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Blog: Birth of Israel

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Welcome to SAMVA.



Thank you Thor. Welcome for your invitation. I will present myself in my next

message in the coming days.



To identify functional nature of planets in SA, it is necessary to know the

planetary rulerships as per the classification of signs into either Moolatrikona

(MT) or non-MT signs in Vedic astrology (...)




I do know those rulerships and have many vedic astrology books, but one never

study enough, and always have much to learn especially when one learn many

techniques, both vedic and western. I use Whole Sign houses usually, but if you

prefer that I use Equal houses, I will. I also have two jyotish softwares, and

I have many other useful vedic websites. However, I wish to thank you for the

website which is quite amazing. I did not know it before and love it.


Would you please remind me which house rules neighbours, and also which house

rules enemies?




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Hello Athena,


Glad you like the informative website of our dear .

In my view, SA is so effective because of the simplicity of its

design. All unnecessary complications and contradictions have been



My favourite vedic software is Jyotish Tools, which also has SA

features. A free version is Junior Jyotish. Check out the web site of

developer Brian Conrad, www.jyotishtools.com. I can highly recommend

JT after many years of intensive use. Easy and effective, just like



The 2nd house rules neighboring countries.

12th house rules far away countries, foreign matters

7th house rules foreign travel and foreign policy

3rd house rules transport in a country and communication

9th house also has to do with foreign things


6th house rules conflict or enemity.

12th house rules secret enemies (I think) and losses.


That said, feel free to check out the message I wrote earlier today

for Gabrielle. It contains a lot of information about mundane SA



Best wishes,




SAMVA , " Athena " <Athena_2 wrote:


> Welcome to SAMVA.


> (me)

> Thank you Thor. Welcome for your invitation. I will present

myself in my next message in the coming days.


> (Thor)

> To identify functional nature of planets in SA, it is necessary to

know the planetary rulerships as per the classification of signs into

either Moolatrikona (MT) or non-MT signs in Vedic astrology (...)

> www.yournetastrologer.com


> (me)

> I do know those rulerships and have many vedic astrology books, but

one never study enough, and always have much to learn especially when

one learn many techniques, both vedic and western. I use Whole Sign

houses usually, but if you prefer that I use Equal houses, I will. I

also have two jyotish softwares, and I have many other useful vedic

websites. However, I wish to thank you for the website which is

quite amazing. I did not know it before and love it.


> Would you please remind me which house rules neighbours, and also

which house rules enemies?


> Love,

> Athena


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Hello Gaby,


Glad you like it. Feel free to share insights or ask if you have

questions. We are here to share and learn and become ever better at

applying astrology.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , Gaby Mittelman <gabymitt wrote:


> Hello Thor,


> This site is absolutely incredible !!


> Ufff so much to learn, nevertheless I'll die stupid :-)




> Gabriella Mittelman


> www.astroworld.co.il


> <http://www.astroworld.co.il/default.asp?iId=KDHLI>

> http://www.astroworld.co.il/default.asp?iId=KDHLI (eng.page)


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Well, first of all I downloaded the joyotish

chart program, and I did mine J

I was SO happy till now, to have an Aquarius Sun,

but NOW it is all SPOILED !!!!

It is in Capricorn ! No offense to others… J


Then I went to your site to check my ascendant, which

still stayed in Scorpio, seems to me there are

Many lessons from prior life, doesn't matter HOW I

look in the mirror.. lol.


Which might be good water-earth, but I am not

sure about the planets, and how they effect me,

It's a new picture, will have to study that..

Is there a free analysis for " newborns "

like me?? Or I passed the lines now?



Gabriella Mittelman


http://www.astroworld.co.il/default.asp?iId=KDHLI (eng.page)


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hello dear list members,


In the article on the Capricorn rising chart for Israel there is a graph showing the expansion of Jewish settlements in Palestine since the founding of the State of Israel.


Birth of Israel (December 28, 2008)





The following newsstory gives a good overview of the settlemnt activity in East Jerusalem and on the West Bank. Israel believe in its right to take over this land, as some sort of birthright. Of course, the Palestinians living there don´t see it that way and want East Jerusalem as the capital of their own state. US Secretary of State Clinton has said that Israel's single minded push may jeopardise its very existence. Certainly, Iran is a sworn enemy of Israel and is about to acquire nuclear weapons and Syria is also a sworn enemy.








Netanyahu holds talks with Obama amid settlement row







The talks at the White House were held behind closed doors

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has held talks with US President Barack Obama - their first meeting since a row over plans to build homes in East Jerusalem.

09:53 GMT, Wednesday, 24 March 2010




1 Gilo: 850 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Nov 2009

2 Pisgat Zeev: 600 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Jan 2010

3 Sheikh Jarrah: Municipality approves the building of 20 new apartments on the site of an old hotel

4 Ramat Shlomo: 1,600 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Mar 2010

5 Silwan: Demolition orders on 88 Palestinian homes built without difficult-to-get permits - Israel planning controversial renewal project

6. West Bank barrier: Making Palestinian movement between West Bank and Jerusalem harder - Israel says it's for security



Prime Minister Nethanayhu has now met with President Obama over this contentious issue. It will be interesting to see what happens in coming weeks and months. One possibility is that the US may become unalbe to help if a violent act takes place in the Mid East. This is because transit Ketu in the 12th house of losses and foreign lands will be in mutual aspect to natal Ketu in the 4th house of communal peace in the SAMVA USA chart. The lord of isolation afflicts the lord of isolation. At the same time, we know that Ketu's influence often comes through sudden violent events. So, while we can hope for the best, we should also be prepared to see some trouble manifest for the USA associated with this close stationary aspect in the summer.


