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US Presidential Elections

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Hi John,


There is some uncertainty surrounding the Virgo rising chart for John McCain, but I will venture a reading of it. He has a reputation to be quite outspoken and for dressing down colleagues in public with his comments. This could be associated with someone who lacks diplomatic skills, including someone with 6th lord aspecting 2nd lord, which could provoke enemity and retaliation. A Leo ascendant could also be associated with such behaviour, but in this case the outcome would likely be more favourable for him, in that the comments would be tolerated and possibly admired.


In the 24° Virgo rising chart for John McCain, the 6th lord Saturn is placed at 27° Aquarius and the most effective point of the 6th house. Saturn natally afflicts 2nd lord Venus in the 12th house. Conflict could potentially harm the reputation of someone with this placement and put a strain on the marriage. As Saturn is in slight old age, the health is liable to setbacks. 1st lord Mercury is well placed in Virgo and 1st house, but debilitated in Navamsa chart. 8th lord Mars is debilitated in Cancer in the 11th house, but not afflicting or afflicted. Natally, Rahu is slightly afflicting 12th lord Sun in the 12th house, suggesting periodic problems with digestion and possibly loss of sleep.


Around the time of the convention, the nodes will be stationary conjunct the most effective points of the 5th and 11th houses, afflicting all the odd numbered houses. Sun will become conjunct Saturn in the 12th house. All these placements, if the Virgo rising chart is correct, could cause problems for him at that time. Even if a shoe in for the nomination of his party, it is possible his Democratic rival will be trying to sabotage his crowning ceremony and that this would cause him some distress, affecting digestion and sleep. On the up side, his Jupiter is well placed and strong in transit at that time, supporting his mental equilibrium. We will see how it goes. Please take the reading as an exploratory effort, as I have not followed his life or tried to rectify the chart.


Best wishes,



Dr. John D. Andre <DrJDAndreSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 6, 2008 1:12:23 PM US Presidential ElectionsHello Thor & Group:Thanks for all this.Do you see anything in John McCain's chart that would indicate significant health issues going into and around the time of the Convention?Warmly, John=======================================Cosmologer wrote:











Dear friends,


The question of who becomes the next President of the USA is difficult to answer because there is some uncertainty about the birth time of the leading candidates, John McCain ®, Hillary Clinton (D) and Barack Obama (D).


John McCain has likely 25° Virgo rising

Hillary Clinton likely has 7° Gemini rising

Barack Obama possibly has 24° Libra rising


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Guest guest

Dear friends,


Here is more information about possible birth times for Barack Obama:




Best wishes,




SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> The question of who becomes the next President of the USA is

difficult to answer because there is some uncertainty about the birth

time of the leading candidates, John McCain ®, Hillary Clinton (D)

and Barack Obama (D).


> John McCain has likely 25° Virgo rising

> Hillary Clinton likely has 7° Gemini rising

> Barack Obama possibly has 24° Libra rising

> (see charts below).


> Given the tight race between Clinton and Obama, which some also

consider as ultimately un-electable to the majority of US voters due

to one being a woman and the other a black man, there has been some

speculation in the media about Al Gore becoming something of a dark

horse candidate. There is almost no chance an outsider can be

inserted into the electoral process, even if he were in agreement

with an attempt to do so. Hence, the choice most likely will be made

between Clinton on the one hand and Obama on the other. Even if the

final primary ends on June 3, 2008, the contest between Clinton and

Obama will likely not be decided until the Democratic National

Convention in late August 2008.


> August 25-28, 2008: Democratic National Convention, Denver, CO.


> At the present time, the delegate count is in favour of Obama, or

52% of the delegates so far pledged to Clintons 48%, but such a

narrow lead with 23% of the total delegates yet to be accounted for

cannot be considered decisive.


> Actual pledged delegates (2,380 of 3,253 total)

> Predicted pledged delegates (2,675 of 3,253 total)

> Estimated superdelegates (458 of 796 total)

> Estimated total delegates (3,133 of 4,047 total; 2,024 needed to



> Barack Obama

> Actual: 1,227.5

> Predicted: 1,414

> Estimated superdelegates: 215

> Estimated total delegates: 1,629


> Hillary Rodham Clinton

> Actual: 1,152.5

> Predicted: 1,243

> Estimated superdelegates: 243

> Estimated total delegates: 1,486


> The final primaries and caucuses will be held from April 22 through

June 3, 2008.

