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Mr. L K Advani's Ret - Ju !

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Dear Shri Mishraji,


I am just providing one case study.


Conditions, which you have provided just to delineate characteristic of

astrologer Dr. Pt Kalindi Daman, are same in following case study


But see the play of Ju of Pisces being in retro in following details


Following details are of Mr L K Advani


8'th Nov 1927




1) Jatak Parijata says Ju and Ve represent values of being Brahmin.


2) 5'th house represents power and thought process


In Advanis chart Ve is deb and giving aspect to 5'th house and Ju is retro

though it is in Pisces(Mind it!) and sitting in 5'th


Now imagine about his brahminic thoughts and values just according to concept of

Jatak Parijata (Only one concept)


Advani wants/wanted to make a temple and achieved political power.


That temple was basically Big politically hot temple. I am sure he would have

never made even small temple in his life time.


He could not make temple and could not become PM as 5'th house is too bad but no

doubt it helped him to achieve political power, but yes many ppl died due to

riots and communal clashes because of Ratha Yatra and Karseva


His 5'th house and corrupted Ju of Pisces and deb Veuns aspect on fifth

generated Kaliyugi Brahmin thoughts in his thought factory which our Vaidik

Hinduism doesn't support.


Kindly see the accuracy of ancient classics concepts on his chart. I hope that I

am not doing any word play and I also don't want to create business based on

astrology just by writing controversial articles, I am writing this article as

by being very clean heart.


No doubt, Me is indulged in Neecha bhanga for Ve , but according to my concepts

Neecha bhanga doesnt give the message that deb planets will leave its wicked

quality. But yes because of Neecha-Bhanga, wicked quality of deb planet helps

person to get benefit in any other form and because of that he reached

parliament and Su also helped him as it is aspecting Ar Rashi (6'th house) from

12'th. Because Su is in 12'th he also got punishment from court.


If anybody will ask to L K Advani, has he ever read any Upanishad, Puran or Veda

then one may imagine his answer.


This is the magic of Retro planets, same planet being in direct make one person

successful astrologer and he went to learn things near Himalaya but our Advaniji

went to parliament to make BIG, POLITICALLY HOT TEMPLE.



Prashant Pandey



Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " litsol " <mishra.lalit




> Dr. Pt Kalindi Daman is a reputed astrologer of Vindhya region, he is

> representing 18'th generation of the family in Jyotisha, discussing his

> chart might help in member's understanding of level of spirituality in

> one's life as well as level of knowledge of astrology that one can have

> based on yogas present in charts for learning astrology.


> Sat, 12 January 1952 02:47:00 am (approx)


> Birth Chart (Lagna)



> (Shows, the soul is in a process of transformation)


> During our meeting, I got impressed with his logical view points, a

> scientific approach. He has been in Jyotish since last 32 years. Given

> is his horoscope. You will notice, Kemdruma along with presence of a

> superb Dhana Yoga as well as Balarishta formed by Moon.


> He is millionaire ... born in a rich Brahmin family, Father was a MBBS

> doctor and Grand Father was a Shastri. 11'th placed Saturn and 11'th

> lord (Merc) placement in 2nd is a time tested yoga for prosperity.


> Story of his astrology learning goes like Sri K.N. Rao's story, After

> initial learning at home he got Jyotish education from 2 - 3 Yogis,

> seems like yoga, bhakti, mantra, tantra etc, in india there has been

> some Jytotish tradition of saints too. Although, he did Jyotish Ratna

> from BHU, he got 2 Jyotish Initiation from Swami Narsimha mahraaj and

> Hanuman Mahraaj.






> Knowing my birth nakschhatra - " Anuradha " and it's placement in 9'th,

> he could describe my nature accurately and the significant thing that he

> told was " Sometimes, You do feel unusual sensation in nervous system, I

> could understand his depth of knowledge by his saying this as though i

> have half a dozen books on Nakschhatras, none of the books has this sort

> of information, He does Jyotisha free of cost, doesn't charge any thing

> but Rahu in 4'th gave him desires for connecting to renowned, riches and

> elites because but rest of the chart enabled him to service for the poor

> and needy also, he is very simple.


