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Jyotish combinations for Business

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Dear Lalit,Chandrashekarji,RKDa and Group, Enclosing an interesting article.This provides valuable tips on judging the 10th Bhava Regards, aavesh THE ASTROLOGICAL COMBINATIONS FOR BUSINESSMEN By : Prof.P.W.MANDVIKARAstrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether he will opt for business or service. In the present series of research articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations, which produce industrialists and businessmen of different categories. It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra generally produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let us now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which are relevant to business as a

profession. Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these persons, by nature are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They never waste their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this sign, hence they can become good businessmen. They have much perseverance and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and mental vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and so denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural signification of riches and comforts. Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies and so these persons are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit. They can very easily adapt themselves to their surroundings and are remarkable for their versatility. Gemini is a natural signification of arms and hands and so these persons are successful in all activities that are related to hands. It is very difficult

for others to understand them and their peculiarities. They are rather impulsive. The ruler of this sign in Mercury, the natural signification of business and so these persons understand and analyse the things quickly. Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these persons have a good power of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh and balance all things mentally. They are remarkable for their perceptive faculties. They have got a good intuition and so succeed in all types of business mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers a fertile imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to handle any situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by fortune. They are best suited for business with a partner. Effect on signs : As stated above the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra are connected with business activities. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, mostly, these signs are aspected or occupied

by benefic planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A benefic influence on these signs denotes a successful business career. The Planets : It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy own sign, exaltation sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are quite important as far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually friendly to each other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent, ingenious and analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is significator of money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes good monetary earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding, persevering and patient working. So these planets add to the strength of the horoscope of a businessman. Effect of Planets on Houses : In the horoscope of a successful businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th and 11th are very important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's profession and

success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business activities, the 9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all sorts of gains. The following effects on these houses are observed in the horoscopes of businessmen. < BR>The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant is mostly influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of energy. This energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises one's ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving success in business. The 10th House : Mostly Saturn influences the 10th house in some way or the other. It denotes initial failures in the profession but promises ultimate success. Mostly businessmen face this dilemma. Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives them patient-working spirit. The 7th House : it is influenced mostly by Saturn. It denotes initial

difficulties in partnerships and contracts. Saturn is also a significator of black money. Its effect on the 7th house denotes involvement of black money in business. The 9th House : this house is a significator of fate and fortune. It is mostly influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter is the best benefic representing divine grace and so its influence on the 9th enhances the dame luck. Top businessmen are the luckiest lot and so Jupiter's effect on the 9th house is a boon for them. The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or Venus influences the 11th house. The 11th house is an important house for the businessmen, as it represents gains. The benefic influence on the 11th denotes gains in business and other connected activities. Correlation between various Houses : As per "Uttar Kalamruta", the second house denotes purchase and sell activities (Kraya-Vikraya) and enterprise for earning wealth (Vittodyamaha). The 7th and

10th houses denote business activities (Vanijyam). So we have to study these houses and the correlations between them. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, the 2nd house is related to the ascendant, the 10th the 7th and 11th houses. Among other things the 2nd house also signifies wealth and earning. A correlation of the 2nd house with the ascendant and the 10th denotes good earning from the business. Correlation between the 2nd and the 7th denotes that the business is flourishing and the capital is increasing. The correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a powerful dhana-yoga' and so there will be multiple gains. The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for businessmen. It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies exaltation, own or a friendly sign. It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th, 9th, 10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief significator house for businessmen. The 5h house

denotes sudden gains and the speculation activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes profession and the 11th gains. So a correlation between these houses and the 7th and the above mentioned houses denotes a profitable partnership in the business because the 7th house also shows partner and his dealings. Various Yogas : It is noticed that the horoscopes of successful businessmen contain a few important yogas concerning wealth and prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us briefly describe it. Adhi : If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the Moon or Langa.Results : The person will be polite and trustworthy, will have an enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence, will inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live long. Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the upachayas (3, 6, 10 and 11) either from the ascendant or from the

Moon.Result : The person will not be dependant but will always command plenty of wealth. Parijat :The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of navamsa occupied by the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord is posited, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places.Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and houses, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous. Lakshmi : By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and 9th. By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona or exaltaton and the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully. By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person will be

healthy, wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life. Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon.Result : Many relatives, polite and generous, builder of villages and towns and will have a lasting reputation. Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own house or exaltation sign.Results : He will have all sorts of riches and comforts. He will be successful in all his enterprises. Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the trikonas are the places of Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the special wealth bestowing planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen either lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own houses, or the lord of one trikona occupies the other trikona. Now let us discuss the business concerning iron

and steel. Steel is an important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of machines, vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel. The Ascendant and the Moon :It is observed that in the case of industrialists and businessmen dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or the MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio are the signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury. Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of the Zodiac, full of activity and leadership. It rules over iron and steel, machinery, mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining engineers, metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign quite suits the iron and steel business. Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac, it rules over the industries. It is also concerned with military affairs, in which steel is mostly used for manufacturing army equipment. This sign also concerns

business. These persons are intelligent and have quick perceptions. They are thorough, methodical, practical and discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be changes in environments of these persons. They get good partners in business, mostly. Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This sign rules over chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry, etc. The ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the machines, heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the business of steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can never be idle and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in every venture. They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect. The Planets : It is observed that mostly the planets Saturn and Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the cancellation of debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the chief significator of iron and steel; and so when it is

strong in the horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all pursuits concerning iron and steel. Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business. It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury occupy kendra or trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over business. So when both these planets are well placed the person becomes a successful businessman in steel. The Signs : It is observed that in most of the horoscopes of steel businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are aspected or occupied by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines, Commerce, business, etc. So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes business concerning steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines and ores. It also rules over industrial, engineering and business in general, the sale and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the association or aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present case.

It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is occupied or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the significator of steel industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy. It is seen that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen, the sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and international commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is thus helpful in promoting the steel business. THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th house rules over minerals, which are found in the mines. So the fortification of the 4th house denotes that the person's profession concerns mineral and ores.Correlation between various houses It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen of steel the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th house denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd

denotes the transport and communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant denotes one's profession and career and so the correlation between the ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in this case also. The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th house also rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and export. It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial activities. The Yogas present in the horoscopeIt is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of iron and steel contains some of the following yogas. AMALAThe 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a benefic planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. He will lead a prosperous life. KAHALALords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras

from each other. Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a small army and a few villages. LAKSHMI When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona or exaltation sign and the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully. When the lord of the 9th and Venus are posited in own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler and enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life. PARIJATThe lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord of the rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exalted places.Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life,

receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous. VASIPlanets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.Results : The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal, favourite of his ruling classes. SASAIf Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted sign.Results : One born in this yoga will command good servants. He will be the head of a village or town, will get ample wealth from occupation denoted by Saturn. BHADRAIt is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should be his own or exalted sign.Results : The person will be strong. He will be successful in business and will help his relatives. Also he will live upto a good old age. DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the following yogas are present in the horoscope. The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects. The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects it. The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects it. The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects 2nd house or 2nd lord. The 11th lord occupies the 9th house. The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th lord. The 9th lord aspects 11th house. The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman. They involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample wealth and gains from business.Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman dealing with steel. Example HoroscopeSir Dorabji TataDate of Birth 27.8.1859He was a famous industrialist dealing with steel. In his horoscope the ascendant is Scorpio, which is a significator sign for steel industry. The planet Mars debilitated and

its debilitation is cancelled. The important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn is aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars and Ketu. The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is aspected by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the ascendant lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the 9th house is influenced by the ascendant.Yogas presentYogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the horoscope, Also, the following dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope. The 9th lord occupies the 9th house. The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house The 7th and 11th lords have con joined. Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this horoscope, making the native a successful

businessman in steel the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with which he deals.

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Thank you, Aavesh. We will have to visit this topic more

resourcefully. Determination of profession from horoscope, in

general, has remained a lion yet to be bridled.



Vedic Astrologyandhealing , aavesh t

<aavesh_s wrote:


> Dear Lalit,Chandrashekarji,RKDa and Group,


> Enclosing an interesting article.This provides valuable tips on

judging the 10th Bhava


> Regards,


> aavesh




> Astrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often

indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether he

will opt for business or service. In the present series of research

articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations,

which produce industrialists and businessmen of different categories.


> It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra generally

produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their

ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let us

now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which

are relevant to business as a profession.

> Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these persons, by

nature are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They never

waste their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this

sign, hence they can become good businessmen. They have much

perseverance and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and

mental vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and

so denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession

which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural

signification of riches and comforts.

> Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies and so these

persons are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit. They

can very easily adapt themselves to their surroundings and are

remarkable for their versatility. Gemini is a natural signification

of arms and hands and so these persons are successful in all

activities that are related to hands. It is very difficult for others

to understand them and their peculiarities. They are rather

impulsive. The ruler of this sign in Mercury, the natural

signification of business and so these persons understand and analyse

the things quickly.

> Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these persons have a good

power of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh and balance all

things mentally. They are remarkable for their perceptive faculties.

They have got a good intuition and so succeed in all types of

business mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers a fertile

imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to handle any

situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by fortune.

They are best suited for business with a partner.

> Effect on signs : As stated above the signs Taurus, Gemini and

Libra are connected with business activities. It is observed that in

the horoscopes of businessmen, mostly, these signs are aspected or

occupied by benefic planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A benefic

influence on these signs denotes a successful business career.


> The Planets : It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen,

the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy own sign, exaltation

sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are quite important as

far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually friendly to each

other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent, ingenious and

analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is significator of

money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes good monetary

earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding, persevering and

patient working. So these planets add to the strength of the

horoscope of a businessman.


> Effect of Planets on Houses : In the horoscope of a successful

businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th and 11th are very

important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's profession and

success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business activities,

the 9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all sorts of

gains. The following effects on these houses are observed in the

horoscopes of businessmen.

> < BR>The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant is mostly

influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of energy. This

energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises one's

ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the

person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving

success in business.


> The 10th House : Mostly Saturn influences the 10th house in some

way or the other. It denotes initial failures in the profession but

promises ultimate success. Mostly businessmen face this dilemma.

Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives them patient-working


> The 7th House : it is influenced mostly by Saturn. It denotes

initial difficulties in partnerships and contracts. Saturn is also a

significator of black money. Its effect on the 7th house denotes

involvement of black money in business.

> The 9th House : this house is a significator of fate and

fortune. It is mostly influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter is the best

benefic representing divine grace and so its influence on the 9th

enhances the dame luck. Top businessmen are the luckiest lot and so

Jupiter's effect on the 9th house is a boon for them.

> The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or Venus influences the 11th

house. The 11th house is an important house for the businessmen, as

it represents gains. The benefic influence on the 11th denotes gains

in business and other connected activities.


> Correlation between various Houses : As per " Uttar Kalamruta " , the

second house denotes purchase and sell activities (Kraya-Vikraya) and

enterprise for earning wealth (Vittodyamaha). The 7th and 10th houses

denote business activities (Vanijyam). So we have to study these

houses and the correlations between them. It is observed that in the

horoscopes of businessmen, the 2nd house is related to the ascendant,

the 10th the 7th and 11th houses. Among other things the 2nd house

also signifies wealth and earning. A correlation of the 2nd house

with the ascendant and the 10th denotes good earning from the

business. Correlation between the 2nd and the 7th denotes that the

business is flourishing and the capital is increasing. The

correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a powerful dhana-

yoga' and so there will be multiple gains.


> The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for

businessmen. It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies

exaltation, own or a friendly sign.


