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Vivekananda's Chart : A Comparative Study of Makar and Dhanu Lagna chart

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Dear Shri Mishraji,


Yes, your observations are fully correct.


Ra can not be in 12'th in so great Yogi like Swami Vivekanand's chart. 12'th

shows desire for Moksha and Ra blocks it. Ra in 12'th leads a person for moksha

on bed with lady (Ha Ha Ha) or sometime ppl use to show his hypocritical

attitude for Moksha or one may say complete drama.


Classics says that Ra use to be best in 3'rd and 11'th and i must say yes it is

very true. Because those 2 house and trine to it ie 7'th doesnt use to be

corrupted and all part of natives life also remain good. Ra's posn in chart and

trines to it becomes corrupted due to its presence.


Su, being in fiery sign(in Sag) should be in 12'th in his chart as he gave many

times solid replies to abusers of VEDAS(I will send his some article in which he

have been very critical to abusers from western Countries).So Sun in 12'th also

fits well on him. But due to Ve and Me in lagna he has been remain in full

control during his speech and he ruled over public (Ve and Me together in any

house shows that native will rule on public{Jatak Parijata} and interesting

thing it is in Cap Rashi which is of Masses.)


Ju must be in 10'th for ppl who spread Vaidik teachings in society and

interesting thing Ju in Rashi of Libra, in Libra Mo and Ju use to make person

Brahmin with having a lot knowledge of Vedas (Jatak Parijata). Ju in tenth shows

image of Guru in public and he has been Veda teacher as being spiritual Guru.


He has been also devoted to his Guru emotionally so Sa+Mo in 9'th also fits well

over there.


Your all points which you have elaborated are from classics, as i have read 3-4



Lastly I should say yes your point is correct.



Prashant Pandey


Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " litsol " <mishra.lalit




> Swami Vivekananda's Chart : A Comparative Study of Makar and Dhanu Lagna

> chart


> As a symbol of respect to great mother of Swami Vivekananda, whose

> horoscope we are going to analyse in this article, I remember great

> loving mother of Swami Ji and dedicate this study to Maa Bhuvaneshwari

> Devi (1841-1911).


> " I am indebted to my mother for the efflorescence of my knowledge " Swami

> Vivekananda.


> History :


> In Jyotish Babu DevakiNandan Singh who was Contemporary to B SuryaNarain

> Rao, Devkinandan Singh says that he learnt water diving in 1898, so, we

> can understand that he lived and seen Swami Vivekananda's life and work,

> Babu Devakinandan himself was a graduate as well as an attorney during

> british time and was a scholar of astrology, who worked whole life

> dissipating bad practices in the name of astrology.


> Babu Devakinandan Singh narrates that in the Swami Ji's BioGraphy which

> was printed by his close friends, no birth time is mentioned, Friends

> only mentioned that Swami Ji was born on 12 Jan 1863's morning, that was

> the day when Makar Sankranti was celebrated in Bengal in year of 1863.


> Babu Devakinandan Singh gives entire account of how he got a horoscope

> of Makar Lagna and how the other Dhanu Lagna horoscope came into

> existence, he has written that for the first time, Sri Ganesh Chandra

> MukhoPadhaya in his book " Jeevani Sangrah " gave Swami ji's birth time

> as 6.33 am, witought mentioning source how he got such a time, Life to

> Dhanu lagna chart started circulating after that Jeevani Sangrah's

> issue. Nobody tried to validate both the charts of swami ji.


> On the day of Makar Sankranti, Makar Lagna begins at very first hour of

> Sunrise, and Sun moves to Makara at noon, Now, Babu DevakiNandan Singh

> puzzles what could be the lagna, a question that needs answer since last

> 100 yrs ?


> What could be correct birth time of Swami Ji, though, Though Babu

> Devakinandan is convinced that It could be Makara only but at what time

> - at noon or before noon, he had no information as he got a chart with

> Makar Lagna but that was without Birth Time, He has printed that Makar

> Lagna chart in his book along with Dhanu lagna chart.


> Late Dr Narayan Datt Srimali also in his book on astrology has given

> Swami Vivekananda's horoscope with Makar Lagna, few more north Indian

> astrologers take Makar lagna chart.



