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Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for Conviviality

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Eat, Drink And Be Merry! Combinations for Conviviality~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~By Deborah Allison

Jyotish reflects life in all its endless manifestations. At theholiday season, many of us will gather for good food, good companyand probably a lot of bad jokes! What combinations in a chart boostthe capacity for enjoying oneself this holiday season?The time honored sources for finding these contemporary correlationsare the classical Jyotish texts. Festivity, fondness of joking andmerriment are attributed to Venus in several texts. Mercury, too, iscorrelated with humor and a jocular nature that can turn tricky andsarcastic depending on other influences on it -- notably Mars. TheMoon is classically related to food and hospitality and at least onetext also links it to merriment. Jupiter is the signifier forjoviality, as the derivation of this English word clearlydemonstrates. It also represents a magnanimous nature, generosityand sometimes too much of a good thing (like sweets)!When the food factors favorably relate to the 2nd and 6th houses, wecan more comfortably predict that enjoyment of cooking and eatingwill be a strong interest. When the 11th house is favorablyactivated, we can get the opportunity to party with the upwardlymobile "beautiful" people and lots of sparkle and gifts. The jokeswill fly when witty Mercury configures with the 2nd house or in thelagna itself as part of the person's nature.The richness of the Jyotish tradition shows itself in the many waysa particular theme can be brought forward. Not only do the planetsand the houses bring forward life's endless variety, but so do theconstellation and nakshatras. For example, humor is also seen withthose that have prominent placements in the nakshatra of Hasta.Hasta's Sanskrit root is has, and one of its important meaningsis "to laugh."

Let us look at some charts to see these factors (pardon the pun) atplay!In case of Simone Beck who was a close collaborator of Julia Child. Ms. Beck co-authored parts of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and wrotecookbooks of her own. Her family was an old wealthy French familythat was noted for a fine liqueur from their vineyard. She has anamazing second house with Sun, Merc, Mars and Venus, Venus is the lord of the lagna (Taurus) and the sixth in the 2nd. The house is loaded with many combinations forpreeminence. Though there is no biographical information specifically saying so, it is more than likely that she had flowing conversation and a wicked sense of humor.While we are on the subject of food, Paul Wittamer is a Belgian chef, and known as one of the finest pastry chefs in his country rewarded especially for his exquisite black chocolates. A Cancer ascendant (predisposed to hospitality, food etc.), Jup, Rahu and Venus are in lagna, Mars is in 9'th house on Pisces, his bright full Moon is in the 6th bhava on Sagittarious, 6'th bhava is bhava of cooking, Sun is in 12'th house on Gemini and Gemini's lord Merc is on 11'th house along with Saturn. Lagna lord Moon and 6'th lord Jup are exchanging positions. Jupiter is the planet of sweets and Venus is the planet of luxury. Rahu joins them, adding the necessary obsession to be the Chocolate King!Peter Sellers has a remarkable chart with Leo as lagna, she is known for humor especially in a quirky, off-beat way with debilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd house is powerfully placed right in the ascendant, forming a major wealth yoga with the lagna lord Sun and doubling up the humor significations. All of the planets in the lagna are supported by a powerful Jupiter from the 5th house of creativity, Lagna has got Sun, Merc and Mars, Exalted Saturn is in 3rd house and 6'th house gets Ketu, Exalted Moon is in 10'th house.The final chart is that of a society hostess. She loves the glitter of charity balls, art openings and delights in being part of the "right" crowd. She is very clever with a sparkling sense of humor and sophisticated conversation. She finds Virgo as lagna, Her Moon is the lord of her very notable 11th house and it comes right to the lagna in the nakshatra of Hasta. In addition to her socializing, she has a sincere interest in helping others and is a very effective fund raiser with clubs and societies for many good causes. Note the exalted Jupiter forming a powerful yoga in the 11th with the 9th lord Venus and Rahu whereas 9'th house gets Sun, Merc and Saturn.Let's all eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!


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Dear Latil Mishra,

I wish you and your loved one to enjoy and Eat, Drink and be Merry for the season--- On Sat, 12/26/09, litsol <mishra.lalit wrote:

litsol <mishra.lalit[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for ConvivialityVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Saturday, December 26, 2009, 2:07 AM


Eat, Drink And Be Merry! Combinations for Conviviality~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~By Deborah Allison