> It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th,

9th, 10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief significator

house for businessmen. The 5h house denotes sudden gains and the

speculation activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes

profession and the 11th gains. So a correlation between these houses

and the 7th and the above mentioned houses denotes a profitable

partnership in the business because the 7th house also shows partner

and his dealings.


> Various Yogas : It is noticed that the horoscopes of successful

businessmen contain a few important yogas concerning wealth and

prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us briefly describe


> Adhi : If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the

Moon or Langa.

> Results : The person will be polite and trustworthy, will have an

enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence, will

inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live long.

> Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the upachayas (3, 6, 10 and

11) either from the ascendant or from the Moon.

> Result : The person will not be dependant but will always command

plenty of wealth.

> Parijat :The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house

occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of navamsa occupied by

the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord is posited, shall

join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places.

> Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the

homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and

houses, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and


> Lakshmi :

> By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and 9th.

> By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona or exaltaton

and the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully.

> By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or

exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas.

> Results : The person will be healthy, wealthy, noble, learned, a

man of high integrity and reputation, enjoying all the pleasures and

comforts of life.

> Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon.

> Result : Many relatives, polite and generous, builder of villages

and towns and will have a lasting reputation.

> Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and

Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own house or exaltation sign.

> Results : He will have all sorts of riches and comforts. He will be

successful in all his enterprises.

> Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the trikonas are the places of

Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the special wealth bestowing

planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen either

lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own houses, or the lord

of one trikona occupies the other trikona.


> Now let us discuss the business concerning iron and steel. Steel is

an important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of machines,

vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel.


> The Ascendant and the Moon :

> It is observed that in the case of industrialists and businessmen

dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or the

MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio are the

signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury.

> Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of the Zodiac, full

of activity and leadership. It rules over iron and steel, machinery,

mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining engineers,

metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign quite

suits the iron and steel business.

> Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac, it rules over the

industries. It is also concerned with military affairs, in which

steel is mostly used for manufacturing army equipment. This sign also

concerns business. These persons are intelligent and have quick

perceptions. They are thorough, methodical, practical and

discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be changes in

environments of these persons. They get good partners in business,


> Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This sign rules over

chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry, etc. The

ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the machines,

heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the business of

steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can never be

idle and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in every

venture. They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect.


> The Planets : It is observed that mostly the planets Saturn and

Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the cancellation of

debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the chief

significator of iron and steel; and so when it is strong in the

horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all

pursuits concerning iron and steel.


> Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business.


> It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury occupy kendra or

trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over

business. So when both these planets are well placed the person

becomes a successful businessman in steel.


> The Signs : It is observed that in most of the horoscopes of steel

businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are aspected or occupied

by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines, Commerce, business, etc.

So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes business concerning

steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines and ores. It also

rules over industrial, engineering and business in general, the sale

and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the association or

aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present case.


> It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is

occupied or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the significator

of steel industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy.


> It is seen that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen,

the sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign

Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and international

commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is thus

helpful in promoting the steel business.


> THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th house rules over minerals,

which are found in the mines. So the fortification of the 4th house

denotes that the person's profession concerns mineral and ores.


> Correlation between various houses

> It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen of steel

the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th house

denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd denotes the transport and

communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant denotes

one's profession and career and so the correlation between the

ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in this

case also.

> The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th house also

rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and export.

It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the

ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial



> The Yogas present in the horoscope

> It is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of

iron and steel contains some of the following yogas.


> The 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a benefic

planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation.

He will lead a prosperous life.


> Lords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras from each

other. Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a small

army and a few villages.



> When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together

> When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona or exaltation

sign and the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully.

> When the lord of the 9th and Venus are posited in own or

exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas.

> Results : The person will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high

integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler and

enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.


> The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the

ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord of

the rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a

quadrant, a trine or his own or exalted places.

> Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the

homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, conforming to the

traditions and customs, generous and famous.


> Planets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.

> Results : The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal, favourite

of his ruling classes.


> If Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted sign.

> Results : One born in this yoga will command good servants. He will

be the head of a village or town, will get ample wealth from

occupation denoted by Saturn.


> It is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should

be his own or exalted sign.

> Results : The person will be strong. He will be successful in

business and will help his relatives. Also he will live upto a good

old age.


> DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the following yogas are present in the


> The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects.

> The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects it.

> The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects it.

> The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects 2nd house or

2nd lord.

> The 11th lord occupies the 9th house.

> The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th lord.

> The 9th lord aspects 11th house.


> The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman.

They involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample

wealth and gains from business.


> Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman

dealing with steel. Example Horoscope

> Sir Dorabji Tata

> Date of Birth 27.8.1859


> He was a famous industrialist dealing with steel. In his horoscope

the ascendant is Scorpio, which is a significator sign for steel



> The planet Mars debilitated and its debilitation is cancelled. The

important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn is

aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars and



> The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is

aspected by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.


> The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So the

ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the ascendant

lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the 9th

house is influenced by the ascendant.


> Yogas present

> Yogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the horoscope,

Also, the following dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope.

> The 9th lord occupies the 9th house.

> The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house

> The 7th and 11th lords have con joined.


> Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this

horoscope, making the native a successful businessman in steel


> the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with

which he deals.


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Guest guest

Dear Aavesh,


That is a good article, though I would have liked some principles that

lead to the observation on many of the yogas had been commented upon. I

mean, for any successful person, businessman or otherwise, any of the

multiple yogas said to be present in businessmen in steel would be

present. They would not restrict to businessmen of steel only.


take care,



aavesh t wrote:



Dear Lalit,Chandrashekarji,RKDa

and Group,


Enclosing an interesting

article.This provides valuable tips on judging the 10th Bhava

















Astrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often

indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether he

will opt for business or service. In the present series of research

articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations, which

produce industrialists and businessmen of different categories.


It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra

generally produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their

ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let us

now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which are

relevant to business as a profession.


Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these

persons, by nature are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They

never waste their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this

sign, hence they can become good businessmen. They have much

perseverance and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and

mental vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and

so denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession

which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural

signification of riches and comforts.

Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies and so

these persons are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit.

They can very easily adapt themselves to their surroundings and are

remarkable for their versatility. Gemini is a natural signification of

arms and hands and so these persons are successful in all activities

that are related to hands. It is very difficult for others to

understand them and their peculiarities. They are rather impulsive. The

ruler of this sign in Mercury, the natural signification of business

and so these persons understand and analyse the things quickly.

Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these persons have

a good power of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh and balance

all things mentally. They are remarkable for their perceptive

faculties. They have got a good intuition and so succeed in all types

of business mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers a fertile

imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to handle any

situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by fortune. They

are best suited for business with a partner.


Effect on signs : As stated above the signs Taurus,

Gemini and Libra are connected with business activities. It is

observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, mostly, these signs are

aspected or occupied by benefic planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A

benefic influence on these signs denotes a successful business career.


The Planets : It is observed that in the horoscopes

of businessmen, the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy own sign,

exaltation sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are quite

important as far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually

friendly to each other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent,

ingenious and analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is

significator of money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes

good monetary earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding,

persevering and patient working. So these planets add to the strength

of the horoscope of a businessman.


Effect of Planets on Houses : In the horoscope of a

successful businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th and 11th are

very important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's profession and

success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business activities, the

9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all sorts of gains.

The following effects on these houses are observed in the horoscopes of


< BR>The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant

is mostly influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of

energy. This energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises

one's ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the

person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving success

in business.


The 10th House : Mostly Saturn influences the

10th house in some way or the other. It denotes initial failures in the

profession but promises ultimate success. Mostly businessmen face this

dilemma. Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives them patient-working


The 7th House : it is influenced mostly by

Saturn. It denotes initial difficulties in partnerships and contracts.

Saturn is also a significator of black money. Its effect on the 7th

house denotes involvement of black money in business.

The 9th House : this house is a significator of

fate and fortune. It is mostly influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter is the

best benefic representing divine grace and so its influence on the 9th

enhances the dame luck. Top businessmen are the luckiest lot and so

Jupiter's effect on the 9th house is a boon for them.

The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or Venus

influences the 11th house. The 11th house is an important house for the

businessmen, as it represents gains. The benefic influence on the 11th

denotes gains in business and other connected activities.



Correlation between various Houses : As per "Uttar

Kalamruta", the second house denotes purchase and sell activities

(Kraya-Vikraya) and enterprise for earning wealth (Vittodyamaha).

The 7th and 10th houses denote business activities (Vanijyam). So we

have to study these houses and the correlations between them. It is

observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, the 2nd house is

related to the ascendant, the 10th the 7th and 11th houses. Among other

things the 2nd house also signifies wealth and earning. A correlation

of the 2nd house with the ascendant and the 10th denotes good earning

from the business. Correlation between the 2nd and the 7th denotes that

the business is flourishing and the capital is increasing. The

correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a powerful dhana-yoga'

and so there will be multiple gains.


The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for businessmen.

It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies exaltation, own or a

friendly sign.


It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th, 9th,

10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief significator house

for businessmen. The 5h house denotes sudden gains and the speculation

activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes profession and the

11th gains. So a correlation between these houses and the 7th and the

above mentioned houses denotes a profitable partnership in the business

because the 7th house also shows partner and his dealings.


Various Yogas : It is noticed that the horoscopes of

successful businessmen contain a few important yogas concerning wealth

and prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us briefly describe



Adhi : If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th

and 8th from the Moon or Langa.

Results : The person will be polite and

trustworthy, will have an enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by

luxuries and affluence, will inflict defeats on his enemies, will be

healthy and will live long.

Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the upachayas

(3, 6, 10 and 11) either from the ascendant or from the Moon.

Result : The person will not be dependant but

will always command plenty of wealth.

Parijat :The lord of the sign in which the lord

of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of navamsa

occupied by the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord is

posited, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places.

Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of

life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars,

possessing elephants and houses, conforming to the traditions and

customs, generous and famous.

Lakshmi :


By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and 9th.

By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona or

exaltaton and the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully.

By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or

exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas.


Results : The person will be healthy, wealthy,

noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, enjoying all

the pleasures and comforts of life.

Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra from the


Result : Many relatives, polite and generous,

builder of villages and towns and will have a lasting reputation.

Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars, Mercury,

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own house or

exaltation sign.

Results : He will have all sorts of riches and

comforts. He will be successful in all his enterprises.

Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the trikonas are

the places of Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the special wealth

bestowing planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen

either lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own houses, or the

lord of one trikona occupies the other trikona.



Now let us discuss the business concerning iron and steel. Steel is an

important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of machines,

vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel.


The Ascendant and the Moon :

It is observed that in the case of industrialists and businessmen

dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or the

MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio

are the signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury.


Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of the

Zodiac, full of activity and leadership. It rules over iron and steel,

machinery, mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining engineers,

metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign quite suits

the iron and steel business.

Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac, it

rules over the industries. It is also concerned with military affairs,

in which steel is mostly used for manufacturing army equipment. This

sign also concerns business. These persons are intelligent and have

quick perceptions. They are thorough, methodical, practical and

discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be changes in

environments of these persons. They get good partners in business,


Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This sign

rules over chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry, etc.

The ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the machines,

heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the business of

steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can never be idle

and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in every venture.

They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect.



The Planets : It is observed that mostly the planets

Saturn and Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the cancellation

of debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the chief

significator of iron and steel; and so when it is strong in the

horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all pursuits

concerning iron and steel.


Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business.


It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury occupy kendra or

trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over business.

So when both these planets are well placed the person becomes a

successful businessman in steel.


