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There Lurks Fear




by Meenakshi Raut

IN every discipline every researcher has his own method of research. It appears that in all ancient astrological researches not merely was there a brilliant and thorough methodology but a code of marking something as secret. When deep knowledge is given in the form of sutras (aphorisms) it cannot be understood by all astrologers. All codes have to be decoded. Many brilliant astrologers have decoded them and explained them in many Indian languages and also English. But how much more remains to be decoded is anyone's guess. Since it is difficult to memorize those Sanskrit slokas when actually predictions are being given, there is need to prepare memory tablets. Mr K N Rao who taught me Astrology and is my Jyotish-guru has evolved many codes, some of which he teaches others and some he keeps secret, promising that he would teach them at the right time, God willing, to the right person. One such memory tablet he has taught to Visharad classes in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan in New Delhi is most useful. Working with him I have learnt that some strong negative factors in a horoscope must be taken note of, if necessary, noted down somewhere before giving any prediction. He insists that it must be done as he says fear lurks in every nook and corner. To substantiate it, he quotes from T S Eliot: Your shadows in the morning Rising to meet you, Your shadow in the evening, Striding behind you, I will show you fear, In a handful of dust. "Do PAM invariably" is his instructions. What is PAM? It is a memory tablet for a quick assessment of one's span of life according to Jaimini. Let it be explained thus: (a) If Lagna and Moon are in Chara (movable) Rasi it gives Purna (full) Ayu (longevity), if in Sthira (fixed) Alpa (short); if in Dwiswabhava (dual) Madhya (medium). (b) Similarly for Lagna lord and the 8th lord it should be done. © Again similarly for Lagna and Hora Lagna it should be done. When the Moon is in Lagna or the 7th house, only Lagna and Hora Lagna should be taken into account. Now how to calculate if say Lagna is in chara sign and the Moon in Dwiswabhava sign? Jaimini has no doubt given it and writers of Books on Jaimini including Dr B V Raman have explained it. But Mr Rao's method is very simple and the best memory tablet. It is illustrated here. Now write PAM in one place and take in the following horoscope all the three factors: Rasi: Scorpio: Ascendant, Saturn, Ketu and Hora Lagna; Capricorn: Venus and Mars; Aquarius: Mercury ® and the Sun; Pisces: Jupiter; Taurus: Rahu; and, Gemini: the Moon. (1) Lagna lord is in Chara Rasi (P) and the 8th lord is in Sthira Rasi (A). Now PAM minus PA gives M which is medium life. (2) Lagna is in Sthira (A), Moon in Dwiswabhava (M). Now PAM minus AM gives P or full life. Now there is conflict between these two. The first factor gives medium life while the second factor gives full life. So the Hora Lagna has to be taken into account. (3) Now both Lagna and Hora Lagna are in Sthira, so it is Alpa. Then some other methods are to be applied to see if there is increase in the span of life. There are many Yogaja Ayu combinations. Finally the Vimshottari Mahadasa and Jaimini Dasas and transits of planets, particularly Saturn. But the subject matter of this series, a piece of research done on the horoscopic data of Mr Rao, is different. He invariably asks those whom he teaches Astrology to do PAM and MB first. Let me quote from his published articles to show how effectively he makes use of them in his predictions. Take the case of famous actor Amitabh Bachchan. His horoscope is as follows: Rasi: Aquarius: Ascendant and Ketu; Taurus: Saturn; Cancer: Jupiter; Leo: Rahu; Virgo: Sun 24°, Meercury, Venus and Mars; Libra: the Moon. This article which had appeared in the December 1983 issue of The Astrological Magazine, created a lot of controversy but none made any inquiries from any person mentioned in the article whether the prediction of Amitabh's accident was made in advance, six months, or not. More amusing is the fact, none saw the technical-astrological point mentioned in the article to explain why the accident appeared inevitable. A very important sentence in the article was "Is the story complete? No, I have yet to tell you the main part—Amitabh's Sun is in Mrityu-bhaga In the article sufficient stress was laid on MB or mrityu-bhaga. It was in the major period of Saturn and sub-period of the Sun that Amitabh had met with the accident. To omit MB in any horoscope is very risky. Quite often it is not marked in horoscopes and even when we note it down in our own registers we may not mark out planets in MB or worse can be when the horoscope being examined when MB table is not available. It has been mentioned in the "Tragedy of a Prediction" (A.M., December 1984). A very significant admission is the article is "Venus is badly afflicted and is near the Sun which is in Mrityu-bhaga (death-dealing point). How did the mistake occur? It is explained thus: "I did not keep this horoscope in my records. When M N Kedar one day told me about fulfilled predictions, I asked him to give me the horoscope together with Mr. Srivastava's account of these predictions…So for more than three years I did not see the horoscope of Arun." Since Mr. Rao has told me that he has missed MB quite often he insists that those who learn Astrology from him must do PAM and MB to avoid stupid, sometimes tragic, mistakes he has committed. Slowly I saw with him hundreds of horoscopes in which I myself marked MB and asked him how it would