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Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts

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Dear friends,


On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times of the two candidates.


It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity. Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work involving accurate

predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts about the exact rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is correct or not.


We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards. Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry. Resorting to violence could also result

from that as the news story about Erika Young suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate William Ayers in the late 1960s.


In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU, suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event. Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal

harmony. In other words, it could be argued that these placements favour the Democrats win.



But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal 24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach the "top job". Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he says it explains his "high status." As such, the natal potential does not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very close election.


In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ("spread the wealth around") and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury. This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12 is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8. Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6° 57' Libra/H10 is being afflicted

by natal Ketu at 3° 58' Aquarius/H2. In short, the transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise prediction. has suggested this will be a close election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's Aquarius chart that he has karma for "high status" and Obama does not have the karma for the "top job". Based on this McCain would win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan to "change the world". Maybe people will at the last minute not be sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the face of overwhelming odds that Obama

will win according to the polls! Either there will be a major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see how this interesting election turns out.


If list members, want to make their views heard based on the astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process, please feel free to do so.


Best wishes,






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Dear Thor,


We can note that Saturn rules the colour black and also the working class.

The possibility exists that these groups are likely to be largely involved

in the upset.


For these groups to be upset, I think McCain has to win or some harm to

Obama if he wins. It's difficult to see who will win from the USA natal

chart, but those likely to be affected most can be assessed to a better

degree. That said, this is all speculative in the abscence of natal charts

of the candidates.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas



" Cosmologer " <cosmologer

<samva >

Sunday, November 02, 2008 7:02 AM

Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



Dear friends,


On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of the

Presidential election based on the information of the charts of the

respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA chart

Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that the polls ALL

show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and electoral vote, suggesting

he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the next President of the USA. Yet, the

astrological evidence is not as clear cut. Either this is because some last

mintue change of view is likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty

about the birth times of the two candidates.


It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates have been

unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for astrologers. During

the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about birth times needed to be

revised, in both cases from morning to evening times, due to the appearance

of birth certificates. Even with new birth times emerging, some people have

questioned their validity. Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born

somewhere else in Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in

Hawaii, but in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest

the candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary to

run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth certificates are

authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have some information to go on.

Even then, the standard rectification work involving accurate predictions is

need to resolve remaining doubts about the exact

rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make a

prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still uncertainty about

the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is correct or not.


We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards. Even

there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could develop

because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the more likely

outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret the SAMVA USA

chart as suggesting that some white racist people will become furiously

angry that a black man has been elected president and will resort to acts of

violence to protest that. Another scenario involves the outside chance at

present that McCain wins. For this to happen, many people would need to

change their minds in the polls or for undecideds to massively vote for

McCain. Such an outcmoe would likely make some young Obama supporters, who

think the country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story about

Erika Young

suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate William Ayers

in the late 1960s.


In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much in making

the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election will likelly be

followed by upset to the communal harmony and for acts of violence to occur

from the middle of November. If we look at the condition of transit 10th

lord MARS as an indicator of the incumbent party, we see that it is well

placed but in old age in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover,

transit 2nd lord SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct

natal KETU, suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political opposition is

well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord VENUS. Even if

afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it is not itself

afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter and the political

opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony. In other words, it could

be argued

that these placements favour the Democrats win.


But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal charts and

try to see what they suggest based on period and transit influences.

Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard 's

assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal 24° 43' Capricorn rising

chart, it is not certain he will reach the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13°

03' Aquarius rising chart, he says it explains his " high status. " As such,

the natal potential does not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it

as a compelling outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a

very close election.


In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an exalted natal

7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect of 12th lord JUPITER

at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00'

Cancer/H7. The influence of Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements

( " spread the wealth around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due

primarily to his afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the

aspect of Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for

Mercury. This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest

strains but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8. Moreover,

transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th lord SUN at 19°

13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6° 57' Libra/H10 is being

afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58' Aquarius/H2. In short, the

transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury period is

operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the polls close, his

8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at 7° 17' Libra/H9.

Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun and 11th lord Jupiter will

not be reduced by their weakness in transit. Moreover, his weak but well

placed Saturn will also be well placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness

at this time will be transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated

3rd lord MARS at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise prediction.

has suggested this will be a close election.

Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's Aquarius chart that he

has karma for " high status " and Obama does not have the karma for the " top

job " . Based on this McCain would win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off

at the hour of decision due to his statements and controversial associates

and his plan to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not

be sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become hesitant

to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of his most ardent

supporters, who desperately want to see change in the USA and the world. In

short, consider my view as a qualified McCain win based on an assessment of

the astrological evidence - but in the face of overwhelming odds that Obama

will win according to the polls! Either there will be a

major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty about the

birth times than the present information suggests. So, this is not an easy

choice to make and we will just have to wait and see how this interesting

election turns out.


If list members, want to make their views heard based on the astrological

factors, at this late hour in the election process, please feel free to do



Best wishes,



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Dear Vyas,


Thanks for the excellent additional insights regarding the

indications of the afflicted transit Saturn in the SAMVA USA chart at

the present time.


Indeed, as mentioned be me, the thoughts are necessarily speculative

given the uncertainty about the natal charts. Even then, it is part

and parcel of our efforts to comment on different charts to see what

they suggest or if they are plausible. To this I must add that the

chart for Obama seems to be quite plausible. More work is needed on

the chart for McCain. That said, we do not have unlimited time for

rectifying many charts on this list, as that work tends to be quite

time consuming. I think it is fair to say that the efforts or most

contributors on this list are subject to a tight time constraint.


Having mentioned that, we can observe -- in addition to the election

outcome and events involving the candidates -- the developments and

reactions of the African American community and working class people

in general in the USA in coming weeks.


Best wishes,





SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Dear Thor,


> We can note that Saturn rules the colour black and also the working


> The possibility exists that these groups are likely to be largely


> in the upset.


> For these groups to be upset, I think McCain has to win or some

harm to

> Obama if he wins. It's difficult to see who will win from the USA


> chart, but those likely to be affected most can be assessed to a


> degree. That said, this is all speculative in the abscence of natal


> of the candidates.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas


> -

> " Cosmologer " <cosmologer

> <samva >

> Sunday, November 02, 2008 7:02 AM

> Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



> Dear friends,


> On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of


> Presidential election based on the information of the charts of the

> respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA


> Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that the

polls ALL

> show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and electoral vote,


> he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the next President of the USA.

Yet, the

> astrological evidence is not as clear cut. Either this is because

some last

> mintue change of view is likely or that there is unresolved


> about the birth times of the two candidates.


> It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

have been

> unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

astrologers. During

> the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about birth times

needed to be

> revised, in both cases from morning to evening times, due to the


> of birth certificates. Even with new birth times emerging, some

people have

> questioned their validity. Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was


> somewhere else in Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born


> Hawaii, but in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated,

to suggest

> the candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is

necessary to

> run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

certificates are

> authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have some information

to go on.

> Even then, the standard rectification work involving accurate

predictions is

> need to resolve remaining doubts about the exact

> rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make


> prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

uncertainty about

> the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is correct or not.


> We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

> tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.


> there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could


> because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the more


> outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret the SAMVA


> chart as suggesting that some white racist people will become


> angry that a black man has been elected president and will resort

to acts of

> violence to protest that. Another scenario involves the outside

chance at

> present that McCain wins. For this to happen, many people would

need to

> change their minds in the polls or for undecideds to massively vote


> McCain. Such an outcmoe would likely make some young Obama

supporters, who

> think the country desperately needs a change, would become

furiously angry.

> Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story


> Erika Young

> suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

William Ayers

> in the late 1960s.


> In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

in making

> the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election will

likelly be

> followed by upset to the communal harmony and for acts of violence

to occur

> from the middle of November. If we look at the condition of transit


> lord MARS as an indicator of the incumbent party, we see that it is


> placed but in old age in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii.


> transit 2nd lord SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time


> natal KETU, suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse


> Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

opposition is

> well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord VENUS. Even if

> afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it is not


> afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter and the


> opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony. In other words,

it could

> be argued

> that these placements favour the Democrats win.


> But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

charts and

> try to see what they suggest based on period and transit


> Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard Professor


> assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal 24° 43' Capricorn


> chart, it is not certain he will reach the " top job " . Regarding

McCain's 13°

> 03' Aquarius rising chart, he says it explains his " high status. "

As such,

> the natal potential does not rule out a McCain victory, but does

not see it

> as a compelling outcome either. At best, it would be something

achieved in a

> very close election.


> In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

exalted natal

> 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect of 12th


> at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at

9° 00'

> Cancer/H7. The influence of Jupiter suggests losses from


> ( " spread the wealth around " ) and intellectual/religious associates


> primarily to his afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the

upside, the

> aspect of Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb


> Mercury. This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence


> strains but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00'


> is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.


> transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th lord

SUN at 19°

> 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6° 57' Libra/H10 is


> afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58' Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


> In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

period is

> operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the polls

close, his

> 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at 7° 17' Libra/H9.

> Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun and 11th lord

Jupiter will

> not be reduced by their weakness in transit. Moreover, his weak but


> placed Saturn will also be well placed, as will his other FBs. His


> at this time will be transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his


> 3rd lord MARS at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


> In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise


> has suggested this will be a close election.

> Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's Aquarius chart

that he

> has karma for " high status " and Obama does not have the karma for

the " top

> job " . Based on this McCain would win. Maybe Obama will scare some

people off

> at the hour of decision due to his statements and controversial


> and his plan to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last

minute not

> be sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become


> to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of his most


> supporters, who desperately want to see change in the USA and the

world. In

> short, consider my view as a qualified McCain win based on an

assessment of

> the astrological evidence - but in the face of overwhelming odds

that Obama

> will win according to the polls! Either there will be a

> major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

about the

> birth times than the present information suggests. So, this is not

an easy

> choice to make and we will just have to wait and see how this


> election turns out.


> If list members, want to make their views heard based on the


> factors, at this late hour in the election process, please feel

free to do

> so.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


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Thanks for your interesting commentary and analysis. I wish to bring to your attention an article appearing in the most recent copy of the Journal of Astrology which I received in the mail just yesterday. It contains an article entitled "An experiment at Reverse Engineering" by Marisha Sharma and K. Raju Nair. In it they provide a very exhaustive comparison event by event of Obama's life events displaying how it fits two possible times of birth. The first is provided by Col. A. K. Gour - 13.26 hours and the second 19:24 hours which Lois Rodden's site shows based on "copies" of his birth certificate.


While in the end cross checking dashas and transits is not fool-proof, they present detailed reasons and astrological "events" which much to my surprised seems to support the 13.26 hour birth time with more "hits" than the 19.24 time. We may not know even after November 4th which time is correct, but it is the first time I have observed such a detailed and provocative analysis - event by event. I recommend reading the article to anyone who seriously has studied the question.


Again, July-September, 2008 issue of Journal of Astrology pp 33-38.




--- On Sun, 11/2/08, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologer Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughtssamva Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 7:02 AM






Dear friends,


On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times of the two candidates.


It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity. Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work involving accurate

predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts about the exact rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is correct or not.


We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards. Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry. Resorting to violence could also result

from that as the news story about Erika Young suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate William Ayers in the late 1960s.


In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU, suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event. Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal

harmony. In other words, it could be argued that these placements favour the Democrats win.



But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal 24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach the "top job". Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he says it explains his "high status." As such, the natal potential does not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very close election.


In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ("spread the wealth around") and intellectual/ religious associates due primarily to his afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury. This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/ H12 is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8. Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6° 57' Libra/H10 is being

afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58' Aquarius/H2. In short, the transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise prediction. has suggested this will be a close election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's Aquarius chart that he has karma for "high status" and Obama does not have the karma for the "top job". Based on this McCain would win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan to "change the world". Maybe people will at the last minute not be sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the face of overwhelming odds that Obama

will win according to the polls! Either there will be a major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see how this interesting election turns out.


If list members, want to make their views heard based on the astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process, please feel free to do so.


Best wishes,






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Hello Jason,


Thank you for the information.


You know, the real merit of astrology is in its predictive ability. Once the historical examination is finished, it becomes necessary to make predictions to find out if the historical analysis has merit. That is the real acid test of astrological inquiry. In all this work, the efficacy of the astrological method is critical. Too often, imperfect methods are used to obtain wrong historical readings. Such methods inevitably bring wrong results in prediction. I am pleased to have found the Systems' Approach which works very well.


Best wishes,






Jason Bovien <jason4m2002SAMVA Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2008 8:19:07 PMRe: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts







Thanks for your interesting commentary and analysis. I wish to bring to your attention an article appearing in the most recent copy of the Journal of Astrology which I received in the mail just yesterday. It contains an article entitled "An experiment at Reverse Engineering" by Marisha Sharma and K. Raju Nair. In it they provide a very exhaustive comparison event by event of Obama's life events displaying how it fits two possible times of birth. The first is provided by Col. A. K. Gour - 13.26 hours and the second 19:24 hours which Lois Rodden's site shows based on "copies" of his birth certificate.


While in the end cross checking dashas and transits is not fool-proof, they present detailed reasons and astrological "events" which much to my surprised seems to support the 13.26 hour birth time with more "hits" than the 19.24 time. We may not know even after November 4th which time is correct, but it is the first time I have observed such a detailed and provocative analysis - event by event. I recommend reading the article to anyone who seriously has studied the question.


Again, July-September, 2008 issue of Journal of Astrology pp 33-38.




--- On Sun, 11/2/08, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologer Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughtssamva Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 7:02 AM






Dear friends,


On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times of the two candidates.


It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity. Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work involving accurate

predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts about the exact rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is correct or not.


We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards. Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry. Resorting to violence could also result

from that as the news story about Erika Young suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate William Ayers in the late 1960s.


In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU, suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event. Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal

harmony. In other words, it could be argued that these placements favour the Democrats win.



But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal 24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach the "top job". Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he says it explains his "high status." As such, the natal potential does not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very close election.


In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ("spread the wealth around") and intellectual/ religious associates due primarily to his afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury. This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/ H12 is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8. Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6° 57' Libra/H10 is being

afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58' Aquarius/H2. In short, the transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise prediction. has suggested this will be a close election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's Aquarius chart that he has karma for "high status" and Obama does not have the karma for the "top job". Based on this McCain would win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan to "change the world". Maybe people will at the last minute not be sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the face of overwhelming odds that Obama

will win according to the polls! Either there will be a major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see how this interesting election turns out.


If list members, want to make their views heard based on the astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process, please feel free to do so.


Best wishes,






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From a non-astrologically point of view, there is another

possibility: the polls are wrong. In the U.S. many feel that they

will be considered racist if they do not publicly claim to be voting

for Obama, even though they may not do so. When an unknown caller

contacts them to ask how they are going to vote, they may well be

saying Obama feeling it will protect them from some imagined

scrutiny. There is a chance the polls are skewed for this reason.




SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

of the two candidates.