Jyotish reflects life in all its endless manifestations. At theholiday season, many of us will gather for good food, good companyand probably a lot of bad jokes! What combinations in a chart boostthe capacity for enjoying oneself this holiday season?The time honored sources for finding these contemporary correlationsare the classical Jyotish texts. Festivity, fondness of joking andmerriment are attributed to Venus in several texts. Mercury, too, iscorrelated with humor and a jocular nature that can turn tricky andsarcastic depending on other influences on it -- notably Mars. TheMoon is classically related to food and hospitality and at least onetext also links it to merriment. Jupiter is the signifier forjoviality, as the derivation of this English word clearlydemonstrates. It also represents a magnanimous nature, generosityand sometimes too much of a

good thing (like sweets)!When the food factors favorably relate to the 2nd and 6th houses, wecan more comfortably predict that enjoyment of cooking and eatingwill be a strong interest. When the 11th house is favorablyactivated, we can get the opportunity to party with the upwardlymobile "beautiful" people and lots of sparkle and gifts. The jokeswill fly when witty Mercury configures with the 2nd house or in thelagna itself as part of the person's nature.The richness of the Jyotish tradition shows itself in the many waysa particular theme can be brought forward. Not only do the planetsand the houses bring forward life's endless variety, but so do theconstellation and nakshatras. For example, humor is also seen withthose that have prominent placements in the nakshatra of Hasta.Hasta's Sanskrit root is has, and one of its important meaningsis "to laugh."

Let us look at some charts to see these factors (pardon the pun) atplay!In case of Simone Beck who was a close collaborator of Julia Child. Ms. Beck co-authored parts of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and wrotecookbooks of her own. Her family was an old wealthy French familythat was noted for a fine liqueur from their vineyard. She has anamazing second house with Sun, Merc, Mars and Venus, Venus is the lord of the lagna (Taurus) and the sixth in the 2nd. The house is loaded with many combinations forpreeminence. Though there is no biographical information specifically saying so, it is more than likely that she had flowing conversation and a wicked sense of humor.While we are on the subject of food, Paul Wittamer is a Belgian chef, and known as one of the finest pastry

chefs in his country rewarded especially for his exquisite black chocolates. A Cancer ascendant (predisposed to hospitality, food etc.), Jup, Rahu and Venus are in lagna, Mars is in 9'th house on Pisces, his bright full Moon is in the 6th bhava on Sagittarious, 6'th bhava is bhava of cooking, Sun is in 12'th house on Gemini and Gemini's lord Merc is on 11'th house along with Saturn. Lagna lord Moon and 6'th lord Jup are exchanging positions. Jupiter is the planet of sweets and Venus is the planet of luxury. Rahu joins them, adding the necessary obsession to be the Chocolate King!Peter Sellers has a remarkable chart with Leo as lagna, she is known for humor especially in a quirky, off-beat way with debilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd house is powerfully placed right in the ascendant, forming a major wealth yoga with the lagna

lord Sun and doubling up the humor significations. All of the planets in the lagna are supported by a powerful Jupiter from the 5th house of creativity, Lagna has got Sun, Merc and Mars, Exalted Saturn is in 3rd house and 6'th house gets Ketu, Exalted Moon is in 10'th house.The final chart is that of a society hostess. She loves the glitter of charity balls, art openings and delights in being part of the "right" crowd. She is very clever with a sparkling sense of humor and sophisticated conversation. She finds Virgo as lagna, Her Moon is the lord of her very notable 11th house and it comes right to the lagna in the nakshatra of Hasta. In addition to her socializing, she has a sincere interest in helping others and is a very effective fund raiser with clubs and societies for many good causes. Note the exalted Jupiter forming a powerful yoga in the 11th with the 9th lord Venus and Rahu whereas 9'th house

gets Sun, Merc and Saturn.Let's all eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!


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Resp Kursija Ji,


I feel, your wishes are trully working for me .... I m enjoying my time

though despite responsibility and work load, It's sailing smooth.



Lalit Mishra.





Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " S.C. Kursija "

<sckursija wrote:


> Dear Latil Mishra,

> I wish you and your loved one to enjoy and Eat, Drink and be Merry for

the season


> --- On Sat, 12/26/09, litsol mishra.lalit wrote:



> litsol mishra.lalit

> [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Eat,Drink And Be Merry -

Combinations for Conviviality

> Vedic Astrologyandhealing

> Saturday, December 26, 2009, 2:07 AM



> Â





> Eat, Drink And Be Merry! Combinations for Conviviality

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

> By Deborah Allison

> Jyotish reflects life in all its endless manifestations. At the

> holiday season, many of us will gather for good food, good company

> and probably a lot of bad jokes! What combinations in a chart boost

> the capacity for enjoying oneself this holiday season?


> The time honored sources for finding these contemporary correlations

> are the classical Jyotish texts. Festivity, fondness of joking and

> merriment are attributed to Venus in several texts. Mercury, too, is

> correlated with humor and a jocular nature that can turn tricky and

> sarcastic depending on other influences on it -- notably Mars. The

> Moon is classically related to food and hospitality and at least one

> text also links it to merriment. Jupiter is the signifier for

> joviality, as the derivation of this English word clearly

> demonstrates. It also represents a magnanimous nature, generosity

> and sometimes too much of a good thing (like sweets)!