> I was thinking, the person must have some spiritual background, he can

> not only be in Jyotisha in mechanical manner, and he was not. I decided

> to spend more time with him in my next visit, he pleased so much with my

> visit that he gave me his horoscope as well as shown me lot's of hand

> written manuscript of great secret tantras like Brahmastra Vidya, I was

> amazed at seeing such things, that were kept safely for centuries in

> possession of his family, A great treasure, It means things are

> available but not approachable, they are concealed..


> His Kemdruma also worked, He has been very good in studies, he was an

> engineering student, studied upto 3rd semester of engineering but left

> study and suddenly in 1970 headed for Himalaya in search of God. You can

> see, this is a classic case of KemDruma, later, he did MA in both

> history and politics and further a doctorate (PHD), Currently, He is a

> public relation officer in Post Office Department but, in 1974,

> Kemadruma again worked in his life when he got selected in state level

> PCS services but soon after Govt cancelled that department and in

> frustration he left PCS.


> Well, in 1971, A saint belonging to kashi redirected him to home, saying

> " You have to lead a family life and serve the people by Jyotisha " , he

> accepted the message and same year, some family members located him and

> brought him to home town back.


> Astrological query is why he was redirected to home ? Look at Rahu, Rahu

> is positioned in 4'th house, people with Rahu in 1st, 2nd,4'th, 7'th,

> 10'th and 12'th cant do renunciation in true terms, Rahu shows bindings,

> accumulation of karma over a series of lives which gives bhoga asakti or

> worldly desires, In this chart both the things are available - Bhakti

> (Spirituality) and Bhoga.


> Jup in 5'th in Pisces has made him true seeker as This Jup aspects on

> 9'th and Lagna, Venus is placed in Lagna, Guru's aspect in Venus on

> lagna put him into learning of vedic literature, Jyotish is vedanga,

> mind it, Rahu doesn't take one to Jyotish in any manner, If you find

> rahu in kendras in any astrologer's chart, you should understand high

> degree of manipulative capability (Maya) is available in his

> personality, he has to cross over it, this depends on the remaining

> configuration of the chart, like this chart has got.


> In 1976, he reached bhava unmesh avastha while worshipping maa sharada,

> but Rahu in 4'th stopped further enlightenment and he kept busying in

> family life, though spiritual sparkling keep working in his life and he

> is continued with his service to society with the help of Jyotish and

> sometimes with tantras and that free of cost.


> He is rich in experience and his practise is so fine tuned that

> sometimes he doesnt spend time on chart, just by a glance, he exclaims

> something and that becomes immediate event, look at Sun and Merc are

> placed in 2nd house in Dhanu and Jup the lord of 2nd house is placed in

> 5'th house of study and poorva punya, bestowing him quality of intution

> and pre-monition.


> But, there is another aspect also, He is not a discoverer but a great

> practisioner, those who discoverd new things in astrology gets different

> charts.


> Some times later ....


> regards,

> Lalit Mishra


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Dear Prashant,

As we are not sure of the birth data provided belongs to L.K Advani, still, keeping it in question, let's analyze it.

For any body, adherence to values comes from Sun, 10'th house shows "purusharth" or a position where from one rules, in the given chart, there are two fold afflictions regarding powerful positioning, Sun is in debility as well as 10'th lord is in debility.

Mars the Lagna lord also goes to 12'th house, Such a mars is conjunct debilitated Sun, we should interpret it in terms of unwillingness or lack of willpower for struggle for virtues, in this chart, Jup in Pisces gives recognition of virtues and values but Sun makes him weak.

