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An Analysis Done By Sridhar Govindan

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Sridhar Govindan [appulali]Tuesday, October 09, 2007 10:07 PMLalit Mishra, NoidaRe: Dear Sir, Pls. Suggest !!Lalit,Thrikonas from lagna and kendras from moon are veryimportant. do not "mix" them. So who is powerul --lagna or moon?the Lord of lagna in 10th is very powerful and thatGuru in Dhanu is a executioner , it will do hisduty/dharma withour fear and bias and will try toestablish dharma and truth alone. but Rahu in 2nd andMoon in 12th is fighting for favors from that Guru.and 5th house has mercury/ketu and 9th house as Deb.moon, so definitely Lagna is strong and wellsupoorted.from Moon, saturn is in strong 7th with digbala andstrong sun/moon is also powerful with digbala again.so is also powerful. so who should dominate your life?So look at your life, if Guru in 10th is reallystrong, your father should have been great scholar,judge and wealthy person.Lord of 7 in 5th should gotyou married long time back. I believe your father isa very spiritual/business/finance person (ketu/mercury in 9) with lot of anger and power (2ndhouse sun/mars). with moon as your chandra lagna,saturn in 7th gives you power to call shakti/devianytime. Guru in 2nd and venus in 8th to moon givesvak shuddhi and ability to tell the truth and exposeevil. 7th saturn and 8th venus also shows disappointwith opposite sex, which is a blessing in disguise ascelibacy is what is giving you creative/spiritualpower. but Rahu is waiting to destroy your powers thruvenus in opposition to guru, how? Rahu is in 8th to

Venus. and saturn is in 12th to venus. if you have tomarry , marry legitimately, I will not support lovemarriage. and also make sure your spouse is happy allthe time. becoz Rahu in 8th to venus can cause vanvasin marriage or spouse suicide ( sad wife). But Guru isascepting that venus and mercury is in 2nd. that is agreat kavacham for long happy married life. so I willsupport authors statement "Nurture your Laxmisthaana(s). By current actions as well as conduct. "becoz it impacts your marriage and married life also.So Now come to the question you asked and thepersons/authors answer!!!!!. What is it givingambition to you? Rahu in 11th to lagna and 2nd to lordof lagna. and mars/sun in 10th to moon. What ispreventing it ? venus, and Moon specifically, lord of5 in 9th ( punya / dharma ) trying to minimize theimpact of rahu on your lord of lagna and putting youin the path of righteous. To complete it , vrichikarasi is the natural 8th house of the zodiac, it ishouse of mars , where mars is collecting militaryintelligence, information and analysing enemyweakness..etc but it also a house of ketu, where thegreat spiritual secrets and enlightenment are hiddenif look for it. so where is mars ? in tenth fromvrichika rasi in simham with sun and where is ketu? in9th from vrichika rasi in katakam. author/Person wantsto protect your 9th house as moon owns that housekatakam, becoz if moon becomes weaker , rahu andsaturn takes over your life. plus mars is with lord of6 sun, so diseases will come. so there is a tug of warbetween ambition and spirituality. the choice isyours.

Avoid Rahu (cheating, ego, ambition), Sun(politics,domination, advice) and Mars( anger & fights). Evenreduce mercury ( too much communication, emails,questions, books, long phonecalls)Let that Ketu (Intuition, meditation, teacher,sadhana, dharana) take over/care. Ketu will providedeeper answers than mercury. Do good meritful thingson thursdays, fridays and saturdays.Be compassionate (daya) represented by Moon. Be aservant, Maintain Silence, become a mother. thisbecomes all the more important in married life. If youremember I told you, By becoming a servant (sani), youwill automatically become a great leader, see onlyfrom Moon , sani /surya/kuja are getting digbala andnot from Lagna.Remember Guru is always bad to sixth house from it andvery good to fifth and ninth house from it. EventuallyGuru will remove all the bad/bitter effects of Sani onyour moon/venus/7th/9th house, thereby strengtheningyour 10th house with a good carreer/strong leadership.In your Sukra Mahadasa you will enjoy the benefits ofHamsa yoga.Best WishesSridhar

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