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How to Match Charts for Marriage - Astrological Magazine

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How to Match Charts for Marriage?




by Govinda Gopala Sinha Two young people, a man and a woman with totally different natures, tastes, appearances and physical aptitude, commence domestic life at an auspicious moment through a colourful ceremony called marriage. The hope is implied that two hearts will ring in unison in their times of weal and woe. The marriage-bond is not only a bond between a young man and woman for fulfillment of worldly needs, but the interviewing of two souls to attain the mission of life. Unfortunately, if the union is not in tune, the two hearts fail to mingle with each other, the musical note that emitted from the string of the hearts at the time of the wedding becomes discordant and the union is of no avail. Life turns into an arid desert becoming unbearable and ultimately leading to divorce or suicide. Marriage indeed opens an important chapter of life. That is why the guardians of the prospective bridegroom and bride are eager to know whether the marriage life of their loved ones will be happy or not before finalizing it. Astrology, here, has an important part to play through matrimonial matching. In olden days, matrimonial matching or Jataka Vichara was a must before any marriage. That is why discontent and unfortunate happenings in conjugal life were not so common then as they are now-a-days. Matrimonial matching is based on certain basic principles of Astrology. 1. Matching of Mental Faculty Harmony of mind between the husband and wife is a must for a happy marriage. Emotion, sympathy, love, dutifulness and taste are some of the functions of mind. Mutual adjustment to these qualities brings peace into life. The Moon rules over the mind. Naturally in both the horoscopes of the bridegroom and the bride, the position of the Moon, influence of other planets on the Moon and the relationship of the Moon with Ascendant (Lagna) and the lord of Ascendant is to be ascertained. If one's Moon is situated in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th place from the Moon of the other,there will be good understanding between them. If the Moon is conjoined with Jupiter, the native will be magnanimous and sober. The Moon conjoined with Venus gives taste for arts, music and the native pursues the prevailing customs of the society. If the Moon is conjoined with the Sun, the native will be very dignified and always keen on prestige and honour. If the Moon is conjoined with Saturn, the native will always remain in fear apprehending that everybody is trying to harm him. If the Moon is conjoined with Mars, the native is courageous and spirited. He has a tendency to do everything very quickly. If there is conjunction between the Moon and Rahu, the native will long for leadership and be reckless in every sphere of life. If the Moon is conjoined with Mercury, the native will be very intelligent. The Lagna reveals the inherent nature of the native. Concord of mind is often found in the following cases: (1) Lagna of the bridegroom is the Moon-sign (Rasi) of bride and vice versa. (2) Lagna of the bride is in the 7th from the Rasi (Moon-sign) of bridegroom. (3) Both the bridegroom and bride have same Lagna. (4) Lords of Rasi of both the bridegroom and bride are the same or natural friends. Lord of Lagna or both bridegroom and bride are the same or natural friends. (5) The Lagna of the bride is in the 7th from the Lagna of the bridegroom. Matching of Personality The Sun controls the personality of a person. If the Sun of one is situated in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th or the 11th position from the Sun of the other in the birth chart, the personalities of the two will be harmonious. Ashtakuta System of Matching Ashtakuta is comprised of (i) Varna, (ii) Vasya, (iii) Tara, (iv) Yoni, (v) Grahamaitri, (vi) Gana, (vii) Rasi, (viii) Nadi-vedha. Mental adjustment is judged from Rasi, Varna, Vasya, Tara and Grahamaitri. Harmony in sexual union is judged from Yoni while health from Nadi-vedha. A definite score has been allotted to each of the items. The maximum is 36. If the Ashtakuta score is below 18, the marriage proposal is rejected outright; between 18 to 20 the marriage proposal may be approved; between 21 to 25 the marriage will be good, and between 26 to 36 the marriage will be happy and joyous. Judgement of Bhavas During discussion of harmony between the prospective bridegroom and bride, we have to judge four bhavas – the 4th, the 7th, the 8th and the 12th. From the 4th Bhava we come to know about domestic or personal life. We can also find out the environment in which he/she has been brought up or the environment he/she likes. It is good to marry persons from similar environments. The 4th Bhava denotes broad outlook, the temperament, compassion, co-operation of the life partner. Disposition of benevolent Jupiter and Venus in this Bhava bestows one with happy, cheerful life. On the other hand, evil planets in this Bhava make life bitter. A clear picture regarding wedded life can be had from the 7th Bhava. This Bhava indicates whether there will be an equilibrium on the whole on all affairs. If the lord of this house occupies a good Bhava being conjoined with or aspected by beneficial planets, conjugal life will be delightful. But if evil planets are present in it or afflict it otherwise or if the lord of the 7th Bhava is in a dusthana (i.e. 6th, 8th or 12th), the life-partners will not like each other and married life will be a curse for them. The 8th Bhava denotes reproductive organs. It is also termed as the house of separation. If any evil planet occupies the 8th Bhava or aspects it, various kinds of problems will come in the way of having peace and pleasure. From the 12th Bhava we come to know sayanasukha or conjugal life. This is a very important aspect of life. If Rahu and Mars are in the 12th Bhava, the native is reckless in this regard. If Rahu or Mars or both conjoin with Venus in the 12th Bhava, conjugal life becomes dull and full of disturbance. On the other hand, if Jupiter or Saturn or Mercury is in the 12th Bhava, the native will be indifferent to conjugal life so that his/her companion will feel disgusted with him or her. Influence of Good or Evil Planets It is essential to find out which good or evil planets of either the bridegroom or the bride influence the other's. It is obvious that after marriage good results can be achieved from the matter included in a Bhava where the beneficial influence of a good planet falls. Similarly, the influence of an evil planet may cause degradation to the other. Bhauma Dosha Disposition of malicious Mars in any of the Bhavas—Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th in a birth chart—causes Bhauma Dosha. If such Bhauma Dosha exists in bridegroom's chart, he will lose his wife. Likewise, if it be a case of bride, she will become a widow. Factors that balance Bhauma Dosha are: (i) If Mars is in exalted position or moola trikona or own house or in a favourable house conjoined with or aspected by lords of kendra (quadrant) or kona (trine) (ii) Jupiter or Venus being strong and unafflicted by evil planets, occupy a kendra or kona or auspicious Moon is in the 7th Bhava; (iii) Mars for Cancer, Leo, Pisces and Sagittarius Lagna being auspicious, Bhauma Dosha for these Lagnas is not so harmful. Only it may tell upon health. (vi) If Bhauma Dosha persists in the horoscopes of both bridegroom and bride, then the Dosha of one annuls the Dosha of the other. It is often seen that the place where the lord of 7th Bhava falls or where the lord of the 7th is exalted or debilitated in the birth chart of either the bridegroom or bride, becomes birth Rasi or Lagna of the other. Giving due respect to the proverb "marriages are made in heaven" the guardians of the bridegroom or bride should consult an experienced astrologer for matching the horoscope of the life-partner before finalizing a match. If this is done, I think, many untoward incidents that couples face, can be avoided to a great extent. (Courtesy: The Astrological Magazine, March, 1990)

