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Rajayogabhanga and Indian Prime Ministers

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Rajayogabhanga and Indian Prime Ministers





by O P Paliwal

MAHARISHI Parasara has given valuable combinations for political power in the name of Rajayoga. In these days of democracy persons having Rajayogas become ministers, chief ministers, prime ministers, president, etc. depending on the strength of the planets forming the yoga. He has also given a Rajayogabhanga which means cancellation of Rajayoga. But it does not mean that it completely cancels the Raja Yoga. In the present social political conditions it means that persons having Rajayogabhanga do not enjoy political power continuously. They enjoy it for some time and then it stops. They may again enjoy the fruits of Rajayoga. There are different types of Rajayogas. These are formed under various combinations. One such combination is the relationship between a lord of a quadrant and a trinal lord. Among the four quadrants (1, 4, 7, 10) the 10th house is the strongest. The 9th house is more powerful than the 5th. The relationship between the lords of the 9th and the 10th is known as Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga and constitutes the most powerful Rajayoga. Even this powerful Rajayoga gets cancelled under either of the two conditions. First, when any one of the planets forming the Rajayoga also happens to be the lord of either the 8th house or the 11th house. Second, if any one of the planets forming the Rajayoga is related to the lord of either the 8th house or the 11th house. Parasara has given four types of relationships between planets. These are: (i) When the two planets occupy each other's sign;(ii) When two planets mutually aspect each other; (iii) When only one planet aspects; and (iv) When two planets combine in a house. Any one of the above relationships is sufficient to form the yoga. But a relationship of type one is the strongest. First of all it is necessary to find out the relationship between the lords of quadrants and trines. Their relationship gives rise to Rajayogas. Then we have to see whether these planets have any type of relationship with the lords of the 8th and the 11th. This relationship gives rise to Rajayogabhanga. Planets causing Rajayoga and Rajayogabhanga are different for different Ascendants. All planets give their effects in their Dasa, Bhukti, Antara etc.; so planets causing Rajayoga or Rajayogabhang give their effects during their periods. By Dasa is meant Dasa under Vimshottari Dasa System. Let us illustrate the above theory with the help of the birth charts of the Indian Prime Ministers. Pandit Jawasharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister. He was born at 11.03 p.m. (LMT) at Allahabad on November 14, 1889. His Ascendant is Cancer with the Moon. Saturn in Leo; Mars in Virgo; Mercury and Venus in Libra; the Sun in Scorpio; Jupiter and Ketu in Sagittarius; and Rahu in Gemini. Mars being the lord of the 5th and the 10th houses is a Yogakaraka planet causing Rajayoga. However, this Mars aspects Jupiter, the 9th lord. Thus, Mars lord of the 10th forms a Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga with Jupiter, the 9th lord. This is the best Rajayoga as lords of both the trines are associated with the lord of the 10th. For Cancer Ascendant, Saturn is the lord of the 8th and Venus of the 11th. So any relationship of Saturn and Venus with Mars and Jupiter can cause Rajayogabhanga. But this is not present in this chart. As a result there is no Rajayogabhanga. Pandit Nehru enjoyed uninterrupted political power as prime minister till his death. Now we come to Mrs. Indira Gandhi. She was born at Allahabad on 19th November, 1917 at 11.13 p.m. (IST). The Ascendant is Cancer with Saturn; Mars in Leo; the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio; Venus and Rahu in Sagittarius; the Moon in Capricorn; Jupiter in Taurus and Ketu in Gemini. She had a balance of Sun Dasa at birth of 1 year, 11 month and 15 days. Mars is Yogakaraka owning the 5th and the 10th. Jupiter as lord of 9th aspects the Moon, lord of the 1st. Thus Jupiter and the Moon are forming another Rajayoga. But they are related to Saturn and Venus. The Moon exchanges houses with Saturn who is lord of the 8th also. Jupiter exchanges houses with Venus, lord of the 11th. Ketu is aspected by Venus and thus acquires power of causing Rajayogabhanga. Thus, Saturn, Venus and Ketu can cause Rajayogabhanga in their periods. In a politician's chart, the Dasamsa chart is also to be examined for getting a clear picture. Dasamsa Ascendant is Sagittarius; Mars in Capricorn; Rahu in Pisces; Jupiter in Gemini; Venus in Cancer; the Sun in Leo; Ketu in Virgo; the Moon and Saturn in Libra; and Mercury in Scorpio. The Dasamsa Lagn is aspected by its lord Jupiter which is Rajayogakaraka in the Rasi chart. It is also aspected by Saturn who is exalted and is in