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Indications for Unhappy Marriages : Astrological Magazine

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Indications for Unhappy Marriages




An Integrated Approach by R M Banerjee This paper has been divided into three sections. Section I deals with the definition of unhappy marriages and tries to lay down conditions for such marriages. Section II elaborates those conditions as delineated in Section I and Section III is intended to provide factual support to propositions built up in Section I. The main purpose of this paper is to fit all the available hypotheses on unhappy marriages into a single integrated analytical framework and then to test reliability of these hypotheses with the help of cross-section data. Efforts have been made as far as practicable to analyze the structural break-down of unhappy marriages and the intensity of unhappiness on the basis of combined interaction of several unfavourable factors within a birth chart. Section I: Definition and conditions for Unhappy Marriages Unhappy marriages usually manifest themselves in the following forms: (i) Abrupt and premature termination of married life due to death of one of the life-partners. (ii) Post-marital complications assuming various forms leading to legal battle, judicial separation and divorce. (iii) Barren marriage due to lack of children of the couple. (iv) Forced separation of prolonged duration usually owing to extraneous circumstances over which the couple has no control. (v) Constant quarrel between the husband and wife because of mental mismatching, personality clash, etc. Indications for unhappy marriages are usually obtained by astrologers through critical examination of the following factors in a horoscope: (a) Placement and strength of the 7th lord—the lord of marriage and its relationship with other planets governing marriage and married life. The condition of the 7th house—the house of marriage—is also concurrently studied. (b) Position and strength of Venus—the significator of marriage. © Conditions of the 2nd, 5th and 12th houses and their lords. (d) Location of Mars in the birth chart, and lastly (e) The relationship between the lords of 1st and 7th houses being the crucial determinant of husband-wife relationship. Section II Further Highlights on Conditions in Section I (a) Condition of the 7th House and the 7th Lord (i) If the lord of the 7th is posited in any trika houses either from the Ascendant or from the house of marriage, it may not ensure a happy married life for the native. Here it is interesting to note that the 6th house from the Ascendant represents the 12th house from the house of marriage and the 6th house from the house of marriage represents the 12th house from the rising sign. Astrologers, therefore reasonably presume the situation of the 7th lord either in the 6th or 12th house to be a bad sign for a happy married life. (ii) A retrograde 7th lord irrespective of its placement does not also produce good results with regard to happy married life. In fact a retrograde planet probably due to its relatively slow motion has often been observed to create unnecessary complications particularly with reference to the house over which it has lordship and fails to act as a trendsetter while a happy marriage presupposes a steady upward trend with assured mutual interaction and dependence. A retrograde Saturn, ill-placed, for the Ascendants Cancer and Leo is not conducive to a happy married life while a retrograde Jupiter for the Ascendant Gemini or Virgo specially in the 12th has often been observed to create complications in married life. Readers may verify these results. The condition of retrogression of the 7th lord will not apply for obvious reasons to the Ascendant Capricorn and Aquarius. (iii) Thirdly, a severely afflicted 7th lord without the compensatory influence of a natural benefic in the form of association or aspect is also apt to produce bad results with regard to married life. (iv) Lastly, conditions of the 7th house in addition to those of the 7th lord are concurrently studied by astrologers for arriving at meaningful inferences. A malefic in the 7th house is not a desirable sign unless the house is its own. Saturn in the 7th unnecessarily delays marriages and often makes married life a dull routine affair. Wife of a man with the Sun in 7th may grow prematurely old. A man with the Sun in the 7th may ill-treat his wife. Mars in the 7th kills the life partner. A malefic in the 7th without other redeeming features may also cause illness to the husband or wife as the case may be. (b) Placement and Strength of Venus Venus is the significator of marriage and sex-life. A strong Venus placed in an angle or a trine without being blemished by malefics is an excellent sign for a happy conjugal life. Many people are seen to carry through a smooth and undisturbed married life despite otherwise strong indications for unhappy marriages in their chart. A closer examination however unmistakably identifies strong Venus to play its crucial role in these typical charts. Like the retrograde 7th lord, retrograde Venus in a birth chart tends to spoil the married life. Divorcees have often been found to be saddled with retrograde Venus in their horoscope. Venus in the 6th makes the native unattractive to the opposite sex; but Venus in the 12th is said to be conducive to bed-pleasure. A strong Venus in the 5th is also to give a stable emotional life. Apart from adverse placement and retrogression, Venus should not be afflicted in a horoscope. Its conjunction with the Sun, affliction by natural malefic or it being hemmed in between malefics definitely hampers prospects for a happy marriage. For example, Venus with Mars denotes excessive sex while a happy marriage presupposes a balanced sex life. Venus with Saturn or Sun subdues sex life. This is also not very desirable. Its association with Rahu fosters extra-marital relations leading oftentimes to sex-scandal. A man with Venus and Ketu in his chart may also be implicated in sex-scandal. There is a common saying among astrologers that a planet destroys the potentiality of a house if it is posited in that house for which it is the significator. Thus, Mars in the 3rd kills the native's younger brother. Jupiter in the 5th is not helpful for the spouses of the native. A weak mercury in the 4th or a weak Moon in the house of happiness harms the prospects of native's mother. Similarly, Venus in the 6th house is non-productive of good or bad results. Since the 6th house is 12th from the house of marriage, it indicates the sex-life or measures the intensity of bed-pleasure of the native's life partner. Some astrologers, therefore, reasonable presume it to be a sign of extra-marital life of the native's husband or wife. This point may need further probing. © Conditions of the 2nd, 5th and 12th houses and their lords Marriage proposals often materialize during the period/sub-period of 2nd lord, planet/s placed in the 2nd house or during the period/sub-period of planets related to the owner of the 2nd house. Since the 2nd house is the 8th from the 7th, a malefic in 2nd house is not conducive to the long life of the partner. The 5th house denotes issue. A malefic in the 5th house, afflictions to the 5th lord etc.