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Fw: From brine to nectar- RK Da' smessage forwarded

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Dear group,


I am forwarding RK da's brilliant analysis of the K factor and its associated experiences with respect to my chart.







----- Forwarded Message ----rk dash <arkaydashnalini2818Sent: Friday, 23 May, 2008 5:14:18 AMFrom brine to nectar

Dear Nalini,

As I said the rules are broad-based as far as my insights go. There are no dependable apta vakya on it; at least I haven't come across any. I have given a very brief glance at your chart, which I had to generate online. That tells me that you were then going thru a phase of interiorisation cum softening in terms of sensibility (Ve, Mo). The sub of Sun, karaka for body and tenant of 9th, preceded that phase. The sub of Mo, the sub in question, itself ropes in 1st, 4th lord, Ketu and the sign 12 (Pisces). And Ve, as YK planet and 12th lord, was waiting to give you a taste of the ineffable, from its site of action, the 8th house. Moon sub over, I won't be surprised to learn, you lapsed into a comparatively cruder plane or aligned that finer delectation of the body with the more overt one, the sensual. The reason, if that is what indeed happened, was Mars. Mars+Ven. Sadhana is self-culture, continuous refinement even as we go on

savouring the brines of the mundane and material.


There would be a rerun as you cross the midpoint of the Ve dasa. The culmination could well be at its tail end.


In your case the S. Node's sway over Moon (4th karaka) and 4th lord and 1st lord, tenancy of 8th by major dasa lord, its 12th house lordship had a strong hand in the bid even though the Big Two had no apparent role. But wait. Who says the big two had no role? Ju is with Ve in D-9; and Sat, whose Sukshma dasa was in operation, has strength from D-9th and has with him Jup in Rasi chart in the 9th sign. The Big Two are crucial to any major event in life. More so in Gemini ascendant. Why? They have between them the portfolios of 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th houses.


The two luminaries, the Big Two, the South Node, and 1st, 4th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses are what I would look at for clues to kundalini experience.


As to the chakras, that is how it usually is. The ascent is from Mooladhara. After the onset, it is (usually) from Anaahata upward, up to the Crown. But you "operate" from Ajna. Generally. The nature of experience is person-specific. They are the bibhuti of kundalini. The truine energy unfettered by specifics becasue this energy mechanism is not mounted on maya. There is a common denomination though -- inner lights and inner sounds and of course the taste of directly accessing the anandmaya kosha, the bilss. The machine, you know, is otherwise always mounted on maya. The great Indian trick of winkling the machine out of its 'maya mount' is to quietly sneak inwards and resume walk in the 'madya marga' -- neither right, nor left.


Yes, the voice deepens. That's because Anaahata is involved in a big way. In males the voice can become baritone and at moments can take on an eerie variety of the bass. Especially in Gemini ascendant cases.




PS: You may post this at group if you think fit, and think there is merit to my analysis.



Respected RKda, Namaskar.Reading your brilliant post literally gave me the experience not of Iceland sapphire but a stream of prana-vibrations coursing their waythroughto the crown chakra. I am not very familiar with the chakras and theiresoteric significances etc. I have earlier had an experience of theKundalini, I hope coursing through from the base of my spine, upward. Ithappened only once. After that it has always been from the anahatachakra? and upwards.It was during Sukra MD, Chandra AD, Ketu PD, SD of Shani Maharaj, that I had the absolutely wonderous experience. I concentrated on theajna, thinking of the Mother and saw her there.There was a small pinhole, it was a square with blue light streamingand as I went into it deep, deep and suddenly was a feeling of absolutestillness, floating feeling and felt myself floating away, an entity into the purple expanse... It was

anamazing experience, one that cannot be justified in words,anirvachaniya.After that, Ifound that my singing had changed, I had always lovedsinging. It became more impassioned with rasa and more powerful. I have, as a personchanged. I can still feel the coursing of the prana through to the crownsometimes when I even sing, merely chant a few names of the DivineMother and I am so fulfilled,and can hardly utter a syllable more.hardly ever go beyond that. I dont chant the rest of them. Can youplease help me relate these to my birth chart, RKda? I often find mystical..spiritual experiences labelled 'madness' and have never before discussedthem in any forum, as I also feel that they are best kept to oneself.your subtle references to the birth chart and the experiences promptedme to write this diatribe. I am enclosing my birth chart, Kind Regards,Nalini



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