “It seems the person in question have received injuries in chest by four people or so. Chart is discouraging showing his death…..” My brother was very annoyed with my answer. He just asked a simple question regarding the missing person and I was declaring death of the person. On the following day, Police found some body at Aligarh near the railway track. All were amazed. I followed up the case for a few years and with Gods Grace, my further astrological analysis lead Dr Gupta to the Killer including the initials of the person involved in the murder. The entire case was done on Horary Astrology. If people are interested and time permits, I will write this scenario in detail Regards Ravinder Grover On Behalf Of VIJAYANAND PATIL Friday, September 04, 2009 4:41 AM Cc: guide_vijayanand Re: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Friends, As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident. With regards Vijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India +91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303 On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote > Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHORARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrological background (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant to answer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients and people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible to offer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matter of interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is: Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know exactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to the astrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of the query, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources: 1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e. related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there any marriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I be getting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to the individual himself who is asking the question. 2. A person asks question about things not related to himself. For example, Will my daughter get married through this alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation? etc. 3. The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest. These questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? or Will any client visit me today? etc. This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horary chart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction: 1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who poses it. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent). 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married this year? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11th respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particular about this rule. 3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win the elections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their own systematic research. Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question. Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house and all other houses should be reckoned from it. Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation for brevity of this article. In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows: 1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord. 3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment. 4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment. 5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house pertaining to the question. 6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote: Dear Adith, Sorry for intervening. You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rath adith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath @gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Friends,Both the method of using Asc., and 9 has given the result with the reflection of the fate in the charts.Even after a successful case study and prediction on this case taking Asc., byPunit ji, Me and others, we are still having contraversy feed back. As we know the Astrology is not so simple, the divine science , for an Astrologer who uses with the real urge will help him. If you study my analysis, the nature of incident, the place of incident, the danger of the incident were all clearly reflected in the chart (which was predicted on the day of missing itself). As it was a rare case and I got excited since it was of an VVIP's case, I stated my findings and asked for the advise from others. Later when I found the result came true, I made the complete analysis for the benefit of all. You can find very clearly the event in the chart which I attached in the previous mail which will definitely useful for beginners and all for study. The usage of 9 or Asc., are done as per their pre fixed understanding before or while erecting the chart. In both the cases, we got the accurate results. They are not just the results. All reflected the incidents. We have the real case study in hand which is not a Postmortem. Moreover we have seen many cases of Cricket matches with usage of Asc., for othe country by VGR ji and 9 by Subhash ji where both the results came true most of the time. By the way selection of random number by computers is equal to selection of page number from a book . In both the cases the number did not strike in the mind. In computer generation , the numbers are running fast in the system, when we click the button, the numbers stops running at a fixed number. The moment we click is controlled by mind. Hence both the methods may be correct. But the real Urge plays the key role.In case of missing persons, as KSK said, we can get a clearer and accurate picture only through Horary.In my opinion, natal is a Library with all segments of books in different racks. Horary chart is a specific rack which contains Only the required books where in we can find the result. Hence it will become focused and clearer. Here all the focus only will be on the type of need at that moment. If the number is not given by a third person, I dont think that we should not move further with our own number for Horary. Astrologer is capable of reacting to the case as if he were the person in question and erect a chart with his own number with a real urge or curiosity or excitement to know the result. The chart will definitely reflect the event if it was erected with the real urge. Yes. If the chart does not reveal the event in the chart, we may think of not going further, taking the chart is not correct and not reflecting the mind. The above are my humble suggestion.With RegardsAdithOn Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:11 PM, VIJAYANAND PATIL <guide_vijayanand wrote: Friends, As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident. With regards Vijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India +91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303 On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote > Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHORARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrological background (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant to answer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients and people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible to offer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matter of interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is: Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know exactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to the astrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of the query, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources: 1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e. related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there any marriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I be getting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to the individual himself who is asking the question. 2. A person asks question about things not related to himself. For example, Will my daughter get married through this alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation? etc. 3. The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest. These questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? or Will any client visit me today? etc. This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horary chart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction: 1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who poses it. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent). 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married this year? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11th respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particular about this rule. 3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win the elections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their own systematic research. Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question. Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house and all other houses should be reckoned from it. Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation for brevity of this article. In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows: 1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord. 3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment. 4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment. 5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house pertaining to the question. 6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote: Dear Adith, Sorry for intervening. You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rath adith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath @gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Friends, 1. What Guruji KSK wrote under " ABSENT PERSON ALIVE OR DEAD " is to rotate the chart to 9th for the unknown person as Sunaparantha quoted (from KP Reader VI pp 159-160). /message/27121 2. Using a random number generated by the computer SW seems in line with the way used by Guruji KSK as follows: " Whenever there was none to mention a number and the questained to me, I used to open a book of 400 pages and then see the number of the page printed on the right side of the book. " (KP Reader VI p 105) 3. Any edition of KP Reader VI is the exact reprint of the first edition of 1970. 4. One can use what works the best for him or her, while simultaneously respecting the personal preferences of others. Regards, tw , " swami_rcs " <swami.rcs wrote: > > - > Dear Friends, > May departed soul of CM YSR and co passenger rest in peace! > To my knowledge the matter was taken for analysis only on two ,, among these participation on this group was not only good but encouraging. > Most of astrological writing is justification of events that have happened, but here the live discussion is educative and we must follow the conclusion summarized by Dr Rath in case of predicting of people not known to us as taught by Guruji.. > 1. " Sorry for intervening. > You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. However when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so.Dr Rath " > 2. Time chart can be and is used ,especially when your urge is extremely high and problem is of serious concern . > With regards.. > Swami.Astrologer. > > > > -- In , Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@> wrote: > > > > Dear friends, > > > > In this issue some members have made their attention to the 9th, while some were with Horary Asc. > > According to my studies, I trust both are correct, if the Astrologer is in strong urge. > > But Shri KSK, after elaborating some ideas according to western system,has mentioned in Reader 6 as " Take that house which represents the relationship. For father and for stranger take only the 9th house. Find out ..... " KP Reader 6 -11th Edition - 2007- page 159, 160. > > > > And it is the free will of an Astrologer to take and follow any coorrct rule or methodwith his own experience, when thre are manymethods. > > > > So I kindly request all members not to make this a controversy. > > > > With due respect > > > > Kalyan > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > Luther Rath <rathluther@> > > > > Thursday, September 3, 2009 7:15:20 PM > > Re: WHERE IS AP CM? > > > > > > Dear Adith, > > Sorry for intervening. > > You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. > > Dr Rath > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> > > Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro > > Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AM > > Re: WHERE IS AP CM? > > > > > > Dear Sunaji, > > > > I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. > > > > Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. > > > > This is my humble opinion. > > > > With Regards > > Adith > > > > > > > > > > On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: > > > > Dear Friends, > > >My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. > > > > > > > > >Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 > > >Time - 8.11.36 pm > > >Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka > > >Horary No 159 (1-249) > > > > > > > > >As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. > > >My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. > > >Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). > > >Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) > > >No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 > > >Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) > > >Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa > > >Ma - 6,11,5,10 > > >Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 > > >Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 > > > > > > > > >May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival > > > > > > > > >Kalyan > > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@> > > >@gro > > >Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM > > > WHERE IS AP CM? > > > > > > > > > > > >Dear Friends, > > > > > >Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news. > > > > > >Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . > > > > > >Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted. > > > > > >My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. > > > > > >Where is AP CM? > > >No: 110 (computer generated) > > >06.06.20 PM > > >2/9/2009 > > >11n39 > > >78e12 > > > > > >I have taken Asc. as CM. > > > > > >The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- Ketu > > > > > >Asc. Sub Ketu . > > >It is posited in 10. > > >It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12. > > >Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12. > > >6,12,12,12 are not good significators. > > >Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes > > > the Forests, desert, rocks also. > > >Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place? > > > > > >I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life. > > > > > >The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? > > > > > >The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects Mercury > > >The lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury. > > >All these are not favorable. > > > > > >But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. > > > > > >The 8th Cuspal sublord is Rahu > > >Rahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn. > > >And 3,8 through Mars by aspects. > > >Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. > > >Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12. > > >These 4,6,12 > > > ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey? > > > > > >Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. > > >Further 5,11 shows favorable ? > > > > > >When will he be traced? > > >Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11. > > >Mercury is the strong signficator of 1. > > >So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found? > > > > > >As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. > > > > > >Can you please give your valuable advice on these? > > > > > >With Regards > > >Adith > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Adithji, It is very much informative as well as educative. It carries almost all principles of KP in nutshell. I do not think that there is any single point that is controversial. This will give a very valuable guidance to the learners like me. Now I understand how thorough was Mr. Andrew Dutta. Thank you for presenting the extract, Adithji. Regards. Dr. Rath adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 8:36:56 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Dr.Rath, I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file. Regards Adth HORARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrological background (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant to answer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients and people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible to offer answer to queries such as “Can I get a job someday?†it is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matter of interest such as “Will I be getting this job for which I have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter?†Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is:Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know exactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to the astrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of the query, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. That is, ‘who’ is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources:1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e. related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions “Is there any marriage for me?†or “Will I be able to get my visa this time?†or “Will I be getting this business contract?†etc. All these question relate only to the individual himself who is asking the question.2. A person asks question about things not related to himself. For example, “Will my daughter get married through this alliance?†or “Will my father in law survive this surgical operation?†etc.3. The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest. These questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, “When will the electricity resume in my home/office?†or “Will any client visit me today?†etc. This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horary chart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction:1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who poses it. That is, if a person asks “Will I win this litigation?â€, then consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent).2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, “Will my elder brother get married this year?†then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11th respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particular about this rule.3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like “Who will win the elections this time?†and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their own systematic research.Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question.Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house and all other houses should be reckoned from it.Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation for brevity of this article.In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows:1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord.3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment.4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment.5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house pertaining to the question.6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify. On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther > wrote: Dear Adith, Sorry for intervening. You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rath adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro ups.comThursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is .Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this.Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10.It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate?The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10.The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12.Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Sir, Thanks Regards Adith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:53 AM, V G Subramanian <vgs_19 wrote: Dear Shri Adith, Very bold approach in your attempts, besides good analysis. With due regards, - V G Subramanian. adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath Thursday, September 3, 2009 8:30:38 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? [1 Attachment] Dear Members, Yesterday I had posted my analysis on the Missing of AP CM YSR. (Where is AP CM?). I had stated as this was a rare case which I had not faced yet, I just gave my findings and asked the seniors to advise or comment on those. As the person was aVIP, I wanted to be very careful in my statements. But I was very doubtful about his survival as there was danger to his life indicated. As my findings became true which I wanted to share with the chart (yesterday I did not post it, as my sw does not support Horary chart in English. This one was prepared manually ) for the benefit of the Beginners and all (including myself) for such a rare case. I am just elaborating my findings that I gave in the analysis. As I was erecting the chart with my own interest to know the fate, I had taken the Asc., as YSR’s Asc. I did not rotate, as it is not needed. No:110 06.06.20 Pm 2/9/2009 11n39 78e12 (Salem TN). Ascendant falls in Virgo 7deg. Moon is the lord of 11 posited in 5 with the Badaka lord (7) Jupiter. ASCENDANT: The Asc. Lord Mercury who is also the lord of 10 (the higher official of a Govt.) is posited in 1 itself. Here I had the doubt if it is favorable for his survival! But Mercury is aspected by Jupiter the Maraka and Badaka lord and also Mars the Lord of 8. These are not favorable. Ascendant sublord : KETU: Ketu is posited in 10. No planet in its star. Ketu also indicates 2 through Venus by conjunction. Ketu Also signifies 7 and 4 through Jupiter by aspect. Ketu also represents Moon who is in 5 closely conjoined with Badaka and Maraka Lord Jupiter. Ketu is in the star and sub of Saturn the lord of 6 in 12. Saturn is in the star of Sun the lord of 12 in 12 itself. Both are posited in Leo. This is a fiery sign. It indicates the locations like Forests , desert, Mountain, rocks and so on. Moreover as our SagarS ji said, as per Mundane astrology, AP is coming under Leo sign. This is the wonder of KP! Hence the 12 falls in AP, forest place. The Asc. sub lord Ketu signifies 12 strongly and also 2,7 the Badaka and Maraka and also 6,10. These are all unfavorable . (Of course in my yesterday’s analysis I missed the signification 2,7 by Ketu through its Aspect and conjunction in urgency). Hence Asc. sublord is connected to 12,2,7,6,10. THE 8TH CUSP: The 8th Cuspal Sublord is RAHU: Rahu is posited in 4 in Capricorn. It is in the star of Sun (the lord of 12 in 12). It is in the sub of Satrun (the lord of 6 in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun (12). 8th CSL Rahu signifies 12,6,4. Also, Rahu in Sat sign (6,12) Rahu is in conjunction with Moon (11) Rahu in conjunction with Jupiter (7) Rahu is aspected by Mars (8,3,10) Rahu is aspected by Venus (2,9,11) So there are significations of 12,6,4,8,3 indicating the accident(4,8) , injury(6) and danger(12) in the short journey(3). Venus shows the helicopter Rahu and Mars show the explosion and Blood. As Saturn involved (in 12), the searching was delayed. 2,7,10 shows the Maraka and Badaka and also End of Life (10). HENCE 8th CSL STRONGLY CONNECTED TO 12,4,8,6,10, 2,7. which indicates the accident and also the danger to his life. Moreover the running Dasa Moon who is in the sub of Venus who is the lord of 2 and posited in 11. It is in the star of Saturn signifying 6,12. Moon the Dasa Lord is conjoined with the Badaka and Maraka lord Jupiter. The Bukthi Lord Venus is in the star of Saturn (6,12). Venus is in the sub of Rahu in 4 and Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. So Dasa and Bukthi Lord also do not support. May Guruji Bless Us All! With Regards Adith On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther > wrote: Nice interpretation Dear Adithji. Dr. Rath adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 12:29:53 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Suna ji and others As most of our predictions, unfortnately, YSR is dead in the Crash. If you look at the 8th CSL in my chart, as I have already discussed, it is Rahu is in 4. It is in the sta rof Sun and sub of Saturn both are in 12 in Leo (Forest and also fiery sign). The sub Saturn (the lord of 6) in the star of Sun again the lord of 12 in 12. Rahu alse signfies 2 through Venus(aspect) and 7 Jupiter (conjunction) , 3, 8 through Mars. 3,4,8,6, 12 indicates the accident in the travel. I was confused as the Asc. and 10th lord mercury is in its own sign. But it is in the star of Moon who is conjoined with the Badaka lord Jupiter. and aspected by Mars the lord of 8. Asc. Lord Mercury is aspected by Mars the lord of 8 and Jupiter the lord of 7 (badaka and Maraka). Further Asc. CSL Ketu is strongly signfies 12 ,12 and also 6,10. YEs. Ketu also signfies 2 the Maraka through Venus by conjunction. aand also 7 through Jupiter by its aspect. (of cource I missed to note this in my my analysis yesterday, I was little tensed. Hence 1st CSL ketu signfies 12,6,10, and 2,7. I have take n ASc. as YSR's ASc., May Our Guruji Bless us All! Regards Adith On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:49 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also. Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found? As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Dr. Rath, Welcome and its my pleasure in sharing! Regards Adith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Luther Rath <rathluther wrote: Dear Adithji, It is very much informative as well as educative. It carries almost all principles of KP in nutshell. I do not think that there is any single point that is controversial. This will give a very valuable guidance to the learners like me. Now I understand how thorough was Mr. Andrew Dutta. Thank you for presenting the extract, Adithji. Regards. Dr. Rath adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath Thursday, September 3, 2009 8:36:56 PM Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Dr.Rath, I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file. Regards Adth HORARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrological background (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant to answer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients and people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible to offer answer to queries such as “Can I get a job someday?” it is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matter of interest such as “Will I be getting this job for which I have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter?” Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is: Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know exactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to the astrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of the query, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. That is, ‘who’ is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources: 1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e. related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions “Is there any marriage for me?” or “Will I be able to get my visa this time?” or “Will I be getting this business contract?” etc. All these question relate only to the individual himself who is asking the question. 2. A person asks question about things not related to himself. For example, “Will my daughter get married through this alliance?” or “Will my father in law survive this surgical operation?” etc. 3. The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest. These questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, “When will the electricity resume in my home/office?” or “Will any client visit me today?” etc. This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horary chart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction: 1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who poses it. That is, if a person asks “Will I win this litigation?”, then consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent). 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, “Will my elder brother get married this year?” then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11th respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particular about this rule. 3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like “Who will win the elections this time?” and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their own systematic research. Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question. Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house and all other houses should be reckoned from it. Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation for brevity of this article. In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows:1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord.3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment. 4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment.5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house pertaining to the question.6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify. On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther > wrote: Dear Adith, Sorry for intervening. You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rath adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AM Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also. Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found? As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Adith, Appreciate your clear exposition of a horary case study. A good example of mindful approach. Best wishes for more such analyses. Regards, Satish--- On Fri, 9/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote:adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 11:09 AM Dear Sir, Thanks Regards Adith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:53 AM, V G Subramanian <vgs_19 > wrote: Dear Shri Adith, Very bold approach in your attempts, besides good analysis. With due regards, - V G Subramanian. adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 8:30:38 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? [1 Attachment] Dear Members, Yesterday I had posted my analysis on the Missing of AP CM YSR. (Where is AP CM?). I had stated as this was a rare case which I had not faced yet, I just gave my findings and asked the seniors to advise or comment on those. As the person was aVIP, I wanted to be very careful in my statements. But I was very doubtful about his survival as there was danger to his life indicated. As my findings became true which I wanted to share with the chart (yesterday I did not post it, as my sw does not support Horary chart in English. This one was prepared manually ) for the benefit of the Beginners and all (including myself) for such a rare case. I am just elaborating my findings that I gave in the analysis. As I was erecting the chart with my own interest to know the fate, I had taken the Asc., as YSR’s Asc. I did not rotate, as it is not needed. No:110 06.06.20 Pm 2/9/2009 11n39 78e12 (Salem TN). Ascendant falls in Virgo 7deg. Moon is the lord of 11 posited in 5 with the Badaka lord (7) Jupiter. ASCENDANT: The Asc. Lord Mercury who is also the lord of 10 (the higher official of a Govt.) is posited in 1 itself. Here I had the doubt if it is favorable for his survival! But Mercury is aspected by Jupiter the Maraka and Badaka lord and also Mars the Lord of 8. These are not favorable. Ascendant sublord : KETU: Ketu is posited in 10. No planet in its star. Ketu also indicates 2 through Venus by conjunction. Ketu Also signifies 7 and 4 through Jupiter by aspect. Ketu also represents Moon who is in 5 closely conjoined with Badaka and Maraka Lord Jupiter. Ketu is in the star and sub of Saturn the lord of 6 in 12. Saturn is in the star of Sun the lord of 12 in 12 itself. Both are posited in Leo. This is a fiery sign. It indicates the locations like Forests , desert, Mountain, rocks and so on. Moreover as our SagarS ji said, as per Mundane astrology, AP is coming under Leo sign. This is the wonder of KP! Hence the 12 falls in AP, forest place. The Asc. sub lord Ketu signifies 12 strongly and also 2,7 the Badaka and Maraka and also 6,10. These are all unfavorable . (Of course in my yesterday’s analysis I missed the signification 2,7 by Ketu through its Aspect and conjunction in urgency). Hence Asc. sublord is connected to 12,2,7,6,10. THE 8TH CUSP: The 8th Cuspal Sublord is RAHU: Rahu is posited in 4 in Capricorn. It is in the star of Sun (the lord of 12 in 12). It is in the sub of Satrun (the lord of 6 in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun (12). 8th CSL Rahu signifies 12,6,4. Also, Rahu in Sat sign (6,12) Rahu is in conjunction with Moon (11) Rahu in conjunction with Jupiter (7) Rahu is aspected by Mars (8,3,10) Rahu is aspected by Venus (2,9,11) So there are significations of 12,6,4,8,3 indicating the accident(4,8) , injury(6) and danger(12) in the short journey(3). Venus shows the helicopter Rahu and Mars show the explosion and Blood. As Saturn involved (in 12), the searching was delayed. 