For debilitated malifics, their placement in bad houses is declared better in astrological classics, why ? we need to understand the implication of such a placement. In the bad houses malifics puts a native in to obstacles, obstacle leads to struggle, these houses make us competitive and if a malific is exalted therein, the native crosses the obstacles by employing higher virtues of that malific, like, if mars is exalted in 6'th, person will win over the fight by his courage and aggressiveness, it's also true that his aggressiveness will put him in fights, whatever, it may be, with exaltation, he will fight himself to win his battle, but, if mars is in debility, he will not fight for the self, as he lacks the aggressiveness, he doesn't have required pitta or tejas, debility of mars gives irritating nature, such a native seeks support of others for his fights, his brothers and friends will fight for him provided there is approval in the rest of the chart, as the person avoids direct fight, he is safe from direct attacks, result is no apparent loss, perhaps, this is the reason, classics have called debilitated planets better.

Apart from above, when Mars is in debility, our personality doesn't provoke others.

Any debilitation shows what we are deprived off, what we lack in us, this lacking becomes our desire and in some or the other way we try to fill it.

Sun's debility shows we don't stand upto the point of rulership,we lack royal qualities and if rest of the chart enables us, getting royal emblem is our first attraction, People's perception about Advani ji is same, he was understood be much after getting the throne but never get enthroned, Sun shows individual's own sovereignty, self esteem, debility indicates, we lack it in ourselves, what is self esteem ? This is the recognition of the self, debilitated Sun in lagna chart makes a person ignore his self esteem, could disregard his credibility, this debilitation happens in 12'th house, disregard to credibility pushed him towards his unceremonious exit, but if chart is true, his children w'd get benifits and may be invited into politics.

Sun is statesmanship, If Sun is in debility, person escapes from the statesmanship, Advani avoided the collective responsibility of Kandhar case, which led down whole country, Mercury's conjunction to Sun has definitely supported him with intelligence and diplomatic skill, you w'd find it interesting to know that Prof K N Rao has once said that Advani has weak raj yoga in 12'th house. This was lack of statesmanship that when they got power they forgot their commitments and now lacks credibility in public, at least he could act for removal of article 370 but desisted doing it because of opportunistic wisdom.

Saturn's conjunction to Ketu means no major public support, Instead of Advani, Bajpai has acquired that support, However, exalted Rahu in 7'th has enabled him becoming skilled player of indian politics, His moon in Aries, this makes him an initiative taker, he is the one who is expected to act first in his political party. Whenever, Saturn receives Jup's aspect, we should understand we have a good team of followers, you get team's support, Ketu's conjunction to Saturn has not extended public support to him but his men were loyal to him, Jup - Saturn combo and Jup-Saturn mutual aspect should be read like this, it gives capability of thinking in a manner your thoughts fit in other's mindset, you look relevant to your team but when a malefic 3rd lord links to lagna or lagna lord, your speech is not liked by major portion of public, there are repercussions.

Retro Jup in 5'th enabled him finding unusual ways for his rise, this quality coupled with 7'th Rahu's shrewdness writes his political storey. Jup is 2nd lord in 5'th, means his speech is according to his thinking, very wise speaker, when he appreciated Jinnah, he was really finding it worth appreciating. Jup's aspects venus, this has kept him balanced as well as learned and lagna lord's placement in 12'th house has pushed him to give up the game, with retro state of a planet in any house, native's action related to significations of that house are sometimes not straightforward, he has to derive a straight liine of action after enough retrospection, the message is think before action as you can deviate from the true action plan and steady growth.

regards,Lalit Mishra.