The Signs : It is observed that in most of the

horoscopes of steel businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are

aspected or occupied by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines,

Commerce, business, etc. So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes

business concerning steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines

and ores. It also rules over industrial, engineering and business in

general, the sale and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the

association or aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present



It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is occupied

or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the significator of steel

industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy.


It is seen that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen, the

sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign

Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and international

commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is thus

helpful in promoting the steel business.


THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th house rules

over minerals, which are found in the mines. So the fortification of

the 4th house denotes that the person's profession concerns mineral and



Correlation between various houses


It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen of steel

the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th house

denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd denotes the transport and

communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant denotes

one's profession and career and so the correlation between the

ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in this

case also.

The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th house

also rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and

export. It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the

ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial



The Yogas present in the horoscope

It is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of iron

and steel contains some of the following yogas.



The 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a benefic

planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation.

He will lead a prosperous life.


Lords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras from each other.

Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a small army and

a few villages.



When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together

When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona or

exaltation sign and the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully.

When the lord of the 9th and Venus are posited in own

or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas.


Results : The person will be wealthy, noble,

learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a

good ruler and enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.


The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the

ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord of the

rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a quadrant, a

trine or his own or exalted places.

Results : Happy in the middle and last parts

of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars,

conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous.


Planets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.

Results : The subject will be happy,

prosperous, liberal, favourite of his ruling classes.


If Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted sign.

Results : One born in this yoga will command

good servants. He will be the head of a village or town, will get ample

wealth from occupation denoted by Saturn.


It is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should be

his own or exalted sign.

Results : The person will be strong. He will

be successful in business and will help his relatives. Also he will

live upto a good old age.



DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the following yogas

are present in the horoscope.


The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects.

The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects it.

The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects it.

The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects 2nd house

or 2nd lord.

The 11th lord occupies the 9th house.

The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th lord.

The 9th lord aspects 11th house.



The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman. They

involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample wealth and

gains from business.


Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman dealing

with steel.

Example Horoscope

Sir Dorabji Tata

Date of Birth 27.8.1859



He was a famous industrialist dealing with

steel. In his horoscope the ascendant is Scorpio, which is a

significator sign for steel industry.


The planet Mars debilitated and its debilitation is cancelled. The

important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn is

aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars and



The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is aspected

by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.


The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So the

ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the ascendant

lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the 9th

house is influenced by the ascendant.


Yogas present

Yogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the horoscope,

Also, the following dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope.


The 9th lord occupies the 9th house.

The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house

The 7th and 11th lords have con joined.



Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this

horoscope, making the native a successful businessman in steel


the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with which he









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Guest guest

Respected Senior's Sir,


Once again this topic raised curiosity in me. As i do not have much knowledge

about astrology but i would like to know about my case:-


As i did JOB in my graduation time for more then a year the after completing my

post graduation as MBA. I got placement in a company but before joining it i got

two offers more 1st for Job in a bank in Dubai and 2nd for business of Raw cotton

exports with my elder brother(cousin).


I don't know why i have joined business by leaving those 2 job offers.

Now my perents are insisting me to go for a JOB again then join business later.

Now i am confused what to do?


I request all senior members if they can suggest me by predicting my horoscope

as wat are my combination for Business or Service.

My Details are as follows:-


Name:- Sudeep Jain

Sex:- Male

Date of Birth:- 17-January-1983

Time of Birth:- 10:30 PM

Place of Birth:- Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh) India.



Sudeep Jain.


--- On Sun, 6/1/08, aavesh t <aavesh_s wrote:

aavesh t <aavesh_s[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Jyotish combinations for BusinessVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Sunday, June 1, 2008, 6:23 AM




Dear Lalit,Chandrashekar ji,RKDa and Group,


Enclosing an interesting article.This provides valuable tips on judging the 10th Bhava













By : Prof.P.W.MANDVIKARAstrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether he will opt for business or service. In the present series of research articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations, which produce industrialists and businessmen of different categories. It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra generally produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let us now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which are relevant to business as a profession.

Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these persons, by nature are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They never waste their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this sign, hence they can become good businessmen. They have much perseverance and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and mental vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and so denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural signification of riches and comforts. Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies and so these persons are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit. They can very easily adapt themselves to their surroundings and are remarkable for their versatility. Gemini is a natural signification of arms and hands and so these persons are successful in all activities that are related to hands. It is very difficult for others to understand them and their peculiarities. They are rather impulsive. The ruler of this sign in Mercury, the natural signification of business and so these persons understand and analyse the things quickly. Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these persons have a good power of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh and balance all things mentally. They are remarkable for their perceptive faculties. They have got a good intuition and so succeed in all types of business mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers a fertile imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to handle any situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by fortune. They are best suited for business with a partner. Effect on signs : As stated above the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra are connected with business activities. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, mostly, these signs are aspected or occupied by benefic planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A benefic influence on these signs denotes a successful business career. The Planets : It is observed that in the horoscopes of

businessmen, the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy own sign, exaltation sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are quite important as far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually friendly to each other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent, ingenious and analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is significator of money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes good monetary earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding, persevering and patient working. So these planets add to the strength of the horoscope of a businessman. Effect of Planets on Houses : In the horoscope of a successful businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th and 11th are very important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's profession and success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business activities, the 9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all sorts of gains. The following effects on these houses

are observed in the horoscopes of businessmen. < BR>The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant is mostly influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of energy. This energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises one's ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving success in business.


The 10th House : Mostly Saturn influences the 10th house in some way or the other. It denotes initial failures in the profession but promises ultimate success. Mostly businessmen face this dilemma. Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives them patient-working spirit. The 7th House : it is influenced mostly by Saturn. It denotes initial difficulties in partnerships and contracts. Saturn is also a significator of black money. Its effect on the 7th house denotes involvement of black money in business. The 9th House : this house is a significator of fate and fortune. It is mostly influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter is the best benefic representing divine grace and so its influence on the 9th enhances the dame luck. Top businessmen are the luckiest lot and so Jupiter's effect on the 9th house is a boon for them. The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or Venus influences the 11th house. The 11th house is an important house for the businessmen, as it represents gains. The benefic influence on the 11th denotes gains in business and other connected activities. Correlation between various Houses : As per "Uttar Kalamruta", the second house denotes purchase and sell activities (Kraya-Vikraya) and enterprise for earning wealth (Vittodyamaha) . The 7th and 10th houses denote business activities (Vanijyam). So we have to study these houses and the correlations between them. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, the 2nd house is related to the ascendant, the 10th the 7th and 11th houses. Among other things the 2nd house also signifies wealth and earning. A correlation of the 2nd house with the ascendant and the 10th denotes good earning from the business. Correlation between the 2nd and the 7th denotes that the

business is flourishing and the capital is increasing. The correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a powerful dhana-yoga' and so there will be multiple gains. The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for businessmen. It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies exaltation, own or a friendly sign. It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th, 9th, 10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief significator house for businessmen. The 5h house denotes sudden gains and the speculation activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes profession and the 11th gains. So a correlation between these houses and the 7th and the above mentioned houses denotes a profitable partnership in the business because the 7th house also shows partner and his dealings. Various Yogas : It is noticed that the horoscopes of successful businessmen contain a few important yogas concerning wealth

and prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us briefly describe it.

Adhi : If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the Moon or Langa.Results : The person will be polite and trustworthy, will have an enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence, will inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live long. Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the upachayas (3, 6, 10 and 11) either from the ascendant or from the Moon.Result : The person will not be dependant but will always command plenty of wealth. Parijat :The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of navamsa occupied by the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord is posited, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places.Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and houses, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous. Lakshmi :

By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and 9th. By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona or exaltaton and the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully. By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person will be healthy, wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life. Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon.Result : Many relatives, polite and generous, builder of villages and towns and will have a lasting reputation. Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own house or exaltation sign.Results : He will have all sorts of riches and comforts. He will be successful in all his enterprises. Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the trikonas are the places of Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the special wealth bestowing planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen either lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own houses, or the lord of one trikona occupies the other trikona. Now let us discuss the business concerning iron and steel. Steel is an important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of machines, vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel. The Ascendant and the Moon :It is observed that in the case of industrialists and businessmen dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or the MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio are the signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury.

Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of the Zodiac, full of activity and leadership. It rules over iron and steel, machinery, mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining engineers, metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign quite suits the iron and steel business. Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac, it rules over the industries. It is also concerned with military affairs, in which steel is mostly used for manufacturing army equipment. This sign also concerns business. These persons are intelligent and have quick perceptions. They are thorough, methodical, practical and discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be changes in environments of these persons. They get good partners in business, mostly. Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This sign rules over chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry, etc. The ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the machines, heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the business of steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can never be idle and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in every venture. They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect. The Planets : It is observed that mostly the planets Saturn and Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the cancellation of debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the chief significator of iron and steel; and so when it is strong in the horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all pursuits concerning iron and steel. Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business. It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury

occupy kendra or trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over business. So when both these planets are well placed the person becomes a successful businessman in steel. The Signs : It is observed that in most of the horoscopes of steel businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are aspected or occupied by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines, Commerce, business, etc. So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes business concerning steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines and ores. It also rules over industrial, engineering and business in general, the sale and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the association or aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present case. It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is occupied or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the significator of steel industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy. It is seen

that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen, the sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and international commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is thus helpful in promoting the steel business. THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th house rules over minerals, which are found in the mines. So the fortification of the 4th house denotes that the person's profession concerns mineral and ores.Correlation between various houses

It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen of steel the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th house denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd denotes the transport and communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant denotes one's profession and career and so the correlation between the ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in this case also. The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th house also rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and export. It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial activities. The Yogas present in the horoscopeIt is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of iron and steel contains some of the following yogas.

AMALAThe 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a benefic planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. He will lead a prosperous life. KAHALALords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras from each other. Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a small army and a few villages. LAKSHMI


When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona or exaltation sign and the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully. When the lord of the 9th and Venus are posited in own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler and enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life. PARIJATThe lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord of the rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exalted places.Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous. VASIPlanets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.Results : The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal, favourite of his ruling classes. SASAIf Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted sign.Results : One born in this yoga will command good servants. He will be the head of a village or town, will get ample wealth from occupation denoted by Saturn. BHADRAIt is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should be his own or exalted sign.Results : The person will be strong. He will be successful in business and will help his relatives. Also he will live upto a good old age. DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the following yogas are present in the horoscope.

The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects. The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects it. The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects it. The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects 2nd house or 2nd lord. The 11th lord occupies the 9th house. The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th lord. The 9th lord aspects 11th house. The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman. They involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample wealth and gains from business.Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman dealing with steel.

Example HoroscopeSir Dorabji TataDate of Birth 27.8.1859He was a famous industrialist dealing with steel. In his horoscope the ascendant is Scorpio, which is a significator sign for steel industry. The planet Mars debilitated and its debilitation is cancelled. The important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn is aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars and Ketu. The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is aspected by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the ascendant lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the 9th house is influenced by the ascendant.Yogas presentYogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the horoscope, Also, the following

dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope.

The 9th lord occupies the 9th house. The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house The 7th and 11th lords have con joined. Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this horoscope, making the native a successful businessman in steel the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with which he deals.




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Guest guest

Dear Sudeep,


With 6th being stronger than 7th, I would say job suits you better than

business. Engineering, teaching, Petrochemicals or similar lines suit

you. I would think that leaving your place of birth should see your

fortunes grow.