2,7,10 shows the Maraka and Badaka and also End of Life (10). HENCE 8th CSL STRONGLY CONNECTED TO 12,4,8,6,10, 2,7. which indicates the accident and also the danger to his life. Moreover the running Dasa Moon who is in the sub of Venus who is the lord of 2 and posited in 11. It is in the star of Saturn signifying 6,12. Moon the Dasa Lord is conjoined with the Badaka and Maraka lord Jupiter. The Bukthi Lord Venus is in the star of Saturn (6,12). Venus is in the sub of Rahu in 4 and Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. So Dasa and Bukthi Lord also do not support. May Guruji Bless Us All! With Regards Adith On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther > wrote: Nice interpretation Dear Adithji. Dr. Rath adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 12:29:53 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Suna ji and others As most of our predictions, unfortnately, YSR is dead in the Crash. If you look at the 8th CSL in my chart, as I have already discussed, it is Rahu is in 4. It is in the sta rof Sun and sub of Saturn both are in 12 in Leo (Forest and also fiery sign). The sub Saturn (the lord of 6) in the star of Sun again the lord of 12 in 12. Rahu alse signfies 2 through Venus(aspect) and 7 Jupiter (conjunction) , 3, 8 through Mars. 3,4,8,6, 12 indicates the accident in the travel. I was confused as the Asc. and 10th lord mercury is in its own sign. But it is in the star of Moon who is conjoined with the Badaka lord Jupiter. and aspected by Mars the lord of 8. Asc. Lord Mercury is aspected by Mars the lord of 8 and Jupiter the lord of 7 (badaka and Maraka). Further Asc. CSL Ketu is strongly signfies 12 ,12 and also 6,10. YEs. Ketu also signfies 2 the Maraka through Venus by conjunction. aand also 7 through Jupiter by its aspect. (of cource I missed to note this in my my analysis yesterday, I was little tensed. Hence 1st CSL ketu signfies 12,6,10, and 2,7. I have take n ASc. as YSR's ASc., May Our Guruji Bless us All! Regards Adith On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:49 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also. Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found? As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Sathish ji Thanks for your appreciation Regards Adith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:30 AM, R Satish <rsatish1942 wrote: Dear Adith, Appreciate your clear exposition of a horary case study. A good example of mindful approach. Best wishes for more such analyses. Regards, Satish --- On Fri, 9/4/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 11:09 AM Dear Sir, Thanks Regards Adith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:53 AM, V G Subramanian <vgs_19 > wrote: Dear Shri Adith, Very bold approach in your attempts, besides good analysis. With due regards, - V G Subramanian. adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 8:30:38 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? [1 Attachment] Dear Members, Yesterday I had posted my analysis on the Missing of AP CM YSR. (Where is AP CM?). I had stated as this was a rare case which I had not faced yet, I just gave my findings and asked the seniors to advise or comment on those. As the person was aVIP, I wanted to be very careful in my statements. But I was very doubtful about his survival as there was danger to his life indicated. As my findings became true which I wanted to share with the chart (yesterday I did not post it, as my sw does not support Horary chart in English. This one was prepared manually ) for the benefit of the Beginners and all (including myself) for such a rare case. I am just elaborating my findings that I gave in the analysis. As I was erecting the chart with my own interest to know the fate, I had taken the Asc., as YSR’s Asc. I did not rotate, as it is not needed. No:110 06.06.20 Pm 2/9/2009 11n39 78e12 (Salem TN). Ascendant falls in Virgo 7deg. Moon is the lord of 11 posited in 5 with the Badaka lord (7) Jupiter. ASCENDANT: The Asc. Lord Mercury who is also the lord of 10 (the higher official of a Govt.) is posited in 1 itself. Here I had the doubt if it is favorable for his survival! But Mercury is aspected by Jupiter the Maraka and Badaka lord and also Mars the Lord of 8. These are not favorable. Ascendant sublord : KETU: Ketu is posited in 10. No planet in its star. Ketu also indicates 2 through Venus by conjunction. Ketu Also signifies 7 and 4 through Jupiter by aspect. Ketu also represents Moon who is in 5 closely conjoined with Badaka and Maraka Lord Jupiter. Ketu is in the star and sub of Saturn the lord of 6 in 12. Saturn is in the star of Sun the lord of 12 in 12 itself. Both are posited in Leo. This is a fiery sign. It indicates the locations like Forests , desert, Mountain, rocks and so on. Moreover as our SagarS ji said, as per Mundane astrology, AP is coming under Leo sign. This is the wonder of KP! Hence the 12 falls in AP, forest place. The Asc. sub lord Ketu signifies 12 strongly and also 2,7 the Badaka and Maraka and also 6,10. These are all unfavorable . (Of course in my yesterday’s analysis I missed the signification 2,7 by Ketu through its Aspect and conjunction in urgency). Hence Asc. sublord is connected to 12,2,7,6,10. THE 8TH CUSP: The 8th Cuspal Sublord is RAHU: Rahu is posited in 4 in Capricorn. It is in the star of Sun (the lord of 12 in 12). It is in the sub of Satrun (the lord of 6 in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun (12). 8th CSL Rahu signifies 12,6,4. Also, Rahu in Sat sign (6,12) Rahu is in conjunction with Moon (11) Rahu in conjunction with Jupiter (7) Rahu is aspected by Mars (8,3,10) Rahu is aspected by Venus (2,9,11) So there are significations of 12,6,4,8,3 indicating the accident(4,8) , injury(6) and danger(12) in the short journey(3). Venus shows the helicopter Rahu and Mars show the explosion and Blood. As Saturn involved (in 12), the searching was delayed. 2,7,10 shows the Maraka and Badaka and also End of Life (10). HENCE 8th CSL STRONGLY CONNECTED TO 12,4,8,6,10, 2,7. which indicates the accident and also the danger to his life. Moreover the running Dasa Moon who is in the sub of Venus who is the lord of 2 and posited in 11. It is in the star of Saturn signifying 6,12. Moon the Dasa Lord is conjoined with the Badaka and Maraka lord Jupiter. The Bukthi Lord Venus is in the star of Saturn (6,12). Venus is in the sub of Rahu in 4 and Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. So Dasa and Bukthi Lord also do not support. May Guruji Bless Us All! With Regards Adith On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther > wrote: Nice interpretation Dear Adithji. Dr. Rath adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 12:29:53 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Suna ji and others As most of our predictions, unfortnately, YSR is dead in the Crash. If you look at the 8th CSL in my chart, as I have already discussed, it is Rahu is in 4. It is in the sta rof Sun and sub of Saturn both are in 12 in Leo (Forest and also fiery sign). The sub Saturn (the lord of 6) in the star of Sun again the lord of 12 in 12. Rahu alse signfies 2 through Venus(aspect) and 7 Jupiter (conjunction) , 3, 8 through Mars. 3,4,8,6, 12 indicates the accident in the travel. I was confused as the Asc. and 10th lord mercury is in its own sign. But it is in the star of Moon who is conjoined with the Badaka lord Jupiter. and aspected by Mars the lord of 8. Asc. Lord Mercury is aspected by Mars the lord of 8 and Jupiter the lord of 7 (badaka and Maraka). Further Asc. CSL Ketu is strongly signfies 12 ,12 and also 6,10. YEs. Ketu also signfies 2 the Maraka through Venus by conjunction. aand also 7 through Jupiter by its aspect. (of cource I missed to note this in my my analysis yesterday, I was little tensed. Hence 1st CSL ketu signfies 12,6,10, and 2,7. I have take n ASc. as YSR's ASc., May Our Guruji Bless us All! Regards Adith On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:49 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also. Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found? As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Adith ji, It is very informative,please use your file section whenever you have the opportunity to share with us. Thanks, M.S.bohra , " adith kasinath.g.k " <gkadithkasinath wrote: > > Dear Dr.Rath, > I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file. > > Regards > Adth > > HORARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA > > The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the > science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of > years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through > these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in > perception, learning, astrological background (*Gharana*), and experiences > of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to > distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, > resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). > This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of > deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This > article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its > principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies > explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any > original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to > some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy > Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. > > Few Basic Testing > Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant > to answer *specific* queries of substantive interest asked by clients and > people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not > anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might > be possible to offer answer to queries such as " Can I get a job someday? " it > is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating > to his matter of interest such as " Will I be getting this job for which I > have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? " > Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is: > *Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know > exactly which houses to judge.* > The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer > endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is > for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the > astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to > offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged > gives a full idea to the astrologer to *test whether the question posed to > him is genuine or not.* > The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the *source* of the query, > which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the > astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. > That is, `who' is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources: > 1. *A person asks questions pertaining to himself* (i.e. related to him > only). For example, a person might ask questions " Is there any marriage for > me? " or " Will I be able to get my visa this time? " or " Will I be getting > this business contract? " etc. All these question relate only to the > individual himself who is asking the question. > 2. *A person asks question about things not related to himself**.* For > example, " Will my daughter get married through this alliance? " or " Will my > father in law survive this surgical operation? " etc. > 3. *The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest**.* These > questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any > question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, " When > will the electricity resume in my home/office? " or " Will any client visit me > today? " etc. > > > This brings us to the third basic rule about *the orientation of a KP Horary > chart.* Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses > to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the > basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear > about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many > senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the > following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction: > 1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who > poses it. That is, if a person asks " Will I win this litigation? " , then > consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that > show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to > check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of > his opponent). > 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the > person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, " Will my elder brother get > married this year? " then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the > KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house *therefrom* (which is 7th and 11th > respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The > propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very > particular about this rule. > 3. *Do not rotate the chart **AND check only the houses and cusps that > pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the > question*. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like " Who will > win the elections this time? " and provides a horary number then the Lagna > and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to > consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. > > The Golden Rules of KP Horary > Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP > Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all > available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these > principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I > would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary > and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their > own systematic research. > Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and > 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the > Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the > querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be > obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which > he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he > should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the > question. > Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as > the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and > time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st > house and all other houses should be reckoned from it. > Finally, the astrologer should *test whether the question posed to him is > genuine or not.* The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp > star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and > the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two > planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other > denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge > is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. > The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further > explanation for brevity of this article. > In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave > a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows: > 1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal > sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. > 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub > lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord. > 3. *The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde > at the time of judgment.* > 4. *This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the > time of judgment.* > 5.* The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house > pertaining to the question.* > 6.* Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote > a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it > shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.