> It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about

birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with

new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity.

Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work

involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

about the exact

> rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

correct or not.


> We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret

the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario

involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

about Erika Young

> suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

William Ayers in the late 1960s.


> In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU,

suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it

is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter

and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

In other words, it could be argued

> that these placements favour the Democrats win. 


> But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential does

not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as  a compelling

outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

close election.


> In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect

of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of

Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th

lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

57' Libra/H10  is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


> In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


> In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

prediction.  has suggested this will be a close

election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the

USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the polls!

Either there will be a

> major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this

is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

how this interesting election turns out. 


> If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

please feel free to do so.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


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TIPP Election Watch 2008

Daily Tracking by the Nation's Most Accurate Pollster!


Results of TIPP's Election 2008 Tracking Poll

Beginning October 13th, TIPP began publishing the results of its 2008

Presidential race tracking poll.

The table below shows results for a two-way race between Republican

John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama among likely voters.


John McCain vs. Barack Obama

Release Date McCain Obama Undecided Spread

November 2 44.6% 46.7% 8.7% +2.1 Obama

November 1 43.4% 47.9% 8.7% +4.5 Obama

October 31 43.8% 48.2% 8.0% +4.4 Obama

October 30 43.6% 47.7% 8.7% +4.1 Obama

October 29 43.9% 46.9% 9.2% +3.0 Obama

October 28 43.7% 47.7% 8.6% +4.0 Obama

October 27 44.2% 47.0% 8.8% +2.8 Obama

October 26 43.3% 46.5% 10.1% +3.2 Obama

October 25 41.9% 45.8% 12.2% +3.9 Obama

October 24 42.3% 45.8% 11.9% +3.5 Obama

October 23 43.7% 44.8% 11.6% +1.1 Obama

October 22 42.0% 45.7% 12.3% +3.7 Obama

October 21 40.9% 46.9% 12.1% +6.0 Obama

October 20 41.4% 46.7% 11.9% +5.3 Obama

October 19 41.5% 46.6% 11.9% +5.1 Obama

October 18 39.8% 47.2% 13.0% +7.3 Obama

October 17 40.6% 45.9% 13.5% +5.3 Obama

October 16 41.6% 45.2% 13.2% +3.6 Obama

October 15 41.9% 45.2% 12.9% +3.3 Obama

October 14 41.9% 44.8% 13.3% +3.0 Obama

October 13 42.7% 44.8% 12.5% +2.1 Obama



SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

of the two candidates.


> It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about

birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with

new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity.

Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work

involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

about the exact

> rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

correct or not.


> We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret

the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario

involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

about Erika Young

> suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

William Ayers in the late 1960s.


> In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU,

suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it

is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter

and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

In other words, it could be argued

> that these placements favour the Democrats win. 


> But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential does

not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as  a compelling

outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

close election.


> In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect

of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of

Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th

lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

57' Libra/H10  is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


> In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


> In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

prediction.  has suggested this will be a close

election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the

USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the polls!

Either there will be a

> major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this

is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

how this interesting election turns out. 


> If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

please feel free to do so.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


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Hello JR


Indeed, there is a lot of uncertainty.If there is a large " Bradley effect " then

the upset might be larger and be cocentrated in the groups indicated by Vyas.


Best wishes.



SAMVA , " alljg " <alljg wrote:


> From a non-astrologically point of view, there is another

> possibility: the polls are wrong. In the U.S. many feel that they

> will be considered racist if they do not publicly claim to be voting

> for Obama, even though they may not do so. When an unknown caller

> contacts them to ask how they are going to vote, they may well be

> saying Obama feeling it will protect them from some imagined

> scrutiny. There is a chance the polls are skewed for this reason.


> J.R.


> SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear friends,

> >

> > On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

> the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

> the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

> chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

> the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

> electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

> next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

> clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

> likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

> of the two candidates.

> >

> > It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

> have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

> astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about

> birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

> evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with

> new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity.

> Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

> Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

> in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

> candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

> to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

> certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

> some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work

> involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

> about the exact

> > rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

> a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

> uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

> correct or not.

> >

> > We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

> tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

> Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

> develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

> more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret

> the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

> become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

> and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario

> involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

> happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

> for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

> likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

> country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

> Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

> about Erika Young

> > suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

> William Ayers in the late 1960s.

> >

> > In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

> in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

> will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

> acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

> the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

> incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

> in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

> SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU,

> suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

> Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

> opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

> VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it

> is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter

> and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

> In other words, it could be argued

> > that these placements favour the Democrats win. 

> >

> > But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

> charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

> influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

> 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

> 24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

> the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

> says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential does

> not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as  a compelling

> outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

> close election.

> >

> > In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

> exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect

> of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

> afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

> Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

> around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

> afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of

> Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

> This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

> but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

> is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

> Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th

> lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

> 57' Libra/H10  is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

> Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> > transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.

> >

> > In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

> period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

> polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

> 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

> and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

> transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

> placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

> transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

> at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.

> >

> > In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

> prediction.  has suggested this will be a close

> election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

> Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

> not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

> win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

> due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

> to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

> sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

> hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

> his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the

> USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

> win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

> face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the polls!

> Either there will be a

> > major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

> about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this

> is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

> how this interesting election turns out. 

> >

> > If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

> astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

> please feel free to do so.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >


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Thanks, Ben


By the way, TIPP is showing a closer election outcome than some other polls. It will be interesting to see the actual results given the astrological indications and many different theories of what may be going on.

Best wishes,






searchbutton <searchbuttonSAMVA Sent: Monday, November 3, 2008 5:26:50 AM Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughtshttp://www.tipponline.com/TIPP Election Watch 2008Daily Tracking by the Nation's Most Accurate Pollster!Results of TIPP's Election 2008 Tracking PollBeginning October 13th, TIPP began publishing the results of its 2008 Presidential race tracking poll. The table below shows results for a two-way race between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama among likely voters. John McCain vs. Barack Obama Release Date McCain Obama Undecided Spread November 2 44.6%

46.7% 8.7% +2.1 Obama November 1 43.4% 47.9% 8.7% +4.5 Obama October 31 43.8% 48.2% 8.0% +4.4 Obama October 30 43.6% 47.7% 8.7% +4.1 Obama October 29 43.9% 46.9% 9.2% +3.0 Obama October 28 43.7% 47.7% 8.6% +4.0 Obama October 27 44.2% 47.0% 8.8% +2.8 Obama October 26 43.3% 46.5% 10.1% +3.2 Obama October 25 41.9% 45.8% 12.2% +3.9 Obama October 24 42.3% 45.8% 11.9% +3.5 Obama October 23 43.7% 44.8% 11.6% +1.1 Obama October 22 42.0% 45.7% 12.3% +3.7 Obama October 21 40.9% 46.9% 12.1% +6.0 Obama October 20 41.4% 46.7% 11.9% +5.3 Obama October 19 41.5% 46.6% 11.9% +5.1 Obama October 18 39.8% 47.2% 13.0% +7.3 Obama October 17 40.6% 45.9% 13.5% +5.3 Obama October 16 41.6% 45.2% 13.2% +3.6 Obama October 15 41.9% 45.2% 12.9% +3.3 Obama October 14 41.9% 44.8% 13.3% +3.0 Obama October 13 42.7% 44.8% 12.5% +2.1 Obama SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:>> Dear friends,> > On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times of the two candidates.> > It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates have been unkown and for the longest time been a

guessing game for astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity. Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts about the exact>

rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is correct or not. > > We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards. Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to happen, many people would need

to change their minds in the polls or for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry. Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story about Erika Young> suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate William Ayers in the late 1960s. > > In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU, suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event. Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony. In other words, it could be argued> that these placements favour the Democrats win. > > But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal 24° 43' Capricorn rising

chart, it is not certain he will reach the "top job". Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he says it explains his "high status." As such, the natal potential does not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very close election.> > In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ("spread the wealth around") and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside

1° orb for Mercury. This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12 is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8. Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6° 57' Libra/H10 is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58' Aquarius/H2. In short, the> transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.> > In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.> > In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise prediction. has suggested this will be a close election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's Aquarius chart that he has karma for "high status" and Obama does not have the karma for the "top job". Based on this McCain would win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan to "change the world". Maybe people will at the last minute not be sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become hesitant to give him so much

power. If so, this will upset many of his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the polls! Either there will be a> major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see how this interesting election turns out. > > If list members, want to make their views heard based on the astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process, please feel free to do so.> > Best wishes,> >


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> Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

placed, as will his other FBs.


