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Fw: Sapphire from Iceland (To RK Da)

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=0A=C2=A0=0ANalini Swamy=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Forwarded Message ----=0Ana=

lini swamy <nalini2818=0AVedicastrologyandhealing@=

s.com=0AWednesday, 21 May, 2008 1:21:09 PM=0AFw: [vedicastro=

logyandhealing] Sapphire from Iceland (To RK Da)=0A=0A=0A=0A=C2=A0=0ANalini=

Swamy=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Forwarded Message ----=0Analini swamy <nalini=

2818=0AVedic Astrologyandhealing =0AWedn=

esday, 21 May, 2008 1:18:00 PM=0ARe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Sa=

pphire from Iceland (To Aavesh)=0A=0A=0ARespected RKda, =0A=C2=A0=0ANamaska=

r. =0AReading your brilliant post literally gave me the experience not of I=

celand sapphire but a stream of prana-vibrations coursing their way through=

to the crown=C2=A0chakra. I am not very familiar with the chakras and thei=

r esoteric significances etc. I have earlier had an experience of the=C2=A0=

Kundalini, I hope coursing through from the base of my spine, upward. It ha=

ppened only once. After that it has always been from the anahata chakra? an=

d upwards. It was during Sukra MD, Chandra AD, Ketu PD, SD of Shani Maharaj=

, that I had the absolutely wonderous experience. I concentrated on the ajn=

a, thinking of the Mother and saw her there. There was a small pinhole, it =

was a square with blue light streaming and as I went into it deep, deep and=

suddenly was a feeling of absolute stillness, floating feeling and felt my=

self floating away, an=C2=A0entity into the purple expanse... It was an ama=

zing experience, one that cannot be justified in words, anirvachaniya. Afte=

r that, I

found that my singing had=C2=A0changed, I had always loved singing. It bec=

ame more impassioned with rasa and more powerful. I=C2=A0have, as a person =

changed. I can still feel the coursing of the prana through to the crown so=

metimes when I even sing,=C2=A0merely chant=C2=A0a few names of the Divine =

Mother and I am so fulfilled,and can hardly utter a syllable more.=C2=A0I h=

ardly ever go beyond that. I dont chant the rest of them. Can you please he=

lp me relate these to=C2=A0my birth chart, RKda? I often find mystical.. sp=

iritual experiences labelled 'madness' and have never before discussed them=

in any forum, as I also feel that they are best kept to oneself. Your subt=

le references to the birth chart and the experiences prompted me to write t=

his diatribe. =0AI am enclosing my birth chart,=0A=C2=A0=0AKind Regards,=0A=


ash <arkaydash=0AVedic Astrologyandhealing =

=0AWednesday, 21 May, 2008 4:06:51 AM=0A[Vedic Astrologyandhe=

aling] Sapphire from Iceland (To Aavesh)=0A=0A=0AYes, Aavesh, I'll try to.=

=0AWhat I've written so far is from some quick reflections. =0ALet us appro=

ach the subject (kundalini vis-=C3=A0-vis a birth chart) this way. K. is th=

e coursing of prana in a non-dissipative, conserved way, following a three-=

tier cleansing, beginning with the body. Thus it is that: the body (the phy=

sical sheath) be 'without mal' (sharira be nirmal), chitta without vikshep,=

and manah without vikaar -- including the cessation of any hankering after=

a savouring of kundalini. Some say, k. is a culmination of the three-tier =

cleansing. =0A=C2=A0=0AWhen these three conditions obtain, the slightest le=

g-up towards interiorization of prana can pull it (k.) off. The cleansing/r=

emoval (of mal, vikshep and vikaar) takes time and remain embedded in Time =

(for the individual). =0A=C2=A0=0AIt can come about from sudden unfoldment =

of prarabdha though. But the particular prarabdha bala has to be there for =

the unfoldment. If someone is already born into a family that our tradition=

calls brahmin (or, suchinaa-shrimataam gehe=E2=80=A6etc, in the Gita's par=

lence) that itself is prarabdha bala in this context.=0A=C2=A0=0AAs to the =

combination/ pattern in a chart that conduces to such pranic play (that is =