Sudeep Jain wrote:








Respected Senior's Sir,


Once again this topic raised

curiosity in me. As i do not have much knowledge

about astrology but i would

like to know about my case:-


As i did JOB in my graduation

time for more then a year the after completing my

post graduation as MBA. I got

placement in a company but before joining it i got

two offers more 1st for Job in

a bank in Dubai and 2nd for business of Raw cotton

exports with my elder brother(cousin).


I don't know why i have joined

business by leaving those 2 job offers.

Now my perents are insisting

me to go for a JOB again then join business later.

Now i am confused what to do?


I request all senior members

if they can suggest me by predicting my horoscope

as wat are my combination for

Business or Service.

My Details are as follows:-


Name:- Sudeep Jain

Sex:- Male

Date of Birth:- 17-January-1983

Time of Birth:- 10:30 PM

Place of Birth:- Ratlam

(Madhya Pradesh) India.



Sudeep Jain.




--- On Sun, 6/1/08, aavesh t <aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com>




aavesh t <aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com>

[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Jyotish combinations for


Vedic Astrologyandhealing

Sunday, June 1, 2008, 6:23 AM






Lalit,Chandrashekar ji,RKDa and Group,


Enclosing an

interesting article.This provides valuable tips on judging the 10th



















Astrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often

indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether he

will opt for business or service. In the present series of research

articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations, which

produce industrialists and businessmen of different categories.


It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra

generally produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their

ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let us

now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which are

relevant to business as a profession.


Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these

persons, by nature are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They

never waste their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this

sign, hence they can become good businessmen. They have much

perseverance and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and

mental vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and

so denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession

which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural

signification of riches and comforts.

Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies

and so these persons are rarely content with a single occupation or

pursuit. They can very easily adapt themselves to their surroundings

and are remarkable for their versatility. Gemini is a natural

signification of arms and hands and so these persons are successful in

all activities that are related to hands. It is very difficult for

others to understand them and their peculiarities. They are rather

impulsive. The ruler of this sign in Mercury, the natural signification

of business and so these persons understand and analyse the things


Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these

persons have a good power of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh

and balance all things mentally. They are remarkable for their

perceptive faculties. They have got a good intuition and so succeed in

all types of business mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers

a fertile imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to

handle any situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by

fortune. They are best suited for business with a partner.


Effect on signs : As stated above the signs Taurus,

Gemini and Libra are connected with business activities. It is

observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, mostly, these signs are

aspected or occupied by benefic planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A

benefic influence on these signs denotes a successful business career.


The Planets : It is observed that in the

horoscopes of businessmen, the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy

own sign, exaltation sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are

quite important as far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually

friendly to each other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent,

ingenious and analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is

significator of money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes

good monetary earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding,

persevering and patient working. So these planets add to the strength

of the horoscope of a businessman.


Effect of Planets on Houses : In the

horoscope of a successful businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th

and 11th are very important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's

profession and success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business

activities, the 9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all

sorts of gains. The following effects on these houses are observed in

the horoscopes of businessmen.

< BR>The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant

is mostly influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of

energy. This energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises

one's ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the

person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving success

in business.


The 10th House : Mostly Saturn

influences the 10th house in some way or the other. It denotes initial

failures in the profession but promises ultimate success. Mostly

businessmen face this dilemma. Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives

them patient-working spirit.

The 7th House : it is influenced mostly

by Saturn. It denotes initial difficulties in partnerships and

contracts. Saturn is also a significator of black money. Its effect on

the 7th house denotes involvement of black money in business.

The 9th House : this house is a

significator of fate and fortune. It is mostly influenced by Jupiter.

Jupiter is the best benefic representing divine grace and so its

influence on the 9th enhances the dame luck. Top businessmen are the

luckiest lot and so Jupiter's effect on the 9th house is a boon for


The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or

Venus influences the 11th house. The 11th house is an important house

for the businessmen, as it represents gains. The benefic influence on

the 11th denotes gains in business and other connected activities.



Correlation between various Houses : As per

"Uttar Kalamruta", the second house denotes purchase and sell

activities (Kraya-Vikraya) and enterprise for earning wealth

(Vittodyamaha) . The 7th and 10th houses denote business activities

(Vanijyam). So we have to study these houses and the correlations

between them. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, the

2nd house is related to the ascendant, the 10th the 7th and 11th

houses. Among other things the 2nd house also signifies wealth and

earning. A correlation of the 2nd house with the ascendant and the 10th

denotes good earning from the business. Correlation between the 2nd and

the 7th denotes that the business is flourishing and the capital is

increasing. The correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a

powerful dhana-yoga' and so there will be multiple gains.


The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for businessmen.

It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies exaltation, own or a

friendly sign.


It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th, 9th,

10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief significator house

for businessmen. The 5h house denotes sudden gains and the speculation

activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes profession and the

11th gains. So a correlation between these houses and the 7th and the

above mentioned houses denotes a profitable partnership in the business

because the 7th house also shows partner and his dealings.


Various Yogas : It is noticed that the

horoscopes of successful businessmen contain a few important yogas

concerning wealth and prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us

briefly describe it.


Adhi : If benefics are situated in the

6th, 7th and 8th from the Moon or Langa.

Results : The person will be polite and

trustworthy, will have an enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by

luxuries and affluence, will inflict defeats on his enemies, will be

healthy and will live long.

Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the

upachayas (3, 6, 10 and 11) either from the ascendant or from the Moon.

Result : The person will not be dependant

but will always command plenty of wealth.

Parijat :The lord of the sign in which

the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of

navamsa occupied by the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord

is posited, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation


Results : Happy in the middle and last

parts of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars,

possessing elephants and houses, conforming to the traditions and

customs, generous and famous.

Lakshmi :


By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and


By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona

or exaltaton and the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully.

By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in

own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas.


Results : The person will be healthy,

wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation,

enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.

Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra

from the Moon.

Result : Many relatives, polite and

generous, builder of villages and towns and will have a lasting


Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars,

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own

house or exaltation sign.

Results : He will have all sorts of

riches and comforts. He will be successful in all his enterprises.

Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the

trikonas are the places of Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the

special wealth bestowing planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes

of businessmen either lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own

houses, or the lord of one trikona occupies the other trikona.



Now let us discuss the business concerning iron and steel. Steel is an

important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of machines,

vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel.


The Ascendant and the Moon :

It is observed that in the case of industrialists and businessmen

dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or the

MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio

are the signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury.


Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of

the Zodiac, full of activity and leadership. It rules over iron and

steel, machinery, mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining

engineers, metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign

quite suits the iron and steel business.

Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac,

it rules over the industries. It is also concerned with military

affairs, in which steel is mostly used for manufacturing army

equipment. This sign also concerns business. These persons are

intelligent and have quick perceptions. They are thorough, methodical,

practical and discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be

changes in environments of these persons. They get good partners in

business, mostly.

Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This

sign rules over chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry,

etc. The ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the

machines, heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the

business of steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can

never be idle and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in

every venture. They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect.



The Planets : It is observed that mostly the

planets Saturn and Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the

cancellation of debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the

chief significator of iron and steel; and so when it is strong in the

horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all pursuits

concerning iron and steel.


Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business.


It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury occupy kendra or

trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over business.

So when both these planets are well placed the person becomes a

successful businessman in steel.


The Signs : It is observed that in most of

the horoscopes of steel businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are

aspected or occupied by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines,

Commerce, business, etc. So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes

business concerning steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines

and ores. It also rules over industrial, engineering and business in

general, the sale and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the

association or aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present



It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is occupied

or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the significator of steel

industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy.


It is seen that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen, the

sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign

Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and international

commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is thus

helpful in promoting the steel business.


THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th

house rules over minerals, which are found in the mines. So the

fortification of the 4th house denotes that the person's profession

concerns mineral and ores.


Correlation between various houses


It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen

of steel the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th

house denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd denotes the transport

and communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant

denotes one's profession and career and so the correlation between the

ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in this

case also.

The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th

house also rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and

export. It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the

ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial



The Yogas present in the horoscope

It is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of iron

and steel contains some of the following yogas.



The 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a benefic

planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation.

He will lead a prosperous life.


Lords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras from each other.

Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a small army and

a few villages.



When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together


When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona

or exaltation sign and the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully.

When the lord of the 9th and Venus are

posited in own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or



Results : The person will be wealthy,

noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome

appearance, a good ruler and enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of



The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the

ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord of the

rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a quadrant, a

trine or his own or exalted places.

Results : Happy in the middle and

last parts of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of

wars, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous.


Planets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.

Results : The subject will be happy,

prosperous, liberal, favourite of his ruling classes.


If Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted sign.

Results : One born in this yoga will

command good servants. He will be the head of a village or town, will

get ample wealth from occupation denoted by Saturn.


It is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should be

his own or exalted sign.

Results : The person will be strong.

He will be successful in business and will help his relatives. Also he

will live upto a good old age.



DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the

following yogas are present in the horoscope.


The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects.

The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects


The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects


The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects

2nd house or 2nd lord.

The 11th lord occupies the 9th house.

The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th


The 9th lord aspects 11th house.



The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman. They

involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample wealth and

gains from business.


Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman dealing

with steel.

Example Horoscope

Sir Dorabji Tata

Date of Birth 27.8.1859



He was a famous industrialist

dealing with steel. In his horoscope the ascendant is Scorpio, which is

a significator sign for steel industry.


The planet Mars debilitated and its debilitation is cancelled. The

important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn is

aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars and



The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is aspected

by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.


The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So the

ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the ascendant

lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the 9th

house is influenced by the ascendant.


Yogas present

Yogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the horoscope,

Also, the following dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope.


The 9th lord occupies the 9th house.

The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house

The 7th and 11th lords have con joined.



Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this

horoscope, making the native a successful businessman in steel


the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with which he










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Guest guest

Respected Elders and guru's of the group,


I would like to thank Chandrashekhar sir for his reply, i have asked the query

few months ago and Lalit sir analys my horoscope and narrated some import export business point. I am sending the Lalit sir analysis with his mail below.

I request all elders and guru's like Chandrashekher sir, Lalit sir, Avesh Sir to discus some issues pointed in lalit sir's analysis:-



Ascendant Lord Mercury is placed in Fifth House on Capricon, You will get favor from Seniros and though u may have some problem with speech, you will be able to convince them. Though this combination may give u little tension also.



Lord of 2nd (Wealth) House Venus is Placed in 5th House (Trine) and Lord of 5'th house, Saturn is placed in 2nd House and Exalted there, So, It should give u enough money but as Saturn is lord of 6'th (obstacles, disease, debt, enemy ) also so, sometimes loss and health problem may come before u, but it should be normal, however, good financial planning is advised to you, You may have some problem with birth of childs and visting to holy place w'd help you.



I won't say u to do risky financial investments, I w'd request to elders to through light on this intricacy, also Me, and other members will learn from their judgement.



Rahu is placed 10 (career) and in a good sign (mooltrikona) , and lord of 10'th house as well as 9'th house (Luck and Travels) are together in 5'th house So, ur career should take a good height, In this regard Rahu : 19-Apr-2008 to 29-Aug-2008 and Jupiter : 29-Aug-2008 to 24-Dec-2008 period may give u good results.



Mars creates Vipreet Raj Yoga being , So, with ur 's hard work u can outperform and can win competitions with ur team mates or friends.

You may not have good relations with brother and family or may get some Job in which u may have to live away from family or may be in other countries, It might be made further clear by Rup Sir or Chandrashekhar Ji, This is because 12'th lord is placed in 5'th house. Your income may be linked to foreign countries even if u don't go abroad but whether it's Import / Export of Cloths, Only elders can tell.