—all these tend to produce bad results with regard to the children of the native. The results might be lack of children, prolonged illness or even death of child etc. depending on the extent of damage done to that house by different factors. Needless to say, misfortunes in various forms relating to the 5th house make married life barren and meaningless. Lastly, the 12th house. Saturn, Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the 12th lead to sex starvation. Mars in the 12th might even kill the life partner. (d) Location of Mars in the Birth Chart Mars is said to cause death to the husband or wife as the case may be, if it is placed in any one of the houses viz. the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th in a chart. There was a time when this proposition was discussed threadbare by distinguished writers in different issues of the A.M. While there was a consensus of opinion among these writers on Mars' killer instinct in the form of inflicting premature death on native's life-partner via its placement in specific houses, they essentially differed on effectiveness of compensatory indications in the horoscope of the native's partner for counteracting this evil result. According to me, Mars will be as evil for the Ascendant Cancer as for the Ascendant Gemini so far as the operation of Kuja Dosha is concerned via its placement in strategic houses though other results of Mars might differ depending upon its ownership and secondly, this unfavourable positioning can alone be counteracted if similar Dosha exists in the horoscope of the native's husband or wife. Herein lies the rationale for horoscope matching. Other signs of widowhood in the horoscope of the partner such as Saturn-Rahu in the 12th or malefics in the 2nd are not able to make Mars non-functional. Of course it is to be admitted that in modern backdrop permanent separation of wife from the husband does not always take the form of death. It may result in divorce. So, to sum up, Mars causes death to husband or wife or permanent break-down of conjugal relationship if it is situated in any one of the five sensitive houses mentioned above unless compensatory signs in the form of similar placement of Mars are present in the horoscope of the opposite sex. (e) Relationship between the lords of 1st and 7th houses in a birth chart As this relationship is a crucial determinant of the relationship between the husband and wife, it deserves close and meticulous study by an astrologer. If the native's Ascendant lord is found placed in his house of marriage, he remains attached to his wife. Conversely, if the lord of his 7th house is posited in the birth sign, his wife remains attached to him. Combining these two statements, the 1st lord in the 7th and the 7th lord in the 1st in a horoscope may be treated as a sign of mutual attraction between the husband and wife. An adverse relationship between the 1st and 7th lords in the form of one being placed either in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the other is likely to destroy the mental rapport between the husband and wife which, with other adverse indications may create difficulties in married life. To conclude, the 1st lord in unison with the 7th lord is also an extremely helpful sign. Section – III Empirical Testings Making intelligent judgement on status of married life of a native through an examination of his horoscope with the help of tools as mentioned in Section II is a difficult proposition. This section is intended to help readers in this regard. Horoscopes discussed in this chapter have been randomly taken from an astrologer's notebook and have been stratified into the twin categories of `Reportedly Happy Married Life' and `Reportedly Unhappy Married Life'. Horoscopes belonging to these two categories have been presented in structured formats viz., Format I—Reportedly Unhappy Married Life and Format II—Reportedly Happy Married Life. It will be shown that conditions as laid down in Section II of this paper are present in varying degrees in all the horoscopes of Format-I while they are conspicuously absent in sampling frame of Format-II. Thus horoscopes presented in Format-II constitute the control samples in the strict sense of the term to show that conditions for unhappy marriages are not only present in all the horoscopes of Format I, they are also present in the horoscopes under Format II. Further discussions of horoscopes, as follow, will reveal that not a single condition alone but their interaction in an integrated framework is a strategic determinant of the status of conjugal life and intensity and direction of unhappiness. Analysis of Horoscopes in Format I Horoscope No.1: Born on 23-8-1934. Rasi: Cancer—Ascendant with Venus, Mars & Ketu; Leo—the Sun & Mercury; Virgo—Jupiter; Capricorn—Rahu & the Moon; Aquarius—Saturn ®. The lord of the 7th house is in the 8th and retrograde. It is aspected by both Mars and the Sun. The house of marriage is also partially afflicted with the location of Rahu and aspect of Mars on it (Condition A—satisfied). Venus is also highly afflicted being hemmed in between Mars and Ketu (Condition B—satisfied). The 2nd house is inhabited by Sun and aspected by Saturn (Condition C—partially satisfied). The debilitated Mars is in the Ascendant (Condition D—fully satisfied). The lord of the Ascendant and the house of marriage are involved in the 2nd-12th relationship (Condition E—satisfied). The native married in 1963. It was a love marriage. With the passage of time, the wife's health deteriorated and there were also indications of personality clashes. The native's wife ultimately succumbed to injury in 1975. Please mark the placement of the lord of the rising sign in the house of marriage being involved in a mutual aspect relationship with Venus and also the aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house. Due to these redeeming features, the native's married life lasted for a decade and there were also periods of occasional sunshine in an otherwise unhappy marriage. Horoscope No.2: Born on 28-3-1936. Rasi: Aries—Ascendant & Mars; Taurus—the Moon; Gemini—Ketu; Sagittrius—Rahu with Jupiter; Aquarius—Saturn with Venus; Pisces—the Sun & Mercury

