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Very Dear Sir,


In journey of my life till today,I have experienced

that motive of human life is to only surrender to will of God and to

find Almighty within oneself only that is to find ,what exactly is

truth.otherwise karmas of one will not be balanced and one will have

to take birth again and again.Though i will very sincerely fulfill

my duties as my past karmas r to be balanced but now i am dedicating

my life to GOD mentally and starting sincere mediatation and sincere

sadhna at heart


Can u pls elaborate how will be my spiritual life nowonwords as u

have already indicated that 33 yr is very conducive for spiritual

growth and i may have some spiritual experience ,which came out true

and now my desire for spirituality is increasing and i want to

implement GITA in my life practically.


PLS suggest about my spiritual life growth nowonwords something

like when i will have some considerable experiences in spiritual

life and will i get success in DEEP MEDITATIONS and is there any

indication in my horo that i will be able to reach at a stage when i

may do NISHKAM KARAMA and live high stage of life when one lives

like SOUL mentally and living just on the grace of GOD


perhaps VISHANSH CHART is read for this .Pls guide me


thanks and regards


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