> Swami Vivekananda was born in Shimla Pally, Calcutta on Monday, 12

> January 1863, during the eve of Makra Sankranti, He was given the name

> Narendranath Datta. His father Vishwanath Datta was an attorney of

> Calcutta High Court. He was considered generous, and had a liberal and

> progressive outlook in social and religious matters. His mother

> Bhuvaneshwari Devi was pious and had practiced austerities and prayed to

> Vireshwar Shiva of Varanasi to give her a son.


> Let's check the validity of Dhanur lagna chart with Swami ji's life,

> work and family back ground :


> 1. Father's Generosity and Extravaganza : Father was an attorney, spent

> all his savings and even immovable prperty in his life time, He died

> young, in age of 48, with Dhanur lagna chart you get Sun, the 9'th lord

> placed in lagna, can such a superb Sun in lagna cause a father's early

> death, a death that left entire family in a deprived state, a state of

> ultimate poverty, when day to day meals was difficult to manage ? this

> is a challenge and an open question to those Indian Vedic Astrologers

> who advocate Dhanu lagna chart ? Can any astrology principle supports

> Swami ji's father's death and extravaganza ???


> Well, with Makar lagna chart, you get Sun in 12'th house in Dhanu, which

> shows an eminent father and his extravaganza as well as his early death.


> 2. Mother's Influence and persona : With Dhanu lagna chart you get

> Moon's affliction due to Saturn's conjunction in 10'th house and 4'th

> lord Jup in 11'th house, which is 8'th from 4'th house of mother, this

> is not a placement for having such a superb mother with a strong persona

> and a lasting influence on child, needless to underline Saturn's aspects

> on 4'th house even though Saturn is conjunct with Moon.


> Well, with Makar lagna chart, you get 4'th lord mars placed in 4'th

> house itself, which receives Jup's aspect from 10'th house, this clearly

> signifies the superb qualities of swami ji's mother.


> 3. Sibling's death : Swami ji's sister died in a bad financial

> condition, with Dhanu lagna chart, there is no affliction to 3rd house

> whereas with Makar Lagna chart, you find Saturn who is 2nd lord also

> conjuncts 7'th lord moon in 9'th house, Saturn's aspect on 3rd and 11'th

> houses states problems to siblings, saturn's conjunction or aspect on

> moon becomes cause for sister's death, further, with Makar lagna chart,

> 3rd lord Jup receives Mars's aspect thus aggravating malefic impact.


> In my own chart, moon is placed in 9'th house, aspected by Saturn from

> 3rd house, my one of sisters died early, There is a shloka in Shambhu

> Hora Prakash saying if Moon in 9'th aspected by Saturn there will be

> sister's death, Taking Dhanu lagna chart shows inadequate study of

> basics given in various classics.


> 4. Education : With Dhanu lagna chart, you get Mars as 5'th lord in 5'th

> house, which receives Jup's aspect from 11'th house, Mars in 5'th house

> what sort of education gives, ask yourself, Swamiji should have been

> given technical education, at least mathematics as a subject, in a clear

> contrast to this, Swami Ji graduated in Arts, he was a BA, he studied -

> " History, Social sciences, arts, literature, and other subjects. He was

> also well versed in classical music, both vocal and instrumental and is

> said to have undergone training under two ustads, Beni Gupta and Ahamad

> Khan " .


> Mars in 5'th can never give education and learning of music, How Indian

> Vedic Astrologer justified Swami Ji's education, is a matter of

> discovery.


> With Makar lagna chart, You get, Venus the 5'th and 10'th lord's

> conjunction with 9'th lord merc in lagna, this has given him education

> of literature, arts and music.


> 5. Sports and Sickness : With Dhanu lagna, you get no supportive

> influence for his love for sports on 4'th, 5'th and 6'th houses, but

> with Makar lagna chart, you get a vargottama lagna, 3rd lord Jup in

> 10'th house and from 10'th house Jup is aspecting 4'th and 6'th house,

> moreover, 6'th lord is moved to Lagna, this is well known configuration

> for one to be good in sports and yoga. It has another aspect also, 6'th

> lord though makes one interested in physical exercises and yoga but it

> gives illness too, further, Saturn from 9'th house aspects 6'th house,

> clearly indicating, long bout of sickness.


