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Indications for Travel Disasters - The Astrological Magazine

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Indications for Travel Disasters




by N C Trivedi

Of late, not a day passes without a travel disaster. Air-crashes, train derailments, car-bus-truck collisions and boat capsizes make the headlines of newspapers. The colossal loss of lives and limbs in these accidents makes heart-rendering news. In olden times, travel mishaps were rare for two reasons. The mode of traveling on animals like horse, camel and bullock carts etc. involved very little risk. Secondly traveling was undertaken only as per astrological guidance with reference to the week-day, lunar date, star, time and purpose of traveling and the direction of destination. Astrological advice was sought for fulfillment of mission and safe return. Today, traveling has become hazardous due to speed mania and too much reliance on machines, o the utter heedlessness of astrological and electional taboos. Again, the travel services have their own schedules of departure and electional Astrology is left with little choice regarding starting time. However, a person, in whose chart a positive travel disaster is indicated, can guard against such mishaps and even avert Apamrityu (untimely death) if he or she avoids traveling during certain such Dasa-Bhukti-Antara. Since the horoscope maker does not mention `Antara' except when specially asked for, the person should be alerted during evil transits occurring during evil Dasa-Bhukti. Such a period of alarm against traveling ranges from to six moths. Indications for a Travel Disaster The planets in the birth chart are positioned house-wise as per Equal House Method. Mercury and Gemini both afflicted furnish a clue. According to the classics, the third house indicates short journey and the 9th house indicates a long journey and also religious prilgimage. The words `short' and `long' have reference to distance which in the modern jet age of speed mania has little relevance. Both houses and their lords are hence to be considered. If in a chart, any two factors from the above, i.e. 3rd house, its lord, 9th house and its lord are afflicted, or any one factor is doubly afflicted, the native is vulnerable to a serious mishap while traveling during the evil Dasa-Bhukti. The affliction is caused by natural malefics like Mars, Saturn and Uranus by aspect, occupation or conjunction. The Sun either when debilitated or when afflicted by a Node can cause affliction. A Node alone does not produce sufficient affliction unless afflicted by the Sun, Mars, Saturn or Uranus. An afflicted planet or a retrograde planet (even if lord of Lagna or of a trine or of 3rd or 9th house, whether a natural benefic or malefic), causes affliction. The lord of the 8th house, whether a benefic or a malefic, causes serious disaster when afflicted or afflicting the 3rd or 9th house or their lords suffer a Papakartari Yoga. Lords of 3rd and 8th houses are malefics. Aspects of Parasara are used but I have also observed that a via-media aspect is effective., e.g. Saturn in the 7th house aspects the 3rd house provided a planet occupies the 9th house. A planet is under complete influence of the aspecting planet except in 7th aspect which is a mutual aspect. Debilitation, retrogression and combustion enhance the severity of an affliction. Occupation of a bad house (6-8-12) also adds to the severity. The occupation of the 8th house from its own house is the worst position. [8th lord in the 3rd house or 3rd lord in the 8th or 10th or 12th house or 9th lord in the 8th house are very bad positions and add to the severity of the mishap provided the first stated combination (affliction to 3rd or 9th house or their lords) exists simultaneously]. Mars in Cancer, Pisces or a mercurian sign and occupying or aspecting 3rd, 8th, 10th, 12th or Lagna increases severity, if combust, retrograde or afflicted. Mars owning the 3rd and 8th houses for Virgo and Venus for Pisces, when debilitated or afflicted, inflict fatal injuries, if connected with the 3rd and 9th houses or lords. I have found in my studies that Uranus, an airy planet like Saturn and equally malefic in nature, is always related to the 3rd house or its lord or the 8th house or Lagna in the charts of those natives who have met with terrible traveling disasters and even death. It is wrong to conclude that when airy signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are afflicted, air disasters take place and no other kind of disaster occurs, I have observed that Saturn exertsd a major influence on the 3rd or the 9th house or their lords, the 3rd house mainly since Gemini the 3rd sign is airy, or Saturn and Uranus both have their main force exerted on the 3rd house and its lord in disasters in the air, irrespective of the nature of the signs. An airy sign in the 3rd or 9th house provides a clue of course, but not always and in all cases. Forbidden Periods The presence of any positive indication of a travel disaster should not deter the native from undertaking travels except when the following Dasa Bhukties operate: (a) Lords of 2-3-7-8 houses or planets occupying these houses or planets afflicting these houses or their lords. (b) A malefic occupying the 12th house or owning it. © Afflicted lord of Lagna or of 9th house or planets afflicting Lagna or 9th house or their lords. (d) Planet inimical to lord of Lagna related to Lagna or its lord. The Dasa-Bhukti-Antara lords come under the above category and they are afflicted in one way or the other in the chart, or are retrograde or debilitated or combust at the same time. When the lords of the 3rd and 8th houses are connected intimately, when the 3rd lord occupies the 8th and the 8th lord aspect the 3rd house; when the 8th lord occupies the 3rd house and the 3rd lord aspects the 8th house, the prognosis of the disaster is extremely bad. In spite of a combination for a disaster occurring in a chart as above, nothing like a mishap will happen, provided a strong Jupiter un-afflicted, in direct motion, when not owning the 8th house aspect the planet causing affliction, by 5th or 9th aspect. even a debilitated Jupiter from the 11th house, not afflicted by Saturn or a Node, saves the situation by trinal aspect. A martian aspect on Jupiter will not disable Jupiter if Mars is a trinal lord and unconnected with Saturn or a Node. In the absence of Jupiter's trinal aspect on the afflicgtion-causing planet, the native is bound to meet with a disaster when traveling by car, truck, train, bus, boat, etc. due to whatever cause, but will escape death provided the lord of 8th house is completely isolated from the 3rd house and its lord i.e., the 3rd house and its lord are not afflicted by aspect, occupation, conjunction by lord of 8th house. The period of the Dasa-Bhukti lords stated above may range from 3 months 18 days to 40 months; hence it is very necessary to narrow down this period when the native must avoid traveling if he or she cares to be spared from disaster. Transits and Indicators The transits are time indicators and can be earmarked in advance as alarm periods. A lone evil transit does accumulate its evil effects and triggers it off only when another evil transit reinforces the accumulated effects simultaneously and coinciding with the Dasa Bhukti period: (a) The transit of Saturn, regardless of its good or bad lordship in the birth chart, when afflicting the radical 3rd house and/or its lord, (b) afflicting Lagna and/or its lord; © afflicting 8th house and/or its lord; (d) afflicting a radical planet which afflicts the 3rd, 8th or 1st house or their lord in the radical; and (e) afflicting 3rd or 8th house from the radical Moon. The above transit of Saturn rings in a period of caution, but concurrently when Mars too is in transit, regardless of its ownership of good or bad houses in the radix, afflicts the factors stated against Saturn above, it is a time for real alarm, to abstain from traveling. Saturn and Mars together or in different signs when concentrating their force on 3rd house or its lord and also Lagna or 8th house or their lords can strike an unforgettable and cruel blow. At the same time if they are retrograde, or afflict each other, or become combust or transit over a radical malefic or a radical debilitated planet and the Nodes in transit also afflict any of the above factors and Jupiter in transit is retrograde, combust or afflicted, the severity is enhanced. If Mars, Jupiter or Saturn owns 8th house in the radix, in transit they do afflict the 3rd house or its lord. This is an important point for judging the alarm period. The Dasa-Bhukti lords are invariably afflicted by transit which is an unfailing index to timing of the mishap. Summary 1. Affliction to the 3rd and 9th houses and/or their lords in the birth chart is a combination for travel disaster. 2. This combination loses power provided the afflicting planet receives a trinal aspect of an un-afflicted and direct Jupiter not owning the 8th house. 3. Dasa and Bhukti of marakas, evil lords, when afflicted by transits and Mars-Saturn, the 8th lord in transit when afflicting the 3rd, 8th and 1st houses and/or their lords, bring about the event when transit Jupiter is retrograde, weak or afflicted. 4.The 8th lord with no connection with the 3rd house and its lord in the birth chart keeps life intact in spite of serious injuries in the disaster.

