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Astrology 101--basics of a chart

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Dear Members,


I am a jyotish student. To enhance my understanding and knowledge of jyotishi, i will try to summarize my understanding of basic topics as i read them along. Learned members please feel free to correct and guide me. My knowledge is very basic, so i will start of with topics, which to an advanced reader may be very basic. But i would request them to atleast give a casual perusal to correct my understanding. I will take suggestions from beginners if they would be interested in hearing about a topic that is of interest to them. I can read it up and post a summary. Please do excuse my grammar and writing skills. Lastly, for the beginners please do read with caution, as i am learner myself, hence my understanding may be flawed at times.



Basics of a chart.


There are 12 rashis, and 9 planets. Lets first see how a horoscope looks like. The twelve rashis are:

Raasi's Raasi Lord



Aries (Mesha) Mars

Taurus (Vrishab) Venus

Gemini (Mithuna) Mercury

Cancer (Karkata) Moon

Leo (Singha) Sun

Virgo (kanya) Mercury

Libra (tula) Venus

Scorpio (vrischika) Mars

Sagitarius (Dhanu) Jupiter

Capricorn (makara) Saturn

Aquarius (kumbha) Saturn

Pisces (meena) Jupiter

Besides the seven grahas two other grahas rahu and ketu are not physical objects, but points at which the moons orbit interscts the plane of the earth's orbit around Su.

The heavens are divided into 12 raasi's. Starting with Mesha from 0-30 degree, Vrishaba 30-60 degree, so on upto Meena. When a person is born the raasi at the horizon forms the ascendant of the chart, and all the other planets in the raahis at that particular time create the chart what we call as raashi chart.


the north indian style raashi chart looks something like this. This chart is at the time I am writing this email. The top middle box which says "As" becomes the ascendant of the chart. When we move counter clockwise from there, the next rashi (second house) is makara(capricorn) which has Rahu in it, The third house is kumbha with no grahas in it so on and the twelfth house is vrischika (Scorpio) empty house.

Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ Ra / \ 8 / || \ 10

/ \ / || \ / JuR \ / || \ / \ / || 11 x As x 7 || /

\ / \ || / \ GL / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 9 / \ ||

/ \ / 6 \ || 12 x AL || \ / \ / || \ / \ /

|| \ / \ / || \ / 3 \ / Gk || \ / \ / Sa || 1 x HL x Ve Ma ||

/ \ / \ Md || / \ / \ || / \ / Ke 4 \ 5 || / 2 \ / Su \ ||

/ \ / Mo Me \ |+--------------+


As you will notice the jupiter in lagna has a R next to it, which means that its currently in retrograde motion. Sun and Moon the luminaries do not have a retrogade motion.

All the other planets have retrogade motion, to an observant the planet would seem to be moving in reverse direction. To make the analogy simpler, if two cars are moving in the same direction and one car is moving slowly.than the other, once the fast car overtakes the slow car, it would seem as if the slow car is moving backward in relation to faster car. Same is the case with planets. Earth moves faster then Ju and currently has overtaken Ju thats why currently we see its retrograde (vaakri )movement.

However, in astrology this has significant meaning, a retrograde planet is said to have stronger chestabala, which i will delve into another time.


Coming back to the sample chart that was erected we see Dhanu lagna. At that time constellation dhanu was at horizon. Due to the earths rotation the constellation we see at horizon would constantly change during the 24 hr period. Hence ascendant takes one whole day to go around the chart and come back to the same position. For Mo is 29 days, Sun 365 days, Ma about 1.5, Me 1 yr , Ve 1 yr, Ju 12 yr, Sat 30 yr and Ra and Ke 18 yr.


A little bit about the planets

Sun :- represents the atma, self, soul, power, father, king. It lords the rasi Leo.

Ju - is the teacher of Gods. represent intelligence, judgement, knowledge, teachers, gurus. It lords Dhanu and Meena.

Ve - is the teacher of demons-rules enjoyments represnts enjoyment, lover, wife. It rules vrishaba, tula

Ma- represents the initiative drive and aggression, courage, energy. It rules, mesha and vrischika.

Mo-signifies mind, mother It rules Karkata

Me-governs learning ability, signifies maternal uncles, traders. It rules kanya, and mithuna

Sa -signifes misery, poverty, longevity It rules makar and kumbha

Ra- signifes foreigners, bhoga

Ke signifes mokshsa


Will post about the different houses and few other things in next post




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Dear JLearner,


It's nice that u intend to post a series, pls do that, we will

appreciate if u introduce urself to us too.





Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Jyotish Learner

<jyotishlearner wrote:


> Dear Members,


> I am a jyotish student. To enhance my understanding and knowledge

of jyotishi, i will try to summarize my understanding of basic topics

as i read them along. Learned members please feel free to correct and

guide me. My knowledge is very basic, so i will start of with topics,

which to an advanced reader may be very basic. But i would request

them to atleast give a casual perusal to correct my understanding. I

will take suggestions from beginners if they would be interested in

hearing about a topic that is of interest to them. I can read it up

and post a summary. Please do excuse my grammar and writing skills.

Lastly, for the beginners please do read with caution, as i am

learner myself, hence my understanding may be flawed at times.



> Basics of a chart.


> There are 12 rashis, and 9 planets. Lets first see how a horoscope

looks like. The twelve rashis are:


>     Raasi's                                    Raasi Lord

> 1.  Aries (Mesha)                  Mars

> 2. Taurus (Vrishab)                           Venus

> 3. Gemini (Mithuna)                           Mercury

> 4. Cancer (Karkata)                          Moon

> 5. Leo   (Singha)                                Sun

> 6. Virgo (kanya)                                Mercury

> 7. Libra    (tula)                                 Venus

> 8. Scorpio (vrischika)                            Mars  

> 9. Sagitarius (Dhanu)                          Jupiter

> 10. Capricorn   (makara)                       Saturn   

> 11. Aquarius  (kumbha)                          Saturn

> 12. Pisces  (meena)                              Jupiter

>             Besides the seven grahas two other grahas rahu and ketu

are not physical objects, but points at which the moons orbit

interscts the plane of the earth's orbit around Su.

>       The heavens are divided into 12 raasi's. Starting with Mesha

from 0-30 degree, Vrishaba 30-60 degree, so on upto Meena. When a

person is born the raasi at the horizon forms the ascendant of the

chart, and all the other planets in the raahis at that particular

time create the chart what we call as raashi chart.


> the north indian style raashi chart looks something like this. This

chart is at the time I am writing this email. The top middle box

which says " As " becomes the ascendant of the chart. When we move

counter clockwise from there, the next rashi (second house) is makara

(capricorn) which has Rahu in it, The third house is kumbha with no

grahas in it so on and the twelfth house is vrischika (Scorpio) empty


>                       Rasi                      

> +--------------+

> | \                   /   \                   / |

> |   \      Ra       /       \      8        /   |

> |     \    10     /           \           /     |

> |       \       /      JuR      \       /       |

> |         \   /                   \   /         |

> |  11      x          As           x         7  |

> |         /   \                   /   \         |

> |       /       \      GL       /       \       |

> |     /           \           /           \     |

> |   /               \   9   /               \   |

> | /                   \   /          6       \ |

> |   12                 x          AL           |

> | \                   /   \                   / |

> |   \               /       \               /   |

> |     \           /           \           /     |

> |       \       /       3       \       /  Gk   |

> |         \   /                   \   /     Sa  |

> |  1        x          HL           x  Ve   Ma  |

> |         /   \                   /   \     Md  |

> |       /       \               /       \       |

> |     /           \           / Ke    4  \    5 |

> |   /        2      \       /      Su       \   |

> | /                   \   /     Mo   Me       \ |

> +--------------+




> As you will notice the jupiter in lagna has a R next to it, which

means that its currently in retrograde motion. Sun and Moon the

luminaries do not have a retrogade motion.