how we have to understand it), the criteria are at best broad-based. So?=0A=

=C2=A0=0AOn your request, let me venture further. Let us have for the lagna=

(sharir), the planetary pattern that conduces to a clean body, that is, cl=

ean shrotra. In other words, cleanliness- inducing planets powering the lag=

na. The 9th house empowered enough to remove vikaar (impurities in ideas an=

d beliefs), the 4th benefically poised for keeping clear of vikaar. The moo=

n (4th house corollary) held steady (ie, absence of flightiness or vikshep)=

.. Saturn is the planet for dhriti, the steadying planet. Thus enters the 8t=

h house. Jupiter, the 9th ruler (lord of Sagi) in a good place to take good=

care of ideas and beliefs. The 8th house (and Saturn) to put ideas and bel=

iefs through mysteries (the extra-mundane) . The 4th house, where you hold =

yourself (breath included) steady, as much as the moon. The 1st house as mu=

ch as the sun. Talking of planets: Jupiter, Saturn, moon, sun. Houses: 1st,=

4th, 8th, 9th. Now throw in a measure of 12th house so that you have a goo=


reserve of the extra-mundane in your aspiration. Saurn as karaka of 12th. =

The houses getting enough power to operate well. Benefics (soumya) having a=

say on most of these houses -- aspect, lordshp etc. A number of riders hav=

e to be admitted. An example rider: Venus aspecting 12th will score over Ve=

nus placed in 12th. Reason is obvious.=C2=A0=0A=C2=A0=0ALook, this is like =

belling the cat. Not many can. I don't think I have been able to. =0ARK__._=

,_.___ =0AMessages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start a new top=

ic =0AMessages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls | Members | Cale=

ndar =0A =0AChange settings via the Web ( ID required) =0AChange sett=

ings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to Traditio=

nal =0AVisit Your Group | Terms of Use | Un =0ARecen=

t Activity=0A=09* =C2=A01=0ANew Members=0A=09* =C2=A02=0ANew PhotosVisit Yo=

ur Group =0A Finance=0AIt's Now Personal=0AGuides, news,=0Aadvice & m=

ore.=0ANeed traffic?=0ADrive customers=0AWith search ads=0Aon =0AY! G=

roups blog=0AThe place to go=0Ato stay informed=0Aon Groups news!=0A. =0A__=

,_._,___ =0ASend instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenge=

r. =0ASend instant messages to your online friends http://au.messe=

nger. =0A=0ASend instant messages to your online friends http://au=



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<html><head><style type=3D " text/css " ><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he=

ad><body><div style=3D " font-family:verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size=

:12pt " ><DIV></DIV>=0A<DIV><BR> & nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV id=3DRTEContent>=0A<DIV><=

EM>Nalini Swamy</EM></DIV></DIV>=0A<DIV style=3D " FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMI=

LY: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif " ><BR><BR>=0A<DIV style=3D " PADDING-LEFT: =

5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px sol=

id; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif " >----- Forwarded M=

essage ----<BR>nalini swamy & lt;nalini2818 & gt;<BR>Vedic=

astrologyandhealing <BR>Wednesday, 21 May, 2008 1:21:0=

9 PM<BR>Fw: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Sapphire from Iceland (To R=

K Da)<BR><BR>=0A<DIV style=3D " FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvet=

ica, sans-serif " >=0A<DIV></DIV>=0A<DIV><BR> & nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV id=3DRTECont=

ent>=0A<DIV><EM>Nalini Swamy</EM></DIV></DIV>=0A<DIV style=3D " FONT-SIZE: 12=

pt; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif " ><BR><BR>=0A<DIV style=3D " P=

ADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1=

010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif " >----=

- Forwarded Message ----<BR>nalini swamy & lt;nalini2818 & gt;=

<BR>Vedic Astrologyandhealing <BR>Wednesday, 21 May=

, 2008 1:18:00 PM<BR>Re: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Sapphire from =

