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Case 1 : 365 Day's Vimshottari's Perfection (Not For Stupid Thief - Sunil Nair)

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Dear Gurus and Groups,

In order to prove the perfection of Vmishottari Dasha, Pls. check the Smt Indira Gandhi's case.


This has been a critical chart for most astro stalwards, however, those who read clasics, it was just another chart to analyse, I spent some time on this chart to show how deep we can go and how far we can see with the help of astrology in reading one's life, Asrtology is a tool to understand one's own life

It's easy to find a powerful Mahaaraj Yoga, it's an exception given to Moon placed in Capricorn aspected by Jupitor from Taurus, which is placed in house of gains 11'th, I have seen people are running from piller to post to find explanations by exchange etc, this happens when a person does not have knowledge of classics like those people who are trying to convince u not to look at their flaws, This man with Saturn + Ketu in lagna needs to be pinned down, let's focus on our case study -

Indira Ji's Death : Sri K.N Rao has tried 4 different methods to find a timing and astrological cause for her assasination, In his book, I found all the times he is missing the key, Just have a look at the dasha sequence : She was running Saturn (7'th lord)/Rahu (placed in 6'th )/Rahu, Parashara states : "Confinement, various diseases, different kind of attacks like assault by weapons (on body) and fear from friends"

See, how close our sage is in his judgements, Above result is found only applying 365 day's based dasha sequence.

Indira j's Marriage : See the 365 day's dasha sequence, in the mahadasha of Rahu who is conjunct Venus placed in 6'th, I have 6'th house gives liking for others, Rahu has done it's work and she liked to lead a life with Feroz Gandhi, Saturn the 7'th lord's AntarDasha was running and this 7'th lord is placed in Lagna, The famous, Saturn - Moon axis, in lagna and in 7'th ensures the widowhood, the dasha sequence was Rahu/Saturn/Saturn, The marriage happened in March 1942.

First ministery after Father's death : June 1964, The dasha sequence is Jupiter/Venus/Jupiter, Parashara says - Opulent wealth, acquisition of kingdom, clothes, pearls etc., jewellery, elephant, horse and position (grade)

Do u notice, the functioning of Maharaja Yoga, how Ju forms in Smt Indira's horoscope, confers her Ministership in it's Period and subperiod of Venus.

Prime Ministershp : See again how component's of Maharaj Yoga's are working, She became Indian Prime Minister in 1972 in Saturn/Saturn/Venus/Jupitor period. You can also learn Venus and Jupitor are not mutual enemy, rather they act as complementary to each other.

I have found Guru/Sukra's functioning quite opposit to what Sri K.N Rao stated in his book - Nehru Dynasty.

In the groups I see, some mediocres are good in making lobby to block the true knowledge of astrology and to hide their imperfection, they can also learn from my research...

Now, Group, you can understand why i dont need to apply Ashtakvarga etc.. coz I have seen excellance of 365 day's based Vimshottari Dasha, if it's applied with Transits, it's superb, All the results are derived applying Lahiri Ayanamsha.

Will continue .....




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