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Braht-Parasara Samhita as cited in Vacaspatya Kosa contains an account of aus-


picious moments for commencing cultivation. Translation of the important por-


tions: Ploughing (of the field) is recommended under the constellations Mula,


Visakha and Magha and under mobile, fixed, slow and quick planets, or when the


evil planets or stars are of weak influence, and the moon is in the mansion


called Jala (Purvasadha) and is visible in her full aspect and vigour along


with Venus, and when Brhaspati (Jupiter) is in the Langna mansion. It should


not be done on Sundays and Saturdays, nor at the time of sun's entrance into


Leo, Aquarins, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, or Libra, for that causes emaciation


of the body (of the cultivator), nor on the fourth, sixth, ninth and fourteen-


th days of the lunar month called Rikta (for the same reason). The sowing of


the seeds is auspicious under the constellations other than Sravana,Satabhisaj


Punarvasu, and Visakha, but not on Tuesday. Again, eight constellations begi-


nning from the one under the influence of Rahu are inauspicious, next three


are auspicious, then one inauspicious, next three auspicious and one inauspi-


cious, then again three auspicious and one inauspicious, and finally three



auspicious and four inauspicious. For ploughing, the sages have declared that


three constellations from the one vacated by the sun are inauspicious, then


eight auspicious, then nine inauspicious and finally eight auspicious. One


should begin ploughing under the nineteen constellations comprising Mula,


Visakha and Magha along with the mobile, fixed, slow and fast constellations.


Here is what Narada says:- "The first ploughing with the bulls should be done


under the constellations that are slow, fixed, fast and mobile as well as


under Visakha and those sacred to the Pitrs (Manes)." More elaborately says


Sripati: One should do the first ploughing with healthy and uncastrated bulls


under the constellations that are slow, fixed, fast and mobile as well as Mula


Magha, and Visakha. Here the word uncastrated is added because the orchids of


the bulls being fertile, ploughing with ungelded bulls would make the culti-


vation fertile and that done with gelded animals would make it sterile. As


regard the avoidance of Sunday in ploughing a quotation from Vyavahara-tattva


is given: "Cultivation is not recommended under the constellations called


Purva, Dvisa Yana (Bharani) and Agni (Krttika) on Sundays and Saturdays and on


the Rikta days of the lunar month." In support of the Lagna etc. the follow-


ing quotations from Ratnamala and Kasyapa are given: "Cultivation should be


done when the Venus and the moon are in full vigour, the Saturn, Mars and the


Sun are weak, and the moon is in the Purvasadha mansion and the Jupiter is in


the auspicious mansion." Kasyapa says: "It is auspicious to start cultivation


when Jupiter is in his Lagna Mansion, Venus is strong, and the moon is in con-


junction with Purvasadha and when the evil stars are weak.As regards pro-


hibition of certain signs of the zodiac and lunar days, the following quotati-


ons from jyotih-sara-Sagara are given; "Cultivation done at the moment of


sun's entrance into the aries, is fatal to the cattle, into the cancer forebo-


des danger from water, into the Leo is baneful for the crop, into the Libra


destroys the plough (yoke), into the Capricorn too destroys the crop and into


the Aquarins portends danger from thieves. "Cultivation done on the eighth


lunar day kills the oxen, on the ninth is fatal to crop, on the sixth causes


insect pest and on the fourteenth is fatal to the cattle. On the fourth lunar


day, too, similar consequences are expected." Sowing may happily be done


under the other 15 constellations comprising Mula, Magha, Danistha, Svati and


under those that are fixed, slow and fast. A quotation from Ratnamala is


given to support it. "Sowing is said to yield bumper crop if done under the


constellations Hasta, Asvin, Pusya, Uttara Rohini, Citra, Radha Mrgasiras,


Revati, Svati, Dhanistha, Magha and Mula.Sowing of seeds yields the best


harvest if done under the cnstellations the two Dhatrs, Mula, Paitra (Magha),


Pusya, the three Hastas, the three Uttara constellations, Revati, Dhanistha


and Asvins." Kasyapa says: "If, after meditating on Sita, sowing is done


under Punarvasu, Svati, Mula, and under the constellations that are fast,fixed


and slow, it yields rich harvest." For prohibition of a particular time the


following quotation from Rajamartanda is given: "When the sun is very fierce


and in an unfavourable position there are duststorms on the earth (correspond-


ing to menstrual periods of a woman). Therefore sowing should be avoided from


that time for three days." Narada sats "From the planet or star covered by


Rahu, the three constellations on the head are baneful to the harvest, the


three on the neck cause blackness in the grain, the twelve in the belly make


the crop thrive, the four on the tail are said to cause absence of seeding (or


grain), and the five that fall outside the body lead to the ruin of the har-


vest." In Ratnamala too, it is mentioned that "From the planet Rahu risen at


the sowing time, three constellations are towards the head, three on the neck,


twelve on the belly, four on the tail and five outside the body, and they are


the cause of ruin of the harvest, blackness in the grain, increase in growth,


and absence of seeding respectively, as well as forebode dangers of natural


calamities." Some people take the word Phani to mean "the sun" on the basis


of the single testimony of Sarvodaya. But this is not correct, for Narada


clearly takes it to mean Rahu and is supported by Kasyapa who says: "From the


planet Rahu, the next eight constellations are portentous of barrenness."about


the determination of the auspicious Lagna (moment) Vasistha says: "Now for


ploughing the field, three constellations from the one left by the sun, are


inauspicious in due order. From those, the next eight are auspicious, then


the next nine inauspicious, and the last eight again auspicious. For example,


if the sun is in conjunction with Ardra, his abandoned constellation would be


Mrgasirsa. Beginning from that the three Mrgasirsa, Ardra and Purnarvasu are


inauspicious, the next Pusya, Aslese, Magha, Purva Phalguni Hasta, Citra and


Svati are auspicious. The next Visakha, Anuradha, Jyestha, Mula Purvasadha,


Uttarasadha, Abhijit, Sravana and Dhanistha are inauspicious. Then Satabhisaj


Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati, Asvini, Bharani, Krittika, and


Rohini are auspicious." As Vasistha has saidThe three constellations-one


left by the sun, the other occupied by the sun and the third to be occupied


next by him are undersirable. Eight constellations next to them counting on


both sides backwards and forwards are auspicious. And the remaining nine on


the tail end of the cycle are again unpropitious." Narada, too says; "At the


time of commencement of ploughing, the three constellations, beginning from


the one left by the sun, are fatal to the oxen. The next three bring wealth


and the further five happiness. The next nine cause three-fold pain and bring


death in their wake, the five contiguous to them are for propsperity and the


last three on the tail end of the cycle are auspicious." As regards the infl-


uence of the zodiacal cycle on ploughing, Kasyapa says "Three, eight, nine and


seven constellations beginning from the one left by the sun cause loss, gain,


death of the cultivator and the acquisition of wealth respectively." In this


connection which takes into consideration 27 constellations, the Abhijit is


not included. Now, what is the reason for leaving out the five constellations


To this it is said that they are included in that. By "that" is meant the


upper rod of the plough and the upper rod of the Sula. In between them the


aggregate of five each should be considered as condiucive to prosperity. This


accounts for ten constellations. And the three constellations on the upper


part of the rod of the plough should be recorded as productive of auspicious



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