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Dear friends,

as the death of child after the birth including 2nd minute to 8 years will

come under alpa ayu mrutyu. This point is come under longivity. So all the

principles towards longivity given by ksk is to be strictly followed. Then only

we will come to know why the new born child was or will be no more. And at the

same time, if 4th cusp taken as the ascendent of new born child, 8th cusp will

come as the vth cusp, thatswhy in original horoscope 8th cusp sublord should

signify 7th house and thus there will be unhappyness towards child in mother's


since the beginning, i had repeatedly and strongly recommended that while

applying krishnamurti padhati, help of other methods like western aspects as

primary directions, secondary directions etc.

Now i quote what ksk says regarding longivity.

" disease is indicated by the 6th cusp, 6th house, planets in the constellation

of the occupants of the 6th house, the occupants of the 6th house, the planets

in the constelltion of lord of 6, the owner of the 6th house, planets conjoined

with them or aspected by them affect the health and cause such disease signified

by them when they operate their dasa or bhukti or anthra and there is aspect to

them by progression and by transit.

First of all one is to judge whether a person is promised poorna ayusha i.e.

full course of life running between 66 and 100 or madhama ayu or middle age (age

between 33 and 66) or short life between 0 to 33

Then one is to work out, calculaste and ascertain (a) which planet will rule the

dasa in that age and the area covered by the maraca planets; (b) according to

progression, the time when the lagna, the lord of lagna and the very slow moving

planets saturn, uranas and neptune receive evil aspects; © according to

transit (gocharam) when evil aspects are formed to the ascendant, its lord etc.

As per kp when significators transit in such sensitive points ruled by


Also erect a chart for the moment at which there is urge for one to answer the

query and note the evil planets for that moment. Ruling plnets for that moment


finally ask the person to mention a number within249 consider the position

of planets and judge these are for confirmation and confidence.


again, another example where ksk has given the death of husband through the

horoscope of wife(predictive stellar astrology, the 3rd reader) page 172

why should the lady lose her husband in a far off place?

she was running venus dasa, mercury bhukti , venus antra the 7th cusp is to

be taken as the ascendent of the husband. Then venus is in the constllation of

lord of 6 merury who is in the constellation of lord of 8 sun. This disposition

is danger to husband.

for her, the 8th house shows mangalyam. It receives aspect from mercury, sun

and mars. Thios combination indicates mercury, during travels, sun by fire

accident, mars, sudden end to him causing dhur bhagyam.


friends, the same criteria can be followed in case of shri y.s.r. reddy who

died in copter crash. It is to be studied whether mercury and budh and mangal

was present their at the time of the death or they were the ruling planets as

well as whether they were in natal horoscope in ysr reddy to aspect evil houses.

in 3rd reader page 9 will show; we judge the rsults to the transit of the


" i would like to say emphatically that all persons having saturn in 11 cannot

expect favourable results because the ascendant may be different and the lords

of the constellations in the 11th house may be ruling evil houses to that lagna

born. Thereby the person will experience difficulties through the source

indicagted by saturn (the transiting planet) but according to my technique, when

satrn is passing in a constellation, through that eriod, he neither enjoys nor

suffer uniformly but during certain periods he finds beneficial results,

compensating for the difficlties. "

i take the subdivision of the constellation. The constellation indicates the

matters signified by its lord. The planet transiting influences such results

denoted by the lord of the star through the source denoted by the transiting

planet (by nature, lordship and occupation) and it is the sublord which decides

whether the result is favourable or unfavourable. "

page 41* a father is good to his son, he may occupy a good position say

(exalted)judge. So a sagittarius born is confident that he will excape, whatever

crime he commits. Durikng venus dasa the son forges a document .. The case is

posted under his own father. He regrets saying that his hands are tied up by

the law and he punishes his own sun. Sun may be a benefic by owning 9th house.

It gets exalted and is in a kone. It has to do good. But during sun dasa ketu

bhukti mars anthra, the native is punished as sun was in aswini star where mars

and ketu were in 9. Ketu is to give the results of mars which owns 12th house

imprisonment. "


Behaviour of planets. Page-115

" in our experience after a long research, it is found that a planet may

occupy a hosue, for ex. The 11th house. But the result offered by the planet

during its dasa or bhukti or antra and at the time when it receives aspects from

other planetrs is different. It causes loss and separation instead of profit

and pleasure. But the result that is experienced is not the same as house

signified. But one experiences predominantly the results of the bhavas

signified by the lord of the constellation in which the planet is posited in the

horoscope. "


Whether a planegt is benefic or a malefic.