-- In Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "prashant" <praspandey wrote:>> Dear Shri Mishraji,> > I am just providing one case study.> > Conditions, which you have provided just to delineate characteristic of astrologer Dr. Pt Kalindi Daman, are same in following case study > > But see the play of Ju of Pisces being in retro in following details> > Following details are of Mr L K Advani> > 8'th Nov 1927> 09:16AM> Hyderabad(Pakistan)> > 1) Jatak Parijata says Ju and Ve represent values of being Brahmin.> > 2) 5'th house represents power and thought process> > In Advanis chart Ve is deb and giving aspect to 5'th house and Ju is retro though it is in Pisces(Mind it!) and sitting in 5'th> > Now imagine about his brahminic thoughts and values just according to concept of Jatak Parijata (Only one concept) > > Advani wants/wanted to make a temple and achieved political power. > > That temple was basically Big politically hot temple. I am sure he would have never made even small temple in his life time.> > He could not make temple and could not become PM as 5'th house is too bad but no doubt it helped him to achieve political power, but yes many ppl died due to riots and communal clashes because of Ratha Yatra and Karseva> > His 5'th house and corrupted Ju of Pisces and deb Veuns aspect on fifth generated Kaliyugi Brahmin thoughts in his thought factory which our Vaidik Hinduism doesn't support.> > Kindly see the accuracy of ancient classics concepts on his chart. I hope that I am not doing any word play and I also don't want to create business based on astrology just by writing controversial articles, I am writing this article as by being very clean heart.> > No doubt, Me is indulged in Neecha bhanga for Ve , but according to my concepts Neecha bhanga doesnt give the message that deb planets will leave its wicked quality. But yes because of Neecha-Bhanga, wicked quality of deb planet helps person to get benefit in any other form and because of that he reached parliament and Su also helped him as it is aspecting Ar Rashi (6'th house) from 12'th. Because Su is in 12'th he also got punishment from court.> > If anybody will ask to L K Advani, has he ever read any Upanishad, Puran or Veda then one may imagine his answer.> > This is the magic of Retro planets, same planet being in direct make one person successful astrologer and he went to learn things near Himalaya but our Advaniji went to parliament to make BIG, POLITICALLY HOT TEMPLE.> > Regs,> Prashant Pandey> > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "litsol" mishra.lalit@ wrote:> >> > > > Dr. Pt Kalindi Daman is a reputed astrologer of Vindhya region, he is> > representing 18'th generation of the family in Jyotisha, discussing his> > chart might help in member's understanding of level of spirituality in> > one's life as well as level of knowledge of astrology that one can have> > based on yogas present in charts for learning astrology.> > > > Sat, 12 January 1952 02:47:00 am (approx)> > > > Birth Chart (Lagna)> > > > > > (Shows, the soul is in a process of transformation)> > > > During our meeting, I got impressed with his logical view points, a> > scientific approach. He has been in Jyotish since last 32 years. Given> > is his horoscope. You will notice, Kemdruma along with presence of a> > superb Dhana Yoga as well as Balarishta formed by Moon.> > > > He is millionaire ... born in a rich Brahmin family, Father was a MBBS> > doctor and Grand Father was a Shastri. 11'th placed Saturn and 11'th> > lord (Merc) placement in 2nd is a time tested yoga for prosperity.> > > > Story of his astrology learning goes like Sri K.N. Rao's story, After> > initial learning at home he got Jyotish education from 2 - 3 Yogis,> > seems like yoga, bhakti, mantra, tantra etc, in india there has been> > some Jytotish tradition of saints too. Although, he did Jyotish Ratna> > from BHU, he got 2 Jyotish Initiation from Swami Narsimha mahraaj and> > Hanuman Mahraaj.