According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political

pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull

off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race

tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign is

focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama has

said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large

anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be

getting some traction by using " Joe the Plumber " to help appeal to the

masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in the

neighboring state of Ohio.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both

coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it

could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.

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Hello ,


The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which

is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the

political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn,

including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal

4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset

and this aspect peaks on November 7.


Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by

Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may

become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more

intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the

affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming

close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is

considered likely that some violence will take place later in



Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much

uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In

any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in

the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to

take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.


Best wishes,




PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the



SAMVA , " echong108 " <echong108 wrote:


> > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be


> placed, as will his other FBs.


> According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political

> pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull

> off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race

> tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign


> focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama


> said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large

> anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be

> getting some traction by using " Joe the Plumber " to help appeal to


> masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in


> neighboring state of Ohio.


> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both

> coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it

> could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.


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Dear Thor:


Again thank you for your generous contributions to SAMVA ... it has

been very interesting to read your posts and the subsequent

discussions that they generate.


What I find most interesting about the SAMVA USA Chart Perpetual

Union during this time of the election is the strong transit Jupiter

conjunct Venus during a Ve/Ju period that you mentioned and your

analysis of that planetary event. Venus also represents women folk

in this country. I have heard from many women, both Democrat and

Republican, who are quite upset over Senator McCain's selection for

his VP, Sarah Palin. Perhaps the positive benefit that the

Venus/Jupiter conjunction shows for transit Jupiter would be giving

to the opposing party a majority of the women's vote? However this

is a weak natal Venus so I'm not sure it can give much benefit. I

would appreciate your or other senior SAMVA members analysis of this



My thanks for your time, knowledge and consideration.


Best Wishes,




SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

of the two candidates.


> It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about

birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with

new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity.

Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work

involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

about the exact

> rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

correct or not.


> We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret

the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario

involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

about Erika Young

> suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

William Ayers in the late 1960s.


> In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU,

suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it

is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter

and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

In other words, it could be argued

> that these placements favour the Democrats win. 


> But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential does

not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as  a compelling

outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

close election.


> In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect

of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of

Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th

lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

57' Libra/H10  is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


> In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


> In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

prediction.  has suggested this will be a close

election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the

USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the polls!

Either there will be a

> major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this

is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

how this interesting election turns out. 


> If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

please feel free to do so.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


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Dear Mary,


Since the USA chart represents the nation as a whole, we can conclude that

the women folk and the masses in general face some difficulty by the Ju-na

Ve conjunction. Here Jupiter benefits at the cost of Venus and all its

signifcations. Beyond that, I think, is a stretch. Without the charts for

the individual parties and individuals, we can draw no conclusion.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas



" Mary Ellen Wright " <avz.9271r


Monday, November 03, 2008 4:21 PM

Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



Dear Thor:


Again thank you for your generous contributions to SAMVA ... it has

been very interesting to read your posts and the subsequent

discussions that they generate.


What I find most interesting about the SAMVA USA Chart Perpetual

Union during this time of the election is the strong transit Jupiter

conjunct Venus during a Ve/Ju period that you mentioned and your

analysis of that planetary event. Venus also represents women folk

in this country. I have heard from many women, both Democrat and

Republican, who are quite upset over Senator McCain's selection for

his VP, Sarah Palin. Perhaps the positive benefit that the

Venus/Jupiter conjunction shows for transit Jupiter would be giving

to the opposing party a majority of the women's vote? However this

is a weak natal Venus so I'm not sure it can give much benefit. I

would appreciate your or other senior SAMVA members analysis of this



My thanks for your time, knowledge and consideration.


Best Wishes,




SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

of the two candidates.


> It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions about

birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even with

new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their validity.

Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification work

involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

about the exact

> rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

correct or not.


> We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can interpret

the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another scenario

involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

about Erika Young

> suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

William Ayers in the late 1960s.


> In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal KETU,

suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN, it

is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of Jupiter

and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

In other words, it could be argued

> that these placements favour the Democrats win.


> But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential does

not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling

outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

close election.


> In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the aspect

of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect of

Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal 8th

lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

57' Libra/H10 is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.


> In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.


> In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

prediction. has suggested this will be a close

election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in the

USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the polls!

Either there will be a

> major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

about the birth times than the present information suggests. So, this

is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

how this interesting election turns out.


> If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

please feel free to do so.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


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Dear Vyas:


Thank you for your response and insights ... they are much



Best Wishes,




SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Dear Mary,


> Since the USA chart represents the nation as a whole, we can

conclude that

> the women folk and the masses in general face some difficulty by

the Ju-na

> Ve conjunction. Here Jupiter benefits at the cost of Venus and all


> signifcations. Beyond that, I think, is a stretch. Without the

charts for

> the individual parties and individuals, we can draw no conclusion.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas


> -

> " Mary Ellen Wright " <avz.9271r

> <SAMVA >

> Monday, November 03, 2008 4:21 PM

> Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



> Dear Thor:


> Again thank you for your generous contributions to SAMVA ... it has

> been very interesting to read your posts and the subsequent

> discussions that they generate.


> What I find most interesting about the SAMVA USA Chart Perpetual

> Union during this time of the election is the strong transit Jupiter

> conjunct Venus during a Ve/Ju period that you mentioned and your

> analysis of that planetary event. Venus also represents women folk

> in this country. I have heard from many women, both Democrat and

> Republican, who are quite upset over Senator McCain's selection for

> his VP, Sarah Palin. Perhaps the positive benefit that the

> Venus/Jupiter conjunction shows for transit Jupiter would be giving

> to the opposing party a majority of the women's vote? However this

> is a weak natal Venus so I'm not sure it can give much benefit. I

> would appreciate your or other senior SAMVA members analysis of this

> point.


> My thanks for your time, knowledge and consideration.


> Best Wishes,


> Mew


> SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear friends,

> >

> > On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

> the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

> the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

> chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

> the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

> electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

> next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

> clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

> likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

> of the two candidates.

> >

> > It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

> have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

> astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions


> birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

> evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even


> new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their


> Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

> Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

> in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

> candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

> to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

> certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

> some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification


> involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

> about the exact

> > rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

> a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

> uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

> correct or not.

> >

> > We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

> tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

> Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

> develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

> more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can


> the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

> become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

> and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another


> involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

> happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

> for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

> likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

> country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

> Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

> about Erika Young

> > suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

> William Ayers in the late 1960s.