> When the food factors favorably relate to the 2nd and 6th houses, we

> can more comfortably predict that enjoyment of cooking and eating

> will be a strong interest. When the 11th house is favorably

> activated, we can get the opportunity to party with the upwardly

> mobile " beautiful " people and lots of sparkle and gifts. The jokes

> will fly when witty Mercury configures with the 2nd house or in the

> lagna itself as part of the person's nature.


> The richness of the Jyotish tradition shows itself in the many ways

> a particular theme can be brought forward. Not only do the planets

> and the houses bring forward life's endless variety, but so do the

> constellation and nakshatras. For example, humor is also seen with

> those that have prominent placements in the nakshatra of Hasta.

> Hasta's Sanskrit root is has, and one of its important meanings

> is " to laugh. "




> Let us look at some charts to see these factors (pardon the pun) at

> play!


> In case  of Simone Beck who was a close collaborator of Julia

Child. Ms. Beck co-

> authored parts of " Mastering the Art of French Cooking " and wrote

> cookbooks of her own. Her family was an old wealthy French family

> that was noted for a fine liqueur from their vineyard. She has an

> amazing second house with Sun, Merc, Mars and Venus, Venus is the lord

of the lagna (Taurus) and the sixth in the 2nd. The house is loaded with

many combinations for

> preeminence. Though there is no biographical information specifically

saying so, it is more than likely that she had flowing conversation and

a wicked sense of humor.


> While we are on the subject of food, Paul Wittamer is a Belgian chef,

and known as one of the finest pastry chefs in his country rewarded

especially for his exquisite black chocolates. A Cancer ascendant

(predisposed to hospitality, food etc.), Jup, Rahu and Venus are in

lagna, Mars is in 9'th house on Pisces, his bright full Moon is in the

6th bhava on Sagittarious, 6'th bhava is bhava of cooking, Sun is in

12'th house on Gemini and Gemini's lord Merc is on 11'th house along

with Saturn. Lagna lord Moon and 6'th lord Jup are exchanging

positions. Jupiter is the planet of sweets and Venus is the planet of

luxury. Rahu joins them, adding the necessary obsession to be the

Chocolate King!


> Peter Sellers has a remarkable chart with Leo as lagna, she is

known for humor especially in a quirky, off-beat way with

debilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd house

is powerfully placed right in the ascendant, forming a major wealth yoga

with the lagna lord Sun and doubling up the humor significations. All of

the planets in the lagna are supported by a powerful Jupiter from the

5th house of creativity, Lagna has got Sun, Merc and Mars, Exalted

Saturn is in 3rd house and 6'th house gets Ketu, Exalted Moon is in

10'th house.



> The final chart is that of a society hostess. She loves the glitter of

charity balls, art openings and delights in being part of the " right "

crowd. She is very clever with a sparkling sense of humor and

sophisticated conversation. She finds Virgo as lagna, Her Moon is

the lord of her very notable 11th house and it comes right to the lagna

in the nakshatra of Hasta. In addition to her socializing, she has a

sincere interest in helping others and is a very effective fund raiser

with clubs and societies for many good causes. Note the exalted Jupiter

forming a powerful yoga in the 11th with the 9th lord Venus and Rahu

whereas 9'th house gets Sun, Merc and Saturn.


> Let's all eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!

> Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â





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Dear Shri Kursija Ji,Shri Lalit Ji,and other all members,

In fact "adhinik yug" does not seggreagte "eat" etc from working with "felxi" moods and attitudes in every walk of life.

This part of the year that intends to ring out the past and to ring in the present need no felxi approach as it coincides with year end moods.

we need also invite the year 2010 with great vigour,open mind,exhileration and hope for the best.

Along with that the bindaas attitude(ofcourse temporarilt) as we drag final hours of 2009 and step into 2010 first hours.Here we need to make total approach only for meet,eat,drink dance and dine.