> > > > > > > > > > > > Knowing my birth nakschhatra - "Anuradha" and it's placement in 9'th,> > he could describe my nature accurately and the significant thing that he> > told was "Sometimes, You do feel unusual sensation in nervous system, I> > could understand his depth of knowledge by his saying this as though i> > have half a dozen books on Nakschhatras, none of the books has this sort> > of information, He does Jyotisha free of cost, doesn't charge any thing> > but Rahu in 4'th gave him desires for connecting to renowned, riches and> > elites because but rest of the chart enabled him to service for the poor> > and needy also, he is very simple.> > > > I was thinking, the person must have some spiritual background, he can> > not only be in Jyotisha in mechanical manner, and he was not. I decided> > to spend more time with him in my next visit, he pleased so much with my> > visit that he gave me his horoscope as well as shown me lot's of hand> > written manuscript of great secret tantras like Brahmastra Vidya, I was> > amazed at seeing such things, that were kept safely for centuries in> > possession of his family, A great treasure, It means things are> > available but not approachable, they are concealed..> > > > His Kemdruma also worked, He has been very good in studies, he was an> > engineering student, studied upto 3rd semester of engineering but left> > study and suddenly in 1970 headed for Himalaya in search of God. You can> > see, this is a classic case of KemDruma, later, he did MA in both > > history and politics and further a doctorate (PHD), Currently, He is a> > public relation officer in Post Office Department but, in 1974,> > Kemadruma again worked in his life when he got selected in state level> > PCS services but soon after Govt cancelled that department and in> > frustration he left PCS.> > > > Well, in 1971, A saint belonging to kashi redirected him to home, saying> > "You have to lead a family life and serve the people by Jyotisha", he> > accepted the message and same year, some family members located him and> > brought him to home town back.> > > > Astrological query is why he was redirected to home ? Look at Rahu, Rahu> > is positioned in 4'th house, people with Rahu in 1st, 2nd,4'th, 7'th,> > 10'th and 12'th cant do renunciation in true terms, Rahu shows bindings,> > accumulation of karma over a series of lives which gives bhoga asakti or> > worldly desires, In this chart both the things are available - Bhakti> > (Spirituality) and Bhoga.> > > > Jup in 5'th in Pisces has made him true seeker as This Jup aspects on> > 9'th and Lagna, Venus is placed in Lagna, Guru's aspect in Venus on> > lagna put him into learning of vedic literature, Jyotish is vedanga,> > mind it, Rahu doesn't take one to Jyotish in any manner, If you find> > rahu in kendras in any astrologer's chart, you should understand high> > degree of manipulative capability (Maya) is available in his> > personality, he has to cross over it, this depends on the remaining> > configuration of the chart, like this chart has got.> > > > In 1976, he reached bhava unmesh avastha while worshipping maa sharada,> > but Rahu in 4'th stopped further enlightenment and he kept busying in> > family life, though spiritual sparkling keep working in his life and he> > is continued with his service to society with the help of Jyotish and> > sometimes with tantras and that free of cost.> > > > He is rich in experience and his practise is so fine tuned that> > sometimes he doesnt spend time on chart, just by a glance, he exclaims> > something and that becomes immediate event, look at Sun and Merc are> > placed in 2nd house in Dhanu and Jup the lord of 2nd house is placed in> > 5'th house of study and poorva punya, bestowing him quality of intution> > and pre-monition.> > > > But, there is another aspect also, He is not a discoverer but a great> > practisioner, those who discoverd new things in astrology gets different> > charts.> > > > Some times later ....> > > > regards,> > Lalit Mishra> >>



