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World War II begins

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Dear friends,


In history there are some moments that become more critical than others. Once such moment took place at 4:45 am on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.









In Britian the Royal navy is put on full alert. Army and navy mobilization is commenced, censorship of all communications to and from the British Isles is imposed, the Stock Exchange is closed, and civil airplanes are banned from flying over half of Britain. In Moscow, the Soviet Parliament unanimously ratifies the Russo-German non-aggression pact, and Marshal Klemenly Voroshiloff, Commisar of War, announces the proposed Military Training Law. Conscription age is lowered from 19 to 17. The Slovak Government calls on Poland to return the Javorina district territory to Slovakia. Hitler receives the Polish Ambassador to Berlin, mainly to appease Mussolini, who is trying to establish a peace formula. The talks lasted no longer than a few minutes as Hitler had already made up his mind to invade Poland.


Directive Number 1 declares that at 4:45am on the 1st September 1939, the German Armed Forces will invade Poland. German radio makes public a proposed 16-point peace plan the government had proposed for Poland, claiming Poland refused to accept the terms. The proposal deals with annexing Danzig, maintaining a corridor from Germany to East Prussia, and the treatment of minorities in Germany and Poland. That evening the German radio station at Gliewitz on the German-Polish border is "attacked by Polish troops". However, all is not what it seems as these soldiers were actually concentration camp inmates, dressed in Polish uniforms and organised by the SS to give Hitler a pretext for invading Poland that he could show the world.



It is interesting to just look at the universal placements at that time. The notable aspect is the conjunct of a debilitated Saturn with the nodal axis. This conjunction has been linked to major crises in history, including the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962.


8° 36' Leo was rising with 1st lord Sun conjunct 3rd lord Venus in the 1st house (see attached chart). The time is showing a ruling disposition. Transit Rahu was at 7° 21' Libra and 3rd house MEP shows initiative driven by desire. Ketu at 7° 21' Aries in 9th house is conjunct a debilitated 7th lord Saturn at 7° 58' Aries. 9th lord Mars is badly placed and infant in the 6th house of conflict. 12th lord Moon at 9° 13' Pisces and 8th house MEP with 5th lord Jupiter. 2nd lord Mercury in the 12th house. A sudden violent event on a neighboring country took place.


It is interesting that all the odd numbered houses and the 2nd and 8th houses were afflicted. The effort began in Saturn - Venus period in 1939 but ended catastrophically in Saturn - Rahu period in 1945. Saturn is also afflicted by Rahu.


In this regard some may find of interest to read the following article:


Sunday, December 9, 2007





V. K. Choudhry, the propounder of the System’s Approach (SA), has provided insights into what it is in a horoscope that impels some personalities to become authoritarian rulers and some societies to succumb to such forms of government. His insight has been termed the “Rule for Dictatorship”.



Best wishes,




Germany invades Poland

Sep 1, 1939 4:45 AM -01:00 CET

Berlin, Germany Longitude: 13E25 Latitude: 52N32

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:00 Current Period: MO/VE/JU


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord


Asc 08:36 Leo Magha Ke

Sun 14:47 Leo +00:58:02 ST P.Phalguni Ve

Moon 09:13 Pis +11:58:02 FM U.Bhadra Sa

Mars 01:21 Cap +00:06:36 WK U.Shadya Su

Merc 27:20 Can +01:21:55 WK Aslesha Me

JuptR 14:01 Pis -00:06:00 WK U.Bhadra Sa

Ven 13:30 Leo +01:14:25 CM P.Phalguni Ve

Sat R 07:58 Ari -00:01:50 WK Aswini Ke

Rahu 07:21 Lib -00:04:57 FM Swati Ra

Ketu 07:21 Ari -00:04:57 FM Aswini Ke


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 198 beats

Day: Friday Sunrise: 5:15 AM

Tithi: Krishna Tritiya

Yoga Pt: 27:20 Li Yogi:Ju AviYogi:Su Dup Yogi: Ve

Dagha Rashis: Leo Cap


Sytems Approach Analysis


Sun Good Placement,

Moon Bad Placement, Bright,

Afflicts 2 8 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEP

Mars Bad Placement, In Infancy: 73%,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Mercury Bad Placement, Debilitated in Navamsha, In Old Age: 46%, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Jupiter Bad Placement,

Afflicted House MEP

Venus Good Placement, Combust 90%,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Saturn Good Placement, Debilitated, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted House MEP

Rahu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicts 3 9 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEP

Ketu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicts 3 9 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEP


Rashi Chart


** 6 * * 4 **

*7 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * ME 27:20* *

* * * AS 08:36 * * *

*RA 07:21 * 5 VE 13:30 * 3 *

* * * SU 14:47 * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **

*8 * 2 *

** * * **

*9 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * KE 07:21*

* * 11 * 1 SAR07:58*

* * * * * *

* * * MO 09:13* *

* * MA 01:21 * * JUR14:01 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 10 * * 12 **





** 4 * * 2 **

*5 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

*SU * * AS * * *

*VE * 3 SAR * 1 *

* * * KE * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **

*6 MO * 12 ME *

** * * **

*7 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * 9 RA * 11 *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * JUR * * MA * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 8 * * 10 **



Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis (Contemporary)


Sa/Sa 8.4.1931

Sa/Me 11.4.1934

Sa/Ke 19.12.1936

Sa/Ve 28.1.1938

Sa/Su 29.3.1941

Sa/Mo 11.3.1942

Sa/Ma 11.10.1943

Sa/Ra 18.11.1944

Sa/Ju 25.9.1947


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