* > > > On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther wrote: > > > > > > > Dear Adith, > > Sorry for intervening. > > You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge > > and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it > > is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant > > only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question > > has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the > > number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the > > number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he > > could do so. > > Dr Rath > > > > ------------------------------ > > ** adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath > > *To:* Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha; > > > > *Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AM > > *Subject:* Re: WHERE IS AP CM? > > > > > > > > Dear Sunaji, > > > > I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study > > a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., > > the Asc., can be treated as is. > > > > Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley > > equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's > > representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. > > > > This is my humble opinion. > > > > With Regards > > Adith > > > > > > > > On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > > <sunaparantha> wrote: > > > >> Dear Friends, > >> > >> My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. > >> > >> > >> Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 > >> > >> Time - 8.11.36 pm > >> > >> Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka > >> > >> Horary No 159 (1-249) > >> > >> > >> As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be > >> considered. > >> > >> My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. > >> > >> Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in > >> 7th(Maraka). > >> > >> Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the > >> Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) > >> > >> No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong > >> /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 > >> > >> Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from > >> the current soul) > >> > >> Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa > >> > >> Ma - 6,11,5,10 > >> > >> Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 > >> > >> Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 > >> > >> > >> May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival > >> > >> > >> Kalyan > >> > >> ------------------------------ > >> ** gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@<gkadithkasinath > >> > > >> *To:* @gro > >> > >> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM > >> *Subject:* WHERE IS AP CM? > >> > >> > >> > >> Dear Friends, > >> > >> Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at > >> around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch > >> the TV and get the news. > >> > >> Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . > >> > >> Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this > >> matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted. > >> > >> My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. > >> > >> Where is AP CM? > >> No: 110 (computer generated) > >> 06.06.20 PM > >> 2/9/2009 > >> 11n39 > >> 78e12 > >> > >> I have taken Asc. as CM. > >> > >> The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- Ketu > >> > >> Asc. Sub Ketu . > >> It is posited in 10. > >> It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12. > >> Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12. > >> 6,12,12,12 are not good significators. > >> Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, > >> desert, rocks also. > >> Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place? > >> > >> I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also > >> indicates danger to one's life. > >> > >> The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who > >> is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? > >> > >> The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects Mercury > >> The lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction > >> with Moon, aspects Mercury. > >> All these are not favorable. > >> > >> But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly > >> signifies 12 and 10. > >> > >> The 8th Cuspal sublord is Rahu > >> Rahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through > >> Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn. > >> And 3,8 through Mars by aspects. > >> Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. > >> Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again > >> in 12. > >> These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on > >> short Journey? > >> > >> Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong > >> signification of 12. > >> Further 5,11 shows favorable ? > >> > >> When will he be traced? > >> Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11. > >> Mercury is the strong signficator of 1. > >> So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found? > >> > >> As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. > >> > >> Can you please give your valuable advice on these? > >> > >> With Regards > >> Adith > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear MS Bhora ji, Thanks for your appreciation. I shall do my best whenever possible. Regards Adith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:53 PM, msbohra62 <msbohra62 wrote: Dear Adith ji,It is very informative,please use your file section whenever you have the opportunity to share with us.Thanks,M.S.bohra , " adith kasinath.g.k " <gkadithkasinath wrote:>> Dear Dr.Rath, > I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.> > Regards> Adth> > HORARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA> > The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the > science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of> years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through> these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in > perception, learning, astrological background (*Gharana*), and experiences> of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to> distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, > resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer).> This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of> deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This > article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its> principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies> explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any > original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to> some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy> Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. > > Few Basic Testing> Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant> to answer *specific* queries of substantive interest asked by clients and> people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not > anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might> be possible to offer answer to queries such as " Can I get a job someday? " it> is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating > to his matter of interest such as " Will I be getting this job for which I> have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? " > Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is: > *Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know> exactly which houses to judge.*> The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer> endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is > for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the> astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to> offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged > gives a full idea to the astrologer to *test whether the question posed to> him is genuine or not.*> The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the *source* of the query,> which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the > astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes.> That is, `who' is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources:> 1. *A person asks questions pertaining to himself* (i.e. related to him > only). For example, a person might ask questions " Is there any marriage for> me? " or " Will I be able to get my visa this time? " or " Will I be getting> this business contract? " etc. All these question relate only to the > individual himself who is asking the question.> 2. *A person asks question about things not related to himself**.* For> example, " Will my daughter get married through this alliance? " or " Will my > father in law survive this surgical operation? " etc.> 3. *The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest**.* These> questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any > question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, " When> will the electricity resume in my home/office? " or " Will any client visit me> today? " etc.> > > This brings us to the third basic rule about *the orientation of a KP Horary> chart.* Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses> to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the > basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear> about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many> senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the > following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction:> 1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who> poses it. That is, if a person asks " Will I win this litigation? " , then > consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that> show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to> check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of > his opponent).> 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the> person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, " Will my elder brother get> married this year? " then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the > KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house *therefrom* (which is 7th and 11th> respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The> propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very > particular about this rule.> 3. *Do not rotate the chart **AND check only the houses and cusps that> pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the> question*. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like " Who will > win the elections this time? " and provides a horary number then the Lagna> and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to> consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. > > The Golden Rules of KP Horary> Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP> Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all> available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these > principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I> would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary> and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their > own systematic research.> Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and> 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the> Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the > querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be> obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which> he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he > should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the> question.> Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as> the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and > time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st> house and all other houses should be reckoned from it.> Finally, the astrologer should *test whether the question posed to him is > genuine or not.* The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp> star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and> the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two > planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other> denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge> is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. > The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further> explanation for brevity of this article.> In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave> a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows: > 1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal> sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord.> 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub > lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord.> 3. *The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde> at the time of judgment.*> 4. *This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the > time of judgment.*> 5.* The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house> pertaining to the question.*> 6.* Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote > a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it> shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.*> > > On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther wrote:> > >> >> > Dear Adith,> > Sorry for intervening.> > You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge > > and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it> > is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant> > only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question > > has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the> > number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the> > number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he > > could do so.> > Dr Rath> >> > ------------------------------> > ** adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath> > *To:* Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha; > > > > *Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AM> > *Subject:* Re: WHERE IS AP CM? > >> >> >> > Dear Sunaji,> >> > I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study> > a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., > > the Asc., can be treated as is.> >> > Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley> > equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's > > representative. hence he need not be treated for 9.> >> > This is my humble opinion.> >> > With Regards> > Adith> >> >> >> > On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > > <sunaparantha> wrote:> >> >> Dear Friends,> >>> >> My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. > >>> >>> >> Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009> >>> >> Time - 8.11.36 pm> >>> >> Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka> >>> >> Horary No 159 (1-249) > >>> >>> >> As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be> >> considered.> >>> >> My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer.> >> > >> Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in> >> 7th(Maraka).> >>> >> Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the > >> Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka)> >>> >> No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong> >> /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 > >>> >> Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from> >> the current soul)> >>> >> Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa> >> > >> Ma - 6,11,5,10> >>> >> Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2> >>> >> Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8> >>> >>> >> May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival > >>> >>> >> Kalyan> >>> >> ------------------------------> >> ** gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@<gkadithkasinath > >> >> >> *To:* @gro > >> > >> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM > >> *Subject:* WHERE IS AP CM?> >>> >>> >>> >> Dear Friends,> >>> >> Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at > >> around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch> >> the TV and get the news.> >>> >> Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . > >>> >> Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this> >> matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.> >>> >> My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. > >>> >> Where is AP CM?> >> No: 110 (computer generated)> >> 06.06.20 PM> >> 2/9/2009> >> 11n39> >> 78e12> >>> >> I have taken Asc. as CM. > >>> >> The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- Ketu> >>> >> Asc. Sub Ketu .> >> It is posited in 10.> >> It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12. > >> Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.> >> 6,12,12,12 are not good significators.> >> Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests,> >> desert, rocks also. > >> Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?> >>> >> I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also> >> indicates danger to one's life. > >>> >> The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who> >> is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate?> >>> >> The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects Mercury > >> The lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction> >> with Moon, aspects Mercury.> >> All these are not favorable.> >>> >> But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly > >> signifies 12 and 10.> >>> >> The 8th Cuspal sublord is Rahu> >> Rahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through> >> Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn. > >> And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.> >> Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12.> >> Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again> >> in 12.> >> These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on > >> short Journey?> >>> >> Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong> >> signification of 12.> >> Further 5,11 shows favorable ? > >>> >> When will he be traced?> >> Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.> >> Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.> >> So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found? > >>> >> As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.> >>> >> Can you please give your valuable advice on these?> >>> >> With Regards > >> Adith> >>> >>> >>> >> > > >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Ravinderji, Will you please post the file to me? I am interested to go through. Dr. Rath Ravinder Grover <rgrover Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 3:53:08 AMRE: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? 4 Sep 2009 Dear friends I agree that the time kundali gives very good results. I have a number of cases like that. Old case: I Received SMS from my brother querying regarding the Missing person. That was 28 Aug 2007, my younger brother Dr Vijay Grover, went to his hospital and found that his colleagues Dr Gupta’s did not turn up. On enquiry he found out that Dr Gupta’s brother in law was travelling from Kanpur to New Delhi and was supposed to be home on 28 Aug 2007 but has not turned up. Dr Gupta was bit worried and was doing some enquiries. My brother SMS me a question re Missing Person. We had NO Birth Data and we knew absolutely nothing about the missing person. I had the urge to find out this astrologically. I constructed the TIME CHART, for the following details: 28th August 2007, 20:58:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand And replied back to my brother at 21:28 hours on the same day, with the message: “It seems the person in question have received injuries in chest by four people or so. Chart is discouraging showing his death…..