a planegt may be a benefic to the native but at the same time it will cause

evil resujlts to his own near relative and thereby be a malefic to such a

relative. Food for one man is poison to the other.in some cases, where lord of 3

is a ruling planet to father, father passes away. Can we call the planet ruling

3rd house or signifying the matters of 3rd house as a benefic to him when he

loses one of his parents? Again the significator of 4 house may operate, 4th

house for home/house. On the day he occupies the house, his son by mistake

touches a live wire and passes away. Both events happen on the same day, can we

call the lord of 4th as a benefic or malefic. Acquisition of a house is really

plasant but losing a son on the same day appears to be not only an ill omen but

it is actually an irreparable loss. "

page 136-

the planet signifying the matters of each house has to be well positied so

that through such matters he can have pleasure. If a house is afflicted through

that source, he will have worry if the 5th house afflicted, then the general

principle that lord of 5 will do good cannot be correct. Lord of 5 may be a

benefic. He can be by nature also a benefic, yet it need not necesarily offer

beneficial results to him as the lord of the constellation in which it is

positied will be detrimental to the child thereby causing anxity to that native.

Finanance and fortune : page no 181-182

" according to krishnamurti padhati, one is to judge one's finance and fortune

as follows :

a) Planets posited in the constellation of the occupants in the houses 2, 6, 10

or 11 are the strongest to give wealth to a person. These planets may be

debelited or may be in enemy's house. Still one's status will improve in their

periods and sub p[eriods, if they are in the sub of the significators of 2 or 6

or 11.

b) " the planets tenantyed in the above said houses and occupying the sub of

significators of 2, 6 or 11. These planets should not be afflicted by the lord

of the constellations in which they are. They indicated increase in income and


Fortune in service: page 193

" generally 10th house is termed as karmasthana; it includes the last rites

to father and mother, to do religious functions, yagnas etc. And to workj and

make money. Thatswhy those who enjoy promotion dujring te period of lord of 10

also lose either of the elders. 10th house is the 2nd to the 9th (denoting

father) and 7th to the 4th (indicating mother) and 2 and 7 are marka sthanas.

Hencew death of either of the parents and promotion in service come together.

when one is running rahu dasa, saturn bhukti one will realize those

results which are indicated by the planets in birth chart, when they chart in

the star of rahuj in saturn's sign, i.e. Shathabhishna. This is an important

rujling of the editor. If the bhukti is ruled by mercury, the significastor is

to transit in mercury's sign and rahu star arudhra. If the sub period is ruled

by venus, the significators have to transit in rahu star swati ion venus sign

libra. "


Whenever one tries to find results by transit, it is necessary to note primarily

the transit of the dasanatha, bhuktinatha etc and then of al other planets.


I had put this point on the subject which gem/stone is tobe used. But stalwarts

have not touched my point as there is no comment of any other members till date.

this posting also will have no comments from all of them. Because no one

wants to accept what is the reality. Everyone will boast that he only or his

guru will be the only true follower of kp.

With genuine desire to have attended these points,

Vijayanand Patil, President, Astrovision, The Scientific Socy.for Research and


CELL NO. +91 9422582853/9673746303

EMAIL : guide_vijayanand






, Sheetal <ratnamalag wrote:


> Dear sir


> I am writting this just to clear the ideas about abortion and delivery just

> to avoid confusion.


> 1. Abortion- Clinically, termination of pregnancy before the age of

> viability ie 28th wk of pregnancy is called as abortion.( WHO takes this

> period of viability as 20wks, as child can be survived by intensive

> intranatal care beyond 20 wks. Its a legal issue but here we are not

> concerned with this)


> 2.Still birth- Dead child born after the age of viability ie 28 completed

> wks of pregnancy (No sign of viability at birth)

> Here it can be either macerated still born or fresh still born.


> (A)-Macerated still born child is one whicn died in uterus during pregnacy

> after 28 wks of pregnancy but before labour pains starts.

> (B)- Fresh still born child is one which died during the process of

> delivery ie after start of labour pains but no signs of viability at birth.


> 3. Perinatal death- It means still births ( both macerated and fresh)+ child

> death during 1st wk life.


> 4. Premature delivery- Delivery of viable child between 28 to 37 wks of

> pregnancy.


> 5. Full term delivery- Delivery of viable child after 37 wks of pregnancy.


> Here we are concerened with 2 terminologies only which are written below. I

> have written all definations above as many will have again so many quries in

> their mind, so they can read in detail


> 1.abortions ie before 28wk of pregnacy.

> 2.Deliveries after the age of viability ie 28 wks.( whether dead or alive )

> It includes all ie full term babies, premature babies, still births both

> fresh and macerated and babies who died in early period of their life.