association with the Moon in the 11th. Ketu is in the 10th. Venus is situated in the 8th and is aspected by Yogakaraka exalted Mars. Venus is also aspected by Saturn. She became prime minister for the first time in Jupiter Dasa, Sun Bhukti on 24th January, 1966. The Sun is aspected by Jupiter and counter-aspects Jupiter in the Rasi chart. The Sun is in his Moolatrikona sign both in Navamsa and Dasamsa charts. She became prime minister for the second time in March 1967 in Jupiter Dasa Moon Bhukti which form the Rajayoga. She became prime minister for the third time in March 1971 in Saturn Dasa-Saturn Bhukti. Saturn is aspected by the Moon, lord of the 1st. Saturn is lord of the 7th representing general masses. Mrs. Gandhi lost the elections in March 1977 in Saturn Dasa Ketu Bhukti. Saturn Dasa indicates fall from position, fear, etc. Ketu was in the 12th to Saturn, the major lord, and situated in the 12th indicating bad results. Saturn gets 3 benefic points in his Ashtakavarga. On the election day he was transiting Venus' Kakshya in cancer with three benefic points in Kakshya and 24 in Sarvashtakavarga. The minor lord Ketu was transiting Saturn's Kakshya in Aries with 2 benefic points in Kakshya and 33 in the house. Both directional influences and transits were unfavourable; and the effects of Rajayogabhanga were complete. But she regained prime ministership on 14th January 1980. At that time she was running Saturn Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Saturn Antara, Mars Sookshma. Saturn as lord of the 7th in Lagna is a great asset for a politician in a democratic country. The 7th rules the general public and Saturn is a karaka both for the general democracy. In January 1980 when the elections were held, Saaturn the major lord was transiting his own Kakshya in Virgo with 4 benefic points in Kakshya and 36 in the house. As a result, Victory of Mrs. Gandhi was definite. Now we come to the chart of Mr. Morarji Desai who became the prime minister at the age of 81. He was born on February 29, 1896 at 1 noon (LMT) at 20 N 36, 72 E 59. His Lagna is Gemini. Jupiter is in Cancer; the Moon and Ketu in Leo; Saturn in Libra; Mars, Mercury and Venus in Capricorn; and the Sun and Rahu in Aquarius. He had a balance of 2 years, 3 months and 27 days of Venus Dasa at birth. In this chart major Rajayoga is formed by the combination of Mercury and Venus, lords of the 4th and 5th houses. Both of them aspect Jupiter and are aspected by him in return. Saturn, lord of the 9th though blemished due to his lordship of the 8th, also aspects Jupiter and causes Dharma-karmadhipati Yoga. Jupiter and Saturn are also interrelated as they are situated in each other's constellation. But Rajayoga is also there. First, Saturn, lord of the 8th, exchanges house with Venus, lord of the 5th. Second, Mars lord of the 11th is also associated with Mercury and Venus. Thus Mars and Saturn cause Rajayogabhanga. In the Dasamsa chart Mercury is situated with the Moon in the 8th. It is aspected by Mars who is situated in the 2nd. Mars also aspects Venus situated in the 5th; and Jupiter and Rahu situated in the 9th. Saturn is situated in the 10th and the Sun in the 11th. Ketu is situated in the 3rd. The Dasamsa Lagna is Virgo. Jupiter aspects the Lagna and Ketu. Mr. Desai started his political career after resigning from government service in Rahu Dasa. Jupiter the lord of the 7th and 10th houses saw him continuously rise till he became the chief minister of Bombay. In Saturn Dasa, Saturn Bhukti he joined the Union Cabinet in November 1956. He continued to rise till he was axed under the Kamraj Plan. It happened in Venus Bhukti of Saturn Dasa. Venus is afflicted by Mars, and Saturn has a tinge of blemish as discussed above. Venus Bhukti continued till 18th June 1965. It was during this period that Pandit Nehru died (May, 1964). The unfavourable period of Rajayogabhanga planets and transits deprived Mr. Desai of prime ministership after the death of Nehru. He became deputy prime minister in March 1967 in Saturn Dasa Moon Bhukti. But the Moon is situated in the 8th in the Dasamsa chart and any event taking place in the period of such a planet does not end happily. It was no wonder that Mr. Desai was eased out of office (July 1969) in Rahu Bhukti. Rahu is associated with the Sun and aspected by the Moon. Such a combination does not favour sustained power. Planets causing Rajayoga are Mercury and Venus. Mercury Dasa started on 28th June 1974. Mr Desai became prime minister of India in Ketu Bhukti of Mercury Dasa. Ketu is exalted in the Dasamsa chart. Mr Desai enjoyed the fruits of Rajayoga for a major period of Venus Bhukti which commenced on 22nd November, 1977. But he had to resign in this period as Venus is afflicted by Mars. Thus the Rajayogabhanga also materialized. Mr Desai resigned and retired from active politics in July 1979. Perhaps Saturn-Rahu conjunction in his Janma Rasi on 17th July, 1979 closed his political career.