†My brother was very annoyed with my answer. He just asked a simple question regarding the missing person and I was declaring death of the person. On the following day, Police found some body at Aligarh near the railway track. All were amazed. I followed up the case for a few years and with Gods Grace, my further astrological analysis lead Dr Gupta to the Killer including the initials of the person involved in the murder. The entire case was done on Horary Astrology. If people are interested and time permits, I will write this scenario in detail Regards Ravinder Grover @gro [k_p_ system@grou] On Behalf Of VIJAYANAND PATILFriday, September 04, 2009 4:41 AM@gro ups.comCc: guide_ vijayanand@ rediffmail. comRe: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Friends,As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident.With regardsVijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India+91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote>Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHOR ARY ASTROLOGY BYANDREW DUTTAThe application ofevery science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology,which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains ofhuman life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergovariation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrologicalbackground (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times,such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrologicaldictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognosticationby the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition onthe fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati(KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets ofKP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some casestudies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is notany original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit tosome of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the KrishnamurthyPadhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion.Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant toanswer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients andpeople to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything,that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible tooffer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is alwaysadvisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matterof interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given theinterview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, thefirst basic rule to follow in KP Horary is:Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to knowexactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologerendeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is fortwo reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer toknow what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction.Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to theastrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not.The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of thequery, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, theastrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes.That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources:1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e.related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there anymarriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I begetting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to theindividual himself who is asking the question.2. A person asks question about things not related tohimself. For example, Will my daughter get married throughthis alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation?etc.3. The astrologer poses the question out ofself-interest. These questions could be anything that catches thefancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for somereason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? orWill any client visit me today? etc.This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horarychart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequenthouses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confusethe basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clearabout the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of manysenior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the followingbasic rules provide accuracy in prediction:1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who posesit. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show theoutcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent).2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the personwho asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married thisyear? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chartand the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11threspectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). Thepropounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particularabout this rule.3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain tothe main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question.That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win theelections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6thhouse should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KPHorary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are allavailable in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principlesare not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would bediscussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and wouldleave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their ownsystematic research.Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagnaor 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent isposing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from himafter asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks aprediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note downa number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question.Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as theLagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and timeof judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house andall other houses should be reckoned from it.Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him isgenuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st housecusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord andthe sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these twoplanets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denotinga very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown ifthese two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readersknow how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation forbrevity of this article.In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave anumber of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows:1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspalsublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lordsand the star lords of these cuspal sub lord.3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrogradeat the time of judgment.4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at thetime of judgment.5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other housepertaining to the question.6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denotea positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it showsa negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote:Dear Adith,Sorry for intervening.You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so.Dr Rathadith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; @gro ups.comThursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji,I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is.Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment' s representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With RegardsAdithOn Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote:Dear Friends,My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival.Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009Time - 8.11.36 pmPlace - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249)As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered.My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka)No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul)Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, SaMa - 6,11,5,10Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survivalKalyangkadithkasinath @gro ups.comWednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM?Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is .Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted. My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this.Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06. 06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e1 2I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10.It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators. Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotesthe Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate?The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10.The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12.Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Shhaasra S Ji,Its our pleasure to have such wonderful experienced persons like you and other seniors in our forum.Pleased to note your past predictions and the method. Thanks for your information and the files. dear Sir, for Cm we have to take 10th and for the PM , noted that we have to consider 11 as the Asc.Thanks for your guidance.RegardsAdith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha wrote: Dear Sahhasra Saagara Ji,Thanks a lot for yr expertise guidance. KalyanSagar S <ssagar86 Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 12:38:59 AM Re: WHERE IS AP CM? [2 Attachments] Hi Suna your analysis is right as i too predicted by rotating in many cases which proved cent percent correct. In 1992 i had predicted the date of resignation of Karnataka CM S.Bangarappa by rotating chart Xth cusp as lagna. In 2008 September I had predicted That Manmohan singh will become PM on 16th May 2009 as per the H.Chart erected in 2006. Chart Attached for the reference:- H.No was 13 , lagna falls at Aries. I rotted it for the 11th cusp as Lagna of Prime Minister/Manmohan Singh/Central Government I had analysed the chart Aquarius Lagna is of PM lagna and my prediction proved very accurate that on 16th May 2009 the conting day itself it was decided that Manmohan will be the Next PM of India for the 2nd term. Good Luck Sahhasra Saagara Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >@gro Thursday, 3 September, 2009 4:37:28 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Adith Ji,you may be correct.But as a resident of another country I am not knowing much about the CP. As per 6th reader, I have done the job bu rotating to 9th, with a strong urge on the matter, which was generated by ur honor. If u didn't inform me and not ask to go thru a horary, I would be totally out of the subject, till I receve the newspaper this morning.So I am indebted to u for giving me a chance, urge and courage.Regards Suna adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@>Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Looking for local information? Find it on Local Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Ravinder ji, Yes. I agree with you sir. I am also much eager to go through your analysis and valuable prediction on this Regards Adith On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Luther Rath <rathluther wrote: Dear Ravinderji, Will you please post the file to me? I am interested to go through. Dr. Rath Ravinder Grover <rgrover Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 3:53:08 AM RE: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? 4 Sep 2009 Dear friends I agree that the time kundali gives very good results. I have a number of cases like that. Old case: I Received SMS from my brother querying regarding the Missing person. That was 28 Aug 2007, my younger brother Dr Vijay Grover, went to his hospital and found that his colleagues Dr Gupta’s did not turn up. On enquiry he found out that Dr Gupta’s brother in law was travelling from Kanpur to New Delhi and was supposed to be home on 28 Aug 2007 but has not turned up. Dr Gupta was bit worried and was doing some enquiries. My brother SMS me a question re Missing Person. We had NO Birth Data and we knew absolutely nothing about the missing person. I had the urge to find out this astrologically. I constructed the TIME CHART, for the following details: 28th August 2007, 20:58:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand And replied back to my brother at 21:28 hours on the same day, with the message: “It seems the person in question have received injuries in chest by four people or so. Chart is discouraging showing his death…..” My brother was very annoyed with my answer. He just asked a simple question regarding the missing person and I was declaring death of the person. On the following day, Police found some body at Aligarh near the railway track. All were amazed. I followed up the case for a few years and with Gods Grace, my further astrological analysis lead Dr Gupta to the Killer including the initials of the person involved in the murder. The entire case was done on Horary Astrology. If people are interested and time permits, I will write this scenario in detail Regards Ravinder Grover @gro [k_p_ system@grou] On Behalf Of VIJAYANAND PATIL Friday, September 04, 2009 4:41 AM@gro Cc: guide_ vijayanand@ rediffmail. comRe: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Friends,As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident.With regardsVijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India+91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303 On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote>Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHOR ARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTAThe application ofevery science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology,which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergovariation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrologicalbackground (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrologicaldictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognosticationby the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati(KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets ofKP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is notany original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit tosome of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion.Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant toanswer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients and people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything,that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible tooffer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matterof interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given theinterview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is:Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to knowexactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is fortwo reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer toknow what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to theastrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not.The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of the query, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, theastrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes.That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources: 1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e.related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there anymarriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I begetting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to the individual himself who is asking the question.2. A person asks question about things not related tohimself. For example, Will my daughter get married throughthis alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation? etc.3. The astrologer poses the question out ofself-interest. These questions could be anything that catches thefancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for somereason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? or Will any client visit me today? etc.This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horarychart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequenthouses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clearabout the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of manysenior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction:1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who posesit. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent).2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married thisyear? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chartand the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11th respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). Thepropounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particularabout this rule.3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question.That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win theelections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are allavailable in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principlesare not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and wouldleave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their ownsystematic research.Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagnaor 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent isposing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks aprediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note downa number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question. Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as theLagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and timeof judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house and all other houses should be reckoned from it.Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him isgenuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st housecusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these twoplanets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denotinga very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readersknow how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation forbrevity of this article.In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows:1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspalsublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord.3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrogradeat the time of judgment.4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment.5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other housepertaining to the question.6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denotea positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote:Dear Adith,Sorry for intervening. You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rathadith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; @gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji,I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment' s representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With RegardsAdithOn Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote:Dear Friends,My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival.Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pmPlace - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249)As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered.My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka)No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul)Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, SaMa - 6,11,5,10Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyangkadithkasinath @gro ups.comWednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted. My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06. 06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e1 2I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators. Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 DEAR GROVER JI QUITE HAPPY TO READ YOUR MAIL ITS VERY NICE YOU PREDICTED THE OBSENTPERSON AND TRACED THE CASE WITH THE HELP OF KP IF POSSIBLE CAN YOU GIVE US ALL YOUR CASE STUDY IN DETAIL TO IMPROVE OUR LEARNING IN AP CM CASE THE GOVT PUT FOUR PEOPLE FOR INVESTIGATION ON THE FAILURE OF THE HELICAPTER AND WE CAN TRYFURTHER MORE ON IT CORRACT PREDICTIONS CAME FROM OUR GROUP REGARDING AP CM CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THEM REGARDS SANTA BOORLA--- On Fri, 9/4/09, Ravinder Grover <rgrover wrote:Ravinder Grover <rgroverRE: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 3:53 AM 4 Sep 2009 Dear friends I agree that the time kundali gives very good results. I have a number of cases like that. Old case: I Received SMS from my brother querying regarding the Missing person. That was 28 Aug 2007, my younger brother Dr Vijay Grover, went to his hospital and found that his colleagues Dr Gupta’s did not turn up. On enquiry he found out that Dr Gupta’s brother in law was travelling from Kanpur to New Delhi and was supposed to be home on 28 Aug 2007 but has not turned up. Dr Gupta was bit worried and was doing some enquiries. My brother SMS me a question re Missing Person. We had NO Birth Data and we knew absolutely nothing about the missing person. I had the urge to find out this astrologically. I constructed the TIME CHART, for the following details: 28th August 2007, 20:58:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand And replied back to my brother at 21:28 hours on the same day, with the message: “It seems the person in question have received injuries in chest by four people or so. Chart is discouraging showing his death…..†My brother was very annoyed with my answer. He just asked a simple question regarding the missing person and I was declaring death of the person. On the following day, Police found some body at Aligarh near the railway track. All were amazed. I followed up the case for a few years and with Gods Grace, my further astrological analysis lead Dr Gupta to the Killer including the initials of the person involved in the murder. The entire case was done on Horary Astrology. If people are interested and time permits, I will write this scenario in detail Regards Ravinder Grover @gro [k_p_ system@grou] On Behalf Of VIJAYANAND PATIL Friday, September 04, 2009 4:41 AM @gro Cc: guide_ vijayanand@ rediffmail. com Re: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Friends, As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident. With regards Vijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India +91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303 On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote > Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHOR ARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrological background (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant to answer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients and people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible to offer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matter of interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is: Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know exactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to the astrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of the query, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources: 1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e. related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there any marriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I be getting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to the individual himself who is asking the question. 2. A person asks question about things not related to himself. For example, Will my daughter get married through this alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation? etc. 3. The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest. These questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? or Will any client visit me today? etc. This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horary chart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction: 1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who poses it. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent). 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married this year? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11th respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particular about this rule. 3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win the elections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their own systematic research. Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question. Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house and all other houses should be reckoned from it. Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation for brevity of this article. In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows: 1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord. 3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment. 4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment. 5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house pertaining to the question. 6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote: Dear Adith, Sorry for intervening. You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rath adith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; @gro Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment' s representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath @gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted. My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06. 06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e1 2I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators. Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Dear Ravinder ji & Friends, Time charts are part of Vedic astrology for thousands of years. Though when Shri KSK published KP System, he IMO purposefully avoided time chart for using as horary astrology. Shri KSK praised 1-249 based horary a lot and even declared it as 100% correct. Why he didn't talk about time charts? The primary reason I believe is that it doesn't gel well with the sub-lord theory. Ascendant sub-lord changes so fast that in some cases sub lord can change in 1-2 minutes as well. Slight change in time and we can make the mistake. Shri KSK has also talked about some of other disadvantages of time charts like two people coming at same time etc. Using time chart is like taking one step forward and two steps backwards. Till the time there is very specific need, in my opinion we should try to avoid time chart as much as possible. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Ravinder Grover <rgrover wrote: 4 Sep 2009 Dear friends I agree that the time kundali gives very good results. I have a number of cases like that. Old case: I Received SMS from my brother querying regarding the Missing person. That was 28 Aug 2007, my younger brother Dr Vijay Grover, went to his hospital and found that his colleagues Dr Gupta’s did not turn up. On enquiry he found out that Dr Gupta’s brother in law was travelling from Kanpur to New Delhi and was supposed to be home on 28 Aug 2007 but has not turned up. Dr Gupta was bit worried and was doing some enquiries. My brother SMS me a question re Missing Person. We had NO Birth Data and we knew absolutely nothing about the missing person. I had the urge to find out this astrologically. I constructed the TIME CHART, for the following details: 28th August 2007, 20:58:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand And replied back to my brother at 21:28 hours on the same day, with the message: “It seems the person in question have received injuries in chest by four people or so. Chart is discouraging showing his death…..” My brother was very annoyed with my answer. He just asked a simple question regarding the missing person and I was declaring death of the person. On the following day, Police found some body at Aligarh near the railway track. All were amazed. I followed up the case for a few years and with Gods Grace, my further astrological analysis lead Dr Gupta to the Killer including the initials of the person involved in the murder. The entire case was done on Horary Astrology. If people are interested and time permits, I will write this scenario in detail Regards Ravinder Grover On Behalf Of VIJAYANAND PATIL Friday, September 04, 2009 4:41 AM Cc: guide_vijayanand Re: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Friends,As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident.With regardsVijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India+91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303 On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote>Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHORARY ASTROLOGY BYANDREW DUTTAThe application ofevery science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains ofhuman life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergovariation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrological background (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times,such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrologicaldictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition onthe fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati(KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some casestudies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is notany original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the KrishnamurthyPadhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion.Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant to answer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients andpeople to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything,that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible to offer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is alwaysadvisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matterof interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, thefirst basic rule to follow in KP Horary is:Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to knowexactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologerendeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is fortwo reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction.Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to theastrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of thequery, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, theastrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources:1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e.related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there anymarriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I be getting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to theindividual himself who is asking the question.2. A person asks question about things not related tohimself. For example, Will my daughter get married through this alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation?etc.3. The astrologer poses the question out ofself-interest. These questions could be anything that catches thefancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? orWill any client visit me today? etc.This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horarychart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confusethe basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clearabout the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the followingbasic rules provide accuracy in prediction:1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who posesit. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show theoutcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent). 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the personwho asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married thisyear? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11threspectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). Thepropounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particularabout this rule. 3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain tothe main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question.That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win the elections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6thhouse should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KPHorary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are allavailable in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would bediscussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and wouldleave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their own systematic research.Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagnaor 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from himafter asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks aprediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question.Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as theLagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house andall other houses should be reckoned from it.Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him isgenuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord andthe sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these twoplanets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown ifthese two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readersknow how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation for brevity of this article.In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave anumber of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows:1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lordsand the star lords of these cuspal sub lord.3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment.4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at thetime of judgment.5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other housepertaining to the question. 6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denotea positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it showsa negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote: Dear Adith,Sorry for intervening.You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rathadith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji,I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is.Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With RegardsAdithOn Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote:Dear Friends,My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009Time - 8.11.36 pmPlace - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249)As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered.My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka)No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul)Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, SaMa - 6,11,5,10Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyangkadithkasinath @gro ups.comWednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this.Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2009 Report Share Posted September 4, 2009 Punit ji and all friends If you have to analyse twins they have close birth time then in Vedic astrolgy we have to analyse Lagana as well as chaturvishansa. But I am sure that KP Horary system is better version of vedic horary, and it is clearly defined , but still I will say that for this subject you have to be god trusted and spritual, so your power of analysis become more powerfull. Regards Dr Mishra --- On Fri, 9/4/09, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote: Punit Pandey <punitpRe: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Received: Friday, September 4, 2009, 5:58 PM Dear Ravinder ji & Friends, Time charts are part of Vedic astrology for thousands of years. Though when Shri KSK published KP System, he IMO purposefully avoided time chart for using as horary astrology. Shri KSK praised 1-249 based horary a lot and even declared it as 100% correct. Why he didn't talk about time charts? The primary reason I believe is that it doesn't gel well with the sub-lord theory. Ascendant sub-lord changes so fast that in some cases sub lord can change in 1-2 minutes as well. Slight change in time and we can make the mistake. Shri KSK has also talked about some of other disadvantages of time charts like two people coming at same time etc. Using time chart is like taking one step forward and two steps backwards. Till the time there is very specific need, in my opinion we should try to avoid time chart as much as possible. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Ravinder Grover <rgrover (AT) xtra (DOT)> wrote: 4 Sep 2009 Dear friends I agree that the time kundali gives very good results. I have a number of cases like that. Old case: I Received SMS from my brother querying regarding the Missing person. That was 28 Aug 2007, my younger brother Dr Vijay Grover, went to his hospital and found that his colleagues Dr Gupta’s did not turn up. On enquiry he found out that Dr Gupta’s brother in law was travelling from Kanpur to New Delhi and was supposed to be home on 28 Aug 2007 but has not turned up. Dr Gupta was bit worried and was doing some enquiries. My brother SMS me a question re Missing Person. We had NO Birth Data and we knew absolutely nothing about the missing person. I had the urge to find out this astrologically. I constructed the TIME CHART, for the following details: 28th August 2007, 20:58:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand And replied back to my brother at 21:28 hours on the same day, with the message: “It seems the person in question have received injuries in chest by four people or so. Chart is discouraging showing his death…...†My brother was very annoyed with my answer. He just asked a simple question regarding the missing person and I was declaring death of the person. On the following day, Police found some body at Aligarh near the railway track. All were amazed. I followed up the case for a few years and with Gods Grace, my further astrological analysis lead Dr Gupta to the Killer including the initials of the person involved in the murder. The entire case was done on Horary Astrology. If people are interested and time permits, I will write this scenario in detail Regards Ravinder Grover @gro [@gro] On Behalf Of VIJAYANAND PATILFriday, September 04, 2009 4:41 AM@gro ups.comCc: guide_ vijayanand@ rediffmail. comRe: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Friends,As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli.. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident.With regardsVijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India+91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote>Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHOR ARY ASTROLOGY BYANDREW DUTTAThe application ofevery science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology,which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains ofhuman life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergovariation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrologicalbackground (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times,such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrologicaldictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognosticationby the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition onthe fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati(KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets ofKP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some casestudies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is notany original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit tosome of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the KrishnamurthyPadhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion.Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant toanswer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients andpeople to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything,that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible tooffer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is alwaysadvisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matterof interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given theinterview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, thefirst basic rule to follow in KP Horary is:Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to knowexactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologerendeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is fortwo reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer toknow what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction.Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to theastrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not.The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of thequery, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, theastrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes.That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources:1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e.related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there anymarriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I begetting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to theindividual himself who is asking the question.2. A person asks question about things not related tohimself. For example, Will my daughter get married throughthis alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation?etc.3. The astrologer poses the question out ofself-interest. These questions could be anything that catches thefancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for somereason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? orWill any client visit me today? etc.This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horarychart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequenthouses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confusethe basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clearabout the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of manysenior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the followingbasic rules provide accuracy in prediction:1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who posesit. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show theoutcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent).2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the personwho asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married thisyear? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chartand the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11threspectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). Thepropounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particularabout this rule.3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain tothe main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question.That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win theelections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6thhouse should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KPHorary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are allavailable in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principlesare not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would bediscussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and wouldleave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their ownsystematic research.Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagnaor 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent isposing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from himafter asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks aprediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note downa number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question.Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as theLagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and timeof judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house andall other houses should be reckoned from it.Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him isgenuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st housecusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord andthe sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these twoplanets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denotinga very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown ifthese two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readersknow how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation forbrevity of this article.In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave anumber of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows:1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspalsublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lordsand the star lords of these cuspal sub lord.3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrogradeat the time of judgment.4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at thetime of judgment.5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other housepertaining to the question.6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denotea positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it showsa negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote:Dear Adith,Sorry for intervening.You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so.Dr Rathadith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; @gro ups.comThursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji,I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is.Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With RegardsAdithOn Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote:Dear Friends,My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival.Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009Time - 8.11.36 pmPlace - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249)As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered.My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka)No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul)Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, SaMa - 6,11,5,10Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survivalKalyangkadithkasinath @gro ups.comWednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM?Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is .Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted. My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this.Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06. 06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e1 2I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10.It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators. Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotesthe Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate?The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10.The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12.Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet Explorer® 8. Optimized for Get it Now for Free! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 5, 2009 Report Share Posted September 5, 2009 5 Sep 2009 Dear Punit Bhai I think, the astrologer must believe in his intuition whether to make Time chart or ask his inner self to get a number between 1 and 249. I have used Time charts for the questions for which I am looking for anwers. To others, I normally as for a number between 1 and 249. But almost in call cases, I make a Time chart before starting the reading and that has always been very instrumental and fruitful in answering querent’s questions. Regards RG On Behalf Of Punit Pandey Saturday, September 05, 2009 5:59 AM Re: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Ravinder ji & Friends, Time charts are part of Vedic astrology for thousands of years. Though when Shri KSK published KP System, he IMO purposefully avoided time chart for using as horary astrology. Shri KSK praised 1-249 based horary a lot and even declared it as 100% correct. Why he didn't talk about time charts? The primary reason I believe is that it doesn't gel well with the sub-lord theory. Ascendant sub-lord changes so fast that in some cases sub lord can change in 1-2 minutes as well. Slight change in time and we can make the mistake. Shri KSK has also talked about some of other disadvantages of time charts like two people coming at same time etc. Using time chart is like taking one step forward and two steps backwards. Till the time there is very specific need, in my opinion we should try to avoid time chart as much as possible. Thanks & Regards, Punit Pandey On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Ravinder Grover <rgrover wrote: 4 Sep 2009 Dear friends I agree that the time kundali gives very good results. I have a number of cases like that. Old case: I Received SMS from my brother querying regarding the Missing person. That was 28 Aug 2007, my younger brother Dr Vijay Grover, went to his hospital and found that his colleagues Dr Gupta’s did not turn up. On enquiry he found out that Dr Gupta’s brother in law was travelling from Kanpur to New Delhi and was supposed to be home on 28 Aug 2007 but has not turned up. Dr Gupta was bit worried and was doing some enquiries. My brother SMS me a question re Missing Person. We had NO Birth Data and we knew absolutely nothing about the missing person. I had the urge to find out this astrologically. I constructed the TIME CHART, for the following details: 28th August 2007, 20:58:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand And replied back to my brother at 21:28 hours on the same day, with the message: “It seems the person in question have received injuries in chest by four people or so. Chart is discouraging showing his death…..” My brother was very annoyed with my answer. He just asked a simple question regarding the missing person and I was declaring death of the person. On the following day, Police found some body at Aligarh near the railway track. All were amazed. I followed up the case for a few years and with Gods Grace, my further astrological analysis lead Dr Gupta to the Killer including the initials of the person involved in the murder. The entire case was done on Horary Astrology. If people are interested and time permits, I will write this scenario in detail Regards Ravinder Grover On Behalf Of VIJAYANAND PATIL Friday, September 04, 2009 4:41 AM Cc: guide_vijayanand