> thanks and regards

> Dr Sheetal





> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 1:06 PM, ajoy <ajoy_matchless wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dear Vishram ji,

> >

> >

> >

> > In 80% of the cases you will find the the dasha, bhukti and antara lord

> > during marriage are also significators of 8 and 5. The rule mentioned by

> > Shri Sunil Gondhalekar ji is indeed correct.

> >

> >

> >

> > To answer to your question, the 8th house will support marriage if and

> > only if 5th house also features in the conjoined period, since 5th house

> > will be 11th to the wife hence supporting marriage and also negating any

> > danger. Caution has to be taken if the 5th house becomes badhaka for the

> > wife.

> >

> >

> >

> > I am not clear with the question of the child. If the child is born, how

> > will that be abortion?

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > ** *On

> > Behalf Of *Vishram Deshpande

> > *Sent:* Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:53 AM

> > *To:*

> > *Subject:* Re: Imagine the horary chart.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Punit ji,

> >

> >

> >

> > Again there is one more doubt. In a book by Sunil Gondhalekar ji, he has

> > said that some times house 5 & 8 are also good to indicate marriage. 5th

> > house is 11 th from 7 th & 8 th house is 2 nd from 7 th. 7 th house is lagna

> > of a person with whom one wants to marry. In such a case, how can we

> > determine whether 8 is supporting marriage or killing the wife ?

> >

> >

> >

> > Can a death of a child within one or two days be taken as abortion or some

> > other rule is there ?

> >

> >

> >

> > Vishram Deshpande

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > ** Vishram Deshpande <vishram_deshpande

> > *To:*

> > *Sent:* Saturday, 26 September, 2009 11:36:07 AM

> > *Subject:* Re: Imagine the horary chart.

> >

> > Dear Punit ji,

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your immediate guidance.. Now what I am saying is not opposing

> > you but its again a doubt. I have seen many pains taking studies done by you

> > & I know you as a great astrologer.

> >

> >

> >

> > In some books it is said that if sub lord of 7th house is signifificator of

> > 2 or 7 or 11 it gives marriage but at the same time if it is strong

> > significator of 6 or 8 or 12 it opposes the marriage strongly & there are no

> > chances of fructifying the marriage. We have to reject the dasha or bhukti

> > or antara of that particular planet. As you said if 7th cusp lord is

> > signifying 8 strongly how can we differentiate between " not fructifying " &

> > " immediate death of wife " from the significators ? Is it RP who guides us

> > for this ?

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks & regards.

> >

> >

> >

> > Vishram Deshpande

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > ** Punit Pandey <punitp

> > *To:*

> > *Sent:* Saturday, 26 September, 2009 10:45:45 AM

> > *Subject:* Re: Imagine the horary chart.

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Visharam ji,

> >

> >

> >

> > For death immediately after marriage, significator or marriage (2,7,11) are

> > also significator of accident and death (2,7,8, badhaka) from 7th. 7th

> > sublord is also signifying marriage as well as death.

> >

> >

> >

> > KP clearly laid out the rules. Now we need to use our reasoning for

> > predictions. In case you have birth details, please post here for

> > discussion.

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks & Regards,

> >

> > Punit Pandey

> >

> > On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Vishram Deshpande <vishram_deshpande@

> > .co. in <vishram_deshpande> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> >

> >

> > Few days back, in a local news paper I read a news which made me think

> > about the significators which must have caused the things happen in such a

> > way. The news was, in some village, a boy got married to a girl.

> > Unfortunately, just few hours after the marriage the girl got killed in an

> > accident when a tempo was coming in reverse & she came below the tyre.

> >

> >

> >

> > *Now just imagine if the boy had gone to a good KP astrologer before

> > the marriage was fixed & if he had asked about his marriage, what could have

> > been the situation of significators in the horary chart made by the

> > astrologer, which caused such a happening of the marriage in two extremely

> > opposite manners.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > In most of the books what we see as examples are like this- i) Marriage

> > predicted & fructified as predicted ii) Marriage predicted as impossible &

> > didn't fructify as predicted iii) Marriage fixed & got postponed/cancelled

> > as predicted. Though nowhere we see some examples like fructification of the

> > marriage in two extremely opposite manners, in real life the things do

> > happen. We being good astrologers must have reasoning for this & we cant say

> > the boy got married as I predicted & I don't know why his wife died within

> > an hour after marriage.

> >

> >

> >

> > Similarly, for child birth, there are examples like having a child, not

> > having a child, abortion, but there are no examples of a woman giving birth

> > to a baby & the baby dies within one or two days or sometimes the same day.

> > What could be the positioning of significators which fructified in two

> > extremely opposite manners.

> >

> >

> >

> > I request all experienced astrologers to throw some light on this if they

> > have come across such situations..

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks & regards.

> >

> >

> >

> > Vishram Deshpande

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> >

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> >

> >

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> > .

> >

> >

> >


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