affect the native. He told me that it sometimes affects the native and sometimes not the native but his family; destinies are interlinked. Now before actual instances are given to show how effectively MB works it is necessary to stress three points: (a) The Vimshottari Mahadasa must be worked out correctly because we have tested it only on this Dasa. (b) All the degrees of the planets and Lagna must be calculated accurately. © MB table, as modified by Mr. K N Rao (which will be given subsequently), has to be applied strictly. In the research I have done under the guidance of Mr. Rao, it appears to me that the planet's ownership and karakatwa (signification) become important factors in deciding the results of MB Given here is a horoscope where the problem of birth of children was to be analyzed. Born on 19-4-1947 at 8.15 p.m. Rasi: Libra: Ascendant 23.57; Scorpio: Jupiter ® 2.30 and Ketu 9.22; Capricorn: the Sun; Pisces: Venus 0.04, Mars: 14, the Moon: 15.27, and Mercury: 17.10; Taurus: 9.22; Cancer: Saturn: 9.2 . Balance of Saturn Dasa: 1 year 8 months and 24 days. Navamsa: Turus: Ascendant and the Sun; Cancer: Jupiter and Venus; Virgo: Saturn and Ketu; Scorpio: Mars and the Moon; Sagittarius: Mercury; and, Pisces: Rahu. Saptamsa: Pisces: Ascendant and Saturn; Taurus: Jupiter and the Sun; Cancer: Ketu; Virgo: Venus; Sagittarius: Mars and the Moon; Capricorn: Mercury and Rahu. This person's marriage had taken place on 21-7-1983 in the Venus-Jupiter period (13-3-1983 to 13-11-1985) and thereafter for many months his wife could not conceive. (1) Now in this horoscope the 5th lord is unafflicted. But Saturn's dispositor the Moon is very close in degrees to Mars and Mercury. (2) The 5th house has no affliction. (3) Jupiter the natural putrakaraka, is retrograde and with Ketu. (4) From Jupiter the 5th house has Mars which is generally not good for the health and welfare of the children. In Navamsa (a) The 5th house is very badly afflicted with Saturn and Ketu. (b) The 5th lord Mercury is in the 8th house, not good for children. © From Jupiter, Mars is in the 5th house. (d) From Navamsa Moon (Scorpio) again, the 5th house has Rahu and receives the aspect of Saurn. In Saptamsa (a) Ketu is in the 5th house of Saptamsa. (b) The 5th lord of Saptamsa (Moon) is afflicted by Mars and Saturn. © The 5th house from Jupiter in Saptamsa has a debilitated Vesus aspected by Saturn while the 5th lord Mercury has Rahu with it and is aspected by Jupiter. (d) Saptamsa Lagna is afflicted by Saturn and Mars. The wife of this person had lot of difficulties in child-bearing in Venus-Jupiter period and, after medical examination it was found that after some medical treatment she could conceive. Then came Venus-Saturn period (13-11-1985 to 13-1-1989). Saturn is the 5th lord and favours the birth of children. The wife of this person conceived twice during this period but both times there were miscarriages. The horoscope of the wife is not very good from the point of view of children. But the point that we missed in our astrological analysis is: Saturn, the 5th lord is in mrityu-bhaga. Now a question arises. If the 5th lord is in MB, does it affect children? The question is worth examining with an open mind. Now see the following chart: Rasi: Gemini: Ascendant with Saturn ®, Mars and Rahu; Libra: Jupiter ®; Sagittarius: Ketu; Aquarius: the Sun and Venus 28.33; Pisces: the Moon 11.41 and Mercury. Some details are deliberately withheld; but it will be seen that two planets are in MB—Venus and the Moon. She has been running Venus Dasa since 1977. She had to face some problems about her children in her quarrels with her husband. Venus in MB may mean the karakatwas of Venus (marriage) being affected. The trouble began with children in Venus-Moon period. Otherwise the 5th house has Jupiter and the 5th lord from Lagna, Venus is aspected by Jupiter and in the 5th from Jupiter, there are Venus and Sun. It appears that when a planet is in MB it affects the house he owns and the karakatwa of the planet, Sun (father), Moon (mother), etc. Two conclusions that can be drawn in the application of MB are: It affects the signification of the planet concerned and affects the ownership of the house of the planet concerned. These two principles repeat themselves during the Dasa and Antardasa of the planet in MB. When we speak of the Dasa we are applying only the Vimshottari Mahadasa here and no other Dasa. Now the three charts given below may be seen: Male born on 23-4-1936 at 11.11 p.m. at Delhi. Rasi: Sagittarius: Ascendant with Jupiter and Rahu (MB); Aquarius: Saturn; Pisces: Venus; Aries: the Sun, Mercury and Mars; Taurus: the Moon (MB); Gemini: Ketu; Navamsa: Gemini: Ascendant; Cancer: the Sun and Rahu; Libra: Mars; Scorpio: Mercury; Capricorn: Venus & Ketu; Aries: Jupiter and the Moon; and, Taurus: Sturn. Saptamsa: Capricorn: Ascendant and the Moon; Aquarius: Venus & Rahu; Gemini: the Sun; Leo: Ketu and Saturn; Virgo: Mercury and Mars; and, Sagittarius: Jupiter. (1) In the birth horoscope the 5th house and the 5th lord from Lagna are badly afflicted. (2) Jupiter being in Lagna, the same results as from Lagna repeat themselves. (3) The 5th lord from the Moon is very badly afflicted. Now the Moon is the 8th lord. This shows conjugal felicity. The Moon, the Antardasa lord, brought in lot of tension in their domestic life. Who is responsible for the birth of an invalid child? The father alone? The mother alone? Or both parents? What is their fate with this invalid child having become such a serious problem? The quarrel between the husband and wife became unbearable but did not end in divorce.