>  All the other planets have retrogade motion,  to an observant the

planet would seem to be moving in reverse direction. To make the

analogy simpler, if two cars are moving in the same direction and one

car is moving slowly.than the other, once the fast car overtakes the

slow car, it would seem as if the slow car is moving backward in

relation to faster car. Same is the case with planets. Earth moves

faster then Ju and currently has overtaken Ju thats why currently we

see its retrograde (vaakri )movement.

> However, in astrology this has significant meaning, a retrograde

planet is said to have stronger chestabala, which i will delve into

another time.

> Coming back to the sample chart that was erected we see Dhanu

lagna. At that time constellation dhanu was at horizon. Due to the

earths rotation the constellation we see at horizon would constantly

change during the 24 hr period. Hence ascendant takes one whole day

to go around the chart and come back to the same position. For Mo is

29 days, Sun 365 days, Ma about 1..5, Me 1 yr , Ve 1 yr, Ju 12 yr,

Sat 30 yr and Ra and Ke 18 yr.

> A little bit about the planets

> Sun :- represents the atma, self, soul, power, father, king. It

lords the rasi Leo.

> Ju - is the teacher of Gods. represent intelligence, judgement,

knowledge, teachers, gurus. It lords Dhanu and Meena.

> Ve - is the teacher of demons-rules enjoyments represnts enjoyment,

lover, wife. It rules vrishaba, tula

> Ma- represents the initiative drive and aggression, courage,

energy. It rules, mesha and vrischika.

> Mo-signifies mind, mother It rules Karkata

> Me-governs learning ability, signifies maternal uncles, traders. It

rules kanya, and mithuna

> Sa -signifes misery, poverty, longevity It rules makar and kumbha

> Ra- signifes foreigners, bhoga

> Ke signifes mokshsa

> Will post about the different houses and few other things in next


> Regards

> JLearner


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Guest guest

Dear learner-member,


We are inclined to appreciate your gesture but can't as long as you

don't clarify what you mean by this: " I will take suggestions from

beginners if they would be interested in hearing about a topic that is

of interest to them. " Why is it that you will take from beginners? To

give back to non-beginners? You risk being grossly misunderstood,

friend. If you have queries, post them. Members here will try to answer

them to the best of their ability, which in many cases may be limited,

as different from unlimited.


Stop the dissimulation. There are 100 chances of course correction

before Sudarshan is hurled.





Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Jyotish Learner

<jyotishlearner wrote:


> Dear Members,


> I am a jyotish student. To enhance my understanding and knowledge of

jyotishi, i will try to summarize my understanding of basic topics as i

read them along. Learned members please feel free to correct and guide

me. My knowledge is very basic, so i will start of with topics, which to

an advanced reader may be very basic. But i would request them to

atleast give a casual perusal to correct my understanding. I will take

suggestions from beginners if they would be interested in hearing about

a topic that is of interest to them. I can read it up and post a

summary. Please do excuse my grammar and writing skills. Lastly, for the

beginners please do read with caution, as i am learner myself, hence my

understanding may be flawed at times.



> Basics of a chart.


> There are 12 rashis, and 9 planets. Lets first see how a horoscope

looks like. The twelve rashis are:


> Raasi's Raasi Lord

> 1. Aries (Mesha) Mars

> 2. Taurus (Vrishab) Venus

> 3. Gemini (Mithuna) Mercury

> 4. Cancer (Karkata) Moon

> 5. Leo (Singha) Sun

> 6. Virgo (kanya) Mercury

> 7. Libra (tula) Venus

> 8. Scorpio (vrischika) Mars

> 9. Sagitarius (Dhanu) Jupiter

> 10. Capricorn (makara) Saturn

> 11. Aquarius (kumbha) Saturn

> 12. Pisces (meena) Jupiter

> Besides the seven grahas two other grahas rahu and ketu

are not physical objects, but points at which the moons orbit interscts

the plane of the earth's orbit around Su.

> The heavens are divided into 12 raasi's. Starting with Mesha

from 0-30 degree, Vrishaba 30-60 degree, so on upto Meena. When a person

is born the raasi at the horizon forms the ascendant of the chart, and

all the other planets in the raahis at that particular time create the

chart what we call as raashi chart.


> the north indian style raashi chart looks something like this. This

chart is at the time I am writing this email. The top middle box which

says " As " becomes the ascendant of the chart. When we move counter

clockwise from there, the next rashi (second house) is makara(capricorn)

which has Rahu in it, The third house is kumbha with no grahas in it so

on and the twelfth house is vrischika (Scorpio) empty house.

> Rasi

> +--------------+

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ Ra / \ 8 / |

> | \ 10 / \ / |

> | \ / JuR \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | 11 x As x 7 |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ GL / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ 9 / \ |

> | / \ / 6 \ |

> | 12 x AL |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / 3 \ / Gk |

> | \ / \ / Sa |

> | 1 x HL x Ve Ma |

> | / \ / \ Md |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ / Ke 4 \ 5 |

> | / 2 \ / Su \ |

> | / \ / Mo Me \ |

> +--------------+




> As you will notice the jupiter in lagna has a R next to it, which

means that its currently in retrograde motion. Sun and Moon the

luminaries do not have a retrogade motion.

> All the other planets have retrogade motion, to an observant the

planet would seem to be moving in reverse direction. To make the analogy

simpler, if two cars are moving in the same direction and one car is

moving slowly.than the other, once the fast car overtakes the slow car,

it would seem as if the slow car is moving backward in relation to

faster car. Same is the case with planets. Earth moves faster then Ju

and currently has overtaken Ju thats why currently we see its retrograde

(vaakri )movement.

> However, in astrology this has significant meaning, a retrograde

planet is said to have stronger chestabala, which i will delve into

another time.

> Coming back to the sample chart that was erected we see Dhanu lagna.

At that time constellation dhanu was at horizon. Due to the earths

rotation the constellation we see at horizon would constantly change

during the 24 hr period. Hence ascendant takes one whole day to go

around the chart and come back to the same position. For Mo is 29 days,

Sun 365 days, Ma about 1..5, Me 1 yr , Ve 1 yr, Ju 12 yr, Sat 30 yr and

Ra and Ke 18 yr.

> A little bit about the planets

> Sun :- represents the atma, self, soul, power, father, king. It lords

the rasi Leo.

> Ju - is the teacher of Gods. represent intelligence, judgement,

knowledge, teachers, gurus. It lords Dhanu and Meena.

> Ve - is the teacher of demons-rules enjoyments represnts enjoyment,

lover, wife. It rules vrishaba, tula

> Ma- represents the initiative drive and aggression, courage, energy.

It rules, mesha and vrischika.

> Mo-signifies mind, mother It rules Karkata

> Me-governs learning ability, signifies maternal uncles, traders. It

rules kanya, and mithuna

> Sa -signifes misery, poverty, longevity It rules makar and kumbha

> Ra- signifes foreigners, bhoga

> Ke signifes mokshsa

> Will post about the different houses and few other things in next post

> Regards

> JLearner


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Guest guest

Dear Sir,

I didnt quite understand what you are trying to convey through your email. If you feel that the purpose of my writing is to get personal readings or some other personal agenda then you have got it wrong.

I am genuinely interested in learning the knowledge but to keep myself motivated at times is hard. Hence, I decided to summarize what i read and post it on a group( which i thought would be a good incentive for me to keep me motivated). About taking suggestions only from beginners on topic of discussion, well i can take from anyone.With beginners I assume the topic would be relatively basic and easy for me to read, summarize and write about.