> >

> > In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

> in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

> will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

> acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

> the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

> incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

> in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

> SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal


> suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

> Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

> opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

> VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN,


> is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of


> and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

> In other words, it could be argued

> > that these placements favour the Democrats win.

> >

> > But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

> charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

> influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

> 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

> 24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

> the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

> says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential


> not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling

> outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

> close election.

> >

> > In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

> exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the


> of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

> afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

> Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

> around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

> afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect


> Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

> This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

> but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

> is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

> Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal


> lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

> 57' Libra/H10 is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

> Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> > transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.

> >

> > In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

> period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

> polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

> 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

> and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

> transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

> placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

> transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

> at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.

> >

> > In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

> prediction. has suggested this will be a close

> election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

> Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

> not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

> win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

> due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

> to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

> sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

> hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

> his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in


> USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

> win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

> face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the


> Either there will be a

> > major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

> about the birth times than the present information suggests. So,


> is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

> how this interesting election turns out.

> >

> > If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

> astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

> please feel free to do so.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >


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Dear friends,


I agree with Vyas, the only thing we can say about the conjunctiin of tr 6th

lord JU with na VE in the 6th house is that it will involve the indications of

VE, incl women, which is there all the time, in additional controversy.

Political competition may serve to reduce the status or sense of well being of

women due to this recurring transit this year. This would be consistent with

both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin being rejected by the voters.


Best wishes,





SAMVA , " Mary Ellen Wright " <avz.9271r wrote:


> Dear Vyas:


> Thank you for your response and insights ... they are much

> appreciated.


> Best Wishes,


> Mary


> SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <munidas@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mary,

> >

> > Since the USA chart represents the nation as a whole, we can

> conclude that

> > the women folk and the masses in general face some difficulty by

> the Ju-na

> > Ve conjunction. Here Jupiter benefits at the cost of Venus and all

> its

> > signifcations. Beyond that, I think, is a stretch. Without the

> charts for

> > the individual parties and individuals, we can draw no conclusion.

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Vyas Munidas

> >

> > -

> > " Mary Ellen Wright " <avz.9271r@>

> > <SAMVA >

> > Monday, November 03, 2008 4:21 PM

> > Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts

> >

> >

> > Dear Thor:

> >

> > Again thank you for your generous contributions to SAMVA ... it has

> > been very interesting to read your posts and the subsequent

> > discussions that they generate.

> >

> > What I find most interesting about the SAMVA USA Chart Perpetual

> > Union during this time of the election is the strong transit Jupiter

> > conjunct Venus during a Ve/Ju period that you mentioned and your

> > analysis of that planetary event. Venus also represents women folk

> > in this country. I have heard from many women, both Democrat and

> > Republican, who are quite upset over Senator McCain's selection for

> > his VP, Sarah Palin. Perhaps the positive benefit that the

> > Venus/Jupiter conjunction shows for transit Jupiter would be giving

> > to the opposing party a majority of the women's vote? However this

> > is a weak natal Venus so I'm not sure it can give much benefit. I

> > would appreciate your or other senior SAMVA members analysis of this

> > point.

> >

> > My thanks for your time, knowledge and consideration.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> >

> > Mew

> >

> > SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear friends,

> > >

> > > On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

> > the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

> > the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

> > chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

> > the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

> > electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

> > next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

> > clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

> > likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

> > of the two candidates.

> > >

> > > It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

> > have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

> > astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions

> about

> > birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

> > evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even

> with

> > new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their

> validity.

> > Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

> > Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

> > in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

> > candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

> > to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

> > certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

> > some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification

> work

> > involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

> > about the exact

> > > rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

> > a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

> > uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

> > correct or not.

> > >

> > > We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

> > tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

> > Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

> > develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

> > more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can

> interpret

> > the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

> > become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

> > and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another

> scenario

> > involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

> > happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

> > for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

> > likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

> > country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

> > Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

> > about Erika Young

> > > suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

> > William Ayers in the late 1960s.

> > >

> > > In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

> > in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

> > will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

> > acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

> > the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

> > incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

> > in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

> > SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal


> > suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

> > Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

> > opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

> > VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN,

> it

> > is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of

> Jupiter

> > and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

> > In other words, it could be argued

> > > that these placements favour the Democrats win.

> > >

> > > But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

> > charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

> > influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

> > 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

> > 24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

> > the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

> > says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential

> does

> > not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling

> > outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

> > close election.

> > >

> > > In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

> > exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the

> aspect

> > of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

> > afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

> > Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

> > around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

> > afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect

> of

> > Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

> > This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

> > but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

> > is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

> > Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal

> 8th

> > lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

> > 57' Libra/H10 is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

> > Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> > > transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.

> > >

> > > In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

> > period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

> > polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

> > 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

> > and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

> > transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

> > placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

> > transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

> > at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.

> > >

> > > In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

> > prediction. has suggested this will be a close

> > election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

> > Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

> > not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

> > win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

> > due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

> > to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

> > sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

> > hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

> > his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in

> the

> > USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

> > win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

> > face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the

> polls!

> > Either there will be a

> > > major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

> > about the birth times than the present information suggests. So,

> this

> > is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

> > how this interesting election turns out.

> > >

> > > If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

> > astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

> > please feel free to do so.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > Thor

> > >

> >


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Dear Friends...


Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs for

Senators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.


The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is a

functional benefic.


The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is his

most malefic planet.


The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,

and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.


Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for Senator

Obama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.


In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.


Best wishes,


David Hawthorne

Fairfield, Iowa USA






SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of


Monday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AM


Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts


Hello ,


The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which

is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the

political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn,

including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal

4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset

and this aspect peaks on November 7.


Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by

Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may

become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more

intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the

affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming

close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is

considered likely that some violence will take place later in



Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much

uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In

any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in

the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to

take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.


Best wishes,




PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the



SAMVA , " echong108 " <echong108 wrote:


> > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be


> placed, as will his other FBs.


> According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political

> pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull

> off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race

> tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign


> focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama


> said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large

> anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be

> getting some traction by using " Joe the Plumber " to help appeal to


> masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in


> neighboring state of Ohio.


> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both

> coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it

> could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.








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Hello my dear David,


Your opinion proved correct. Congratulations.


Best wishes.





David Hawthorne


Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:15 AM

RE: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



Dear Friends...Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs forSenators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is afunctional benefic.The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is hismost malefic planet.The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for SenatorObama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.Best wishes, David HawthorneFairfield, Iowa USA SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf OfcosmologerMonday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AMSAMVA Subject: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughtsHello ,The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn, including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal 4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset and this aspect peaks on November 7. Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is considered likely that some violence will take place later in November.Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.Best wishes,ThorPS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the posts.SAMVA , "echong108" <echong108 wrote:>> > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be well> placed, as will his other FBs.> > According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political> pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull> off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race> tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign is> focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama has> said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large> anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be> getting some traction by using "Joe the Plumber" to help appeal to the> masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in the> neighboring state of Ohio.> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both> coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it> could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.>---

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Dear friends,


As seen in this thread, the election outcome is consistent with what was read

from the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union) involving primarily the sub-period

lord, 6th lord Jupiter. In particular, the transit placement suggests a win for

the political opposition and controversy/setbacks for historic women candidates

(Clinton and Palin). This approach to predicting election outcomes can be

studied further for past elections, to help make such predictions in the future,

with also the authentic birth charts of the candidates (when available).


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> I agree with Vyas, the only thing we can say about the conjunctiin of tr 6th

lord JU with na VE in the 6th house is that it will involve the indications of

VE, incl women, which is there all the time, in additional controversy.