Jupiter is with Rahu. And the axis of Rahu-Ketu is along the Lagna-seventh house. Rahu, as already mentioned, is in MB. In Jupiter-Rahu (1983 December to 1984 April) the husband-wife relationship nearly reached a breaking point and the marriage survived somehow because of the aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house and the 7th lord. A question naturally arises—What about the wife's horoscope? Female, born on 25-8-1933 at 7.30 a.m at Paris. Rasi: Leo: Ascendant with the Sun (MB) and Ketu; Virgo: The Moon, Jupiter (MB) and Venus; Libra: Mars; Capricorn: Saturn; Aquarius: Rahu; and, Cancer: Mercury. Navamsa: Scorpio: Ascendant, Mars and Rahu; Capricorn: Mercury; Aries: Venus; Taurus: Ketu; Gemini: the Sun & Saturn; Virgo: the Moon. Saptamsa: Capricorn: Ascendant; Pisces: Jupiter and Rahu; Taurus: Venus; Gemini: Mercury; Virgo: the Moon & Ketu; Libra: the Sun; Scorpio: Mars and Saturn. In Navamsa (a) The 5th house has Mars though it is aspected by the Moon and Jupiter. (b) The 5th lord Venus is with Ketu and is aspected by Mars and the Sun. It is also in the 8th house. So terrible is the affliction. © From Jupiter, the 5th lord of the Navamsa is the Sun conjoined with Rahu. In Saptamsa The Saptamsa presents the most depressing picture. (a) The 5th house from Lagna and the Moon is aspected by Saturn who in turn is conjoined with Ketu. (b) The 5th lord Venus is with Rahu aspected by Saturn. © The 5th house from Jupiter is aspected by its own lord Mars. So the malefic influence of Mars may be said to be less but then Mars is Mars. MB Our analysis should not stop here. In this horoscope two planets are in MB, the Moon who is the 8th lord and Rahu who being in Lagna becomes a second Lagna lord conjoined with the Lagna lord Jupiter. What is the effect of it? Jupiter is the natural putrakaraka in Astrology. His close association with Rahu is bad as it is. Then this Rahu is in MB. The Jupiter-Rahu conjunction has thus become worse. In turn the Rahu-Ketu axis falls along the Lagna-seventh house axis. This horoscope belongs to a Delhi artist-painter who has settled down in Paris having married a French woman three years senior to him in age. In Jupiter-Moon period when their only daughter was hardly two years old (1981 August to 1982 December) doctors gave the final verdict that their daughter who was partly invalid physically had also become partly invalid mentally also. The agony of the parents increased which was natural. Jupiter being in Lagna and also Lagna lord, the father fell sick also, suffering the agony and his work, output of paintings, fell down steeply. The horoscope the wife should be seen keeping in mind the discussion of the horoscope of the husband. First, briefly in Rasi, the 5th house has no malefic aspect and the 5th lord is with two benefics, Venus and the Moon, which is very good. But the 5th house from Jupiter contains Saturn aspected by Mars. Same is the position from the Moon which is conjoined with Jupiter. In Navamsa, he 5th house is aspected by Saturn from the 8th house while the 5th lord Jupiter is aspected by Mars. From Jupiter, Saturn and Sun are in the 5th house receiving the aspect of Mars. The 5th lord from the Moon is with Ketu. From the Moon the 5th lord is Saturn with Mars. MB But the most striking point of this horoscope is that Jupiter, here putrakaraka doubly, being a natural karaka for children and also the 5th lord here is in MB. So is the Sun. Now the Dasa period of the husband and the wife may be seen together to see why and how their tension increased between 1981-1983. Husband: Jupiter-Moon 26-8-1981 to 26-12-1982. Wife: Saturn-Sun 11-4-1982 to 24-3-1983. It has been already stated that husband's Moon is in MB while the wife's Sun is in MB. These two coincided in 1982 when the doctors declared that the ailment of the child was incurable and the mutual tension between the husband and the wife increased. The marriage is surviving because in the horoscope of the husband, Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house and the 7th lord while in the wife's horoscope Jupiter is aspecting the 7th lord in the 6th house. Timing the Event When will the effects of a plane be felt is the primary question. It cannot be and