Iceland (To Aavesh)<BR><BR>=0A<DIV style=3D " FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: v=

erdana, helvetica, sans-serif " >=0A<DIV></DIV>=0A<DIV>Respected RKda, </DIV>=

=0A<DIV> & nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>Namaskar. </DIV>=0A<DIV>Reading your brilliant =

post literally gave me the experience not of Iceland sapphire but a stream =

of prana-vibrations coursing their way through to the crown & nbsp;chakra. I =

am not very familiar with the chakras and their esoteric significances etc.=

I have earlier had an experience of the & nbsp;Kundalini, I hope coursing th=

rough from the base of my spine, upward. It happened only once. After that =

it has always been from the anahata chakra? and upwards. It was during Sukr=

a MD, Chandra AD, Ketu PD, SD of Shani Maharaj, that I had the absolutely w=

onderous experience. I concentrated on the ajna, thinking of the Mother and=

saw her there. There was a small pinhole, it was a square with blue light =

streaming and as I went into it deep, deep and suddenly was a feeling of ab=

solute stillness, floating feeling and felt myself floating away, an & nbsp;e=

ntity into the purple expanse... It was an amazing experience, one that can=

not be justified in words,

anirvachaniya. After that, I found that my singing had & nbsp;changed, I had=

always loved singing. It became more impassioned with rasa and more powerf=

ul. I & nbsp;have, as a person changed. I can still feel the coursing of the =

prana through to the crown sometimes when I even sing, & nbsp;merely chant & nb=

sp;a few names of the Divine Mother and I am so fulfilled,and can hardly ut=

ter a syllable more. & nbsp;I hardly ever go beyond that. I dont chant the re=

st of them. Can you please help me relate these to & nbsp;my birth chart, RKd=

a? I often find mystical.. spiritual experiences labelled 'madness' and hav=

e never before discussed them in any forum, as I also feel that they are be=

st kept to oneself. Your subtle references to the birth chart and the exper=

iences prompted me to write this diatribe. </DIV>=0A<DIV>I am enclosing my =

birth chart,</DIV>=0A<DIV> & nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>Kind Regards,</DIV>=0A<DIV>Na=

lini<BR> & nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV id=3DRTEContent><BR><BR> & nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV sty=

le=3D " FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif " >=0A<DIV=

style=3D " PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px; BORD=

ER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, =

serif " ><BR>arkaydash & lt;arkaydash@grouply=

..com & gt;<BR>Vedic Astrologyandhealing <BR>Wednesday=

, 21 May, 2008 4:06:51 AM<BR>[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Sapphire f=

rom Iceland (To Aavesh)<BR><BR><!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlStartT|**|-~-->=0A<DIV i=

d=3Dygrp-mlmsg style=3D " WIDTH: 655px " >=0A<DIV id=3Dygrp-msg style=3D " PADDIN=


0px; WIDTH: 470px; PADDING-TOP: 0px " ><!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlEndT|**|-~-->=0A<=

DIV id=3Dygrp-text>=0A<P>=0A<P><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " size=3D4>Yes,=

Aavesh, I'll try to.</FONT></P>=0A<P><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " size=

=3D4>What I've written so far is from some quick reflections. </FONT></P>=

=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " size=3D4>Let us appr=

oach the subject (kundalini vis-=C3=A0-vis a birth chart) this way. K. is t=

he coursing of prana in a non-dissipative, conserved way, following a three=

-tier cleansing, beginning with the body. Thus it is that: the body (the ph=

ysical sheath) be 'without mal' (sharira be nirmal), chitta without vikshep=

, and manah without vikaar -- including the cessation of any hankering afte=

r a savouring of kundalini. Some say, k. is a culmination of the three-tier=

cleansing. </FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D " Times New Roma=

n " ><FONT size=3D4> & nbsp;</FONT></FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT fac=

e=3D " Times New Roman " size=3D4>When these three conditions obtain, the slig=

htest leg-up towards interiorization of prana can pull it (k.) off. The cle=

ansing/removal (of mal, vikshep and vikaar) takes time and remain embedded =

in Time (for the individual). </FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=