Chaudhary Charan Singh was the next prime minister. He was born on 23rd December 1902 at 7.23 a.m. (IST) at 28N38 and 77E12. His Lagna was Sagittarius with the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Jupiter and Saturn were in Capricorn; and Ketu in Pisces; the Moon, Mars and Rahu in Virgo. He had a balance of 6 months and 22 days of the Moon Dasa at birth. The 9th lord Sun and the 10th lord Mercury associate in the Ascendant to form the Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga. Mars the 5th lord aspects this combination making it a very powerful Rajayoga. But Venus 11h lord joins this combination and constitutes the Rajayogabhanga. The Sun gets the Navamsa of Gemini and Mercury of Leo. Thus, the Sun and Mercury are also related in Navamsa. Jupiter and Venus also associate with Mercury. All these are aspected by Saturn and they also aspect him. In this way, Saturn is also related to Rajayoga planet Mercury. In the Dasansa chart Mercury and Venus combine in Aries in the 2nd house. They aspect Saturn in Libra situated in the 8th. Saturn is also aspected by Mars and Mars is aspected by Saturn. Mr. Charan Singh like Mr. Desai had a long political career. But he mainly remained in the politics of U.P. He enjoyed various ministerial berths as a Congressman. But he became famous as a national leader in Mercury Dasa only. It was in the Sun Bhukti of Mercury Dasa that he became the chief minister of U.P. on 17th February, 1970. The Sun Bhukti was from 10th October, 1969 to 15th August, 1970. Thus the Rajayoga caused by the Sun and Mercury was realized in Sun Bhukti. But the association of Venus caused Rajayogabhanga also. Mr. Charan Singh joined the Union Cabinet as a home minister in March 1977 when he was having Jupiter Bhukti in Mercury Dasa. He resigned on 30th June 1978 in Saturn Bhukti, Mercury Antara. This was indicated by Saturn's situation in the Dasamsa chart. In divisional charts, the 3rd and 8th places are death-like places. Any planet situated therein causes death to that effect. Accordingly Mr. Charan Singh had to resign. He was persuaded to join the Desai Cabinet as deputy prime minister. He became prime minster of India in Mercury Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, Moon Antara on 28th July 1979. The effects of Saturn Bhukti (occupying his own sign) in Mercury Dasa are "gain of kingdom, great courage", etc. Coming to transits, we see that four planets viz. the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus were transiting Cancer having 31 benefic points in Sarvashtakavarga. Mars was transiting Lagna Kakshya in Taurus with 6 points in Kakshya and 32 in Sarvashtakavarga. Saturn was transiting Venus Kakshya in Leo with 6 benefic points in the Kakshya and 25 in Sarvashtakavarga. This was a superbly favourable transit. It was a unique political situation. He was the prime minister without a majority in the Lok Sabha and did not face the parliament to prove his majority. The Lok Sabha was dissolved and Mr. Charan Singh did not get majority in the new Lok Sabha too. He had to resign in January 1980 when he was running Rahu Antara in Saturn Bhukti of Mercury Dasa. The effects of Rahu Antara are loss of wealth, loss of land, fear etc. The Mercury period ended in July, 1980. In Ketu Dasa there was no Rajayoga and he continued as a member of Lok Sabha till his death. This was possible because Ketu is in the constellation of Mercury the lord of 7th and 10th, a planet causing Rajayoga.

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