is not a life-long effect; but only periodical. To time it, I have learnt three methods from Mr K N Rao. (a) In the Dasa and Antardasa of the planet in MB, even in its Pratyantara. (b) When the transit Saturn, Mars or Rahu aspect a planet in MB. © When the period, Dasa or Antardasa of the lord of the Rasi in which a planet in MB is posited. All these principles are illustrated in the part horoscope given below: Rasi: Sagittarius: Ascendant; Gemini: Mars; Cancer: Saturn (MB); Virgo: Mercury. (1) The native was running the period of Sun-Mars in 1985-86 when his child developed a skin disease which appeared frightening as it resembled leprosy. But the child has overcome the ailment. (2) When the native was running Mars-Mercury (which will last till July 1989) his wife developed a serious problem in the neck. Why in Mercury? For two reasons. Natal Saturn in Cancer is afflicting the 5th house and the 7th lord Mercury, along with Mars. But the more important reason is that Mars is posited in the Rasi of Mercury. (3) Transit Saturn from Sagittarius is aspecting Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Virgo. In May-June 1989 when Mars in transit was in Gemini the problem got aggravated. Conclusions The conclusions that can be drawn are that a planet in MB (a) affects the house in which he is posited; (b) affects the karakatwa of the planet, Sun (father), Moon (mother, mind), Mars (brothers, land) etc. © passes its influence to the lord of the house in which it is posited. What happens if the wife's horoscope is available and the husband's is not there because birth details are not know? Since destinies are interlinked the event can still be traced. The next question is what happens if a planet in the horoscope is in MB but there is neither the Dasa nor Antara nor the Pratyantaradasa of the planet in MB running? The unfailing principle taught to me is – observe two points: (a) Is the sub-period (Pratyantaradasa) lord conjoined or aspected by a planet in MB? (b) Are two malefics in transit aspecting a planet in MB? If the above two conditions are fulfilled some mishap takes place which looks like a big tragedy. But one need not be alarmed. Given here is the horoscope of housewife. This case had become very sensational in the last week of December 1988 in Delhi. Rasi: Aquarius: Ascendant and Rahu; Pisces: Jupiter; Leo: Mars, Venus & Ketu; Virgo: Saturn 16.17; Libra: the Sun and Mercury; and, Scorpio: the Moon. I had returned from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan with Mr K N Rao where, he, after taking his classes in Jaimini Astrology, had just returned home, when outside his house two ladies met him and one of them told him that her husband, the proprietor of a cinema in Delhi had been kidnapped at gun-point on December 24th. Mentally Mr Rao made the horoscope for the prasna of 25th December 1988 evening around perhaps 5 p.m. and told her that her husband was safe, alive and would be brought back home by police in a fortnight. On 5.1.1989 the husband was secured by a police party from the clutches of dacoits of the notorious Chambal valley in Madhya Pradesh. As usual the horoscope of the kidnapped proprietor of the cinema was demanded but there was no horoscope. Then the wife's horoscope was given which is as above. Here two points are notable. On 24th December 1988 when her husband was kidnapped, transit Mars was in Pisces aspecting the housewife's Saturn in MB in the 8th house. Saturn from Sagittarius was also aspecting natal Saturn in Virgo. The lady was running Venus-Venus-Jupiter. Here Jupiter is aspected by Saturn who is in Virgo in MB. Thus two conditions given here are fulfilled. Now the 8th house represents conjugal happiness and here there is exchange between the 7th and the 9th lords. In that sense she is lucky to have a prosperous husband. But the 7th house has two malefics; the 7th lord, debilitated, is with the 8th lord. It is generally seen that in a girl's horoscope if the 9th lord is in the 8th house her marriage become unfortunate. Here the 9th lord is well-placed, but the presence of Saturn in MB in the 8th house is a factor which cannot and should not be overlooked. (Condensed from The Astrological Magazine, February/March, 1990)