> 6. Spirituality and Poorva Punya : It's seen by his guru Thakur

> Ramakrishna Paramhansha that Swami Ji is, infact, a Shapt Rishi ( One of

> great 7 sages of Indian Spiritual Mythology) with Dhanu lagna chart,

> there is no connection between 5'th and 9'th houses and their lord,

> except for Sun who is 9'th lord rather, in Dhanu Lagna chart, you get

> great temptation and binding to materialistic achievements as Jup is in

> 11'th house is infamous for insatiable lust for materialistic gains.


> With Makar Lagna chart, you get, 5'th lord Venus and 9'th lord Merc in

> lagna itself, which is a rarest of the rare configuration, furthermore,

> Venus is 10'th lord also, 10'th lord's placement in lagna makes one a

> Karma Yogi, Count more, in Makar lagna chart, Lagna lord Saturn is gone

> to 9'th house of religion and Guru's blessings, There it get's

> conjunction of Moon to make it an exceptional spiritual chart. Mind it,

> 8'th house and 8'th lord has no significant role in spiritual

> achievements, It's limited to take one into maya of mysticism whereas in

> spirituality you need to overcome maya.


> And above all, with Makar lagna chart, you get ketu in 5'th house,

> making swami ji a siddha mantra sadhaka with Mars in 4'th leading him to

> kundalini awakening and also giving him qualities to think deep and look

> within before making an expression. Jup's aspect on 2nd gave him both

> VakShuddhi and VakSiddhi.


> 7. World Tour and Lectures : This has happened in Jup's period, in

> Makar lagna, Sun is placed in 12'th, Jup the 3rd and 12'th lord, placed

> in 10'th house of karma, because of Jup's 3rd house's lordship, he

> became greatest orator of modern times and because of 12'th house

> lordship, he went on world tour to spread true vedic spirituality in the

> form of Vedanta.


> With Dhanu lagna chart, astrology finds no connection with such a world

> tour and lectures.


> 8. Guru's Death : With Makar lagna chart, It was Rahu's dasa and Rahu's

> transit on his 9'th house, when Guru Ramkrishna died, his father's death

> also happened in Rahu's period .


> 9. Celibacy Vs Poligamy : With Dhanu Lagna chart, You get a clear

> combination for multiple marriages, Swami ji's dhanu lagna chart is

> mockery of Vedic astrology and Swami Ji's life. In Dhanu lagna chart,

> You get 7'th and 10'th lord mercury is gone to 2nd house, this gives

> relationship with multiple women, morever, this Merc is conjunct with

> Venus, the 11'th lord of desires (Kamana). How astrologers could see

> celibacy and ignore presence of polygamy in Swami Ji's Dhanu Lagna chart

> is a question mark in astrologer's ability to read and understand a

> chart.


> Now, let's have a serious look at Makar lagna chart, Mars the 4'th lord,

> aspects 7'th house, and 7'th lord moon, who is conjunct with Saturn

> which is lagna lord and this combination occurs in 9'th house, So, he

> remained a brahmchari and It has made him a son of divine mother Kali.


> 10. Business Empire Vs Renunciation : Can you answer, when you find

> 11'th and 10'th lord in 2nd house, is it a combination for making a

> business enterprise or renunciation, what combination find in rich

> business man's chart.


> With Dhanu Lagna chart, Swami ji get's 7'th and 10'th lord Merc conjunct

> with 11'th lord Venus, this combination makes him a business man, a

> trader, Further to that, Jup is in libra (tula) which is lagna and 4'th

> lord, placed in 11'th house, So, should he be not a business magnet like

> Bill Gates, isn't it, This underlines a big n vivid question mark in

> abilities of those astrologers who declare Swami ji was born with dhanu

> lagna. Hardly, there is any considerable combination present making

> Swami Vivekananda a saint, Have you ever seen a person with Rahu in

> 12'th becomes a sage, where is renunciation present in dhanu lagna

> chart ??


> Now, Look at Makar Lagna chart, the Ketu in 5'th and Mars in 4'th

> forming Ruchaka Mahapurush Yoga, Ketu as well as Mars are required to

> ignite the divine serpent fire of Kundalini with the blessing of a

> great Guru Swami Ji could ignite his Kundalini, It's noteworthy that Jup

> aspect this mars from 10'th house and has 12'th lordship also, Next

> comes, Lagna and 9'th lord's interchange in 9'th and lagna.




> I trust, everybody w'd come forward and w'd contribute for getting a

> correct birth time of Swami Ji, perhapse that w'd be a homage from

> astrologers on his birth anniversary which falls today


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