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Predict your child's destiny before its birth

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Predict your child's destiny before its birth

- K.P.Roy -

Birth of an individual is a great mystery. We believe that Karmic destiny projects one to be born in this world to reap the effects of his good or bad karma. One important fact I wish to place before the readers is that the time of birth of the child must be reckoned from the time of conception (adhana) which is the origin of life for the child, and not the time one is born. Some guidelines on conception and birth are given here. It is said that a woman conceives on a date having the tithi the same as her birth tithi. The next point to be noted from classical astrological works is that the lagna at birth of an individual will correspond to the Moon at the time of conception. The lagna at the time of conception or adhana will be the position of the Moon at birth. With these tips in mind, one can plan conception and birth in this world.

At birth, some stars give bad results. It is bad for the child, if the birth takes place in the first pada of Pushya, fourth pada of Hasta, and the first pada of Punarvasu. The father's life will be affected if birth is in the third pada of Pushya, first pada of Hasta and the second pada of Punarvasu. The life of the uncle will be affected if birth is in the fourth pada of Pushya, in the second pada of Hasta and in the third pada of Punarvasu.

Muhurthas given for copulation are as follows: The eighth house should be occupied by no planet. Constellations of Sravana, Rohini, Anuradha, Swati, Revati, Moola, Uttra, Uttrashada, Uttabhadra, Satabishta are best. Pushyami, Dhanista, Mrigasira, Aswini, Chitta and Punarvasu are ordinary, while the rest must be rejected. Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are best while Saturday, Tuesday and Sunday must be rejected. All lunar days except the 4th, 8th, 14th, full moon, and New moon are good. The favourable signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Pisces. The birth star, the 10th star and the 19th stars must be avoided.

Choose the sex of your child

The following may be tried in order to get male or female children. Both the nostrils do not expell air equally. One will expell air more and the other will expell air less. It is said that one gets a male child when the right nostril is expelling more air at the time of copulation and gets a female child when the left nostril is expelling more air. Suppose at a particular time the left nostril is expelling more air than the right nostril, he has to lie to his left side for some minutes closing the left nostril with the finger. After a short time, the right nostril will start expelling more air. To get more airflow through the left nostril, one has to lie to the right for few minutes after closing the right nostril.

Another method is as follows. Conception on the 4th night after menses begets a short lived son, on the 5th night, a girl on the 6th night, a fortunate and intelligent son, on the 7th night, a barren female, on the 8th night, a son, on the 9th night, a beautiful girl, on the 10th night, a son, on the 11th night, a deformed female, on the 12th night, a famous son, on the 13th night, a sinful female, on the 14th night, a virtuous son, on the 15th night, a fortunate female and on the 16th night, a wise and learned son.

When the menses occurs regularly, there is a method to know when the birth will take place. Find out the date, time and position of the Moon at that time. When the Moon will complete the 10th full round of the zodiac from that Moon sign the birth will take place. Suppose the last menses had occurred when the Moon was in Capricorn, the birth is likely to take place when the Moon completes the 10th round of transit in Capricorn.

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