Seniors like you and others can guide us in better understanding of the subject, as it does get confusing and tricky as one progresses in this path.






arkaydash <arkaydashVedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Saturday, August 2, 2008 9:09:18 AM[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart


Dear learner-member,We are inclined to appreciate your gesture but can't as long as youdon't clarify what you mean by this: "I will take suggestions frombeginners if they would be interested in hearing about a topic that isof interest to them." Why is it that you will take from beginners? Togive back to non-beginners? You risk being grossly misunderstood,friend. If you have queries, post them. Members here will try to answerthem to the best of their ability, which in many cases may be limited,as different from unlimited.Stop the dissimulation. There are 100 chances of course correctionbefore Sudarshan is hurled.RKVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, Jyotish Learner<jyotishlearner@ ...> wrote:>> Dear

Members,>> I am a jyotish student. To enhance my understanding and knowledge ofjyotishi, i will try to summarize my understanding of basic topics as iread them along. Learned members please feel free to correct and guideme. My knowledge is very basic, so i will start of with topics, which toan advanced reader may be very basic. But i would request them toatleast give a casual perusal to correct my understanding. I will takesuggestions from beginners if they would be interested in hearing abouta topic that is of interest to them. I can read it up and post asummary. Please do excuse my grammar and writing skills. Lastly, for thebeginners please do read with caution, as i am learner myself, hence myunderstanding may be flawed at times.>>> Basics of a chart.>> There are 12 rashis, and 9 planets. Lets first see how a horoscopelooks like. The twelve rashis

are:>> Raasi's Raasi Lord> 1. Aries (Mesha) Mars> 2. Taurus (Vrishab) Venus> 3. Gemini (Mithuna) Mercury> 4. Cancer (Karkata) Moon> 5. Leo (Singha) Sun> 6. Virgo (kanya) Mercury> 7. Libra (tula) Venus> 8. Scorpio (vrischika) Mars> 9. Sagitarius (Dhanu) Jupiter> 10. Capricorn (makara) Saturn> 11. Aquarius (kumbha) Saturn> 12. Pisces (meena) Jupiter> Besides the seven grahas two other grahas rahu and ketuare not physical objects, but points at which the moons orbit intersctsthe plane of the earth's orbit around Su.> The heavens are divided into 12 raasi's. Starting with Meshafrom 0-30 degree, Vrishaba 30-60 degree, so on upto Meena. When a personis born the raasi at the horizon forms the ascendant of the chart, andall the other planets in the raahis at that particular time create thechart what we call as raashi

chart.>> the north indian style raashi chart looks something like this. Thischart is at the time I am writing this email. The top middle box whichsays "As" becomes the ascendant of the chart. When we move counterclockwise from there, the next rashi (second house) is makara(capricorn)which has Rahu in it, The third house is kumbha with no grahas in it soon and the twelfth house is vrischika (Scorpio) empty house.> Rasi> +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> | \ / \ / |> | \ Ra / \ 8 / |> | \ 10 / \ / |> | \ / JuR \ / |> | \ / \ / |> | 11 x As x 7 |> | / \ / \ |> | / \ GL / \ |> | / \ / \ |> | / \ 9 / \ |> | / \ / 6 \ |> | 12 x AL |> | \ / \ / |> | \ / \ / |> | \ / \ / |> | \ / 3 \ / Gk |> | \ / \ / Sa |> | 1 x HL x Ve Ma |> | / \ / \ Md |> | / \ / \

|> | / \ / Ke 4 \ 5 |> | / 2 \ / Su \ |> | / \ / Mo Me \ |> +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +>>>> As you will notice the jupiter in lagna has a R next to it, whichmeans that its currently in retrograde motion. Sun and Moon theluminaries do not have a retrogade motion.> All the other planets have retrogade motion, to an observant theplanet would seem to be moving in reverse direction. To make the analogysimpler, if two cars are moving in the same direction and one car ismoving slowly.than the other, once the fast car overtakes the slow car,it would seem as if the slow car is moving backward in relation tofaster car. Same is the case with planets. Earth moves faster then Juand currently has overtaken Ju thats why currently we see its retrograde(vaakri )movement.> However, in astrology this has significant meaning, a

retrogradeplanet is said to have stronger chestabala, which i will delve intoanother time.> Coming back to the sample chart that was erected we see Dhanu lagna.At that time constellation dhanu was at horizon. Due to the earthsrotation the constellation we see at horizon would constantly changeduring the 24 hr period. Hence ascendant takes one whole day to goaround the chart and come back to the same position. For Mo is 29 days,Sun 365 days, Ma about 1..5, Me 1 yr , Ve 1 yr, Ju 12 yr, Sat 30 yr andRa and Ke 18 yr.> A little bit about the planets> Sun :- represents the atma, self, soul, power, father, king. It lordsthe rasi Leo.> Ju - is the teacher of Gods. represent intelligence, judgement,knowledge, teachers, gurus. It lords Dhanu and Meena.> Ve - is the teacher of demons-rules enjoyments represnts enjoyment,lover, wife. It rules vrishaba, tula> Ma- represents the

initiative drive and aggression, courage, energy.It rules, mesha and vrischika.> Mo-signifies mind, mother It rules Karkata> Me-governs learning ability, signifies maternal uncles, traders. Itrules kanya, and mithuna> Sa -signifes misery, poverty, longevity It rules makar and kumbha> Ra- signifes foreigners, bhoga> Ke signifes mokshsa> Will post about the different houses and few other things in next post> Regards> JLearner>

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Guest guest

Dear Nilay,


We are a free group where anything good can be posted, ur posts are

most welcome, what confused us is the use of anonymous ID, we are a

group of known genuine people,so there is no need to not to reveal

the indentity, be friendly with us and share what u have with you, we

will help u, any ambiguity creates confusion so was done by ur mail.


Well, u mentioned that u r a student of computer engineering

somewhere in ISA, struggling for a job, why dont u discuss whay this

struggle is coming ur ways, i mean astrologically, did u try to see,

what took u to USA, Dasha and Transit etc and that for a study



Also if u r facing problem in getting a job, send ur CV to me, I have

good contacts worldwide in software industry, I w'd be happy to help

u. u can send ur CV to my gmail id - " mishra.lalit " .







Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Jyotish Learner

<jyotishlearner wrote:


> Dear Sir,

>     I didnt quite understand what you are trying to convey through

your email. If you feel that the purpose of my writing is to get

personal readings or some other personal agenda then you have got it


>     I am genuinely interested in learning the knowledge but to keep

myself motivated at times is hard. Hence, I decided to summarize what

i read and post it on a group( which i thought would be a good

incentive for me to keep me motivated). About taking suggestions only

from beginners on topic of discussion, well i can take from

anyone.With beginners I assume the topic would be relatively basic

and easy for me   to read, summarize and write about.

>     Seniors like you and others can guide us in better

understanding of the subject, as it does get confusing and tricky as

one progresses in this path.

> Regards,

> JLearner





> arkaydash <arkaydash

> Vedic Astrologyandhealing

> Saturday, August 2, 2008 9:09:18 AM

> [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a





> Dear learner-member,


> We are inclined to appreciate your gesture but can't as long as you

> don't clarify what you mean by this: " I will take suggestions from

> beginners if they would be interested in hearing about a topic that


> of interest to them. " Why is it that you will take from beginners?


> give back to non-beginners? You risk being grossly misunderstood,

> friend. If you have queries, post them. Members here will try to


> them to the best of their ability, which in many cases may be


> as different from unlimited.


> Stop the dissimulation. There are 100 chances of course correction

> before Sudarshan is hurled.


> RK


> Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, Jyotish Learner

> <jyotishlearner@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > I am a jyotish student. To enhance my understanding and knowledge


> jyotishi, i will try to summarize my understanding of basic topics

as i

> read them along. Learned members please feel free to correct and


> me. My knowledge is very basic, so i will start of with topics,

which to

> an advanced reader may be very basic. But i would request them to

> atleast give a casual perusal to correct my understanding. I will


> suggestions from beginners if they would be interested in hearing


> a topic that is of interest to them. I can read it up and post a

> summary. Please do excuse my grammar and writing skills. Lastly,

for the

> beginners please do read with caution, as i am learner myself,

hence my

> understanding may be flawed at times.