> Only one state votes in April: Pennsylvania (considered the last

chance for Hillary Clinton to catch up with Barack Obama), which will

hold a primary for both parties on April 22. Indiana and North

Carolina have primaries on May 6. Nebraska's Republican primary will

be on May 13, as will the West Virginia primary for Democrats.

Kentucky and Oregon hold primaries for both parties on May 20. Idaho

votes for Republicans only on May 27. The primary season ends in

June, with contests on June 3 in New Mexico (Republican), Montana

(Democratic), and South Dakota (both parties). The final primary will

be on June 1st in Puerto Rico for the Democrats. Revotes in Michigan

and Florida are possible.[28] Michigan Democrats are suggesting a

date of June 3.


> http://news./election/2008/dashboard


> It is possible the lead of one candidate over the other will be so

narrow such that some of the Superdelegates switch their allegiances

at the Democratic National Convention resulting in another candidate

being chosen. The dramatic transits in late August 2008 suggest as



> As John McCain has already clinched the nomination of the

Republican Party, the Republican National Convention in early

September, is likely only going to be ceremonial. However, even there

some drama should not be ruled out.


> September 1-4, 2008: Republican National Convention, Saint Paul, MN.


> In both conventions, the choice of a running mate will be made,

potentially affecting the electability of the ticket. Some say, a

deal has been made with Mitt Romney to become the VP candidate of the

Republican Party. Meanwhile, John Edwards has ruled himself out as a

running mate for the Democrats. It is therefore not inconceivable

that Clinton and Obama may end up runing together. This is assuming

the loser doesn´t become too bloodied or has too much blood on his

hands from the battle for the nomination.


> The chart for September 3, 2008 shows the transit 2nd lord Sun

becoming exactly conjunct transit 8th lord Saturn, which also aspects

natal Ketu in the 4th house, under aspect also from transit 6th lord

Jupiter in the 6th house and natal FM Rahu in the 10th house. Such a

major affliction in the chart suggests a very difficult even a

dramatic time in the life of the country, especially for the

indications of the leader of the country. Fortunately, all the other

functional benefics in the chart are well placed, strong and

unafflicted at this time. Nevertheless, the time would be tense.


> In conclusion, the Republican candidate McCain would then be

scheduled to meet either Clinton or Obama as the candidate of the

Democratic Party on election day, November 4, 2008.





> List members are invited to consider these charts and make

predictions based on them if they feel strongly enough about them. I

have already suggested the proposed Gemini rising chart for Hillary

Clinton fits her life quite well. The natal potential of the chart is

strong, but the transits and period are not very helpful. She will

enter a powerful Sun period at the end of this year. The chart for

McCain seems to work and it is helpful for this year, but there is

slightly more uncertainty surrounding Barack Obama, with Gemini, Leo

and Libra (most often cited) being proposed.


> Finally, at the International Conference of SA Astrologers held on

23rd and 24th February, 2008 in Gurgaon , India,

predicted that Senator Clinton, based on the Gemini rising chart,

would win the Presidential election in early November.


> Best wishes,


> Thor



> John McCain

> Aug 29, 1936 9:00 AM +05:00 EST

> Cocosola , Panama Longitude: 79W56 Latitude: 8N58

> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:58 Current Period: SA/JU/VE


> Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

> ================================================

> Asc 24:57 Vir Chitra Ma

> Sun 13:03 Leo +00:57:59 FM Magha Ke

> Moon 04:04 Cap +13:34:47 WK U.Shadya Su

> Mars 19:20 Can +00:38:14 FM Aslesha Me

> Merc 09:17 Vir +01:11:53 WK U.Phalguni Su

> Jupt 22:06 Sco +00:03:16 WK Jyeshtha Me

> Ven 29:50 Leo +01:13:59 WK U.Phalguni Su

> Sat R 27:10 Aqu -00:04:23 FM P.Bhadra Ju

> Rahu 08:29 Sag -00:03:42 FM Mula Ke

> Ketu 08:29 Gem -00:03:42 FM Ardra Ra


> True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 625 beats

> Day: Saturday Sunrise : 6:14 AM

> Tithi: Shukla Dvadashi

> Yoga Pt: 20:27 Le Yogi:Ve AviYogi:Ju Dup Yogi: Su

> Dagha Rashis: Lib Cap


> Sytems Approach Analysis

> ========================

> Sun Bad Placement,

> Moon Good Placement, In Infancy: 18%, Bright,

> Mars Good Placement, Debilitated, Weak Dispositor,

> Mercury Good Placement, Debilitated in Navamsha,

> Jupiter Good Placement, Debilitated in Navamsha,

> Venus Bad Placement, In Old Age: 96%,

> Saturn Bad Placement, In Old Age: 43%,

> Rahu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

> Ketu Good Placement,


> Rashi Chart

> *******************************************************

> ** 7 * * 5 **

> *8 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * SU 13:03 * *

> * * * VE 29:50* *

> * * * ME 09:17 * * *

> *JU 22:06 * 6 AS 24:57 * 4 MA 19:20*

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *9 RA 08:29 * 3 KE 08:29 *

> ** * * **

> *10* * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> *MO 04:04 * 12 * 2 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SAR27:10 * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 11 * * 1 **

> *******************************************************


> Navamsha

> *******************************************************

> ** 6 * * 4 **

> *7 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SU * *

> * * * * * SAR *

> * * 5 AS * 3 RA *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *8 * 2 *

> ** * * **

> *9 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> *MA * * * * *

> *VE * 11 MO * 1 *

> *KE * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * JU * * ME * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 10 * * 12 **

> *******************************************************


> Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis

> ========================

> Su/Sa 7.3.1936

> Su/Me 17.2.1937

> Su/Ke 24.12.1937

> Su/Ve 1.5.1938

> Mo/Mo 2.5.1939

> Mo/Ma 1.3.1940

> Mo/Ra 30.9.1940

> Mo/Ju 1.4.1942

> Mo/Sa 1.8.1943

> Mo/Me 1.3.1945

> Mo/Ke 1.8.1946

> Mo/Ve 2.3.1947

> Mo/Su 30.10.1948

> Ma/Ma 1.5.1949

> Ma/Ra 27.9.1949

> Ma/Ju 16.10.1950

> Ma/Sa 22.9.1951

> Ma/Me 30.10.1952

> Ma/Ke 28.10.1953

> Ma/Ve 26.3.1954

> Ma/Su 26.5.1955

> Ma/Mo 1.10.1955

> Ra/Ra 1.5.1956

> Ra/Ju 12.1.1959

> Ra/Sa 7.6.1961

> Ra/Me 12.4.1964

> Ra/Ke 31.10.1966

> Ra/Ve 18.11.1967

> Ra/Su 18.11.1970

> Ra/Mo 13.10.1971

> Ra/Ma 13.4.1973

> Ju/Ju 1.5.1974

> Ju/Sa 18.6.1976

> Ju/Me 31.12.1978

> Ju/Ke 7.4.1981

> Ju/Ve 14.3.1982

> Ju/Su 12.11.1984

> Ju/Mo 31.8.1985

> Ju/Ma 31.12.1986

> Ju/Ra 7.12.1987

> Sa/Sa 1.5.1990

> Sa/Me 4.5.1993

> Sa/Ke 12.1.1996

> Sa/Ve 20.2.1997

> Sa/Su 22.4.2000

> Sa/Mo 4.4.2001

> Sa/Ma 3.11.2002

> Sa/Ra 13.12.2003

> Sa/Ju 19.10.2006

> Me/Me 1.5.2009

> Me/Ke 28.9.2011

> Me/Ve 24.9.2012

> Me/Su 26.7.2015

> Me/Mo 31.5.2016

> Me/Ma 31.10.2017

> Me/Ra 28.10.2018

> Me/Ju 16.5.2021

> Me/Sa 22.8.2023

> Ke/Ke 1.5.2026

> Ke/Ve 27.9.2026

> Ke/Su 28.11.2027

> Ke/Mo 3.4.2028

> Ke/Ma 2.11.2028

> Ke/Ra 1.4.2029

> Ke/Ju 19.4.2030

> Ke/Sa 26.3.2031

> Ke/Me 4.5.2032

> Ve/Ve 1.5.2033

> Ve/Su 31.8.2036

> Ve/Mo 31.8.2037

> Ve/Ma 2.5.2039

> Ve/Ra 1.7.2040

> Ve/Ju 1.7.2043

> Ve/Sa 1.3.2046

> Ve/Me 1.5.2049

> Ve/Ke 1.3.2052

> Chart Notes:

> Barack Obama

> Aug 4, 1961 1:06 PM +10:00 HST

> Honolulu , HI : USA Longitude: 157W52 Latitude: 21N18

> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:19 Current Period: JU/VE/ME


> Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

> ================================================

> Asc 24:10 Lib Vishakha Ju

> Sun 18:58 Can +00:57:28 WK Aslesha Me

> Moon 06:41 Tau +12:45:54 WK Krittika Su

> Mars 29:05 Leo +00:37:23 WK U.Phalguni Su

> Merc 08:29 Can +01:59:50 FM Pushya Sa

> JuptR 07:34 Cap -00:07:28 WK U.Shadya Su

> Ven 08:10 Gem +01:08:00 ST Ardra Ra

> Sat R 02:01 Cap -00:04:07 WK U.Shadya Su

> Rahu 03:58 Leo -00:01:04 FM Magha Ke

> Ketu 03:58 Aqu -00:01:04 FM Dhanishtha Ma


> True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 4 beats

> Day: Friday Sunrise : 6:08 AM

> Tithi: Krishna Navami

> Yoga Pt: 28:59 Sc Yogi:Me AviYogi:Ma Dup Yogi: Ma

> Dagha Rashis: Leo Sco


> Sytems Approach Analysis

> ========================

> Sun Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

> Moon Bad Placement, Bright,

> Mars Good Placement, In Old Age: 81%, Weak Dispositor,

> Mercury Good Placement, Combust 28%, Weak Dispositor,

> Jupiter Good Placement, Debilitated,

> Conjunct or Aspected by FM: Me ,

> Venus Good Placement,

> Saturn Good Placement, In Infancy: 59%,

> Rahu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

> Ketu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,


> Rashi Chart

> *******************************************************

> ** 8 * * 6 **

> *9 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * RA 03:58*

> * * 7 AS 24:10 * 5 MA 29:05*

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** SAR02:01 * * ME 08:29 **

> *10 JUR07:34 * 4 SU 18:58 *

> ** * * **

> *11* * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> *KE 03:58 * 1 * 3 VE 08:10*

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * MO 06:41 * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 12 * * 2 **

> *******************************************************


> Navamsha

> *******************************************************

> ** 3 * * 1 **

> *4 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * AS * * MO *

> * * 2 RA * 12 JUR *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *5 * 11 *

> ** * * **

> *6 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> *ME * 8 KE * 10 SAR *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SU * *