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Respected Lalit Sir and Members,


This is a nicely composed logical article. The author has tried to cover all the possible cases (and corner cases) related to marriage/married life. So, the author must be appreciated for writing such a great article. A lot of congratulations to the author.


Lalit Sir, group will always welcome such type of good and interesting mails. Thanks a lot.


Cheers !!!


*** My Query--- How could we distinguish two conditions by looking a horoscope--- (i) whether a person will not marry in his life, (ii) or, his marriage/married life would be unsuccessful ?


Please fix the conditions.


Thanks and Regards,


"Kuchh Sapanon Ke Mar Jaane Se, Jeevan Nahin Maraa Karataa Hai"




--- On Wed, 14/1/09, litsol <mishra.lalit wrote:

litsol <mishra.lalit[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Indications for Unhappy Marriages : Astrological MagazineVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Wednesday, 14 January, 2009, 2:32 PM




Indications for Unhappy Marriages




An Integrated Approach by R M Banerjee This paper has been divided into three sections. Section I deals with the definition of unhappy marriages and tries to lay down conditions for such marriages. Section II elaborates those conditions as delineated in Section I and Section III is intended to provide factual support to propositions built up in Section I. The main purpose of this paper is to fit all the available hypotheses on unhappy marriages into a single integrated analytical framework and then to test reliability of these hypotheses with the help of cross-section data. Efforts have been made as far as practicable to analyze the structural break-down of unhappy marriages and the intensity of unhappiness on the basis of combined interaction of several unfavourable factors within a birth chart. Section I: Definition

and conditions for Unhappy Marriages Unhappy marriages usually manifest themselves in the following forms: (i) Abrupt and premature termination of married life due to death of one of the life-partners. (ii) Post-marital complications assuming various forms leading to legal battle, judicial separation and divorce. (iii) Barren marriage due to lack of children of the couple. (iv) Forced separation of prolonged duration usually owing to extraneous circumstances over which the couple has no control. (v) Constant quarrel between the husband and wife because of mental mismatching, personality clash, etc. Indications for unhappy marriages are usually obtained by astrologers

through critical examination of the following factors in a horoscope: (a) Placement and strength of the 7th lord—the lord of marriage and its relationship with other planets governing marriage and married life. The condition of the 7th house—the house of marriage—is also concurrently studied. (b) Position and strength of Venus—the significator of marriage. © Conditions of the 2nd, 5th and 12th houses and their lords. (d) Location of Mars in the birth chart, and lastly (e) The relationship between the lords of 1st and 7th houses being the crucial determinant of husband-wife relationship. Section II Further Highlights on Conditions in Section I (a) Condition of the 7th House and the 7th Lord

