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Navamsa and other Divisional Charts

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Our sages identified that Rashi is the basic unit of phalit jyotish or

predictive astrology.


If you look at navamsa, they are sequential subdivisions of 3.20

degrees, you can take each navamsa as a pocket of 3.20 degrees, each

pocket denotes one rashi, thus, 12 rashis are denoted by 12 navamsas in

sequence, and 13th navamsa again denotes the first rashi which is mesha,

this way it gets repeated from mesha to meena.


Meena Rasi's last navamsa is Meena navamsa and Mesha rashi's first

navamsa is Mesha navamsa.


Navamsa and other sub-divisions of 30 degrees rashi do have predictive

implications internal to the that rashi,


As we see that each rasi has 9 navamsas denoting 9 rashis within the

rasi in question, we can easily understand that navamsa is no way

eqvivalent to independant rashi, In vedic astrology, Planets cast their

aspects from a rashi to another rashi, that means, if a rashi receives

aspect of a planet, all the navamsas of that rashi receives same aspect,

aspects are casted on whole of 30 degrees.


When we go a step further from Navamsa or any Division and make a chart,

we get to have easier visualization of all the navamsas put

toghather,navamsa chart is in fact only diagrammatic presentation of

those navamsas or 3.20 degree's pocket of a rashi where a planet reached

at the time of birth, In fact, all such pockets of 3.20 degrees having a

planet denoting a rashi are integrated into a chart for the ease of the

astrologer only, as such there is nothing like navmasa chart, our sages

have not considered Navamsa or any D chart as a chart, they only talked

about division or amsa.


The navamsa and other such charts which came into existence for the ease

of the astrologers over the period misunderstood as seperate charts and

therefore question of aspects and conjunction etc emerged.


As far as astrologer's ease is concerned, navamsa and other divisional

cahrts are ok but they have their own in built hazards, like take a

case, suppose, in a chart Sun is placed in Mesha navamsa of simha (Leo),

and mars is placed in mesha navamsa of vrisabha (Taurus), now, you w'd

find in navamsa chart, Sun and Mars are conjunct to each other in Mesha,

whereas, they are in different houses in rashi or lagna chart, no

conjunction at all.


At this point, such divisional charts are misleading, this is the

reason, our sages talked about only navamsas or other divisions and have

given phaladesh or results on the basis of navamsa or other divisions,

they have not given phaladesh (RESULT) on the basis of NAVAMSA CHART or

ANY DIVISIONAL CHART because that could create further confusions in

making predictions

like most astrologers are having today.


Hope it helps to everybody and I think our astrologers w'd stop taking

navamsas either in Raman's manner or Rao's manner or Iyear's

manner,rather, they w'd take navamsa as navamsa's manner of Jyotish as

stated by sages, however, it depends on them



Lalit Mishra

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Dear Shri Lalit Ji,it is not only in the 9th didvison of the chart for that any divisponal chart is for supportive purpose to find how a planets gined or lost strength to give phaladesh.Your advise is truely very timely to one and all.//they w'd take navamsa as navamsa's manner of Jyotish as

stated by sages, however, it depends on them//

Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.B.V.Raman"Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them"Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma --- On Fri, 1/29/10, litsol <mishra.lalit wrote:litsol <mishra.lalit[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Navamsa and other Divisional ChartsVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Friday, January 29, 2010, 2:21 PM




Our sages identified that Rashi is the basic unit of phalit jyotish or

predictive astrology.


If you look at navamsa, they are sequential subdivisions of 3.20

degrees, you can take each navamsa as a pocket of 3.20 degrees, each

pocket denotes one rashi, thus, 12 rashis are denoted by 12 navamsas in

sequence, and 13th navamsa again denotes the first rashi which is mesha,

this way it gets repeated from mesha to meena.


Meena Rasi's last navamsa is Meena navamsa and Mesha rashi's first

navamsa is Mesha navamsa.


Navamsa and other sub-divisions of 30 degrees rashi do have predictive

implications internal to the that rashi,


As we see that each rasi has 9 navamsas denoting 9 rashis within the

rasi in question, we can easily understand that navamsa is no way

eqvivalent to independant rashi, In vedic astrology, Planets cast their

aspects from a rashi to another rashi, that means, if a rashi receives

aspect of a planet, all the navamsas of that rashi receives same aspect,

aspects are casted on whole of 30 degrees.


When we go a step further from Navamsa or any Division and make a chart,

we get to have easier visualization of all the navamsas put

toghather,navamsa chart is in fact only diagrammatic presentation of

those navamsas or 3.20 degree's pocket of a rashi where a planet reached

at the time of birth, In fact, all such pockets of 3.20 degrees having a

planet denoting a rashi are integrated into a chart for the ease of the

astrologer only, as such there is nothing like navmasa chart, our sages

have not considered Navamsa or any D chart as a chart, they only talked

about division or amsa.


The navamsa and other such charts which came into existence for the ease

of the astrologers over the period misunderstood as seperate charts and

therefore question of aspects and conjunction etc emerged.


As far as astrologer's ease is concerned, navamsa and other divisional

cahrts are ok but they have their own in built hazards, like take a

case, suppose, in a chart Sun is placed in Mesha navamsa of simha (Leo),

and mars is placed in mesha navamsa of vrisabha (Taurus), now, you w'd

find in navamsa chart, Sun and Mars are conjunct to each other in Mesha,

whereas, they are in different houses in rashi or lagna chart, no

conjunction at all.