Re: Re: WHERE IS AP CM? Friends, As Mr. Adit has adopted the method every kp astrologer used to adopt that method and i.e. to take any horary number to represent the person to whom the event is supposed to happen. By taking so many horary numbers by so many astrologers, the outcome of the horary query may or may not reveal the truth. When sudden event is happened or to find out the missing person, everyone should take only time kundali and not the horary. Unless and until the horary number has been given by other person we should not go further. In 70% of the cases. where any astrologer takes number without any intensity and put to software and predict, will come true but it will not be for the totality. Chandra position in the time kundli will definately reveal the situation for which we are considering that time kundli. or otherwise chandra, chandra's starlord, sub lord or asc. lord, asc star lord or asc. sub lord will give clue regarding the question. In a couple of days, not in this forum but also for so many forum like this, thousands of astrologers will put their queries including horary as well as natal horoscope of the deceased and predict. But it will reach upto general prediction upto 70 to 80 percent correct. I request all KP astrologers, KP stalwarts, without putting queries on horary, try the same on the line of time kundli. Every where chandra will show the event. Apply all the rules including aspects, conjunction, signification through Rahu, Ketu, and also the thumb rules in KP astrology or vedic astrology, and then come to the conclusion. At last, Kp system has been originated through vedic astrology itself. But time barred rules have been eleminaed and refreshed to the new era in kp. I pray the Almighty for peace for the soul of A.P.C.M, as well as the persons who were killed in aircrash accident. With regards Vijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India +91 9422582853/ +91 9673746303 On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:33:21 +0530 wrote > Dear Dr.Rath,I just paste here an article written by Mr. Andrew Dutta from my file.RegardsAdthHORARY ASTROLOGY BY ANDREW DUTTA The application of every science is an art. This is equally true for the science of astrology, which has many principles tested over thousands of years in various domains of human life. However, the results yielded through these principles undergo variation due to individual differences in perception, learning, astrological background (Gharana), and experiences of the astrologer. Many a times, such individual idiosyncrasies may tend to distort the original astrological dictum applicable for making a prediction, resulting in wrong prognostication by the applicant (or the astrologer). This article provides an exposition on the fundamental principles of deriving predictions from Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP) Horary astrology. This article would look into some of the basic tenets of KP Horary, its principles of application, contentious issues, and some case studies explaining the methodology to administer KP Horary. This article is not any original contribution towards the science of astrology rather a revisit to some of the golden rules of horary astrology as applied to the Krishnamurthy Padhhati that many of the modern astrologers have rendered to oblivion. Few Basic Testing Horary astrology is one of the four main stems of astrology, which is meant to answer specific queries of substantive interest asked by clients and people to the astrologer. Note, the query has to be specific and not anything, that is vague or unstructured. For example, even though it might be possible to offer answer to queries such as Can I get a job someday? it is always advisable to ask the querent to frame specific questions relating to his matter of interest such as Will I be getting this job for which I have given the interview? If so, when shall I get the appointment letter? Therefore, the first basic rule to follow in KP Horary is: Have well articulated, specific questions from querent in order to know exactly which houses to judge. The above rule is one of the most important things that an astrologer endeavoring to apply KP Horary principle must follow to start with. This is for two reasons. Firstly, at the very outset it is necessary for the astrologer to know what are the houses that must be studied in order to offer the prediction. Secondly, the knowledge of the houses to be judged gives a full idea to the astrologer to test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The second basic rule in KP horary pertains to the source of the query, which will lead to the third basic rule. In the second basic rule, the astrologer must first be clear as to the source from which the query comes. That is, who is the person making the query. There can be only 3 sources: 1. A person asks questions pertaining to himself (i.e. related to him only). For example, a person might ask questions Is there any marriage for me? or Will I be able to get my visa this time? or Will I be getting this business contract? etc. All these question relate only to the individual himself who is asking the question. 2. A person asks question about things not related to himself. For example, Will my daughter get married through this alliance? or Will my father in law survive this surgical operation? etc. 3. The astrologer poses the question out of self-interest. These questions could be anything that catches the fancy of the astrologer or any question in which he may get interested for some reason. For example, When will the electricity resume in my home/office? or Will any client visit me today? etc. This brings us to the third basic rule about the orientation of a KP Horary chart. Orientation means the finding of the Lagna and the subsequent houses to be judged in a horary chart. Astrologers generally tend to confuse the basic orientation of a KP Horary chart since many of them are not clear about the second basic rule discussed above. Research and experience of many senior astrologers have shown that while dealing with KP Horary, the following basic rules provide accuracy in prediction: 1. Do not rotate the chart if the question is related to the person who poses it. That is, if a person asks Will I win this litigation?, then consider the 1st house as his Lagna and the 6th house cusp as the house that show the outcome of the litigation. It is also necessary at the same time to check the 7th house and cusp (his opponent) and the 12th house too (6th of his opponent). 2. Rotate the chart if the matter of the question is not related to the person who asks it. That is, if a person asks, Will my elder brother get married this year? then, it is absolutely necessary to see the 11th of the KP Horary chart and the 5th and 9th house therefrom (which is 7th and 11th respectively of the 11th denoting the elder brother of the querent). The propounder of KP astrology, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy was very particular about this rule. 3. Do not rotate the chart AND check only the houses and cusps that pertain to the main theme of the query when the astrologer himself poses the question. That is, if the astrologer wants to know something like Who will win the elections this time? and provides a horary number then the Lagna and the 6th house should only be considered. It will be a fatal mistake to consider both 1st and 6th along with 7th and 12th. The Golden Rules of KP Horary Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy has given us many golden rules to apply in KP Horary that was tested by him during his entire lifetime. These are all available in the books authored by him. Unfortunately, many of these principles are not followed or are distorted for many reasons yet unknown. I would be discussing the basic rules of offering predictions with KP Horary and would leave on the readers to explore the advanced rules based on their own systematic research. Firstly, in order to cast a KP Horary chart a single number between 1 and 249 is required. This number is the pivot in the horary chart and gives the Lagna or 1st house sign lord, star lord and the cuspal sublord. While the querent is posing the question to the astrologer, this number is to be obtained from him after asking him to concentrate on the questions for which he seeks a prediction. If the astrologer is the querent himself, then he should note down a number that comes to his mind after thinking about the question. Secondly, the astrologer should cast a KP Horary chart with this number as the Lagna as per the Placidius system of house division taking his place and time of judgment to cast the horary chart. The horary number gives the 1st house and all other houses should be reckoned from it. Finally, the astrologer should test whether the question posed to him is genuine or not. The rule to find out this is as follows: The 1st house cusp star lord and/or the sublord should be related with the Moon star lord and the sublord by way of association, aspect and more importantly, these two planets would have their star lords or sublord common with each other denoting a very high, genuine urge on the part of the querent. A weak urge is shown if these two planets are related indirectly through a third planet. The readers know how Moon denotes mind and I will deter myself from further explanation for brevity of this article. In order to offer prediction for specific queries, Prof. Krishnamurthy gave a number of golden rules, which when summarized can be stated as follows: 1. For every query, find out the most important (main) house, its cuspal sublord and the star lord of this cuspal sublord. 2. Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord. 3. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment. 4. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment. 5. The main house cuspal sub lord should be related with other house pertaining to the question. 6. Finally, Rules 3, 4, and 5 should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the Rules 3, 4 or 5 is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Luther Rath wrote: Dear Adith, Sorry for intervening. You are correct, when an Astrologer erects a Horary Chart from his own urge and a pre-fixed mind to use the Horary Ascendant for the concerned person it is OK to use it. Punit Pandeji also has considered the Horary Ascendant only. If a second person asks it the Ascendant for the person in question has to be IX. KSK has almost always given examples where it is clear the the number is given by a consultant. How ever when an Astrologer selects the number himself with a pre-fixed mind that he would take the IX, I think he could do so. Dr Rath adith kasinath.g.k Sunaparantha Kalyan ; Thursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erectinga chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of ourGoverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath @gro Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is . Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this. Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10. It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate? The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10. The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise. Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Error! Filename not specified. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 6, 2009 Report Share Posted September 6, 2009 Thanks a lot Mr.Adith and Kalyan Sahhasra Saagara Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha Sent: Friday, 4 September, 2009 2:53:54 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sahhasra Saagara Ji, Thanks a lot for yr expertise guidance.Kalyan Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT)>@gro ups.comFriday, September 4, 2009 12:38:59 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? [2 Attachments] Hi Suna your analysis is right as i too predicted by rotating in many cases which proved cent percent correct. In 1992 i had predicted the date of resignation of Karnataka CM S.Bangarappa by rotating chart Xth cusp as lagna. In 2008 September I had predicted That Manmohan singh will become PM on 16th May 2009 as per the H.Chart erected in 2006. Chart Attached for the reference:- H.No was 13 , lagna falls at Aries. I rotted it for the 11th cusp as Lagna of Prime Minister/Manmohan Singh/Central Government I had analysed the chart Aquarius Lagna is of PM lagna and my prediction proved very accurate that on 16th May 2009 the conting day itself it was decided that Manmohan will be the Next PM of India for the 2nd term. Good Luck Sahhasra Saagara Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >@gro ups.comThursday, 3 September, 2009 4:37:28 PMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Adith Ji,you may be correct.But as a resident of another country I am not knowing much about the CP. As per 6th reader, I have done the job bu rotating to 9th, with a strong urge on the matter, which was generated by ur honor.If u didn't inform me and not ask to go thru a horary, I would be totally out of the subject, till I receve the newspaper this morning.So I am indebted to u for giving me a chance, urge and courage.RegardsSuna adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@>Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >; @gro ups.comThursday, September 3, 2009 11:49:45 AMRe: WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Sunaji, I hope when an Astrologer is erecting a chart with his strong urge to study a case on his own interest, he need not rotate the chart to fix the Asc., the Asc., can be treated as is. Further CM AP is not an unknown person to us. May not be known closley equal his relatives or politicians, but he is one of our Goverment's representative. hence he need not be treated for 9. This is my humble opinion. With Regards Adith On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ > wrote: Dear Friends, My Horary Analysis too, shows sad news. It doesn't show any survival. Date of Judgment - 02.09.2009 Time - 8.11.36 pm Place - Marapola, Sri Lanka Horary No 159 (1-249) As per the relationship with an unknown person 9th is the Lagna to be considered. My SW shows 9th(Asc) as Cancer. Its Sub Lord is Me in 2(Maraka), in the Star of Mo, L/o Lagna in 7th(Maraka). Lord of 11( Badhakasthana) and 4(End of life)is Ve, in Mo's house, in the Star of Sa L/o 7(Maraka) & 8(Accident), in 2(Maraka) No planets in the star of Me, the Sub of Lagna and is a strong /significator for 2 Maraka and signifies 7, 2, 1, 12, & 3 Me is aspecting 6th(Disease) 9th(PoorvaPunya) and 10th(Retirement from the current soul) Running DBAS are Ma, Ma, Ra, Sa Ma - 6,11,5,10 Ra - Sub of 2 ->1,6,2 Sa - Sub of 7 ->1,2,7,8 May my analysis be wrong and I pray for his survival Kalyan gkadithkasinath <gkadithkasinath@>@gro ups.comWednesday, September 2, 2009 7:03:29 PM WHERE IS AP CM? Dear Friends, Actually I came to know about the AP CM is missing from 930 am, only at around 530 pm. As I was out of my place for an occasion, I could not watch the TV and get the news.Immediately I thought of erecting a chart to know where the AP CM is .Actually I was not sure about how to judge through the chart for this matter. I have not selected any numberr but the number was autogenereted.My analysis is not complete and request our seniors help me in this.Where is AP CM?No: 110 (computer generated)06.06.20 PM2/9/200911n3978e12I have taken Asc. as CM.The Asc. Falls in Virgo- Mer-Sun-Ketu- KetuAsc. Sub Ketu .It is posited in 10.It is in the star and sub of Saturn who is lord 6 is posited in 12.Saturn is in the star of Sun posited in 12 as the lord of 12.6,12,12,12 are not good significators.Moreover, both Sun and Saturn are in Leo which denotes the Forests, desert, rocks also.Does this indicate he lost in the forest unknown place?I have seen some cases the strong indication of 12 by the 1st CSL also indicates danger to one's life.The Asc. Lord and 10th Lord (the higher executive of Govt.) is Mercury who is in Asc. itself in its own sign. What does it indicate?The lord of 3,8 Mars aspects MercuryThe lord of 7 (the Badaka and Maraka lord) Jupiter who is in conjunction with Moon, aspects Mercury.All these are not favorable. But the Asc. sub lord does not signify Badaka,Maraka. But strongly signifies 12 and 10.The 8th Cuspal sublord is RahuRahu is posited in 4. It is also signfyimng 5,11,7,2,9 (through Moon,Jupiter, Venus by conjn., Aspects) and also 6,12 through Saturn.And 3,8 through Mars by aspects.Rahu is in the star of Sun in 12.Rahu is in the sub of Saturn (in 12). Saturn is in the star of Sun again in 12.These 4,6,12 ,8,3strongly signified by the 8th sub shows the accidents on short Journey?Also the 2,7, signfications shows danger to his life? There is a strong signification of 12. Further 5,11 shows favorable ? When will he be traced?Sun is in the star of Venus (the lord of 2) in 11.Mercury is the strong signficator of 1.So during the conjoned period of these, will be be found?As I am just excited, I could not continue and asking our seniors advise.Can you please give your valuable advice on these?With RegardsAdith Looking for local information? Find it on Local See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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