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Policy areas in the SAMVA USA chart

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Dear friends,


The attached news story suggests the Fed has fared better than the

Scurities and Exchange Commission SEC in dealing with the financial

crisis on Wall Street and that its influence will only increase as a



The Monetary policy aspect of the Feds work is ruled by Jupiter, but

it has in common with the SEC being ruled by Sun and 10th lord Mars

when it comes to its work in the area of financial supervision and



The transit Jupiter will come under the influence of natal Rahu in

the SAMVA USA chart from August to September 2008. Moreover, from

July to September 2008, natal Sun in the chart will come under the

transit influence of the stationary nodes. Fortunately, transit and

natal Mars will not be afflicted for most of that time. Nevertheless,

it is possible some problems related to the rescue efforts may come

to light during those months and that this could prove embarrassing

to the Fed as a lot of its money was supposedly involved. Already,

the US Senate has opened (or expressed an interesting in opening) an

inquiry into the Feds role in the rescue. We will see.


Best wishes,




Fed May Gain Influence From Crisis at SEC's Expense (Update1)

By Craig Torres and Jesse Westbrook


March 27 (Bloomberg) -- America's financial system faces its biggest

overhaul since the Great Depression as officials weigh lessons from

the credit-market rout and the near collapse of Bear Stearns Cos.


Federal Reserve policy makers are redefining which companies are

vital to the flow of credit, an area once the sole domain of

commercial banks, and which institutions pose risks to the entire

economy if they fail. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in a

speech yesterday that the Fed should broaden its oversight to include

Wall Street investment firms, now regulated by the Securities and

Exchange Commission.


Former regulators predict the changes will see the Fed accrue

influence at the expense of the SEC, which was created by President

Franklin Roosevelt to make rules for dealers and stock exchanges. The

Fed is taking almost $30 billion in assets off Bear Stearns's balance

sheet to encourage JPMorgan Chase & Co. to buy the firm, even though

Bear's main supervisor is the SEC.


``This is tectonic,'' said Ralph Ferrara, a former general counsel at

the SEC, and now a partner at Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP in Washington. ``We

no longer want to have a balkanized response to a national crisis.''


In 2006, New York Fed President Timothy Geithner, saw the need to

``revisit'' the Fed's authority. In a panel discussion on Sept. 26 of

that year, he said the Fed supervised a ``diminished'' portion of the

system as securities firms and hedge funds grew in influence. Paulson

is finishing his own review.


`View of Potomac'


The SEC will be so diminished that it ``will be given a nice view of

the Potomac from whatever floor of the comprehensive financial

services regulator they are given,'' said Ferrara.


Geithner has already redrawn the lines, invoking a little- used

authority to push the Fed into the role of an orderly bank

liquidator, much like the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., by helping

finance and sell $30 billion of illiquid Bear Stearns securities.


``Because of financial innovation, we have lots of these financial

firms that started to look like banks,'' said Mark Gertler, a New

York University professor and visiting scholar at the New York Fed.

``Any institution that may need to go to the discount window directly

or indirectly ought to be under the supervisory control of the Fed.''


Congressional Role


As Paulson addressed the U.S. Chamber of Commerce yesterday, the

Senate Finance and Banking committees said they are reviewing the

Bear Stearns sale.


``We want to know the extent to which Paulson was involved in the

deal, whether it was done by an independent Fed on their own

impetus,'' Charles Grassley, the top Republican on the panel, said in

an interview with Bloomberg Television. He said he doubted Congress

would try to block the deal.


Legislators are already considering a new regulatory structure. House

Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank said last week Congress

should consider creating an agency to monitor market risk or give

that authority to the Fed. The Massachusetts Democrat also said he

will seek less duplication. Currently, there are five separate

regulators of banks, thrifts, and credit unions.


Congress may not control the debate over the future of the Fed, SEC

and other regulators because many of the institutions are already

redefining their roles in the credit crunch.


FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair has been praised by consumer advocates for

pushing lenders toward a voluntary mortgage modification program.


Glass-Steagall Repeal


Banks and securities firms began competing more directly after the

repeal nine years ago of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which separated

commercial and investment banking.


The repeal allowed lenders such as Citigroup Inc. to underwrite and

trade instruments such as mortgage-backed securities, and set up off-

balance sheet structures to buy those assets. Citigroup, the biggest

U.S. bank, has suffered $23.9 billion in writedowns and credit losses

since the collapse of the U.S. subprime-mortgage market.


``This will be the first time Congress and the regulatory agencies

will have to address the consequences of the end of Glass-Steagall,''

said James Doty, a former SEC general counsel now in private practice

at Baker Botts LLP in Washington.


Extended Credit


For the first time since the 1930s, the Fed extended credit to non-

bank corporations, lending $28.8 billion as of March 19 to bond

dealers, including Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The

Fed said on March 16 that the facility will be available for at least

six months.


``You need to follow the money,'' said David Becker, a former SEC

general counsel and now a partner at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

LLP in Washington. ``The fact that the Fed has now put up a great

deal of money in dealing with an investment bank means they are going

to want, and may well get, a more active regulatory role.''


The SEC was created to restore confidence in markets after the 1929

stock-market crash and the Depression. The agency's mandate is to

make sure investors are treated fairly, and it enforces rules for

both companies that sell stock to the public and people who sell and

trade securities.




``While each of the agencies has different roles and

responsibilities, together we bring our collective authorities to

bear on behalf of investors and capital markets,'' said John Nester,

a spokesman for the SEC in Washington.


On Wall Street and in Washington, the SEC has a reputation as a much

stronger enforcer and prosecutor of malfeasance than the central

bank. Congress blamed the Fed for lax consumer protection during the

housing boom and has threatened to strip or share its consumer

protection powers.


``Bank regulators have, in general, been good at worrying about the

safety and soundness of banks,'' said Harvey Goldschmid, a former SEC

commissioner who's now a professor at Columbia Law School in New

York. ``They have not, however, been strong on protecting consumers

and investors.''


To contact the reporters on this story: Craig Torres in Washington at

ctorres3; Jesse Westbrook in Washington at



SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> The attached file shows how the policy indicators are analysed in

the SAMVA USA chart. First, let us consider the issue of financial

stability, and then consider financial supervision, monetary policy

and fiscal policy based on the indications given.


> I. Financial stabilty: 6TH LORD (Jupiter)

> - Jupiter as 6th lord is strong in 5th house

> - Jupiter is in mutual aspect with 1st lord Moon in H11

> - Rahu afflicts 6th house (Jupiter)

> - Jupiter is dispositor for 4th lord Venus. Nodes afflict 4th house


> The good placement and strength of Jupiter with beneficial aspects

from Moon and (to a lesser extent) Mars shows that in general

financial stability (ability to manage debt) would be good. The

influence of Jupiter on Moon suggests the importance of financial

stability for the country. While the aspect of Moon shows the

werewithal to influence the situation for the desired outcome. The

badly placed 4th lord Venus suggests its indications become linked to

debts and vulnerable to setbacks. This is more so as Ketu afflicts

the 4th house (Venus) and Rahu afflicts the 6th house, 2nd house and

10th house. In the periods of these planets (Jupiter, Venus, Ketu and

Rahu), there could be serious challenges posed by problems to the

financial stability, housing, wealth and government in the country.


> Currently, the financial stability is under threat during the Venus

major period and Jupiter sub-period. Transit Jupiter is in its own

6th house, which is good for financial stability and the conduct of

monetary policy. However, while under the aspect of natal Rahu in the

10th house, the financial stability is threatened. Also, the aspect

of transit Jupiter to natal Venus is making the housing situation

weaker, thus undermining the overall financial stability and raising

serious concerns about it. The strength of Sun in transit is helpful.