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Guest guest

Dear Lalit Sir,


A very good article.


Thanks and Regards,


"Kuchh Sapanon Ke Mar Jaane Se, Jeevan Nahin Maraa Karataa Hai"




--- On Fri, 8/8/08, litsol <litsol wrote:

litsol <litsol[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] How to Match Charts for Marriage - Astrological MagazineVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Friday, 8 August, 2008, 8:08 PM




How to Match Charts for Marriage?




by Govinda Gopala Sinha Two young people, a man and a woman with totally different natures, tastes, appearances and physical aptitude, commence domestic life at an auspicious moment through a colourful ceremony called marriage. The hope is implied that two hearts will ring in unison in their times of weal and woe. The marriage-bond is not only a bond between a young man and woman for fulfillment of worldly needs, but the interviewing of two souls to attain the mission of life. Unfortunately, if the union is not in tune, the two hearts fail to mingle with each other, the musical note that emitted from the string of the hearts at the time of the wedding becomes discordant and the union is of no avail. Life turns into an arid desert becoming unbearable and ultimately leading to divorce or suicide. Marriage indeed opens an important chapter of life. That is why the

guardians of the prospective bridegroom and bride are eager to know whether the marriage life of their loved ones will be happy or not before finalizing it. Astrology, here, has an important part to play through matrimonial matching. In olden days, matrimonial matching or Jataka Vichara was a must before any marriage. That is why discontent and unfortunate happenings in conjugal life were not so common then as they are now-a-days. Matrimonial matching is based on certain basic principles of Astrology. 1. Matching of Mental Faculty Harmony of mind between the husband and wife is a must for a happy marriage. Emotion, sympathy, love, dutifulness and taste are some of the functions of mind. Mutual adjustment to these qualities brings peace into life. The Moon rules over the mind. Naturally in both the horoscopes of the bridegroom and the bride, the position