At this point, such divisional charts are misleading, this is the

reason, our sages talked about only navamsas or other divisions and have

given phaladesh or results on the basis of navamsa or other divisions,

they have not given phaladesh (RESULT) on the basis of NAVAMSA CHART or

ANY DIVISIONAL CHART because that could create further confusions in

making predictions

like most astrologers are having today.


Hope it helps to everybody and I think our astrologers w'd stop taking

navamsas either in Raman's manner or Rao's manner or Iyear's

manner,rather, they w'd take navamsa as navamsa's manner of Jyotish as

stated by sages, however, it depends on them



Lalit Mishra

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Dear Lalit Mishra,

Thanks for taking a nice topic.I have learned in BVB that navamsha can be read as independent chart and conjunction and aspects are taken in account.. But I am sorry write that it is wrong. With experience I have learned that the divisional chart indicates a micro influence of the planet with view of a aspect of life. Suppose I want to know why I am a homeopathic doctor and a teacher in astrology. I did not earn from my teaching and writing on astrology. My lagna lord Jupiter is posited in 5thwith Sun,Venus, and Saturn in Aries. Lagna lord is not combust.10th lord Mercury is posited in R/K axis debilitated in 4th but aspecting 10th. Rahu will give the results of lord of 10th, debilitated Mercury.In trine to10th, Mars is exalted in 2nd. See navamsha lagna Gemini. 10th is occupied by Rahu in Pisces.Sun and Venus in lagna and Jupiter in 7th in Sagittarius.Saturn is exalted in 5th and mercury in 8th. I understand that afflicted Rahu in 10th in D/9

and in own sign in Rashi chart and debilitated Mercury in Rashi chart with Ketu and 8th house in D/9 is giving homoeopathic practice and Jupiter in own sign in D/9 with the help of mercury is giving teaching.Now verify the same in D/10 The lagna is Virgo and Sun, Venus and Mercury is posited in 10th house.and Jupiter in 5th with Ketu in poor state.So Teaching of astrology Jupiter, and writing on astrology is not giving but being in 10th house in D/10 is making me to write. Mercury is debilitated in rashi chart. So strength of planet in divisional chart makes the picture clear. But the results will be based on the strength of planet in rashi chart. Though the Mars is exalted in rashi chart but debilitated in D/9 and Pisces in D/10 in 7th, maraka place is not giving earning much.Combust Venus with Sun making me earn through medical 6th and 11th lord in rashi chart. Rashi char is our base. The power of a planet to give is clear in divisional


--- On Sat, 1/30/10, litsol <mishra.lalit wrote:

litsol <mishra.lalit[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Navamsa and other Divisional ChartsVedic Astrologyandhealing Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 12:51 AM

Our sages identified that Rashi is the basic unit of phalit jyotish orpredictive astrology.If you look at navamsa, they are sequential subdivisions of 3.20degrees, you can take each navamsa as a pocket of 3.20 degrees, eachpocket denotes one rashi, thus, 12 rashis are denoted by 12 navamsas insequence, and 13th navamsa again denotes the first rashi which is mesha,this way it gets repeated from mesha to meena.Meena Rasi's last navamsa is Meena navamsa and Mesha rashi's firstnavamsa is Mesha navamsa.Navamsa and other sub-divisions of 30 degrees rashi do have predictiveimplications internal to the that rashi,As we see that each rasi has 9 navamsas denoting 9 rashis within therasi in question, we can easily understand that navamsa is no wayeqvivalent to independant rashi, In vedic astrology, Planets cast theiraspects from a rashi to another rashi, that means, if a rashi

receivesaspect of a planet, all the navamsas of that rashi receives same aspect,aspects are casted on whole of 30 degrees.When we go a step further from Navamsa or any Division and make a chart,we get to have easier visualization of all the navamsas puttoghather,navamsa chart is in fact only diagrammatic presentation ofthose navamsas or 3.20 degree's pocket of a rashi where a planet reachedat the time of birth, In fact, all such pockets of 3.20 degrees having aplanet denoting a rashi are integrated into a chart for the ease of theastrologer only, as such there is nothing like navmasa chart, our sageshave not considered Navamsa or any D chart as a chart, they only talkedabout division or amsa.The navamsa and other such charts which came into existence for the easeof the astrologers over the period misunderstood as seperate charts andtherefore question of aspects and conjunction etc

emerged.As far as astrologer's ease is concerned, navamsa and other divisionalcahrts are ok but they have their own in built hazards, like take acase, suppose, in a chart Sun is placed in Mesha navamsa of simha (Leo),and mars is placed in mesha navamsa of vrisabha (Taurus), now, you w'dfind in navamsa chart, Sun and Mars are conjunct to each other in Mesha,whereas, they are in different houses in rashi or lagna chart, noconjunction at all.At this point, such divisional charts are misleading, this is thereason, our sages talked about only navamsas or other divisions and havegiven phaladesh or results on the basis of navamsa or other divisions,they have not given phaladesh (RESULT) on the basis of NAVAMSA CHART orANY DIVISIONAL CHART because that could create further confusions inmaking predictionslike most astrologers are having today.Hope it helps to everybody and I think our

astrologers w'd stop takingnavamsas either in Raman's manner or Rao's manner or Iyear'smanner,rather, they w'd take navamsa as navamsa's manner of Jyotish asstated by sages, however, it depends on themregards,Lalit Mishra

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