> >

> >

> > Basics of a chart.

> >

> > There are 12 rashis, and 9 planets. Lets first see how a horoscope

> looks like. The twelve rashis are:

> >

> > Raasi's Raasi Lord

> > 1. Aries (Mesha) Mars

> > 2. Taurus (Vrishab) Venus

> > 3. Gemini (Mithuna) Mercury

> > 4. Cancer (Karkata) Moon

> > 5. Leo (Singha) Sun

> > 6. Virgo (kanya) Mercury

> > 7. Libra (tula) Venus

> > 8. Scorpio (vrischika) Mars

> > 9. Sagitarius (Dhanu) Jupiter

> > 10. Capricorn (makara) Saturn

> > 11. Aquarius (kumbha) Saturn

> > 12. Pisces (meena) Jupiter

> > Besides the seven grahas two other grahas rahu and ketu

> are not physical objects, but points at which the moons orbit


> the plane of the earth's orbit around Su.

> > The heavens are divided into 12 raasi's. Starting with Mesha

> from 0-30 degree, Vrishaba 30-60 degree, so on upto Meena. When a


> is born the raasi at the horizon forms the ascendant of the chart,


> all the other planets in the raahis at that particular time create


> chart what we call as raashi chart.

> >

> > the north indian style raashi chart looks something like this.


> chart is at the time I am writing this email. The top middle box


> says " As " becomes the ascendant of the chart. When we move counter

> clockwise from there, the next rashi (second house) is makara


> which has Rahu in it, The third house is kumbha with no grahas in

it so

> on and the twelfth house is vrischika (Scorpio) empty house.

> > Rasi

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ Ra / \ 8 / |

> > | \ 10 / \ / |

> > | \ / JuR \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | 11 x As x 7 |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / \ GL / \ |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / \ 9 / \ |

> > | / \ / 6 \ |

> > | 12 x AL |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ / 3 \ / Gk |

> > | \ / \ / Sa |

> > | 1 x HL x Ve Ma |

> > | / \ / \ Md |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / \ / Ke 4 \ 5 |

> > | / 2 \ / Su \ |

> > | / \ / Mo Me \ |

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> >

> >

> >

> > As you will notice the jupiter in lagna has a R next to it, which

> means that its currently in retrograde motion. Sun and Moon the

> luminaries do not have a retrogade motion.

> > All the other planets have retrogade motion, to an observant the

> planet would seem to be moving in reverse direction. To make the


> simpler, if two cars are moving in the same direction and one car is

> moving slowly.than the other, once the fast car overtakes the slow


> it would seem as if the slow car is moving backward in relation to

> faster car. Same is the case with planets. Earth moves faster then


> and currently has overtaken Ju thats why currently we see its


> (vaakri )movement.

> > However, in astrology this has significant meaning, a retrograde

> planet is said to have stronger chestabala, which i will delve into

> another time.

> > Coming back to the sample chart that was erected we see Dhanu


> At that time constellation dhanu was at horizon. Due to the earths

> rotation the constellation we see at horizon would constantly change

> during the 24 hr period. Hence ascendant takes one whole day to go

> around the chart and come back to the same position. For Mo is 29


> Sun 365 days, Ma about 1..5, Me 1 yr , Ve 1 yr, Ju 12 yr, Sat 30 yr


> Ra and Ke 18 yr.

> > A little bit about the planets

> > Sun :- represents the atma, self, soul, power, father, king. It


> the rasi Leo.

> > Ju - is the teacher of Gods. represent intelligence, judgement,

> knowledge, teachers, gurus. It lords Dhanu and Meena.

> > Ve - is the teacher of demons-rules enjoyments represnts


> lover, wife. It rules vrishaba, tula

> > Ma- represents the initiative drive and aggression, courage,


> It rules, mesha and vrischika.

> > Mo-signifies mind, mother It rules Karkata

> > Me-governs learning ability, signifies maternal uncles, traders.


> rules kanya, and mithuna

> > Sa -signifes misery, poverty, longevity It rules makar and kumbha

> > Ra- signifes foreigners, bhoga

> > Ke signifes mokshsa

> > Will post about the different houses and few other things in next


> > Regards

> > JLearner

> >


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Dear Lalit,

Looks like all the problem started as I didnt sign off with my name. I guess delving into the

reason why I did that is a waste of space,but in short it had to do more with comfort

rather then viscious intentions.

I will sign off with my name in subsequent emails. Regardig posting what transits took me to US and my struggles, I do have some knowledge of that, but not enough to write it. So I will do that at a later time.






litsol <litsolVedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2008 3:32:04 AM[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart


Dear Nilay,We are a free group where anything good can be posted, ur posts are most welcome, what confused us is the use of anonymous ID, we are a group of known genuine people,so there is no need to not to reveal the indentity, be friendly with us and share what u have with you, we will help u, any ambiguity creates confusion so was done by ur mail.Well, u mentioned that u r a student of computer engineering somewhere in ISA, struggling for a job, why dont u discuss whay this struggle is coming ur ways, i mean astrologically, did u try to see, what took u to USA, Dasha and Transit etc and that for a study purpose.Also if u r facing problem in getting a job, send ur CV to me, I have good contacts worldwide in software industry, I w'd be happy to help u. u can send ur CV to my gmail id - "mishra.lalit@ gmail.com".regards,Lalit.Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Sir,> I didnt quite understand what you are trying to convey through your email. If you feel that the purpose of my writing is to get personal readings or some other personal agenda then you have got it wrong. > I am genuinely interested in learning the knowledge but to keep myself motivated at times is hard. Hence, I decided to summarize what i read and post it on a group( which i thought would be a good incentive for me to keep me motivated). About taking suggestions only

from beginners on topic of discussion, well i can take from anyone.With beginners I assume the topic would be relatively basic and easy for me to read, summarize and write about. > Seniors like you and others can guide us in better understanding of the subject, as it does get confusing and tricky as one progresses in this path.> Regards,> JLearner> > > > > arkaydash <arkaydash@. ..>> Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com> Saturday, August 2, 2008 9:09:18 AM> [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart> > > > Dear learner-member,> > We

are inclined to appreciate your gesture but can't as long as you> don't clarify what you mean by this: "I will take suggestions from> beginners if they would be interested in hearing about a topic that is> of interest to them." Why is it that you will take from beginners? To> give back to non-beginners? You risk being grossly misunderstood,> friend. If you have queries, post them. Members here will try to answer> them to the best of their ability, which in many cases may be limited,> as different from unlimited.> > Stop the dissimulation. There are 100 chances of course correction> before Sudarshan is hurled.> > RK> > Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, Jyotish Learner> <jyotishlearner@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear Members,> >> > I am a

jyotish student. To enhance my understanding and knowledge of> jyotishi, i will try to summarize my understanding of basic topics as i> read them along. Learned members please feel free to correct and guide> me. My knowledge is very basic, so i will start of with topics, which to> an advanced reader may be very basic. But i would request them to> atleast give a casual perusal to correct my understanding. I will take> suggestions from beginners if they would be interested in hearing about> a topic that is of interest to them. I can read it up and post a> summary. Please do excuse my grammar and writing skills. Lastly, for the> beginners please do read with caution, as i am learner myself, hence my> understanding may be flawed at times.> >> >> > Basics of a chart.> >> > There are 12 rashis, and 9 planets.

