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Acidity1. Take a tiny piece of jaggery (gur) every hour. Just keep it in the mouth and slowly suck it till acidity subsides.2. Drink coconut water 3-4 times a day. Have a plateful of watermelon (tarbooz) and/or cucumber (kheera) every hour.3. Harad juice, 1-2 teaspoon daily after meals is very effective in controlling






acidity. The juice can be mixed with an equal amount of amla juice for better results. To take out amla juice, grate an amla and squeeze the pulp through a clean muslin cloth to get juice.

4. Chewing a piece of harad is an age old remedy.

Acne1. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day. Do not use soap.2. Orange peel is very good in the treatment of acne. Grind the peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. when oranges are not in season, you may use a powder of dried orange peels. For this, when oranges are in season, dry orange peels in shade. Powder finely in a grinder and sift it to make it a very fine powder. Store in an air tight bottle for future use.3. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) powder and apply on affected areas frequently. Sift the cinnamon (dalchini) powder to make it into a very fine powder.4. Crush a fegarlic (lasan) flakes and apply on the face, once or twice a day. Swallowing 1-2 flakes of ragarlic regularly helps further.5. Grind some neem leaves with water to a fine paste. Apply on infected area.6. Make a paste of teaspoon each of sandalwood and turmeric (haldi) powder in a little water and apply.

7. Grind some black cumin seeds (shah jeera) with a little vinegar (sirka) to a smooth paste. Apply on affected parts. cumin seeds

Animal bite1. Take teaspoon ground black cumin seeds (shah jeera), twice daily. Ankle - swelling & pain

2. Mix equal quantities of castor oil and lime juice. Massage the affected area with this mixture. Also drink 1 cup warm water mixed with lime juice and honey.

Appetite loss (anorexia)1. Mix and powder equal quantities of carom seeds (ajwain), fennel seeds (saunf), dried ginger powder (sonth), salt and black cumin seeds (shah jeera).Mix a teaspoon of this powder and a teaspoon of hot ghee to cooked rice and eat frequently.2. Take 2 teaspoon of amla juice and mix it with 2 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoon lime juice. Add 1 cup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. To take out juice from fresh amla, remove seeds from fresh amla and grind the pulp into a fine paste. Tie it in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice. whenever fresh fruits are not available, dried amla can be used. Soak 1 tablespoon of dried amla at night in a cup of water. Strain it the next morning. Add 1/8 teaspoon black pepper powder (kali Mirch) and 2 teaspoon lime juice. Dilute it if necessary with water and drink every morning regularly on an empty stomach.3. Take teaspoon black pepper powder (kali mirch) and 1 tablespoon jaggery powder (shakkar) mixed together. Kali mirch

4. Cut 1? piece ginger (adrak) into small pieces. Add 1 cups of water. Boil. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add milk and sugar to taste, and take it frequently like tea.

Asthma1. Mix 1 teaspoon honey with teaspoon cinnamon (dalchini) powder and have at night before going to bed.2. Boil carom seeds (ajwain) in water and inhale the steam.3. Boil 8-10 flakes of garlic (lasan) in cup of milk. Have this every night. Gives excellent results in early stages of asthma.4. Add a handful of drumstick leaves (sahijan) to 1 cup water. Boil. Simmer on loflame for 3-4 minutes. Cool and strain. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste. Have every day, once or twice a day.5. wAn expectorant and a very effective remedy for asthma is prepared by boiling 6 cloves (laung) in 3 tablespoons of water. Take 1 teaspoon of this decoction with a little honey, thrice daily.6. Mix teaspoon asafetida (hing), 2 teaspoon honey, teaspoon juice from betel leaf (paan ka patta), teaspoon white onion juice. Have it 2-3 times a day. To take out juice from betel leaf, Clove flowers crush to a paste and squeeze through

a clean muslin cloth. For onion juice, grate the onion and squeeze through a clean muslin cloth.

7. Mix equal amounts of fresh ginger (adrak) juice, honey & pomegranate (anaar) juice. Take 1 tablespoon, 1-2 times a day.8. Figs (anjeer) are known to give relief by draining the

phlegm (balgam). Take 3-4 dry figs, wash them well with warm water. Soak overnight in a cup of water. Eat them first thing in the morning and also drink the water. Do this for at least 2 months.

Diet for an Asthmatic Person1. Avoid milk, milk products as they cause phlegm & lead to congestion in the lungs.2. Avoid citrus fruits (sour fruits), cold foods, ice-creams & deep fried food.3. Take plenty of fruits & vegetables with a high fibre content - papaya, apples, watermelon.4. Avoid rice at dinner.5. Early dinner is best suited for these people. It ensures complete digestion before retirement.6. 1 teaspoon honey in a glass of hot water before bed time relaxes the throat by clearing accumulated

phlegm in throat.

