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Deaths & Murders by Mars - Venus Combo !! kshantaram

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Dear Friend KShantaram ji and Group,


Kept observing the impact of transit over human life, kind of murders and

mishaps we came across in last 2 weeks give clarity to our understanding, we saw

1. Suicide by couples 2. Murders by a lover mostly by female partner, in when

last week ndtv and aaj tak broadcasted murder of delhi based businessman

Jagmohan by his wife, i was expecting news of more such murders by evening we

had another news of a similar murder in ahemadabad and next day 5 gals accused a

tdp mla of molestation...


Scene is quite clear, whan mars strong venus is impacted and when venus is

strong mars is impacted, i mean this is how they influence mass cònciousnes of



Taking a clue frm above, i asked a friend tht day when noted clergy syd bukhari

left for heavenly abode, tht it wd interesting to see whom jup kills as it has

to meet rahu soon, and it ws syd bukhari, a well known islamic icon.


Dont you observe such things? It's must for astrologers to sharpen their skill

and to hve fun wth astrology.






Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " litsol " <mishra.lalit wrote:


> group and dear kshantaram ji,

> Coming up wth study of abv combo aftr spending sunday on it, i find though

mars-venus combo infuses high degree of passion in a native still, singling out

this combo as a symbol of perverted activities is not justified. A passion can

turn to any direction, astro authors shud hve taken care of composing verses. I

hve many horoscopes in my possison in which this combo is absent still natives

liked to break code of conduct for family life. I tried to trace my astro

collection nd found a stunning fact, it was only varahmihira who attributed

lustful life to this yoga and wth no reasoning, his shloka is copied in

subsequent classics, seems,first review is done by kalyan verma who says - such

a persön can be a mathematician or industrialist nd can also be well admired nd

be respected, however, kalyan verma also adds tht such a native can establish

relationship wth women other than the öne whom he is married. In fact, the combo

gives such a charm nd cheers to a native opposits easily get attracted to him.

Kalyan verma says - ' Pujyo Ganpradhano Ganitayagah ... Paryuvati abhi ratoha'.


> Varahmihira nd others further attributed addiction to gambling for this yoga,

which is a rough nd elementary interpretion of enterpreneurship. When yoga

occurs in 3rd house nd mars is in enemic sign a native can take to bets or risky

stock market trading, this can hpn in 9th nd 11th houses too. I hve 1 horo of a

dhanur lagna in which native did intensive stock trading just to make loss. Pls

consider -

> 1. Venus stronger than mars - a positive sign, native likes to collect

beautiful objects, scents, cloths, gagates etc.

> 2. Mars stronger, venus gets affliction nd problems in married/luv life, venus

period can push to struggle nd hardship nd impulsivenes in luv. Partner wd find

native is selfish in gratification of instincts.

> I know 2 engineers hving this yoga which shows kalyan verma ws right. In the

recent transit of this combo has led to deaths of film stars.


> I wd like to get ur inputs to understan this yoga further.


> Regards,

> Lalit



> Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " shantaramkhrd "

<shantaramkhrd@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Shri Lalit,

> >

> > i have read from vkr iyer's book the combination is good for finances -

could be the conjunction of natal 1/2 aries/taurus thus mars/venus combination,

rarely mentioned anywhere else.

> >

> > hope this helps reflect further.

> >

> >

> > regards/kshantaram

> >

> >

> > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " litsol " <mishra.lalit@>


> > >

> > > Group,

> > >

> > > I wish you all to review all that you studied for this combination, It's

branded for exceptional drive for sexual activities, however, i found this

combination very tricky and can say that this combination makes a person's

persona quite appealing and fascinating not only and always from sexual

activism's point of view.

> > >

> > > I wish to study if venus get's afflicted by such a mars or mars gets

affliction by such a venus or both gets afflicted or both gets complementary


> > >

> > > I w'd appreciate ur writing and yes, there is my conviction that if nobody

writes, I w'd surely write my opinon but as i have not done much work to my

satisfaction on this combination, my views may not be very confirmed.

> > >

> > > regards,iw

> > > Lalit

> > >

> >


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