Lets first see how a horoscope> looks like. The twelve rashis are:> >> > Raasi's Raasi Lord> > 1. Aries (Mesha) Mars> > 2. Taurus (Vrishab) Venus> > 3. Gemini (Mithuna) Mercury> > 4. Cancer (Karkata) Moon> > 5. Leo (Singha) Sun> > 6. Virgo (kanya) Mercury> > 7. Libra (tula) Venus> > 8. Scorpio (vrischika) Mars> > 9. Sagitarius (Dhanu) Jupiter> > 10. Capricorn (makara) Saturn> > 11. Aquarius (kumbha) Saturn> > 12. Pisces (meena) Jupiter> > Besides the seven grahas two other grahas rahu and ketu> are not physical objects, but points at which the moons orbit interscts> the plane of the earth's orbit around Su.> > The heavens are divided into 12 raasi's. Starting with Mesha> from 0-30 degree, Vrishaba 30-60 degree, so on upto Meena. When a person> is born

the raasi at the horizon forms the ascendant of the chart, and> all the other planets in the raahis at that particular time create the> chart what we call as raashi chart.> >> > the north indian style raashi chart looks something like this. This> chart is at the time I am writing this email. The top middle box which> says "As" becomes the ascendant of the chart. When we move counter> clockwise from there, the next rashi (second house) is makara(capricorn)> which has Rahu in it, The third house is kumbha with no grahas in it so> on and the twelfth house is vrischika (Scorpio) empty house.> > Rasi> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ Ra / \ 8 / |> > | \ 10 / \ / |> > | \ / JuR \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | 11 x As x 7 |> > | / \ / \

|> > | / \ GL / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 9 / \ |> > | / \ / 6 \ |> > | 12 x AL |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / 3 \ / Gk |> > | \ / \ / Sa |> > | 1 x HL x Ve Ma |> > | / \ / \ Md |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / Ke 4 \ 5 |> > | / 2 \ / Su \ |> > | / \ / Mo Me \ |> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> >> >> >> > As you will notice the jupiter in lagna has a R next to it, which> means that its currently in retrograde motion. Sun and Moon the> luminaries do not have a retrogade motion.> > All the other planets have retrogade motion, to an observant the> planet would seem to be moving in reverse direction. To make the analogy> simpler, if two cars are moving in the

same direction and one car is> moving slowly.than the other, once the fast car overtakes the slow car,> it would seem as if the slow car is moving backward in relation to> faster car. Same is the case with planets. Earth moves faster then Ju> and currently has overtaken Ju thats why currently we see its retrograde> (vaakri )movement.> > However, in astrology this has significant meaning, a retrograde> planet is said to have stronger chestabala, which i will delve into> another time.> > Coming back to the sample chart that was erected we see Dhanu lagna.> At that time constellation dhanu was at horizon. Due to the earths> rotation the constellation we see at horizon would constantly change> during the 24 hr period. Hence ascendant takes one whole day to go> around the chart and come back to the same position. For Mo is 29 days,> Sun

365 days, Ma about 1..5, Me 1 yr , Ve 1 yr, Ju 12 yr, Sat 30 yr and> Ra and Ke 18 yr.> > A little bit about the planets> > Sun :- represents the atma, self, soul, power, father, king. It lords> the rasi Leo.> > Ju - is the teacher of Gods. represent intelligence, judgement,> knowledge, teachers, gurus. It lords Dhanu and Meena.> > Ve - is the teacher of demons-rules enjoyments represnts enjoyment,> lover, wife. It rules vrishaba, tula> > Ma- represents the initiative drive and aggression, courage, energy.> It rules, mesha and vrischika.> > Mo-signifies mind, mother It rules Karkata> > Me-governs learning ability, signifies maternal uncles, traders. It> rules kanya, and mithuna> > Sa -signifes misery, poverty, longevity It rules makar and kumbha> > Ra- signifes foreigners, bhoga> > Ke signifes

mokshsa> > Will post about the different houses and few other things in next post> > Regards> > JLearner> >>

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Dear Nilay Ji,

wishing to pursue your career in service sector and in abroad,uncertainities have increased with changes in global trades.influnce of computer though increased four folds,cost of services have become very exhorbitant and prohibitive.

Your interest in Astrology is welcomed.Need also to propitate to overcome problems inservice and financial matters.Astrology has lot of scope for you to work.Software development can be good if you can establish as a consulatant and work hard.Incase if you belong to the rasi.ascendant ruled by Venus(Taurus or Libra) you will have good times ahead

Astrology can bring a change in your outlook provided pursuit towrd the subject is honest and sincere.presently if your dasa happens to be jupiter or saturn,you can continue with the subject of science of light.

vrkrishnan--- On Sun, 8/3/08, litsol <litsol wrote:

litsol <litsol[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Sunday, August 3, 2008, 6:32 AM



Dear Nilay,We are a free group where anything good can be posted, ur posts are most welcome, what confused us is the use of anonymous ID, we are a group of known genuine people,so there is no need to not to reveal the indentity, be friendly with us and share what u have with you, we will help u, any ambiguity creates confusion so was done by ur mail.Well, u mentioned that u r a student of computer engineering somewhere in ISA, struggling for a job, why dont u discuss whay this struggle is coming ur ways, i mean astrologically, did u try to see, what took u to USA, Dasha and Transit etc and that for a study purpose.Also if u r facing problem in getting a job, send ur CV to me, I have good contacts worldwide in software industry, I w'd be happy to help u. u can send ur CV to my gmail id - "mishra.lalit@

gmail.com".regards,Lalit.Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Sir,> I didnt quite understand what you are trying to convey through your email. If you feel that the purpose of my writing is to get personal readings or some other personal agenda then you have got it wrong. > I am genuinely interested in learning the knowledge but to keep myself motivated at times is hard. Hence, I decided to summarize what i read and post it on a group( which i thought would be a good incentive for me to keep me motivated). About taking suggestions only from beginners on topic of discussion, well i can take from anyone.With beginners I assume the topic

would be relatively basic and easy for me to read, summarize and write about. > Seniors like you and others can guide us in better understanding of the subject, as it does get confusing and tricky as one progresses in this path.> Regards,> JLearner> > > > > arkaydash <arkaydash@. ..>> Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com> Saturday, August 2, 2008 9:09:18 AM> [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart> > > > Dear learner-member,> > We are inclined to appreciate your gesture but can't as long as you> don't clarify what you mean by this: "I will take suggestions from> beginners if they would be

interested in hearing about a topic that is> of interest to them." Why is it that you will take from beginners? To> give back to non-beginners? You risk being grossly misunderstood,> friend. If you have queries, post them. Members here will try to answer> them to the best of their ability, which in many cases may be limited,> as different from unlimited.> > Stop the dissimulation. There are 100 chances of course correction> before Sudarshan is hurled.> > RK> > Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, Jyotish Learner> <jyotishlearner@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear Members,> >> > I am a jyotish student. To enhance my understanding and knowledge of> jyotishi, i will try to summarize my understanding of basic topics as i> read them along. Learned members please feel free to correct

and guide> me. My knowledge is very basic, so i will start of with topics, which to> an advanced reader may be very basic. But i would request them to> atleast give a casual perusal to correct my understanding. I will take> suggestions from beginners if they would be interested in hearing about> a topic that is of interest to them. I can read it up and post a> summary. Please do excuse my grammar and writing skills. Lastly, for the> beginners please do read with caution, as i am learner myself, hence my> understanding may be flawed at times.> >> >> > Basics of a chart.> >> > There are 12 rashis, and 9 planets. Lets first see how a horoscope> looks like. The twelve rashis are:> >> > Raasi's Raasi Lord> > 1. Aries (Mesha) Mars> > 2. Taurus (Vrishab) Venus> > 3. Gemini

(Mithuna) Mercury> > 4. Cancer (Karkata) Moon> > 5. Leo (Singha) Sun> > 6. Virgo (kanya) Mercury> > 7. Libra (tula) Venus> > 8. Scorpio (vrischika) Mars> > 9. Sagitarius (Dhanu) Jupiter> > 10. Capricorn (makara) Saturn> > 11. Aquarius (kumbha) Saturn> > 12. Pisces (meena) Jupiter> > Besides the seven grahas two other grahas rahu and ketu> are not physical objects, but points at which the moons orbit interscts> the plane of the earth's orbit around Su.> > The heavens are divided into 12 raasi's. Starting with Mesha> from 0-30 degree, Vrishaba 30-60 degree, so on upto Meena. When a person> is born the raasi at the horizon forms the ascendant of the chart, and> all the other planets in the raahis at that particular time create the> chart what we call as raashi chart.> >>