Political competition may serve to reduce the status or sense of well being of

women due to this recurring transit this year. This would be consistent with

both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin being rejected by the voters.


> Best wishes,


> Thor



> SAMVA , " Mary Ellen Wright " <avz.9271r@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vyas:

> >

> > Thank you for your response and insights ... they are much

> > appreciated.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> >

> > Mary

> >

> > SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <munidas@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mary,

> > >

> > > Since the USA chart represents the nation as a whole, we can

> > conclude that

> > > the women folk and the masses in general face some difficulty by

> > the Ju-na

> > > Ve conjunction. Here Jupiter benefits at the cost of Venus and all

> > its

> > > signifcations. Beyond that, I think, is a stretch. Without the

> > charts for

> > > the individual parties and individuals, we can draw no conclusion.

> > >

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Vyas Munidas

> > >

> > > -

> > > " Mary Ellen Wright " <avz.9271r@>

> > > <SAMVA >

> > > Monday, November 03, 2008 4:21 PM

> > > Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Thor:

> > >

> > > Again thank you for your generous contributions to SAMVA ... it has

> > > been very interesting to read your posts and the subsequent

> > > discussions that they generate.

> > >

> > > What I find most interesting about the SAMVA USA Chart Perpetual

> > > Union during this time of the election is the strong transit Jupiter

> > > conjunct Venus during a Ve/Ju period that you mentioned and your

> > > analysis of that planetary event. Venus also represents women folk

> > > in this country. I have heard from many women, both Democrat and

> > > Republican, who are quite upset over Senator McCain's selection for

> > > his VP, Sarah Palin. Perhaps the positive benefit that the

> > > Venus/Jupiter conjunction shows for transit Jupiter would be giving

> > > to the opposing party a majority of the women's vote? However this

> > > is a weak natal Venus so I'm not sure it can give much benefit. I

> > > would appreciate your or other senior SAMVA members analysis of this

> > > point.

> > >

> > > My thanks for your time, knowledge and consideration.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes,

> > >

> > > Mew

> > >

> > > SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear friends,

> > > >

> > > > On SAMVA there have been some exchanges on the likely outcome of

> > > the Presidential election based on the information of the charts of

> > > the respective candidates as well as what is seen in the SAMVA USA

> > > chart Perpetual Union. At the same time, it is now well known that

> > > the polls ALL show Obama leading McCain both in the popular and

> > > electoral vote, suggesting he is a 'shoe in' to be elected as the

> > > next President of the USA. Yet, the astrological evidence is not as

> > > clear cut. Either this is because some last mintue change of view is

> > > likely or that there is unresolved uncertainty about the birth times

> > > of the two candidates.

> > > >

> > > > It has not helped matters that the birth times of the candidates

> > > have been unkown and for the longest time been a guessing game for

> > > astrologers. During the summer of 2008, the earlier assumptions

> > about

> > > birth times needed to be revised, in both cases from morning to

> > > evening times, due to the appearance of birth certificates. Even

> > with

> > > new birth times emerging, some people have questioned their

> > validity.

> > > Some have suggested e.g. John McCain was born somewhere else in

> > > Panama and others that Obama was in fact not born in Hawaii, but

> > > in Kenya. Such doubts could be politically motivated, to suggest the

> > > candidates are in fact not natural born citizens, which is necessary

> > > to run for this office. If we ingore this and assume the birth

> > > certificates are authentic and broadly accurate, we at least have

> > > some information to go on. Even then, the standard rectification

> > work

> > > involving accurate predictions is need to resolve remaining doubts

> > > about the exact

> > > > rising degree. Given this state of affairs it is not easy to make

> > > a prediction on the basis of their charts, as there is still

> > > uncertainty about the true rising degree, and it can matter if it is

> > > correct or not.

> > > >

> > > > We have also looked at the SAMVA USA chart for clues. There we see

> > > tremendous upset over the outcome and possible violence afterwards.

> > > Even there, the outcome could be either way. Such a scenario could

> > > develop because Obama wins or McCain wins. Let's first look at the

> > > more likely outcome, that Obama's wins. In this case we can

> > interpret

> > > the SAMVA USA chart as suggesting that some white racist people will

> > > become furiously angry that a black man has been elected president

> > > and will resort to acts of violence to protest that. Another

> > scenario

> > > involves the outside chance at present that McCain wins. For this to

> > > happen, many people would need to change their minds in the polls or

> > > for undecideds to massively vote for McCain. Such an outcmoe would

> > > likely make some young Obama supporters, who think the

> > > country desperately needs a change, would become furiously angry.

> > > Resorting to violence could also result from that as the news story

> > > about Erika Young

> > > > suggested and was typical of the mindeset of Obama associate

> > > William Ayers in the late 1960s.

> > > >

> > > > In short, the SAMVA USA chart by itself doesn't help us very much

> > > in making the prediction. It mostly helps us see that the election

> > > will likelly be followed by upset to the communal harmony and for

> > > acts of violence to occur from the middle of November. If we look at

> > > the condition of transit 10th lord MARS as an indicator of the

> > > incumbent party, we see that it is well placed but in old age

> > > in Libra as the polls close in Hawaii. Moreover, transit 2nd lord

> > > SUN, which rules the Presidency, is at that time conjunct natal

> > KETU,

> > > suggesting some sudden and likely seen to be an adverse event.

> > > Meanwhile, 6th lord JUPITER, the indicator of the political

> > > opposition is well placed in its own sign and aspected by 4th lord

> > > VENUS. Even if afflicting both 4th lord Venus and 8th lord SATURN,

> > it

> > > is not itself afflicted. This suggests the strong position of

> > Jupiter

> > > and the political opposition is what disturbs the communal harmony.

> > > In other words, it could be argued

> > > > that these placements favour the Democrats win.

> > > >

> > > > But, let us go back to the drawing board and revisit the natal

> > > charts and try to see what they suggest based on period and transit

> > > influences. Regarding their natal potential we have earlier heard

> > > 's assessment that on the basis of Obama's natal

> > > 24° 43' Capricorn rising chart, it is not certain he will reach

> > > the " top job " . Regarding McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart, he

> > > says it explains his " high status. " As such, the natal potential

> > does

> > > not rule out a McCain victory, but does not see it as a compelling

> > > outcome either. At best, it would be something achieved in a very

> > > close election.

> > > >

> > > > In Obama's chart, the Jupiter-Moon period is operating with an

> > > exalted natal 7th lord MOON at 10° 01' Taurus/H5 but under the

> > aspect

> > > of 12th lord JUPITER at 7° 32' Capricorn/H1. Jupiter also

> > > afflicts 9th lord MERCURY at 9° 00' Cancer/H7. The influence of

> > > Jupiter suggests losses from misstatements ( " spread the wealth

> > > around " ) and intellectual/religious associates due primarily to his

> > > afflicted 9th lord Mercury in 7th house. On the upside, the aspect

> > of

> > > Jupiter to Moon is outside of 2° orb and outside 1° orb for Mercury.

> > > This reduces the harm. So, the Moon period influence suggest strains

> > > but not damage. However, transit Jupiter at 23° 00' Sagittarius/H12

> > > is closely afflicting transit 2nd lord SATURN at 25° 02' Leo/H8.

> > > Moreover, transit Ketu at 19° 52' is closely afflicting his natal

> > 8th

> > > lord SUN at 19° 13' Cancer/H7. Finally, transit Mercury at 6°

> > > 57' Libra/H10 is being afflicted by natal Ketu at 3° 58'

> > > Aquarius/H2. In short, the

> > > > transits are quite woeful for Obama at election time.

