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Birth of Israel

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Dear Thor, It seems the chart of Israel discovered by you confirms to the recent developments taking place in Israel and fits the nature and tensions faced by it due to exact Nodal axis on mep of h4 & h10.Also the coming period of mars could pose some more problems as pointed by u.Accept my Best Wishes. Ajay.--- On Tue, 12/30/08, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: Blog: Birth of IsraelSAMVA Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 2:29 AM





Dear Ron and list members,


Nice to have your feedback, Ron.


I have always thought the 21 Capricorn rising chart for midnight of May 15, 1948 in Tel Aviv was astrologically most plausible of the several proposed charts, with the others surrounding events in the declaration ceremony. At the same time, I always thought the ending of the British mandate was tenously supported by the historical evidence. I was therefore pleasantly surprised, after I started researching the issue myself, that I came across unevoquivical primary historical evidence supporting this chart, including:


1. the declaration for the establishment of the state says the state comes into effect at the ending of the British mandate on May 15th, at midnight

2. newspaper accounts on Sunday May 16, confirm the fact that the state came into being at midnight on May 15.

3. the symbolic act of the British high command to sail away from Haifa at midnight on May 15 is reported as symbolic for the ending of the mandate and coming into effect of the state of Israel

4. a reading of the UN Plan and the implied end of the British mandate and the hostile reaction of the Arab states convinced me of the geopolitical context as having been a significant element in the timing of the decision by the Jewish leaders to align the creation of the state with this process to maximise its international legitimacy.

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


To this we can add the facts that

4. not all the delegates signed the declaration on that day - so it was incomplete

5. the delegates signed a declaration explicitly stating the passing of the mandate as the basis of the event

6. the earlier time of the meeting (16.00-16.32) was only chosen in view of the Sabbath such that the delegates could be home before sundown in view of religious custom.


Only after these facts were established did I realise the historical case for this event was much strong than earlier thought. Actually, I was startled to see the preponderance of evidence so stacked up in favour of the midnight chart.


As for the astrology of the chart, in SA we don't use nakshatra's or out of orb aspects, but aside from that your reading is spot on.


For me the EXACT affliction of the nodes, with Rahu at 20° 53' Libra conjunct the MEP of the 4th house at 20° 56' Libra and Ketu likewise afflicting the MEP of the 10th house at 20° 56' Aries - and then afflicting all the even numbered houses. This is the most significant placement with regard to the natal potential. It shows the massive difficulties of the nation with regard to dealings with indigenous population, neighboring states like Syria, Iran and Egypt. The Capricorn ascendant also seems fitting for a somewhat stern nation like Israel, at least in terms of it ancient and strict religion, which I believe includes an 'eye for an eye' morality.


In any event, it is the predictions for the future events that can remove any remaining doubt. David Hawthorne and I have shared our thoughts on this chart. I would be interested to hear the thoughts of other list members on this chart and future prospects, including yours Ron.


Best wishes,






RonDay <ronkar (AT) aapt (DOT) net.au>SAMVA Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:38:54 AMRe: Blog: Birth of IsraelDear Thor,This looks like the chart for Israel. I like to see a story in a chart.Jupiter the planet of religion is in the 12H. The Jews lost their spiritual roots(Ju in Mula nak.) but many achieved prosperity overseas(Ju strong in 12H). They came from far away places (12H ) to establish a home in Israel(Ju aspects 4H). Ra in 4 H shows the people came from foreign lands also but since Ra is on MEP of 4H there is chaos,disturbance and violence.The chart for Israel has to show disturbed home lifeThe other charts suggested for the 14th May look a little too

cosy.RonCosmologer wrote:> Sunday, December 28, 2008 > Birth of Israel > There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.> > To read more:> http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------

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Dear Ajay,


Thank you for the kind words.


Indeed, when examined with SA the chart gives a splendid match for the natal potential and significant events.


What remains is for us to follow this horoscope in terms of predictions made going forward to increase the confidence in it.


Best wishes,






ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:27:04 PM Birth of Israel




Dear Thor, It seems the chart of Israel discovered by you confirms to the recent developments taking place in Israel and fits the nature and tensions faced by it due to exact Nodal axis on mep of h4 & h10.Also the coming period of mars could pose some more problems as pointed by u.Accept my Best Wishes. Ajay.--- On Tue, 12/30/08, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: Blog: Birth of IsraelSAMVA Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 2:29 AM





Dear Ron and list members,


Nice to have your feedback, Ron.