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Guest guest

Dear Lalit,


That is a longish and good post. The only thing I find wrong is that

the first pair mentioned by the lady should be Saturn and Moon and not

Lagna and Moon. Jaimini says :


SU. 32. -Sarvatra savarna Bhava Sasayah.


SU. 33.-Na grahah.


Meaning that katapayadi rules are applicable where bhavas ae being

talked about but not in case of grahas (where the grahas are named as

words and not as varnas).

Adhyaaya 2 pada 1 sutra 5 says:


SU. 5. - Evam mandachandrabhyam.


There is no doubt that many learned have interpreted this as Lagna and

Chandra lagna, but Manda being name of a graha as is Chandra, I do not

think Katapayaadi rules are applicable here. So it has to mean the rasi

occupied by Manda (Shani) and Chandra respectively for the 3rd pair to

determine longevity. Sanjay Rath has interpreted this sutra as such and

I agree with him.


Though not mentioned by the learned in interpretation, there is a logic

to this.


The first pair is of lagna (person) and 8th Ayush) lords, second is

Person by actual lagna and theoretical lagna with hourly progression of

lagna, akin to 1/2 the time of lagna on equator. And here we are


at the graha like Chandra ho is involved in balarishta when badly

placed (e.g. in 8th) and Shani who is Ayush karaka and gives long life

when in 8th.


Take care,







litsol wrote:



There Lurks Fear





by Meenakshi Raut


IN every discipline every researcher has his own method of

research. It appears that in all ancient astrological researches not

merely was there a brilliant and thorough methodology but a code of

marking something as secret. When deep knowledge is given in the form

of sutras (aphorisms) it cannot be understood by all

astrologers. All codes have to be decoded. Many brilliant astrologers

have decoded them and explained them in many Indian languages and also

English. But how much more remains to be decoded is anyone's guess.

Since it is difficult to memorize those Sanskrit slokas

when actually predictions are being given, there is need to prepare

memory tablets. Mr K N Rao who taught me Astrology and is my Jyotish-guru

has evolved many codes, some of which he teaches others and some he

keeps secret, promising that he would teach them at the right time, God

willing, to the right person.

One such memory tablet he has taught to Visharad classes in the

Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan in New Delhi is most useful. Working with him I

have learnt that some strong negative factors in a horoscope must be

taken note of, if necessary, noted down somewhere before giving any

prediction. He insists that it must be done as he says fear lurks in

every nook and corner.

To substantiate it, he quotes from T S Eliot:

Your shadows in the morning

Rising to meet you,

Your shadow in the evening,

Striding behind you,

I will show you fear,

In a handful of dust.

"Do PAM invariably" is his instructions.

What is PAM? It is a memory tablet for a quick assessment of

one's span of life according to Jaimini. Let it be explained thus:

(a) If Lagna and Moon are in Chara (movable) Rasi it

gives Purna (full) Ayu (longevity), if in Sthira (fixed) Alpa

(short); if in Dwiswabhava (dual) Madhya (medium).

(b) Similarly for Lagna lord and the 8th lord it should be done.

© Again similarly for Lagna and Hora Lagna it should be done.

When the Moon is in Lagna or the 7th house, only Lagna and Hora

Lagna should be taken into account.

Now how to calculate if say Lagna is in chara sign and the Moon

in Dwiswabhava sign? Jaimini has no doubt given it and writers of Books

on Jaimini including Dr B V Raman have explained it. But Mr Rao's

method is very simple and the best memory tablet. It is illustrated


Now write PAM in one place and take in the following horoscope

all the three factors:

Rasi: Scorpio: Ascendant, Saturn, Ketu and Hora Lagna;

Capricorn: Venus and Mars; Aquarius: Mercury ® and the Sun; Pisces:

Jupiter; Taurus: Rahu; and, Gemini: the Moon.

(1) Lagna lord is in Chara Rasi (P) and the 8th lord is in Sthira

Rasi (A). Now PAM minus PA gives M which is medium life.

(2) Lagna is in Sthira (A), Moon in Dwiswabhava (M). Now PAM

minus AM gives P or full life.

Now there is conflict between these two. The first factor gives

medium life while the second factor gives full life. So the Hora Lagna

has to be taken into account.

(3) Now both Lagna and Hora Lagna are in Sthira, so it is Alpa.

Then some other methods are to be applied to see if there is

increase in the span of life. There are many Yogaja Ayu combinations.

Finally the Vimshottari Mahadasa and Jaimini Dasas and transits of

planets, particularly Saturn.

But the subject matter of this series, a piece of research done

on the horoscopic data of Mr Rao, is different. He invariably asks

those whom he teaches Astrology to do PAM and MB first.

Let me quote from his published articles to show how effectively

he makes use of them in his predictions. Take the case of famous actor

Amitabh Bachchan. His horoscope is as follows:

Rasi: Aquarius: Ascendant and Ketu; Taurus: Saturn;

Cancer: Jupiter; Leo: Rahu; Virgo: Sun 24°, Meercury, Venus and Mars;

Libra: the Moon.

This article which had appeared in the December 1983 issue of The

Astrological Magazine, created a lot of controversy but none made

any inquiries from any person mentioned in the article whether the

prediction of Amitabh's accident was made in advance, six months, or

not. More amusing is the fact, none saw the technical-astrological

point mentioned in the article to explain why the accident appeared

inevitable. A very important sentence in the article was "Is the story

complete? No, I have yet to tell you the main part—Amitabh's Sun

is in Mrityu-bhaga

In the article sufficient stress was laid on MB or mrityu-bhaga.

It was in the major period of Saturn and sub-period of the Sun that

Amitabh had met with the accident.

To omit MB in any horoscope is very risky. Quite often it is not

marked in horoscopes and even when we note it down in our own registers

we may not mark out planets in MB or worse can be when the horoscope

being examined when MB table is not available. It has been mentioned in

the "Tragedy of a Prediction" (A.M., December 1984).