Pedestrian Accidents

When the Lagna, 4th and 5th houses or their lords are the centres of stronger malefic influences than the 3rd and 9th houses and their lords, the native is vulnerable to injuries by speeding roadside vehicles while going on foot. If the 8th lord or 8th house is afflicted and also involved in this combination, the injuries may prove fatal. This is not a travel disaster in the sense of mishaps while in vehicles, whether on land, water or in air which is the subject of my paper. Note: House position of planets should be ascertained on equal House Division method. Natives of Chart 2 and 6 escaped death after prolonged treatment, all others met with instantaneous death. 1. Air hostess Pratibha – born 13-8-1963 Tuesday. Air-crash on 19-10-1988 at Ahmedabad. Dasa: Rahu-Saturn-Sun. 2. Mr Tripathi, Registrar, Gujarat Vidyapeeth. Born 8-9-1936 Tuesday. Air-crash on 19-10-1988 Ahmedabad in Saturn-Venus-Jupiter. 3. Advertisement Agent, born 14-9-1949 Wednesday. Air-crash on 19-10-1988 Ahmedabad. Dasa: Jupiter-Sun-Jupiter. 4. Zia-ul-Huq. Born 12-8-1924 Tuesday. Air-disaster on 17-8-1988. Dasa: Jupiter-Mercury-Rahu. 5. Born: 7-8-1946 (The Astrological Magazine quiz 1 of 1989). Disaster on 3-7-1988. Plane shot down. Dasa: Moon-Moon-Moon. 6. Born 15-2-1923 Thursday. Air disaster on 22-6-1982 in Saturn-Jupiter-Mars. 7. Sanjay Gandhi. Born on 14-12-1946. Disaser on 23-6-1980. Plane crashed soon after take-off. Dasa: Moon-Venus-Ketu. 8. Chief Minister of Gujarat Balwantrai Mehta. Born on 18-2-1899 Saturnday. Killed by enemy action while flying in war-plane in Kutch on 25-9-1965 in Mercury-Moon-Rahu. 9. Born 31-5-1899 Wednesday (The Astrological Magazine, date of disaster not published). Balance of Jupiter Dasa: years 14-5-22. 10. Born 18-1-1951 Thursday. Disaster 4-8-1979 of Poona-Bombay flight. Dasa: Rahu-Venus-Jupiter (The Astrological Magazine) 11. Waltair Luther, American Trade Unionist. Born 1-9-1907 Sunday. Killed with wife and children in air-crash on 5-5-1970. Dasa: Ketu-Moon-Mercury (The Astrological Magazine). 12. Flight Lieutenant Narmabjit Singh. Born on 17-7-1945. Killed in was action on 14-12-1971 while fighting in his tiny Gnat bomber. Dasa: Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury. 13. Netaji Subhsh Chandra Bose. Born 23-1-1897 Saturday. Killed in air-crash over the Pacific while flying to Japan in August 1945. Dasa: Jupiter-Mars-Mercury upto 4-8-1945 and then Ketu upto 23-8-1945.