I have always thought the 21 Capricorn rising chart for midnight of May 15, 1948 in Tel Aviv was astrologically most plausible of the several proposed charts, with the others surrounding events in the declaration ceremony. At the same time, I always thought the ending of the British mandate was tenously supported by the historical evidence. I was therefore pleasantly surprised, after I started researching the issue myself, that I came across unevoquivical primary historical evidence supporting this chart, including:


1. the declaration for the establishment of the state says the state comes into effect at the ending of the British mandate on May 15th, at midnight

2. newspaper accounts on Sunday May 16, confirm the fact that the state came into being at midnight on May 15.

3. the symbolic act of the British high command to sail away from Haifa at midnight on May 15 is reported as symbolic for the ending of the mandate and coming into effect of the state of Israel

4. a reading of the UN Plan and the implied end of the British mandate and the hostile reaction of the Arab states convinced me of the geopolitical context as having been a significant element in the timing of the decision by the Jewish leaders to align the creation of the state with this process to maximise its international legitimacy.

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


To this we can add the facts that

4. not all the delegates signed the declaration on that day - so it was incomplete

5. the delegates signed a declaration explicitly stating the passing of the mandate as the basis of the event

6. the earlier time of the meeting (16.00-16.32) was only chosen in view of the Sabbath such that the delegates could be home before sundown in view of religious custom.


Only after these facts were established did I realise the historical case for this event was much strong than earlier thought. Actually, I was startled to see the preponderance of evidence so stacked up in favour of the midnight chart.


As for the astrology of the chart, in SA we don't use nakshatra's or out of orb aspects, but aside from that your reading is spot on.


For me the EXACT affliction of the nodes, with Rahu at 20° 53' Libra conjunct the MEP of the 4th house at 20° 56' Libra and Ketu likewise afflicting the MEP of the 10th house at 20° 56' Aries - and then afflicting all the even numbered houses. This is the most significant placement with regard to the natal potential. It shows the massive difficulties of the nation with regard to dealings with indigenous population, neighboring states like Syria, Iran and Egypt. The Capricorn ascendant also seems fitting for a somewhat stern nation like Israel, at least in terms of it ancient and strict religion, which I believe includes an 'eye for an eye' morality.


In any event, it is the predictions for the future events that can remove any remaining doubt. David Hawthorne and I have shared our thoughts on this chart. I would be interested to hear the thoughts of other list members on this chart and future prospects, including yours Ron.


Best wishes,






RonDay <ronkar (AT) aapt (DOT) net.au>SAMVA Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:38:54 AMRe: Blog: Birth of IsraelDear Thor,This looks like the chart for Israel. I like to see a story in a chart.Jupiter the planet of religion is in the 12H. The Jews lost their spiritual roots(Ju in Mula nak.) but many achieved prosperity overseas(Ju strong in 12H). They came from far away places (12H ) to establish a home in Israel(Ju aspects 4H). Ra in 4 H shows the people came from foreign lands also but since Ra is on MEP of 4H there is chaos,disturbance and violence.The chart for Israel has to show disturbed home lifeThe other charts

suggested for the 14th May look a little too cosy.RonCosmologer wrote:> Sunday, December 28, 2008 > Birth of Israel > There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.> > To read more:> http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------

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Dear Thor,


really great research about Israel. Are you planning to do some forecast about financial and commodities markets in 2009? I would be really interested in your view of it.



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Dear Amrnds,


Thank you for the kind words.


I am hoping to be able to prepare a post for the coming year based on the SAMVA USA chart.


As for your question, please note that it takes a lot of work to predict for the financial markets and I am only doing this in my spare time. One needs to fine comb transits on a daily, even hourly basis, in order to be able to say anything about such things. Even then, with international markets having become interrelated and the fact that financial prices tend to reflect just about all the information out there, it is difficult to predict the prices of such things based on the chart of a single country, even if the most influential. That said, we can try to assess what the SAMVA USA chart suggests the trends are likely to be.


Best wishes,






Armands Birins <abirinsSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 5:53:58 PMRe: Birth of Israel

Dear Thor,


really great research about Israel. Are you planning to do some forecast about financial and commodities markets in 2009? I would be really interested in your view of it.



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Dear Thor,


It's ok, no problem with name :)


Maybe general analysis can be done using Kaalapursha chart (natural zodiac chart) and then combined with USA SAMVA chart for USA predictions? Which chart set general trends for the whole world? It is Kaalapursha chart, is it right please?


Today morning I was reading article about possible deflation threats in the world and was thinking over of it from jyotisha side. Transit Guru with Ra conjunction in Makara (10bhava Kalapurusha), Shany in Simha (5bh kalapursha) will probably create/or push start button for hyperinflation in the world. It will be like Gu revange/lesson for the people/earth that they rejected golden standart! The last time Guru transited Makara with conjunction of Rahu was in 1879. It was time when exchange rates were officially tied to the gold standard and similar hard-money benchmarks. Now we live in different times from this point of view. I don't know, let's see!