7. From 2010 when ur 's Saturn Dasha begins, major change in life w'd come, Let's look at Our learned Elders.


I would like to tell some thing more abt me regarding above points.

I have good relationship with my parents and brother. My younger brother

is in America pursuing his MS. and my father live with me in Indore(M.P.)

I have joined the business in partnership with my elder cousin (my tauji's son) as

if every thing goes right i m gona start exporting Raw cotton by september 08.


Please i request all the experts to discuss the my horoscope on the point of

Business or service and Marriage.



Sudeep Jain.

--- On Tue, 6/10/08, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:

Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekharRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Jyotish combinations for BusinessVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 12:25 AM



Dear Sudeep,With 6th being stronger than 7th, I would say job suits you better than business. Engineering, teaching, Petrochemicals or similar lines suit you. I would think that leaving your place of birth should see your fortunes grow.Chandrashekhar.Sudeep Jain wrote:







Respected Senior's Sir,


Once again this topic raised curiosity in me. As i do not have much knowledge

about astrology but i would like to know about my case:-


As i did JOB in my graduation time for more then a year the after completing my

post graduation as MBA. I got placement in a company but before joining it i got

two offers more 1st for Job in a bank in Dubai and 2nd for business of Raw cotton

exports with my elder brother(cousin) .


I don't know why i have joined business by leaving those 2 job offers.

Now my perents are insisting me to go for a JOB again then join business later.

Now i am confused what to do?


I request all senior members if they can suggest me by predicting my horoscope

as wat are my combination for Business or Service.

My Details are as follows:-


Name:- Sudeep Jain

Sex:- Male

Date of Birth:- 17-January-1983

Time of Birth:- 10:30 PM

Place of Birth:- Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh) India.



Sudeep Jain.


--- On Sun, 6/1/08, aavesh t <aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com> wrote:

aavesh t <aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com>[Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Jyotish combinations for BusinessVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comSunday, June 1, 2008, 6:23 AM




Dear Lalit,Chandrashekar ji,RKDa and Group,


Enclosing an interesting article.This provides valuable tips on judging the 10th Bhava













By : Prof.P.W.MANDVIKARAstrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether he will opt for business or service. In the present series of research articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations, which produce industrialists and businessmen of different categories. It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra generally produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let us now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which are relevant to business as a profession.

Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these persons, by nature are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They never waste their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this sign, hence they can become good businessmen. They have much perseverance and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and mental vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and so denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural signification of riches and comforts.

Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies and so these persons are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit. They can very easily adapt themselves to their surroundings and are remarkable for their versatility. Gemini is a natural signification of arms and hands and so these persons are successful in all activities that are related to hands. It is very difficult for others to understand them and their peculiarities. They are rather impulsive. The ruler of this sign in Mercury, the natural signification of business and so these persons understand and analyse the things quickly.

Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these persons have a good power of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh and balance all things mentally. They are remarkable for their perceptive faculties. They have got a good intuition and so succeed in all types of business mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers a fertile imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to handle any situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by fortune. They are best suited for business with a partner. Effect on signs : As stated above the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra are connected with business activities. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, mostly, these signs are aspected or occupied by benefic planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A benefic influence on these signs denotes a successful business career. The Planets : It is observed that in the horoscopes of

businessmen, the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy own sign, exaltation sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are quite important as far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually friendly to each other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent, ingenious and analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is significator of money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes good monetary earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding, persevering and patient working. So these planets add to the strength of the horoscope of a businessman. Effect of Planets on Houses : In the horoscope of a successful businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th and 11th are very important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's profession and success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business activities, the 9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all sorts of gains. The following effects on these houses

are observed in the horoscopes of businessmen. < BR>The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant is mostly influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of energy. This energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises one's ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving success in business.


The 10th House : Mostly Saturn influences the 10th house in some way or the other. It denotes initial failures in the profession but promises ultimate success. Mostly businessmen face this dilemma. Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives them patient-working spirit.

The 7th House : it is influenced mostly by Saturn. It denotes initial difficulties in partnerships and contracts. Saturn is also a significator of black money. Its effect on the 7th house denotes involvement of black money in business.

The 9th House : this house is a significator of fate and fortune. It is mostly influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter is the best benefic representing divine grace and so its influence on the 9th enhances the dame luck. Top businessmen are the luckiest lot and so Jupiter's effect on the 9th house is a boon for them.

The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or Venus influences the 11th house. The 11th house is an important house for the businessmen, as it represents gains. The benefic influence on the 11th denotes gains in business and other connected activities. Correlation between various Houses : As per "Uttar Kalamruta", the second house denotes purchase and sell activities (Kraya-Vikraya) and enterprise for earning wealth (Vittodyamaha) . The 7th and 10th houses denote business activities (Vanijyam). So we have to study these houses and the correlations between them. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen, the 2nd house is related to the ascendant, the 10th the 7th and 11th houses. Among other things the 2nd house also signifies wealth and earning. A correlation of the 2nd house with the ascendant and the 10th denotes good earning from the business. Correlation between the 2nd and the 7th denotes that the

business is flourishing and the capital is increasing. The correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a powerful dhana-yoga' and so there will be multiple gains. The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for businessmen. It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies exaltation, own or a friendly sign. It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th, 9th, 10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief significator house for businessmen. The 5h house denotes sudden gains and the speculation activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes profession and the 11th gains. So a correlation between these houses and the 7th and the above mentioned houses denotes a profitable partnership in the business because the 7th house also shows partner and his dealings. Various Yogas : It is noticed that the horoscopes of successful businessmen contain a few important yogas concerning wealth

and prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us briefly describe it.

Adhi : If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the Moon or Langa.Results : The person will be polite and trustworthy, will have an enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence, will inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live long.

Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the upachayas (3, 6, 10 and 11) either from the ascendant or from the Moon.Result : The person will not be dependant but will always command plenty of wealth.

Parijat :The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of navamsa occupied by the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord is posited, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places.Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and houses, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous.

Lakshmi :

By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and 9th.

By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona or exaltaton and the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully.

By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person will be healthy, wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.

Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon.Result : Many relatives, polite and generous, builder of villages and towns and will have a lasting reputation.

Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own house or exaltation sign.Results : He will have all sorts of riches and comforts. He will be successful in all his enterprises.

Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the trikonas are the places of Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the special wealth bestowing planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen either lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own houses, or the lord of one trikona occupies the other trikona. Now let us discuss the business concerning iron and steel. Steel is an important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of machines, vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel. The Ascendant and the Moon :It is observed that in the case of industrialists and businessmen dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or the MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio are the signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury.

Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of the Zodiac, full of activity and leadership. It rules over iron and steel, machinery, mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining engineers, metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign quite suits the iron and steel business.

Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac, it rules over the industries. It is also concerned with military affairs, in which steel is mostly used for manufacturing army equipment. This sign also concerns business. These persons are intelligent and have quick perceptions. They are thorough, methodical, practical and discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be changes in environments of these persons. They get good partners in business, mostly.

Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This sign rules over chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry, etc. The ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the machines, heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the business of steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can never be idle and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in every venture. They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect. The Planets : It is observed that mostly the planets Saturn and Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the cancellation of debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the chief significator of iron and steel; and so when it is strong in the horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all pursuits concerning iron and steel. Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business. It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury

occupy kendra or trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over business. So when both these planets are well placed the person becomes a successful businessman in steel. The Signs : It is observed that in most of the horoscopes of steel businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are aspected or occupied by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines, Commerce, business, etc. So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes business concerning steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines and ores. It also rules over industrial, engineering and business in general, the sale and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the association or aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present case. It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is occupied or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the significator of steel industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy. It is seen

that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen, the sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and international commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is thus helpful in promoting the steel business. THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th house rules over minerals, which are found in the mines. So the fortification of the 4th house denotes that the person's profession concerns mineral and ores.Correlation between various houses

It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen of steel the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th house denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd denotes the transport and communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant denotes one's profession and career and so the correlation between the ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in this case also.

The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th house also rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and export. It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial activities. The Yogas present in the horoscopeIt is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of iron and steel contains some of the following yogas.

AMALAThe 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a benefic planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. He will lead a prosperous life.

KAHALALords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras from each other. Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a small army and a few villages.



When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together

When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona or exaltation sign and the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully.

When the lord of the 9th and Venus are posited in own or exaltation places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler and enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.

PARIJATThe lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord of the rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exalted places.Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and famous.

VASIPlanets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.Results : The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal, favourite of his ruling classes.

SASAIf Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted sign.Results : One born in this yoga will command good servants. He will be the head of a village or town, will get ample wealth from occupation denoted by Saturn.

BHADRAIt is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should be his own or exalted sign.Results : The person will be strong. He will be successful in business and will help his relatives. Also he will live upto a good old age. DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the following yogas are present in the horoscope.

The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects.

The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects it.

The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects it.

The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects 2nd house or 2nd lord.

The 11th lord occupies the 9th house.

The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th lord.

The 9th lord aspects 11th house. The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman. They involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample wealth and gains from business.Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman dealing with steel. Example HoroscopeSir Dorabji TataDate of Birth 27.8.1859He was a famous industrialist dealing with steel. In his horoscope the ascendant is Scorpio, which is a significator sign for steel industry. The planet Mars debilitated and its debilitation is cancelled. The important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn is aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars and Ketu. The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is aspected by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So the ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the ascendant lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the 9th house is influenced by the ascendant.Yogas presentYogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the horoscope, Also, the following

dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope.

The 9th lord occupies the 9th house.

The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house

The 7th and 11th lords have con joined. Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this horoscope, making the native a successful businessman in steel the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with which he deals.



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Dear Sudeep Namaste


6th has more no of planets and hence you were rightly in JOB but we

see that Lagnesh is placed in 4th and hence can lead to work

in 'family'. Mars in the 6th is Shatru of Shani, karaka for the

service. Moreover the Moon is also shatru of Shani and in the

Shatataraka nakshatra can give frequent changes in the service. Ju in

the 3rd, although good for the service( specifically in banks!) being

7th lord and aspecting 7th will protect significace of 7th and hence

business(possibly in education). We also see that 11th from the AL

is Saturn in the 2nd house which will give good prospects in

business and can bring misfortune in service being 9th from the 6th.

Rahu having rashi dristi on the 7th will have foreign connection in

the business.

With the Rahu in the Narayana dasha rashi, work with foreign land is

indicated. Moreover, Bhoga again falls in the houe of business so

person will be more inclined to get the friuts of the efforts through

business. But AK Me along with Ketu in the 7th from dasha rashi may

create problems. I think should do some remedies to avoid effects of

Me-Ke combination. Entry chart as well shows that 8th and kala lord

the Sun(12th lord in Rashi chart) is placed in Lagna and Hora lord in

Stataraka. So possibly you should do " Shri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram " 7

malas a day. This should protect your lagna and should as well

perform LaxmiAshttottarShata namavali.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


Prabodh Vekhande

Jai Jai Shankar

Har Har Shankar






Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Sudeep Jain

<get_sudeep wrote:


> Respected Elders and guru's of the group,

> & nbsp;

> I would like to thank Chandrashekhar sir for his reply, i have

asked the query

> few months ago and Lalit sir analys my horoscope and narrated some

import export business point. I am sending the Lalit sir analysis

with his mail below.

> I request all elders and guru's like Chandrashekher sir, Lalit sir,

Avesh Sir to & nbsp;discus some issues pointed in lalit sir's analysis:-

> & nbsp;


> Ascendant Lord Mercury is placed in Fifth House on Capricon, You

will get favor from Seniros and though u may have some problem with

speech, you will be able to convince them. Though this combination

may give u little tension also.