(i) If the lord of the 7th is posited in any trika houses either from the Ascendant or from the house of marriage, it may not ensure a happy married life for the native. Here it is interesting to note that the 6th house from the Ascendant represents the 12th house from the house of marriage and the 6th house from the house of marriage represents the 12th house from the rising sign. Astrologers, therefore reasonably presume the situation of the 7th lord either in the 6th or 12th house to be a bad sign for a happy married life. (ii) A retrograde 7th lord irrespective of its placement does not also produce good results with regard to happy married life. In fact a retrograde planet probably due to its relatively slow motion has often been observed to create unnecessary complications particularly with reference to the house over which it has lordship and fails to act as a

trendsetter while a happy marriage presupposes a steady upward trend with assured mutual interaction and dependence. A retrograde Saturn, ill-placed, for the Ascendants Cancer and Leo is not conducive to a happy married life while a retrograde Jupiter for the Ascendant Gemini or Virgo specially in the 12th has often been observed to create complications in married life. Readers may verify these results. The condition of retrogression of the 7th lord will not apply for obvious reasons to the Ascendant Capricorn and Aquarius. (iii) Thirdly, a severely afflicted 7th lord without the compensatory influence of a natural benefic in the form of association or aspect is also apt to produce bad results with regard to married life. (iv) Lastly, conditions of the 7th house in addition to those of the 7th lord are concurrently studied by astrologers for arriving at meaningful

inferences. A malefic in the 7th house is not a desirable sign unless the house is its own. Saturn in the 7th unnecessarily delays marriages and often makes married life a dull routine affair. Wife of a man with the Sun in 7th may grow prematurely old. A man with the Sun in the 7th may ill-treat his wife. Mars in the 7th kills the life partner. A malefic in the 7th without other redeeming features may also cause illness to the husband or wife as the case may be. (b) Placement and Strength of Venus Venus is the significator of marriage and sex-life. A strong Venus placed in an angle or a trine without being blemished by malefics is an excellent sign for a happy conjugal life. Many people are seen to carry through a smooth and undisturbed married life despite otherwise strong indications for unhappy marriages in their chart. A closer examination however unmistakably identifies strong Venus to play its

crucial role in these typical charts. Like the retrograde 7th lord, retrograde Venus in a birth chart tends to spoil the married life. Divorcees have often been found to be saddled with retrograde Venus in their horoscope. Venus in the 6th makes the native unattractive to the opposite sex; but Venus in the 12th is said to be conducive to bed-pleasure. A strong Venus in the 5th is also to give a stable emotional life. Apart from adverse placement and retrogression, Venus should not be afflicted in a horoscope. Its conjunction with the Sun, affliction by natural malefic or it being hemmed in between malefics definitely hampers prospects for a happy marriage. For example, Venus with Mars denotes excessive sex while a happy marriage presupposes a balanced sex life. Venus with Saturn or Sun subdues sex life. This is also not very desirable. Its association with Rahu fosters extra-marital relations leading oftentimes to

sex-scandal. A man with Venus and Ketu in his chart may also be implicated in sex-scandal. There is a common saying among astrologers that a planet destroys the potentiality of a house if it is posited in that house for which it is the significator. Thus, Mars in the 3rd kills the native's younger brother. Jupiter in the 5th is not helpful for the spouses of the native. A weak mercury in the 4th or a weak Moon in the house of happiness harms the prospects of native's mother. Similarly, Venus in the 6th house is non-productive of good or bad results. Since the 6th house is 12th from the house of marriage, it indicates the sex-life or measures the intensity of bed-pleasure of the native's life partner. Some astrologers, therefore, reasonable presume it to be a sign of extra-marital life of the native's husband or wife. This point may need further probing. © Conditions of the 2nd, 5th and 12th houses and

their lords Marriage proposals often materialize during the period/sub-period of 2nd lord, planet/s placed in the 2nd house or during the period/sub-period of planets related to the owner of the 2nd house. Since the 2nd house is the 8th from the 7th, a malefic in 2nd house is not conducive to the long life of the partner. The 5th house denotes issue. A malefic in the 5th house, afflictions to the 5th lord etc.—all these tend to produce bad results with regard to the children of the native. The results might be lack of children, prolonged illness or even death of child etc. depending on the extent of damage done to that house by different factors. Needless to say, misfortunes in various forms relating to the 5th house make married life barren and meaningless. Lastly, the 12th house. Saturn, Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the 12th lead to sex starvation. Mars in the 12th might even kill the life partner. (d)

