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help needed Omprakash Agarwal

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Dear Omprakash,


To get rid of stress :


[ a ] Keep in your room a little Saunf [ fennel ] in a pouch [

thaili ] of dull red cloth.

[ b ] While going to bed for the night keep near you bed towards the

head a little water. In the morning throw this water into a flower

pot etc. Do not throw this water into a drain, nor drink this water.


To protect yourself against false allegations :


Find a Peepal tree. Every Thursday for 9 Thursdays wrap round the

tree a cotton thread 9 times. Colour the thread with haldi paste

before wrapping it round the tree. Offer water to the tree after

wrapping the thread.













, " omprakashagarwal1973 "

<omprakashagarwal1973 wrote:


> Panditji,


> Pranam



> Since last two months, I am undergoing lot of stress and problems


> am unnecessarily getting into problems which I myself would not like

> to. I have also lost my complete sleep and have become restless


> last two months


> I am unncessarily getting into brawl and people are blackmailing me


> file false cases against me.Sometimes I feel life is too much as I

> have also incurred lot of losses.


> Please advice.


> My Date of Birth : 4th May 1973

> Time : 23 : 40 hrs

> Place : Chennai


> Thanks


> Omprakash Agarwal


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  • 9 months later...

Dear Omprakash,


Rahu transit in Sagittarius : November 3, 2009 till May 4, 2011


In your janma kundali Rahu will transit the 12th house from janma lagna for

which the astrological classics say:


" This period of 1-1/2 year will give you better returns. . You will experience

domestic happiness, peace and prosperity. Your family members will be in harmony

with each others. A change of residence is possible. The tensions and physical

problems will reduce. You may also undertake a long journey that may also be

classified as a journey abroad. You shall get over your problems with your

intelligence & abilities. . Enemies will constantly bother you but you will

succeed after a few difficulties. 6’Th house Ketu will give you score victory

over enemies. You may also get a legal victory. Past debts will be reduced. New

offers for a better job will arrive to those who are unemployed. As the 12th

house rules the sub conscious, developments may take place to activate the same.

Rahu in 12â€Th house will make you spend more. Excessive expenditure may also

take place. Health problems that you had in the past would subside & this

feeling of good health will help you to achieve your targets easily. Obstacles

in business will recede & economically you would be better off. "


Upaya :


Keep in your room a little saunf [fennel] tied in a dull red cloth.


In your janma kundali Rahu will transit the 8th house from janma Moon for which

the astrological classics say:


" You might see fluctuations in your monetary conditions. Change of place or job

is seen during the period. You should concentrate on your work to see progress.

You will gain from friends. Those who are in partnership business should take

utmost care. You should analyze the situation and then take decisions. You

should control your expenses and make way for savings. "




Immerse in a river on any Thursday after sun set and before it gets dark 8

pieces of lead [ a metal ], once. Throw the pieces one by one into the water.

You can get the Lead pieces from any one dealing in used car batteries.


Saturn transit in Virgo : Sept 9, 2009 till Aug 4, 2012


In your janma kundali Saturn will transit the 9th house from janma lagna for

which the astrological classics say:


" It brings professional success and good developments for father. It enhances

interest in spiritual pursuits. "


No upaya needed


In your janma kundali Saturn will transit the 5th house from janma Moon for

which the astrological classics say:


" Loss due to children and disappointment or worries/troubles due to them,

separation from family members, anxiety, no recognition or help from others,

failure in love affairs. Also, you will suffer false allegations, litigations

and mental agony. "




Offer 10 sabut baadam { whole almonds with shell} at any temple for 5 days

regularly. Each day bring back home from the temple , as blessed prasaad , 5

almonds out of those offered by you. Keep them at home tied in a yellow or white

silk cloth any where in the East side of your house. No one should eat or throw

them away.


For metal peace:


[a] The upaya of keeping saunf in a dull red cloth already suggested above.

While going to bed for the night keep a little water towards the head. In

the morning throw this water into flower pot etc. Do not throw this water into a

drain. Do not drink this water.



, " omprakashagarwal1973 "

<omprakashagarwal1973 wrote:


> Panditji


> Namaskar,


> Panditji,


> 1) Since couple of weeks, I am not having peace of mind and am disturbed

mentally. I am facing one or other problems on all fronts which makes me more

disturbed and creating fear and anxiety.

> Please advice


> 2) panditji, what are the effects of the transit of following planets

> Rahu-ketu & Saturn on my lagna & rashi


> My birth Details


> Date of Birth : 4th May 1973


> Time : 23:40 hrs


> Place : Chennai (madras).


> Thanks


> Omprakash


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