=3D " Times New Roman " ><FONT size=3D4> & nbsp;</FONT></FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DM=

soNormal><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " size=3D4>It can come about from sud=

den unfoldment of prarabdha though. But the particular prarabdha bala has t=

o be there for the unfoldment. If someone is already born into a family tha=

t our tradition calls brahmin (or, suchinaa-shrimataam gehe=E2=80=A6etc, in=

the Gita's parlence) that itself is prarabdha bala in this context.</FONT>=

</P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " ><FONT size=3D4> & =

nbsp;</FONT></FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D " Times New Roma=

n " size=3D4>As to the combination/ pattern in a chart that conduces to such=

pranic play (that is how we have to understand it), the criteria are at be=

st broad-based. So?</FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D " Times N=

ew Roman " ><FONT size=3D4> & nbsp;</FONT></FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><F=

ONT size=3D4><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " >On your request, let me venture=

further. Let us have for the lagna (sharir), the planetary pattern that co=

nduces to a clean body, that is, clean shrotra. In other words, cleanliness=

- inducing planets powering the lagna. The 9th house empowered enough to re=

move vikaar (impurities in ideas and beliefs), the 4<SUP>th</SUP> benefical=

ly poised for keeping clear of vikaar. The moon (4<SUP>th </SUP>house corol=

lary) held steady (ie, absence of flightiness or vikshep). Saturn is the pl=

anet for dhriti, the steadying planet. Thus enters the 8<SUP>th</SUP> house=

.. Jupiter, the 9<SUP>th</SUP> ruler (lord of Sagi) in a good place to take =

good care of ideas and beliefs. The 8<SUP>th</SUP> house (and Saturn) to pu=

t ideas and beliefs through mysteries (the extra-mundane) . The 4<SUP>th</S=

UP> house, where you hold yourself (breath included) steady, as much as the=

moon. The 1<SUP>st</SUP> house as much as the sun.

Talking of planets: Jupiter, Saturn, moon, sun. Houses: 1<SUP>st</SUP>, 4<=

SUP>th</SUP>, 8<SUP>th</SUP>, 9<SUP>th</SUP>. Now throw in a measure of 12<=

SUP>th</SUP> house so that you have a good reserve of the extra-mundane in =

your aspiration. Saurn as karaka of 12<SUP>th</SUP>. The houses getting eno=

ugh power to operate well. </FONT><SPAN style=3D " FONT-SIZE: 13.5pt; FONT-FA=

MILY: Georgia " ><FONT face=3D " times new roman " >Benefics (soumya) having a sa=

y on most of these houses -- aspect, lordshp etc. A number of riders have t=

o be admitted. An example rider: Venus aspecting 12th will score over Venus=

placed in 12th. Reason is obvious. & nbsp;</FONT></SPAN></FONT></P>=0A<P cla=

ss=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " ><FONT size=3D4> & nbsp;</FONT><=

/FONT></P>=0A<P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D " Times New Roman " size=3D4>L=

ook, this is like belling the cat. Not many can. I don't think I have been =

able to. </FONT></P>=0A<P><SPAN style=3D " FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Tim=

es New Roman' " ><FONT size=3D4>RK</FONT></SPAN></P></DIV><!--~-|**|PrettyHtm=

lStart|**|-~--><SPAN style=3D " COLOR:

white " ></SPAN><!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlEnd|**|-~--><!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlStar=

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p-lc .ad{=0Amargin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}=0A-->=0A</STYLE>=0A=0A<STYLE t=

ype=3Dtext/css>=0A<!--=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=09#ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13p=

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oration:none;}=0A=0A#ygrp-vital a:hover{=0Atext-decoration:underline;}=0A=

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adding:6px 13px;background-color:#e0ecee;margin-bottom:20px;}=0A#ygrp-spons=

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ext-decoration:none;font-size:130%;}=0A#ygrp-sponsor #nc{=0Abackground-colo=

r:#eee;margin-bottom:20px;padding:0 8px;}=0A#ygrp-sponsor .ad{=0Apadding:8p=

x 0;}=0A#ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{=0Afont-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;color:=

#628c2a;font-size:100%;line-height:122%;}=0A#ygrp-sponsor .ad a{=0Atext-dec=

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in:0 0 0 0;}=0A#ygrp-text tt{=0Afont-size:120%;}=0Ablockquote{margin:0 0 0 =


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Dear RK da,


Here I go again...