> the north indian style raashi chart looks something like this. This> chart is at the time I am writing this email. The top middle box which> says "As" becomes the ascendant of the chart. When we move counter> clockwise from there, the next rashi (second house) is makara(capricorn)> which has Rahu in it, The third house is kumbha with no grahas in it so> on and the twelfth house is vrischika (Scorpio) empty house.> > Rasi> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ Ra / \ 8 / |> > | \ 10 / \ / |> > | \ / JuR \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | 11 x As x 7 |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ GL / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 9 / \ |> > | / \ / 6 \ |> > | 12 x AL |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |>

> | \ / 3 \ / Gk |> > | \ / \ / Sa |> > | 1 x HL x Ve Ma |> > | / \ / \ Md |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / Ke 4 \ 5 |> > | / 2 \ / Su \ |> > | / \ / Mo Me \ |> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> >> >> >> > As you will notice the jupiter in lagna has a R next to it, which> means that its currently in retrograde motion. Sun and Moon the> luminaries do not have a retrogade motion.> > All the other planets have retrogade motion, to an observant the> planet would seem to be moving in reverse direction. To make the analogy> simpler, if two cars are moving in the same direction and one car is> moving slowly.than the other, once the fast car overtakes the slow car,> it would seem as if the slow car is moving backward in relation to> faster car. Same is the

case with planets. Earth moves faster then Ju> and currently has overtaken Ju thats why currently we see its retrograde> (vaakri )movement.> > However, in astrology this has significant meaning, a retrograde> planet is said to have stronger chestabala, which i will delve into> another time.> > Coming back to the sample chart that was erected we see Dhanu lagna.> At that time constellation dhanu was at horizon. Due to the earths> rotation the constellation we see at horizon would constantly change> during the 24 hr period. Hence ascendant takes one whole day to go> around the chart and come back to the same position. For Mo is 29 days,> Sun 365 days, Ma about 1..5, Me 1 yr , Ve 1 yr, Ju 12 yr, Sat 30 yr and> Ra and Ke 18 yr.> > A little bit about the planets> > Sun :- represents the atma, self, soul, power, father, king. It

lords> the rasi Leo.> > Ju - is the teacher of Gods. represent intelligence, judgement,> knowledge, teachers, gurus. It lords Dhanu and Meena.> > Ve - is the teacher of demons-rules enjoyments represnts enjoyment,> lover, wife. It rules vrishaba, tula> > Ma- represents the initiative drive and aggression, courage, energy.> It rules, mesha and vrischika.> > Mo-signifies mind, mother It rules Karkata> > Me-governs learning ability, signifies maternal uncles, traders. It> rules kanya, and mithuna> > Sa -signifes misery, poverty, longevity It rules makar and kumbha> > Ra- signifes foreigners, bhoga> > Ke signifes mokshsa> > Will post about the different houses and few other things in next post> > Regards> > JLearner> >>

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Dear Vkrishnan ji,


I am both younger in age and knowledge, so please just call me Neelay. I am not running Jupiter or Saturn dasa, nor do I have rasi ascendant lorded by Venus. My navamsa ascendat of tula is lorded by Venus, but I am not sure if that counts.


My interest in astrology started in Ketu MD and Mercury AD, which was around May 2005 and it lasted till end of Ketu mahadasa. Beginning Venus MD from 2006 August, I slowly started losing interest in astrology. Its just been past couple of weeks that I have rekindled my interest and I am still in Venus MD Venus AD. I am not sure how long I will be able to sustain the interest.


Someone mentioned, or I read somewhere that end of Ketu dasa generally makes one spirtual or interested in such activities. I guess that might have triggered my interest, the first time around. I am not sure how good the current dasa of Ve MD Ve Ad is for learning, or maintaining the mometum for learning astrology. eight house is generally checked for learning occult sciences. My Dasa lord Venus is placed in eight house in Mithuna raasi.



Besides this I have,debilitated badhakesh moon in lagna which is also ninth house lord.

Rahu as Atmakaraka in 10 house

Ju in 10th house in Leo

I guess these combinations might help me in keeping the momentum. I may be totally wrong so please do correct me.

















Dear Nilay Ji,

wishing to pursue your career in service sector and in abroad,uncertainiti es have increased with changes in global trades.influnce of computer though increased four folds,cost of services have become very exhorbitant and prohibitive.

Your interest in Astrology is welcomed.Need also to propitate to overcome problems inservice and financial matters.Astrology has lot of scope for you to work.Software development can be good if you can establish as a consulatant and work hard.Incase if you belong to the rasi.ascendant ruled by Venus(Taurus or Libra) you will have good times ahead

Astrology can bring a change in your outlook provided pursuit towrd the subject is honest and sincere.presently if your dasa happens to be jupiter or saturn,you can continue with the subject of science of light.


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Dear Neelay,


It's nice that presently you have momentum in learning Astrology.

As you told that you are running Venus-Venus dasha, so I expect that you would have interest in Astrology at least for this period (3year and 4 months from the starting of the Venus-Venus dasha).

Your Venus is in 8th house and generally Venus gives good results in 8th house. Its placement in Mithun rashi is also favourable. So I think Venus is good for your chart.


But here I don't know the aspects of different planets on Venus. So please provide us your full horoscope details for exact analysis.


If aspects of planets on Venus is also supportive, the full span of Venus Mahadasha (20 years) might be favourable for your learning.


Let's hope for the best...


Thanks and Regards,




"Kuchh Sapanon Ke Mar Jaane Se, Jeevan Nahin Maraa Karataa Hai"




--- On Tue, 5/8/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearnerRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Tuesday, 5 August, 2008, 11:06 AM






Dear Vkrishnan ji,


I am both younger in age and knowledge, so please just call me Neelay. I am not running Jupiter or Saturn dasa, nor do I have rasi ascendant lorded by Venus. My navamsa ascendat of tula is lorded by Venus, but I am not sure if that counts.


My interest in astrology started in Ketu MD and Mercury AD, which was around May 2005 and it lasted till end of Ketu mahadasa. Beginning Venus MD from 2006 August, I slowly started losing interest in astrology. Its just been past couple of weeks that I have rekindled my interest and I am still in Venus MD Venus AD. I am not sure how long I will be able to sustain the interest.


Someone mentioned, or I read somewhere that end of Ketu dasa generally makes one spirtual or interested in such activities. I guess that might have triggered my interest, the first time around. I am not sure how good the current dasa of Ve MD Ve Ad is for learning, or maintaining the mometum for learning astrology. eight house is generally checked for learning occult sciences. My Dasa lord Venus is placed in eight house in Mithuna raasi.



Besides this I have,debilitated badhakesh moon in lagna which is also ninth house lord.

Rahu as Atmakaraka in 10 house

Ju in 10th house in Leo

I guess these combinations might help me in keeping the momentum. I may be totally wrong so please do correct me.

















Dear Nilay Ji,

wishing to pursue your career in service sector and in abroad,uncertainiti es have increased with changes in global trades.influnce of computer though increased four folds,cost of services have become very exhorbitant and prohibitive.

Your interest in Astrology is welcomed.Need also to propitate to overcome problems inservice and financial matters.Astrology has lot of scope for you to work.Software development can be good if you can establish as a consulatant and work hard.Incase if you belong to the rasi.ascendant ruled by Venus(Taurus or Libra) you will have good times ahead

Astrology can bring a change in your outlook provided pursuit towrd the subject is honest and sincere..presently if your dasa happens to be jupiter or saturn,you can continue with the subject of science of light.


Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

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Dear Stranger,


Better if u give ur real birth data and contact details, where in US

what u r doing.






Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Jyotish Learner

<jyotishlearner wrote:


> Dear Vkrishnan ji,


> I am both younger in age and knowledge, so please just call me

Neelay. I am not running Jupiter or Saturn dasa, nor do I have rasi

ascendant lorded by Venus. My navamsa ascendat of tula is lorded by

Venus, but I am not sure if that counts.



> My interest in astrology started in Ketu MD and Mercury AD, which

was around May 2005 and it lasted till end of Ketu mahadasa.

Beginning Venus MD from 2006 August, I slowly started losing

interest in astrology. Its just been past couple of weeks that I

have rekindled my interest and I am still in Venus MD Venus AD. I am

not sure how long I will be able to sustain the interest.


> Someone mentioned, or I read somewhere that end of Ketu dasa

generally makes one spirtual or interested in such activities. I

guess that might have triggered my interest, the first time around.

I am not sure how good the current dasa of Ve MD Ve Ad is for

learning, or maintaining the mometum for learning astrology.   eight

house is generally checked for learning occult sciences.  My Dasa

lord Venus is placed in eight house in Mithuna raasi.


> Besides this I have,debilitated badhakesh moon in lagna which is

also ninth house lord.

> Rahu as Atmakaraka in 10 house

> Ju in 10th house in Leo

>  I guess these combinations might help me in keeping the momentum.

I may be totally wrong so please do correct me.




> Regards,

> Neelay









> Dear Nilay Ji,

> wishing to pursue your career in service sector and in

abroad,uncertainiti es have increased with changes in global

trades.influnce of computer though increased four folds,cost of

services have become very exhorbitant and prohibitive.

> Your interest in Astrology is welcomed.Need also to propitate to

overcome problems inservice and financial matters.Astrology has lot 

of scope for you to work.Software development can be good if you can

establish as a consulatant and work hard.Incase if you belong to the

rasi.ascendant ruled by Venus(Taurus or Libra) you will have good

times ahead

> Astrology can bring a change in your outlook provided pursuit

towrd the subject is honest and sincere.presently if your dasa

happens to be jupiter or saturn,you can continue with the subject of

science of light.

> vrkrishnan


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Dear Lalit,Why call me Stranger, when I have said my name is Neelay. In my brief intro i have mentioned what I do and where I live. Would giving my home address make me less of a stranger ??. As I have said many times, I had nothing to hide, I just felt comfortable for learning purpose to adopt an anonymous name. I have a very shy nature, with my name attached I feel it I would do injustice by asking inadequate questions. Now that I have given my birthdata, could you please elaborate, the reason for my shyness. My birth data is as following. May 2, 198020:30 Nainital, UttaranchalRegards,Neelay Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||

\ / Mo \ / || \ / \ / ||Md Gk x As x

|| / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / AL \ 8 / Ju \ || / \

/ \ || Ke x Ra Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \

/ \ / || \ / \ / || x GL x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ ||

/ \ / \ || / Su \ / Ve \ || / Me \ / \


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hai !


So you have commenced Venus dasa exactly an year back.Is it?In navamsa your lagna lord venus is in ketu aspected by jupiter from 9th.Venus

In lagna chart 7th and 12 lord in 6th in mrigasira nakshtra with no malefic aspects but in 8th

in airy sign of gemini lorded by mercury.Moon in Anuradha nakshtra of saturn,lord of 3rd and 4th/10th houses have come in Rahu-Ketu axis.

As I siad in my intro mail these are enough signs to know about you and problems being face by you in distant lands.

My only advice to you is take care of elders and your seniors in profession to over come issues in your job and settle down to have a lucrative prospects in future


--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearnerRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:12 PM





Dear Lalit,Why call me Stranger, when I have said my name is Neelay. In my brief intro i have mentioned what I do and where I live. Would giving my home address make me less of a stranger ??. As I have said many times, I had nothing to hide, I just felt comfortable for learning purpose to adopt an anonymous name. I have a very shy nature, with my name attached I feel it I would do injustice by asking inadequate questions. Now that I have given my birthdata, could you please elaborate, the reason for my shyness. My birth data is as following. May 2, 198020:30 Nainital, UttaranchalRegards,Neelay

Rasi +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +| \ / \ / ||

\ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo

\ / || \ / \ / ||Md Gk x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / AL \ 8 / Ju \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ra Ma || \ / \ / ||

\ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / || x GL x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Su \ / Ve \ || / Me \ / \ |+----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

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Dear Vkrishnan ji,Let me first correct you I am not Mr. I am a female. But that's okay, I guess Neelay is generally a boys name, but my parents thought otherwise. My Venus dasa started 2 yrs back in 2006. Regards,Neelayvattem krishnan <bursar_99Vedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:43:16 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a

chart hai !Mr.Neelay!So you have commenced Venus dasa exactly an year back.Is it?In navamsa your lagna lord venus is in ketu aspected by jupiter from 9th.Venus In lagna chart 7th and 12 lord in 6th in mrigasira nakshtra with no malefic aspects but in 8thin airy sign of gemini lorded by mercury.Moon in Anuradha nakshtra of saturn,lord of 3rd and 4th/10th houses have come in

Rahu-Ketu axis.As I siad in my intro mail these are enough signs to know about you and problems being face by you in distant lands.My only advice to you is take care of elders and your seniors in profession to over come issues in your job and settle down to have a lucrative prospects in futurevrkrishnan--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:12 PMDear Lalit,Why call me Stranger, when I have said my name is Neelay. In my brief intro i have mentioned what I do and where I live. Would giving my home address make me less of a stranger ??. As I have said many times, I had nothing to hide, I just felt comfortable for learning purpose to adopt an anonymous name. I have a very shy nature, with my name attached I feel it I would do injustice by asking inadequate questions. Now that I have given my birthdata, could you please elaborate, the reason for my shyness. My birth data is as following. May 2, 198020:30 Nainital, UttaranchalRegards,Neelay

Rasi +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +| \ / \ / ||

\ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo

\ / || \ / \ / ||Md Gk x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / AL \ 8 / Ju \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ra Ma || \ / \ / ||

\ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / || x GL x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Su \ / Ve \ || / Me \ / \ |+----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

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Had you not corrected I would have taken you as Mr Neelay.wondering now how venu-mercury relationships would material.I feel the data will serve some of us for further analysis astrologically


vrkishnan--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearnerRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 2:03 PM





Dear Vkrishnan ji,Let me first correct you I am not Mr. I am a female. But that's okay, I guess Neelay is generally a boys name, but my parents thought otherwise. My Venus dasa started 2 yrs back in 2006. Regards,Neelay


vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008 10:43:16 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







hai !


So you have commenced Venus dasa exactly an year back.Is it?In navamsa your lagna lord venus is in ketu aspected by jupiter from 9th.Venus

In lagna chart 7th and 12 lord in 6th in mrigasira nakshtra with no malefic aspects but in 8th

in airy sign of gemini lorded by mercury.Moon in Anuradha nakshtra of saturn,lord of 3rd and 4th/10th houses have come in Rahu-Ketu axis.

As I siad in my intro mail these are enough signs to know about you and problems being face by you in distant lands.

My only advice to you is take care of elders and your seniors in profession to over come issues in your job and settle down to have a lucrative prospects in future


--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:12 PM





Dear Lalit,Why call me Stranger, when I have said my name is Neelay. In my brief intro i have mentioned what I do and where I live. Would giving my home address make me less of a stranger ??. As I have said many times, I had nothing to hide, I just felt comfortable for learning purpose to adopt an anonymous name. I have a very shy nature, with my name attached I feel it I would do injustice by asking inadequate questions. Now that I have given my birthdata, could you please elaborate, the reason for my shyness. My birth data is as following. May 2, 198020:30 Nainital, UttaranchalRegards,Neelay

Rasi +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +| \ / \ / ||

\ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo

\ / || \ / \ / ||Md Gk x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / AL \ 8 / Ju \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ra Ma || \ / \ / ||

\ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / || x GL x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Su \ / Ve \ || / Me \ / \ |+----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

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Guest guest

Dear Vkrishnan ji,


Just curious why my being a female changes the meaning of

Venus in Mithuna in eighth house.





vattem krishnan <bursar_99Vedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:18:09 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







Had you not corrected I would have taken you as Mr Neelay.wondering now how venu-mercury relationships would material.I feel the data will serve some of us for further analysis astrologically


vrkishnan--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 2:03 PM





Dear Vkrishnan ji,Let me first correct you I am not Mr. I am a female. But that's okay, I guess Neelay is generally a boys name, but my parents thought otherwise. My Venus dasa started 2 yrs back in 2006. Regards,Neelay


vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008 10:43:16 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







hai !