Perhaps,it is not optional to keep aside and be ignorant all those responsiblities only to take up all issues with more vigour,more concentration and more as we get along with the year known to be lead by the number 3 with jupiter's representation for good and look into Uttarayana commencing from 21st Dec for doing better things to build up one'e future and future of many.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman"Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them"

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma

--- On Tue, 12/29/09, litsol <mishra.lalit wrote:

litsol <mishra.lalit[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for ConvivialityVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 1:56 PM

Resp Kursija Ji,I feel, your wishes are trully working for me .... I m enjoying my timethough despite responsibility and work load, It's sailing smooth.regards,Lalit Mishra.Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, "S.C. Kursija"<sckursija@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Latil Mishra,> I wish you and your loved one to enjoy and Eat, Drink and be Merry forthe season>> --- On Sat, 12/26/09, litsol mishra.lalit@ ... wrote:>>> litsol mishra.lalit@ ...> [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Eat,Drink And Be Merry -Combinations for Conviviality> Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com> Saturday, December 26, 2009, 2:07 AM>>> Â>>>>> Eat, Drink And Be Merry! Combinations for Conviviality> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~> By Deborah Allison> Jyotish reflects life in all its endless manifestations. At the> holiday season, many of us will gather for good food, good company> and probably a lot of bad jokes! What combinations in a chart boost> the capacity for enjoying oneself this holiday season?>> The time honored sources for finding these contemporary correlations> are the classical Jyotish texts. Festivity, fondness of joking and> merriment are attributed to Venus in several texts. Mercury, too, is> correlated with humor and a jocular nature that

can turn tricky and> sarcastic depending on other influences on it -- notably Mars. The> Moon is classically related to food and hospitality and at least one> text also links it to merriment. Jupiter is the signifier for> joviality, as the derivation of this English word clearly> demonstrates. It also represents a magnanimous nature, generosity> and sometimes too much of a good thing (like sweets)!>> When the food factors favorably relate to the 2nd and 6th houses, we> can more comfortably predict that enjoyment of cooking and eating> will be a strong interest. When the 11th house is favorably> activated, we can get the opportunity to party with the upwardly> mobile "beautiful" people and lots of sparkle and gifts. The jokes> will fly when witty Mercury configures with the 2nd house or in the> lagna itself as part of the person's nature.>> The

richness of the Jyotish tradition shows itself in the many ways> a particular theme can be brought forward. Not only do the planets> and the houses bring forward life's endless variety, but so do the> constellation and nakshatras. For example, humor is also seen with> those that have prominent placements in the nakshatra of Hasta.> Hasta's Sanskrit root is has, and one of its important meanings> is "to laugh.">>>> Let us look at some charts to see these factors (pardon the pun) at> play!>> In case  of Simone Beck who was a close collaborator of JuliaChild. Ms. Beck co-> authored parts of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and wrote> cookbooks of her own. Her family was an old wealthy French family> that was noted for a fine liqueur from their vineyard. She has an> amazing second house with Sun, Merc, Mars and Venus, Venus is

the lordof the lagna (Taurus) and the sixth in the 2nd. The house is loaded withmany combinations for> preeminence. Though there is no biographical information specificallysaying so, it is more than likely that she had flowing conversation anda wicked sense of humor.>> While we are on the subject of food, Paul Wittamer is a Belgian chef,and known as one of the finest pastry chefs in his country rewardedespecially for his exquisite black chocolates. A Cancer ascendant(predisposed to hospitality, food etc.), Jup, Rahu and Venus are inlagna, Mars is in 9'th house on Pisces, his bright full Moon is in the6th bhava on Sagittarious, 6'th bhava is bhava of cooking, Sun is in12'th house on Gemini and Gemini's lord Merc is on 11'th house alongwith Saturn. Lagna lord Moon and 6'th lord Jup are exchangingpositions. Jupiter is the planet of sweets and Venus is the planet ofluxury. Rahu

joins them, adding the necessary obsession to be theChocolate King!>> Peter Sellers has a remarkable chart with Leo as lagna, she isknown for humor especially in a quirky, off-beat way withdebilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd houseis powerfully placed right in the ascendant, forming a major wealth yogawith the lagna lord Sun and doubling up the humor significations. All ofthe planets in the lagna are supported by a powerful Jupiter from the5th house of creativity, Lagna has got Sun, Merc and Mars, ExaltedSaturn is in 3rd house and 6'th house gets Ketu, Exalted Moon is in10'th house.>>> The final chart is that of a society hostess. She loves the glitter ofcharity balls, art openings and delights in being part of the "right"crowd. She is very clever with a sparkling sense of humor andsophisticated conversation. She finds Virgo as lagna, Her

Moon isthe lord of her very notable 11th house and it comes right to the lagnain the nakshatra of Hasta. In addition to her socializing, she has asincere interest in helping others and is a very effective fund raiserwith clubs and societies for many good causes. Note the exalted Jupiterforming a powerful yoga in the 11th with the 9th lord Venus and Rahuwhereas 9'th house gets Sun, Merc and Saturn.>> Let's all eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!> Â> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â>

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Sir, This is true, but for me it's little tricky, as we are asked to submit

actual income tax saving proofs, so, the investment which was due in feb -

march, we are doing in dec end






Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99



> Dear Shri Kursija Ji,Shri Lalit Ji,and other all members,

> In fact " adhinik yug " does not seggreagte " eat " etc from working with " felxi "

moods and attitudes in every walk of life.