of the Moon, influence of other planets on the Moon and the relationship of the Moon with Ascendant (Lagna) and the lord of Ascendant is to be ascertained. If one's Moon is situated in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th place from the Moon of the other,there will be good understanding between them. If the Moon is conjoined with Jupiter, the native will be magnanimous and sober. The Moon conjoined with Venus gives taste for arts, music and the native pursues the prevailing customs of the society. If the Moon is conjoined with the Sun, the native will be very dignified and always keen on prestige and honour. If the Moon is conjoined with Saturn, the native will always remain in fear apprehending that everybody is trying to harm him. If the Moon is conjoined with Mars, the native is courageous and spirited. He has a tendency to do everything very quickly. If there is conjunction between the Moon and Rahu, the native will long for leadership and be

reckless in every sphere of life. If the Moon is conjoined with Mercury, the native will be very intelligent. The Lagna reveals the inherent nature of the native. Concord of mind is often found in the following cases: (1) Lagna of the bridegroom is the Moon-sign (Rasi) of bride and vice versa. (2) Lagna of the bride is in the 7th from the Rasi (Moon-sign) of bridegroom. (3) Both the bridegroom and bride have same Lagna. (4) Lords of Rasi of both the bridegroom and bride are the same or natural friends. Lord of Lagna or both bridegroom and bride are the same or natural friends. (5) The Lagna of the bride is in the 7th from the Lagna of the bridegroom. Matching of Personality

The Sun controls the personality of a person. If the Sun of one is situated in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th or the 11th position from the Sun of the other in the birth chart, the personalities of the two will be harmonious. Ashtakuta System of Matching Ashtakuta is comprised of (i) Varna, (ii) Vasya, (iii) Tara, (iv) Yoni, (v) Grahamaitri, (vi) Gana, (vii) Rasi, (viii) Nadi-vedha. Mental adjustment is judged from Rasi, Varna, Vasya, Tara and Grahamaitri. Harmony in sexual union is judged from Yoni while health from Nadi-vedha. A definite score has been allotted to each of the items. The maximum is 36. If the Ashtakuta score is below 18, the marriage proposal is rejected outright; between 18 to 20 the marriage proposal may be approved; between 21 to 25 the marriage will be good, and between 26 to 36 the marriage will be happy and joyous. Judgement of

Bhavas During discussion of harmony between the prospective bridegroom and bride, we have to judge four bhavas – the 4th, the 7th, the 8th and the 12th. From the 4th Bhava we come to know about domestic or personal life. We can also find out the environment in which he/she has been brought up or the environment he/she likes. It is good to marry persons from similar environments. The 4th Bhava denotes broad outlook, the temperament, compassion, co-operation of the life partner. Disposition of benevolent Jupiter and Venus in this Bhava bestows one with happy, cheerful life. On the other hand, evil planets in this Bhava make life bitter. A clear picture regarding wedded life can be had from the 7th Bhava. This Bhava indicates whether there will be an equilibrium on the whole on all affairs. If the lord of this house occupies a good Bhava being conjoined with or aspected

by beneficial planets, conjugal life will be delightful. But if evil planets are present in it or afflict it otherwise or if the lord of the 7th Bhava is in a dusthana (i.e. 6th, 8th or 12th), the life-partners will not like each other and married life will be a curse for them. The 8th Bhava denotes reproductive organs. It is also termed as the house of separation. If any evil planet occupies the 8th Bhava or aspects it, various kinds of problems will come in the way of having peace and pleasure. From the 12th Bhava we come to know sayanasukha or conjugal life. This is a very important aspect of life. If Rahu and Mars are in the 12th Bhava, the native is reckless in this regard. If Rahu or Mars or both conjoin with Venus in the 12th Bhava, conjugal life becomes dull and full of disturbance. On the other hand, if Jupiter or Saturn or Mercury is in the 12th Bhava, the native

will be indifferent to conjugal life so that his/her companion will feel disgusted with him or her. Influence of Good or Evil Planets It is essential to find out which good or evil planets of either the bridegroom or the bride influence the other's. It is obvious that after marriage good results can be achieved from the matter included in a Bhava where the beneficial influence of a good planet falls. Similarly, the influence of an evil planet may cause degradation to the other. Bhauma Dosha Disposition of malicious Mars in any of the Bhavas—Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th in a birth chart—causes Bhauma Dosha. If such Bhauma Dosha exists in bridegroom's chart, he will lose his wife. Likewise, if it be a case of bride, she will become a widow. Factors that balance Bhauma Dosha are: (i) If Mars is in