Of course, an analysis is also required of the chart for Israel in this regard. It is in the Rahu subperiod until November 2010, with transit Rahu in the 12th house and currently in the MEP of the house, explaining the tensions. Ketu is meanwhile in the 6th house. They will go stationary at 18° in aspect to the natal nodes. Transit 12th lord Jupiter is also currently in 2nd house MEP, explaining the difficulty in Israel's relations with its allies. So, the tension is considerable already. Hopefully, as the transit station of the nodes is somewhat removed from the exact point this summer, it means the influence will be less. That said, we must also keep in mind that these transit contacts occur during the Rahu sub-period. We will see.






Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Sun, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:


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Hello dear list members,


The tension in the Israeli media over the diplomatic impasse with the United States is palpable.


Israeli media slams PM's bid to end US row


Mar 25 07:23 AM US/Eastern

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's trip to the United States to patch up relations ended in "humiliation" as Washington dressed down its close ally over settlements, Israeli media said on Thursday. Leading newspapers said Netanyahu now has his "back to the wall," with US President Barack Obama demanding major steps to revive the peace process that threaten the premier's mostly right-wing coalition. Netanyahu insisted ahead of his departure that the two sides had made "progress" in resolving a row over continued construction in annexed Arab east Jerusalem which has hindered US efforts to revive the peace process. But Israeli army radio said the visit had done little to repair relations and was at best a "disappointment" and at worst a "resounding failure." Israel's Haaretz newspaper said Netanyahu had left Washington "disgraced and isolated" after a

flurry of meetings that unusually included no public statement or joint photo opportunity.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.b948b77732dbf16fb5c00296069651af.181 & show_article=1


Netanyahu flies home amid disagreement with Obama on key issues DEBKAfile Exclusive Report - March 24, 2010, 9:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barack Obama kept on turning the screw on Israeli minister Binyamin Netanyahu Wednesday, March 24, after their harsh conversation in the White House Tuesday: Netanyahu was told bluntly to issue a White House-dictated public pledge before leaving Washington for home to eschew further construction in East Jerusalem, or else face a US presidential notice condemning Israel and holding its government responsible for the failure to restart indirect Israel-Palestinian talks.



As mentioned yesterday:

"It is in the Rahu subperiod until November 2010, with transit Rahu in the 12th house and currently in the MEP of the house [in aspect to natal Rahu in the MEP of the 4th house], explaining the tensions. Ketu is meanwhile in the 6th house. They will go stationary at 18° in aspect to the natal nodes. Transit 12th lord Jupiter is also currently in 2nd house MEP, explaining the difficulty in Israel's relations with its allies. So, the tension is considerable already."








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wed, March 24, 2010 12:07:32 PMRe: Blog: Birth of Israel



Hello dear list members,


In the article on the Capricorn rising chart for Israel there is a graph showing the expansion of Jewish settlements in Palestine since the founding of the State of Israel.


Birth of Israel (December 28, 2008)





The following newsstory gives a good overview of the settlemnt activity in East Jerusalem and on the West Bank. Israel believe in its right to take over this land, as some sort of birthright. Of course, the Palestinians living there don´t see it that way and want East Jerusalem as the capital of their own state. US Secretary of State Clinton has said that Israel's single minded push may jeopardise its very existence. Certainly, Iran is a sworn enemy of Israel and is about to acquire nuclear weapons and Syria is also a sworn enemy.








Netanyahu holds talks with Obama amid settlement row







The talks at the White House were held behind closed doors

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has held talks with US President Barack Obama - their first meeting since a row over plans to build homes in East Jerusalem.

09:53 GMT, Wednesday, 24 March 2010




1 Gilo: 850 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Nov 2009

2 Pisgat Zeev: 600 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Jan 2010

3 Sheikh Jarrah: Municipality approves the building of 20 new apartments on the site of an old hotel

4 Ramat Shlomo: 1,600 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Mar 2010

5 Silwan: Demolition orders on 88 Palestinian homes built without difficult-to-get permits - Israel planning controversial renewal project

6. West Bank barrier: Making Palestinian movement between West Bank and Jerusalem harder - Israel says it's for security



Prime Minister Nethanayhu has now met with President Obama over this contentious issue. It will be interesting to see what happens in coming weeks and months. One possibility is that the US may become unalbe to help if a violent act takes place in the Mid East. This is because transit Ketu in the 12th house of losses and foreign lands will be in mutual aspect to natal Ketu in the 4th house of communal peace in the SAMVA USA chart. The lord of isolation afflicts the lord of isolation. At the same time, we know that Ketu's influence often comes through sudden violent events. So, while we can hope for the best, we should also be prepared to see some trouble manifest for the USA associated with this close stationary aspect in the summer.


Of course, an analysis is also required of the chart for Israel in this regard. It is in the Rahu subperiod until November 2010, with transit Rahu in the 12th house and currently in the MEP of the house, explaining the tensions. Ketu is meanwhile in the 6th house. They will go stationary at 18° in aspect to the natal nodes. Transit 12th lord Jupiter is also currently in 2nd house MEP, explaining the difficulty in Israel's relations with its allies. So, the tension is considerable already. Hopefully, as the transit station of the nodes is somewhat removed from the exact point this summer, it means the influence will be less. That said, we must also keep in mind that these transit contacts occur during the Rahu sub-period. We will see.






Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Sun, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:


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