> This part of the year that intends to ring out the past and to ring in the

present need no felxi approach as it coincides with year end moods.

> we need also invite the year 2010 with great vigour,open mind,exhileration and

hope for the best.

> Along with that the bindaas attitude(ofcourse temporarilt) as we drag final

hours of 2009 and step into 2010 first hours.Here we need to make total approach

only for meet,eat,drink dance and dine.

> Perhaps,it is not optional to keep aside and be ignorant all those

responsiblities only to take up all issues with more vigour,more concentration

and more as we get along with the year known to be lead by the number 3 with

jupiter's representation for good and look into Uttarayana commencing from 21st

Dec for doing better things to build up one'e future and future of many. 



> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

> Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



> --- On Tue, 12/29/09, litsol <mishra.lalit wrote:



> litsol <mishra.lalit

> [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations

for Conviviality

> Vedic Astrologyandhealing

> Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 1:56 PM








> Resp Kursija Ji,


> I feel, your wishes are trully working for me .... I m enjoying my time

> though despite responsibility and work load, It's sailing smooth.


> regards,

> Lalit Mishra.


> Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, " S.C. Kursija "

> <sckursija@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Latil Mishra,

> > I wish you and your loved one to enjoy and Eat, Drink and be Merry for

> the season

> >

> > --- On Sat, 12/26/09, litsol mishra.lalit@ ... wrote:

> >

> >

> > litsol mishra.lalit@ ...

> > [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Eat,Drink And Be Merry -

> Combinations for Conviviality

> > Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com

> > Saturday, December 26, 2009, 2:07 AM

> >

> >

> > Ã

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Eat, Drink And Be Merry! Combinations for Conviviality

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

> > By Deborah Allison

> > Jyotish reflects life in all its endless manifestations. At the

> > holiday season, many of us will gather for good food, good company

> > and probably a lot of bad jokes! What combinations in a chart boost

> > the capacity for enjoying oneself this holiday season?

> >

> > The time honored sources for finding these contemporary correlations

> > are the classical Jyotish texts. Festivity, fondness of joking and

> > merriment are attributed to Venus in several texts. Mercury, too, is

> > correlated with humor and a jocular nature that can turn tricky and

> > sarcastic depending on other influences on it -- notably Mars. The

> > Moon is classically related to food and hospitality and at least one

> > text also links it to merriment. Jupiter is the signifier for

> > joviality, as the derivation of this English word clearly

> > demonstrates. It also represents a magnanimous nature, generosity

> > and sometimes too much of a good thing (like sweets)!

> >

> > When the food factors favorably relate to the 2nd and 6th houses, we

> > can more comfortably predict that enjoyment of cooking and eating

> > will be a strong interest. When the 11th house is favorably

> > activated, we can get the opportunity to party with the upwardly

> > mobile " beautiful " people and lots of sparkle and gifts. The jokes

> > will fly when witty Mercury configures with the 2nd house or in the

> > lagna itself as part of the person's nature.

> >

> > The richness of the Jyotish tradition shows itself in the many ways

> > a particular theme can be brought forward. Not only do the planets

> > and the houses bring forward life's endless variety, but so do the

> > constellation and nakshatras. For example, humor is also seen with

> > those that have prominent placements in the nakshatra of Hasta.

> > Hasta's Sanskrit root is has, and one of its important meanings

> > is " to laugh. "

> >

> >

> >

> > Let us look at some charts to see these factors (pardon the pun) at

> > play!

> >

> > In case à of Simone Beck who was a close collaborator of Julia

> Child. Ms. Beck co-

> > authored parts of " Mastering the Art of French Cooking " and wrote

> > cookbooks of her own. Her family was an old wealthy French family

> > that was noted for a fine liqueur from their vineyard. She has an

> > amazing second house with Sun, Merc, Mars and Venus, Venus is the lord

> of the lagna (Taurus) and the sixth in the 2nd. The house is loaded with

> many combinations for

> > preeminence. Though there is no biographical information specifically

> saying so, it is more than likely that she had flowing conversation and

> a wicked sense of humor.

> >

> > While we are on the subject of food, Paul Wittamer is a Belgian chef,

> and known as one of the finest pastry chefs in his country rewarded

> especially for his exquisite black chocolates. A Cancer ascendant

> (predisposed to hospitality, food etc.), Jup, Rahu and Venus are in

> lagna, Mars is in 9'th house on Pisces, his bright full Moon is in the

> 6th bhava on Sagittarious, 6'th bhava is bhavaà of cooking, Sun is in

> 12'th house on Gemini and Gemini's lord Merc is on 11'th house along

> with Saturn.à Lagna lord Moon and 6'th lord Jup areà exchanging

> positions. Jupiter is the planet of sweets and Venus is the planet of

> luxury. Rahu joins them, adding the necessary obsession to be the

> Chocolate King!