A very significant admission is the article is "Venus is badly

afflicted and is near the Sun which is in Mrityu-bhaga

(death-dealing point).

How did the mistake occur? It is explained thus: "I did not keep

this horoscope in my records. When M N Kedar one day told me about

fulfilled predictions, I asked him to give me the horoscope together

with Mr. Srivastava's account of these predictions…So for more than

three years I did not see the horoscope of Arun."

Since Mr. Rao has told me that he has missed MB quite often he

insists that those who learn Astrology from him must do PAM and MB to

avoid stupid, sometimes tragic, mistakes he has committed.

Slowly I saw with him hundreds of horoscopes in which I myself

marked MB and asked him how it would affect the native. He told me that

it sometimes affects the native and sometimes not the native but his

family; destinies are interlinked.

Now before actual instances are given to show how effectively MB

works it is necessary to stress three points:

(a) The Vimshottari Mahadasa must be worked out correctly because

we have tested it only on this Dasa.

(b) All the degrees of the planets and Lagna must be calculated


© MB table, as modified by Mr. K N Rao (which will be given

subsequently), has to be applied strictly.

In the research I have done under the guidance of Mr. Rao, it

appears to me that the planet's ownership and karakatwa

(signification) become important factors in deciding the results of MB

Given here is a horoscope where the problem of birth of children

was to be analyzed.

Born on 19-4-1947 at 8.15 p.m. Rasi: Libra: Ascendant

23.57; Scorpio: Jupiter ® 2.30 and Ketu 9.22; Capricorn: the Sun;

Pisces: Venus 0.04, Mars: 14, the Moon: 15.27, and Mercury: 17.10;

Taurus: 9.22; Cancer: Saturn: 9.2 . Balance of Saturn Dasa: 1 year 8

months and 24 days.

Navamsa: Turus: Ascendant and the Sun; Cancer: Jupiter and

Venus; Virgo: Saturn and Ketu; Scorpio: Mars and the Moon; Sagittarius:

Mercury; and, Pisces: Rahu.

Saptamsa: Pisces: Ascendant and Saturn; Taurus: Jupiter

and the Sun; Cancer: Ketu; Virgo: Venus; Sagittarius: Mars and the

Moon; Capricorn: Mercury and Rahu.

This person's marriage had taken place on 21-7-1983 in the

Venus-Jupiter period (13-3-1983 to 13-11-1985) and thereafter for many

months his wife could not conceive.

(1) Now in this horoscope the 5th lord is unafflicted. But

Saturn's dispositor the Moon is very close in degrees to Mars and


(2) The 5th house has no affliction.

(3) Jupiter the natural putrakaraka, is retrograde and with Ketu.


(4) From Jupiter the 5th house has Mars which is generally not

good for the health and welfare of the children.


In Navamsa

(a) The 5th house is very badly afflicted with Saturn and Ketu.

(b) The 5th lord Mercury is in the 8th house, not good for


© From Jupiter, Mars is in the 5th house.

(d) From Navamsa Moon (Scorpio) again, the 5th house has Rahu and

receives the aspect of Saurn.


In Saptamsa

(a) Ketu is in the 5th house of Saptamsa.

(b) The 5th lord of Saptamsa (Moon) is afflicted by Mars and


© The 5th house from Jupiter in Saptamsa has a debilitated

Vesus aspected by Saturn while the 5th lord Mercury has Rahu with it

and is aspected by Jupiter.

(d) Saptamsa Lagna is afflicted by Saturn and Mars.

The wife of this person had lot of difficulties in child-bearing

in Venus-Jupiter period and, after medical examination it was found

that after some medical treatment she could conceive.

Then came Venus-Saturn period (13-11-1985 to 13-1-1989). Saturn

is the 5th lord and favours the birth of children. The wife of this

person conceived twice during this period but both times there were


The horoscope of the wife is not very good from the point of view

of children.

But the point that we missed in our astrological analysis is:

Saturn, the 5th lord is in mrityu-bhaga.

Now a question arises. If the 5th lord is in MB, does it affect

children? The question is worth examining with an open mind.

Now see the following chart: Rasi: Gemini: Ascendant with

Saturn ®, Mars and Rahu; Libra: Jupiter ®; Sagittarius: Ketu;

Aquarius: the Sun and Venus 28.33; Pisces: the Moon 11.41 and Mercury.

Some details are deliberately withheld; but it will be seen that

two planets are in MB—Venus and the Moon.

She has been running Venus Dasa since 1977. She had to face some

problems about her children in her quarrels with her husband. Venus in

MB may mean the karakatwas of Venus (marriage) being affected. The

trouble began with children in Venus-Moon period. Otherwise the 5th

house has Jupiter and the 5th lord from Lagna, Venus is aspected by

Jupiter and in the 5th from Jupiter, there are Venus and Sun.

It appears that when a planet is in MB it affects the house he

owns and the karakatwa of the planet, Sun (father), Moon

(mother), etc.