7. Stay away from dusty places & avoid pets, particularly dogs. water Therapy for Asthmatic Persons This is a golden, sure shot remedy to cure people who have asthma due to lot of phlegm collection. My sister-in-law had very severe asthma and got cured with it - one Hakim had told her to do this. (Harveen) First thing in the morning, heat 3-4 glasses of water to which 2-3 teaspoon salt (white rock salt) has been added. Make as warm as you can drink. Sit on your haunches (hips) with heels on the floor. Press your navel with your thumb/finger and drink this water. Drink as much as you can - so much that it causes vomiting. Vomit out. If vomiting is not caused, poke your finger in your throat and vomit out. Do this every morning on an empty stomach for 1-2 months. Your asthma will surely get cured.

Backache1. Rub some ginger paste on the affected area. Apply oil of eucalyptus on it. Bad breath 1. Chew some fennel seeds (saunf) frequently.2. Chew a piece of cinnamon (dalchini) put in a betel leaf (paan ka patta). Bad Odour1. Use neem twigs as tooth paste.2. Powder the dried mint (pudina) leaves. Use as toothpowder.

3. Boil some cinnamon (dalchini) in a cup of water. Store it in a clean bottle in your bathroom. Use it as a mouthwash frequently.

4. Parsley leaves are rich in chlorophyll, nature's own deodoriser. Chew some leaves regularly and your breath will remain fresh. Alternatively, you can chew some cardamom seeds to sweeten your breath.

Baldness1. Boil 1 cup mustard oil (sarson ka tel) with 4 tablespoon henna (mehendi) leaves. Filter and bottle. Massage on the bald patches regularly.2. Grind the remains of tobacco smoked in a hookah and add to boiling mustard oil. Cool and store. Massage on the bald patches regularly.3. Rub on the scalp 1 teaspoon oil in which raw mangoes have been preserved for over one year. Repeat this treatment frequently.4. Grind 1 tablespoon liquorice root pieces (mulathi) in 1 cup milk with teaspoon saffron (kesar). Apply this paste on bald patches at bedtime continuously.

5. Grind fenugreek seeds (methi dana), with water and apply on the head. Leave for at least 40 minutes before washing. Do it every morning for a month. Bed sores w Apply honey on the length and breadth of a banana leaf and lie on it for a few hours. Ensure its contact with the affected parts.

Blackheads1. Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) powder and apply on affected areas frequently.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon each turmeric (haldi) powder and juice of fresh coriander (dhania) leaves and apply daily as a face pack before going to sleep.

Bladder stones1. Boil 2 figs (anjeer) in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a monthBack

Breathing problem1. Mix 1 teaspoon camphor (kapoor) in cup slightly warmed coconut oil and apply on the chest.2. Boil 2 tablespoon fennel seeds (saunf) in 1 cup water till it is reduced to half. Filter. Take 1 tablespoon every morning and evening for a few days.

3. Boil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg (jaiphal) in 1 cup sesame oil (til ka tel). Cool and apply on affected parts.

Boils1. Slightly roast a big onion on a ***** flame. Mash it and mix in teaspoon each turmeric powder and ghee. Apply and tie a bandage.2. Mash the garlic (lasan) cloves and apply externally.3. Ground neem leaves into a paste and apply on affected parts.4. Apply a paste of ginger (adrak) powder and turmeric (haldi) (1:1) on boils.5. Grind some black cumin (kala jeera) seeds in a little water and apply the paste on the affected areas.6. Heat black pepper powder in teaspoon ghee until charred. Use this as an ointment.7. Take fenugreek leaf (methi patta) paste, heat it and when lukewarm, apply on the affected parts of the body.8. Soak bread in warm milk and sandwich the mixture in-between the folds of a clean cotton cloth. Apply this poultice to the boil and hold in place with a cotton bandage. This draws the dirt to the surface of the skin and simultaneously bursts the boil.

Body pain1. Boil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg (jaiphal) in 1 cup sesame oil (til ka tel). Cool and apply on affected parts.

Cataract, early stages1. Mix 1 teaspoon rose water (gulab jal) with 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice. Add 10 drops of this to the eyes.

Chest congestion1. Add to liter of boiling water, 1 teaspoon carom seeds (ajwain) powder along with 1 teaspoon turmeric (haldi) powder. Cool. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture along with 1 teaspoon honey.

Chest congestion causing Breathing problem1. Grind teaspoon mustard seeds (sarson) to a smooth paste. Mix with honey and eat.

2. Mix equal quantities of mustard powder (sarson) and rice flour. Add some water and boil until it reaches a paste-like consistency. Spread on a handkerchief and foment the chest and neck when bearably hot.

Chickenpox, early stage1. Include figs (anjeer) in your diet every day. Children irritability2. Rub a nutmeg (jaiphal) lightly against a smooth grinding stone in milk and feed children who cry out at night without any apparent reasons.Chills

1. Instead of your regular hot tea or coffee, have a glass of hot water mixed with honey and lemon. Put a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and a little grated ginger in a glass and add hot water. Stir and drink. Back

Cholesterol, high1. Finely dice an onion and mix it with 1 cup buttermilk along with teaspoon black pepper (kali mirch) powder and drink.2. Regularly intake garlic (lasan) cloves for a few days.

2. 3. Regularly intake coriander (dhania) decoction made by boiling 2 teaspoon dry seed powder in 1 cup water. (Milk and sugar can be added to improve its taste. This could be a welcome substitute for tea or coffee.)