----- Forwarded Message ----nalini swamy <nalini2818Vedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Wednesday, 21 May, 2008 1:18:00 PMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Sapphire from Iceland (To Aavesh)



Respected RKda,



Reading your brilliant post literally gave me the experience not of Iceland sapphire but a stream of prana-vibrations coursing their way through to the crown chakra. I am not very familiar with the chakras and their esoteric significances etc. I have earlier had an experience of the Kundalini, I hope coursing through from the base of my spine, upward. It happened only once. After that it has always been from the anahata chakra? and upwards. It was during Sukra MD, Chandra AD, Ketu PD, SD of Shani Maharaj, that I had the absolutely wonderous experience. I concentrated on the ajna, thinking of the Mother and saw her there. There was a small pinhole, it was a square with blue light streaming and as I went into it deep, deep and suddenly was a feeling of absolute stillness, floating feeling and felt myself floating away, an entity into the purple expanse... It was an amazing experience, one that cannot be justified in words,

anirvachaniya. After that, I found that my singing had changed, I had always loved singing. It became more impassioned with rasa and more powerful. I have, as a person changed. I can still feel the coursing of the prana through to the crown sometimes when I even sing, merely chant a few names of the Divine Mother and I am so fulfilled,and can hardly utter a syllable more. I hardly ever go beyond that. I dont chant the rest of them. Can you please help me relate these to my birth chart, RKda? I often find mystical.. spiritual experiences labelled 'madness' and have never before discussed them in any forum, as I also feel that they are best kept to oneself. Your subtle references to the birth chart and the experiences prompted me to write this diatribe.

I am enclosing my birth chart,


Kind Regards,




arkaydash <arkaydashVedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Wednesday, 21 May, 2008 4:06:51 AM[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Sapphire from Iceland (To Aavesh)



Yes, Aavesh, I'll try to.

What I've written so far is from some quick reflections.

Let us approach the subject (kundalini vis-à-vis a birth chart) this way. K. is the coursing of prana in a non-dissipative, conserved way, following a three-tier cleansing, beginning with the body. Thus it is that: the body (the physical sheath) be 'without mal' (sharira be nirmal), chitta without vikshep, and manah without vikaar -- including the cessation of any hankering after a savouring of kundalini. Some say, k. is a culmination of the three-tier cleansing.


When these three conditions obtain, the slightest leg-up towards interiorization of prana can pull it (k.) off. The cleansing/removal (of mal, vikshep and vikaar) takes time and remain embedded in Time (for the individual).


It can come about from sudden unfoldment of prarabdha though. But the particular prarabdha bala has to be there for the unfoldment. If someone is already born into a family that our tradition calls brahmin (or, suchinaa-shrimataam gehe…etc, in the Gita's parlence) that itself is prarabdha bala in this context.


As to the combination/ pattern in a chart that conduces to such pranic play (that is how we have to understand it), the criteria are at best broad-based. So?


On your request, let me venture further. Let us have for the lagna (sharir), the planetary pattern that conduces to a clean body, that is, clean shrotra. In other words, cleanliness- inducing planets powering the lagna. The 9th house empowered enough to remove vikaar (impurities in ideas and beliefs), the 4th benefically poised for keeping clear of vikaar. The moon (4th house corollary) held steady (ie, absence of flightiness or vikshep). Saturn is the planet for dhriti, the steadying planet. Thus enters the 8th house. Jupiter, the 9th ruler (lord of Sagi) in a good place to take good care of ideas and beliefs. The 8th house (and Saturn) to put ideas and beliefs through mysteries (the extra-mundane) . The 4th house, where you hold yourself (breath included) steady, as much as the moon. The 1st house as much as the sun.

Talking of planets: Jupiter, Saturn, moon, sun. Houses: 1st, 4th, 8th, 9th. Now throw in a measure of 12th house so that you have a good reserve of the extra-mundane in your aspiration. Saurn as karaka of 12th. The houses getting enough power to operate well. Benefics (soumya) having a say on most of these houses -- aspect, lordshp etc. A number of riders have to be admitted. An example rider: Venus aspecting 12th will score over Venus placed in 12th. Reason is obvious.


Look, this is like belling the cat. Not many can. I don't think I have been able to.

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