Two conclusions that can be drawn in the application of MB are:

It affects the signification of the planet concerned and affects the

ownership of the house of the planet concerned. These two principles

repeat themselves during the Dasa and Antardasa of the planet in MB.

When we speak of the Dasa we are applying only the Vimshottari Mahadasa

here and no other Dasa.

Now the three charts given below may be seen:

Male born on 23-4-1936 at 11.11 p.m. at Delhi. Rasi:

Sagittarius: Ascendant with Jupiter and Rahu (MB); Aquarius: Saturn;

Pisces: Venus; Aries: the Sun, Mercury and Mars; Taurus: the Moon (MB);

Gemini: Ketu;

Navamsa: Gemini: Ascendant; Cancer: the Sun and Rahu;

Libra: Mars; Scorpio: Mercury; Capricorn: Venus & Ketu; Aries:

Jupiter and the Moon; and, Taurus: Sturn.

Saptamsa: Capricorn: Ascendant and the Moon; Aquarius: Venus

& Rahu; Gemini: the Sun; Leo: Ketu and Saturn; Virgo: Mercury and

Mars; and, Sagittarius: Jupiter.

(1) In the birth horoscope the 5th house and the 5th lord from

Lagna are badly afflicted.

(2) Jupiter being in Lagna, the same results as from Lagna repeat


(3) The 5th lord from the Moon is very badly afflicted.

Now the Moon is the 8th lord. This shows conjugal felicity. The

Moon, the Antardasa lord, brought in lot of tension in their domestic

life. Who is responsible for the birth of an invalid child? The father

alone? The mother alone? Or both parents? What is their fate with this

invalid child having become such a serious problem? The quarrel between

the husband and wife became unbearable but did not end in divorce.

Jupiter is with Rahu. And the axis of Rahu-Ketu is along the

Lagna-seventh house. Rahu, as already mentioned, is in MB. In

Jupiter-Rahu (1983 December to 1984 April) the husband-wife

relationship nearly reached a breaking point and the marriage survived

somehow because of the aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house and the 7th


A question naturally arises—What about the wife's horoscope?

Female, born on 25-8-1933 at 7.30 a.m at Paris. Rasi:

Leo: Ascendant with the Sun (MB) and Ketu; Virgo: The Moon, Jupiter

(MB) and Venus; Libra: Mars; Capricorn: Saturn; Aquarius: Rahu; and,

Cancer: Mercury.

Navamsa: Scorpio: Ascendant, Mars and Rahu; Capricorn:

Mercury; Aries: Venus; Taurus: Ketu; Gemini: the Sun & Saturn;

Virgo: the Moon.

Saptamsa: Capricorn: Ascendant; Pisces: Jupiter and Rahu;

Taurus: Venus; Gemini: Mercury; Virgo: the Moon & Ketu; Libra: the

Sun; Scorpio: Mars and Saturn.


In Navamsa

(a) The 5th house has Mars though it is aspected by the Moon and


(b) The 5th lord Venus is with Ketu and is aspected by Mars and

the Sun. It is also in the 8th house. So terrible is the affliction.

© From Jupiter, the 5th lord of the Navamsa is the Sun

conjoined with Rahu.


In Saptamsa

The Saptamsa presents the most depressing picture.

(a) The 5th house from Lagna and the Moon is aspected by Saturn

who in turn is conjoined with Ketu.

(b) The 5th lord Venus is with Rahu aspected by Saturn.

© The 5th house from Jupiter is aspected by its own lord Mars.

So the malefic influence of Mars may be said to be less but then Mars

is Mars.



Our analysis should not stop here. In this horoscope two planets

are in MB, the Moon who is the 8th lord and Rahu who being in Lagna

becomes a second Lagna lord conjoined with the Lagna lord Jupiter.

What is the effect of it?

Jupiter is the natural putrakaraka in Astrology. His

close association with Rahu is bad as it is. Then this Rahu is in MB.

The Jupiter-Rahu conjunction has thus become worse. In turn the

Rahu-Ketu axis falls along the Lagna-seventh house axis.

This horoscope belongs to a Delhi artist-painter who has settled

down in Paris having married a French woman three years senior to him

in age. In Jupiter-Moon period when their only daughter was hardly two

years old (1981 August to 1982 December) doctors gave the final verdict

that their daughter who was partly invalid physically had also become

partly invalid mentally also. The agony of the parents increased which

was natural. Jupiter being in Lagna and also Lagna lord, the father

fell sick also, suffering the agony and his work, output of paintings,

fell down steeply.

The horoscope the wife should be seen keeping in mind the

discussion of the horoscope of the husband. First, briefly in Rasi, the

5th house has no malefic aspect and the 5th lord is with two benefics,

Venus and the Moon, which is very good. But the 5th house from Jupiter

contains Saturn aspected by Mars. Same is the position from the Moon

which is conjoined with Jupiter.