> II. Regulation/supervision of financial system: SUN & 10TH LORD


> - Sun is strong in MEP of 7th house and aspects also 1st house.

> - 8th lord Saturn afflicts Sun

> - Mars is strong in H10

> - Mars is in mutual aspect with 1st lord Moon in the 11th house

> - Rahu afflicts 10th house (Mars) and 2nd house (Sun)


> The strong placement of Sun and Mars show that in general

regulation and supervision of financial system is good and these

areas would tend to operate well at their own. However, the

afflictions to the Sun, 2nd house (Sun) and 10th house (Mars)

indicate that serious problems may develop for the regulation and

supervision of the financial system.


> The superivision of the financial system is under strain as transit

of 10th lord Mars in the 12th house of the SAMVA USA chart has

undermined its effectiveness or created problems, more so while

transit Sun was in the 8th house from mid February to mid March 2008

and then through the aspect of natal Jupiter until March 20th.

Fortunately, Sun has emerged from the 8th house and Mars will enter

Cancer and 1st house in the chart in late April. The situation is

likely to ease going forward now that Sun is strong in the 9th house

and by late April 2008 the tension for the financial supervisors will

be a lot less.


> III. Monetary policy: JUPITER

> - Jupiter as 6th lord is strong in 5th house

> - Jupiter is in mutual aspect with 1st lord Moon in H11

> - Rahu afflicts 6th house (Jupiter)

> - Jupiter is dispositor for 4th lord Venus

> - Nodes afflict 4th house


> The good placement in the 5th house and strength of Jupiter with

beneficial aspects from Moon and (to a lesser extent) Mars shows that

in general Monetary policy (the ability to increase or decrease the

available credit) would be effective. The issuance of credit would be

linked to housing, as 4th lord Venus is placed in the 6th house. As

Rahu afflicts the 6th house, results of manipulation could make the

conduct of monetary policy much more difficult.


> From July to October 2008 however things will become more difficult

as Jupiter again becomes conjunct natal 4th lord Venus and then

becomes stationary around 18° Sagittarius in the 6th house where it

comes into a close mutual aspect with natal Rahu in the 10th house.

This suggests that monetary policy will again be challenged with a

residue of the toxic debt that was likely created at a rapid rate in

the Venus-Rahu period from 2003-2006.


> Fiscal policy: SUN & 2ND LORD (Sun)

> - Sun is strong in 7th house and aspects also 1st house (Moon)

> - 8th lord Saturn afflicts Sun

> - Rahu afflicts H2 (Sun)


> The strong placement of Sun as also 2nd lord shows that in general

the Treasury finances would operate normally and be sound. However,

the aspect of 8th lord Saturn to the Sun would give both easy gains

and also obstacles and endings to government finances. The affliction

of Rahu to the 2nd house suggests the results of manipulation can

reduce the effectiveness of fiscal policy.


> Fiscal policy has been important to counter the concerns. The offer

of funds to the tune of 150 billion in January 2008 to be spent this

year has tended to boost confidences at a difficult time. However,

when transit Rahu becomes conjunct natal Sun later this summer and

early autumn, the concerns will likely increase about public

finances, resulting in considerable stress, possibly linked to the

aspect of transit Ketu to natal Saturn, which by itself would suggest

a sudden setback for easy gains.


> One characteristic of public finances is the ease by which the USA

is able to borrow for its public debt in the world. It is likely that

this situation will be challenged while the stationary transit nodes

afflict the natal Sun later this summer and into the early autumn,

more so as Jupiter in the 6th house and Saturn in the 2nd house

become caught up in an aspect from natal Rahu in the 10th house in

August and September.


> Let me just close by saying that the placement are complex making

for a comprehensive reading difficult. However, we should always keep

in mind that the SAMVA USA chart has many strong planets, suggesting

the country has an extraordinary resilience when faced with even

serious problems.


> Best wishes,


> Thor







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