> & nbsp;


> Lord of 2nd (Wealth) House Venus is Placed in 5th House (Trine) and

Lord of 5'th house, Saturn is placed in 2nd House and Exalted there,

So, It should give u enough money & nbsp; but as Saturn is lord of 6'th

(obstacles, disease, & nbsp;debt, enemy & nbsp;) & nbsp;also so, sometimes

loss and health problem may come before u, but it should be normal,

however, good financial planning is advised to you, You may have some

problem with birth of childs and visting to holy place w'd help you.

> & nbsp;


> I won't say u to do risky financial investments, I w'd request to

elders to through light on this intricacy, also Me, and other members

will learn from their judgement.

> & nbsp;


> Rahu is placed 10 (career) and in a good sign (mooltrikona) ,

& nbsp;and & nbsp; lord of & nbsp; 10'th house as well as 9'th house (Luck

and Travels) are together in 5'th house So, ur career should take a

good height, In this regard Rahu : 19-Apr-2008 to 29-Aug-2008

& nbsp;and Jupiter : 29-Aug-2008 to 24-Dec-2008 period may give u good


> & nbsp;


> Mars creates Vipreet Raj Yoga being , So, with ur 's hard work u

can outperform and can win competitions with ur team mates or




> You may not have good relations with brother and family or & nbsp;

may get some Job in which u may have to live away from family or may

be in other countries, It might be made further clear by Rup Sir or

Chandrashekhar Ji, This is because 12'th lord is placed in 5'th

house. Your income may be linked to foreign countries even if u don't

go abroad but whether it's Import / Export of Cloths, Only elders can


> & nbsp;7. From 2010 when ur 's Saturn Dasha begins, major change in

life w'd come, Let's look at Our learned Elders.

> & nbsp;

> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; I would like to tell

some thing more abt me regarding above points.

> I have good relationship with my parents and brother. My younger


> is in America pursuing his MS. and my father live with me in Indore


> I have joined the business in partnership with my elder cousin (my

tauji's son) as

> if every thing goes right i m gona start exporting Raw cotton by

september 08.

> & nbsp;

> Please i request all the experts to discuss the my horoscope on the

point of

> Business or service and Marriage.

> & nbsp;

> Regards,

> Sudeep Jain.



> --- On Tue, 6/10/08, Chandrashekhar sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:


> Chandrashekhar sharma.chandrashekhar

> Re: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Jyotish combinations for


> Vedic Astrologyandhealing

> Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 12:25 AM

Dear Sudeep,


> With 6th being stronger than 7th, I would say job suits you better

than business. Engineering, teaching, Petrochemicals or similar lines

suit you. I would think that leaving your place of birth should see

your fortunes grow.


> Chandrashekhar.


> Sudeep Jain wrote:


Respected Senior's Sir,

> & nbsp;

> Once again this topic raised curiosity in me. As i do not have much


> about astrology but i would like to know about my case:-

> & nbsp;

> As i did & nbsp;JOB in my graduation time for more then a year the

after completing my

> post graduation as MBA. I got placement in a company but before

joining it i got

> two offers more & nbsp;1st for Job in a bank in Dubai and 2nd for

business of Raw cotton

> exports with my elder brother(cousin) .

> & nbsp;

> I don't know & nbsp;why i have joined business by leaving those 2 job


> Now my perents are insisting me to go for a & nbsp;JOB again then

join business later.

> Now i am confused what to do?

> & nbsp;

> I request all senior members if they can suggest me by predicting

my horoscope

> as wat are my combination for Business or Service.

> My Details are as follows:-

> & nbsp;

> Name:- Sudeep Jain

> Sex:- Male

> Date of Birth:- 17-January-1983

> Time of Birth:- 10:30 PM

> Place of Birth:- Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh) India.

> & nbsp;

> Regards,

> Sudeep Jain.

> & nbsp;



> --- On Sun, 6/1/08, aavesh t aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com & gt; wrote:


> aavesh t aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com & gt;

> [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Jyotish combinations for


> Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com

> Sunday, June 1, 2008, 6:23 AM






> Dear Lalit,Chandrashekar ji,RKDa and Group,

> & nbsp;

> Enclosing an interesting article.This & nbsp;provides valuable tips

on judging the 10th Bhava

> & nbsp;

> Regards,

> & nbsp;

> aavesh

> & nbsp;

> & nbsp;

> & nbsp;




> Astrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often

indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether he

will opt for business or service. In the present series of research

articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations,

which produce industrialists and businessmen of different categories.


> It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra generally

produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their

ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let us

now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which

are relevant to business as a profession.


> Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these persons, by nature

are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They never waste

their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this sign,

hence they can become good businessmen. They have much perseverance

and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and mental

vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and so

denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession

which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural

signification of riches and comforts.

> Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies and so these persons

are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit. They can very

easily adapt themselves to their surroundings and are remarkable for

their versatility. Gemini is a natural signification of arms and

hands and so these persons are successful in all activities that are

related to hands. It is very difficult for others to understand them

and their peculiarities. They are rather impulsive. The ruler of this

sign in Mercury, the natural signification of business and so these

persons understand and analyse the things quickly.

> Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these persons have a good power

of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh and balance all things

mentally. They are remarkable for their perceptive faculties. They

have got a good intuition and so succeed in all types of business

mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers a fertile

imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to handle any

situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by fortune.

They are best suited for business with a partner. Effect on signs :

As stated above the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra are connected with

business activities. It is observed that in the horoscopes of

businessmen, mostly, these signs are aspected or occupied by benefic

planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A benefic influence on these

signs denotes a successful business career.


> The Planets : It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen,

the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy own sign, exaltation

sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are quite important as

far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually friendly to each

other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent, ingenious and

analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is significator of

money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes good monetary

earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding, persevering and

patient working. So these planets add to the strength of the

horoscope of a businessman.


> Effect of Planets on Houses : In the horoscope of a successful

businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th and 11th are very

important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's profession and

success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business activities,

the 9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all sorts of

gains. The following effects on these houses are observed in the

horoscopes of businessmen.

> & lt; BR & gt;The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant is mostly

influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of energy. This

energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises one's

ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the

person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving

success in business.



> The 10th House : Mostly Saturn influences the 10th house in some

way or the other. It denotes initial failures in the profession but

promises ultimate success. Mostly businessmen face this dilemma.

Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives them patient-working spirit.

> The 7th House : it is influenced mostly by Saturn. It denotes

initial difficulties in partnerships and contracts. Saturn is also a

significator of black money. Its effect on the 7th house denotes

involvement of black money in business.

> The 9th House : this house is a significator of fate and fortune.

It is mostly influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter is the best benefic

representing divine grace and so its influence on the 9th enhances

the dame luck. Top businessmen are the luckiest lot and so Jupiter's

effect on the 9th house is a boon for them.

> The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or Venus influences the 11th

house. The 11th house is an important house for the businessmen, as

it represents gains. The benefic influence on the 11th denotes gains

in business and other connected activities.

> Correlation between various Houses : As per " Uttar Kalamruta " , the

second house denotes purchase and sell activities (Kraya-Vikraya) and

enterprise for earning wealth (Vittodyamaha) . The 7th and 10th

houses denote business activities (Vanijyam). So we have to study

these houses and the correlations between them. It is observed that

in the horoscopes of businessmen, the 2nd house is related to the

ascendant, the 10th the 7th and 11th houses. Among other things the

2nd house also signifies wealth and earning. A correlation of the 2nd

house with the ascendant and the 10th denotes good earning from the

business. Correlation between the 2nd and the 7th denotes that the

business is flourishing and the capital is increasing. The

correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a powerful dhana-

yoga' and so there will be multiple gains.


> The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for

businessmen. It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies

exaltation, own or a friendly sign.


> It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th,

9th, 10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief significator

house for businessmen. The 5h house denotes sudden gains and the

speculation activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes

profession and the 11th gains. So a correlation between these houses

and the 7th and the above mentioned houses denotes a profitable

partnership in the business because the 7th house also shows partner

and his dealings.


> Various Yogas : It is noticed that the horoscopes of successful

businessmen contain a few important yogas concerning wealth and

prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us briefly describe it.


> Adhi : If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the

Moon or Langa.

> Results : The person will be polite and trustworthy, will have an

enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence, will

inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live long.

> Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the upachayas (3, 6, 10 and 11)

either from the ascendant or from the Moon.

> Result : The person will not be dependant but will always command

plenty of wealth.

> Parijat :The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house

occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of navamsa occupied by

the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord is posited, shall

join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places.

> Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the

homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and

houses, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and


> Lakshmi :


> By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and 9th.

> By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona or exaltaton and

the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully.

> By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or exaltation

places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person

will be healthy, wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and

reputation, enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.

> Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon.

> Result : Many relatives, polite and generous, builder of villages

and towns and will have a lasting reputation.

> Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and

Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own house or exaltation sign.

> Results : He will have all sorts of riches and comforts. He will be

successful in all his enterprises.

> Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the trikonas are the places of

Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the special wealth bestowing

planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen either

lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own houses, or the lord

of one trikona occupies the other trikona.

> Now let us discuss the business concerning iron and steel. Steel is

an important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of machines,

vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel.


> The Ascendant and the Moon :

> It is observed that in the case of industrialists and businessmen

dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or the

MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio are the

signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury.


> Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of the Zodiac, full of

activity and leadership. It rules over iron and steel, machinery,

mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining engineers,

metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign quite

suits the iron and steel business.

> Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac, it rules over the

industries. It is also concerned with military affairs, in which

steel is mostly used for manufacturing army equipment. This sign also

concerns business. These persons are intelligent and have quick

perceptions. They are thorough, methodical, practical and

discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be changes in

environments of these persons. They get good partners in business,


> Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This sign rules over

chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry, etc. The

ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the machines,

heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the business of

steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can never be

idle and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in every

venture. They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect.

> The Planets : It is observed that mostly the planets Saturn and

Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the cancellation of

debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the chief

significator of iron and steel; and so when it is strong in the

horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all

pursuits concerning iron and steel.


> Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business.


> It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury occupy kendra or

trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over

business. So when both these planets are well placed the person

becomes a successful businessman in steel.


> The Signs : It is observed that in most of the horoscopes of steel

businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are aspected or occupied

by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines, Commerce, business, etc.

So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes business concerning

steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines and ores. It also

rules over industrial, engineering and business in general, the sale

and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the association or

aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present case.


> It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is

occupied or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the significator

of steel industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy.


> It is seen that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen,

the sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign

Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and international

commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is thus

helpful in promoting the steel business.


> THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th house rules over minerals,

which are found in the mines. So the fortification of the 4th house

denotes that the person's profession concerns mineral and ores.


> Correlation between various houses


> It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen of steel the

ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th house

denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd denotes the transport and

communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant denotes

one's profession and career and so the correlation between the

ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in this

case also.

> The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th house also

rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and export.

It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the

ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial



> The Yogas present in the horoscope

> It is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of

iron and steel contains some of the following yogas.



> The 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a benefic

planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation.

He will lead a prosperous life.


> Lords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras from each

other. Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a small

army and a few villages.




> When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together

> When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona or exaltation sign and

the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully.

> When the lord of the 9th and Venus are posited in own or exaltation

places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person

will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and

reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler and enjoying all the

pleasures and comforts of life.


> The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the

ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord of

the rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a

quadrant, a trine or his own or exalted places.

> Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the

homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, conforming to the

traditions and customs, generous and famous.


> Planets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.

> Results : The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal, favourite

of his ruling classes.


> If Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted sign.

> Results : One born in this yoga will command good servants. He will

be the head of a village or town, will get ample wealth from

occupation denoted by Saturn.


> It is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should

be his own or exalted sign.

> Results : The person will be strong. He will be successful in

business and will help his relatives. Also he will live upto a good

old age.

> DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the following yogas are present in the



> The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects.

> The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects it.

> The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects it.

> The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects 2nd house or 2nd


> The 11th lord occupies the 9th house.

> The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th lord.

> The 9th lord aspects 11th house.

> The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman.

They involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample

wealth and gains from business.


> Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman

dealing with steel.

> Example Horoscope

> Sir Dorabji Tata

> Date of Birth 27.8.1859


> He was a famous industrialist dealing with steel. In his horoscope

the ascendant is Scorpio, which is a significator sign for steel



> The planet Mars debilitated and its debilitation is cancelled. The

important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn is

aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars and



> The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is

aspected by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.


> The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So the

ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the ascendant

lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the 9th

house is influenced by the ascendant.


> Yogas present

> Yogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the horoscope,

Also, the following dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope.


> The 9th lord occupies the 9th house.

> The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house

> The 7th and 11th lords have con joined.

> Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this

horoscope, making the native a successful businessman in steel


> the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with

which he deals.





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Guest guest

Dear Prabodh Ji,


Namskaar, Seen ur mail after a long time, While trying to judge

Sudeep's 6'th and 7'th houses, I got an idea, if his business

requires some kind of service or job too, We need to balance the

significations of 6'th and 7'th, I think it indicates a line in

between, which gradually inclines towards business over the time to

come, horoscope says to begin with, a partnership in which

operational involvement may be more than the investment and

ownership of whole business, he has to learn, earn and grow.


And Sudeep -> about ur relations with younger brother, whatever i

said has a base and that has to come true.


you should see ur brother has differences in choice, priority,

opinion and mode of ur's doing business. Well, it's normally found

in case of brothers but it's rather more between two but there is a

bond of brotherhood too and he supports u lastly and u care him.


Do business with full dedication and try to remain careful to take

right decisions.


Wish u all the best,








Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " Prabodh Vekhande "

<amolmandar wrote:


> Dear Sudeep Namaste


> 6th has more no of planets and hence you were rightly in JOB but


> see that Lagnesh is placed in 4th and hence can lead to work

> in 'family'. Mars in the 6th is Shatru of Shani, karaka for the

> service. Moreover the Moon is also shatru of Shani and in the

> Shatataraka nakshatra can give frequent changes in the service. Ju


> the 3rd, although good for the service( specifically in banks!)


> 7th lord and aspecting 7th will protect significace of 7th and


> business(possibly in education). We also see that 11th from the AL

> is Saturn in the 2nd house which will give good prospects in

> business and can bring misfortune in service being 9th from the


> Rahu having rashi dristi on the 7th will have foreign connection


> the business.

> With the Rahu in the Narayana dasha rashi, work with foreign land


> indicated. Moreover, Bhoga again falls in the houe of business so

> person will be more inclined to get the friuts of the efforts


> business. But AK Me along with Ketu in the 7th from dasha rashi


> create problems. I think should do some remedies to avoid effects


> Me-Ke combination. Entry chart as well shows that 8th and kala


> the Sun(12th lord in Rashi chart) is placed in Lagna and Hora lord


> Stataraka. So possibly you should do " Shri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay

Ram " 7

> malas a day. This should protect your lagna and should as well

> perform LaxmiAshttottarShata namavali.


> Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


> Prabodh Vekhande

> Jai Jai Shankar

> Har Har Shankar






> Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Sudeep Jain

> <get_sudeep@> wrote:

> >

> > Respected Elders and guru's of the group,

> > & nbsp;

> > I would like to thank Chandrashekhar sir for his reply, i have

> asked the query

> > few months ago and Lalit sir analys my horoscope and narrated


> import export business point. I am sending the Lalit sir analysis

> with his mail below.

> > I request all elders and guru's like Chandrashekher sir, Lalit


> Avesh Sir to & nbsp;discus some issues pointed in lalit sir's


> > & nbsp;

> >

> > Ascendant Lord Mercury is placed in Fifth House on Capricon, You

> will get favor from Seniros and though u may have some problem


> speech, you will be able to convince them. Though this combination

> may give u little tension also.

> > & nbsp;

> >

> > Lord of 2nd (Wealth) House Venus is Placed in 5th House (Trine)


> Lord of 5'th house, Saturn is placed in 2nd House and Exalted


> So, It should give u enough money & nbsp; but as Saturn is lord of


> (obstacles, disease, & nbsp;debt, enemy & nbsp;) & nbsp;also so,


> loss and health problem may come before u, but it should be


> however, good financial planning is advised to you, You may have


> problem with birth of childs and visting to holy place w'd help


> > & nbsp;

> >

> > I won't say u to do risky financial investments, I w'd request


> elders to through light on this intricacy, also Me, and other


> will learn from their judgement.

> > & nbsp;

> >

> > Rahu is placed 10 (career) and in a good sign (mooltrikona) ,

> & nbsp;and & nbsp; lord of & nbsp; 10'th house as well as 9'th house


> and Travels) are together in 5'th house So, ur career should take


> good height, In this regard Rahu : 19-Apr-2008 to 29-Aug-2008

> & nbsp;and Jupiter : 29-Aug-2008 to 24-Dec-2008 period may give u


> results.

> > & nbsp;

> >

> > Mars creates Vipreet Raj Yoga being , So, with ur 's hard work u

> can outperform and can win competitions with ur team mates or

> friends.

> >

> >

> > You may not have good relations with brother and family or & nbsp;

> may get some Job in which u may have to live away from family or


> be in other countries, It might be made further clear by Rup Sir


> Chandrashekhar Ji, This is because 12'th lord is placed in 5'th

> house. Your income may be linked to foreign countries even if u


> go abroad but whether it's Import / Export of Cloths, Only elders


> tell.

> > & nbsp;7. From 2010 when ur 's Saturn Dasha begins, major change


> life w'd come, Let's look at Our learned Elders.

> > & nbsp;

> > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; I would like to tell

> some thing more abt me regarding above points.

> > I have good relationship with my parents and brother. My younger

> brother

> > is in America pursuing his MS. and my father live with me in


> (M.P.)

> > I have joined the business in partnership with my elder cousin


> tauji's son) as

> > if every thing goes right i m gona start exporting Raw cotton by

> september 08.

> > & nbsp;

> > Please i request all the experts to discuss the my horoscope on


> point of

> > Business or service and Marriage.

> > & nbsp;

> > Regards,

> > Sudeep Jain.

> >

> >

> > --- On Tue, 6/10/08, Chandrashekhar sharma.chandrashekhar@ wrote:

> >

> > Chandrashekhar sharma.chandrashekhar@

> > Re: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Jyotish combinations for

> Business

> > Vedic Astrologyandhealing

> > Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 12:25 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Sudeep,

> >

> > With 6th being stronger than 7th, I would say job suits you


> than business. Engineering, teaching, Petrochemicals or similar


> suit you. I would think that leaving your place of birth should


> your fortunes grow.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > Sudeep Jain wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Respected Senior's Sir,

> > & nbsp;

> > Once again this topic raised curiosity in me. As i do not have


> knowledge

> > about astrology but i would like to know about my case:-

> > & nbsp;

> > As i did & nbsp;JOB in my graduation time for more then a year the

> after completing my

> > post graduation as MBA. I got placement in a company but before

> joining it i got

> > two offers more & nbsp;1st for Job in a bank in Dubai and 2nd for

> business of Raw cotton

> > exports with my elder brother(cousin) .

> > & nbsp;

> > I don't know & nbsp;why i have joined business by leaving those 2


> offers.

> > Now my perents are insisting me to go for a & nbsp;JOB again then

> join business later.

> > Now i am confused what to do?

> > & nbsp;

> > I request all senior members if they can suggest me by


> my horoscope

> > as wat are my combination for Business or Service.

> > My Details are as follows:-

> > & nbsp;

> > Name:- Sudeep Jain

> > Sex:- Male

> > Date of Birth:- 17-January-1983

> > Time of Birth:- 10:30 PM

> > Place of Birth:- Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh) India.

> > & nbsp;

> > Regards,

> > Sudeep Jain.

> > & nbsp;

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 6/1/08, aavesh t aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com & gt; wrote:

> >

> > aavesh t aavesh_s (AT) grouply (DOT) com & gt;

> > [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Jyotish combinations for

> Business

> > Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com

> > Sunday, June 1, 2008, 6:23 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Lalit,Chandrashekar ji,RKDa and Group,

> > & nbsp;

> > Enclosing an interesting article.This & nbsp;provides valuable


> on judging the 10th Bhava

> > & nbsp;

> > Regards,

> > & nbsp;

> > aavesh

> > & nbsp;

> > & nbsp;

> > & nbsp;

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> > By : Prof.P.W.MANDVIKAR

> > Astrology is a science of indications and so the horoscope often

> indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person whether


> will opt for business or service. In the present series of


> articles, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations,

> which produce industrialists and businessmen of different


> >

> > It is observed that the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra generally

> produce businessmen and so these persons mostly have their

> ascendants, ascendant lords or the Moon in one of these signs. Let


> now briefly study the typical characteristics of these signs which

> are relevant to business as a profession.

> >

> > Taurus : The sign is a practical one and these persons, by


> are plodding, patient, enduring and persistent. They never waste

> their energies. persons of strongest will are born in this sign,

> hence they can become good businessmen. They have much


> and are steady. They have got tremendous physical and mental

> vitality. In the natural zodiac, Taurus is the second sign and so

> denotes finances. Thus Tauresians are best suited to a profession

> which involves financial transactions. Its Lord Venus is a natural

> signification of riches and comforts.

> > Gemini : The sign denotes dualistic tendencies and so these


> are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit. They can


> easily adapt themselves to their surroundings and are remarkable


> their versatility. Gemini is a natural signification of arms and

> hands and so these persons are successful in all activities that


> related to hands. It is very difficult for others to understand


> and their peculiarities. They are rather impulsive. The ruler of


> sign in Mercury, the natural signification of business and so


> persons understand and analyse the things quickly.

> > Libra : Libra denotes a balance. So these persons have a good


> of comparison. They seem to be able to weigh and balance all


> mentally. They are remarkable for their perceptive faculties. They

> have got a good intuition and so succeed in all types of business

> mental equilibrium. Being an airy sign it confers a fertile

> imagination and correct intuition. They have a capacity to handle


> situation tactfully. Generally Librans gain materially by fortune.

> They are best suited for business with a partner. Effect on

signs :

> As stated above the signs Taurus, Gemini and Libra are connected


> business activities. It is observed that in the horoscopes of

> businessmen, mostly, these signs are aspected or occupied by


> planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. A benefic influence on these

> signs denotes a successful business career.

> >

> > The Planets : It is observed that in the horoscopes of


> the planets Me rcury, Venus or Saturn occupy own sign, exaltation

> sign or a friendly sign. These three planets are quite important


> far as businessmen are concerned. They are mutually friendly to


> other. Well placed Mercury makes one intelligent, ingenious and

> analytical. He can grasp the things quickly. Venus is significator


> money and currency and so when well placed. It denotes good


> earning. A strong Saturn makes the person plodding, persevering


> patient working. So these planets add to the strength of the

> horoscope of a businessman.