In Navamsa, he 5th house is aspected by Saturn from the 8th house

while the 5th lord Jupiter is aspected by Mars. From Jupiter, Saturn

and Sun are in the 5th house receiving the aspect of Mars. The 5th lord

from the Moon is with Ketu. From the Moon the 5th lord is Saturn with




But the most striking point of this horoscope is that Jupiter,

here putrakaraka doubly, being a natural karaka for

children and also the 5th lord here is in MB. So is the Sun.

Now the Dasa period of the husband and the wife may be seen

together to see why and how their tension increased between 1981-1983.

Husband: Jupiter-Moon 26-8-1981 to 26-12-1982.

Wife: Saturn-Sun 11-4-1982 to 24-3-1983.

It has been already stated that husband's Moon is in MB while the

wife's Sun is in MB. These two coincided in 1982 when the doctors

declared that the ailment of the child was incurable and the mutual

tension between the husband and the wife increased.

The marriage is surviving because in the horoscope of the

husband, Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house and the 7th lord while in

the wife's horoscope Jupiter is aspecting the 7th lord in the 6th



Timing the Event

When will the effects of a plane be felt is the primary question.

It cannot be and is not a life-long effect; but only periodical. To

time it, I have learnt three methods from Mr K N Rao.

(a) In the Dasa and Antardasa of the planet in MB, even in its


(b) When the transit Saturn, Mars or Rahu aspect a planet in MB.

© When the period, Dasa or Antardasa of the lord of the Rasi in

which a planet in MB is posited.

All these principles are illustrated in the part horoscope given


Rasi: Sagittarius: Ascendant; Gemini: Mars; Cancer: Saturn

(MB); Virgo: Mercury.

(1) The native was running the period of Sun-Mars in 1985-86 when

his child developed a skin disease which appeared frightening as it

resembled leprosy. But the child has overcome the ailment.

(2) When the native was running Mars-Mercury (which will last

till July 1989) his wife developed a serious problem in the neck. Why

in Mercury? For two reasons. Natal Saturn in Cancer is afflicting the

5th house and the 7th lord Mercury, along with Mars. But the more

important reason is that Mars is posited in the Rasi of Mercury.

(3) Transit Saturn from Sagittarius is aspecting Mars in Gemini

and Mercury in Virgo. In May-June 1989 when Mars in transit was in

Gemini the problem got aggravated.



The conclusions that can be drawn are that a planet in MB

(a) affects the house in which he is posited;

(b) affects the karakatwa of the planet, Sun (father),

Moon (mother, mind), Mars (brothers, land) etc.

© passes its influence to the lord of the house in which it is


What happens if the wife's horoscope is available and the

husband's is not there because birth details are not know? Since

destinies are interlinked the event can still be traced.

The next question is what happens if a planet in the horoscope is

in MB but there is neither the Dasa nor Antara nor the Pratyantaradasa

of the planet in MB running?

The unfailing principle taught to me is – observe two points:

(a) Is the sub-period (Pratyantaradasa) lord conjoined or

aspected by a planet in MB?

(b) Are two malefics in transit aspecting a planet in MB?

If the above two conditions are fulfilled some mishap takes place

which looks like a big tragedy. But one need not be alarmed.

Given here is the horoscope of housewife. This case had become

very sensational in the last week of December 1988 in Delhi.

Rasi: Aquarius: Ascendant and Rahu; Pisces: Jupiter; Leo:

Mars, Venus & Ketu; Virgo: Saturn 16.17; Libra: the Sun and

Mercury; and, Scorpio: the Moon.

I had returned from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan with Mr K N Rao

where, he, after taking his classes in Jaimini Astrology, had just

returned home, when outside his house two ladies met him and one of

them told him that her husband, the proprietor of a cinema in Delhi had

been kidnapped at gun-point on December 24th. Mentally Mr Rao made the

horoscope for the prasna of 25th December 1988 evening around

perhaps 5 p.m. and told her that her husband was safe, alive and would

be brought back home by police in a fortnight.

On 5.1.1989 the husband was secured by a police party from the

clutches of dacoits of the notorious Chambal valley in Madhya Pradesh.

As usual the horoscope of the kidnapped proprietor of the cinema

was demanded but there was no horoscope. Then the wife's horoscope was

given which is as above.

Here two points are notable. On 24th December 1988 when her

husband was kidnapped, transit Mars was in Pisces aspecting the

housewife's Saturn in MB in the 8th house. Saturn from Sagittarius was

also aspecting natal Saturn in Virgo.

The lady was running Venus-Venus-Jupiter. Here Jupiter is

aspected by Saturn who is in Virgo in MB.

Thus two conditions given here are fulfilled. Now the 8th house

represents conjugal happiness and here there is exchange between the

7th and the 9th lords. In that sense she is lucky to have a prosperous

husband. But the 7th house has two malefics; the 7th lord, debilitated,

is with the 8th lord. It is generally seen that in a girl's horoscope

if the 9th lord is in the 8th house her marriage become unfortunate.

Here the 9th lord is well-placed, but the presence of Saturn in MB in

the 8th house is a factor which cannot and should not be overlooked.


(Condensed from The Astrological Magazine, February/March,


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