> >

> > Peter Sellers has a remarkable chart with Leo asà lagna, she is

> knownà for humor especially in a quirky, off-beat way with

> debilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd house

> is powerfully placed right in the ascendant, forming a major wealth yoga

> with the lagna lord Sun and doubling up the humor significations. All of

> the planets in the lagna are supported by a powerful Jupiter from the

> 5th house of creativity, Lagna has got Sun, Merc and Mars, Exalted

> Saturn is in 3rd house and 6'th house gets Ketu, Exalted Moon is in

> 10'th house.

> >

> >

> > The final chart is that of a society hostess. She loves the glitter of

> charity balls, art openings and delights in being part of the " right "

> crowd. She is very clever with a sparkling sense of humor and

> sophisticated conversation.Ã She finds Virgo as lagna, Her Moon is

> the lord of her very notable 11th house and it comes right to the lagna

> in the nakshatra of Hasta. In addition to her socializing, she has a

> sincere interest in helping others and is a very effective fund raiser

> with clubs and societies for many good causes. Note the exalted Jupiter

> forming a powerful yoga in the 11th with the 9th lord Venus and Rahu

> whereas 9'th house gets Sun, Merc and Saturn.

> >

> > Let's all eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!

> > Ã

> > Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã

> Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã

> Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã

> Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã

> >


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Dear Vattem Krishnan ,

Close the door of the past and future and enjoy and concentrate on the present.

The present is based on past and future is based on the present, so "take up all issues with more vigour,more concentration and more faith on yourself" Thanks

Love--- On Wed, 12/30/09, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99Re: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for ConvivialityVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 7:47 AM






Dear Shri Kursija Ji,Shri Lalit Ji,and other all members,

In fact "adhinik yug" does not seggreagte "eat" etc from working with "felxi" moods and attitudes in every walk of life.

This part of the year that intends to ring out the past and to ring in the present need no felxi approach as it coincides with year end moods.

we need also invite the year 2010 with great vigour,open mind,exhileration and hope for the best.

Along with that the bindaas attitude(ofcourse temporarilt) as we drag final hours of 2009 and step into 2010 first hours.Here we need to make total approach only for meet,eat,drink dance and dine.

Perhaps,it is not optional to keep aside and be ignorant all those responsiblities only to take up all issues with more vigour,more concentration and more as we get along with the year known to be lead by the number 3 with jupiter's representation for good and look into Uttarayana commencing from 21st Dec for doing better things to build up one'e future and future of many.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman" Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them"

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma

--- On Tue, 12/29/09, litsol <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

litsol <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>[Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for ConvivialityVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, December 29, 2009, 1:56 PM

Resp Kursija Ji,I feel, your wishes are trully working for me .... I m enjoying my timethough despite responsibility and work load, It's sailing smooth.regards,Lalit Mishra.Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, "S.C. Kursija"<sckursija@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Latil Mishra,> I wish you and your loved one to enjoy and Eat, Drink and be Merry forthe season>> --- On Sat, 12/26/09, litsol mishra.lalit@ ... wrote:>>> litsol mishra.lalit@ ...> [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Eat,Drink And Be Merry -Combinations for Conviviality> Vedic Astrologyandhe

aling@ s.com> Saturday, December 26, 2009, 2:07 AM>>> Â>>>>> Eat, Drink And Be Merry! Combinations for Conviviality> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~> By Deborah Allison> Jyotish reflects life in all its endless manifestations. At the> holiday season, many of us will gather for good food, good company> and probably a lot of bad jokes! What combinations in a chart boost> the capacity for enjoying oneself this holiday season?>> The time honored sources for finding these contemporary correlations> are the classical Jyotish texts. Festivity, fondness of joking and> merriment are attributed to Venus in several texts. Mercury, too, is> correlated with humor and a jocular nature that can turn tricky and> sarcastic depending on other influences on it -- notably Mars. The>