Location of Mars in the Birth Chart Mars is said to cause death to the husband or wife as the case may be, if it is placed in any one of the houses viz. the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th in a chart. There was a time when this proposition was discussed threadbare by distinguished writers in different issues of the A.M. While there was a consensus of opinion among these writers on Mars' killer instinct in the form of inflicting premature death on native's life-partner via its placement in specific houses, they essentially differed on effectiveness of compensatory indications in the horoscope of the native's partner for counteracting this evil result. According to me, Mars will be as evil for the Ascendant Cancer as for the Ascendant Gemini so far as the operation of Kuja Dosha is concerned via its placement in strategic houses though other results of Mars might differ depending upon its ownership and secondly,

this unfavourable positioning can alone be counteracted if similar Dosha exists in the horoscope of the native's husband or wife. Herein lies the rationale for horoscope matching. Other signs of widowhood in the horoscope of the partner such as Saturn-Rahu in the 12th or malefics in the 2nd are not able to make Mars non-functional. Of course it is to be admitted that in modern backdrop permanent separation of wife from the husband does not always take the form of death. It may result in divorce. So, to sum up, Mars causes death to husband or wife or permanent break-down of conjugal relationship if it is situated in any one of the five sensitive houses mentioned above unless compensatory signs in the form of similar placement of Mars are present in the horoscope of the opposite sex. (e) Relationship between the lords of 1st and 7th houses in a birth chart As this relationship is a crucial determinant

of the relationship between the husband and wife, it deserves close and meticulous study by an astrologer. If the native's Ascendant lord is found placed in his house of marriage, he remains attached to his wife. Conversely, if the lord of his 7th house is posited in the birth sign, his wife remains attached to him. Combining these two statements, the 1st lord in the 7th and the 7th lord in the 1st in a horoscope may be treated as a sign of mutual attraction between the husband and wife. An adverse relationship between the 1st and 7th lords in the form of one being placed either in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the other is likely to destroy the mental rapport between the husband and wife which, with other adverse indications may create difficulties in married life. To conclude, the 1st lord in unison with the 7th lord is also an extremely helpful sign. Section – III Empirical Testings Making

intelligent judgement on status of married life of a native through an examination of his horoscope with the help of tools as mentioned in Section II is a difficult proposition. This section is intended to help readers in this regard. Horoscopes discussed in this chapter have been randomly taken from an astrologer's notebook and have been stratified into the twin categories of `Reportedly Happy Married Life' and `Reportedly Unhappy Married Life'.. Horoscopes belonging to these two categories have been presented in structured formats viz., Format I—Reportedly Unhappy Married Life and Format II—Reportedly Happy Married Life. It will be shown that conditions as laid down in Section II of this paper are present in varying degrees in all the horoscopes of Format-I while they are conspicuously absent in sampling frame of Format-II. Thus horoscopes presented in Format-II constitute the control samples in the strict sense of the term to show that conditions

for unhappy marriages are not only present in all the horoscopes of Format I, they are also present in the horoscopes under Format II. Further discussions of horoscopes, as follow, will reveal that not a single condition alone but their interaction in an integrated framework is a strategic determinant of the status of conjugal life and intensity and direction of unhappiness. Analysis of Horoscopes in Format I Horoscope No.1: Born on 23-8-1934. Rasi: Cancer—Ascendant with Venus, Mars & Ketu; Leo—the Sun & Mercury; Virgo—Jupiter; Capricorn—Rahu & the Moon; Aquarius—Saturn ®. The lord of the 7th house is in the 8th and retrograde. It is aspected by both Mars and the Sun. The house of marriage is also partially afflicted with the location of Rahu and aspect of Mars on it (Condition A—satisfied). Venus is also highly

afflicted being hemmed in between Mars and Ketu (Condition B—satisfied). The 2nd house is inhabited by Sun and aspected by Saturn (Condition C—partially satisfied). The debilitated Mars is in the Ascendant (Condition D—fully satisfied). The lord of the Ascendant and the house of marriage are involved in the 2nd-12th relationship (Condition E—satisfied). The native married in 1963. It was a love marriage. With the passage of time, the wife's health deteriorated and there were also indications of personality clashes. The native's wife ultimately succumbed to injury in 1975. Please mark the placement of the lord of the rising sign in the house of marriage being involved in a mutual aspect relationship with Venus and also the aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house. Due to these redeeming features, the native's married life lasted for a decade and there were also periods of occasional sunshine in an otherwise

unhappy marriage. Horoscope No.2: Born on 28-3-1936. Rasi: Aries—Ascendant & Mars; Taurus—the Moon; Gemini—Ketu; Sagittrius—Rahu with Jupiter; Aquarius—Saturn with Venus; Pisces—the Sun & Mercury

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