> * * * * MA * *

> * * * * VE * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 7 * * 9 **

> *******************************************************


> Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis

> ========================

> Su/Me 17.11.1960

> Su/Ke 23.9.1961

> Su/Ve 29.1.1962

> Mo/Mo 30.1.1963

> Mo/Ma 30.11.1963

> Mo/Ra 30.6.1964

> Mo/Ju 30.12.1965

> Mo/Sa 1.5.1967

> Mo/Me 29.11.1968

> Mo/Ke 1.5.1970

> Mo/Ve 30.11.1970

> Mo/Su 30.7.1972

> Ma/Ma 29.1.1973

> Ma/Ra 27.6.1973

> Ma/Ju 16.7.1974

> Ma/Sa 22.6.1975

> Ma/Me 30.7.1976

> Ma/Ke 28.7.1977

> Ma/Ve 24.12.1977

> Ma/Su 23.2.1979

> Ma/Mo 1.7.1979

> Ra/Ra 30.1.1980

> Ra/Ju 12.10.1982

> Ra/Sa 7.3.1985

> Ra/Me 11.1.1988

> Ra/Ke 31.7.1990

> Ra/Ve 18.8.1991

> Ra/Su 18.8.1994

> Ra/Mo 13.7.1995

> Ra/Ma 11.1.1997

> Ju/Ju 29.1.1998

> Ju/Sa 18.3.2000

> Ju/Me 30.9.2002

> Ju/Ke 5.1.2005

> Ju/Ve 12.12.2005

> Ju/Su 12.8.2008

> Ju/Mo 31.5.2009

> Ju/Ma 30.9.2010

> Ju/Ra 6.9.2011

> Sa/Sa 29.1.2014

> Sa/Me 1.2.2017

> Sa/Ke 12.10.2019

> Sa/Ve 20.11.2020

> Sa/Su 21.1.2024

> Sa/Mo 2.1.2025

> Sa/Ma 3.8.2026

> Sa/Ra 12.9.2027

> Sa/Ju 19.7.2030

> Me/Me 29.1.2033

> Me/Ke 28.6.2035

> Me/Ve 24.6.2036

> Me/Su 25.4.2039

> Me/Mo 29.2.2040

> Me/Ma 31.7.2041

> Me/Ra 28.7.2042

> Me/Ju 13.2.2045

> Me/Sa 22.5.2047

> Ke/Ke 29.1.2050

> Ke/Ve 27.6.2050

> Ke/Su 28.8.2051

> Ke/Mo 2.1.2052

> Ke/Ma 2.8.2052

> Ke/Ra 30.12.2052

> Ke/Ju 17.1.2054

> Ke/Sa 24.12.2054

> Ke/Me 2.2.2056

> Ve/Ve 29.1.2057

> Ve/Su 31.5.2060

> Ve/Mo 31.5.2061

> Ve/Ma 30.1.2063

> Ve/Ra 31.3.2064

> Ve/Ju 31.3.2067

> Ve/Sa 29.11.2069

> Ve/Me 29.1.2073

> Ve/Ke 30.11.2075

> Chart Notes:

> Hillary Clinton

> Oct 26, 1947 8:00 PM +06:00 CST

> Chicago , IL : USA Longitude: 87W39 Latitude: 41N51

> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: SU/RA/JU


> Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

> ================================================

> Asc 06:41 Gem Ardra Ra

> Sun 09:40 Lib +00:59:51 WK Swati Ra

> Moon 06:03 Pis +12:46:40 ST U.Bhadra Sa

> Mars 21:08 Can +00:30:49 WK Aslesha Me

> MercR 28:11 Lib -00:11:12 WK Vishakha Ju

> Jupt 07:29 Sco +00:12:34 WK Anuradha Sa

> Ven 23:43 Lib +01:14:51 ST Vishakha Ju

> Sat 28:12 Can +00:04:01 WK Aslesha Me

> Rahu 00:24 Tau -00:03:14 FM Krittika Su

> Ketu 00:24 Sco -00:03:14 FM Vishakha Ju


> True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 125 beats

> Day: Sunday Sunrise : 6:16 AM

> Tithi: Shukla Trayodashi

> Yoga Pt: 19:03 Sg Yogi:Ve AviYogi:Ju Dup Yogi: Ju

> Dagha Rashis: Tau Leo


> Sytems Approach Analysis

> ========================

> Sun Good Placement, Debilitated,

> Moon Good Placement, Bright,

> Mars Good Placement, Debilitated,

> Mercury Good Placement, In Old Age: 63%,

> Jupiter Bad Placement,

> Venus Good Placement,

> Saturn Good Placement, In Old Age: 64%,

> Rahu Bad Placement,

> Ketu Bad Placement,


> Rashi Chart

> *******************************************************

> ** 4 * * 2 **

> *5 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MA 21:08 * * * *

> * SA 28:12* RA 00:24* *

> * * * * * *

> * * 3 AS 06:41 * 1 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *6 * 12 MO 06:03 *

> ** * * **

> *7 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> *SU 09:40 * * * * *

> *VE 23:43 * 9 * 11 *

> *MER28:11 * * * * *

> * KE 00:24* * * *

> * * JU 07:29 * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 8 * * 10 **

> *******************************************************


> Navamsha

> *******************************************************

> ** 10 * * 8 **

> *11* * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MA * * * *

> * RA * * * *

> * * * AS * * *

> * * 9 SU * 7 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *12 SA * 6 JU *

> ** * * **

> *1 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * 3 MER * 5 MO *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * VE * * KE * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 2 * * 4 **