Moon is classically related to food and hospitality and at least one> text also links it to merriment. Jupiter is the signifier for> joviality, as the derivation of this English word clearly> demonstrates. It also represents a magnanimous nature, generosity> and sometimes too much of a good thing (like sweets)!>> When the food factors favorably relate to the 2nd and 6th houses, we> can more comfortably predict that enjoyment of cooking and eating> will be a strong interest. When the 11th house is favorably> activated, we can get the opportunity to party with the upwardly> mobile "beautiful" people and lots of sparkle and gifts. The jokes> will fly when witty Mercury configures with the 2nd house or in the> lagna itself as part of the person's nature.>> The richness of the Jyotish tradition shows itself in the many ways> a particular theme can be

brought forward. Not only do the planets> and the houses bring forward life's endless variety, but so do the> constellation and nakshatras. For example, humor is also seen with> those that have prominent placements in the nakshatra of Hasta.> Hasta's Sanskrit root is has, and one of its important meanings> is "to laugh.">>>> Let us look at some charts to see these factors (pardon the pun) at> play!>> In case  of Simone Beck who was a close collaborator of JuliaChild. Ms. Beck co-> authored parts of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and wrote> cookbooks of her own. Her family was an old wealthy French family> that was noted for a fine liqueur from their vineyard. She has an> amazing second house with Sun, Merc, Mars and Venus, Venus is the lordof the lagna (Taurus) and the sixth in the 2nd. The house is loaded withmany

combinations for> preeminence. Though there is no biographical information specificallysaying so, it is more than likely that she had flowing conversation anda wicked sense of humor.>> While we are on the subject of food, Paul Wittamer is a Belgian chef,and known as one of the finest pastry chefs in his country rewardedespecially for his exquisite black chocolates. A Cancer ascendant(predisposed to hospitality, food etc.), Jup, Rahu and Venus are inlagna, Mars is in 9'th house on Pisces, his bright full Moon is in the6th bhava on Sagittarious, 6'th bhava is bhava of cooking, Sun is in12'th house on Gemini and Gemini's lord Merc is on 11'th house alongwith Saturn. Lagna lord Moon and 6'th lord Jup are exchangingpositions. Jupiter is the planet of sweets and Venus is the planet ofluxury. Rahu joins them, adding the necessary obsession to be theChocolate King!>> Peter

Sellers has a remarkable chart with Leo as lagna, she isknown for humor especially in a quirky, off-beat way withdebilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd houseis powerfully placed right in the ascendant, forming a major wealth yogawith the lagna lord Sun and doubling up the humor significations. All ofthe planets in the lagna are supported by a powerful Jupiter from the5th house of creativity, Lagna has got Sun, Merc and Mars, ExaltedSaturn is in 3rd house and 6'th house gets Ketu, Exalted Moon is in10'th house.>>> The final chart is that of a society hostess. She loves the glitter ofcharity balls, art openings and delights in being part of the "right"crowd. She is very clever with a sparkling sense of humor andsophisticated conversation. She finds Virgo as lagna, Her Moon isthe lord of her very notable 11th house and it comes right to the lagnain the

nakshatra of Hasta. In addition to her socializing, she has asincere interest in helping others and is a very effective fund raiserwith clubs and societies for many good causes. Note the exalted Jupiterforming a powerful yoga in the 11th with the 9th lord Venus and Rahuwhereas 9'th house gets Sun, Merc and Saturn.>> Let's all eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!> Â> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â>

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Thank You Sir!

Wish You A Very Happy Peaceful,pious and Prosperous Year of 2010Regards

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman"Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them"

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma

--- On Wed, 12/30/09, S.C. Kursija <sckursija wrote:

S.C. Kursija <sckursijaRe: [Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Re: Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for ConvivialityVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 3:44 AM






Dear Vattem Krishnan ,

Close the door of the past and future and enjoy and concentrate on the present.

The present is based on past and future is based on the present, so "take up all issues with more vigour,more concentration and more faith on yourself" Thanks

Love--- On Wed, 12/30/09, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 > wrote:

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >Re: [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for ConvivialityVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comWednesday, December 30, 2009, 7:47 AM






Dear Shri Kursija Ji,Shri Lalit Ji,and other all members,

In fact "adhinik yug" does not seggreagte "eat" etc from working with "felxi" moods and attitudes in every walk of life.

This part of the year that intends to ring out the past and to ring in the present need no felxi approach as it coincides with year end moods.

we need also invite the year 2010 with great vigour,open mind,exhileration and hope for the best.

Along with that the bindaas attitude(ofcourse temporarilt) as we drag final hours of 2009 and step into 2010 first hours.Here we need to make total approach only for meet,eat,drink dance and dine.