Chart 1: Born: 13-8-1963. Cancer: Ascendant with the Sun & Venus; Leo: Mercury & Uranus; Virgo: Mars; Sagittarius: Ketu; Capricorn: Saturn ®; Pisces: Jupiter ®; Taurus: the Moon; Gemini: Rahu. Chart 2: Born: 8-9-1936. Leo: Ascendant with Sun & Mercury; Virgo: Venus; Scorpio: Jupiter; Sagittarius: Rahu; Aquarius: Saturn ®; Uranus: Aries®; Taurus: the Moon; Gemini: Ketu; Cancer: Mars. Chart 3: Born: 14-9-1949. Gemini: Ascendant with Mars & Uranus; Leo: the Sun & Saturn; Virgo: Ketu & Mercury; Libra: Venus; Sagittarius: Jupiter®; Pisces: Rahu; Taurus: the Moon. Chart 4: Born: 12-8-1924Taurus: Ascendant; Gemini: Venus; Cancer: the Sun; Leo: Mercury & Rahu; Libra: Saturn; Scorpio: Jupiter; Sagittarius: the Moon; Aquarius: Ketu, Mars® & Uranus ®. Chart 5: Born: 7-8-1946. Aries: Ascendant; Taurus: Uranus & Rahu; Cancer: the Sun, Mercury® & Saturn; Virgo: Mars, Venus & Jupiter; Scorpio: Ketu & the Moon. Chart 6: Born: 15-2-1923. Sagittarius: Ascendant and Venus; Capricorn: Mercury & the Moon; Aquarius: Uranus, Ketu & the Sun; Pisces: Mars; Leo: Rahu; Virgo: Saturn ®; Libra: Jupiter. Chart 7: Born: 14-12-1946. Sagittarius: Ascendant, Ketu & Mars; Taurus: Rahu & Uranus ®; Cancer: Saturn ®; Leo: the Moon; Libra: Jupiter & Venus; Scorpio: Mercury & the Sun. Chart 8: Born: 18-2-1899. Sagitarius: Ascendant with Rahu & Venus; Capricorn: Mercury; Aquarius: the Sun; Taurus: the Moon; Gemini: Ketu & Mars ®; Libra: Jupiter; Scorpio: Uranus & Saturn. Chart 9: Born: 31-5-1899. Aquarius: Ascendant and the Moon; Taurus: Venus, Mercury & the Sun; Gemini: Ketu; Cancer: Mars; Libra: Jupiter ®; Scorpio: Uranus ® & Saturn ®; Sagittarius: Rahu. Chart 10: Born: 18-1-1951. Cancer: Ascendant; Leo: Rahu; Virgo: Saturn ® Sagittarius: Mercury®; Capricorn: Venus & the Sun; Aquarius: Ketu, Mars & Jupiter; Taurus: the Moon; Gemini: Uranus ®. Chart 11: Born: 1-9-1907. Taurus: Ascendant; Gemini: the Moon & Rahu; Cancer: Jupiter; Leo: Venus, the Sun & Mercury; Sagittarius: Ketu, Mars & Uranus; Pisces: Saturn®. Chart 12: Born: 17-7-1945. Taurus: Ascendant, Venus, Mars & Uranus; Gemini: Rahu & Saturn; Cancer: the Sun & Mercury; Leo: Jupiter; Virgo: the Moon; Sagittaius: Ketu. Chart 13: Born: 23-1-1897. Taurus: Ascendant with Mars; Cancer: Ketu; Leo: Jupiter®; Virgo: the Moon; Scorpio: Uranus & Saturn; Capricorn: Rahu, the Sun & Mercury®; Aquarius: Venus. (Courtesy: The Astrological Magazine, February, 1990)


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