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< Retro Jup in 5'th enabled him finding unusual ways for his rise >


Shri Mishraji,


I take your group as my own group and also dont want to counter any of your

point.I have great regards to 3-4 ppl in groups and you are one of them.


Just want to show some thing.


Smt. Indira Gandhi(Iron Lady) had not only lost her PM post but also her seat

from Rae Bareilly after emergency.


In her chart Ju was Retro and aspecting 5'th house.


In 1977,Jupiter was transiiting over her natal Jupiter.





Prashant Pandey


Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " litsol " <mishra.lalit




> Dear Prashant,


> As we are not sure of the birth data provided belongs to L.K Advani,

> still, keeping it in question, let's analyze it.


> For any body, adherence to values comes from Sun, 10'th house shows

> " purusharth " or a position where from one rules, in the given chart,

> there are two fold afflictions regarding powerful positioning, Sun is in

> debility as well as 10'th lord is in debility.


> Mars the Lagna lord also goes to 12'th house, Such a mars is conjunct

> debilitated Sun, we should interpret it in terms of unwillingness or

> lack of willpower for struggle for virtues, in this chart, Jup in Pisces

> gives recognition of virtues and values but Sun makes him weak.


> For debilitated malifics, their placement in bad houses is declared

> better in astrological classics, why ? we need to understand the

> implication of such a placement. In the bad houses malifics puts a

> native in to obstacles, obstacle leads to struggle, these houses make us

> competitive and if a malific is exalted therein, the native crosses the

> obstacles by employing higher virtues of that malific, like, if mars is

> exalted in 6'th, person will win over the fight by his courage and

> aggressiveness, it's also true that his aggressiveness will put him in

> fights, whatever, it may be, with exaltation, he will fight himself to

> win his battle, but, if mars is in debility, he will not fight for the

> self, as he lacks the aggressiveness, he doesn't have required pitta or

> tejas, debility of mars gives irritating nature, such a native seeks

> support of others for his fights, his brothers and friends will fight

> for him provided there is approval in the rest of the chart, as the

> person avoids direct fight, he is safe from direct attacks, result is no

> apparent loss, perhaps, this is the reason, classics have called

> debilitated planets better.


> Apart from above, when Mars is in debility, our personality doesn't

> provoke others.


> Any debilitation shows what we are deprived off, what we lack in us,

> this lacking becomes our desire and in some or the other way we try to

> fill it.


> Sun's debility shows we don't stand upto the point of rulership,we lack

> royal qualities and if rest of the chart enables us, getting royal

> emblem is our first attraction, People's perception about Advani ji is

> same, he was understood be much after getting the throne but never get

> enthroned, Sun shows individual's own sovereignty, self esteem, debility

> indicates, we lack it in ourselves, what is self esteem ? This is the

> recognition of the self, debilitated Sun in lagna chart makes a person

> ignore his self esteem, could disregard his credibility, this

> debilitation happens in 12'th house, disregard to credibility pushed him

> towards his unceremonious exit, but if chart is true, his children w'd

> get benifits and may be invited into politics.


> Sun is statesmanship, If Sun is in debility, person escapes from the

> statesmanship, Advani avoided the collective responsibility of Kandhar

> case, which led down whole country, Mercury's conjunction to Sun has

> definitely supported him with intelligence and diplomatic skill, you w'd

> find it interesting to know that Prof K N Rao has once said that Advani

> has weak raj yoga in 12'th house. This was lack of statesmanship that

> when they got power they forgot their commitments and now lacks

> credibility in public, at least he could act for removal of article 370

> but desisted doing it because of opportunistic wisdom.


> Saturn's conjunction to Ketu means no major public support, Instead of

> Advani, Bajpai has acquired that support, However, exalted Rahu in 7'th

> has enabled him becoming skilled player of indian politics, His moon in

> Aries, this makes him an initiative taker, he is the one who is expected

> to act first in his political party. Whenever, Saturn receives Jup's

> aspect, we should understand we have a good team of followers, you get

> team's support, Ketu's conjunction to Saturn has not extended public

> support to him but his men were loyal to him, Jup - Saturn combo and

> Jup-Saturn mutual aspect should be read like this, it gives capability

> of thinking in a manner your thoughts fit in other's mindset, you look

> relevant to your team but when a malefic 3rd lord links to lagna or

> lagna lord, your speech is not liked by major portion of public, there

> are repercussions.


> Retro Jup in 5'th enabled him finding unusual ways for his rise, this

> quality coupled with 7'th Rahu's shrewdness writes his political storey.

> Jup is 2nd lord in 5'th, means his speech is according to his thinking,

> very wise speaker, when he appreciated Jinnah, he was really finding it

> worth appreciating. Jup's aspects venus, this has kept him balanced as

> well as learned and lagna lord's placement in 12'th house has pushed him

> to give up the game, with retro state of a planet in any house, native's

> action related to significations of that house are sometimes not

> straightforward, he has to derive a straight liine of action after

> enough retrospection, the message is think before action as you can

> deviate from the true action plan and steady growth.


> regards,

> Lalit Mishra.






> -- In Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " prashant "

> <praspandey@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Mishraji,

> >

> > I am just providing one case study.