> > > >

> > > > In McCain's 13° 03' Aquarius rising chart the Mercury-Mercury

> > > period is operating, with natal Mercury at 9° 45' Virgo/H8. When the

> > > polls close, his 8th lord Mercury will be well placed and strong at

> > > 7° 17' Libra/H9. Moreover, his natal strengths due to 7th lord Sun

> > > and 11th lord Jupiter will not be reduced by their weakness in

> > > transit. Moreover, his weak but well placed Saturn will also be well

> > > placed, as will his other FBs. His weakness at this time will be

> > > transit of KETU at 19° 53' Cancer over his debilitated 3rd lord MARS

> > > at 19° 35' Cancer/H6.

> > > >

> > > > In short, it is not possible for me to make a very precise

> > > prediction. has suggested this will be a close

> > > election. Nevertheless, it seems more consistent that McCain's

> > > Aquarius chart that he has karma for " high status " and Obama does

> > > not have the karma for the " top job " . Based on this McCain would

> > > win. Maybe Obama will scare some people off at the hour of decision

> > > due to his statements and controversial associates and his plan

> > > to " change the world " . Maybe people will at the last minute not be

> > > sure what he intends to do, or what he really thinks, and become

> > > hesitant to give him so much power. If so, this will upset many of

> > > his most ardent supporters, who desperately want to see change in

> > the

> > > USA and the world. In short, consider my view as a qualified McCain

> > > win based on an assessment of the astrological evidence - but in the

> > > face of overwhelming odds that Obama will win according to the

> > polls!

> > > Either there will be a

> > > > major last minute change of view or there is more uncertainty

> > > about the birth times than the present information suggests. So,

> > this

> > > is not an easy choice to make and we will just have to wait and see

> > > how this interesting election turns out.

> > > >

> > > > If list members, want to make their views heard based on the

> > > astrological factors, at this late hour in the election process,

> > > please feel free to do so.

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes,

> > > >

> > > > Thor

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Mr. David,

Congratulations in correctly predicting the event.


P R Chandna




David Hawthorne


Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:15 AM

RE: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



Dear Friends...Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs forSenators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is afunctional benefic.The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is hismost malefic planet.The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for SenatorObama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.Best wishes, David HawthorneFairfield, Iowa USA SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf OfcosmologerMonday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AMSAMVA Subject: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughtsHello ,The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn, including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal 4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset and this aspect peaks on November 7. Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is considered likely that some violence will take place later in November.Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.Best wishes,ThorPS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the posts.SAMVA , "echong108" <echong108 wrote:>> > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be well> placed, as will his other FBs.> > According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political> pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull> off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race> tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign is> focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama has> said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large> anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be> getting some traction by using "Joe the Plumber" to help appeal to the> masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in the> neighboring state of Ohio.> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both> coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it> could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.>---

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My dear Professor,


Assuming his Aquarius rising chart is correct, could McCain's entry into the

major and sub-period of an exalted 8th lord Mercury in the 8th house be

considered to be consistent with something coming to an end for him but with



Best wishes,



SAMVA , " SIHA " <vkchoudhry wrote:


> Hello my dear David,


> Your opinion proved correct. Congratulations.


> Best wishes.






> -

> David Hawthorne


> Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:15 AM

> RE: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



> Dear Friends...


> Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs for

> Senators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.


> The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is a

> functional benefic.


> The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is his

> most malefic planet.


> The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,

> and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.


> Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for Senator

> Obama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.


> In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.


> Best wishes,


> David Hawthorne

> Fairfield, Iowa USA





> SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of

> cosmologer

> Monday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AM


> Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts


> Hello ,


> The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which

> is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the

> political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn,

> including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal

> 4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset

> and this aspect peaks on November 7.


> Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by

> Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may

> become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more

> intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the

> affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming

> close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is

> considered likely that some violence will take place later in

> November.


> Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much

> uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In

> any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in

> the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to

> take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


> PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the

> posts.


> SAMVA , " echong108 " <echong108@> wrote:

> >

> > > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be

> well

> > placed, as will his other FBs.

> >

> > According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political

> > pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull

> > off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race

> > tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign

> is

> > focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama

> has

> > said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large

> > anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be

> > getting some traction by using " Joe the Plumber " to help appeal to

> the

> > masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in

> the

> > neighboring state of Ohio.

> >

> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both

> > coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it

> > could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.

> >


> ---



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Hello my dear Thor,


Eighth lord in 8th in its sub period brings honors and sudden gains.


Best wishes.







Wednesday, November 05, 2008 4:30 PM

Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



My dear Professor,Assuming his Aquarius rising chart is correct, could McCain's entry into the major and sub-period of an exalted 8th lord Mercury in the 8th house be considered to be consistent with something coming to an end for him but with honor?Best wishes,ThorSAMVA , "SIHA" <vkchoudhry wrote:>> Hello my dear David,> > Your opinion proved correct. Congratulations.> > Best wishes.> > > > > > - > David Hawthorne > SAMVA > Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:15 AM> RE: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts> > > Dear Friends...> > Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs for> Senators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.> > The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is a> functional benefic.> > The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is his> most malefic planet.> > The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,> and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.> > Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for Senator> Obama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.> > In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.> > Best wishes, > > David Hawthorne> Fairfield, Iowa USA> > > > > SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of> cosmologer> Monday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AM> SAMVA > Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts> > Hello ,> > The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which > is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the > political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn, > including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal > 4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset > and this aspect peaks on November 7. > > Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by > Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may > become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more > intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the > affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming > close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is > considered likely that some violence will take place later in > November.> > Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much > uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In > any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in > the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to > take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the > posts.> > SAMVA , "echong108" <echong108@> wrote:> >> > > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be > well> > placed, as will his other FBs.> > > > According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political> > pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull> > off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race> > tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign > is> > focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama > has> > said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large> > anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be> > getting some traction by using "Joe the Plumber" to help appeal to > the> > masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in > the> > neighboring state of Ohio.> > > > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both> > coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it> > could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.> >> > ---> >

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My dear ,


Thank you.


In your view, would this suggest that McCain's ascendant is other than Aquarius?


Best wishes,





SAMVA , " SIHA " <vkchoudhry wrote:


> Hello my dear Thor,


> Eighth lord in 8th in its sub period brings honors and sudden gains.


> Best wishes.






> -

> cosmologer


> Wednesday, November 05, 2008 4:30 PM

> Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



> My dear Professor,


> Assuming his Aquarius rising chart is correct, could McCain's entry into the

major and sub-period of an exalted 8th lord Mercury in the 8th house be

considered to be consistent with something coming to an end for him but with



> Best wishes,


> Thor

> SAMVA , " SIHA " <vkchoudhry@> wrote:

> >

> > Hello my dear David,

> >

> > Your opinion proved correct. Congratulations.

> >

> > Best wishes.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> > David Hawthorne


> > Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:15 AM

> > RE: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts

> >

> >

> > Dear Friends...

> >

> > Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs for

> > Senators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.

> >

> > The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is a

> > functional benefic.

> >

> > The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is


> > most malefic planet.

> >

> > The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this


> > and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.

> >

> > Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for Senator

> > Obama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.

> >

> > In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > David Hawthorne

> > Fairfield, Iowa USA

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of

> > cosmologer

> > Monday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AM


> > Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts

> >

> > Hello ,

> >

> > The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which

> > is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the

> > political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn,

> > including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal

> > 4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset

> > and this aspect peaks on November 7.

> >

> > Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by

> > Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may

> > become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more

> > intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the

> > affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming

> > close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is

> > considered likely that some violence will take place later in

> > November.