exalted position or moola trikona or own house or in a favourable house conjoined with or aspected by lords of kendra (quadrant) or kona (trine) (ii) Jupiter or Venus being strong and unafflicted by evil planets, occupy a kendra or kona or auspicious Moon is in the 7th Bhava; (iii) Mars for Cancer, Leo, Pisces and Sagittarius Lagna being auspicious, Bhauma Dosha for these Lagnas is not so harmful. Only it may tell upon health. (vi) If Bhauma Dosha persists in the horoscopes of both bridegroom and bride, then the Dosha of one annuls the Dosha of the other. It is often seen that the place where the lord of 7th Bhava falls or where the lord of the 7th is exalted or debilitated in the birth chart of either the bridegroom or bride, becomes birth Rasi or Lagna of the other. Giving due respect to the proverb "marriages are made in heaven" the guardians of the bridegroom or bride

should consult an experienced astrologer for matching the horoscope of the life-partner before finalizing a match. If this is done, I think, many untoward incidents that couples face, can be avoided to a great extent. (Courtesy: The Astrological Magazine, March, 1990)


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Guest guest

Dear Lalit Sir,


In the section Ashtakuta System of Matching, 'Bhakut' has not been discussed. It is said that 'Bhakut' is one of the most important parts for matching.

Please tell me the importance of Bhakut. I mean which aspect of life is represented by it.


Thanks and Regards,



"Kuchh Sapanon Ke Mar Jaane Se, Jeevan Nahin Maraa Karataa Hai"




--- On Fri, 8/8/08, litsol <litsol wrote:

litsol <litsol[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] How to Match Charts for Marriage - Astrological MagazineVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Friday, 8 August, 2008, 8:08 PM




How to Match Charts for Marriage?




by Govinda Gopala Sinha Two young people, a man and a woman with totally different natures, tastes, appearances and physical aptitude, commence domestic life at an auspicious moment through a colourful ceremony called marriage. The hope is implied that two hearts will ring in unison in their times of weal and woe. The marriage-bond is not only a bond between a young man and woman for fulfillment of worldly needs, but the interviewing of two souls to attain the mission of life. Unfortunately, if the union is not in tune, the two hearts fail to mingle with each other, the musical note that emitted from the string of the hearts at the time of the wedding becomes discordant and the union is of no avail. Life turns into an arid desert becoming unbearable and ultimately leading to divorce or suicide. Marriage indeed opens an important chapter of life. That is why the

guardians of the prospective bridegroom and bride are eager to know whether the marriage life of their loved ones will be happy or not before finalizing it. Astrology, here, has an important part to play through matrimonial matching. In olden days, matrimonial matching or Jataka Vichara was a must before any marriage. That is why discontent and unfortunate happenings in conjugal life were not so common then as they are now-a-days. Matrimonial matching is based on certain basic principles of Astrology. 1. Matching of Mental Faculty Harmony of mind between the husband and wife is a must for a happy marriage. Emotion, sympathy, love, dutifulness and taste are some of the functions of mind. Mutual adjustment to these qualities brings peace into life. The Moon rules over the mind. Naturally in both the horoscopes of the bridegroom and the bride, the position

of the Moon, influence of other planets on the Moon and the relationship of the Moon with Ascendant (Lagna) and the lord of Ascendant is to be ascertained. If one's Moon is situated in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th place from the Moon of the other,there will be good understanding between them. If the Moon is conjoined with Jupiter, the native will be magnanimous and sober. The Moon conjoined with Venus gives taste for arts, music and the native pursues the prevailing customs of the society. If the Moon is conjoined with the Sun, the native will be very dignified and always keen on prestige and honour. If the Moon is conjoined with Saturn, the native will always remain in fear apprehending that everybody is trying to harm him. If the Moon is conjoined with Mars, the native is courageous and spirited. He has a tendency to do everything very quickly. If there is conjunction between the Moon and Rahu, the native will long for leadership and be

reckless in every sphere of life. If the Moon is conjoined with Mercury, the native will be very intelligent. The Lagna reveals the inherent nature of the native. Concord of mind is often found in the following cases: (1) Lagna of the bridegroom is the Moon-sign (Rasi) of bride and vice versa. (2) Lagna of the bride is in the 7th from the Rasi (Moon-sign) of bridegroom. (3) Both the bridegroom and bride have same Lagna. (4) Lords of Rasi of both the bridegroom and bride are the same or natural friends. Lord of Lagna or both bridegroom and bride are the same or natural friends. (5) The Lagna of the bride is in the 7th from the Lagna of the bridegroom. Matching of Personality