Perhaps,it is not optional to keep aside and be ignorant all those responsiblities only to take up all issues with more vigour,more concentration and more as we get along with the year known to be lead by the number 3 with jupiter's representation for good and look into Uttarayana commencing from 21st Dec for doing better things to build up one'e future and future of many.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman" Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them"

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma

--- On Tue, 12/29/09, litsol <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

litsol <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>[Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Re: Eat,Drink And Be Merry - Combinations for ConvivialityVedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.comTuesday, December 29, 2009, 1:56 PM

Resp Kursija Ji,I feel, your wishes are trully working for me .... I m enjoying my timethough despite responsibility and work load, It's sailing smooth.regards,Lalit Mishra.Vedic Astrologyandhe aling@ s.com, "S.C. Kursija"<sckursija@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Latil Mishra,> I wish you and your loved one to enjoy and Eat, Drink and be Merry forthe season>> --- On Sat, 12/26/09, litsol mishra.lalit@ ... wrote:>>> litsol mishra.lalit@ ...> [Vedic Astrologyandh ealing] Eat,Drink And Be Merry -Combinations for Conviviality> Vedic Astrologyandhe

aling@ s.com> Saturday, December 26, 2009, 2:07 AM>>> Â>>>>> Eat, Drink And Be Merry! Combinations for Conviviality> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~> By Deborah Allison> Jyotish reflects life in all its endless manifestations. At the> holiday season, many of us will gather for good food, good company> and probably a lot of bad jokes! What combinations in a chart boost> the capacity for enjoying oneself this holiday season?>> The time honored sources for finding these contemporary correlations> are the classical Jyotish texts. Festivity, fondness of joking and> merriment are attributed to Venus in several texts. Mercury, too, is> correlated with humor and a jocular nature that can turn tricky and> sarcastic depending on other influences on it -- notably Mars. The>

Moon is classically related to food and hospitality and at least one> text also links it to merriment. Jupiter is the signifier for> joviality, as the derivation of this English word clearly> demonstrates. It also represents a magnanimous nature, generosity> and sometimes too much of a good thing (like sweets)!>> When the food factors favorably relate to the 2nd and 6th houses, we> can more comfortably predict that enjoyment of cooking and eating> will be a strong interest. When the 11th house is favorably> activated, we can get the opportunity to party with the upwardly> mobile "beautiful" people and lots of sparkle and gifts. The jokes> will fly when witty Mercury configures with the 2nd house or in the> lagna itself as part of the person's nature.>> The richness of the Jyotish tradition shows itself in the many ways> a particular theme can be

brought forward. Not only do the planets> and the houses bring forward life's endless variety, but so do the> constellation and nakshatras. For example, humor is also seen with> those that have prominent placements in the nakshatra of Hasta.> Hasta's Sanskrit root is has, and one of its important meanings> is "to laugh.">>>> Let us look at some charts to see these factors (pardon the pun) at> play!>> In case  of Simone Beck who was a close collaborator of JuliaChild. Ms. Beck co-> authored parts of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and wrote> cookbooks of her own. Her family was an old wealthy French family> that was noted for a fine liqueur from their vineyard. She has an> amazing second house with Sun, Merc, Mars and Venus, Venus is the lordof the lagna (Taurus) and the sixth in the 2nd. The house is loaded withmany

combinations for> preeminence. Though there is no biographical information specificallysaying so, it is more than likely that she had flowing conversation anda wicked sense of humor.>> While we are on the subject of food, Paul Wittamer is a Belgian chef,and known as one of the finest pastry chefs in his country rewardedespecially for his exquisite black chocolates. A Cancer ascendant(predisposed to hospitality, food etc.), Jup, Rahu and Venus are inlagna, Mars is in 9'th house on Pisces, his bright full Moon is in the6th bhava on Sagittarious, 6'th bhava is bhava of cooking, Sun is in12'th house on Gemini and Gemini's lord Merc is on 11'th house alongwith Saturn. Lagna lord Moon and 6'th lord Jup are exchangingpositions. Jupiter is the planet of sweets and Venus is the planet ofluxury. Rahu joins them, adding the necessary obsession to be theChocolate King!>> Peter

Sellers has a remarkable chart with Leo as lagna, she isknown for humor especially in a quirky, off-beat way withdebilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd houseis powerfully placed right in the ascendant, forming a major wealth yogawith the lagna lord Sun and doubling up the humor significations. All ofthe planets in the lagna are supported by a powerful Jupiter from the5th house of creativity, Lagna has got Sun, Merc and Mars, ExaltedSaturn is in 3rd house and 6'th house gets Ketu, Exalted Moon is in10'th house.>>> The final chart is that of a society hostess. She loves the glitter ofcharity balls, art openings and delights in being part of the "right"crowd. She is very clever with a sparkling sense of humor andsophisticated conversation. She finds Virgo as lagna, Her Moon isthe lord of her very notable 11th house and it comes right to the lagnain the

nakshatra of Hasta. In addition to her socializing, she has asincere interest in helping others and is a very effective fund raiserwith clubs and societies for many good causes. Note the exalted Jupiterforming a powerful yoga in the 11th with the 9th lord Venus and Rahuwhereas 9'th house gets Sun, Merc and Saturn.>> Let's all eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!> Â> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â>

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