In mundane astrology is the 10 bhava as bhava for country economy and price fluctuations? (at least in prashna 10 bhava indicate the level of price).


warm regards,





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Dear Armands,


You are right that reading the general transits could be helpful for identifying specific combinations of interest, with global implications. has done this quite a bit in the past, to warn about upcoming special such combinations, which has been very helpful.


I was thinking more about just offering predictions based on the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union) if I find the time.


Your thoughts on the influence of

a) Jupiter and Rahu becoming conjunct in Capricorn

b) Saturn being in Leo

to genertate rising or even hyperinflation is interesting. We can answer this based on our understanding of the system. You are right to infer that with the present fiat monetary system (which is not a commodity based monetary system, like a gold standard), the size and growth of the money supply depends on the printing of money. If the growth of the money supply is the same as the growth of the economy (productivity) the price level should remain stable and not rise such that inflation grows. The growing money stock then just validates and is consistent with the growth of the economy. In the present financial crisis, governments appear to be taking loans (or borrowing) by issuing bonds to private investors, both domestic and foreign. This means that they get the funds which they can then relend to distressed financial institutions or car manufacturing companies. The motivation is to keep

money rolling in the economy, to grease the wheels of commerce and continued growth. This type of public financing is not inflationary as the private investors who lend the money to the government can then not at the same time spend the money in the economy. The money the government borrows is now in its hands to either spend on public services or relend to private sector agents. If the government, however, were to print money at a faster rate than the growth of the economy, it would be expected to be inflationary. This is considered harmful as then people do not then invest as readily in productive activity. To my knowledge, there is little evidence of this latter more harmful process of money creation taking place. In fact, it seems that with the weakening economy, both the measured inflation and inflation expectations are low. So, the real question here is if the stimulus will work or

not. With Jupiter in Capricorn, its sign of debilitation, it is likely "expansion" of activity will be less than normal. If you are right about a) having taken place in 1879, then it could be noted that the money supply was growing slowly in those years curtailing economic activity. This is because the supply of gold (coming out of the mines) was not keeping up with the growth of the real economy. You are right, this would not normally be a problem associated with the fiat money system - unless the issuing of credit were to slow down or stop - as it seems to be doing (due to either huge losses and/or deteriorating expectations)!


The economy is perhaps indicated by some of the following indications (partial list);


- 11th house: income, plans- 2nd house: wealth, currency strength (along with 11th house, Sun and Moon)

- 3rd house: business initiative, entrepreneurs, transportation, communication

- 4th house: fixed assets, real estate, automotive sector, basic education, activities of relatively greater interest

- 5th house: speculative activities, university education

- 6th house: fiancial stability (ability to pay back debts), courts

- 7th house: foreign relations, leisure industry

- 8th house: easy gains, endings (bankruptcies), dangerous or risky activities

- 9th house: laws guiding the markets

- 10th house: foreign trade, government administration, including enforcing of rules, fiscal policy

- 12th house: smuggling, losses

- 1st house: character or nature of society



- Sun: government, confidence, authority, leader of country, medical doctors, banks (along with Jupiter)

- Jupiter: monetary policy, bank finance/credit, captains of industry, religious institutions

- Saturn: working people, civil servants, leaders of working people, traditional industries, mining

- Mars: technological industry, male activities

- Mercury: commerce, high tech activities, analysts, students, high class sales people

- Venus: aviation, drug industry, leisure industry, luxury goods, womens activities

- Moon: food industry, cabinet- Rahu: alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs, tanning industry, fly-by-night sales, deceptive sales people, diplomats

- Ketu: spiritual people, people or activities out of the mainstream


Best wishes,






Armands Birins <abirinsSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:51:21 PMRe: Birth of Israel

Dear Thor,


It's ok, no problem with name :)


Maybe general analysis can be done using Kaalapursha chart (natural zodiac chart) and then combined with USA SAMVA chart for USA predictions? Which chart set general trends for the whole world? It is Kaalapursha chart, is it right please?


Today morning I was reading article about possible deflation threats in the world and was thinking over of it from jyotisha side. Transit Guru with Ra conjunction in Makara (10bhava Kalapurusha), Shany in Simha (5bh kalapursha) will probably create/or push start button for hyperinflation in the world. It will be like Gu revange/lesson for the people/earth that they rejected golden standart! The last time Guru transited Makara with conjunction of Rahu was in 1879. It was time when exchange rates were officially tied to the gold standard and similar hard-money benchmarks. Now we live in different times from this point of view. I don't know, let's see!


In mundane astrology is the 10 bhava as bhava for country economy and price fluctuations? (at least in prashna 10 bhava indicate the level of price).


warm regards,





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