> >

> > Conditions, which you have provided just to delineate characteristic

> of astrologer Dr. Pt Kalindi Daman, are same in following case study

> >

> > But see the play of Ju of Pisces being in retro in following details

> >

> > Following details are of Mr L K Advani

> >

> > 8'th Nov 1927

> > 09:16AM

> > Hyderabad(Pakistan)

> >

> > 1) Jatak Parijata says Ju and Ve represent values of being Brahmin.

> >

> > 2) 5'th house represents power and thought process

> >

> > In Advanis chart Ve is deb and giving aspect to 5'th house and Ju is

> retro though it is in Pisces(Mind it!) and sitting in 5'th

> >

> > Now imagine about his brahminic thoughts and values just according to

> concept of Jatak Parijata (Only one concept)

> >

> > Advani wants/wanted to make a temple and achieved political power.

> >

> > That temple was basically Big politically hot temple. I am sure he

> would have never made even small temple in his life time.

> >

> > He could not make temple and could not become PM as 5'th house is too

> bad but no doubt it helped him to achieve political power, but yes many

> ppl died due to riots and communal clashes because of Ratha Yatra and

> Karseva

> >

> > His 5'th house and corrupted Ju of Pisces and deb Veuns aspect on

> fifth generated Kaliyugi Brahmin thoughts in his thought factory which

> our Vaidik Hinduism doesn't support.

> >

> > Kindly see the accuracy of ancient classics concepts on his chart. I

> hope that I am not doing any word play and I also don't want to create

> business based on astrology just by writing controversial articles, I am

> writing this article as by being very clean heart.

> >

> > No doubt, Me is indulged in Neecha bhanga for Ve , but according to my

> concepts Neecha bhanga doesnt give the message that deb planets will

> leave its wicked quality. But yes because of Neecha-Bhanga, wicked

> quality of deb planet helps person to get benefit in any other form and

> because of that he reached parliament and Su also helped him as it is

> aspecting Ar Rashi (6'th house) from 12'th. Because Su is in 12'th he

> also got punishment from court.

> >

> > If anybody will ask to L K Advani, has he ever read any Upanishad,

> Puran or Veda then one may imagine his answer.

> >

> > This is the magic of Retro planets, same planet being in direct make

> one person successful astrologer and he went to learn things near

> Himalaya but our Advaniji went to parliament to make BIG, POLITICALLY


> >

> > Regs,

> > Prashant Pandey

> >

> >

> > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " litsol "

> mishra.lalit@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dr. Pt Kalindi Daman is a reputed astrologer of Vindhya region, he

> is

> > > representing 18'th generation of the family in Jyotisha, discussing

> his

> > > chart might help in member's understanding of level of spirituality

> in

> > > one's life as well as level of knowledge of astrology that one can

> have

> > > based on yogas present in charts for learning astrology.

> > >

> > > Sat, 12 January 1952 02:47:00 am (approx)

> > >

> > > Birth Chart (Lagna)

> > >

> > >

> > > (Shows, the soul is in a process of transformation)

> > >

> > > During our meeting, I got impressed with his logical view points, a

> > > scientific approach. He has been in Jyotish since last 32 years.

> Given

> > > is his horoscope. You will notice, Kemdruma along with presence of a

> > > superb Dhana Yoga as well as Balarishta formed by Moon.

> > >

> > > He is millionaire ... born in a rich Brahmin family, Father was a


> > > doctor and Grand Father was a Shastri. 11'th placed Saturn and 11'th

> > > lord (Merc) placement in 2nd is a time tested yoga for prosperity.

> > >

> > > Story of his astrology learning goes like Sri K.N. Rao's story,

> After

> > > initial learning at home he got Jyotish education from 2 - 3 Yogis,

> > > seems like yoga, bhakti, mantra, tantra etc, in india there has been

> > > some Jytotish tradition of saints too. Although, he did Jyotish

> Ratna

> > > from BHU, he got 2 Jyotish Initiation from Swami Narsimha mahraaj

> and

> > > Hanuman Mahraaj.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Knowing my birth nakschhatra - " Anuradha " and it's placement in

> 9'th,

> > > he could describe my nature accurately and the significant thing

> that he

> > > told was " Sometimes, You do feel unusual sensation in nervous

> system, I

> > > could understand his depth of knowledge by his saying this as though

> i

> > > have half a dozen books on Nakschhatras, none of the books has this

> sort

> > > of information, He does Jyotisha free of cost, doesn't charge any

> thing

> > > but Rahu in 4'th gave him desires for connecting to renowned, riches

> and

> > > elites because but rest of the chart enabled him to service for the

> poor

> > > and needy also, he is very simple.

