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Myth of Expiation

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Shree Ramanarayanan ji and members:The message from the mythic references is quite deep. Too deep for many of us to make sense: as to where we stand.

The 9th mansion in the cosmic arc is assigned to, well, all those 'things' that make for passage to the higher realm. No wonder, Vivaswaan, himself with his ingress into this mansion heralds the time so invested. At the opossing point stand the twin with the message of (sexual) procreation/ proliferation and the complications that 'maithuni srushti' sets in motion. Reason why Sun feels uncomfortable in the opposing mansion. But that is the way it all is. An access to Vaikuntha is predicated on expiation implicit in 'maithuni srushti on martya' and the inevitable 'suffering' on the plane heralded by (divine messnger) Mercury in the 3rd mansion of the arc. (And lo and behold, Mercury is also vested with impotency/infertility in phalit symbology.)

I agree with Aavesh. Jyotish is not just another vedanga. It has a special status, which is what I meant when I said knowledge of knowledge(s).

Brahma vidya and kala jnana are coterminus; they converge. This is too deep for the fee-charging jyotirvid (astrology-knowers). Alas, they had known of the enormity of his conduct and the misconviction, the sheer avidya.

As Aavesh also mentions, the exchanges seen last week at a forum left one speechless. Nobody in their right sense could have ventured in, seeing the murk and morbidity.

We move towards jyoti, leaving the murk behind. Lalit towards the lap of love. That will rock him. I pray.



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