> >

> > Effect of Planets on Houses : In the horoscope of a successful

> businessman, the houses 1st, 10th, 7th, 9th and 11th are very

> important. The 1st and 11th houses denote one's profession and

> success achieved in it. The 7th house denotes business activities,

> the 9th shows fate or luck and the 11th house denotes all sorts of

> gains. The following effects on these houses are observed in the

> horoscopes of businessmen.

> > & lt; BR & gt;The Ascendant : It is seen that the ascendant is


> influenced by Mars (or Ketu). Mars is a significator of energy.


> energy can be constructive or destructive. It symbolises one's

> ambitions and desires. So when it influences the ascendant, the

> person becomes very ambitious. He can do anything for achieving

> success in business.

> >

> >

> > The 10th House : Mostly Saturn influences the 10th house in some

> way or the other. It denotes initial failures in the profession


> promises ultimate success. Mostly businessmen face this dilemma.

> Saturn's effect on the 10th house gives them patient-working


> > The 7th House : it is influenced mostly by Saturn. It denotes

> initial difficulties in partnerships and contracts. Saturn is also


> significator of black money. Its effect on the 7th house denotes

> involvement of black money in business.

> > The 9th House : this house is a significator of fate and


> It is mostly influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter is the best benefic

> representing divine grace and so its influence on the 9th enhances

> the dame luck. Top businessmen are the luckiest lot and so


> effect on the 9th house is a boon for them.

> > The 11th House : Benefic Jupiter or Venus influences the 11th

> house. The 11th house is an important house for the businessmen,


> it represents gains. The benefic influence on the 11th denotes


> in business and other connected activities.

> > Correlation between various Houses : As per " Uttar Kalamruta " ,


> second house denotes purchase and sell activities (Kraya-Vikraya)


> enterprise for earning wealth (Vittodyamaha) . The 7th and 10th

> houses denote business activities (Vanijyam). So we have to study

> these houses and the correlations between them. It is observed


> in the horoscopes of businessmen, the 2nd house is related to the

> ascendant, the 10th the 7th and 11th houses. Among other things


> 2nd house also signifies wealth and earning. A correlation of the


> house with the ascendant and the 10th denotes good earning from


> business. Correlation between the 2nd and the 7th denotes that the

> business is flourishing and the capital is increasing. The

> correlation between the 2nd and the 11th houses a powerful dhana-

> yoga' and so there will be multiple gains.

> >

> > The situation of the 2nd lord is also very significant for

> businessmen. It is observed that the 2nd lord mostly occupies

> exaltation, own or a friendly sign.

> >

> > It is also observed that the 7th house is correlated to the 5th,

> 9th, 10th and 11trh houses. The 7th house is the chief


> house for businessmen. The 5h house denotes sudden gains and the

> speculation activities, the 9th denotes luck the 10th denotes

> profession and the 11th gains. So a correlation between these


> and the 7th and the above mentioned houses denotes a profitable

> partnership in the business because the 7th house also shows


> and his dealings.

> >

> > Various Yogas : It is noticed that the horoscopes of successful

> businessmen contain a few important yogas concerning wealth and

> prosperity as well as some other yogas. Le t us briefly describe


> >

> > Adhi : If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the

> Moon or Langa.

> > Results : The person will be polite and trustworthy, will have


> enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence,


> inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live


> > Vasumati : if the benefics occupy the upachayas (3, 6, 10 and


> either from the ascendant or from the Moon.

> > Result : The person will not be dependant but will always


> plenty of wealth.

> > Parijat :The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house

> occupied by the ascendant lord, or the lord of navamsa occupied by

> the lord of the rasi, in which the ascendant lord is posited,


> join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places.

> > Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving


> homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and

> houses, conforming to the traditions and customs, generous and

> famous.

> > Lakshmi :

> >

> > By the mutual association of lords of Lagna and 9th.

> > By the lord of the 9th occupying kendra, trikona or exaltaton


> the lord of lagna being disposed powerfully.

> > By the lord of the 9th and Venus being posited in own or


> places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person

> will be healthy, wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity


> reputation, enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.

> > Gajkesari : If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon.

> > Result : Many relatives, polite and generous, builder of


> and towns and will have a lasting reputation.

> > Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and

> Saturn should occupy a kendra in its own house or exaltation sign.

> > Results : He will have all sorts of riches and comforts. He will


> successful in all his enterprises.

> > Dhana Yogas : As per Parashar, the trikonas are the places of

> Lakshmi and the 5th and 9th lords are the special wealth bestowing

> planets. It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen


> lords of 1st, 5th and 9th houses occupy their own houses, or the


> of one trikona occupies the other trikona.

> > Now let us discuss the business concerning iron and steel. Steel


> an important ingredient of every industry, as all sorts of


> vehicles, etc are manufactured from steel.

> >

> > The Ascendant and the Moon :

> > It is observed that in the case of industrialists and


> dealing in iron and steel, the ascendant, the ascendant lord or


> MOON occupies Aries, Virgo or Scorpio sign. Aries and Scorpio are


> signs of Mars and Virgo is the sign of Mercury.

> >

> > Aries : It is one of the most daring signs of the Zodiac, full


> activity and leadership. It rules over iron and steel, machinery,

> mines, etc. it is also the significator of mining engineers,

> metallurgical engineers, furnaces, Kilns, etc. so this sign quite

> suits the iron and steel business.

> > Virgo : Virgo, being the sixth sign of zodiac, it rules over the

> industries. It is also concerned with military affairs, in which

> steel is mostly used for manufacturing army equipment. This sign


> concerns business. These persons are intelligent and have quick

> perceptions. They are thorough, methodical, practical and

> discriminative. Virgo, being a common sign there will be changes


> environments of these persons. They get good partners in business,

> mostly.

> > Scorpio : This is another Martian sign. This sign rules over

> chemicals, metals, research, weapons, mining, industry, etc. The

> ruler of this sign, Mars, is a significator of all the machines,

> heavy equipment and industries and so this sign suits the business


> steel. These persons are determined individuals. They can never be

> idle and so never waste their time. They fight to the last in


> venture. They have fertile imagination and sharp intellect.

> > The Planets : It is observed that mostly the planets Saturn and

> Mars occupy own house or debilitated with the cancellation of

> debilitation. It is mostly retrograde. Saturn is the chief

> significator of iron and steel; and so when it is strong in the

> horoscope it denotes that the person will be successful in all

> pursuits concerning iron and steel.

> >

> > Fortification of Mars is also useful for steel business.

> >

> > It is also observed that mostly Saturn and Mercury occupy kendra


> trikon a houses. Saturn denotes steel and Mercury rules over

> business. So when both these planets are well placed the person

> becomes a successful businessman in steel.

> >

> > The Signs : It is observed that in most of the horoscopes of


> businessmen, the signs Cancer and Capricorn are aspected or


> by Saturn. The sign Cancer signifies mines, Commerce, business,


> So when Saturn influences Cancer, it denotes business concerning

> steel. The sign Capricorn denotes minerals, mines and ores. It


> rules over industrial, engineering and business in general, the


> and purchase of products, dealers in metals. So the association or

> aspect of Saturn to Capricorn is also useful in present case.

> >

> > It is also observed that in some cases the sign Capricorn is

> occupied or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Mars is also the


> of steel industry and so its influence on Capricorn is noteworthy.

> >

> > It is seen that in most of the horoscopes of steel busines smen,

> the sign Sagittarius is occupied or aspected by Jupiter. The sign

> Sagittarius denotes military equipment, interstate and


> commerce, import business. Jupiter's influence on Sagittarius is


> helpful in promoting the steel business.

> >

> > THE HOUSES - It is observed that the 4th house rules over


> which are found in the mines. So the fortification of the 4th


> denotes that the person's profession concerns mineral and ores.

> >

> > Correlation between various houses

> >

> > It is observed that in the horoscopes of businessmen of steel


> ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. The 4th house

> denotes mines and earth products, the 3rd denotes the transport


> communication equipment in which steel is used. The ascendant


> one's profession and career and so the correlation between the

> ascendant and the 3rd and the 4th houses is quite justified in


> case also.

> > The 9th house is influenced by the ascendant. The 9th house also

> rules over national trade and commerce as well as import and


> It also signifies luck and divine help. So the influence of the

> ascendant on the 9th denotes success and luck in the commercial

> activities.

> >

> > The Yogas present in the horoscope

> > It is observed that the horoscope of a successful businessman of

> iron and steel contains some of the following yogas.

> >


> > The 10th from the Lagna or the Moon should be occupied by a


> planet. Results: The person will achieve lasting fame and


> He will lead a prosperous life.


> > Lords of the 4th and 9th houses should be in kendras from each

> other. Results: The native will be stubborn, daring, head of a


> army and a few villages.


> >

> >

> > When lords of Lagna and the 9th join together

> > When lords of 9th occupies ken dra, trikona or exaltation sign


> the lord of Lagna being disposed power fully.

> > When the lord of the 9th and Venus are posited in own or


> places, which should be kendras or trikonas. Results : The person

> will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and

> reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler and enjoying all the

> pleasures and comforts of life.


> > The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by


> ascendant lord, or the lord of the navamsha occupied by the lord


> the rashi, in which the ascendant lord is placed, shall join a

> quadrant, a trine or his own or exalted places.

> > Results : Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving


> homage of kings and rulers, fond of wars, conforming to the

> traditions and customs, generous and famous.

> > VASI

> > Planets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun.

> > Results : The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal,


> of his ruling classes.

> > SASA

> > If Saturn occupies kendra, which should be his own or exalted


> > Results : One born in this yoga will command good servants. He


> be the head of a village or town, will get ample wealth from

> occupation denoted by Saturn.


> > It is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which


> be his own or exalted sign.

> > Results : The person will be strong. He will be successful in

> business and will help his relatives. Also he will live upto a


> old age.

> > DHANA YOGAS : Mostly some of the following yogas are present in


> horoscope.

> >

> > The 9th lord occupies 9th house or aspects.

> > The 7th lord occupies the 7th house or aspects it.

> > The 2nd lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects it.

> > The 7th lord occupies the 2nd house or aspects 2nd house or 2nd

> lord.

> > The 11th lord occupies the 9th house.

> > The 7th lord aspects the 9th house or the 9th lord.

> > The 9th lord aspects 11th house.

> > The above yogas are very important for a successful businessman.

> They involve the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses, and so give ample

> wealth and gains from business.

> >

> > Let us consider an example horoscope of a leading businessman

> dealing with steel.

> > Example Horoscope

> > Sir Dorabji Tata

> > Date of Birth 27.8.1859

> >

> > He was a famous industrialist dealing with steel. In his


> the ascendant is Scorpio, which is a significator sign for steel

> industry.

> >

> > The planet Mars debilitated and its debilitation is cancelled.


> important sign Cancer is occupied by Saturn and the sign Capricorn


> aspected by Saturn. Also the sign Capricorn is aspected by Mars


> Ketu.

> >

> > The sign Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter. The 4th house is

> aspected by three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.

> >

> > The ascendant lord is conjoined with the 3rd and 4th lord. So


> ascendant is influenced by the 3rd and 4th houses. Also the


> lord is placed in the 9th house along with the 9th lord, thus the


> house is influenced by the ascendant.

> >

> > Yogas present

> > Yogas Amala, Kahala, Lakshmi and Vasi are present in the


> Also, the following dhana yogas are pre sent in the horoscope.

> >

> > The 9th lord occupies the 9th house.

> > The 2nd lord aspects the 2nd house

> > The 7th and 11th lords have con joined.

> > Thus nearly all the pre discussed requisites are present in this

> horoscope, making the native a successful businessman in steel

> >

> > the horoscope of a businessman can indicate the commodity with

> which he deals.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> >


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