> > >

> > > I was thinking, the person must have some spiritual background, he

> can

> > > not only be in Jyotisha in mechanical manner, and he was not. I

> decided

> > > to spend more time with him in my next visit, he pleased so much

> with my

> > > visit that he gave me his horoscope as well as shown me lot's of

> hand

> > > written manuscript of great secret tantras like Brahmastra Vidya, I

> was

> > > amazed at seeing such things, that were kept safely for centuries in

> > > possession of his family, A great treasure, It means things are

> > > available but not approachable, they are concealed..

> > >

> > > His Kemdruma also worked, He has been very good in studies, he was

> an

> > > engineering student, studied upto 3rd semester of engineering but

> left

> > > study and suddenly in 1970 headed for Himalaya in search of God. You

> can

> > > see, this is a classic case of KemDruma, later, he did MA in both

> > > history and politics and further a doctorate (PHD), Currently, He is

> a

> > > public relation officer in Post Office Department but, in 1974,

> > > Kemadruma again worked in his life when he got selected in state

> level

> > > PCS services but soon after Govt cancelled that department and in

> > > frustration he left PCS.

> > >

> > > Well, in 1971, A saint belonging to kashi redirected him to home,

> saying

> > > " You have to lead a family life and serve the people by Jyotisha " ,

> he

> > > accepted the message and same year, some family members located him

> and

> > > brought him to home town back.

> > >

> > > Astrological query is why he was redirected to home ? Look at Rahu,

> Rahu

> > > is positioned in 4'th house, people with Rahu in 1st, 2nd,4'th,

> 7'th,

> > > 10'th and 12'th cant do renunciation in true terms, Rahu shows

> bindings,

> > > accumulation of karma over a series of lives which gives bhoga

> asakti or

> > > worldly desires, In this chart both the things are available -

> Bhakti

> > > (Spirituality) and Bhoga.

> > >

> > > Jup in 5'th in Pisces has made him true seeker as This Jup aspects

> on

> > > 9'th and Lagna, Venus is placed in Lagna, Guru's aspect in Venus on

> > > lagna put him into learning of vedic literature, Jyotish is vedanga,

> > > mind it, Rahu doesn't take one to Jyotish in any manner, If you find

> > > rahu in kendras in any astrologer's chart, you should understand

> high

> > > degree of manipulative capability (Maya) is available in his

> > > personality, he has to cross over it, this depends on the remaining

> > > configuration of the chart, like this chart has got.

> > >

> > > In 1976, he reached bhava unmesh avastha while worshipping maa

> sharada,

> > > but Rahu in 4'th stopped further enlightenment and he kept busying

> in

> > > family life, though spiritual sparkling keep working in his life and

> he

> > > is continued with his service to society with the help of Jyotish

> and

> > > sometimes with tantras and that free of cost.

> > >

> > > He is rich in experience and his practise is so fine tuned that

> > > sometimes he doesnt spend time on chart, just by a glance, he

> exclaims

> > > something and that becomes immediate event, look at Sun and Merc are

> > > placed in 2nd house in Dhanu and Jup the lord of 2nd house is placed

> in

> > > 5'th house of study and poorva punya, bestowing him quality of

> intution

> > > and pre-monition.

> > >

> > > But, there is another aspect also, He is not a discoverer but a

> great

> > > practisioner, those who discoverd new things in astrology gets

> different

> > > charts.

> > >

> > > Some times later ....

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Lalit Mishra

> > >

> >


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