> >

> > Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much

> > uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In

> > any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in

> > the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to

> > take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >

> > PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the

> > posts.

> >

> > SAMVA , " echong108 " <echong108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be

> > well

> > > placed, as will his other FBs.

> > >

> > > According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political

> > > pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull

> > > off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race

> > > tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign

> > is

> > > focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama

> > has

> > > said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large

> > > anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be

> > > getting some traction by using " Joe the Plumber " to help appeal to

> > the

> > > masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in

> > the

> > > neighboring state of Ohio.

> > >

> > > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both

> > > coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it

> > > could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.

> > >

> >

> > ---

> >

> >

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Hello my dear Thor,


No. I have not said so. I have just discussed about the results of the 8th lord in its sub period.


Best wishes.







Wednesday, November 05, 2008 5:58 PM

Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



My dear ,Thank you. In your view, would this suggest that McCain's ascendant is other than Aquarius?Best wishes,ThorsteinnSAMVA , "SIHA" <vkchoudhry wrote:>> Hello my dear Thor,> > Eighth lord in 8th in its sub period brings honors and sudden gains. > > Best wishes.> > > > > > - > cosmologer > SAMVA > Wednesday, November 05, 2008 4:30 PM> Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts> > > My dear Professor,> > Assuming his Aquarius rising chart is correct, could McCain's entry into the major and sub-period of an exalted 8th lord Mercury in the 8th house be considered to be consistent with something coming to an end for him but with honor?> > Best wishes,> > Thor> SAMVA , "SIHA" <vkchoudhry@> wrote:> >> > Hello my dear David,> > > > Your opinion proved correct. Congratulations.> > > > Best wishes.> > > > > > > > > > > > - > > David Hawthorne > > SAMVA > > Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:15 AM> > RE: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts> > > > > > Dear Friends...> > > > Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs for> > Senators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.> > > > The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is a> > functional benefic.> > > > The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is his> > most malefic planet.> > > > The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,> > and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.> > > > Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for Senator> > Obama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.> > > > In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.> > > > Best wishes, > > > > David Hawthorne> > Fairfield, Iowa USA> > > > > > > > > > SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of> > cosmologer> > Monday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AM> > SAMVA > > Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts> > > > Hello ,> > > > The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which > > is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the > > political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn, > > including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal > > 4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset > > and this aspect peaks on November 7. > > > > Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by > > Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may > > become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more > > intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the > > affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming > > close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is > > considered likely that some violence will take place later in > > November.> > > > Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much > > uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In > > any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in > > the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to > > take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.> > > > Best wishes,> > > > Thor> > > > PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the > > posts.> > > > SAMVA , "echong108" <echong108@> wrote:> > >> > > > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be > > well> > > placed, as will his other FBs.> > > > > > According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political> > > pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull> > > off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race> > > tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign > > is> > > focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama > > has> > > said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large> > > anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be> > > getting some traction by using "Joe the Plumber" to help appeal to > > the> > > masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in > > the> > > neighboring state of Ohio.> > > > > > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both> > > coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it> > > could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.> > >> > > > ---> > > >

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Nice interpretation, David. It is interesting how often the most simple

elements in the horoscope give rise to what is really going on.



Brian Conrad



David Hawthorne wrote:

> Dear Friends...


> Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs for

> Senators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.


> The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is a

> functional benefic.


> The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is his

> most malefic planet.


> The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,

> and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.


> Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for Senator

> Obama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.


> In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.


> Best wishes,


> David Hawthorne

> Fairfield, Iowa USA






> SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of

> cosmologer

> Monday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AM


> Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts


> Hello ,


> The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which

> is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the

> political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn,

> including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal

> 4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset

> and this aspect peaks on November 7.


> Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by

> Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may

> become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more

> intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the

> affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming

> close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is

> considered likely that some violence will take place later in

> November.


> Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much

> uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In

> any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in

> the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to

> take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


> PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the

> posts.


> SAMVA , " echong108 " <echong108 wrote:


>>> Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be


> well


>> placed, as will his other FBs.


>> According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political

>> pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull

>> off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race

>> tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign


> is


>> focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama


> has


>> said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large

>> anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be

>> getting some traction by using " Joe the Plumber " to help appeal to


> the


>> masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in


> the


>> neighboring state of Ohio.


>> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both

>> coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it

>> could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.






> ---



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Dear List,


Our David Hawthorne has chosen correctly with the data infront of him. It is

a credit to SA and himself as an SA astrologer.


However, we must strongly note that these are unverified charts and this

conclusion COULD HAVE BEEN DRAWN BY CHANCE. The rectification process can

take a very long time. Much more work is required to verify the chart of

Obama and I urge members to hold off predictions until such is done.


In fact, if you are interested in this, place the emphasis on rectification




Best regards,


Vyas Munidas



" David Hawthorne " <david


Tuesday, November 04, 2008 1:45 PM

RE: Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts



Dear Friends...


Assuming the two birth certificates are correct, the rising signs for

Senators McCain and Obama are Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.


The sub period ruler for Senator Obama is an exalted Moon, which is a

functional benefic.


The sub period ruler for Senator McCain is an exalted Mercury, which is his

most malefic planet.


The transit of the Moon will be in Senator Obama's first house this evening,

and in Senator McCain's twelfth house.


Saturn, in the first house in Capricorn in the natal chart for Senator

Obama, shows the potential to lead the masses and the poor and the needy.


In my opinion, Senator Obama has a very good chance to win the election.


Best wishes,


David Hawthorne

Fairfield, Iowa USA






SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of


Monday, November 03, 2008 5:00 AM


Re: Barack Obama or John McCain: last thoughts


Hello ,


The afflicting aspect of 6th lord JUPITER to 8th lord SATURN, which

is now with a 1° 40' orb, may indeed be interpreted as such that the

political opposition (Obama) is upsetting groups indicated by Saturn,

including miners and coal! The affliction of transit Jupiter to natal

4th lord VENUS is making the communal harmony more fraught with upset

and this aspect peaks on November 7.


Now, if Obama loses the election on November 4, groups indicated by

Saturn, such as those historically receiving unfair treatment, may

become upset. The upset there would be expected to become more

intense as the affliction becomes exact on November 21, when also the

affliction of natal 8th lord SATURN to transit Saturn is becoming

close. Due to such affliction in the SAMVA USA chart, it is

considered likely that some violence will take place later in



Of course, this is just conjecture. There is still too much

uncertainty regarding the true birth times of Obama and McCain. In

any event, even if Obama were to win, the aspects are still there in

the SAMVA USA chart, and their expression would then be expected to

take another form, such as hinted in my earlier message.


Best wishes,




PS listmembers are encouraged to include their name or id in the



SAMVA , " echong108 " <echong108 wrote:


> > Moreover, [McCain's] weak but well placed Saturn will also be


> placed, as will his other FBs.


> According to analysis of the electoral college maps by political

> pundits, McCain's most realistic way to win the election is to pull

> off an upset victory in Pennsylvania. Polls seem to show the race

> tightening there. Also, in the last day or so, the McCain campaign


> focusing on some remarks, perhaps taken out of context, that Obama


> said about the coal industry. Pennsylvania is famous for its large

> anthracite coal deposits. Also, the McCain campaign seems to be

> getting some traction by using " Joe the Plumber " to help appeal to


> masses. He's also recently appeared at a couple of his rallies in


> neighboring state of Ohio.


> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saturn the significator for both

> coal and plumbers? If McCain somehow manages to pull off a win, it

> could be through his Saturn manifesting through these things.








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