The Sun controls the personality of a person. If the Sun of one is situated in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th or the 11th position from the Sun of the other in the birth chart, the personalities of the two will be harmonious. Ashtakuta System of Matching Ashtakuta is comprised of (i) Varna, (ii) Vasya, (iii) Tara, (iv) Yoni, (v) Grahamaitri, (vi) Gana, (vii) Rasi, (viii) Nadi-vedha. Mental adjustment is judged from Rasi, Varna, Vasya, Tara and Grahamaitri. Harmony in sexual union is judged from Yoni while health from Nadi-vedha. A definite score has been allotted to each of the items. The maximum is 36. If the Ashtakuta score is below 18, the marriage proposal is rejected outright; between 18 to 20 the marriage proposal may be approved; between 21 to 25 the marriage will be good, and between 26 to 36 the marriage will be happy and joyous. Judgement of

Bhavas During discussion of harmony between the prospective bridegroom and bride, we have to judge four bhavas – the 4th, the 7th, the 8th and the 12th. From the 4th Bhava we come to know about domestic or personal life. We can also find out the environment in which he/she has been brought up or the environment he/she likes. It is good to marry persons from similar environments. The 4th Bhava denotes broad outlook, the temperament, compassion, co-operation of the life partner. Disposition of benevolent Jupiter and Venus in this Bhava bestows one with happy, cheerful life. On the other hand, evil planets in this Bhava make life bitter. A clear picture regarding wedded life can be had from the 7th Bhava. This Bhava indicates whether there will be an equilibrium on the whole on all affairs. If the lord of this house occupies a good Bhava being conjoined with or aspected

by beneficial planets, conjugal life will be delightful. But if evil planets are present in it or afflict it otherwise or if the lord of the 7th Bhava is in a dusthana (i.e. 6th, 8th or 12th), the life-partners will not like each other and married life will be a curse for them. The 8th Bhava denotes reproductive organs. It is also termed as the house of separation. If any evil planet occupies the 8th Bhava or aspects it, various kinds of problems will come in the way of having peace and pleasure. From the 12th Bhava we come to know sayanasukha or conjugal life. This is a very important aspect of life. If Rahu and Mars are in the 12th Bhava, the native is reckless in this regard. If Rahu or Mars or both conjoin with Venus in the 12th Bhava, conjugal life becomes dull and full of disturbance. On the other hand, if Jupiter or Saturn or Mercury is in the 12th Bhava, the native

will be indifferent to conjugal life so that his/her companion will feel disgusted with him or her. Influence of Good or Evil Planets It is essential to find out which good or evil planets of either the bridegroom or the bride influence the other's. It is obvious that after marriage good results can be achieved from the matter included in a Bhava where the beneficial influence of a good planet falls. Similarly, the influence of an evil planet may cause degradation to the other. Bhauma Dosha Disposition of malicious Mars in any of the Bhavas—Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th in a birth chart—causes Bhauma Dosha. If such Bhauma Dosha exists in bridegroom's chart, he will lose his wife. Likewise, if it be a case of bride, she will become a widow. Factors that balance Bhauma Dosha are: (i) If Mars is in

exalted position or moola trikona or own house or in a favourable house conjoined with or aspected by lords of kendra (quadrant) or kona (trine) (ii) Jupiter or Venus being strong and unafflicted by evil planets, occupy a kendra or kona or auspicious Moon is in the 7th Bhava; (iii) Mars for Cancer, Leo, Pisces and Sagittarius Lagna being auspicious, Bhauma Dosha for these Lagnas is not so harmful. Only it may tell upon health. (vi) If Bhauma Dosha persists in the horoscopes of both bridegroom and bride, then the Dosha of one annuls the Dosha of the other. It is often seen that the place where the lord of 7th Bhava falls or where the lord of the 7th is exalted or debilitated in the birth chart of either the bridegroom or bride, becomes birth Rasi or Lagna of the other. Giving due respect to the proverb "marriages are made in heaven" the guardians of the bridegroom or bride

should consult an experienced astrologer for matching the horoscope of the life-partner before finalizing a match. If this is done, I think, many untoward incidents that couples face, can be avoided to a great extent. (Courtesy: The Astrological Magazine, March, 1990)


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