So you have commenced Venus dasa exactly an year back.Is it?In navamsa your lagna lord venus is in ketu aspected by jupiter from 9th.Venus

In lagna chart 7th and 12 lord in 6th in mrigasira nakshtra with no malefic aspects but in 8th

in airy sign of gemini lorded by mercury.Moon in Anuradha nakshtra of saturn,lord of 3rd and 4th/10th houses have come in Rahu-Ketu axis.

As I siad in my intro mail these are enough signs to know about you and problems being face by you in distant lands.

My only advice to you is take care of elders and your seniors in profession to over come issues in your job and settle down to have a lucrative prospects in future


--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:12 PM





Dear Lalit,Why call me Stranger, when I have said my name is Neelay. In my brief intro i have mentioned what I do and where I live. Would giving my home address make me less of a stranger ??. As I have said many times, I had nothing to hide, I just felt comfortable for learning purpose to adopt an anonymous name. I have a very shy nature, with my name attached I feel it I would do injustice by asking inadequate questions. Now that I have given my birthdata, could you please elaborate, the reason for my shyness. My birth data is as following. May 2, 198020:30 Nainital, UttaranchalRegards,Neelay

Rasi +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +| \ / \ / ||

\ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo

\ / || \ / \ / ||Md Gk x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / AL \ 8 / Ju \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ra Ma || \ / \ / ||

\ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / || x GL x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Su \ / Ve \ || / Me \ / \ |+----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

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Nelay ji,

As you know Astrology has always dealt female horoscopy has been considered as distinct form from the conventional studies.8th is very significant for female as it is 2nd to 7th in bhavat bhavam.

Also Venus is considered as a planet that signifies spouse for male members.where as jupiter i studied for females.

Normally position of Venus in 8th is considered as a benific to do good for female from spouse point of view.

The sign represented by Gemini is airy sign and the palnetary relation ship with venus is not considered as auspicious.

Also the sign gemini is represented by Mrigasira,Aridra and punrvasu with Mars,rahu and jupiter a lords of these Nakshtra.

Mars and venus along with sign of mercury do not have proper palnetary relationships

vrkrishnan--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearnerRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 3:08 PM





Dear Vkrishnan ji,


Just curious why my being a female changes the meaning of

Venus in Mithuna in eighth house.





vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008 11:18:09 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







Had you not corrected I would have taken you as Mr Neelay.wondering now how venu-mercury relationships would material.I feel the data will serve some of us for further analysis astrologically


vrkishnan--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 2:03 PM





Dear Vkrishnan ji,Let me first correct you I am not Mr. I am a female. But that's okay, I guess Neelay is generally a boys name, but my parents thought otherwise. My Venus dasa started 2 yrs back in 2006. Regards,Neelay


vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008 10:43:16 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







hai !


So you have commenced Venus dasa exactly an year back.Is it?In navamsa your lagna lord venus is in ketu aspected by jupiter from 9th.Venus

In lagna chart 7th and 12 lord in 6th in mrigasira nakshtra with no malefic aspects but in 8th

in airy sign of gemini lorded by mercury.Moon in Anuradha nakshtra of saturn,lord of 3rd and 4th/10th houses have come in Rahu-Ketu axis.

As I siad in my intro mail these are enough signs to know about you and problems being face by you in distant lands.

My only advice to you is take care of elders and your seniors in profession to over come issues in your job and settle down to have a lucrative prospects in future


--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:12 PM





Dear Lalit,Why call me Stranger, when I have said my name is Neelay. In my brief intro i have mentioned what I do and where I live. Would giving my home address make me less of a stranger ??. As I have said many times, I had nothing to hide, I just felt comfortable for learning purpose to adopt an anonymous name. I have a very shy nature, with my name attached I feel it I would do injustice by asking inadequate questions. Now that I have given my birthdata, could you please elaborate, the reason for my shyness. My birth data is as following. May 2, 198020:30 Nainital, UttaranchalRegards,Neelay

Rasi +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +| \ / \ / ||

\ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo

\ / || \ / \ / ||Md Gk x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / AL \ 8 / Ju \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ra Ma || \ / \ / ||

\ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / || x GL x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Su \ / Ve \ || / Me \ / \ |+----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

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Dear Sir,

Thank you for your time in explaining it.




vattem krishnan <bursar_99Vedic Astrologyandhealing Sent: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:40:18 PMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







Nelay ji,

As you know Astrology has always dealt female horoscopy has been considered as distinct form from the conventional studies.8th is very significant for female as it is 2nd to 7th in bhavat bhavam.

Also Venus is considered as a planet that signifies spouse for male members.where as jupiter i studied for females.

Normally position of Venus in 8th is considered as a benific to do good for female from spouse point of view.

The sign represented by Gemini is airy sign and the palnetary relation ship with venus is not considered as auspicious.

Also the sign gemini is represented by Mrigasira,Aridra and punrvasu with Mars,rahu and jupiter a lords of these Nakshtra.

Mars and venus along with sign of mercury do not have proper palnetary relationships

vrkrishnan--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 3:08 PM





Dear Vkrishnan ji,


Just curious why my being a female changes the meaning of

Venus in Mithuna in eighth house.





vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008 11:18:09 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







Had you not corrected I would have taken you as Mr Neelay.wondering now how venu-mercury relationships would material.I feel the data will serve some of us for further analysis astrologically


vrkishnan--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 2:03 PM





Dear Vkrishnan ji,Let me first correct you I am not Mr. I am a female. But that's okay, I guess Neelay is generally a boys name, but my parents thought otherwise. My Venus dasa started 2 yrs back in 2006. Regards,Neelay


vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008 10:43:16 AMRe: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chart







hai !


So you have commenced Venus dasa exactly an year back.Is it?In navamsa your lagna lord venus is in ketu aspected by jupiter from 9th.Venus

In lagna chart 7th and 12 lord in 6th in mrigasira nakshtra with no malefic aspects but in 8th

in airy sign of gemini lorded by mercury.Moon in Anuradha nakshtra of saturn,lord of 3rd and 4th/10th houses have come in Rahu-Ketu axis.

As I siad in my intro mail these are enough signs to know about you and problems being face by you in distant lands.

My only advice to you is take care of elders and your seniors in profession to over come issues in your job and settle down to have a lucrative prospects in future


--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ > wrote:

Jyotish Learner <jyotishlearner@ >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Astrology 101--basics of a chartVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:12 PM





Dear Lalit,Why call me Stranger, when I have said my name is Neelay. In my brief intro i have mentioned what I do and where I live. Would giving my home address make me less of a stranger ??. As I have said many times, I had nothing to hide, I just felt comfortable for learning purpose to adopt an anonymous name. I have a very shy nature, with my name attached I feel it I would do injustice by asking inadequate questions. Now that I have given my birthdata, could you please elaborate, the reason for my shyness. My birth data is as following. May 2, 198020:30 Nainital, UttaranchalRegards,Neelay

Rasi +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +| \ / \ / ||

\ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo

\ / || \ / \ / ||Md Gk x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / AL \ 8 / Ju \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ra Ma || \ / \ / ||

\ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / || x GL x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Su \ / Ve \ || / Me \ / \ |+----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

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