Cold1. A lemon a day keeps the cold away. For a bad cold, the juice of two lemons in a liter (2 cups) of boiling water sweetened with honey, taken at bed time, is a very effective remedy.2. Have ginger (adrak) tea.3. Cut ginger (adrak) into 1? _ 1" pieces and boil with a cup of water. Give 8-10 boils. Strain, sweeten with teaspoon sugar and drink hot.4. A tablespoon of carom seeds (ajwain) crushed and tied up in a muslin cloth can be used for inhalation to relieve congestion/blocked nose.5. A similar small bundle placed near the pillow of sleeping children relieves congestion.6. A teaspoon of cumin seeds (jeera) is added to 1 glass of boiling water. Strain and simmer for a few minutes. Let it cool. Drink it 1-2 times a day. If sore throat is also present, add a few small pieces of dry ginger (adrak) to the boiling water.7. Six pepper corns (saboot kali mirch) finely ground and mixed with a glass of warm water, sweetened with 5-6 batasha (a variation of sugar candy) can be taken for a few nights.8. In the case of the acute cold in the head, boil 1 tablespoon full pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of turmeric (haldi) and have once daily for at least 3 days. Cold with phlegm (balgam) and slight cough.

9. Take 8-10 tulsi leaves and wash well. To 1 cup of water, add these tulsi leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic (lasan), " piece ginger, crushed and 4-5 peppercorns (saboot kali mirch). Boil the water and keep simmering on fire till the quantity is reduced to cup. Cool. Strain. Add 1 teaspoon honey. Drink this every morning.

Constipation for adults1. `A healthy stomach is a healthy body'. Many diseases have their roots in the digestive system. Constipation is a very common problem affecting a lot of people. Wrong eating habits, sedentary lifestyle & sluggish intestines are the main reasons. If the stomach is not cleared well, it leads to a lot of problems such as headaches, gas etc. However, use of laxatives should be discouraged as it is habit forming and also harmful in the long run. Here are some tips to relieve you of your problem. (It will take some time but be persistent and you will surely benefit)2. Take a hot glass of water with 1 teaspoon honey and juice of a lemon first thing in the morning.3. Drink one liter of water first thing in the morning4. Soak 6-8 dates (khajoor) in a cup of water at night. Churn in the mixer in the morning & drink first thing in the morning.5. Consume approx. 250-300 gms fresh g****s (angoor) every day. When not in season, soak 12-15 raisins (kishmish) in water and have them. Raisins should be soaked for 24-48 hours and eaten early in the morning. The water in which they are soaked should also be drunk.

6. Simply eat a few liquorice (mulathi) sticks. One of its many properties is that it is a natural laxative.

Constipation for small children1. Soak 6-8 raisins (kishmish) in hot water (depending on the age). When cool, crush well and strain. When given routinely even to little infants, it helps to regulate bowel movement (however care should be taken - so as not to give too much otherwise the child will get loose motions.)2. Consumption of 6-8 apricots (khurmani) a day or 2-3 cucumbers (kheera) a day or 1-2 bananas a day is also very useful.3. Bulk forming vegetables like carrots, radish, spinach, cabbage or roughage creating things should be consumed. Instead of juice always opt for eating the fruit.4. Whole wheat flour should be used and processed foods (maida, cheese, confectionery) should be avoided.5. Taking 2-3 teaspoon of isabgol in milk or warm water either first thing in the morning or at bed time is very beneficial.6. Mix teaspoon honey to - 1 cup warm water and have it 2-3 times a day. Cough1. Mix equal amounts of honey and ginger (adrak) juice. For better results warm the mixture a little & then have it. Have 1 teaspoon, 2-3-4 times a day.2. Three pepper corns (saboot kali mirch) sucked with a pinch of black cumin (shah jeera) and a pinch of salt gives relief.3. Mix 1 teaspoon pepper powder with 4 teaspoon gur (jaggery). Make small balls. Suck 3-4 balls/tablets during the day.4. Mix equal amounts of pepper powder and sugar candy (mishri) by weight. Mix enough pure ghee to form small balls. Suck one ball/tablet 3-4 times a day. Avoid - curd, bananas, ice, rice fried and cold foods.5. 1 teaspoon of basil (tulsi) leaves juice 2-3 times a day for children. Tulsi leaves can be crushed to a paste and the paste squeezed through a clean muslin cloth to get juice.

6. Mix a pinch of turmeric (haldi) with warm 1 cup milk and have at night.

Cough (Dry)1. Nearly 250 gms of sweet apples should be taken daily for a week to obtain relief.2. A glass of warm water with juice of 1 lime and 1-2 teaspoon of honey is very good for cough.

3. Mix 8-10 tablespoon of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon poppy seeds (khuskhus) and 1 tablespoon pure honey. Take every night before going to bed.

Cough with Phlegm (balgam)1. Mix equal amounts of onion juice & honey. Have 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. This is a preventive medicine against cold in winter.

2. Chew a clove (laung) with a pinch of salt to ease expectoration and relieve irritation in throat.

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