> *******************************************************


> Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis

> ========================

> Sa/Me 11.12.1946

> Sa/Ke 20.8.1949

> Sa/Ve 29.9.1950

> Sa/Su 28.11.1953

> Sa/Mo 10.11.1954

> Sa/Ma 11.6.1956

> Sa/Ra 20.7.1957

> Sa/Ju 26.5.1960

> Me/Me 8.12.1962

> Me/Ke 5.5.1965

> Me/Ve 3.5.1966

> Me/Su 2.3.1969

> Me/Mo 7.1.1970

> Me/Ma 8.6.1971

> Me/Ra 5.6.1972

> Me/Ju 23.12.1974

> Me/Sa 30.3.1977

> Ke/Ke 8.12.1979

> Ke/Ve 5.5.1980

> Ke/Su 5.7.1981

> Ke/Mo 10.11.1981

> Ke/Ma 11.6.1982

> Ke/Ra 7.11.1982

> Ke/Ju 26.11.1983

> Ke/Sa 1.11.1984

> Ke/Me 11.12.1985

> Ve/Ve 8.12.1986

> Ve/Su 8.4.1990

> Ve/Mo 9.4.1991

> Ve/Ma 7.12.1992

> Ve/Ra 6.2.1994

> Ve/Ju 6.2.1997

> Ve/Sa 8.10.1999

> Ve/Me 8.12.2002

> Ve/Ke 8.10.2005

> Su/Su 8.12.2006

> Su/Mo 27.3.2007

> Su/Ma 26.9.2007

> Su/Ra 1.2.2008

> Su/Ju 26.12.2008

> Su/Sa 14.10.2009

> Su/Me 26.9.2010

> Su/Ke 2.8.2011

> Su/Ve 8.12.2011

> Mo/Mo 7.12.2012

> Mo/Ma 8.10.2013

> Mo/Ra 9.5.2014

> Mo/Ju 8.11.2015

> Mo/Sa 9.3.2017

> Mo/Me 8.10.2018

> Mo/Ke 8.3.2020

> Mo/Ve 7.10.2020

> Mo/Su 8.6.2022

> Ma/Ma 8.12.2022

> Ma/Ra 6.5.2023

> Ma/Ju 23.5.2024

> Ma/Sa 29.4.2025

> Ma/Me 8.6.2026

> Ma/Ke 5.6.2027

> Ma/Ve 1.11.2027

> Ma/Su 1.1.2029

> Ma/Mo 8.5.2029

> Ra/Ra 8.12.2029

> Ra/Ju 20.8.2032

> Ra/Sa 13.1.2035

> Ra/Me 19.11.2037

> Ra/Ke 8.6.2040

> Ra/Ve 26.6.2041

> Ra/Su 26.6.2044

> Ra/Mo 21.5.2045

> Ra/Ma 19.11.2046

> Ju/Ju 8.12.2047

> Ju/Sa 25.1.2050

> Ju/Me 8.8.2052

> Ju/Ke 13.11.2054

> Ju/Ve 20.10.2055

> Ju/Su 20.6.2058

> Ju/Mo 9.4.2059

> Ju/Ma 8.8.2060

> Ju/Ra 14.7.2061

> Chart Notes:





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Guest guest

Thanks for this,





Cosmologer wrote:








is some uncertainty surrounding the Virgo rising chart for John McCain,

but I will venture a reading of it. He has a reputation to be quite

outspoken and for dressing down colleagues in public with his comments.

This could be associated with someone who lacks diplomatic skills,

including someone with 6th lord aspecting 2nd lord, which could provoke

enemity and retaliation. A Leo ascendant could also be associated with

such behaviour, but in this case the outcome would likely be more

favourable for him, in that the comments would be tolerated and

possibly admired.

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Hi John,




By the way, since you raised the issue, do you think medical issues are

around the corner for McCain?


Best wishes,



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Hi Thor:


Putting my clinician's hat on . . . he looks like a pressure cooker

that is about to blow......Adrenals & Kidneys & Heart. That is

from reading body language at a distance.


I cannot imagine him making it all the way to November in one piece.


Warmly, John


cosmologer wrote:



Hi John,




By the way, since you raised the issue, do you think medical issues are


around the corner for McCain?


Best wishes,



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Hi John,


Thanks for the interesting insight, which could prove helpful for a

rectification of his chart; that is, if someone has the time to do it.


Best wishes,



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:-) ................John




cosmologer wrote:



Hi John,


Thanks for the interesting insight, which could prove helpful for a

rectification of his chart; that is, if someone has the time to do it.


Best wishes,



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